Redis Implementation

The Redis is an in-memory key value that can be used as a cache or store.

Depending on the circumstances, we could consider using Redis as a store for our Aggregates.

To get started, make sure you have a PHP client to connect to Redis. A good one that we recommend is Predis:

composer require predis/predis:~1.0
namespace InfrastructurePersistenceRedis;

use DomainModelPost;
use DomainModelPostId;
use DomainModelPostRepository;
use PredisClient;

class RedisPostRepository implements PostRepository
private $client;

public function __construct(Client $client)
$this->client = $client;

public function save(Post $aPost)
(string) $aPost->id(), serialize($aPost)

public function remove(Post $aPost)
$this->client->hdel('posts', (string) $aPost->id());

public function postOfId(PostId $anId)
if($data = $this->client->hget('posts', (string) $anId)) {
return unserialize($data);

return null;

public function latestPosts(DateTimeImmutable $sinceADate)
$latest = $this->filterPosts(
function(Post $post) use ($sinceADate) {
return $post->createdAt() > $sinceADate;


return array_values($latest);

private function filterPosts(callable $fn)
return array_filter(array_map(function ($data) {
return unserialize($data);

$this->client->hgetall('posts')), $fn);

private function sortByCreatedAt(&$posts)
usort($posts, function (Post $a, Post $b) {
if ($a->createdAt() == $b->createdAt()) {
return 0;
return ($a->createdAt() < $b->createdAt()) ? -1 : 1;

public function nextIdentity()
return new PostId();
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