2.8. Appendix: Estimating Homography Between the Model Plane and Its Image

There are many ways to estimate the homography between the model plane and its image. Here, we present a technique based on maximum likelihood criterion. Let Mi and mi be the model and image points respectively. Ideally, they should satisfy (2.18). In practice, they do not because of noise in the extracted image points. Let's assume that mi is corrupted by Gaussian noise with mean 0 and covariance matrix . Then, the maximum likelihood estimation of H is obtained by minimizing the following functional

where , with being the i-th row of H.

In practice, we simply assume = σ2I for all i. This is reasonable if points are extracted independently with the same procedure. In this case, the above problem becomes a nonlinear least-squares one: . The nonlinear minimization is conducted with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, as implemented in Minpack [23]. This requires an initial guess, which can be obtained as follows.

Let . Then equation (2.18) can be rewritten as

When we are given n points, we have n such equations, which can be written in matrix equation as Lx = 0, where L is a 2n x 9 matrix. As x is defined up to a scale factor, the solution is well known to be the right singular vector of L associated with the smallest singular value (or equivalently, the eigenvector of LTL associated with the smallest eigenvalue). In L, some elements are constant 1, some are in pixels, some are in world coordinates, and some are multiplications of both. This makes L poorly conditioned numerically. Much better results can be obtained by performing a simple data normalization prior to running the above procedure.

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