12.2. SAI: A Software Architecture Model

This section is an introduction to the SAI architectural model for distributed parallel processing of generic data streams.

The most common architectural styles for data-stream processing applications are derived from the classic Pipes-and-Filters model. It is, for example, the underlying model of the Microsoft DirectShow library, part of the DirectX suite [24]. After a brief review of the Pipes-and-Filters architectural style, of its strengths and weaknesses, a new hybrid model is introduced that addresses the identified limitations while preserving the desirable properties. This new model is formally defined as the SAI architectural style. Its component and connector types are defined, together with the corresponding constraints on instances interaction. The underlying data and processing models are explicited and analyzed. Simultaneously, graphical symbols are introduced to represent each element type. Together these symbols constitute a graph-based notation system for representing architectural designs. Architectural patterns are illustrated with a number of demonstration projects ranging from single-stream, automatic, real-time video processing to fully integrated distributed interactive systems mixing live video, graphics, and sound. Finally, relevant architectural properties of this new style are summarized.

12.2.1. Beyond pipes and filters

The Pipes-and-Filters model is an established (and popular) model for data stream manipulation and processing architectures. In particular, it is a classic model in the domains of signal processing, parallel processing, and distributed processing [10], to name but a few. This section first offers an overview of the classic Pipes-and-Filters architectural style, emphasizing its desirable properties and highlighting its main limitations. A hybrid model is then outlined, aimed at addressing the limitations while preserving the desirable properties.

The Pipes-and-Filters Style

In the Pipes-and-Filters architectural style, the components, called filters, have a set of inputs and a set of outputs. Each component reads (and consumes) a stream of data on its input and produces a stream of data on its output. The processing is usually defined so that the component processes its input incrementally so that it can start producing an output stream before it is finished receiving the totality of its input stream—hence the name filter. The connectors are pipes in which the output stream of a filter flows to the input of the next filter. Filters can be characterized by their input/output behavior: source filters produce a stream without any input; transform filters consume an input stream and produce an output stream; sink filters consume an input stream but do not produce any output. Figure 12.1 presents an overview. Filters must be strictly independent entities: they do not share state information with other filters; the only communication between filters occurs through the pipes. Furthermore, a filter's specification might include restrictions about its input and output streams, but it may not identify its upstream and downstream filters. These rules make the model highly modular. A more complete overview can be found in [26], including pointers to in-depth studies of the classic style and its variations and specializations.

Figure 12.1. Pipes and filters.

The Pipes-and-Filters style has a number of good properties that make it an attractive and efficient model for a number of applications. It is relatively simple to describe, understand, and implement. It is also quite intuitive and allows modeling systems while preserving the flow of data. Some interesting properties result from the modularity of the model. Because of the well-defined and constrained interaction modalities between filters, complex systems described in terms of data streams flowing from filter to filter are easily understandable as a series of well-defined local transformations. The implementation details of each filter are irrelevant to the high-level understanding of the overall system as long as a logical definition of their behavior is specified (input, transformation, and output). The localization and isolation of computations facilitates system design, implementation, maintenance, and evolution. Reversely, filters can be implemented and tested separately. Furthermore, because filters are independent, the model naturally supports parallel and distributed processing.

These properties of the model provide an answer to some of the software issues highlighted in the introduction. Because of their independence, filters certainly allow reusability and interoperability. Parallelism and distributability, to a certain extent, should contribute to efficiency and scalability. It would seem that it is a perfect model for real-time, distributed parallel processing of data streams. However, a few key shortcomings and limitations make it unsuitable for designing crossdisciplinary dynamic systems, possibly involving real-time constraints, user immersion, and interaction.

The first set of limitations is related to efficiency. If the pipes are first-in-first-out buffers, as suggested by the model, the overall throughput of a Pipes-and-Filters system is imposed by the transmission rate of the slowest filter in the system. If filters' independence provides a natural design for parallel (and/or distributed) processing, the pipes impose arbitrary transmission bottlenecks that make the model nonoptimal. Figure 12.2 illustrates inefficiency limitations inherent to the distribution and transmission of data in Pipes-and-Filters models. Each filter's output data must be copied to its downstream filter(s)' input, which can lead to massive and expensive data copying. Furthermore, the model does not provide any consistent mechanism to maintain correspondences between separate but related streams (e.g. when the results of different process paths must be combined to produce a composite output). Such stream synchronization operations require data collection from different repositories, possibly throughout the whole system, raising not only search-related efficiency issues, but also dependency-driven distributed buffer maintenance issues. These can only be solved at the price of breaking the strict filter independence rule, for example, by the introduction of a higher level system manager.

Figure 12.2. Distributed parallel processing of data streams with the Pipes-and-Filters model.

The second set of limitations is related to the simplicity of the model. As they are not part of the data streams, process parameters (state data stored in the filters) are not modeled consistently with process data (input data streams). As a result, the pure Pipes-and-Filters model is ill-suited for designing interactive systems, which can only be done at the price of increased filter complexity and deviations from some of the well-defined constraints that make for the model's attractive simplicity. For example, a common practice for interaction in Pipes-and-Filters systems is to provide access to the parameters (possibly at runtime) through control panels. This solution, however, necessitates a separate mechanism for processing and applying the interaction data. This is, for example, the solution adopted in Microsoft's DirectShow, which relies on the Microsoft Windows message-based graphical interface for parameter access. Such external solutions, however, only bypass, and do not address, the fundamental inability of the style to consistently model general feedback loops—that is, subsystems in which some processes are affected by some other processes' outputs. This is a direct result of the strict communication rules between filters, and in particular, of the constraint that filters not share any state information. Yet feedback loops are a common pattern in dynamic systems, including interactive systems: interaction is indeed a processing loop in which a user is involved (as illustrated in Section 12.2.3).

A careful consideration of system requirements in the target context of applicability guided a reevaluation of the Pipes-and-Filters model and the formulation of modified constraints that preserve the positive aspects while addressing the limitations identified above. Note that other properties were also considered, but are out of the scope of this overview (e.g., runtime system evolution). These are mentioned only when relevant in the remainder of this chapter.

A Hybrid Model

A few key observations, resulting from the analysis of system requirements for real-time interactive, immersive applications allow us to formulate principles and concepts that address the shortcomings identified above. Figure 12.3 offers a synopsis.

Figure 12.3. A hybrid shared repository and message passing model for distributed parallel processing of data streams.


A critical underlying concept in all user-related application domains (but by no means limited to these domains) is that of time. Whether implicitly or explicitly modeled, time relations and ordering are inherent properties of any sensory-related data stream (e.g., image streams, sound, haptics, etc.), absolutely necessary when users are involved in the system, even if not online or in real-time. Users perceive data as streams of dynamic information, that is, evolving in time. This information makes sense only if synchronization constraints are respected within each stream (temporal precedence) and across streams (precedence and simultaneity). It follows that time information is a fundamental attribute of all process data and should therefore be explicitly modeled both in data structures and in processes.

Synchronization is a fundamental operation in temporal data-stream manipulation systems. It should therefore also be an explicit element of the architectural model. A structure called pulse is introduced to regroup synchronous data. Data streams are thus quantized temporally (not necessarily uniformly). As opposed to the Pipes-and-Filters case, where data remains localized in the filters where it is created or used, it is grouped in pulses, which flow from processing center to processing center along streams. The processing centers do not consume their input but merely use it to produce some output that is added to the pulse. This also reduces the amount of costly data copy: in a subgraph implemented on a platform with shared memory space, only a pointer to the evolving pulse structure will be transmitted from processing center to processing center. Note that such processing centers can no longer be called filters.


Figure 12.4 illustrates system latency, which is the overall computation time for an input sample, and throughput or output rate, inverse of the time elapsed between two consecutive output samples. The goal for high-quality interaction is to minimize system latency and maximize system throughput. In the sequential execution model, latency and throughput are directly proportional. In powerful computers, this usually results in the latency dictating the system throughput as well, which is arguably the worst possible case. In the Pipes-and-Filters model, filters can run in parallel. Latency and throughput are thus independent. Because of the parallelism, system latency can be reduced in most cases with careful design, while system throughput will almost always be greatly improved. The sequential behavior of the pipes, however, imposes on the whole system the throughput of the slowest filter. This constraint can actually be relaxed to yield an asynchronous parallel processing model. Instead of being held in a buffer to be processed by order of arrival, each incoming pulse is processed on arrival in the processing center concurrently with any other pulse already being processed in the cell. Achievable throughput is now optimal. It will actually be achieved if no hardware or software resources become exhausted (e.g., computing power, memory, bus bandwidth, etc.). Of course, an asynchronous model requires explicitly implemented synchronization when necessary, but only then.

Figure 12.4. Advantage of parallelism for time-sensitive applications. Processes 2 and 3 are independent; process 4 depends on both 2 and 3. With a sequential execution model, the system latency introduced by the processing also constrains the achievable system throughput, as the maximum output rate is inversely proportional to the interval between the completion of the processes of two consecutive time samples. Parallel processing allows decorrelated latency and throughput, usually resulting in a reduction in latency and a large increase in throughput. In the Pipes-and-Filters model, the sequential behavior of the pipes imposes on the whole system the throughput of the slowest filter. In contrast, an asynchronous parallel model allows optimal throughput to be achieved.

Data classes

The Pipes-and-Filters model explicitly separates data streams and process parameters, which is both a valid functional distinction and a source of inconsistency in the model, leading to important limitations as explained above. A reconsideration of this categorization, in the context of temporal data-stream processing, reveals two distinct data classes: volatile and persistent.

Volatile data is used, produced, and/or consumed, and remains in the system only for a limited fraction of its lifetime. For example, in a video processing application, the video frames captured and processed are typically volatile data: after they have been processed, and maybe displayed or saved, they are not kept in the system. Process parameters, on the other hand, must remain in the system for the whole duration of its activity. Note that their value can change in time. They are dynamic yet persistent data.

All data, volatile or persistent, should be encapsulated in pulses. Pulses holding volatile data flow down streams defined by connections between the processing centers in a message-passing fashion. They trigger computations and are thus called active pulses. In contrast, pulses holding persistent information are held in repositories, where the processing centers can access them in a concurrent shared memory access fashion. This hybrid model combining message passing and shared repository communication, combined with a unified data model, provides a universal processing framework. In particular, feedback loops can now be explicitly and consistently modeled.

From the few principles and concepts outlined above emerged a new architectural style. Because of the context of its development, the new style was baptized Software Architecture for Immersipresence.

12.2.2. The SAI architectural style

This section offers a more formal definition of the SAI architectural style. Graphical symbols are introduced to represent each element type. Together these symbols constitute a graph-based notation system for representing architectural designs. In addition, when available, the following color coding is used: green for processing, red for persistent data, blue for volatile data. Figure 12.5 presents a summary of the proposed notation.

Figure 12.5. Summary of notation for SAI designs. Cells are represented as squares, sources as disks or circles. Source-cell connections are drawn as double or fat lines, while cell-cell connections are drawn as thin arrows crossing over the cells. When color is available, cells are colored in green (reserved for processing); sources, source-cell connections, and passive pulses are colored in red (persistent information); streams and active pulses are colored in blue (volatile information).

In the remainder of this chapter, the distinction between an object type and an instance of the type will be made explicitly only when required by the context.

Components and connectors

The SAI style defines two types of components: cells and sources. Cells are processing centers. They do not store any state data related to their computations. The cells constitute an extensible set of specialized components that implement specific algorithms. Each specialized cell type is identified by a type name (string) and is logically defined by its input data, its parameters and its output. Cell instances are represented graphically as green squares. A cell can be active or inactive, in which case it is transparent to the system. Sources are shared repositories of persistent data. Source instances are represented as red disks or circles. Two types of connectors link cells to cells and cells to sources. Cell-to-source connectors give the cell access to the source data. Cell-to-cell connectors define data conduits for the streams. The semantics of these connectors are relaxed compared to that of pipes (which are FIFO queues): they do not convey any constraint on the time ordering of the data flowing through them.

Cell and source instances interact according to the following rules. A cell must be connected to exactly one source, which holds its persistent state data. A source can be connected to an arbitrary number of cell, all of which have concurrent shared-memory access to the data held by the source. A source may hold data relevant to one or more of its connected cells, and should hold all the relevant data for each of its connected cells (possibly with some overlap). Cell-source connectors are drawn as either double or fat red lines. They may be drawn across cells (as if cells were connected together by these links) for layout convenience. Volatile data flows in streams, which are defined by cell-to-cell connections. A cell can be connected to exactly one upstream cell and to an arbitrary number of downstream cells. Streams (and thus cell-cell connections) are drawn as thin blue arrows crossing over the cells.

Data model

Data, whether persistent or volatile, is held in pulses. A pulse is a carrier for all the synchronous data corresponding to a given timestamp in a stream. Information in a pulse is organized as a mono-rooted composition hierarchy of node objects. The nodes constitute an extensible set of atomic data units that implement or encapsulate specific data structures. Each specialized node type is identified by a type name (string). Node instances are identified by a name. The notation adopted to represent node instances and hierarchies of node instances makes use of nested parentheses, such as (NODE_TYPE_ID "Node name" (...) ... ). This notation may be used to specify a cell's output and for logical specification of active and passive pulses.

Each source contains a passive pulse, which encodes the instantaneous state of the data structures held by the source. Volatile data flows in streams that are temporally quantized into active pulses. Pulses are represented graphically as a root (solid small disk) and a hierarchy of nodes (small circles); passive pulses may be rooted in the circle or disk representing the source.

Processing model

When an active pulse reaches a cell, it triggers a series of operations that can lead to its processing by the cell (hence the "active" qualifier). Processing in a cell may result in the augmentation of the active pulse (input data) and/or update of the passive pulse (process parameters). The processing of active pulses is carried in parallel as they are received by the cell. Since a cell process can only read the existing data in an active pulse, and never modify it (except for adding new nodes), concurrent read access does not require any special precautions. In the case of passive pulses, however, appropriate locking (e.g., through critical sections) must be implemented to avoid inconsistencies in concurrent shared-memory read/write access.

Dynamic data binding

Passive pulses may hold persistent data relevant to several cells. Therefore, before a cell can be activated, the passive pulse must be searched for the relevant persistent data. As data is accumulated in active pulses flowing down the streams through cells, it is also necessary for a cell to search each active pulse for its input data. If the data is not found, or if the cell is not active, the pulse is transmitted, as is, to the connected downstream cells. If the input data is found, then the cell process is triggered. When the processing is complete, then the pulse, which now also contains the output data, is passed downstream.

Searching a pulse for relevant data, called filtering, is an example of runtime data binding. The target data is characterized by its structure: node instances (type and name) and their relationships. The structure is specified as a filter or a composition hierarchy of filters. Note that the term filter is used here in its "sieving" sense. Figure 12.6 illustrates this concept. A filter is an object that specifies a node type, a node name or name pattern, and eventual subfilters corresponding to subnodes. The filter composition hierarchy is isomorphic to its target node structure. The filtering operation takes as input a pulse and a filter, and, when successful, returns a handle or hierarchy of handles isomorphic to the filter structure. Each handle is essentially a pointer to the node instance target of the corresponding filter. When relevant, optional names inherited from the filters allow identification of individual handles with respect to their original filters.

Figure 12.6. Pulse filtering. Each cell is associated with its required volatile and persistent data structures in the form of substructures called active and passive filters (respectively). Pulses are searched for these structures in an operation called filtering, which results in the creation of handles that can be used during processing for direct access to relevant nodes.

The notation adopted for specifying filters and hierarchies of filters is nested square brackets. Each filter specifies a node type, a node instance name or name pattern (with wildcard characters), an optional handle name, and an eventual list of subfilters, such as [NODE_TYPE_ID "Node name" handle-id [...] ... ]. Optional filters are indicated by a star: [NODE_TYPE_ID "Node name" handle-id]*.

When several targets in a pulse match a filter name pattern, all corresponding handles are created. This allows the design of processes whose input (parameters or stream data) number is not fixed. If the root of the active filter specifies a pattern, the process method is invoked for each handle generated by the filtering (sequentially, in the same thread). If the root of the passive filter specifies a pattern, only one passive handle will be generated (pointing to the first encountered node satisfying the pattern).

Architectural design specification

A particular system architecture is specified at the conceptual level by a set of source and cell instances and their interconnections. Specialized cells may be accompanied by a description of the task they implement. Source and cell instances may be given names for easy reference. In some cases, important data nodes and outputs may be specified schematically to emphasize some design aspects. Section 12.2.3 contains several example conceptual graphs for various systems.

A logical-level description of a design requires specification, for each cell, of its active and passive filters and its output structure, and for each source, the structure of its passive pulse. Table 12.1 summarizes the notations for logical-level cell definition. Filters and nodes are described using the nested square brackets and nested parentheses notations introduced above. By convention, in the cell output specification, (x) represents the pulse's root, (.) represents the node corresponding to the root of the active filter, and (..) represents its parent node.

Table 12.1. Notations for logical cell definition.
ClassName (ParentClass)CELL_TYPE_ID
Active filter[NODE_TYPE_ID "Node name" handle_id [...] ... ]
Passive filter[NODE_TYPE_ID "Node name" handle_id [...] ... ]
Output(NODE_TYPE_ID "default output base name-more if needed" (...) ... )

12.2.3. Example designs

Architectural patterns are now illustrated with demonstration projects ranging from single-stream, automatic, real-time video processing to fully integrated, distributed interactive systems mixing live video, graphics, and sound. The projects are tentatively presented in order of increasing complexity, interactivity, and crossdisciplinary integration. Each project is briefly introduced and its software architecture described and analyzed. Key architectural patterns, of general interest, are highlighted. These include feedback loops, real-time incremental processing along the time dimension, interaction loops, real-time distributed processing, and mixing and synchronization of multiple independent data streams.

Real-time video segmentation and tracking

The development of real-time video analysis applications was actually a steering concern during the development of the SAI style. The system presented here was used as a testbed for the implementation, testing, and refinement of some fundamental SAI concepts [18].

The video analysis tasks performed are low-level segmentation and blob tracking. The segmentation is performed by change detection using an adaptive statistical color background model (the camera is assumed stationary). A review of background maintenance algorithms can be found in [28]. Blob tracking is performed using a new multiresolution algorithm whose description is out of the scope of this overview.

Figure 12.7 shows the conceptual-level architecture of the software system. It is built around a single stream going through a number of cells. The graph can be decomposed into four functional subgraphs: capture, segmentation, tracking, visualization. The stream originates in the video input cell, which produces, at a given rate, pulses containing an image coming either from a live capture device or a video file. This cell and its source constitute the capture unit of the application. The stream then goes through the segmentation unit, which is analyzed below. Coming out of the segmentation, the stream goes through a tracking cell. The resulting visualization unit is composed of a rendering and a display subunits. Rendering of a persistent structure (here, the tracking graph) is illustrated in a more general context in an example in the section "Live Video in Animated 3D Graphics." The display cell simply puts on the screen its input images, in this case the composite frames produced by the renderer.

Figure 12.7. Conceptual graph for real-time color background model-based segmentation and multiresolution graph tracking application.

A very interesting aspect of this system, and certainly the most innovative when it was introduced, is the asynchronous, parallel implementation of the segmentation algorithm, which contains a feedback loop. The corresponding conceptual graph is also a flow graph of the algorithm. Each input frame is compared with a statistical background model. For each pixel, a decision is made whether it is an observation of the background or of an occluding element. The output is a foreground binary mask. This comparison is performed by the background comparison cell. Each pulse, after going through this cell, contains the input image and a binary foreground image, which is used by the connected components cell to produce a labeled components image, added to the pulse. The input image and the labeled components image are used by the background update cell to update the distributions in the background model. Since the comparison and the update cells both use the persistent background model, they are both connected to a common source that holds the background model structure. This path forms a feedback loop in which the result of the processing of each frame is used to update the adaptive background model. Because of the asynchrony of the processing, by the time the background model is updated with the result of the processing of a given frame, many other frames might have been compared to the model. In this particular context, the quality of the result is not affected—in fact, it is common practice in background model maintenance to perform only partial updates at each frame in order to reduce computational load—and the overall system throughput permitted by this design is always significantly larger than that achievable in a sequential design. Another type of parallelism is illustrated in the branching of the stream to follow independent parallel paths. After coming out of the connected components cell, the stream follows a path to the update cell and another path through tracking and finally visualization. While pulse-level multithreading principally improves throughput, stream-level parallelism has a major impact on latency. In this case, the result of the processing should be used as soon as possible for visualization and for update, in no arbitrarily imposed order. As long as computing resources (in a general sense) are available, and assuming fair scheduling, the model allows minimal latency to be achieved.

Figure 12.8 shows two nonconsecutive frames from one of the PETS 2002 [7] test sequences, with tracked blobs and their trajectories over a few frames. Figure 12.9 presents three consecutive output frames obtained from the processing of professional racquetball videos. The ball and the players are detected and tracked in real-time. In both cases, the original colors have been altered to highlight the blobs or the trajectories in the color to grayscale conversion required for printing.

Figure 12.8. Object segmentation and tracking results in a PETS02 test sequence. The examples shown are two sample output composite frames taken at different times in the original video. The original colors have been altered to highlight the segmented blobs (in white) in the color to grayscale conversion required for printing.

Figure 12.9. Segmentation and tracking of the players and the ball in a professional racquetball video. The examples shown are three consecutive output composite frames. The original colors have been altered to highlight the trajectories (in white) in the color to grayscale conversion required for printing.

Quantitative performance metrics are discussed in Section 12.2.4. In the case of live video processing, the throughput of the system impacts the quality of the results: a higher throughput allows the background model to adapt to changing conditions more smoothly.

The modular architecture described here can be used to test different algorithms for each unit (e.g., segmentation algorithms) in an otherwise strictly identical setting. It also constitutes a foundation platform to which higher levels of processing can be added incrementally. The SAI style and its underlying data and processing models not only provide the necessary architectural modularity for a test platform, but also the universal modeling power to account for any algorithm, whether existing or yet to be formulated. In conjunction, the same platform also ensures that the best possible performance is achievable (provided correct architectural design and careful implementation of all the elements involved).

Real-time video painting

The Video Painting project was developed as a demonstration of the real-time video stream processing ability provided by the SAI architectural style. It also provided valuable insight on the design and implementation of algorithms performing incremental processing along the time dimension (i.e., between different samples in a same stream).

The technical core of the application is a feature-based, multiresolution scheme to estimate frame-to-frame projective or affine transforms [21]. These transforms are used to warp the frames to a common space to form a mosaic. The mosaic image itself is a persistent structure that evolves as more images are processed—hence the name Video Painting.

In a traditional sequential system, the transform between each pair of consecutive frames would be computed, and each frame would be added to the mosaic by combination of all the transforms between a reference frame and the current frame. Figure 12.10 shows the application graph for the SAI design. A live input unit creates the single stream with frames captured from a camera. A simple cell computes the image pyramid associated with each input frame and necessary for the multiresolution frame-to-frame transform estimation performed by the next downstream cell. Comparing two samples of the same stream requires making one persistent, which becomes the reference. Transforms are thus computed between the current frame and a reference frame. For the algorithm to work properly, though, the compared frames cannot be too far apart. The reference frame must therefore be updated constantly. Because of the asynchrony of the processing, the reference frame is not necessarily the frame "right before" the current frame in the stream. The simplistic handling of frames relationships in the sequential model is no longer sufficient. Accurate timestamps allow a more general approach to the problem. The transforms computed between two frames are no longer implicitly assumed to relate two consecutive frames, separated from a fixed time interval, but between two frames of arbitrary timestamps. For efficiency reasons, the mosaic is also computed incrementally. A persistent image containing the latest available version of the mosaic is maintained. Each new frame is warped and pasted on a copy of the mosaic by computing the accumulated transform from the frame to the mosaic reference frame. To that effect, with the mosaic is also stored the accumulated transform from the timestamp of the reference mosaic frame to the timestamp of the latest frame added, which is the timestamp for the mosaic. When a new frame is processed, the transform from the mosaic timestamp to the frame is computed by linear interpolation using the transform computed between the frame and the reference frame. This is possible only because time is an explicit component of the model. The transform is then composed with the accumulated transform to produce a new accumulated transform, used to warp the current frame to mosaic space. After pasting of the warped frame, the updated mosaic image is copied into the persistent mosaic image to become the latest reference. The accumulated transform is also updated. Note that a locking mechanism (e.g., critical section) is necessary to ensure consistency between the persistent mosaic and the accumulated transform as they are accessed by different threads. In this design, the updated mosaic is also added to the active pulse so that the dynamic stream of successive mosaics can be viewed with an image display cell. Figure 12.11 shows two example mosaics painted in real-time from a live video stream. The horizontal black lines are image-warping artifacts.

Figure 12.10. Conceptual graph for Video Painting application (real-time mosaicking).

Figure 12.11. Video Painting results.

This application is an example where system latency and throughput directly impact the quality of the results. The transform estimation process degrades with the dissimilarity between the frames. A lower latency allows faster reference turnaround and thus smaller frame-to-frame dissimilarity. Higher throughput allows building of a finer mosaic. Embedding established algorithms into a more general parallel processing framework allows achievement of high-quality output in real-time. Furthermore, explicit handling of time relationships in the design might give some insight on real-time implementations of more complex mosaic building techniques (e.g., involving global constraints to correct for registration error accumulation).

Handheld mirror simulation

The Virtual Mirror project [16, 15] started as a feasibility study for the development and construction of a handheld mirror simulation device.

The perception of the world reflected through a mirror depends on the viewer's position with respect to the mirror and the 3D geometry of the world. In order to simulate a real mirror on a computer screen, images of the observed world, consistent with the viewer's position, must be synthesized and displayed in realtime. This is of course geometrically impossible, but with a few simplifying assumptions (e.g., planar world), the image transform required was made simple yet convincing enough to consider building an actual device. The current prototype system (see Figure 12.12) is comprised of an LCD screen manipulated by the user, a single camera fixed on the screen, and a tracking device. The continuous input video stream and tracker data is used to synthesize, in realtime, a continuous video stream displayed on the LCD screen. The synthesized video stream is a close approximation of what the user would see on the screen surface if it were a real mirror.

Figure 12.12. The Virtual Mirror system (handheld mirror simulation).

Figure 12.13 shows the corresponding conceptual application graph. The single-stream application does not involve any complicated structure. The stream originates in a live video input cell. A tracker input cell adds position and orientation data to the stream. A mirror transform cell uses the synchronous image and tracking data to synthesize the mirror simulation image, which is then presented to the user by an image display cell.

Figure 12.13. The Virtual Mirror application graph.

The two major difficulties in this application are (1) synchronizing the various input streams (video and tracking data) to compute a consistent result, and (2) displaying the result with a low enough latency and a high enough throughput to produce a convincing simulation. The use of pulses in the SAI model makes synchronization a natural operation, involving no superfluous delays or computations. The asynchronous parallel processing model allows high frame rates and low latency.

The essential purpose of this system is interaction. Interaction can be seen as a particular data-stream loop feeding the user with a perceptual representation of the internal model (experience), collecting the user's reaction through various sensory devices, and modifying the state of the internal model accordingly (influence). From the system's point of view, these data streams are volatile, and the processes involved in producing and processing them are of the same nature as those carrying procedural internal evolution tasks. Here, the internal model is the mirror, implicit in the computations carried by the mirror transform cell. The user experiences the system through the image displayed on the handheld screen and influences it by moving her head or the screen.

Note that the way live video (frames) and corresponding tracker data are synchronized in the application as described in the conceptual graph is based on the assumption that the delay between the frame capture in the camera input cell (push mechanism acting as pulse trigger) and the capture of tracker data in the tracker input cell (pull mechanism) is small enough that no inconsistency can be perceived. This approach happens to work in this case, even when the system is running on a modest platform, but certainly does not generalize to synchronization in more sophisticated settings. This illustrates the flexibility of the SAI style, which allows us to devise general structures as well as simplified or ad hoc design when allowed by the application.

This project also illustrates the power of SAI for system integration. The modularity of the model ensures that components developed independently (but consistently with style rules) will function together seamlessly. This allows code reuse (e.g., the image node and the live video capture and image display cells already existed) and distributed development and testing of new node and cell types. The whole project was completed in only a few months with very limited resources.

The mirror simulation system can be used as a research platform. For example, it is a testbed for developing and testing video analysis techniques that could be used to replace the magnetic trackers, including face detection and tracking and gaze tracking. The device itself constitutes a new generic interface for applications involving rich, first-person interaction. A straightforward application is the Daguerreotype simulation described in [22]. Beyond technical and commercial applications of such a device, the use of video analysis and graphics techniques will allow artists to explore and interfere with what has always been a private, solitary act, a person looking into a mirror.

IMSC Communicator

The IMSC Communicator is an experimental extensible platform for remote collaborative data sharing. The system presented here is an early embodiment of a general research platform for remote interaction. From a computer vision point of view, the architectural patterns highlighted here directly apply to the design of distributed processing of multiple video streams.

Popular architectures for communication applications include client/server and Peer-to-Peer. Different elements of the overall system are considered separate applications. Although these models can either be encapsulated or implemented in the SAI style, a communication application designed in the SAI style can also be considered as a single, distributed application graph in which some cell-to-cell connections are replaced with network links. From this point of view, specific network architectures would be implemented in the SAI style as part of the overall distributed application.

The core pattern of the Communicator is a sequence of cells introducing network communication between two independent subgraphs. Figure 12.14 shows an example sequence comprising encoding, compression, and networking (send) on the emitting side; and networking (receive), decompression, and decoding on the receiving side. The encoding cell flattens a node structure into a linear buffer so that the structure can later be regenerated. This encoding can be specific for various data types, as is the case for the example described here. A general encoding scheme could, for example, be based on XML. The output of an encoding cell is a character string (binary or text). The compression cell takes as input the encoded character string and produces a corresponding compressed buffer. The compression scheme used can be input data-dependent or generic, in which case it should be lossless. For the first experiments, a simple compression cell and matching decompression cell were developed that encapsulate the open source LZO library [25] for real-time lossless compression/decompression. Note that the compression step is optional. The networking cells are responsible for packetizing and sending incoming character strings on one side and receiving the packets and restoring the string on the other side. Different modalities and protocols can be implemented and tested. The first networking cells were implemented using Windows Sockets, using either TCP/IP or UDP. The decompression cell regenerates the original character string from the compressed buffer. The decoding cell regenerates the node structure into a pulse from the encoded character string.

Figure 12.14. Simple generic networking for distributed applications.

Once a generic platform is available for developing and testing data transfer modalities, support for various specific data types can be added. The very first test system supported video only, using existing live video capture and image display cells. For the next demonstration, a new live capture cell for both image and sound was developed using Microsoft DirectShow [24]. Another new cell was developed for synchronized rendering of sound and video, also using DirectShow.

Figure 12.15 shows the conceptual graph for an early embodiment of the two-way communicator, with example screen shots. A background replacement unit, based on the segmentation by change detection (presented in Section 12.2.3), was added to the capture side to illustrate how the modularity of the architecture allows plug-and-play subgraphs to be developed independently. Having different processing of video and sound also demonstrates the advantages of adopting an asynchronous model and of performing synchronization only when necessary, in this case in the display cell.

Figure 12.15. Conceptual graph for an early version of the IMSC Communicator, with support for video (synchronized image and sound).

Live video in animated 3D graphics

The example presented in this section is a real-time, interactive application requiring manipulation of heterogenous data streams [14]. A video stream (captured live or read from a file) is used as surface texture on an animated 3D model, rendered in realtime. The (virtual) camera used for rendering can be manipulated in realtime (e.g., with a gamepad or through a head tracking device), making the system interactive. This system was developed to illustrate the design of a scene graph-based graphics toolkit and the advantages provided by the SAI style for manipulating independently and synchronizing different data streams in a complex interactive (possibly immersive) setting.

From a computer vision point of view, this example illustrates how the SAI style allows manipulation of video streams and geometric models in a consistent framework. The same architectural patterns generalize to manipulating generic data streams and persistent models.

Figure 12.16 shows the system's conceptual graph. The graph is composed of four functional subgraphs corresponding to four independent streams, organized around a central source that holds the 3D-model representation in the form of a scene graph and various process parameters for the different connected cells. The rendering stream generates images of the model. The control stream updates the (virtual) camera position based on user input. Together, the rendering and control units (including the shared source) form an interaction loop with the user. The animation stream drives the dynamic evolution of the 3D model. The texturing stream places images captured from a video source (camera or file) in the texture node in the scene graph. Interaction and modeling are now analyzed in more detail.

Figure 12.16. Conceptual graph for integrating real-time rendering of an animated 3D model with live video mapping and interactive camera control.


As observed above, interaction is a particular data stream loop feeding the user with a perceptual representation of the internal model (experience), collecting the user's reaction through various sensory devices, and modifying the state of the internal model accordingly (influence). From the system's point of view, these data streams are volatile, and the processes involved in producing and processing them are of the same nature as those carrying procedural internal evolution tasks, and are thus modeled consistently in the SAI style.

Any such interaction subsystem, an example of which is the user loop on the right half of Figure 12.16, will involve instances of cells belonging to a few typical functional classes: inputs, effectors, renders, displays. Input cells collect user input and generate the corresponding active pulses on streams. These components encapsulate such devices as mouse, keyboard, and 3D tracker. Effector cells use the input data to modify the state of the internal model (possibly including process parameters). In this example, the effector is the camera control cell. In some cases, the data produced by the input device requires some processing in order to convert it into data that can be used by the effector. This is the case, for example, with vision-based perceptual interfaces in which the input device is a camera, which produces a video stream that must be analyzed to extract the actual user input information. Such processes can be implemented efficiently in the SAI style (see, e.g., [18]), and be integrated consistently in an interactive application graph. Rendering and display elements produce and present a perceptual view of the internal model to the user, closing the loop. Display cells encapsulate output devices, such as screen image display, stereo image displays, and sound output. Note that in some cases, such as for haptics, input and display functions are handled by the same device.

For interaction to feel natural, latency (or lag: the delay between input action and output response) must be kept below a threshold above which the user will perceive an inconsistency between her actions and the resulting system evolution. This threshold is dependent on the medium and on the application, but studies show that latency has a negative effect on human performance [23]. For example, human performance tests in virtual environments with head-coupled display suggest a latency threshold of the order of 200ms above which performance becomes worse in terms of response time than with static viewing [11]. The same study also suggests that latency has a larger impact on performance than on frame update rate. System throughput (including higher data bandwidth) is more related to the degree of immersiveness and could influence perceived latency. In any case, it is quite intuitive and usually accepted that interactive systems can always benefit from lower latency and higher throughput. A careful design, an appropriate architecture, and an efficient implementation are therefore critical in the development of interactive applications.

Renderers are an example of simultaneous manipulation of volatile and persistent data. A rendering cell produces perceptual, instantaneous snapshots (volatile) of the environment (persistent) captured by a virtual device such as microphone or camera, which is itself part of the environment model. The intrinsic parallelism and synchronization mechanism of the SAI style are particularly well suited for well-defined, consistent, and efficient handling of such tasks. The rendering stream is generated by an instance of the Pulsar cell type, a fundamental, specialized component that produces empty pulses on the stream at a given rate. In this example, the rendering cell adds to the pulse an image of the 3D model, synthesized using the OpenGL library. Persistent data used by the rendering, apart from the scene graph, include a virtual camera and rendering parameters such as the lighting model used, and so on. An image display cell puts the rendered frames on the screen.

User-input streams can follow either a pull or push model. In the pull approach, which is used in this example, a Pulsar triggers a regular sampling of some input device encapsulated in a user-input cell and corresponding data structures. The state of the device is then used in a control cell to affect the state of the model, in this case the position and parameters of the virtual camera. In a push approach, more suitable for event-based interfaces, the input device triggers the creation of pulses with state-change-induced messages, which are then interpreted by the control cell.

Rendering and control are two completely independent streams, which could operate separately. For example, the same application could function perfectly without the control stream, although it would no longer be interactive. Decoupling unrelated aspects of the processing has some deep implications. For example, in this system, the responsiveness of the user-control subsystem is not directly constrained by the performance of the rendering subsystem. In general, in an immersive system, if the user closes her eyes, moves her head, and then reopens her eyes, she should be seeing a rendering of what she expects to be facing, even if the system was not able to render all the intermediate frames at the desired rate. Furthermore, the system can be seamlessly extended to include "spectators" that would experience the world through the user's "eyes" but without the control, or other users that share the same world but have separate interaction loops involving different rendering, display, and input modalities. All such loops would then have the same status with respect to the shared world, ensuring consistent read and write access to the persistent data.


The world model itself can evolve dynamically, independently of any user interaction. Simulating a dynamic environment requires the use of models that describe its state at a given time and the way it evolves in time. These models are clearly persistent (and dynamic) data in the system. Implementing the necessary SAI elements requires careful discrimination between purely descriptive data, processes, and process parameters, and analysis of how these model elements interact in the simulation. The design described in [14] for 3D modeling is directly inspired from VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) [5] and the more recent X3D [4]. The main descriptive structure of the model is a scene graph, which constitutes a natural specialization of the FSF data model. Figure 12.17 illustrates node types involved in the scene graph model. Descriptive nodes, such as geometry nodes and the Shape, Appearance, Material, and Texture nodes, are straightforward adaptations of their VRML counterparts. The VRML Transform node, however, is an example of semantic collapse, combining a partial state description and its alteration. A transform should actually be considered as an action applied to a coordinate system. It can occur according to various modalities, each with specific parameter types. Consequently, in our model, geometric grouping is handled with coordinate system nodes, which are purely descriptive. In order to provide a complete state description in a dynamic model, the coordinate system node attributes include not only origin position and basis vectors, but also their first and second derivatives. Various transforms are implemented as cells, with their specific parameter nodes, that are not part of the scene graph (although they are stored in the same source). Scene graph elements can be independently organized into semantic asset graphs by using the shared instance node, instances of which can replace individual node instances in the scene graph, as illustrated for a material node in Figure 12.17.

Figure 12.17. Scene graph model in the SAI style, as proposed in [14].

Animation (i.e., scene evolution in time), is handled by cells implementing specific processes whose parameter nodes are not part of the scene graph itself. This ensures that both persistent data, such as the scene graph, and volatile data, such as instantaneous description of graph components evolution, are handled consistently. This aspect is critical when simultaneous independent processes are in play, as it is often the case in complex simulations. Process parameters can also evolve in time, either as a result of direct feedback or through independent processes.

The analytical approach followed for modeling, by separating descriptive data, processes, and process parameters supported by a unified and consistent framework for their description and interaction, allows seamless integration of 3D graphics, video streams, audio streams, and other media types, as well as interaction streams. All these independent streams are in effect synchronized by the well defined and consistent use of shared data, in this case the scene graph and the virtual camera.

Figure 12.18 shows a rendered frame of a world composed of four spheres and four textured rectangles, rotating in opposite directions. Two fixed lights complete the model. A video stream captured live is used as texture for the rectangles. Although this setting is not immersive (in the interest of the picture), the same system can be easily made immersive by modifying the scene. The user may be placed in the center of the world, itself modeled by a cylindrical polygonal surface on which a video stream, possibly prerecorded from a panoramic camera system, is texture-mapped in realtime. The user, maybe using a head-mounted display, only sees the part of the environment she is facing and may control her viewing direction using a head tracker.

Figure 12.18. A rendered frame of the (animated) 3D model with texture mapping from a live video stream.

This application illustrates the flexibility and efficiency of the SAI architectural style. In particular, thanks to the modularity of the framework, core patterns (e.g., rendering, control, animation) can be effortlessly mixed and matched in a plug-and-play fashion to create systems with unlimited variations in the specific modalities (e.g., mouse or tracker input, screen or head mounted display).

12.2.4. Architectural properties

By design, the SAI style preserves many of the desirable properties identified in the Pipes-and-Filters model. It allows intuitive design, emphasizing the flow of data in the system. The graphical notation for conceptual level representations give a high-level picture that can be refined as needed, down to implementation level, while remaining consistent throughout. The high modularity of the model allows distributed development and testing of particular elements and easy maintenance and evolution of existing systems. The model also naturally supports distributed and parallel processing.

Unlike the Pipes-and-Filters style, the SAI style provides unified data and processing models for generic data streams. It supports optimal (theoretical) system latency and throughput thanks to an asynchronous parallel processing model. It provides a framework for consistent representation and efficient implementation of key processing patterns such as feedback loops and incremental processing along the time dimension. The SAI style has several other important architectural properties that are out of the scope of this overview. These include natural support for dynamic system evolution, runtime reconfigurability, self monitoring, and so on.

A critical architectural property that must be considered here is performance overhead. Some aspects of the SAI data and processing models, such as filtering, involve nontrivial computations and could make the theory impractical. The existence of fairly complex systems designed in the SAI style and implemented with MFSM show that, at least for these examples, it is not the case.

A closer look at how system performance is evaluated and reported is necessary at this point. It is not uncommon to provide performance results in the following form: "the system runs at n frames per second on a Processor X system at z {K, M, G}Hz." For example, the segmentation and tracking system presented in the last section runs at 20 frames per second on 320 × 240 pixels frames. The machine used is a dual processor Pentium 4 @ 1.7 GHz with 1GB memory. Note that the system does not only perform segmentation and tracking: it also reads the frames from a file on disk or from a camera, produces a composite rendering of the analysis results, and displays the resulting images on the screen. In order to make the results reproducible, the hardware description should include the hard drive and/or camera and interface, the graphics card, and how these elements interact with each other (e.g., the motherboard specifications), and so on. In practice, such a detailed description of the hardware setting is tedious to put together and probably useless, since reproducing the exact same setting would be difficult and even undesirable. Another inaccuracy in the previous report is that it implies that 20 frames per second is the best achievable rate in the described conditions (which is incidentally not the case). Reporting best-case performance is not very useful, as a system that takes up all the computing power to produce a relatively low-level output, meaningful only in the context of a larger system, is not of much use beyond proof of concept. If the algorithm is going to be used, an evaluation of its computational requirements as part of a system is necessary.

Performance descriptions of the type described above provide only a partial and fuzzy data point that alone does not allow, for example, prediction of how the system will perform on another (hopefully) more powerful hardware platform, or how it will scale up or down in different conditions (frame rate, image resolutions, etc.). Theoretical tools such as algorithmic complexity analysis can certainly help in the prediction, if the properties of the other elements involved in the overall system is understood. Hardware components can certainly be sources of bottlenecks; for example, disk speed (for input or output) and camera rate can be limiting factors. On the software side, it is also necessary to understand not only the contribution of each algorithm, but also that of the environment in which they are implemented.

Figure 12.19 shows new experimental scalability tests performed on applications designed in the SAI style. The results are in accordance with those reported in [18]. The figure plots processing load, in percent, against processing rate, in frames per seconds, for an application performing video capture, segmentation by change detection, and result visualization, and the same plot for the same application with the segmentation turned off (the image displayed is the input). Both applications scale linearly with respect to throughput. All conditions being equal, the difference in slope between the two curves characterizes the processing load imposed by the segmentation part. Note that these tests were performed on a dual-processor machine, so that the processor load is an average of the load of both processors. Because of the parallelism (in this case multithreading), the overall load is balanced between the two processors (by the operating system in this case). As a result, the system is completely oblivious to the 50% CPU load barrier. The figure also plots system latency, in ms, against processing rate, for both applications. The latency remains constant as long as system resources are available. In a sequential system, the latency would be directly proportional to the throughput and in fact would dictate the maximum achievable throughput. When a bottleneck is encountered (or some resources are exhausted), latency increases and system performance degrades. The segmentation application performance (in terms of latency) starts degrading around 55 frames per second, although the system can still achieve rates above 70 frames per second in these conditions.

Figure 12.19. Scalability with respect to throughput.

These plots suggest that (1) as long as computing resources are available, the overhead introduced by the SAI processing model remains constant; and (2) the contribution of the different processes are combined linearly. In particular, the model does not introduce any nonlinear complexity in the system. These properties are corroborated by empirical results and experience in developing and operating other systems designed in the SAI style. Theoretical complexity analysis and overhead bounding are out of the scope of this overview.

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