Forcing Invariants

Factory Methods in the Aggregate Root are also a good place for invariants.

In a Domain Model with Forum and Post Entities, where Post is an aggregated part of the Aggregate Root Forum, publishing a Post could look something like this:

class Forum
// ...

public function publishPost(PostId $postId, $content)
$post = new Post($this->id, $postId, $content);

new PostPublished($postId)

return $post;

After talking with a Domain Expert, we came to the conclusion that a Post shouldn't be published when the Forum is closed. This is an invariant, and we could force it directly on Post creation, thereby preventing an inconsistent Domain state:

class Forum
// ...

public function publishPost(PostId $postId, $content)
if ($this->isClosed()) {
throw new ForumClosedException();

$post = new Post($this->id, $postId, $content);

new PostPublished($postId)

return $post;
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