10.6. Summary

The topic of perceptual interfaces is very broad, covering many technologies and their applications in advanced HCI. In this chapter, we gave an overview of perceptual interfaces and went a bit deeper into how the field of computer vision can contribute to the larger goal of natural, adaptive, multimodal, interactive interfaces. Vision-based interaction (VBI) is useful in itself, providing information about human identity, location, movement, and expression through noninvasive and nonintrusive methods. VBI has many near-term application areas, including computer games, accessibility, intelligent environments, biometrics, movement analysis, and social robots.

If the technical goal of building perceptual interfaces can be achieved to any reasonable degree, the ways in which people interact with computers— and with technology in general—will be transformed significantly. In addition to computer vision, this will require advances in many areas, including speech and sound recognition and synthesis, natural language processing, user modeling, haptic and tangible interfaces, and dialogue modeling. More difficult yet, it will require collaboration and integration among these various research areas. In recent years, several workshops and conferences have begun to focus on these issues, including the Workshop on Perceptual/Perceptive User Interfaces (PUI), the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), and International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI). In addition, large major conferences that attract a wide variety of participants—such as CHI and SIGGRAPH—now frequently showcase perceptual interface research or demonstrations.

As the separate technical communities continue to interact and work together on these common goals, there will be a great need for multimodal data sets for training and testing perceptual interfaces, with task data, video, sound, and so on, and associated ground truth. Building such a database is not an easy task. The communities will also need standard benchmark suites for objective performance evaluation, similar to those that exist for individual modalities of speech, fingerprint, and face recognition. Students need to be trained to be conversant with multiple disciplines, and courses must be developed to cover various aspects of perceptual interfaces.

The fact that perceptual interfaces have great promise but will require herculean efforts to reach technical maturity leads to the question of short-and medium-term viability. One possible way to move incrementally toward the long-term goal is to to "piggyback" on the current paradigm of GUIs. Such a "strawman perceptual interface" could start by adding just a few new events in the standard event stream that is part of typical GUI-based architectures. The event stream receives and dispatches events of various kinds: mouse movement, mouse button click and release, keyboard key press and release, window resize, and so on. A new type of event—a "perceptual event"—could be added to this infrastructure that would, for example, be generated when a person enters the visual scene in front of the computer; or when a person begins to speak; or when the machine (or object of interest) is touched; or when some other simple perceptual event takes place. The benefit of adding to the existing GUI event-based architecture is that thousands upon thousands of developers already know how to deal with this architecture and how to write event handlers that implement various functionality. Adding even a small number of perceptual events to this structure would allow developers to come up with creative, novel uses for them and help lead to their acceptance in the marketplace.

This proposed development framework raises several questions. Which perceptual events would be most useful and feasible to implement? Is the event-based model the best way to bootstrap perceptual interfaces? Can we create perceptual events that are reliable enough to be useful? How should developers think about nondeterministic events (as opposed to current events, which are for all practical purposes deterministic)? For example, will visual events work when the lights are turned off, or if the camera lens is obstructed?

There are numerous issues, both conceptual and practical, surrounding the idea of perceptual interfaces. Privacy is one of the utmost importance. What are the implications of having microphones, cameras, and other sensors in computing environments? Where does the data go? What behavioral parameters are stored or sent elsewhere? For perceptual interfaces, to have any chance of success, these issues must be dealt with directly, and it must be made clear to users exactly where the data goes (and does not go). Acceptance of perceptual interfaces depends on instilling confidence that one's privacy is not violated in any way.

Some argue against the idea of interface technologies that attempt to be intelligent or anthropomorphic, claiming that HCI should be characterized by direct manipulation, providing the user with predictable interactions that are accompanied by a sense of responsiblity and accomplishment [121, 122, 123, 126, 125]. While these arguments seem quite appropriate for some uses of computers—particularly when a computer is used as a tool for calculations, word processing, and the like—it appears that future computing environments and uses will be well suited for adaptive, intelligent, agent-based perceptual interfaces.

Another objection to perceptual interfaces is that they just won't work, that the problems are too difficult to be solved well enough to be useful. This is a serious objection—the problems are, indeed, very difficult. It would not be so interesting otherwise. In general, we subscribe to the "If you build it, they will come" school of thought. Building it is a huge and exciting endeavor, a grand challenge for a generation of researchers in multiple disciplines.

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