Chapter 20. Multitasking and Multithreading

You can’t concentrate on more than What’s six times nine? one thing at once. You won’t get very far reading this book if someone is interrupting you every five seconds asking you to do arithmetic problems. But any computer with a modern operating system can do many things at once. More precisely, it can simulate that ability by switching very quickly back and forth between tasks.

In a multitasking operating system, each program, or process, gets its own space in memory and a share of the CPU’s time. Every time you start the Ruby interpreter, it runs in a new process. On Unix-based systems, your script can spawn subprocesses: this feature is very useful for running external command-line programs and using the results in your own scripts (see Recipes 20.8 and 20.9, for instance).

The main problem with processes is that they’re expensive. It’s hard to read while people are asking you to do arithmetic, not because either activity is particularly difficult, but because it takes time to switch from one to the other. An operating system spends a lot of its time as overhead, switching between processes, trying to make sure each one gets a fair share of the CPU’s time.

The other problem with processes is that it’s difficult to get them to communicate with each other. For simple cases, you can use techniques like those described in Recipe 20.8. You can implement more complex cases with Inter-Process Communication and named pipes, but we say, don’t bother. If you want your Ruby program to do two things at once, you’re better off writing your code with threads.

A thread is a sort of lightweight process that runs inside a real process. One Ruby process can host any number of threads, all running more or less simultaneously. It’s faster to switch between threads than to switch between processes, and since all of a process’s threads run in the same memory space, they can communicate simply by sharing variables.

Recipe 20.3 covers the basics of multithreaded programming. We use threads throughout this book, except when only a subprocess will work (see, for instance, Recipe 20.1). Some recipes in other chapters, like Recipes 3.12 and 14.4, show threads used in context.

Ruby implements its own threads, rather than using the operating system’s implementation. This means that multithreaded code will work exactly the same way across platforms. Code that spawns subprocesses generally work only on Unix.

If threads are faster and more portable, why would anyone write code that uses subprocesses? The main reason is that it’s easy for one thread to stall all the others by tying up an entire process with an uninterruptible action. One such action is a system call. If you want to run a system call or an external program in the background, you should probably fork off a subprocess to do it. See Recipe 16.18 for a vivid example of this—a program that we need to spawn a subprocess instead of a subthread, because the subprocess is going to play a music file.

20.1. Running a Daemon Process on Unix


You want to run a process in the background with minimal interference from users and the operating system.


In Ruby 1.9, you can simply call Process.daemon to turn the current process into a daemon. Otherwise, the most reliable way is to use the Daemonize module. It’s not available as a gem, but it’s worth downloading and installing, because it makes it easy and reliable to write a daemon:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	require 'tempfile'
	require 'daemonize'
	include Daemonize            # Import Daemonize::daemonize into this namespace

	puts 'About to daemonize.'
	daemonize                    # Now you're a daemon process!
	log ='daemon.log')
	loop do
	  log.puts "I'm a daemon, doin' daemon things."
	  sleep 5

If you run this code at the command line, you’ll get back a new prompt almost immediately. But there will still be a Ruby process running in the background, writing to a temporary file every five seconds:

	$ ./daemonize_daemon.rb
	About to daemonize.
	$ ps x | grep daemon
	4472 ?         S       0:00 ruby 
	4474 pts/2     S+      0:00 grep daemon

	$ cat /tmp/daemon.log4472.0
	I'm a daemon, doin' daemon things.
	I'm a daemon, doin' daemon things.
	I'm a daemon, doin' daemon things.

Since it runs an infinite loop, this daemon process will run until you kill it:

	$ kill 4472

	$ ps x | grep daemon
	 4569 pts/2    S+     0:00 grep daemon

A different daemon might run until some condition is met, or until it receives a Unix signal, or a “stop” message through some interface.


A daemon process is one that runs in the background, without any direct user interface at all. Servers are usually daemon processes, but you might also write a daemon to do monitoring or task scheduling.

Rather than replacing your process with a daemon process, you may want to spawn a daemon while continuing with your original work. The best strategy for this is to spawn a subprocess with Kernel#fork.

Ruby’s fork implementation takes a code block to be run by the subprocess. The code defined after the block is run in the original process. So pass your daemonizing code into fork, and continue with your work in the main body of the code:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# daemon_spawn.rb
	require 'tempfile'
	require ' 
	include Daemonize

	puts "About to daemonize."
	fork do
	  log ='daemon.log')
	  loop do
	    log.puts "I'm a daemon, doin' daemon things."
	    sleep 5

	puts 'The subprocess has become a daemon.'
	puts "But I'm going to stick around for a while."
	sleep 10
	puts "Okay, now I'm done."

The Daemonize code fits in a single file, and it’s licensed under the same terms as Ruby. If you don’t want to require your users to download and install it, you can just include it with your program. Because the code is short, you can even copy-and-paste the code into a file in your own program.

However, there’s also some (less fancy) daemonizing code in the Ruby 1.8 standard library. It’s the WEBrick::Daemon class.

	# webrick_daemon.rb
	require 'tempfile'
	require 'webrick'

	puts 'About to 
	WEBrick::Daemon.start do
	  log ='daemon.log')
	  loop do
	    log.puts "I'm a daemon, doin' daemon things."
	    sleep 5

It’s worth examining the simpler daemonizing code in WEBrick::Daemon so that you can see what’s going on. Here’s the method in question:

	def Daemon.start
	  exit!(0) if fork
	  exit!(0) if fork
	  STDOUT.reopen("/dev/null", "w")
	  STDERR.reopen("/dev/null", "w")
	  yield if block_given?

A daemonizer works by forking a new process, letting the original one die, and closing off some of the resources that were available to the original.

Process::setsid disconnects the daemon from the terminal that spawned it. This is why, when your process becomes a daemon process, you get your command line back immediately. We close the original standard input, output, and error and replace them with null streams. We set the working directory and file umask to sensible defaults, regardless of what the daemon inherited from the parent. Then we run the daemon code.

Daemonize::daemonize also sets up signal handlers, calls srand so that the daemon process has a new random number seed, and (optionally) closes any open file handles left around by the original process. It can also retry the fork if it fails because the operating system is running too many processes to create another one.

The fork method, and methods like daemonize that depend on it, are only available on Unix-like systems. On Windows, the win32-process extension provides Windows implementations of methods like fork. The win32-process implementation of fork isn’t perfect, but it’s there if you need it. For cross-platform code, we recommend you spawn a thread and run your daemon code in the thread.

See Also

20.2. Creating a Windows Service

Credit: Bill Froelich


You want to write a self-contained Ruby program for Windows that performs a task in the background.


Create a Windows service using the win32-service library, available as the win32-service gem.

Put all the service code below into a Ruby file called rubysvc.rb. It defines a service that watches for the creation of a file c:findme.txt; if it ever finds that file, it immediately renames it.

The first step is to register the service with Windows. Running ruby rubysrvc.rb register will create the service.

	# rubysrvc.rb
	require 'rubygems'
	require 'win32/service'
	include Win32

	if ARGV[0] == "register"
	  # Start the service.
	  svc =
	  svc.create_service do |s|
	    s.service_name = SERVICE_NAME
	    s.display_name = SERVICE_DISPLAYNAME
	    s.binary_path_name = 'C:InstantRails-1.3
uby ' +
	    s.dependencies = []
	  puts "Registered Service - " + SERVICE_DISPLAYNAME

When you’re all done, you can run rubysrvc.rb stop to stop the service and remove it from Windows:

	elsif ARGV[0] == "delete"
	  # Stop the service.
	  if Service.status(SERVICE_NAME).current_state == "running"
	  puts "Removed Service - " + SERVICE_DISPLAYNAME

If you run rubysrvc.rb with no arguments, nothing will happen, but it will remind you what parameters you can use:

	if ENV["HOMEDRIVE"]!=nil
	  # We are not running as a service, but the user didn't provide any
	  # command line arguments. We've got nothing to do.
	  puts "Usage: ruby rubysvc.rb [option]"
	  puts "   Where option is one of the following:"
	  puts "       register - To register the Service so it " +
	       "appears in the control panel"
	  puts "       delete   - To delete the Service from the control panel"

But when Windows runs rubysrvc.rb as a service, the real action starts:

	# If we got this far, we are running as a service.
	class Daemon
	  def service_init
	    # Give the service time to get everything initialized and running,
	    # before we enter the service_main function.
	    sleep 10

	  def service_main
	    fileCount = 0 # Initialize the file counter for the rename
	    watchForFile = "c:\findme.txt"
	    while state == RUNNING
	      sleep 5
	      if File.exists? watchForFile
	          fileCount += 1
	          File.rename watchForFile, watchForFile + "." + fileCount.to_s
	  d =

Once you run ruby rubysrvc.rb register, the service will show up in the Services Control Panel as “A Ruby Service”. To see it, go to Start → ControlPanel → Administrative Tools → Services (Figure 20-1). Start the service by clicking the service name in the list and clicking the start button.

The Services Control Panel
Figure 20-1. The Services Control Panel

To test the service, create a file in c: called findme.txt.

	$ echo "test" > findme.txt

Within seconds, the file you just created will be renamed to findme.txt:

	$ dir findme*
	# Volume in drive C has no label.
	# Volume Serial Number is 7C61-E72E
	# Directory of c:
	# 04/14/2006  02:29 PM                9 findme.txt.1

To remove the service, run ruby rubysrvc.rb delete.


There’s no reason why the code that registers rubysrvc.rb as a Windows service has to be in rubysrvc.rb itself, but it makes things much simpler. When you run ruby rubysrvc.rb register, the script tells Windows to run rubysrvc.rb again, only as a service. The key is the binary_path_name defined on the Service object: this is the command for Windows to run as a service. In this case, it’s an invocation of the ruby interpreter with the service script passed as an input. But you could have run the same code from an irb session: then, rubysrvc.rb would only have been invoked once, by Windows, when running it as a service.

The code above assumes that your Ruby interpreter is located in c:InstantRails-1.3 ubyin uby. Of course, you can change this to point to your Ruby interpreter if it’s somewhere else: perhaps c: ubyin uby. If you’ve got the Ruby interpreter in your path, you just do this:

	s.binary_path_name = 'ruby ' + File.expand_path($0)

When you create a service, you specify both a service name and a display name. The service name is shorter, and is used when referring to the service from within Ruby code. The display name is the one shown in the Services Control Panel.

Our example service checks every five seconds for a file with a certain name. Whenever it finds that file, it renames it by appending a number to the filename. To keep things simple, it does no error checking to see if the new filename already exists; nor does it do any file locking to ensure that the file is completely written before renaming it. Real services should include at least some basic high-level error handling:

	def service_main
	  while state == RUNNING
	    # Do my work
	  # Finish my work
	  rescue StandardError, Interrupt => e
	    # Handle the error

In addition to the service_main method, your service can define additional methods to handle the other service events (stop, pause, and restart). The win32-service gem comes with a useful example script, daemon_test.rb, which provides sample implementations of these methods.

See Also

20.3. Doing Two Things at Once with Threads


You want your program to run two or more pieces of code in parallel.


Create a new thread by passing a code block into That block will run simultaneously with any code you write after the call to

The following code features two competing threads. One continually decrements a variable by one, while the main program’s thread busily incrementing the same variable by three. The decrementing thread starts its work earlier, but the incrementing thread always wins in the end, because it increments the counter by a larger number:

	x = 0 do
	  while x < 5
	    x -= 1
	    puts "DEC: I decremented x to #{x}
	  puts "DEC: x is too high; I give up!

	while x < 5
	  x += 3
	  puts "INC: I incremented x to #{x}
	# DEC: I decremented x to -1
	# DEC: I decremented x to -2
	# DEC: I decremented x to -3
	# DEC: I decremented x to -4
	# INC: I incremented x to -1
	# DEC: I decremented x to -2
	# INC: I incremented x to 1
	# DEC: I decremented x to 0
	# INC: I incremented x to 3
	# DEC: I decremented x to 2
	# INC: I incremented x to 5
	# DEC: x is too high; I give up!

	x                                # => 5


A Ruby process starts out running only one thread: the main thread. When you call Thread#new, Ruby spawns another thread and starts running it alongside the main thread. The operating system divides CPU time among all the running processes, and the Ruby interpreter further divides its alotted CPU time among all of its threads.

The block you pass into is a closure (see Recipe 7.4), so it has access to all the variables that were in scope at the time you instantiated the thread. This means that threads can share variables; as a result, you don’t need complex communication schemes the way you do to communicate between processes. However, it also means that your threads can step on each other’s toes unless you’re careful to synchronize any shared objects. In the example above, the threads were designed to step on each other’s toes, providing head-to-head competition, but usually you don’t want that.

Once a thread’s execution reaches the end of its code block, the thread dies. If your main thread reaches the end of its code block, the process will exit and all your other threads will die prematurely. If you want your main thread to stall and wait for some other thread to finish, you can call Thread#join on the thread in question.

This code spawns a subthread to count to one million. Without the call to Thread#join, the counter only gets up to a couple hundred thousand before the process exits:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# counter_thread.rb
	counter = 0
	counter_thread = do
	  1.upto(1000000) { counter += 1; }

	counter_thread.join unless ARGV[0]
	puts "The counter was able to count up to #{counter}."
	$ ./counter_thread.rb
	The counter was able to count up to 1000000.

	$ ./counter_thread.rb dont_call_join
	The counter was able to count up to 172315.

You can get a list of the currently active thread objects with Thread.list: { sleep 10 } { x = 0; 10000000.times { x += 1 } } { sleep 100 }
	# => [#<Thread:0xb7d19ae0 sleep>, #<Thread:0xb7d24cec run>,
	#        #<Thread:0xb7d31cf8 sleep>, #<Thread:0xb7d68748 run>]

Here, the two running threads are the main irb thread and the thread running the counter loop. The two sleeping threads are the ones currently running sleep calls.

20.4. Synchronizing Access to an Object


You want to make an object accessible from only one thread at a time.


Give the object a Mutex member (a semaphore that controls whose turn it is to use the object). You can then use this to synchronize activity on the object.

This code gives every object a synchronize method. This simulates the behavior of Java, in which synchronize is a keyword that can be applied to any object:

	require 'thread'
	class Object
	  def synchronize
	    mutex.synchronize { yield self }

	  def mutex
	    @mutex ||=

Here’s an example. The first thread gets a lock on the list and then dawdles for a while. The second thread is ready from the start to add to the list, but it doesn’t get a chance until the first thread releases the lock.

	list = [] { list.synchronize { |l| sleep(5); 3.times { l.push "Thread 1" } } } { list.synchronize { |l| 3.times { l.push "Thread 2" } } }
	# => ["Thread 1", "Thread 1", "Thread 1", "Thread 2", "Thread 2", "Thread 2"]

Object#synchronize only prevents two synchronized code blocks from running at the same time. Nothing prevents a wayward thread from modifying the object without calling synchronize first:

	list = [] { list.synchronize { |l| sleep(5); 3.times { l.push "Thread 1" } } } { 3.times { list.push "Thread 2" } }
	# => ["Thread 2", "Thread 2", "Thread 2", "Thread 1", "Thread 1", "Thread 1"]


One of the big advantages of multithreaded programs is that different threads can share data. But where there is data sharing, there is the possibility for corruption. When two threads operate on the same object at the same time, the results can vary wildly depending on when the Ruby interpreter decides to switch between threads. To get predictable behavior, you need to have one thread lock the object, so other threads can’t use it.

When every object has a synchronize method, it’s easier to share an object between threads: if you want to work alone with the object, you put that code within a synchronize block. Of course, you may find yourself constantly writing synchronization code whenever you call certain methods of an object.

It would be nice if you could to do this synchronization implicitly, the way you can in Java: you just designate certain methods as “synchronized,” and the interpreter won’t start running those methods until it can obtain an exclusive lock on the corresponding object. The simplest way to do this is to use aspect-oriented programming. The RAspect library described in Recipe 10.15 can be used for this.

The following code defines an Aspect that can wrap methods in synchronization code. It uses the Object#mutex method defined above, but it could easily be changed to define its own Mutex objects:

	require 'aspectr'
	require 'thread'

	class Synchronized < AspectR::Aspect
	  def lock(method_sym, object, return_value, *args)

	  def unlock(method_sym, object, return_value, *args)

Any AspectR aspect method needs to take three arguments: the symbol of the method being called, the object it’s being called on, and (if the aspect method is being called after the original method) the return value of the method.

The rest of the arguments are the arguments to the original method. Since this aspect is very simple, the only argument we need is object, the object we’re going to lock and unlock.

Let’s use the Synchronized aspect to create an array where you can only call push, pop, or each once you get an exclusive lock.

	array = %w{do re mi fa so la ti}, :lock, :unlock, :push, :pop, :each)

The call to wrap tells AspectR to modify our array’s implementation of push, pop, and each with generated singleton methods. Synchronized#lock is called before the old implementation of those methods is run, and Synchronized#unlock is called afterward.

The following example creates two threads to work on our synchronized array. The first thread iterates over the array, and the second thread destroys its contents with repeated calls to pop. When the first thread calls each, the AspectR-generated code calls lock, and the first thread gets a lock on the array. The second thread starts and it wants to call pop, but pop has been modified to require an exclusive lock on the array. The second thread can’t run until the first thread finishes its call to each, and the AspectR-generated code calls unlock. { array.each { |x| puts x } } do
	  puts 'Destroying the array.'
	  array.pop until array.empty?
	  puts 'Destroyed!'
	# do
	# re
	# mi
	# fa
	# so
	# la
	# ti
	# Destroying the array.
	# Destroyed!

See Also

  • See Recipe 10.15, “Doing Aspect-Oriented Programming,” especially for information on problems with AspectR when wrapping operator methods in aspects

  • Recipe 13.17, “Adding Hooks to Table Events,” demonstrates the aspect oriented programming features of the Glue library, which are simpler than AspectR (but actually, in my experience, more difficult to use)

  • Recipe 16.10, “Sharing a Hash Between Any Number of Computers,” has an alternate solution: it defines a delegate class ( ThreadsafeHash) whose method_missing implementation synchronizes on a mutex and then delegates the method call; this is an easy way to synchronize all of an object’s methods

  • Recipe 20.11, “Avoiding Deadlock”

20.5. Terminating a Thread


You want to kill a thread before the end of the program.


A thread terminates if it reaches the end of its code block. The best way to terminate a thread early is to convince it to reach the end of its code block. This way, the thread can run cleanup code before dying.

This thread runs a loop while the instance variable continue is true. Set this variable to false, and the thread will die a natural death:

	require 'thread'

	class CounterThread < Thread
	  def initialize
	    @count = 0
	    @continue = true

	    super do
	      @count += 1 while @continue
	      puts "I counted up to #{@count} before I was cruelly stopped."

	  def stop
	    @continue = false

	counter =
	sleep 2
	# I counted up to 3413544 before I was cruelly stopped.

If you need to stop a thread that doesn’t offer a stop-like function, or you need to stop an out-of-control thread immediately, you can always call Thread#terminate. This method stops a thread in its tracks:

	t = { loop { puts 'I am the unstoppable thread!' } }
	# I am the unstoppable thread!
	# I am the unstoppable thread!
	# I am the unstoppable thread!
	# I am the unstoppable thread!


It’s better to convince someone they should do something than to force them to do it. The same is true of threads. Calling Thread.terminate is a bit like throwing an exception: it interrupts the normal flow of execution in an unpredictable place. Worse, there’s no equivalent of a begin/ensure construct for thread termination, so calling Thread.terminate may corrupt your data or leave your program in an inconsistent state. If you plan to stop a thread before the program is over, you should build that capability into the thread object itself.

A common type of thread implements a loop: threads that process requests from a queue, or that periodically poll for new data. In these, the end of an iteration forms a natural stopping point. These threads can benefit from some simple VCR-style controls: pause, unpause, and stop.

Here’s a Thread subclass which implements a loop that can be paused or stopped in a predictable way. A code block passed into the Thread constructor would implement the entire loop, but the code block passed into the LoopingThread constructor should implement only one iteration of the loop. Setup and cleanup code should be handled in the methods before_loop and after_loop.

	class LoopingThread < Thread
	  def initialize
	    @stopped = false
	    @paused = false
	    super do
	      until @stopped
	        Thread.stop if @paused

	  def before_loop; end
	  def after_loop; end

	  def stop
	    @stopped = true

	  def paused=(paused)
	    @paused = paused
	    run if !paused

Here’s the CounterThread class from the Solution, implemented as a LoopingThread. I’ve added a reader method for count so we can peek at its value when the thread is paused:

	class PausableCounter < LoopingThread
	  attr_reader :count

	  def before_loop
	    @count = 0

	  def initialize
	    super { @count += 1 }

	  def after_loop
	    puts "I counted up to #{@count} before I was cruelly stopped."

	counter =
	sleep 2
	counter.paused = true
	counter.count                                             # => 819438
	sleep 2
	counter.count                                             # => 819438
	counter.paused = false
	sleep 2
	# I counted up to 1644324 before I was cruelly stopped.
	counter.count                                             # => 1644324

20.6. Running a Code Block on Many Objects Simultaneously


Rather than iterating over the elements of a data structure one at a time, you want to run some function on all of them simultaneously.


Spawn a thread to handle each element of the data structure.

Here’s a simple equivalent of Enumerable#each that runs a code block against every element of a data structure simultaneously.[1] It returns the Thread objects it spawned so that you can pause them, kill them, or join them and wait for them to finish:

	module Enumerable
	  def each_simultaneously
	    threads = []
	    each { |e| threads >> { yield e } }
	    return threads

Running the following high-latency code with Enumerable#each would take 15 seconds. With our new Enumerable#each_simultaneously, it takes only five seconds:

	start_time =
	[7,8,9].each_simultaneously do |e|
	   sleep(5) # Simulate a long, high-latency operation
	   print "Completed operation for #{e}!
	# Completed operation for 8!
	# Completed operation for 7!
	# Completed operation for 9! - start_time                 # => 5.009334


You can save time by doing high-latency operations in parallel, since it often means you pay the latency price only once. If you’re doing nameserver lookups, and the nameserver takes five seconds to respond to a request, you’re going to be waiting at least five seconds. If you need to do 10 nameserver lookups, doing them in series will take 50 seconds, but doing them all at once might only take 5.

This technique can also be applied to the other methods of Enumerable. You could write a collect_simultaneously, a find_all_simultaneously, and so on. But that’s a lot of methods to write. All the methods of Enumerable are based on each. What if we could just convince those methods to use each_simultaneously instead of each?

It would be too much work to replace all the existing methods of Enumerable, but we can swap out an individual Enumerable object’s each implementation for another, by wrapping it in an Enumerable::Enumerator. Here’s how it would work:

	require 'enumerator'

	array = [7, 8, 9]
	simultaneous_array = array.enum_for(:each_simultaneously)
	simultaneous_array.each do |e|
	  sleep(5) # Simulate a long, high-latency operation
	  print "Completed operation for #{e}!
	# Completed operation for 7!
	# Completed operation for 9!
	# Completed operation for 8!

That call to enum_for returns an Enumerable::Enumerator object. The Enumerator implements all of the methods of Enumerable as the original array would, but its each method uses each_simultaneously under the covers.

Do we now have simultaneous versions of all the Enumerable methods? Not quite. Look at this code:

	simultaneous_array.collect { |x| sleep 5; x * -1 }             # => []

What happened? The collect method returns before the threads have a chance to complete their tasks. When we were using each_simultaneously on its own, this was a nice feature. Consider the following idealized code, which starts three infinite loops in separate threads and then goes on to other things:

	[SSHServer, HTTPServer, IRCServer].each_simultaneously do |server|

	# More code goes here…

This is not such a good feature when we’re calling an Enumerable method with a return value. We need an equivalent of each_simultaneously that doesn’t return until all of the threads have run:

	require 'enumerator'
	module Enumerable
	  def all_simultaneously
	    if block_given?
	      collect { |e| { yield(e) } }.each { |t| t.join }
	      enum_for :all_simultaneously

You wouldn’t use this method to spawn infinite loops (they’d all spawn, but you’d never regain control of your code). But you can use it to create multithreaded versions of collect and other Enumerable methods:

	array.all_simultaneously.collect { |x| sleep 5; x * -1 }
	# => [-7, -9, -8]

That’s better, but the elements are in the wrong order: after all, there’s no guarantee which thread will complete first. This doesn’t usually matter for Enumerable methods like find_all, grep, or reject, but it matters a lot for collect. And each_with_index is simply broken:

	array.all_simultaneously.each_with_index { |x, i| sleep 5; puts "#{i}=>#{x}" }
	# 0=>8
	# 0=>7
	# 0=>9

Here are thread-agnostic implementations of Enumerable#collect and Enumerable#each_with_index, which will work on normal Enumerable objects, but will also work in conjunction with all_simultaneously:

	module Enumerable
	  def collect
	    results = []
	    each_with_index { |e, i| results[i] = yield(e) }

	  def each_with_index
	    i = -1
	    each { |e| yield e, i += 1 }

Now it all works:

	array.all_simultaneously.collect { |x| sleep 5; x * -1 }
	# => [-7, -8, -9]

	array.all_simultaneously.each_with_index { |x, i| sleep 5; puts "#{i}=>#{x}" }
	# 1=>8
	# 0=>7
	# 2=>9

See Also

  • Recipe 7.9, “Looping Through Multiple Iterables in Parallel”

20.7. Limiting Multithreading with a Thread Pool


You want to process multiple requests in parallel, but you don’t necessarily want to run all the requests simultaneously. Using a technique like that in Recipe 20.6 can create a huge number of threads running at once, slowing down the average response time. You want to set a limit on the number of simultaneously running threads.


You want a thread pool. If you’re writing an Internet server and you want to service requests in parallel, you should build your code on top of the gserver module, as seen in Recipe 14.14: it has a thread pool and many TCP/IP-specific features. Otherwise, here’s a generic ThreadPool class, based on code from gserver.

The instance variable @pool contains the active threads. The Mutex and the ConditionVariable are used to control the addition of threads to the pool, so that the pool never contains more than @max_size threads:

	require 'thread'

	class ThreadPool
	  def initialize(max_size)
	    @pool = []
	    @max_size = max_size
	    @pool_mutex =
	    @pool_cv =

When a thread wants to enter the pool, but the pool is full, the thread puts itself to sleep by calling ConditionVariable#wait. When a thread in the pool finishes executing, it removes itself from the pool and calls ConditionVariable#signal to wake up the first sleeping thread:

	def dispatch(*args) do
	    # Wait for space in the pool.
	    @pool_mutex.synchronize do
	      while @pool.size >= @max_size
	        print "Pool is full; waiting to run #{args.join(',')}…
" if $DEBUG
	        # Sleep until some other thread calls @pool_cv.signal.

The newly-awakened thread adds itself to the pool, runs its code, and then calls ConditionVariable#signal to wake up the next sleeping thread:

	      @pool << Thread.current
	      rescue => e
	        exception(self, e, *args)
	        @pool_mutex.synchronize do
	          # Remove the thread from the pool.
	          # Signal the next waiting thread that there's a space in the pool.

	  def shutdown
	    @pool_mutex.synchronize { @pool_cv.wait(@pool_mutex) until @pool.empty? }

	  def exception(thread, exception, *original_args)
	    # Subclass this method to handle an exception within a thread.
	    puts "Exception in thread #{thread}: #{exception}"

Here’s a simulation of five incoming jobs that take different times to run. The pool ensures no more than three jobs run at a time. The job code doesn’t need to know anything about threads or thread pools; that’s all handled by ThreadPool#dispatch.

	$DEBUG = true
	pool =

	1.upto(5) do |i|
	  pool.dispatch(i) do |i|
	    print "Job #{i} started.
	    print "Job #{i} complete.
	# Job 1 started.
	# Job 3 started.
	# Job 2 started.
	# Pool is full; waiting to run 4…
	# Pool is full; waiting to run 5…
	# Job 3 complete.
	# Job 4 started.
	# Job 2 complete.
	# Job 5 started.
	# Job 5 complete.
	# Job 4 complete.
	# Job 1 complete.



When should you use a thread pool, and when should you just send a swarm of threads after the problem? Consider why this pattern is so common in Internet servers that it’s built into Ruby’s gserver library. Internet server requests are usually I/O bound, because most servers operate on the filesystem or a database. If you run high latency requests in parallel (like requests for filesystem files), you can complete multiple requests in about the same time it would take to complete a single request.

But Internet server requests can use a lot of memory, and any random user on the Internet can trigger a job on your server. If you create and start a thread for every incoming request, it’s easy to run out of resources. You need to find a tradeoff between the performance benefit of multithreading and the performance hazard of thrashing due to insufficient resources. The simplest way to do this is to limit the number of requests that can be processed at a given time.

A thread pool isn’t a connection pool, like you might see with a database. Database connections are often pooled because they’re expensive to create. Threads are pretty cheap; we just don’t want a lot of them actively running at once. The example in the Solution creates five threads at once, but only three of them can be active at any one time. The rest are asleep, waiting for a notification from the condition variable pool_cv.

Calling ThreadPool#dispatch with a code block creates a new thread that runs the code block, but not until it finds a free slot in the thread pool. Until then, it’s waiting on the condition variable @pool_cv. When one of the threads in the pool completes its code block, it calls signal on the condition variable, waking up the first thread currently waiting on it.

The shutdown method makes sure all the jobs complete by repeatedly waiting on the condition variable until no other threads want access to the pool.

See Also

20.8. Driving an External Process with popen


You want to execute an external command in a subprocess. You want to pass some data into its standard input stream, and read its standard output.


If you don’t care about the standard input side of things, you can just use the %x{} construction. This runs a string as a command in an operating system subshell, and returns the standard output of the command as a string.

	%x{whoami}                                           # => "leonardr
	puts %x{ls -a empty_dir}
	# .
	# ..

If you want to pass data into the standard input of the subprocess, do it in a code block that you pass into the IO. popen method. Here’s IO.popen used on a Unix system to invoke tail, a command that prints to standard output the last few lines of its standard input:

	IO.popen('tail -3', 'r+') do |pipe|
	  1.upto(100) { |i| pipe >> "This is line #{i}.
" }
	# This is line 98.
	# This is line 99.
	# This is line 100.


IO.popens pawns a subprocess and creates a pipe: an IO stream connecting the Ruby interpreter to the subprocess. IO.popen makes the pipe available to a code block, just as makes an open file available to a code block. Writing to the IO object sends data to the standard input of the subprocess; reading from it reads data from its standard output.

IO.popen takes a file mode, just like To use both the standard input and output of a subprocess, you need to open it in read-write mode (”r+“).

A command that accepts standard input won’t really start running until its input stream is closed. If you use popen to run a command like tail, you must call pipe. close_write before you read from the pipe. If you try to read the subprocess’ standard output while the subprocess is waiting for you to send it data on standard input, both processes will hang forever.

The %{} construct and the popen technique work on both Windows and Unix, but scripts that use them won’t usually be portable, because it’s very unlikely that the command you’re running exists on all platforms.

On Unix systems, you can also use popen to spawn a Ruby subprocess. This is like calling fork, except that the parent gets a read-write filehandle that’s hooked up to the standard input and output of the child. Unlike with Kernel#fork (but like C’s implementation of fork), the same code block is called for the parent and the child. The presence or absence of the filehandle is the only way to know whether you’re the parent or the child:

	IO.popen('-', 'r+') do |child_filehandle|
	  if child_filehandle
	    $stderr.puts "I am the parent: #{child_filehandle.inspect}"
	    child_filehandle.puts '404'
	    puts "My child says the square root of 404 is #{}"
	    $stderr.puts "I am the child: #{child_filehandle.inspect}"
	    number = $stdin.readline.strip.to_i
	    $stdout.puts Math.sqrt(number)
	# I am the child: nil
	# I am the parent: #<IO:0xb7d25b9c>
	# My child says the square root of 404 is 20.0997512422418

See Also

  • Recipe 20.1, “Running a Daemon Process on Unix”

  • Recipe 20.9, " Capturing the Output and Error Streams from a Unix Shell Command”

  • Recipe 20.10, “Controlling a Process on Another Machine”

20.9. Capturing the Output and Error Streams from a Unix Shell Command


You want to run an external program as in Recipe 20.8, but you also want to capture the standard error stream. Using popen only gives you access to the standard output.


Use the open3 library in the Ruby standard library. Its popen3 method takes a code block, to which it passes three IO streams: one each for standard input, output, and error.

Suppose you perform the Unix ls command to list a nonexistent directory. ls will rightly object to this and write an error message to its standard error stream. If you invoked ls with IO.popen or the %x{} construction, that error message is passed right along to the standard error stream of your Ruby process. You can’t capture it or suppress it:

	%x{ls no_such_directory}
	# ls: no_such_directory: No such file or directory

But if you use popen3, you can grab that error message and do whatever you want with it:

	require 'open3'

	Open3.popen3('ls -l no_such_directory') { |stdin, stdout, stderr| }
	# => "ls: no_such_directory: No such file or directory


The same caveats in the previous recipe apply to the IO streams returned by popen3. If you’re running a command that accepts data on standard input, and you read from stdout before closing stdin, your process will hang.

Unlike IO.popen, the popen3 method is only implemented on Unix systems. However, the win32-open3 package (part of the Win32Utils project) provides a popen3 implementation.

See Also

20.10. Controlling a Process on Another Machine


You want to run a process on another machine, controlling its input stream remotely, and reading its output and error streams.


The ruby-ssh gem, first described in Recipe 14.10, provides a popen3 method that works a lot like Ruby’s built-in popen3, except that the process you spawn runs on another computer.

Here’s a method that runs a Unix command on another computer and yields its standard I/O streams to a code block on your computer. All traffic going between the computers is encrypted with SSL. To authenticate yourself against the foreign host, you’ll either need to provide a username and password, or set up an SSL key pair ahead of time.

	require 'rubygems'
	require 'net/ssh'

	def run_remotely(command, host, args)
	  Net::SSH.start(host, args) do |session|
	    session.process.popen3(command) do |stdin, stdout, stderr|
	      yield stdin, stdout, stderr

Here it is in action:

	run_remotely('ls -l /home/leonardr/dir', '', :username=>'leonardr',
	             :password => 'mypass') { |i, o, e| puts }
	# -rw-rw-r-- 1 
leonardr leonardr      33 Dec 29 20:40 file1
	# -rw-rw-r-- 1   leonardr leonardr     102 Dec 29 20:40 file2


The Net::SSH library implements a low-level interface to the SSH protocol, but most of the time you don’t need all that power. You just want to use SSH as a way to spawn and control processes on a remote computer. That’s why Net:SSH also provides a popen3 interface that looks a lot like the popen3 you use to manipulate processes on your own computer.

Apart from the issue of authentication, there are a couple of differences between Net::SSH.popen3 and Open3.popen3. With Open3.popen3, you must be careful to close the standard input stream before reading from the output or error streams. With the Net::SSH version of popen3, you can read from the output or error streams as soon as the process writes any data to it. This lets you interleave stdin writes and stdout reads:

	run_remotely('cat', '', :username=>'leonardr',
	             :password => 'mypass') do |stdin, stdout, stderr|
	  stdin.puts 'Line one.'
	  stdin.puts 'Line two.'
	# "Line one."
	# "Line two."

Another potential pitfall is that the initial working directory for an SSH session is the filesystem root (/). If you’ve used the ssh or scp commands, you may be accustomed to starting out in your home directory. To compensate for this, you can change to your home directory within your command: issue a command like cd; ls or cd /home/[user name]/; ls instead of just plain ls.

See Also

  • The Net::SSH manual at:

  • Recipe 14.2, “Making an HTTPS Web Request,” has information on installing the OpenSSL extension that is a prerequisite of ruby-ssh

  • Recipe 14.10, “Being an SSH Client covers the basic rules of SSH”

  • Recipe 20.8, “Driving an External Process with popen,” and Recipe 20.9, “Capturing the Output and Error Streams from a Unix Shell Command,” cover the basic features of the popen family of methods

20.11. Avoiding Deadlock


Your threads are competing for exclusive access to the same resources. With no coordination between threads, you’ll end up with deadlock. Thread A will be blocking, waiting for a resource held by thread B, and thread B will be blocking, waiting for a resource held by thread A. Neither thread will ever be seen again.


There’s no simple mix-in solution to this problem. You need to come up with some rules for how your threads acquire locks, and make sure your code always abides by them.

Basically, you need to guarantee that all your threads acquire locks in the same order. Impose an ordering (formally or informally) on all the locks in your program and make sure that your threads always acquire locks in ascending numerical order.

Here’s how it would work. The standard illustration of deadlock is the Dining Philosophers problem. A table of philosophers are sharing a plate of rice and some chopsticks, but there aren’t enough utensils to go around. When there are only two chopsticks, it’s easy to see the problem. If philosopher A is holding one chopstick (that is, has a lock on it), and philosopher B is holding the other, then nobody can eat.

In this scenario, you’d designate the the lock on one chopstick as lock #1, and the lock on the other chopstick as lock #2. If you guarantee that no philosopher will pick up chopstick #2 unless they’re already picked up the chopstick #1, deadlock is impossible. You can guarantee this by simply making all the philosophers implement the same behavior:

	require 'thread'
	$chopstick1 =
	$chopstick2 =

	class Philosopher < Thread
	  def initialize(name)
	    super do
	      loop do
	        $chopstick1.synchronize do
	          puts "#{name} has picked up one chopstick."
	          $chopstick2.synchronize do
	            puts "#{name} has picked up two chopsticks and eaten a " +
	                 "bite of tasty rice."
	# Moore has picked up one chopstick.
	# Moore has picked up two chopsticks and eaten a bite of tasty rice.
	# Anscombe has picked up one chopstick.
	# Anscombe has picked up two chopsticks and eaten a bite of tasty rice.
	# Moore has picked up one chopstick.
	# Moore has picked up two chopsticks and eaten a bite of tasty rice.
	# …


It’s hard to come up with an ordering of resources that isn’t totally arbitrary. Why is chopstick #1 designated #1 and not #2? It just is. When you’ve got more than a few locks, it’s hard to remember the order.

But if you keep a list of the locks in the proper order, you can have Ruby handle the locking order for you. The lock_all method defined below takes an unordered list of locks, and makes sure they get locked in the “right” order, as defined in the global hash $lock_order:

	require 'thread'
	pool_lock, lion_lock, penguin_lock, cabbage_lock = (1..4).collect { }
	locks = [pool_lock, lion_lock, penguin_lock, cabbage_lock]
	$lock_order = {}
	locks.each_with_index { |lock, i| $lock_order[lock] = i }

	def lock_all(*locks)
	  ordered_locks = locks.sort_by { |x| $lock_order[x] }
	  ordered_locks.each do |lock|
	    puts "Locking #{$lock_order[lock]}." if $DEBUG
	    ordered_locks.reverse_each do |lock|
	      puts "Unlocking #{$lock_order[lock]}." if $DEBUG

Now you can simply pass the locks you want to get into lock_all, without having to keep track of an arbitrary order:

	$DEBUG = true
	lock_all(penguin_lock, pool_lock) do
	  puts "I'm putting the penguin in the pool."
	# Locking 0.
	# Locking 2.
	# I'm putting the penguin in the pool.
	# Unlocking 2.
	# Unlocking 0.

When lock_all encounters a mutex that’s already locked, the thread blocks until the mutex becomes available. A less greedy alternative is to drop all of the mutexes already obtained and try again from the start. This makes deadlock less likely even when not all of the code respects the order of the locks.

There are two locking-related problems that you can’t solve by imposing a lock ordering. The first is resource starvation. In the context of the dining philosophers, this would mean that one philosopher continually puts down chopstick #1 and immediately takes it up again, preventing anyone else from eating.

The thread library prevents this problem by keeping a list of the threads that are waiting for a lock to be released. Once it’s released, Ruby wakes up the first thread in line. So threads get the lock in the order they asked for it, rather than it being a free-for-all. You can see this if you create a bunch of Philosopher objects using the example from the Solution. Even if there are 20 philosophers and only one pair of chopsticks, the philosophers will take turns using the chopsticks in the order they were created, not randomly depending on the whims of the Ruby interpreter.

The second problem is harder to solve: a thread can “deadlock” with itself. The following code looks unobjectionable (why shouldn’t you be able to lock what you already have?), but it creates a thread that sleeps forever:

	require 'thread'
	$lock = do
	  $lock.synchronize { $lock.synchronize { puts 'I synchronized twice!' } }

The first time you call lock.synchronize, everything works fine: the Mutex isn’t locked, and the thread gets a lock on it. The second time, the Mutex is locked, so the thread stops to wait until it gets unlocked.

The problem is, the thread B that’s stopping to wait is the same thread as thread A, which has the lock. Thread A is supposed to wake up thread B once it’s done, but it never does, because it is thread B, and it’s asleep. A thread can’t wake itself up.

That looks like a contrived example, but it’s pretty easy to get there by accident. If you’re synchronizing an object, as described in Recipe 20.4, there’s a chance you’ll go too far and synchronize two methods that call each other. Calling one method will synchronize and call the other, which will synchronize and put the thread to sleep forever. Short of hacking Mutex to keep track of which thread has the lock, the only way to avoid this problem is to be careful.

See Also

  • Recipe 6.13, “Locking a File,” shows an alternate way of avoiding deadlock when the resource under contention is a file

[1] Well, more or less. The thread for the first element will start running before the thread for the last element does.

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