
Movable Type’s default installation provides RSS syndication. Thus, with no extra work, your Movable Type-powered blog can be easily syndicated. Two RSS files are created automatically for each of your blogs: an RSS 1.0 template and an RSS 0.91 template. These two files correspond to two index templates installed into each new blog in the system: RSS 1.0 index and RSS 0.91 index. By default, both templates list the last 15 entries posted to your blog, but you can change this by editing the templates. For more information on editing the default templates, see Chapter 8.

Your RSS files will be located in your Local Site Path directory and will be accessible through the web at your Site URL. For example, if your main site is located at, your RSS 1.0 index is located at

Syndicating the headlines from your blog allows you to notify your readers when you create a new post, using either a dedicated RSS reader or by visiting a centralized syndication service like syndic8. See Chapter 1 for more on syndication.

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