
animation, 70

AsciiDoc, 36

awk, 117, 122

bash, 111, 112, 146

Beamer, 135, 194

C, 115

C++, 113

cache, 81, 150, 254

child documents, 95

chunk dependency, 86

chunk headers, 28

chunk hooks, 99, 252

chunk label, 29, 79

chunk options, 13, 28, 49, 101, 127

chunk reference, 91, 130

code chunks, 12

code externalization, 93

CoffeeScript, 117

DataTables, 209

debugging, 160

dynamic documents, xiii, 2

Emacs, 25

encoding, 62

EPUB, 207

ESS, 2, 25

figure alignment, 71

figure size, 72

Fortran, 115

Github, 11, 166, 220

graphical device, 60

Graphviz, 121

Groovy, 117

Haskell, 117

Highlight, 122

HTML, 15, 33, 35, 138, 144, 151, 173, 220, 221, 224

HTML widgets, 208

HTML5, 191

image URI, 144, 151, 162

inline R code, 13, 138

interactive documents, 199

ioslides, 191

JavaScript, 208

Jekyll, 165, 219

knit(), 12, 26, 146

knit_expand(), 155

knit_rd(), 151, 220

language engine, 111

Image, 12, 23, 35, 132, 138, 184

listings, 41, 133

literate programming, 1, 30, 44, 230

Image, 23, 227

Makefile, 226

Markdown, 15, 31, 144, 163, 165, 219

Node.js, 117

notebook, 15, 23

Noweb, 6

Office documents, 245

option aliases, 127

option templates, 128

Org-mode, 244

output hooks, 39, 99

package options, 131

package vignette, 198, 221

Pandoc, 33, 162, 163, 169

Perl, 117, 118

purl(), 17, 147

Python, 117, 240

R documentation, 151

R Markdown v1, 167

R Markdown v2, 167

random seed, 5, 150

read_chunk(), 93, 152, 154

reproducible research, 5, 216

reStructuredText, 36, 151

Rmd document, 31, 224

Rnw document, 12, 27

RPubs, 9, 23

RStudio, 19, 161

Ruby, 117

SAS, 117

Scala, 117

sed, 117

shell, 117

Shiny, 199

Slidy, 193

spin(), 44

Stan, 118

stitch(), 17, 44

Sweave, 6, 41, 233

syntax highlighting, 47, 122

table, 3, 52

tangle, 1, 17

Textile, 37

TikZ, 74, 120

Tufte handout, 199

weave, 1, 17

WEB, 6

WebGL, 110

Word, 188

WordPress, 166

YAML, 172

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