Chapter 4

Safety in Launch Operations

Jerry Haber, Christophe Bonnal, Carine Leveau, Jérôme Vila and Marc Toussaint

Chapter Outline

4.1 Launch Operations Safety

Jerry Haber


The focus of this section is the thought processes, the data development, the analyses and the control mechanisms employed to assure that a planned mission is executed safely. The narrative begins with a discussion of risk management, including definition of the basic elements and how an understanding of these elements provides the basis for managing risk levels. This is followed by an introduction to the roles of specific risk and hazard control techniques: This includes the use of prelaunch analyses to define how a mission may be safely performed and real time tools for monitoring a mission and limiting the regions that may be placed at risk. Important components of this discussed are the range safety tracking system and the requirements for a flight termination system.

Approaches for Controlling Hazards and Risks (Risk Management)

Assuring launch operations safety requires the identification and quantification of threats to life and property from normal and malfunctioning space boosters, the development and quantification of risk measures for managing these adverse consequences, and the design and implementation of risk and hazard controls to assure public safety. The Range Commanders Council Common Risk Criteria for National Ranges (RCC 321) (Risk Committee, 2007) defines risk management as a systematic and logical process to identify hazards and control the risks they pose. This section defines the elements that result in risk. Based on these definitions, a thought process is presented for identifying strategies to mitigate risk. Placed in a context of tolerable levels of risk and cost of mitigations this leads to a risk management approach.

Risk is a measure of an adverse outcome (e.g., loss of life, severe injury, and economic losses resulting from damage to facilities or unavailability of critical assets to support operations) together with its likelihood of occurrence, which may be expressed qualitatively (e.g., rare, unlikely, frequent) or quantitatively as a probability. Risk requires a combination of three distinct elements: hazard, H, or threat to do harm; exposure, E, of people or assets to the hazard; and a high enough level of vulnerability, V, so that the people or assets may suffer an undesired outcome. Risks occur when all three elements are present, as illustrated in Figure 4.1.1. Symbolically, R = H∩E∩V. Removal of anyone of these elements, as shown in the second part of the figure, eliminates risk. Reduction of one of the elements, for example reducing the vulnerability of people to toxic gas by providing them breathing protection, reduces the risk.


FIGURE 4.1.1 Risk requires a combination of hazard, exposure and vulnerability.

Figure 4.1.2 depicts the typical sequence of events that are addressed is describing a potentially hazardous event evolving to produce risks. While the detailed characterization of each hazard varies, there are common characteristics used for describing all hazards: Something happens, often an event that does not directly cause a hazard. Ensuing events culminate in the release of hazardous materials. The released hazardous materials propagate from the source location to receptors that may be damaged and their occupants may be injured. The threat to the receptor and its occupants depends on their vulnerability to the hazard and to the magnitude or intensity of the hazard at the receptor. The magnitude of the hazard at the receptor will be affected by the location of the receptor with respect to the hazard source as well as conditions affecting propagation. Moreover, each step in the sequence has an associated probability of occurrence.


FIGURE 4.1.2 Representative sequence of events for risk.

Mitigation strategies reduce one or more probabilities in the event chain, limiting the magnitude of the hazard at the receptor, or limiting the vulnerability of the people and assets to be protected.

Risk management is the evaluation of the risks (the combination of adverse outcomes and their likelihood) and the adoption and implementation of mitigating measures to limit the risks.

Mitigating actions are defined to limit or eliminate the hazard, the exposure or the vulnerability.

The hazard may be limited by changing the locations where events resulting in release or generation of hazardous substances can occur, reducing the magnitude or intensity of the hazardous occurrence or reducing the probability of a hazardous event.

Controlling the location of events producing hazardous releases is important for two reasons:

1. It is an important tool in separating the hazard from the exposed populations.

2. The release location affects meteorological conditions and barriers that may affect hazard propagation toward exposed populations.

Separation of events resulting in releases of hazardous materials from exposed populations, commonly known as hazard containment, is always the preferred mitigating action. Because the objective is to separate the threat from those who may be affected, approaches should consider both sides, namely limiting public access to regions that may be affected and altering mission parameters to change the threatened populations. Modifying hazard propagation by avoiding adverse meteorological conditions or by placing barriers between the point of release and the locations to be protected should only be considered after approaches for hazard containment have been evaluated.

Some of the methods employed for separating protected regions from hazards include:

• changing the launch location;

• altering the launch azimuth;

• reshaping the trajectory (either the shape of the trajectory within the plane of the trajectory or the introduction of a “dog-leg”);

• modifying the launch vehicle or terminating the flight of malfunctioning vehicles;

• restricting public access by the use of road blocks or publication and enforcement of restrictions to regions, e.g., Notices to Mariners (NOTMARS) or Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS).

The parameters characterizing the magnitude of a hazard vary with the nature of the hazard. For example, explosive hazards may be characterized by the yield at the source and the distance to a receptor. Alternatively, they may be described in terms of the peak pressure and the impulse at a receptor. Mitigations might include reducing the amount of material that detonates, reducing the trinitrotoluene (TNT) equivalence of the explosion, increasing the distance to the receptors so that the pressure and impulse have decayed more by the time the shock wave reaches a receptor, avoiding launching under inversion or caustic meteorological conditions as these lead to higher overpressures, and use of barriers near receptors of concern to limit loading on the receptors.

A hazardous release associated with a planned event, such as jettisoning a spent stage, becomes more likely as the vehicle reliability increases. A common and prudent assumption is to apply a probability of one to planned events that create a hazard because a successful mission should always be a safe mission: safety should not rely on vehicle unreliability. Hazard containment by carefully designing proposed missions is the accepted approach to addressing the risk from planned events. When a hazardous release is associated with one or more malfunctions, the reliability of the vehicle and the probability of various vehicle responses to failures become critical to the evaluation of the launch risks. Increasing launch vehicle reliability is the obvious way to decrease the probability of a hazardous release. Perhaps less obvious is that for a given vehicle, reliability, design choices of type propellant, planned trajectory, construction type and materials, type of planned shut-down mechanisms, and type of flight termination systems for a failed vehicle can materially alter the likelihood of extreme hazardous releases.

How do we measure risk and how do we determine the limits of tolerable risks? In order to discover the answer to this question, we need to understand why we have concerns about risk and what measures are meaningful responses to these concerns. We will then make our answers more definitive by considering other relevant issues such applicable time frame and severity of consequences.

“What is the worst threat to me posed by these hazardous activities?” is the first question most commonly asked. The type of risk measure that answers this question is the maximum individual risk. (In other communities this is referred to as the “individual risk to the maximally exposed individual”.) When questions about individual risk have been satisfactorily answered, people become concerned about societal risk. “What could happen to my family and my community?”

Finally, some measure of catastrophic risk is required. These measures address two issues: Society is more concerned about “large” numbers of people being simultaneously injured even when the total societal risk (statistically expected level) is the same. However, decision makers frequently want to understand how bad the consequences can be, what could be worst outcome if an accident were to occur.

There are a number of possible adverse outcomes we can address as part of our risk analysis and risk management: The major categories of adverse outcomes are (1) threats to life; (2) threats to property; (3) threats to operations of the launch range or other critical facilities; and (4) threats to the environment.

Threats to life may span the range from quality of life or nuisance issues, through minor levels of injury, through major levels of injury, to fatalities. At present, the international community targets protection against fatalities while within the United States protection is generally at the level of serious injury or worse. The difference in approach may be the result of the sophistication of human vulnerability modeling available and the relative availability of statistics describing background risk levels for non-fatal injuries. Tolerable levels of risks of injury or fatality have the clearest definitions with the most clearly articulated rationale.

Threats to operation of the launch facility or other critical facilities, such as fire suppression facilities or hospitals, are commonly a lower priority than human health and safety. Rationale for risk measures and tolerable risk levels for interrupting operations of these types of facilities are still evolving. While the need is generally recognized, common terminology and criteria for tolerable risks to facilities do not yet exist, and there are currently more limited capabilities for modeling these types of consequences.

Property damage from debris from a failed launch vehicle can result from several threat mechanisms. Impacting inert debris, blast overpressure from exploding fragments or heat from fire brands can cause significant property damage. Modeling these consequences to predict the cost of replacement requires detailed input data and sophisticated models for facilities at risk and the damage mechanisms. Current practice is to characterize the hazard level at high value facilities and to limit the levels that would be tolerated. For example, a limit may be placed on the probability that a facility may be impacted by one or more pieces of inert debris with an impact kinetic energy of at least 58 ft-lbs.

Potential environmental damage from a launch accident ranges from clutter (dumping debris harmlessly in an area of concern), to destroying critical habitat by igniting fires or injuring threatened species, to release of toxic material that injures substantial numbers of animals. Evaluation of the environmental risk is highly dependent on the nature of the launch vehicle and the type of habitat that may be at risk. Risk measures and risk limits are often dictated by local circumstances and priorities.

Flight safety risk management is based on reducing risks using approaches of the type characterized above and then evaluating the residual risk to assure that it is within tolerable limits. Three classes of risk measures are employed for managing risks to people; these are at times extended to the other types of adverse consequences. The commonly used risk measures are:

1. Probability of casualty (severe injury or worse) and probability of fatality to the maximally exposed individual.

2. Casualty (or fatality) expectation, the statistically expected number of people who will become casualties (fatalities). An alternate measure used by a number of launch agencies is the probability of one or more casualties (fatalities).

3. Risk profiles, the probability of N or more casualties (fatalities, dollars damage, etc.) for all values of N.

Outside of the range safety community, these and similar risk measures are normally quantified and managed on an annual basis. This is appropriate for continuous processes (such as operation of chemical manufacturing plants) or activities that occur frequently throughout the year. By contrast, powered flight times for space lift missions are in the order of a few minutes and theses missions occur a few times each year. Moreover, risk management decisions such as the tolerability of mission risk and whether to commit to launch are made on a mission-by-mission basis. Consequently, it is customary to employ risk measures on a mission-by-mission basis.

Implementation of Risk/Hazard Control

Two methods have traditionally been used concurrently to limit public safety risk; the use of a highly reliable range safety system and a flight safety analysis to ensure calculated risks are within acceptable criteria. Initial emphasis has always been on hazard containment and control. Risk analysis, with its many modeling and data uncertainties, is used to provide assurance that the risk is small and the primary controls are adequate. It provides a basis for defining risk and hazard controls and for assessing their effectiveness. The evaluation of launch vehicle safety should always be based on both of these principles.

Figure 4.1.3 illustrates the relationships between the prelaunch and real-time control measures. The figure is from the perspective of managing debris hazards. The narrative in the following section extends the prelaunch portion to include toxic and distant focusing overpressure hazards.


FIGURE 4.1.3 Prelaunch and real-time controls to manage risks.

Pre-Launch Controls to Manage Debris, Toxic and DFO Risks

When planning a launch, risks should be reduced to the greatest extent practicable. The first step in reaching this goal should always be investigating the feasibility of containing all hazards from a normal and a malfunctioning flight (Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group, 2010). The previous section discussed limiting the geographical extent of hazards during the mission. However, the process of separating the hazards from exposed populations begins prior to the mission, with the establishment of exclusion regions, regions within which exposed populations are limited, and defining the rules to be used real-time to limit the flight of an errant vehicle.

Exclusion regions are developed separately for aircraft, ships and land-based populations. Regions are defined to protect against a given level of threat from specified hazards. Pilots are notified of aircraft exclusion regions protecting aircraft against hazardous debris by posting NOTAMS. Ship passengers are protected against hazardous debris and shock waves from impacting explosive fragments by posting NOTMARS. Both of these types of exclusion regions are designed to protect the general public. Effectiveness of NOTMARS is sometimes enhanced by active surveillance of the posted regions to assure no vessels are present. Problems with compliance tend to be focused on ships supporting a business that is only marginally economically successful, such as small fishing boats or small tourist boats.

More detailed analyses are frequently employed to assess the acceptability of planned usage of aircraft and ships to support missions. Land-based populations include people who are relatively stationary in buildings or outdoors and people in transit on the highways or by rail.

Typically, debris and explosive hazards are managed separately from toxic hazards. Names of the exclusion regions vary among ranges. Vandenberg Air Force Base defines a flight caution area to protect the general public. The individual risk to the public from either an impacting fragment or an explosion is above the level the range considers tolerable. Personnel essential to support the mission may be allowed within the flight caution area. The flight hazard area is the portion of the caution area where significant danger to personnel and equipment exists in the event of a vehicle malfunction. Personnel required to be in the hazard area during a launch operation must be located in a blast-hardened approved shelter and provided breathing and hearing protection. (Figure 4.1.4 depicts an example of the flight caution and hazard areas.)


FIGURE 4.1.4 Caution and hazard corridors. (Parker et al., 1989)

Some of the propellants used in space boost vehicles contain chemical components that are toxic when inhaled after their release during a normal launch or after a catastrophic failure. Many solid rocket motors produce HCl as a combustion product. Liquid rocket motors may use toxic materials such as various hydrazine compounds and oxidizers including nitrogen oxides and nitric acid. A catastrophic accident may cause release of these materials. Typically, peak concentrations that would result from a toxic release are used to define protection requirements. Other related criteria that are used are the levels to which people may be subjected for up to 30 minutes (based on industrial Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) standards. Commonly, a tiered approach is used. The lowest concentration thresholds are below the levels expected to affect most people but of concern to sensitive individuals (e.g., those with asthma, emphysema, or other lung diseases). A middle tier is defined to protect most healthy individuals against short-term symptoms; most individuals would not be expected to suffer long term health effects at these levels. The most restricted region may be subjected to levels in excess of IDLH levels. Consequently, evacuation or special sheltering and breathing are required. When evacuation regions to protect against impacting debris and toxic hazards cannot be defined to protect against the most adverse meteorological conditions credible, prelaunch analyses may be required to assess if weather related holds are required.

As discussed in depth under the heading “Distant Focusing Overpressure Risk Analysis, Section 5.2”, under certain meteorological conditions the shock waves from a near pad explosion are refracted by the atmosphere so they focus at significant distances. These conditions create the potential for window breakage and injuries from flying glass. When these risks cannot be ruled out, analyses during the countdown are used to preclude such injuries.

An important element of prelaunch controls is the development of flight termination criteria and mission rules. Two important questions that must be answered in developing flight termination criteria are: which parameter(s) will be monitored to assess when flight termination is required, and how will the termination criteria be developed? Outside of the immediate launch area the preferred parameter is the projected vehicle instantaneous impact point and related hazard measures, such as debris footprints. Occasionally, vehicle design or flight termination system (FTS) design considerations preclude this alternative and terminate decisions must be based on vehicle present position. Prior to a vertically launched booster having pitched sufficiently in the downrange direction, the projected impact point is not a stable parameter. It may appear to wander about rather than moving smoothly in the downrange direction. Other supplemental parameters are needed during this period to assure that the vehicle is not malfunctioning, such as comparing the flown trajectory with the planned trajectory envelope or monitoring the vehicle attitude.

Several concepts are currently employed for establishing flight termination limits. A commonly used approach is to develop protection boundaries with some buffer about population centers and high value assets. Examples of this approach in the United States are the use of Impact Limit Lines by the US Eastern and Western Ranges. The Impact Limit Line clearly delineates a boundary beyond which it is desired to exclude essentially all of the hazardous debris. Destruct Lines are defined to accomplish this limitation. A concern that has been expressed by some is that this approach can allow large excursions of a malfunctioning vehicle from its planned trajectory when the trajectory is at a distance from the Impact Limit Lines.

An alternative concept adopted by other ranges is to determine how rapidly an errant vehicle can be positively identified by the Flight Safety Officer without inadvertently treating a normal vehicle near the limits of its flight envelope as a failed vehicle. Termination criteria are defined to envelope the impact points associated with these earliest-time-to-abort conditions. Risk analyses are then performed to assure that adequate protection has been provided to population centers and high value assets.

In recent years there has been a growing recognition that while it is essential to terminate the flight of an errant vehicle before it can hazard population centers, the very act of flight termination causes a concentration of debris impacts within a region. Supplementary analyses are now frequently performed to assure that the risks that would be induced if flight termination occurs is not excessive.

Range Safety System (Real Time during Launch/Flight)

Range safety systems must include an ability to monitor the vehicle to determine the vehicle status and an ability to limit the excursions of a malfunctioning vehicle. When a vehicle fails the range safety system provides the control to assure the ensuing losses are only mission losses and not injuries to people or damage to property. As such, each major system is required to have redundancy, have a demonstrated high level of reliability, and be able to perform its function during both normal flight and while a vehicle is malfunctioning. Moreover, the measurement update rate must be sufficient to allow malfunctions to be detected in a timely manner.

Historically, range safety systems included a Flight Safety Officer to determine when to act on the information provided by the system. Based on a display of relevant vehicle information the Flight Safety Officer would make the determination to allow the vehicle to continue to fly or to terminate flight. If flight termination was required, the Flight Safety Officer was required to send the appropriate encoded signals to the vehicle to terminate flight. More recently, there has been an evolution of autonomous flight termination systems that either augment the capability of a Flight Safety Officer or eliminate the necessity for a human decision maker.

A range safety system must include a mechanism for data acquisition, a means to transmit the data to where it can be processed, processing to extract the best measurement or combine measurements to provide the best estimates of the vehicle status, algorithms to derive parameters for decision making based on the processed measurements (e.g., projected instantaneous impact point), a process for decision making, and a means to implement a decision to terminate a flight.

A range safety system must be able to monitor the vehicle health and its state vector (present position and velocity). Vehicle health is assessed by comparing measured values of parameters with normal ranges of those parameters for the current flight conditions. Examples of parameters include chamber pressure, vehicle attitude, fuel line pressure, battery status, guidance computer outputs, and various discretes (discrete event occurrences, such as stage jettison). Vehicle health measures are important in order to identify as early as possible conditions that may result in the vehicle becoming hazardous or conditions under which range safety measures may become ineffective. The vehicle state vector serves two functions: A comparison of the state vector or the projected instantaneous impact point with established limits provides both an indication of the hazard potential given termination and another measure of vehicle health.

Vehicle monitoring includes measurement of the relevant data, transmission of the data from the vehicle to the ground, processing the data to extract information that can be interpreted to assess the current vehicle status, and displaying the relevant information for the Flight Safety Officer together with other decision aiding information.

There are seven top level performance parameters that are employed to determine the adequacy of a measurement for monitoring a mission (Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group, 2001):

1. A range tracking source must be sufficiently reliable to assure that the Flight Safety Officer has the necessary information to make critical real time decisions. The probability of a source producing undetectable out-of-specification data must be small. The probability of a source showing that a non-nominal vehicle is nominal must be extremely small.

2. Tracking sources must be independent of each other. Failure of one system must not degrade the performance of another.

3. The tracking source must produce sufficient information to monitor the vehicle’s in-flight performance, e.g., time, position, and velocity.

4. The measurement accuracy must be sufficient to support range safety decisions.

5. Sample rates must be high enough to accommodate vehicle dynamics and support timely decision making.

6. Time delays (latency) between when a measurement is taken and when it is available to support decision making must be acceptably small.

7. A measurement should be accompanied by indicators of quality or confidence in the measurement. This supports editing and source selection.

The Range Commanders Council has published a number of excellent guidance documents relating to different types of tracking sources (Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group, 2001; Range Commanders Council Electronic Trajectory Measurement Group, 1980; Range Commanders Council Electronic Trajectory Measurements Group, 1998; Range Commanders Council GPSRSA Ad Hoc Group, 1998). The following provides top level summary guidance:

Historically, vehicle state vectors were derived from ground based observations. In the immediate launch area visual observations using sky screens were used to detect failures of the vehicle to follow the proper pitch profile and to detect excursions to the right or left of the planned trajectory envelope. Radars have been employed for tracking at greater distances. When a launch vehicle is high enough above the horizon to avoid ground clutter of the signal, radar skin track can produce an adequate characterization of vehicle position at modest ranges; numerical differentiation of the data has been used to produce velocity estimates. At greater ranges, a tracking aid in the form of a beacon is often used to improve tracking results. Other enhancements to radar tracking that have been employed include extracting range rate information from a tracking a coherent beacon and the use of multiple tracking instruments to reduce the geometric dilution of precision.

In recent years, other concepts have been employed to develop vehicle state vectors to reduce the dependencies of maintaining extensive radar networks. Most of these concepts employ some combination of measurements from an inertial measurement unit and global positioning system (GPS) information. Inertial measurement units may be part of the vehicle guidance or, preferably independent units. Moreover, in recent times the GPS unit and inertial measurement unit are often coupled to obtain the best of both technologies. Data from these devices is telemetered to the ground for processing. As a historical note, some of the earliest applications employed the Telemetered Inertial Guidance data from the vehicle itself. Indeed, the use of the vehicle’s guidance data is still sometimes employed. Use of the vehicle guidance data provides an extremely low measurement noise characterization of the vehicle’s state. However, it does not assure compliance with the requirement that vehicle failures shall not corrupt tracking information. Consequently, it has become common practice to require validation of the data provided by an inertial measurement unit after each shock event (such as staging) by an external independent source.

Data Processing

Measured data must be transformed into appropriate coordinates and parameters for real time displays, such as instantaneous impact points or debris footprints, must be calculated and displayed. Required processing of measured data depends on the characteristics of the measurements. Noisy measurements may be subjected to editing to discard wild points, and numerical filtering or smoothing to produce smoother estimates of vehicle position and velocity. Filtering eliminates noise at the cost of introducing systematic error (sometimes called filter lag) into the vehicle state vector estimates. Systematic errors can result in an apparent delay in the time at which assessments can be made of the vehicle’s projected instantaneous impact point and the onset of failures. When filtering is required tolerable random error represented by a noisy trace of the instantaneous impact point must be balanced against systematic errors.

Range Safety Displays

Range safety displays incorporate information related to the vehicle health and indications of vehicle excursions to support the Flight Safety Officer’s assessment of whether or not to allow a mission to continue. Display types include closed circuit television displays of the vehicle and other optical data, values of various telemetered parameters, and the results of real-time computations showing where the vehicle and its debris would land should a destruct signal be sent.

Examples of data frequently included in the telemetry stream are (1) thrust chamber pressures for each stage; (2) pitch, yaw and roll rates; (3) pitch, yaw, and roll angles; (4) engine gimbal positions; (5) battery voltages; (6) automatic gain control readings for the command receiver; (7) discrete events; (8) accelerations; and (9) state vector data from the inertial guidance set.

Displays of trajectory position or velocity information are the most fundamental type of displays. Typical displays include a vertical plane and a ground plane display. Vertical plane displays may be in the plane of the trajectory; frequently, however, they represent projections into vertical planes offset from the trajectory plane by 45 degrees. In the immediate launch vicinity this allows the implications of deviations from the trajectory to be quickly comprehended and protect against dangerous pitch up conditions. Ground plane present-position plots are similarly used for early detection of failures. Velocity versus time plots are used to compare vehicle velocity profiles with planned profiles and discrete events.

Plots of projected instantaneous impact points and debris footprints provide another level of sophistication. These indicate where the intact vehicle would impact if thrust were terminated and depict a pattern within which the debris from an associated flight termination action is expected to impact. Comparison of these hazard measures with termination criteria is frequently used as a primary means of assessing when to terminate flight of a launch vehicle.

Figure 4.1.5 depicts an example of a range safety display of telemetered vehicle health information. The display shows status information in the form of tabulated data, time histories, and bar graphs. Figure 4.1.6 shows a typical range safety display for monitoring vehicle excursions. The background includes the launch pad and the adjacent coastline. A line passes along the launch azimuth through the vehicle present position to the Vacuum Impact Point. An Impact Limit Line protects the coastal communities from significant debris impacts. Within the envelope of the Impact Limit Line is the Destruct Line. Should the vehicle projected Vacuum Impact Point reach the Destruct Line the vehicle will be destroyed. Additional information is displayed to assist the Flight Safety Officer in anticipating the hazards that may be generated by a failed vehicle. These include a simplified depiction of a debris pattern and lines showing how far the high ballistic coefficient portion of the debris pattern can move in a predefined time interval.


FIGURE 4.1.5 Example of range safety display of telemetered health information. (Parker et al., 1989)


FIGURE 4.1.6 Example of a range safety display for an orbital mission. (Parker et al., 1989)


Requirements for a flight termination system (FTS) are defined in detail by Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group, 2010. The following summarizes key features of an FTS. An FTS must:

1. control vehicles experiencing failure or degraded performance that can lead to a public safety hazard by eliminating thrust, lift, yaw for all vehicle stages;

2. produce a small number of pieces, all of which are unstable and impact within a small footprint;

3. control disposition of hazardous materials (burning propellant, toxic materials, radioactive materials, ordnance, etc.);

4. be supportable during assembly, test, prelaunch, launch and flight operations at launch range; and

5. demonstrate high reliability and probability of survivability of operating environments with adequate reserve margins.

The basic components of an FTS system are:

1. Flight Termination Receiver;

2. Antenna System;

3. Independent Battery Source;

4. Safety Lockouts: Safe and Arm devices, timers, etc.;

5. Termination devices (cutting charges and other explosives, fuel valves, ignition cut-off relays, etc.);

6. FTS control and monitoring devices.

Figure 4.1.7 depicts a typical flight safety system, the connections to key FTS components, and the required communications channels for the system.


FIGURE 4.1.7 Typical flight safety system with FTS. (Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group, 2010)

Once a vehicle is airborne, the range safety system and the FTS, in particular, are the only tools available to assure public safety in the event of a failure. Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group, 2010, is one of the most definitive guides to FTS requirements. Consequently, Figure 4.1.8 is given as a guide to the reader who desires to pursue an understanding of these systems in greater depth. Chapter 2 of Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group, 2010, characterizes a practice operated by US government ranges to allow range users to demonstrate that they can meet the safety requirements for the FTS systems without complying with one or more of the detailed requirements.


FIGURE 4.1.8 Structure of RCC 319. (Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group, 2010)

Chapter 3 of the RCC 319 standard details performance requirements at the component, subsystem and system level. Chapter 6 focuses on the design considerations for the ground support and range safety system monitoring equipment. Chapter 7 discusses how analyses may be employed to reduce the required testing and to demonstrate compliance with the performance requirements. Chapters 4 and 5 detail the testing requirements at the component, subsystem and system level intended to produce a highly reliable system in operation. Finally, Chapter 8 characterizes the required trail of documentation of tests and analyses to assure traceability of the implementation of requirements. Cited chapters refer to Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group, 2010.

A significant emphasis of this document is placed on assuring that the system will function as intended with a high degree of reliability. To that end, Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group, 2010, details specifications for several types of tests of the system and its components:

• Qualification Testing is used to provide confidence that FTS and components can withstand operational environment and have adequate margins.

• Acceptance Testing is used to prove workmanship. It increases the confidence that production units are as reliable as those that passed the qualification testing.

• Certification Testing is typically performed on critical components after acceptance testing, as close to launch day as possible. Certification testing is typically performed on Flight Termination Receivers and Safe and Arm devices.

• Assembly and Checkout tests are usually performed within 30 days of launch to detect a faulty component that may have developed problems since its last check. These tests are designed to provide end-to-end testing, as well as calibration of telemetry (TM) channels.

• Prelaunch tests are final checks prior to launch on components such as Flight Termination Receiver tone checks, FTS battery, Safe and Arm devices.

The functionality of systems involving a Flight Safety Officer and autonomous systems is similar. Vehicle malfunctions must be detected and disposal of hazardous materials from the malfunctioning vehicle must be directed to impact safely away from people and high value assets.

An airborne Autonomous Flight Termination System (AFTS) eliminates the need for Flight Termination Receivers and Antenna Systems. The airborne AFTS adds the need for on-board processing and additional on-board sources of state vector information, such as GPS or inertial navigation system (INS) and associated hardware and software. Although AFTS have been used for a number of years and there is growing acceptance of their usage, they have not yet received total acceptance from the range safety communities. While an AFTS offers significant advantages in decreasing required support sensors, providing flexibility in launch locations and more responsive termination of an errant vehicle, there remain concerns which are currently being worked:

1. Loss of tracking resulting in an AFTS action.

2. Integrity of tracking data (clearly defining required actions when one or more sources are lost).

3. Managing software single point failures.

4. Managing potential common cause failures.

5. Providing adequate assurance that conditions warranting vehicle destruct can be detected.

6. Encompassing the range of flight termination rules currently employed at all ranges.

7. Meeting the weight and volume constraints for additional hardware on missile and launch vehicle systems.

Several types of flight termination actions are possible; however, from range safety perspective, explosive charges breaking up the vehicle is normally the preferred method. The following is a brief summary of other methods that have been employed:

1. Solid rocket motors may be equipped with thrust termination ports on the forward portion of the stage. Removing these ports nullifies the thrust of the stage. However, this type of flight termination may result in the impact of a stage containing substantial amounts of propellant with the potential for a large explosion.

2. Liquid propellant rocket motors may be equipped with propellant and oxidizer shut-off valves. Closure of these valves causes the rocket motors to cease thrusting. The impact of the non-thrusting stage may cause the two tanks to rupture and produce an explosion.

3. Vehicles with aerodynamic control surfaces may be caused to pitch into the ground or tumble by appropriate commands to these control surfaces.

Recently, in anticipation of increased flight of reusable launch vehicles (RLVs), there have been attempts to examine the applicability of other technologies, such as those employed for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to launch vehicles (Fudge et al., 2003). Important concepts that have been considered include the possibility of flight-safing a vehicle and the possibility of vehicle recovery. Flight-safing a vehicle is a potential strategy for non-crewed vehicles capable of sustained powered flight within the atmosphere. When a vehicle is capable of redirection and sustained powered flight, this flight-safing requires controlled flight to a safe region. When feasible, the vehicle would then be directed to land. Otherwise, redirection to a safe way point would allow the vehicle to return to Earth safely. Vehicle recovery systems require the termination of powered flight followed by a “soft” landing, such as re-entry employing a landing system composed of parachutes to reduce the impact velocity and airbags to dampen the effect of the impact on the vehicle.

Range Safety Analysis

Introductory Remarks

Range safety analyses are performed to assure that proposed launch of a space vehicle can be executed without exceeding public safety limits. Moreover, these analyses provide the basis for identifying mitigating actions that can be used to modify non-compliant missions to meet the public safety limits and for compliant mission to identify opportunities to easily further reduce the risk.

Five hazard mechanisms are associated with launching space vehicles:

• Inert debris striking people or structures housing people.

• Blast waves from explosive debris striking structures or impacting in the immediate proximity of people or structures housing people.

• Explosions producing blast waves affecting people in buildings at some distance as a result of distant focusing overpressure.

• Toxic emissions from impacting burning propellant, a deflagration on impact or from normally thrusting vehicles.

• Thermal hazards from solid propellant firebrands or liquid propellant fireballs.

The data and processes required to perform complete flight safety risk analyses can be quite complex. Often, simpler approaches are desired so that the feasibility of proposed programs can be rapidly assessed. Simplified approaches should be designed to accomplish two objectives: They should require data that is more easily available and allow the analysis to be accomplished more rapidly. In addition, they must assure that they will not understate the risk levels for any proposed mission (Murray, August 2006).

One of the simplest concepts is to determine the physical limits of the region that can be hazarded by a mission. Conceptually, this approach defines a region encompassing the kinematic range of the vehicle combined with the extent of the hazarded area at the boundary of the kinematic footprint. Guidelines for screening analyses of toxic risks and risks from distant focusing overpressure have been published in the United States (Risk Committee, 2007) and are summarized in the appropriate sections below. Designing a conservative, simple debris risk analysis poses additional challenges (Murray, August 2006). Currently, no specific guidelines have been established for these analyses. Murray, August 2006, summarizes many of the important considerations in defining such simplifying approaches. Many of the simplifying assumptions for debris risk analyses are conservative (overstate risks) for one type of scenario, but are not conservative for other scenarios.

This section presents approaches to debris risk analysis for inert and explosive debris that may threaten people in the vicinity of the impact points, including an introduction to characterizing thermal hazards. Section 5.2, “Distant focusing overpressure risk analysis”, discusses the risks to people at a distance from impacting debris resulting from an explosion and atmospheric focusing of the resulting blast wave resulting in window breakage throwing glass shards into buildings. Section 5.1, “Toxic hazards”, discusses toxic risks from launch operations.

It is important, however, to see the details of the analysis approach in the context of the fundamental purposes of flight safety analysis. Figure 4.1.9 provides an overview of a systematic approach to mission flight safety analysis data development. (Useful checklists for approaching an analysis may be found in Chapter 2 of Risk Committee, 2007.) The process begins with an identification of the types of threats potentially posed by the mission, including the specific hazard mechanisms, the relevant portions of flight, and the character of the regions or population centers that may be threatened. Scoping continues with an evaluation of viable approaches for terminating an errant booster’s flight or constraining flight to be in regions away from regions to be protected.


FIGURE 4.1.9 Scoping the flight safety analysis and developing analysis data.

With the context described above, the analyst can begin to identify the character of the specific events that can result in a hazardous release. Planned hazardous events may include scheduled jettisons of spent stages or fairings, planned controlled re-entries, and, on occasion, the emission of toxic combustion products. Planned events have a high probability of occurrence and, in comparison to malfunctions, are relatively well defined. Consequently, a higher standard of protection may be required for these hazards.

Malfunction induced hazards pose additional challenges. It is critical that potential malfunctions be defined that adequately characterize the full region that may be placed at risk. Malfunctions to be modeled should consider structural, engine/motor, staging, and guidance/navigation failures. Guidance and navigation failures should consider major response modes, e.g., stuck nozzle/thrust vector offset (typically includes hard over, stuck in current position, and stuck at null position), fin deflection, loss of fin, pointing vector error, coordinate system reset, guidance program catastrophic failure (e.g. failure to initiate pitch over). It is important that failure response modeling include some closed loop failures to identify the extent of vehicle off-nominal diversion capabilities. Abrupt hard-over nozzle failures often result in a rapid tumble. Closed loop failures are characterized by controlled flight along an erroneous trajectory. Development of failure modes and associated response mode trajectories must be performed in conjunction with assessing the probabilities of each malfunction as a function of flight time, identifying the mechanisms that may result in breakup of the launch vehicle and developing debris catalogs for each such condition. Moreover, in the process of developing such debris catalogs the potential for the secondary hazards (explosion on impact, release of toxic materials, and thermal hazards) must be considered.

As an analysis plan is formulated, it is useful to compare the characteristics of the vehicle and the mission with those that have been challenging in the past. The following highlights some of these issues:

Vehicle characteristics

• Complex guidance and control systems: Examples of issues previously encountered leading to modeling challenges include multiple on-board guidance computers, multiple concurrently operating engines, and variable length coast phases between stages of powered flight.

• Complex aerodynamic regimes: Missions with hypersonic flight regimes during which they pose threats to populations, vehicles that have stable lift characteristics after thrust termination, and vehicles with stages that can trim at very large angles of attack.

• Additional threat mechanisms beyond inert debris: These may include the potential for detonation on impact, the possibility of release of toxic material at or near the surface, or the potential for release of radioactive materials.

Mission characteristics

• Extensive overflight of populated land masses.

• Overflight of multiple airlanes.

• Overflight of highly trafficked shipping lanes.

• Critical portions of mission outside of the range of supporting tracking systems or flight control systems.

Modeling challenges

• Potential needs to address directional destruct velocities.

• Non-Gaussian distributions of destruct velocities or mission envelope.

• Very small impact dispersions about fragment impact points.

• Impact distributions dominated by a single non-Gaussian source of uncertainty.

Debris Risk Analysis

This section presents first an overview of the typical process used for a launch debris analysis, including the fundamental equation used for computation of expected casualties. Subsequent subsections describe critical input data and various approaches used for launch debris risk analysis. Risk analysis is an iterative process to assess whether the public and mission support personnel have been adequately protected and to identify opportunities to reduce the risk levels to which they are exposed.

Overview of a General Debris Risk Analysis Procedure

This section outlines the general risk analysis procedure steps, including the fundamental equation used for computation of expected casualties. Subsequent subsections describe each step in more detail. Figure 4.1.10 summarizes the procedure graphically.


FIGURE 4.1.10 Overview of the general cumulative risk analysis procedure.

(1) Identify hazards

Hazard identification consists of reviewing vehicle intended performance and potential malfunctions to assess (1) credible sources of threats to life and property; (2) the sequences of events that result in these threats; and (3) the probability of each event sequence. Typical failure modes include: structural failure (joint failure, buckling, loss of fins); loss of inertial reference by the guidance system; loss of control (e.g. nozzle hard-over, nozzle null, actuator jams); propulsion system failures (case burn-through, premature thrust termination); and flight safety system malfunctions (inadvertent flight termination system action, failure of the flight termination system).

Fault trees and event trees are used for this analysis; they are used to identify all of the failure modes and sequences of events that lead to hazardous end states.

(2) Develop failure probabilities

Failure probabilities are frequently based on a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). However, manufacturers tend to be very optimistic about mission success, ignoring the possibility of human error. Therefore the probabilities must be anchored to the launch history of the vehicle or, if the vehicle is relatively new, to the failure history of similar vehicles developed under similar circumstances.

(3) Develop breakup state vectors for debris generating events

Breakup state vectors are developed by simulating many malfunction trajectories. If flight termination criteria are being used, the projected impact point or footprint during the malfunction is computed and compared with the criteria. Trajectories that produce criteria violations are terminated to get the destruct state vectors for a vehicle that has been aborted based upon the criteria. In addition, vehicles may breakup or self destruct because of aerodynamic or inertial loads, and breakup state vectors must be determined for these events.

Uncertainties in the breakup state vectors due to vehicle guidance and performance uncertainty and due to uncertainty in the range safety system delays must also be determined.

(4) Define debris characteristics

For each event the likelihood of the vehicle remaining intact or breaking up must be determined. For vehicle breakup, the fragments are defined in terms of their numbers, sizes, aerodynamic characteristics, and any imparted velocities that they might receive from an explosion. The fragments are divided into groups having similar characteristics.

(5) Propagate debris to impact

The fragments usually follow a ballistic path to impact. Impact distributions can be developed using Monte Carlo (random sampling) methods or by propagating state vector uncertainty (expressed as a covariance matrix) using linear relationships. The uncertainties in the ballistic trajectory result from fragment ballistic coefficient uncertainty, dispersion due to explosion imparted velocities, lift effects, and wind uncertainty.

(6) Develop impact probability distributions

The impact probability distributions are generated by summing the covariance matrices representing the impact uncertainties for each of the sources of uncertainty (the covariance matrices are typically expressed in an east (E) – north (N) coordinate system)

image (1)

(7) Compute impact probability

The total impact covariance matrix for a given fragment group is usually assumed to define a bivariate normal impact distribution1

The impact probability (PI) for a specified fragment and population center is obtained by integrating the bivariate normal density function over the region of the population center.

To compute the probability of one-or-more fragment impacts, statistical independence is assumed resulting in the formula:

image (2)

where Pj = impact probability of fragment j, where j covers all of the fragments over all of the fragment groups.

To obtain the total impact probability for a mission, the PI(≥1) values for each failure time and failure mode are weighted by their corresponding probability of occurrence and these are aggregated.

(8) vCompute casualty expectation

The equation for casualty expectation for a debris group “i” for population center “j” for a given failure time and failure mode, is given by:

image (3)


PIij is the probability of a fragment from debris group “i” impacting on population center “j”;
ACi is the effective casualty area for a fragment from debris group “i” (the area on the ground within which a person will become a casualty) for the given population center and shelter category (outside or in a specified type of sheltering);
NFi is the number of fragments in debris group “i”;
NPj is the number of people in population center “j” in the given shelter category; and
APj is the area of the population center.

To obtain the total casualty expectation for a given failure time and failure mode, the EC values are summed over all fragment classes, shelter categories, and population centers, i.e.

image (4)

The EC–Total values are weighted by their corresponding probability of occurrence and summed over all failure times and failure modes to get the total (mission) casualty expectation due to debris impact hazards.

(9) Cumulative procedure to compute risks

1. Select a flight time (representing a failure time interval) and assume a failure occurs.

2. Consider a specific mode of failure and define the vehicle dispersions.

3. Select a fragment group resulting from vehicle breakup.

4. Develop the fragment group impact probability distribution.

5. Compute the impact probability and casualty expectation for each population center.

6. Weight the impact probabilities and casualty expectations by the probability of failure associated with the specific failure time and failure mode.

7. Reiterate for all combinations of failure time/interval, failure mode and fragment group.

8. Statistically combine to obtain the total risks (impact probability and casualty expectation).

The debris risk analysis determines the expected casualties from inert debris impacts and from the overpressure and impulse from exploding debris, for all of the populated areas of concern. For inert debris, probabilities of casualty are computed based on the impact velocity, area, and mass of the impacting debris. For people in structures, the ability of the debris to penetrate the roof is determined and the numbers of casualties are calculated considering the fragment characteristics as well as the roof and upper floor characteristics. If the debris explodes upon impact, which may be the case for intact stages (liquid or solid propellant) or for large chunks of solid propellant, the overpressure and impulse from the shock wave are used to compute casualties for people in the open and for people located in damaged buildings. The models consider the effects of flying glass as well as failing walls and ceilings due to the shock wave.

The process is cumulative. Risk computations are made for failures occurring during specified time intervals (usually between 2 and 5 seconds long) and for each of the failure response modes that can occur during each time interval. For each time and mode, the computations are made for all of the individual debris categories and for all of the affected population centers. The EC for the entire launch is obtained by summing over all times and all failure response modes.

image (5)

Considering the number of times, the number of failure response modes, the number of debris groups, and the number of population centers, one analysis could have as many as 106 individual EC computations.

Figure 4.1.11 illustrates the overall debris risk analysis process, including critical input and output data.


FIGURE 4.1.11 General debris risk analysis process.

The following subsections address significant details involved in the key steps of a launch debris risk analysis, including input data development.

Mission Characterization and Hazard Identification

The first step in any analysis is defining the problem. This begins with a characterization of the launch vehicle including the motors/stages, interstages, payload fairings, guidance and control systems, mass properties, propellant, and on-board instrumentation. It continues with developing a description of the proposed mission scenario. Is the launch an orbital mission, a suborbital mission, a technology demonstrator or experiment? What are the mission requirements (altitude, range, vehicle attitude, event/timing, instrumentation, etc.)? What is the proposed flight path and allowable performance envelope? What is the location of the ground trace of the proposed mission, with respect to regions to be protected, population centers, shipping lanes, air corridors?

The next step is to review the safety systems that will be used to support the mission. What type of flight termination system is planned for the vehicle (commanded, automatic, autonomous, …)? How is termination implemented (linear shaped charge, dome charge, thrust termination ports, fuel line cuts, …)? What tracking uncertainties and systematic errors exist? What type of termination criteria will be used to support the mission? What time delays exist between violation of a termination criterion and thrust termination?

Hazard identification consists of reviewing the vehicle intended performance and potential malfunctions to assess credible sources of threats to life and property, the sequences of events that may result in these threats, and the probability of each event sequence. This process is dependent on having performed a thorough job of vehicle and mission characterization. Hazard identification will then, commonly, continue with developing fault trees and event trees to identify all of the failure modes and sequences of events that lead to hazardous events.

At the conclusion of the mission definition and hazard identification phase, the analyst should have a good qualitative understanding of the challenges to risk management. Will the mission be feasible to accomplish by containing hazards or will risk-informed decisions be required? Will exclusion regions in the launch area, at sea or in airspace be easily accommodated? Are there scenarios with significant catastrophic potential? Are there geographical regions exposed to significant levels of risk? If so, do these regions lie near the trajectory or at some distance cross-range? What hazards might make significant contributions to the risk? (Can it be demonstrated that the risks from certain hazards can be estimated using some simple bounding calculation?) The answers to these types of questions are directly relevant to the subsequent development of input data and the selection of an appropriate method for the debris risk analysis. Data development and modeling fidelity requirements are directly related to their significance to the final decision making process. When calculated risks based on simple, conservative assumptions are well below acceptability criteria more refined analyses are not usually required. If, however, the risk levels approach the maximum tolerable then higher fidelity modeling and the usage of data with less uncertainty is required.

As Figure 4.1.9 suggests, there are two major pathways producing risk, one for planned events and the second for malfunctions. The most common hazards resulting from planned events are the jettisons of spent hardware (fairings, stages, etc.) and the potential for toxic emissions during normal combustion of propellant. Hazards from malfunctions initiate with a failure (one or more critical components fail). Usually, the other major components continue to perform as designed. (It is, of course, possible for one failure to trigger a second one.) The vehicle continues to fly until a condition occurs resulting in the termination of effective thrust and coordinated lift, such as: an explosion; breakup resulting from activation of a flight termination system; breakup resulting from aerodynamic loads; or ground impact. While the approach to failure characterization will often be shaped by the analysis structure, the following failure categories often form a useful framework:

(a) Immediate breakup: The vehicle has been flying a nominal mission until onset of failure. The failure initiates an immediate breakup of the vehicle. For example, explosions, structural failure, and inadvertent termination are three types of immediate failures. Immediate breakup failures produce a hazard near the ground trace of the normal trajectory. The dispersion of the breakup state vectors will typically derive from the dispersed trajectories characterizing the uncertainty in the vehicle guidance and the vehicle performance.

(b) Control failures: The vehicle is structurally intact, its guidance and measurement systems are functional; however, they cannot effectively direct vehicle thrust or the vehicle has diminished thrust. Common examples of control failures include: stuck nozzles; inability to direct the nozzle resulting in oscillating nozzle positions; exhausted control propellant/fluid; loss of an aero surface, such as a fin; burn-through of the motor or nozzle misdirecting the thrust; gain error (resulting in over/under compensation); and degraded thrust. Stuck nozzles result in a malfunction turn of the type illustrated in Figure 4.1.12. The thrust vector offset causes the vehicle to follow a spiral trajectory until flight is terminated by a flight termination action or aerodynamic forces cause the vehicle to breakup. Oscillating nozzle positions may cause the vehicle to follow a meandering trajectory until flight is terminated. Degraded thrust may result in an on trajectory failure.


FIGURE 4.1.12 Example of a malfunction turn.

(c) Guidance system failures: The guidance system has lost reference so that it does not know where the vehicle is or the guidance system is misdirecting the vehicle. Some examples of this category of failure include guidance program re-initialization, bad data from a measurement unit being fed to the guidance system, an error in the guidance program, incorrect hardware or software installed, failure to initiate the guidance program, or the wrong initial orientation of the system.
All but the simplest guidance failures are difficult to model. The following are among the failures that can be addressed without a detailed understanding of the vehicle guidance and control system: failure to pitch-over (program) and instantaneous reorientation to a new heading and otherwise normal flight along the new heading. Somewhat more realistic, but more challenging to model, is a coordinated turn to a new heading followed by otherwise normal flight.

(d) Staging/jettison failures: Examples include failure to ignite or re-ignite a stage or a failure to jettison a stage, a fairing or other hardware as planned. Failure to ignite or reignite is likely to result in ballistic re-entry of the vehicle, either in a stable orientation or tumbling. Failure to jettison hardware is, typically, more difficult to model. It requires a 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) model of the vehicle, its guidance and control system to address how the guidance system responds to carrying excessive mass. Typically, although the vehicle is thrusting and under the control of the guidance system, it is too massive to reach orbit or the planned orbit. Should it succeed in reaching orbit, it may be sufficiently off-nominal so as to re-enter after only a few orbits. However, those failures that result in a stable, but erroneous orbit are of secondary concern from a public safety perspective.

Event trees are a useful tool for mapping credible vehicle failures and tracing them to end state vehicle response modes, mapping the associated breakup modes, and determining the vehicle failure probabilities associated with each end event. Figure 4.1.13 illustrates a top level event tree analysis for reusable launch vehicle (RLV). Most of this figure could equally apply to an expendable launch vehicle (ELV). However, the shaded boxes labeled “Vehicle Recovery Attempted” are an important distinguishing feature of the RLVs. Figure 4.1.14 follows the possible events that unfold when there is an attempt to recover the vehicle ranging from a normal abort landing with no adverse safety consequences to various levels of catastrophic consequences.


FIGURE 4.1.13 Sample top level RLV event tree (Baeker et al., May 2002).

(1) Assumes degraded thrust results in thrust shutdown and/or loss of control, and that vehicle falls uncontrolled unless an abort mode can be initiated.

(2) Assumes activation of a propellant dispersal system that dumps the propellant from both the rocket motor fuel and oxidizer tanks.

(3) Breakup during re-entry (from air loads, inertial loads and heating) is assumed to result in significant vehicle breakup that causes the propellant tanks to be ruptured or, at least, the fuel tank(s) separated from the oxidizer tank(s) so as to prevent an explosion at impact.

(4) Assumes limited breakup (main body plus torn off aero surfaces, tiles, etc.) or no breakup such that impact occurs with propellants still on board. Amount of propellant remaining at impact is assumed to be the same as that at initial failure.

(5) Breakup during re-entry from air loads, inertial loads and heating, possibly aided by activation of the propellant dump system, is assumed to result in limited (a main body plus torn off aero surfaces, tiles, etc.) or significant breakup and with all propellant dispersed.

(6) Assumes an explosion will result unless mitigating actions are taken. Mitigating actions are assumed to include abort activation.

(7) Assumes that explosion results in violent vehicle breakup and propellant dispersal.

(8) Assumes that a health monitoring system detects an impending explosion, shuts down engine and initiates abort; or that the explosion is contained allowing an abort.

(9) Assumes that the structural failure is not catastrophic and that an abort can be initiated.


FIGURE 4.1.14 Sample abort mode event tree.
(1) Unneeded propellant is the propellant that is not required for auxiliary systems that would be used during the abort landing. The dumping could be initiated anytime during the abort that allows sufficient time to expel all unneeded propellant before landing (or impact), and could occur after a loss of vehicle control.
(2) Assumes impact with little or no propellants and no explosion. Includes cases with limited vehicle breakup during descent.
(3) Assumes significant vehicle breakup occurring after most or all of the unneeded propellants are dumped. No in-flight explosion.
(4) A crash landing, with a possible explosion, could result due to the failure to expel sufficient propellant prior to landing
(5) Assumes impact with significant propellant and an explosion. Includes cases with limited vehicle breakup during descent that does not result in dispersal of propellants or separation of fuel and oxidizer tanks.
(6) Assumes significant vehicle breakup resulting in dispersal of the propellants or, at least, separation of the fuel and oxidizer tanks. An in-flight explosion from mixing propellants is possible.

While there are many possible failure modes it is important to categorize them by vehicle response modes to facilitate public safety analysis. The previous discussion begins to address that concern. There are a number of possible end states following on set of failure including: structural failure, aero thermal breakup, range safety flight termination action, intact impact, and achieving orbit in spite of the failure. In later sections, we consider some alternatives to estimating debris impact probability.

Development of data for analysis

Having scoped the risk analysis to determine the threats the mission poses, the critical regions to be protected, and how quickly an errant missile must be terminated, the analyst has gained an insight as to which portions of the analysis are most critical and the likely risk drivers. Data development must address all needed data; however, it will focus on the portions of flight and the data items that are expected to be risk drivers. The next several sections address data development.

Failure Probability Development

A booster flight may result in two distinct classes of hazard generating events: those associated with a normally performing booster, such as jettisoning a spent stage or emitting toxic combustion products, and those associated with a vehicle malfunction. It is common to model the planned events as occurring with a probability of one. For a mature, reliable vehicle this only slightly overstates the probability of these events; for a new vehicle the added conservatism is appropriate to address the limits of our knowledge. Moreover, frequently the hazards from these planned events can be managed using hazard containment. It is more challenging to estimate the probability that the vehicle will fail, what the relative likelihood of different failure response modes is, and how this varies throughout flight.

Unlike automobile accidents for which there is a large database including many accidents and many hours of driving, the total historical database for space launch vehicles is rather sparse. Operating time for all launch vehicles world-wide is substantially less than the operating time for a particular automobile model within one political jurisdiction. Moreover, it is important to have failure probabilities that characterize the particular launch vehicle configuration of interest, not all launch vehicles. This presents a challenge.

The vehicle manufacturer will typically have detailed knowledge of the design of the vehicle, including credible malfunction response modes. Frequently, the vehicle manufacturer will perform extensive failure analyses as part of their design efforts and to support the ability of the vehicle to meet its target reliability goals. These analyses are a valuable source of information. However, there are important differences between the needs of the launch agency and the vehicle manufacturer and the needs of the safety organization.

The launch agency will regard any anomaly that prevents them from achieving the objectives of their launch operation to be a failure. An orbital mission that fails to achieve the desired orbit is a failure even if the payload is placed into a degraded orbit. A suborbital mission designed to support a tracking exercise is a success if during the portion of the trajectory involved in the tracking exercise the vehicle presents the appropriate cross section to the trackers. A malfunction later in the flight is not a failure from this perspective.

By contrast, the safety organization is only concerned about whether a vehicle anomaly did or could create a threat to the populations being protected. A failure to achieve the desired orbit would not be regarded as a safety failure. A failure “beyond the end of the tracking exercise” would be a safety failure.

There are other important factors that lead to differences in failure predictions between the launch operator and the safety organization: The launch operator, by nature, must be optimistic about the success of the launch. Moreover, he/she must convince his/her customer that the vehicle has a high probability of success. The launch operator predictions often assume that the vehicle is built as designed, and that there are no failure mechanisms that the design did not consider. Safety personnel have observed that vehicles fail significantly more often than launch operators predict. Failures are often a consequence of human error during the design, manufacturing, processing or testing. Safety personnel are obligated to protect the public and must select failure probabilities that are reflective of reality by accounting for actual launch history.

As a result of these differences, it is important that overall failure probabilities be anchored in empirical launch history. Vehicle and stage failure probabilities should be firmly anchored with empirical data. By contrast, the vehicle manufacturer’s understanding of credible vehicle failure response modes and the relative likelihood of their occurrence is an invaluable supplement to empirical data.

How then do these two sets of data get merged to produce useful failure mode/response mode probabilities and rates for flight safety analysis? The vehicle developer provides subsystem failure mode data, preferably for each phase of flight. This information is employed to build event trees to show the relationships between the failure modes and the resulting vehicle response modes. All failure mode probabilities for a given response mode/phase of flight combination are summed to give the total failure probability resulting in that response mode during the phase of flight. All response mode failure probabilities for each phase of flight are summed to give the total failure probability. Historical flight experience is used to scale these probabilities to more accurately reflect flight experience.

The next obvious question is “What constitutes flight experience and how should it be used?” There are several scenarios of interest: 1) There have been many flights of the same vehicle including a number of failures. 2) The vehicle is new or includes major redesigns so that there are few or no flights. 3) There is some flight history, but no failures for one or more stages.

There would be no argument about the validity of an analysis based only on the exact configuration to be launched. Unfortunately, from a statistical perspective, launch vehicle configurations are frequently modified to reflect the latest designer understanding or to tailor the vehicle for a mission. Nevertheless, there are basic vehicle configurations that are used to support particular classes of missions. This increases sample sizes for a mature program. Nevertheless, the question remains of how to treat the second and third scenario listed in the previous paragraph. One approach is to identify proxy data – launch experience that is similar to that of the vehicle being analyzed. A number of approaches have been used to identify “similar experience”. Flight of a stage as part of a different vehicle is one source of information. Flight of other vehicles in the same vehicle family is another. Other categories that have been employed include whether the vehicle was produced by an experienced manufacturer, whether the vehicle is “mature”, the type of propulsion system the vehicle uses, etc. It is apparent that there are a number of thought processes that analysts have used to find potentially relevant data.

One could pool the data from all similar experience and use a simple point estimate for the failure probability, the ratio of the total number of failures to the total number of trials. While this produces a larger sample, it does not recognize the difference between similar experience and the launch vehicle being analyzed.

An alternative approach is to employ a Bayesian statistical formulation2. The first step is to identify the historical data sets from similar vehicles or stages. Although there may be more than one applicable data set, frequently previous data sets are grouped together. The point estimate of failure probability is given by the following equation.


where r = number of observed failures and n =the number of trials.

Suppose there are two previous data sets and that one is more relevant than the other. In the first data set there have been n1 launches and r1 failures; in the second data set there have been n2 launches and r2 failures. The Bayesian estimate of failure probability requires defining weighting factors (W1, W2,W3) to assign relative importance of the two prior data sets and the launch experience of the vehicle being analyzed. The general Bayesian estimate


One of the simplest formulations of the Bayesian estimate assigns weighting factors equal to one to all the data sets. The effect of this formulation is to weight the experience of the data set proportionally to the number of trials it includes. If the equal weighting approach is applied using a moderately large data set of for previous launches to estimates for a relatively new vehicle, the experience from the large data set overwhelms actual launch experience for the vehicle of interest for many flights. It is desirable to adjust the weighting factors so that the prior data provides insights before there is adequate flight experience with the vehicle being analyzed but that flight experience is strongly weighted as it develops.

Suppose there is a single relevant historical data set. One approach to achieve the stated objective is to use a weighting factor of one for the vehicle being analyzed and a weighting factor of image for the proxy data. This weighting factor assignment achieves the desired result. An analyst should perform sample calculations to assess whether the rate at which the “memory” of the proxy data fades is suitable for the problem being worked.

The previous discussion was expressed in terms of a point estimate of failure probability. Many have argued that for safety critical functions a more conservative approach is required, particularly while sample sizes are small. This has been addressed by using confidence bounds for the probability estimates. Two types of approaches have been used. The first is to employ an upper confidence bound at some level of significance, say a single-sided 90% upper confidence bound. This approach results in very conservative estimates. An alternative is to use the midpoint value between the bounds of symmetrical confidence intervals, for example, the average of the values of the two-sided confidence limit at the 10% and the 90% probability points. This results in a more conservative value than a point estimate but less conservative than a single-sided upper confidence bound.

The above discussion characterizes tools and approaches for estimating vehicle or stage failure probability. These approaches can be used individually or in various combinations to provide probability estimates for an analysis.

Trajectory input data development

This section discusses the two major types of trajectory data that are generally required for a launch debris risk analysis: trajectories spanning the flight envelope for normally performing vehicles and malfunction trajectories.

Figure 4.1.15 illustrates two important trajectory characteristics for flight safety analyses. The figure shows a simple trajectory and identifies for a pair of trajectory points the subvehicle point, the point on the Earth’s surface directly below the vehicle, and the Instantaneous Impact Points (IIP), the points along the surface of the Earth where the vehicle would impact should it cease thrusting and continue along a ballistic trajectory to impact.


FIGURE 4.1.15 Trajectory, subvehicle point and IIP.

Normal flight variations encompass guidance errors or drift within the range of acceptability to achieve the objectives of the mission. The guidance system reference can drift such that the vehicle flight path is displaced in a crossrange direction to the left or to the right of the planned trajectory, while downrange displacements from guidance uncertainty are generally negligible. Normal trajectories will also include variations in vehicle position and velocity (state vector) as a function of flight time resulting from deviations from the nominal flight due to wind and avoiding excessive loads on the vehicle. They also include performance variability where the vehicle propulsion may have higher or lower specific impulse than estimated. The combined dispersion from these effects is mostly in the uprange/downrange direction, particularly after the ground projected impact moves away from the launch point. As a result, the ground projected impact points of the normal variation for a single state vector at a given time in flight have the general appearance of a long slender ellipse. Most of the time, the most important effects on debris dispersions from a range safety perspective, are those in the crossrange direction.

Performance variations of the vehicle’s engines will shift the IIP either in the up-range or downrange direction for any given time after lift-off. Guidance and control variability may impart uncertainty in either the downrange or crossrange directions. (For modern guidance systems most of the uncertainty is in the downrange direction.) In general, the IIP dispersions during normal flight are generally near the planned IIP trace. As a first approximation, the crossrange scatter of the IIPs are often described as using a Normal probability distribution.

Flight termination criteria are implemented to limit the regions that may be placed at risk by a mission. Flight termination criteria can modify the crossrange impact probability distributions in two ways, as shown in Figure 4.1.16. The original distribution is, in effect, truncated by the destruct actions and a secondary distribution reflecting the uncertainties in the detection of violations of the Destruct Lines and time to effect the destruct action is generated about the Destruct Line.


FIGURE 4.1.16 Effect of flight termination on IIP distribution.

The downrange component of the vehicle impact point distributions is also affected by the guidance and performance dispersions, the IIP rate, and the vehicle failure probability as a function of flight time.

Pre-failure trajectory dispersions persist or grow when a malfunction maneuver begins, as illustrated in Figure 4.1.17.


FIGURE 4.1.17 Effect of dispersion of normal trajectories on malfunction trajectories.

Developing malfunction trajectories is one of the most difficult challenges in performing launch risk analyses. As previously noted, the first step in developing malfunction trajectories is to identify the appropriate vehicle response modes to various failures. Appropriately characterizing these response modes is a challenge. The best approach, when feasible, is to work with the vehicle developer to simulate the failure response modes, including the role of the guidance feedback, the control system and the subsequent behavior. This requires a detailed study of the possible failure modes, the probability of their occurrence, the time of their occurrence, and subsequent behavior. An additional important factor for launch safety, discussed later, is modeling the effects of range safety interventions (flight or thrust terminations).

Conceptually, it is useful to think of modeling off-course maneuvers either using simple malfunction turns or using a full simulation. Malfunction turns are vehicle turns with the turn rate dependent upon the thrust vector offset. The malfunction turns are assumed to occur in a plane that includes the velocity vector at the start of the turn. Typically, unless vehicle design suggests an alternative assumption, all angles of the tumble plane about the velocity vector are assumed to be equally probable. The thrust vector offset is assumed to remain constant for the duration of the turn. The thrust vector offset is a value between 0o and the maximum possible offset angle. Figure 4.1.18 illustrates typical turn curves (velocity magnitude and velocity turn angle as a function of time after malfunction) for several thrust vector offsets. A common assumption is that the most probable offsets are very small angles or angles near the maximum possible offset. The path of the vehicle during the turn is simulated using a 3 DOF simulation, preferably including aerodynamic forces. Vehicle breakup occurs when aerodynamic loads exceed the vehicle capacity or when a flight termination criterion is violated. The most commonly used criterion for onset of breakup is the product of dynamic pressure, q, and angle of attack, α. Good practice requires characterizing the uncertainty in the q-α criterion and accounting for that in the breakup state vector samples.


FIGURE 4.1.18 Malfunction turn curves.

A space booster developer with a 6 DOF flight dynamics computer program can incorporate the simulation of the guidance and control response into the behavior of the vehicle as it malfunctions. Such simulations require aerodynamic and inertial modeling of the vehicle including the interaction with the guidance and control system. Moreover, data required for such simulations may require special testing or modeling to develop aerodynamic characteristics outside for regimes outside the normal operating regime. That being said, this approach offers the possibility of a substantially higher fidelity description of vehicle behavior in response to a malfunction. A full simulation must produce many malfunction trajectories for each representative failure time spanning the full range of possible accidents, each with its own probability of occurrence. Each of these simulated accidents may contribute to the total mission risk.

Regardless of which method is employed to characterize malfunction trajectories, the resulting trajectories must account for the flight termination criteria. There are two major common approaches to defining flight termination criteria. The first approach begins by identifying population centers and valuable assets to be protected. A buffer zone is established about these regions as adequate protection. One form of buffer used at a number of ranges employs Impact Limit Lines (ILL) between the trajectory and the regions to be protected. Conceptually, the ILL is a limit beyond which hazardous debris should not be allowed to impact. Flight termination lines or Destruct Lines are placed between the trajectory and the ILL. When a Range Safety Officer sees that a projected instantaneous impact point for the vehicle is crossing the Destruct Line, a destruct signal is sent to the vehicle to terminate further powered flight. Other types of criteria may be employed to supplement the impact point based Destruct Line to assure that errant vehicles are terminated before they can hazard the protected regions.

The alternative approach is a “capability based” approach that involves an assessment of how quickly the Range Safety Officer can be expected to detect a malfunctioning vehicle and terminate it. Suppose that a Range Safety Officer can detect and terminate failure within five seconds of the onset of failure. Each failure trajectory is allowed to persist for 5 seconds. The projected vehicle impact point is computed for each state vector after five seconds of the failure maneuver. An envelope of all such impact points is defined. The envelope becomes the candidate flight termination boundary. To assure that the proposed termination boundary has not induced unacceptable levels of risk by concentrating the debris that would result from termination over population centers, the risk to an individual given a flight termination is computed. As long as high individual risk contours do not overlie protected regions the terminate limits are regarded as acceptable.

Aerodynamic breakup criteria and the flight termination criteria can be used in to determine how far into the malfunction the vehicle flies before onset of breakup. As noted earlier, uncertainty in each set of criteria should be considered in developing a set of representative breakup state vectors. For any given failure scenario debris impacting at the Earth’s surface generates the threats to life and property.

Debris data development

There are three categories of fragment characteristics:

1. characteristics related to the fragment’s re-entry trajectory;

2. characteristics related the hazard mechanism(s) generated by the fragment; and

3. characteristics related to the hazard intensity of the fragment.

From a physical perspective, only the characteristics related to the trajectory affect the development of a debris footprint. However, practical considerations of limiting the number of distinct fragments that must be individually modeled leads to the concept of a fragment group, a collection of fragments that are sufficiently similar so that they can be modeled as a single set. The discussion begins with the issues of characterizing individual fragments and then extends to considering how this must be adapted to model fragment groups.

Trajectory-related fragment characteristics include: the initial condition as expressed by the breakup state vector, the guidance and performance uncertainty, and the velocity imparted at breakup; drag characteristics as expressed by the ballistic coefficient and its dependence on fragment speed, orientation, and ablation; and fragment lift, which is dependent on the fragment shape and orientation as it falls.

Table 4.1.1 provides guidelines for estimating the coefficient of variation of a fragment ballistic coefficient as a function of parameters that are expected to affect that uncertainty. Fragmentation introduces uncertainty in both a fragment’s weight and its aerodynamic characteristics (CDAref). This uncertainty is significantly smaller when it is a well-defined piece such as a nose cone rather than a fragmented portion of the vehicle. Aerodynamic stability of a piece strongly affects the uncertainty in the impact point due to lift and drag effects. A tumbling piece will have higher uncertainty in its aerodynamic characteristics than one that will trim at a predictable attitude. Cubes, spheres and similar compact symmetric shapes have more predictable aerodynamic characteristics than irregular shapes, such as a bent pipeline segment. The last factors are the re-entry speed. There is substantially less variability in aerodynamic characteristics at low subsonic speeds (M < 0.5) than at transonic/low supersonic speeds. When tables of drag coefficients (CD) are available as a function of Mach number this reduces some of this uncertainty.

Table 4.1.1

Guidelines for ballistic coefficient uncertainty for a single fragment


Impacting fragments may pose a threat from some combination of mechanical injury, injury caused by explosive shock waves, thermal injuries, and toxic injuries. Fragment characteristics related to threat are as follows: Mechanical injuries are a function of the impact velocity, the fragment shape and the fragment mass. Injuries produce by shock waves depend on the impact velocity and the resultant explosive yield. Burns depend on the weight of the burning material, its exposed surface and the chemical composition of the burning material. Toxic injuries depend on the toxic substance and the conditions of its release.

Fragment grouping speeds calculations and provides a mechanism for explicit modeling of uncertainty contributors. Breakup of large space boosters can result in a sufficient number of fragments so that fragment-by-fragment analysis is burdensome. A fragment group must consist of fragments that arise from the same events, have common threat characteristics, have common aerodynamic characteristics, and common initial conditions. Definition of fragment groups begins with the grouping by initiating events. The next step is to form preliminary groupings on the basis of ballistic coefficient. It has been suggested that fragments in a fragment group satisfy the following inequality:

image (6)

The following additional guidelines should be followed:

image (7)

image (8)

image (9)

image (10)

When fragments are grouped the uncertainties for the individual fragments must be combined to develop group uncertainties. The fragment mean ballistic coefficient is calculated as:

image (11)

Three sigma low and three sigma high limits are modeled as the smallest three sigma low values from any contributing set of fragments and the largest three sigma high values from any contributing set of fragment respectively. These three parameters can then be used to define a probability distribution for the fragment group ballistic coefficient. Common parametric distributions employed include the lognormal distribution and the beta distribution.

A breakup list is a catalog of the debris resulting from breakup. For each fragment category it must include the number of fragments, a representative fragment weight, fragment aerodynamic characteristics (ballistic coefficient and lift-to-drag ratio) and velocities imparted to the fragments by breakup and their uncertainties, and the fragment projected area. Additional information is needed for fragments with explosive potential or the potential to release toxic material.

In the presence of aerodynamic loads, the vehicle will begin to breakup at its weakest point. The most likely place for the initial failure is at an inter-stage. Subsequent points of failure are points with combinations of highest loads and lowest capacities. This type of reasoning can be used as a guide through the first few failure points, it then becomes very speculative. It then becomes more productive to identify items like pressure bottles or batteries that may remain intact and to breakup the rest of the vehicle. Nevertheless, the interested reader is referred to Nyman et al., 2011, for a discussion of a systematic approach for developing debris lists from detailed drawings, photographs, and technical data for a vehicle. Alternatively, Bryce et al., 2009, provides an innovative modeling approach for characterizing debris based on the self-similarity of different stages of breakup.

Figures 4.1.19 and 4.1.20 depict bounds on casualty areas from all fragments in breakup lists for ELVs as well as bounds on the number of fragments resulting from a Command Destruct Action. These charts are useful checks as to the validity of any proposed breakup list.


FIGURE 4.1.19 Trend lines for vehicle casualty areas from command destruct.


FIGURE 4.1.20 Trend lines for number of fragments resulting from command destruct..

Ballistic coefficients are the ratio of fragment weight to the product of drag coefficient and the reference area for which the drag was defined. Hoerner, 1966, and Blevins, 2003, provide useful drag models to support building a debris catalog. Table 4.1.2 provides representative ballistic coefficients for typical launch vehicle hardware.

Table 4.1.2

Representative ballistic coefficients for typical launch vehicle hardware

Ballistic coefficient (?) range Typical vehicle fragments in this class
9 to 15 kg/m2 Skin, doors, interstage structure, skirt, lighter bulkhead parts, straps, fairing sections
15 to 50 kg/m2 Ducts, heavier bulkhead parts, antennas, medium mass interstage parts, some fairing parts, struts, nozzle extension
50 to 86 kg/m2 Heavier antennas, interstage structure, telemetry box, small actuators, electronics packages, ACS jets, more massive fairing parts
86 to 150 kg/m2 Small engines, batteries, receivers, helium tanks, nitrogen tanks, propellant lines
150 to 270 kg/m2 Batteries, actuators, large helium tanks
270 to 500 kg/m2 Main engines, heat exchangers, gas generators

Velocities imparted to fragments at breakup are typically modeled analytically. One or two dimensional engineering models are developed to conserve mass and energy. Typically, momentum is conserved by assuming symmetric or radial fragment dispersions. The engineering models are calibrated by comparison with available empirical data from observed breakup events. There are two fundamental sources of energy that create and throw fragments in vehicle explosions. Pressurized gases split open solid boosters and partially depleted liquid propellant tanks. Imparted velocities tend to increase with failure time as a result of increasing chamber volume and decreasing web propellant thickness. Chemicals in liquid or solid propellants may react explosively. Imparted velocities from this energy source may decrease later in flight due to propellant depletion. Table 4.1.3 presents a summary of relatively conservative imparted estimates developed by various launch vehicle developers that may be used as a cross check to modeled imparted velocities.

Table 4.1.3

Ranges of “maximum” velocities computed by launch vehicle developers


Some tiny fragments (less than 10 grams) may exceed 600 m/s

The discussion of debris catalogs to this point has addressed debris hazardous to persons on the ground resulting from a tumbling vehicle.

As discussed later, persons on the ground, whether inside buildings or unsheltered, do not face serious threats from lighter inert debris. Historically, breakup lists developed by launch vehicle manufacturers underrepresented fragmentation into fragments weighing less than a few pounds. This approach to developing breakup lists addressed risk analysis requirements for many years. In recent years, concern about protecting aircraft passengers has caused the risk analysis community to turn their attention to potential threat from debris as small as a gram. While a variety of approaches have been employed to supplement traditional breakup lists with smaller debris, there is no universally accepted approach for estimating the number and characteristics of these pieces.

When a launch vehicle is tumbling, it is not meaningful to attempt to model any preferential directionality for imparted velocities. However, for some failures, such as an on-trajectory explosion, the vehicle attitude can be reasonably established. For such failures, it may be important to examine the directionality of imparted velocities. Typically, pieces toward the front end of the vehicle, such as the noise cone components, will receive an imparted velocity generally in the forward direction of the vehicle axis. Pieces toward the aft end, such as a nozzle, may be expected to be blown backward. Much of the skin and other components will tend to be ejected in an angular band about the radial direction. It should be noted that while the directionality is important under some conditions, it cannot be modeled with the Normal impact distributions discussed in the section describing risk analyses based on a debris footprint.

Casualty area computations

Hazard areas, casualty areas, and fatality areas (definitions in the next paragraph) of impacting debris characterize the area about an impact point threatened by the impacting fragment. The values of these quantities are typically computed based on the input fragment characteristics and the computed impact conditions. The discussion on risk computations toward the end of section 4.1 will show how these values are used for computing risks.

The hazard area is the region about a fragment impact that is potentially hazardous. Within the hazard area different impacts will produce different probabilities of severe injuries. The area within which a person will be sufficiently seriously injured to be deemed a casualty is called the casualty area. Fatality areas are similarly defined. Definitions of hazard areas, casualty areas and fatality areas may be required for a number of cases spanning the different types of hazards and the types of sheltering provided to people. Different models are required for characterizing these areas for inert fragments, explosive fragments, burning fragments and fragments that emit toxic substances. Moreover, different modeling approaches are required for unsheltered persons than for sheltered persons.

Several factors should be considered in the computation of casualty areas for inert debris. These include the vulnerability of the person, the size of the fragment, the size of a person, the velocity vector at impact, and whether the fragment remains intact after impact or disintegrates (splatters). As indicated by Figure 4.1.21, the direction of the velocity vector on impact and the potential for indirect hits after bouncing and secondary hits as a result of splattering or crater ejecta may increase the hazard area. If a fragment remains intact, it may ricochet or slide upon impact, depending on the velocity vector (magnitude and angle), the effective coefficient of restitution, and the effective coefficient of friction between the fragment and the surface impacted. Included in ricochet are the effects of tumble as well as rebound or bounce.


FIGURE 4.1.21 Casualty-producing events from inert debris impacts.

For direct impact, the casualty area must take into account both the projected area of the debris and the projected area of the human body onto the plane normal to the velocity of the debris. Since it is typically assumed that a person can be represented by a 6 ft tall cylinder with a 1 ft radius, if the debris falls vertically, the projection of the human body onto the ground would be a circle with a 1 ft radius (representing primarily a standing person). When these two projections overlap such that any location where the debris projection overlaps the center of the projected area of a person (i.e. the center of the circle is assumed to be the head/center of the human torso) would be considered a casualty. The left side of Figure 4.1.22 identifies a piece of vertically falling debris and locations where a person would be considered a casualty if struck by the falling debris. The resulting projections, their overlap, and the ensuing basic casualty area defined by the radius rD are presented on the right hand side of the figure.


FIGURE 4.1.22 Basic casualty area for vertically falling fragments.

As indicated in Figure 4.1.23 there are secondary impact effects that could cause a casualty due to post-impact events. For example, if the debris piece stays intact, it may ricochet or slide upon impact, depending on several parameters including the magnitude and angle of the velocity vector, the effective coefficient of restitution, and the effective coefficient of friction between the fragment and the surface impacted. Included in ricochet are the effects of tumble as well as rebound or bounce. Since a person that is struck by a casualty producing secondary impact effect must also be considered a casualty, the casualty area must also include the full extent of these secondary impact effects.


FIGURE 4.1.23 Effective casualty area: basic area increased for secondary effects.

The total extent of these secondary impact effects can be modeled with the Secondary Impact Effects Factor (FA). The projected area of the debris fragment is multiplied by this secondary impact effects factor to find the total area within which a person could be considered a casualty if the area reaches the center of the person’s projected area. The reach of these secondary impact effects and the location of a person that could result in a casualty are presented in the left hand side of Figure 4.1.23. The right hand side shows the components of the resulting casualty area that accounts for all secondary impact effects.

As identified previously, it is assumed that a person can be analytically represented as a 6 foot tall cylinder with a 1 ft radius, rP. The casualty area identified in Figure 4.1.23 is calculated as a function of the effective debris fragment radius accounting for secondary impact effects (image) and the radius of a person, rP, as in equation (12):

image (12)


image (13)

The casualty area accounting for all secondary impact effects can be expressed as:

image (14)

FA is defined as the ratio of the area containing secondary debris impact effects and the projected area of the fragment. Modeling and experimentation has shown that FA depends on several factors, including debris fragment characteristics, the magnitude and angle of the impacting fragment velocity vector, and the hardness of the impacted surface. Typical values observed have ranged from about 3 to 25.

Figure 4.1.24 illustrates how debris descending at an angle, image, elongates the basic casualty area. A fragment approaching a person at an angle places the person at risk whenever the person’s midline is located within the swept volume of the debris fragment (i.e. the volume through which the debris fragment passes) once it reaches the top of a person’s head.


FIGURE 4.1.24 Elongated basic casualty area resulting from impact angle.

If the velocity and mass of the fragment exceed criteria presented in Figure 4.1.25, the person becomes a casualty. Criteria in Figure 4.1.25 are for “average general public.” (Human vulnerability is discussed at greater length in Appendix B.) It is believed to be conservative because the basis of injury is being struck vertically on the head and not all impacts are to the head. Note that the impact velocity should account for the contribution due to feasible winds.


FIGURE 4.1.25 Simplified model of criteria for casualties.

When the roof of a structure is capable of absorbing the energy of the impact of a fragment without allowing debris to hazard the structure’s occupants, the occupants tend to be safer inside of the structure. However, fragments can penetrate roofs and hazard the occupants. Penetrability is based on the impact velocity, the fragment area and the fragment weight, as well as the capability of the roof to resist the impact. A fragment that does penetrate the roof can also produce secondary fragments that will also hazard the occupants. The following material provides effective casualty areas considering conditions where roof penetration is possible. (Appendix B presents roof penetration thresholds for several building classes.)

The roof penetration capability of a fragment will vary with the impact location. For example, impacts midway between joists or beams, directly on joists, or somewhere between, will have different penetration capability. The processes modeled for roof/floor penetration and the production of secondary debris are illustrated in Figure 4.1.27. The effective casualty area from roof penetration is also a function of the impact velocity and the size of the fragment. Although the figure shows multiple floors, the material provided in this section conservatively assumes that all vulnerable people are on the top floor sheltered only by the roof. Figure 4.1.26 shows the layout of a typical wood roof and different impact configurations.


FIGURE 4.1.26 Roof construction and some debris impact locations.

The dark and pale shaded circles in Figure 4.1.27 indicate two different sizes of the impacting debris. Assume that it is equally likely that a fragment impacts at any point on the roof. Then the effective casualty area for a fragment impacting the roof can be computed by simulating many impacts on the roof, determining for each impact the structural elements resisting the fragment penetrating the roof for the selected impact and whether these elements fail, and if these elements fail, allowing roof penetration characterizing the resulting debris cloud including the primary fragment and the secondary debris.


FIGURE 4.1.27 Illustration of modeling roof/floor penetration.

The four roof classifications were analysed for penetration by six ballistic coefficient classes for the debris (Table 4.1.4). The debris fragments impacted the roofs at terminal velocity and had weights ranging from 0.1 lb to 10,000 lb. The resulting effective casualty areas for people in structures impacted by inert debris are shown in Figures 4.1.28 to 4.1.31. Each figure provides the casualty area for a given roof-type as a function of fragment weight in each of the ballistic coefficient classes. The effective casualty areas in the figures are based on many impact points over a roof for each fragment weight and roof type. In some cases, penetration will not occur every time because the fragment is stopped by the joist supporting the surface. The average effective casualty area considers those cases where there is no penetration and, consequently, the effective casualty area due to roof penetration can be less the basic casualty area.

Table 4.1.4

Characteristics of structures used for penetration and casualty area analysis



FIGURE 4.1.28 Effective casualty areas due to debris hitting a light metal roof.


FIGURE 4.1.29 Effective casualty areas due to debris hitting a composite roof.


FIGURE 4.1.30 Effective casualty areas due to debris hitting a wood roof.


FIGURE 4.1.31 Effective casualty areas due to debris hitting a concrete reinforced with steel roof.

When people are not protected by a building, the primary injury mechanisms of the blast wave are soft tissue damage and whole body translation. The primary soft tissue effects are damage to the lungs, the gastrointestinal tract, the larynx and the eardrum. It should be noted that eardrum damage is typically considered at two different levels – eardrum rupture for serious injury and temporary hearing loss for minor injury. Whole body translation by a blast wave can result in impact of the body causing severe injuries.

Lovelace data (Richmond et al., August 1982) for each of the types of soft tissue damage has been used to define the combined pressure and impulse (P–I) associated with the 1% (threshold) and 50% probability of serious injury. These levels have then been used to define probit functions for each effect.3 The potential for serious injury due to whole body translation induced by a blast wave is a function of both the peak overpressure and positive impulse. Pressure–impulse (P–I) diagrams for serious injuries due to whole body translation have been constructed based on the Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research (TNO) fatality probit function (Merx et al., 1992) for whole body translation scaled based on the ratio between the impact velocity for fatality and serious injury at the 50% probability level.

P–I diagrams for soft tissue and whole body translation effects and for slight injury, serious injury and fatality have been developed based on the methods described above. Casualty areas can then be determined as a function of yield. Figure 4.1.32 shows the effective casualty area as a function of critical overpressure and yield for computing expected casualties resulting from the effects of a blast waves on unsheltered people. For solid propellant impacts, the potential for casualties from impacting firebrands should be modeled. The simplest method available to account for casualties due to firebrands is to define an effective casualty area based on the region where the peak incident overpressure is at least one psi. Later in this section an alternative method for addressing the threat from firebrands is described.


FIGURE 4.1.32 Effective casualty area for unsheltered persons as a function of yield.

While structures are usually thought of as providing protection to people from debris and blast waves, a blast wave can produce considerable harm to people inside the structure, either due to flying glass shards or elements (panels, etc.) of the structure itself. In fact, when loads applied to the building from these hazards are sufficient, the effective casualty areas may be significantly larger inside than outside.

Figure 4.1.33 shows a general approach for systematically estimating effective casualty areas due to blast wave effects for people in structures. The steps shown in the figure capture the physical phenomena that define the effects of air blast loading on a structure and its occupants. First, the blast loading on the structure is defined and the window glazing is checked for breakage. If breakage occurs, the flying shards are tracked and their impact on a building occupant is used to estimate their contribution to the probability of casualty given an explosive event occurs. After glass breakage occurs, the loads acting on the structure are revised to account for potential pressure increases inside the structure (called venting) and the external cladding checked for failure. If wall or roof segments fail, the cladding debris is tracked and its impact on building occupants used to estimate their contribution to the probability of casualty. If the building is susceptible to collapse, the blast loads are revised again to reflect the potential for additional venting and the structure checked for collapse. If the building construction is susceptible to collapse, the impact of large building components striking occupants is used to estimate their contribution to the probability of casualty. The contributions due to glass breakage, debris throw, and collapse are then combined. Depending on the level of blast loading and the type of construction, the overall casualty probability may be dominated by glazing breakage alone, or from combinations of glass breakage, cladding failure and/or collapse.


FIGURE 4.1.33 Computation of casualty areas from blast waves to people in structures.

Table 4.1.5 shows four generic building classes that can be used to estimate effective casualty areas due to blast wave effects only. These building classes conservatively represent the construction types and glazing characteristics typical of buildings.

Table 4.1.5

Building classes for blast casualty area analysis


Figure 4.1.34 shows effective casualty areas as a function of explosive yield for four generic classes of buildings due to blast wave effects only. The 1-psi curve in the figure offers a convenient and clearly conservative upper bound to the effective casualty area for people in structures due to blast wave effects from explosions below 20,000 lb TNT equivalent, assuming the structure is adequate to protect against firebrands or other fragments propelled by the explosion.


FIGURE 4.1.34 Effective casualty area for people in structures as a function of impact yield.

Thermal injuries are a consequence of launch vehicle malfunctions that have been directly addressed by exception. Nevertheless, omission of these injuries in a risk analysis can materially understate the risks. Solid propellant fragments falling to the ground after the breakup of an ignited rocket motor are generally expected to continue burning during fall back to the ground. Liquid propellant boosters employ a fuel and an oxidizer. If mixing occurs at or near impact a fireball results. Moreover, when tanks of certain type of chemicals or pipelines containing these chemicals are struck by impacting debris fires may result. The types of casualties possible due to falling burning propellant fragments are listed below.

1. Primary Fire Effects

(a) Burn injuries to people inside the flame and/or fire ball.

(b) Direct radiation from the flame for people away from the fire but at the line of sight.

(c) Toxic gases emitting from the propellant fire

(d) Convective heat from the fire can cause casualties even when one is not in the line of sight from the flame.

(e) Inhaling hot air for people trapped near a fire.

2. Secondary Fire Effects

(a) Secondary fire can as a result of events such as:

(i) Primary fire on a roof could ignite wood roofs.

(ii) Primary fire on a carpet or a wood floor could ignite the floor and the carpet.

(iii) Ceiling could ignite due to intense heat from the flame, especially if flame touches it.

(iv) Furniture and other flammable material inside the building could ignite due to heating via radiation, convection, and conduction from the primary fire.

(b) Same effects as from the primary fire but coming from multiple secondary fire sources.

While all of these effects are potentially important, addressing them completely is complex and beyond the scope of this text. This discussion is limited to people inside the fireball and to those affected by direct radiation.

On impact, liquid propellant tanks may explode and create a fireball. The fireball is modeled as a sphere with radius r. At the boundary of the fireball, the heat flux is given by Collins et al., October 2005.

image (15)

where P is the vapor pressure in MPa, and tends to be between ¾ MPa and 1.5 MPa.

In the mid-1960s a series of fireballs were created for the main types of liquid propellant that tend to be used in rockets (Gayle and Bransford, 1965). The time durations were measured, and empirical data fits were made for given liquid propellant weights W. A single expression is given for all propellant types:

image (16)

where time is in seconds and W is in pounds.

Since a fireball is spherical, the configuration factor need only reflect the inverse square law:

image (17)

leading to the heat flux at the receptor to be:

image (18)

The radius r of the fireball depends on the type of liquid propellant. Based on the data from Gayle and Bransford, 1965, the fireball radius, in feet, for common liquid propellants are as follows:

image (19)

where W is the liquid propellant weight in pounds.

While fire balls are large they only last for a short duration. Fire injuries are dominated by injuries to those people who are inside the fireball (Merx et al., 1992). Clothes will likely ignite and therefore this model considers all the people inside the fire ball to be injured fatally.

The combined term, image, is often referred to as the “heat load,” where t is the exposure duration in seconds and q is the heat flux in W/m2. The US Coast Guard (Tsao and Perry, 1979) developed Probit functions for burn injuries based on the data published by Stoll and Chianta, 1969, as presented below:

Probit function for first degree burn, Probit1deg is given by:

image (20)

Probit function for second degree burn, Probit2deg is given by:

image (21)

Probit function for lethality/fatality burn, Probitfatality is given by:

image (22)

Probability of casualty corresponding to the Probit function can be computed from:

image (23)

where erf is the error function.

Here, for simplicity, buildings are assumed to consist of a single room of circular shape with the area equal to the area of the building. Building shape is not given in the building database and therefore this is a conservative assumption for computing casualty area. Casualty area for a circular building can be computed from:

image (24)

where p(r) is the probability of casualty at a distance r from the center of the fire.

Figure 4.1.35 shows the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) for burn injuries. According to this scale (AAAM, 1990), most of the cases with second degree burns are classified as AIS = 2 or higher. When face, hand, or genitalia are involved in the burn, burns of 10% or more body area is classified as AIS = 3. For second degree burns of 20% or more of the body, image. For range safety, it is customary to classify casualties as any injuries that result in image. Second degree burns have been adopted as the criterion for casualties. Figure 4.1.36 shows the maximum casualty areas for first degree burns, second degree burns, and fatalities to people inside of a building as a function of the amount of Class 1.3 propellant impacting the building.


FIGURE 4.1.35 AIS scale for burn injuries. (Tsao and Perry, 1979)


FIGURE 4.1.36 Maximum casualty areas verses fragment weight for a typical 1.3 propellant.

The discussions above of hazards from inert fragments, explosive fragments, and burning fragments provide a method for describing the area affected by each hazard as a casualty area. Toxic hazards may arise from the impact and rupture of a tank of a hazardous substance, such as hydrazine, or the impact of burning solid propellant fragments that emit toxic combustion products. Both types of impacts generate a multi-hazard environment. A proper formulation will avoid the excessive conservatism of adding the casualty areas by taking the appropriate envelope of the regions. Inclusion of toxic hazards is made more complex because the hazarded region tends to be elongated in the direction toward which the wind is blowing. (A detailed discussion of toxic hazards is presented in Section 5.1. Nevertheless, it is possible to develop a simplified approach for toxic hazards for preliminary analyses as outlined below.

As discussed in Section 5.1 the area hazarded by toxic substances depends of the chemical, on the wind speed, and the turbulence. Toxic analyses involve developing a toxic source term, modeling the transport and diffusion of the toxic material, and assessing the levels of concentration to which people are exposed and for how long. These analyses must be performed on a scenario basis.

For any given scenario, an area may be computed of a region within which exposed people may be expected to be seriously injured. An estimate of the relative importance of the toxic hazard in the debris risk analysis may be assessed by developing expected values for toxic casualty areas. Three different conditions must be considered:

1. The toxic substance emitting fragment impacts outdoors and the people to be protected are outdoors.

2. The toxic substance emitting fragment impacts outdoors and the people to be protected are inside a building.

3. The toxic substance emitting fragment impacts and penetrates a building housing people.

Expected toxic casualty areas for the first two cases are computed by first defining a Level of Concern (LOC) and then computing the expected area to be contained within the corresponding LOC isopleth averaging over wind velocity and stability class distributions. Assessing the expected casualty areas for people inside buildings requires a modification of this procedure to account for the attenuation of the concentration of the toxic material by the building. Probit functions are available that characterize the likelihood of serious injury to people inside buildings as a function of the (attenuated) concentration of the toxic material in the building.

The consequences of a toxic emitting fragment impacting and penetrating into the structure are more complex. A conservative approximation is to assume that all of the toxic material is emitted within the structure. If it is further assumed that people cannot escape the concentration within the total volume of the building is a measure of the expected consequences. When particular impact and meteorological conditions are known, scenario specific casualty areas may be computed. Otherwise, some combination of average and bounding cases may be used for safety planning.

Population Data Development

Two approaches are used for characterizing populations at risk. The first approach is in terms of population densities. Regions are defined by a bounding grid cell, typically a cell bounded by a pairs of fixed latitudes and fixed longitudes. The population at risk within the cell is represented by an average population density. This approach has the advantage that there are a number of readily accessible databases in this format. In offers a reasonable representation when the population density is relatively uniform across the grid and the level of sheltering is relatively uniform across the grid. When this is not the case, the approach can lead to a poor representation of the populations at risk. Under those conditions the population center representation is preferable. Unlike the first form of representation, population centers may vary in size, as appropriate to produce a model of adequate fidelity ranging from a portion of a building to a large geographical region. As required, a higher density population center may be located within a larger lower density population center.

Each population center is characterized by a centroid, image, an area, image, and a mixture of sheltering levels. The sheltering levels map the center’s population to level of protection against inert and explosive debris impacts. Modeling of population centers must be sensitive to the size of the impact probability distribution in the area of the center and the relative contribution of the population center to the overall risk as shown in Figure 4.1.37.


FIGURE 4.1.37 Population center size must consider the size of impact dispersions.

Moreover, in anticipation of how the impact probability to each population center is calculated, care should be chosen to assure the actual boundaries of the population center are compact so that the region can reasonably be approximated as a square. Long or irregularly shaped regions should be decomposed to multiple squares as shown in Figure 4.1.38.


FIGURE 4.1.38 Irregularly shaped population centers subdivided into squares.

In the immediate launch area fragment dispersions are small. Consequently, it is important to have higher fidelity resolution of the number of people at risk, their level of protection by sheltering and their location. In this region, it is desirable to map populations by building and, as applicable, by section of each building with a given construction type. In the extended launch area, the towns or cities immediately adjacent to the launch complex, a lesser degree of detail is required. Typically, population centers may be on the order of one nautical mile on edge.

Population distributions within the population center are likely to be in terms of common land usage categories, such as single occupant residential, small apartment complexes, large multi-story apartment complexes, single story office buildings, etc. Each of these land usages is, in turn, related to vulnerability to impacting debris, explosive shock wave, and intrusion by toxic clouds.

Similar logic applies as the impact probability distributions grow with increasing downrange distance. Ultimately, in the far downrange area, as a spacecraft approaches orbital insertion, debris patterns may grow to thousands of miles in length and hundreds of miles in the crossrange direction. Population centers at these regions are often major provinces and cities.

Impact probability computations

Approaches for developing models for these impact probability distributions have ranged from heuristic models, characterized by simple closed form expressions based on physical reasoning, to extensive physics-based simulations of the underlying contributors to debris as described below.

When a vehicle malfunctions it may be expected to continue flying on its original trajectory or on some malfunction induced trajectory until some event terminates powered flight. Powered flight termination may result from an explosion, aerodynamic or inertial loads exceeding the structural limits of the vehicle, by an action of a Flight Safety Officer to terminate flight, or by action of the on-board system. After flight termination the hazard becomes many fragments instead of a single large piece.

In order to assess the risk to assets on the ground the trajectories of each class of debris from the point of origin to the ground must be computed. The following equations (expressed here in two dimensions, vertical (y) and horizontal (x)) characterize these trajectories. The forces on the fragment are: gravitational (downward, parallel to the y-axis); drag (in the opposite direction of the velocity vector); and lift (in a direction perpendicular to the velocity vector). In the two-dimensional model, lift is in the plane of the trajectory. More generally, lift can be in any direction perpendicular to the velocity vector and that direction typically changes with time. The density of the atmosphere is a function of the altitude, y. The gravitational constant g is also a function of altitude and, to a lesser extent, latitude.

image (25)

If there is no lift, L, the equation simplifies to:

image (26)

Substitution of the ballistic coefficient β (with units of lb/ft2) into the equation above simplifies the numerical computation.

The initial conditions for the fragment are defined by position, velocity, and time image. This is also referred to as the breakup state vector (BUSV). The velocity components of the BUSV can also include an incremental velocity added due to explosion. Both position and velocity can include incremental changes due to vehicle motion during a malfunction turn subsequent to the identification of the initial BUSV.

As the vehicle comes apart, different pieces receive different imparted velocities. In addition, there will be a range of fragment sizes and aerodynamic properties. High drag (low ballistic coefficient, β) pieces are carried in the direction of the effective wind; low drag pieces (high ballistic coefficients) are carried along the direction of the vehicle’s flight azimuth. The locus of these impact points is the debris centerline as shown in Figure 4.1.39.


FIGURE 4.1.39 Debris centerline.

Variability of imparted velocities, wind variability, and variability in aerodynamic characteristics will cause a scatter about the debris centerline. The combination of dispersive effects is illustrated in Figure 4.1.40. When all of the debris resulting from a single event is characterized this way the resulting pattern is called a debris footprint or a debris pattern.


FIGURE 4.1.40 Uncertainty creates scatter about the centerline.

There are at least two important ways in which these calculations can be improved. The trajectory equations were written in a way that suggests that ballistic coefficients, β, are constant. Ballistic coefficients for fragments vary as a function of fragment speed. At subsonic speeds they are reasonably constant. However, there are significant changes in the transonic regime. This is commonly addressed by computing the ballistic coefficient along the trajectory using Mach-CD tables. This information can be found in published tables, such as by Hoerner, 1966. The second case derives from conditions when the fragment characteristics change during re-entry.

Solid propellant fragments produced as a result of breakup may be chunks of propellant or segments of propellant attached to the booster skin. Burning may occur on the exposed phases of the solid propellant. Liquid propellant contained in a tank may “bleed off” during re-entry or it may burn. For these propellant fragment fragments the ballistic coefficient change during re-entry is a result of the loss of mass just described. In addition to the changing mass, the consumption of solid propellant alters the reference area and, depending on the burn pattern, may alter the drag coefficient.

In addition, re-entering spacecraft or boosters with near orbital velocities may undergo aerothermal loading, breakup, and demise of some of the resulting fragments as they descend through the 70 to 80 km altitude band as described in subsequent chapters and by Koppenwallner et al., November 2005, and NASA.

What sources of dispersion should be included in the definition of a debris footprint and how should they be modeled? The most appropriate answer depends on how the footprint will be used. When a debris footprint is used to define an exclusion region for hazard protection a different selection may be required than when the footprint is being used to support a risk analysis. Exclusion analyses err on the side of defining the potential bounds of the region that could be affected under the range of conditions that could occur. Risk analyses require a characterization that expresses what is expected to occur.

The major sources of debris dispersion that a model needs to address as part of a debris risk analysis are:

1. Vehicle guidance and performance uncertainty.

2. Vehicle malfunction turns off-course.

3. Velocities imparted to fragments at vehicle breakup.

4. Uncertainty in the drag characteristics of a fragment.

5. Dispersion due to wind drift, including the uncertainty in the wind profile.

6. Aerodynamic lift effects acting on a fragment.

7. Free flight of inadvertently separated thrusting motors.

While other sources of dispersion could be considered, they are generally minor contributors to the overall dispersions. Examples include uncertainty in the atmospheric density, variations in the impact altitude due to terrain, and uncertainties introduced by the Earth gravitational model.

A flight safety analyst must address three questions: Which of the sources of dispersion listed are relevant to the analysis being developed? How will the dispersion be allocated between selecting mean conditions and dispersions about the means? What numerical models will be used for developing the debris impact footprint statistics?

Thus, as an example of the first question, free flight dispersion of inadvertently separated thrusting strap-on motors is only a potential source of dispersion for those vehicles with strap-on motors. The dispersive effects of malfunction turns and guidance and performance dispersions fall under the second question. Moreover, both malfunction turn dispersions and dispersions of free-flying strap-on motors are frequently treated as generating the state vectors about which footprints will be calculated rather than as dispersion sources to be included in a footprint. Two types of modeling have been used for these effects: Samples from these dispersions may be used to develop a reference state vector about which impact dispersions are developed; alternatively, the distribution of state vectors resulting from these effects may be incorporated into the impact dispersions. These options will be examined in greater detail later on.

Impact dispersion due to normal vehicle trajectory uncertainty

Consider the debris footprint for an on-trajectory malfunction occurring at a time after launch, t, that results in a vehicle explosion. From the perspective of characterizing a breakup state vector, a trajectory may be considered to be sets of values, image. The variation in a trajectory induced by normal performance of the guidance system and by variations in vehicle performance may be characterized by specifying an ensemble of such trajectories:

image (27)

For any failure time, t, the collection of state vectors at the time characterizes the dispersion resulting from guidance and performance variability. Although these two uncertainty sources are different in character, they are frequently considered together because they contribute to the impact distribution for normally performing vehicles.

There are two common approaches for incorporating impact dispersion due to normal vehicle trajectory uncertainty into debris footprints. One alternative is to sample from the collection of state vectors. Using this approach, a separate footprint is computed for each sampled state vector. While this approach may be computationally intensive, it offers the advantage of accurately characterizing the probability distribution of state vectors in the ensemble of dispersed trajectories.

A frequently used alternative approach is to develop a mean state vector and to include the guidance and performance dispersion about that mean by computing the covariance matrix for all of the trajectories for a given time, t. Mathematically this can be expressed as follows. Designate the jth sample state vector at a time, t, as:

image (28)

then the mean state vector at time t is image and the associated covariance matrix is given by:

image (29)

When this alternative is used, the guidance and performance distribution is characterized by its first two moments. Interpretation of these moments as a probability distribution requires the additional assumption of the form of that distribution; this is most commonly assumed to be a multivariate normal distribution. The impact distribution for the guidance and performance distribution may be calculated by sampling from the modeled distribution of the position and velocity uncertainties and propagating them to impact using a wind- and drag-corrected free flight trajectory model. The statistics of the resulting impact points characterize the impact distribution resulting from the guidance and performance induced variability.

Ballistic coefficient uncertainty

As discussed previously, vehicle failures typically result in fragmenting the vehicle into many pieces.

Typically the effects of ballistic coefficient uncertainty on impact distributions are developed by sampling the ballistic coefficient probability distribution at the same time the guidance and performance distribution is sampled, and developing a sample set of impact points that characterize the variability resulting from both effects at the same time.

Lift effects

Lift effects can significantly alter the impact point of falling debris, particularly fragments resembling flat plates. Often the orientation of the lift vector cannot be predicted or it moves randomly during the debris fall. Consequently, a common technique is to estimate the uncertainty in the lift-to-drag ratio of the fragment rather than characterizing the coefficient of lift and the resulting translation of the impact point. This model assumes that the fragment lift acts perpendicular to the flight path in the plane of the trajectory and the net effect is oriented in a single direction. This model is illustrated in Figure 4.1.41. The debris impact distribution due to lift is assumed to be bivariate normal with a standard deviation at impact equal to:

image (30)

where h is the initial altitude, as shown in Figure 4.1.41.


FIGURE 4.1.41 Simple lift over drag ratio (L/D) impact dispersion model.

Three object σL/D values are generally considered.

image (31)

These values for σL/D are based on an Apollo debris re-entry lift study by Marx, April 1968. More recently, evaluation of the gathered debris from the Columbia showed that the lift effects fell within this range of σL/D. The altitudes for which the model is effective are between 0 and 60,000 ft. Lift effects above 60,000 ft are generally negligible.


As noted earlier, debris impact points can be very significantly affected by the wind, particularly for fragments with low ballistic coefficients. The wind through which each fragment falls transports the fragment as it passes through the wind. Wind speeds and directions vary with altitude, spatial location and time. Moreover, these variations occur on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. A debris footprint should account for those wind variations that would affect the fragments within each fragment group generated by the accident. Different dispersions due to wind effects result from the differences in breakup velocities and magnitudes imparted to them and the variations in their aerodynamic characteristics.

During the launch countdown, balloons are released to measure the winds aloft. Data from the balloons characterizes atmospheric parameters, including wind velocity, for the parcels of air through which the balloon passes on ascent. Debris footprint modeling treats the wind velocities measured at each altitude as characteristic of that altitude. While this is a reasonable assumption, the wind velocity varies with horizontal displacement from the measurement point and with the passage of time from the time of measurement. Moreover, every velocity measurement has an uncertainty in magnitude and direction. The velocity components at each altitude are correlated with each other and with wind components at other altitudes. Typically, these uncertainties are characterized in a full wind covariance matrix as illustrated in Figure 4.1.42. The first quadrant of the matrix defines the variance and covariance of the wind components in the East direction at altitudes from 1 to n. The third quadrant of the matrix defines the variance and covariance of the wind components in the North direction at altitudes from 1 to n. The second and fourth quadrants of the matrix define the East–North covariance of wind components at altitudes from 1 to n. Wind variances at the jth altitude in the East and North directions are denoted as image and as image, respectively. Wind speed component covariances between altitudes “k” and “j”, and between directions East and North are denoted as image, image, and image.


FIGURE 4.1.42 Wind covariance matrix.

Debris impact dispersions can be computed by either extracting random wind profiles from the wind covariance matrix and wind mean vector, or by using a linear covariance propagation method. The first uses a decomposition of the covariance matrix and normally distributed statistically independent samples to generate random wind profiles that have the statistical properties defined by the wind covariance matrix and the associated mean wind vector. The next step is to compute a drag-corrected trajectory for the debris fragment or class to impact on the ground after falling through the atmosphere in the presence of wind, characterized by a wind profile. This is a Monte Carlo simulation and is repeated until a sufficient number of impact points are available to determine an impact distribution.

The second method assumes that the piece of debris is always falling at terminal velocity. The time required to fall in an altitude band defined by hi to hi+1 is called the dwell time and is computed by dividing the differential altitude (hihi+1) by the average terminal velocity, VT in that altitude range, where image and ρ is the atmospheric density. This can be computed more carefully by integrating over the altitude interval with Δt changing with altitude. Next, assume that the fragment moves horizontally exactly at the speed of the wind in the altitude interval during the time that it is falling through the altitude interval. The following linear equations express the total lateral motion due to wind from the altitude of release until impact on the ground.

image (32)


The method overstates the lateral motion, particularly for pieces that have a higher ballistic coefficient. However, the Δt terms in the equation are all proportional to the inverse of the square root of the ballistic coefficient, image. Thus, as image increases, the effect of wind uncertainty decreases. This method works very well for low ballistic coefficients. As β increases, the percent error increases, but the magnitude of the dispersion due to the contribution of wind dispersion gets smaller.

The impact covariance matrix is expressed as the matrix product (in East, North coordinates):

image (33)

Composite footprint

The above narrative characterized the development of the dispersion sources contributing to the debris footprint. The next step is to combine the sources of dispersion to obtain the total probability distribution for each fragment group. The impact probability distribution for each fragment group from a debris-generating event is often modeled as a bivariate normal distribution. Thus, developing the composite impact probability distribution requires determining the mean of the distribution and its impact covariance matrix.

This approach relies on the applicability of the Central Limit Theorem. Thus, this approach requires that the impact dispersion effects can be treated as statistically independent and that the impact covariance of the various contributions be relatively comparable. It usually suffices to assure that no single-effect impact covariance is significantly larger than the impact covariances from the other effects. When these requirements have been met then the impact distributions can be computed as follows:

image (34)


image latitude of the fragment group impact point based on the breakup state vector.

image longitude of the fragment group impact point based on the breakup state vector.

image mean impact point of the impact distribution resulting from the jth dispersion source.

The mean of the impact distribution for the fragment group is then:

image (35)

Similarly, the impact covariance matrix for the fragment group is the sum of the impact covariances for the contributing effects:

image (36)

Risk analysis process using a debris footprint

Debris footprint methods characterize impact probability by simulating debris footprints for a representative collection of planned jettisons and malfunction breakup state vectors. Typically, planned jettisons only require analysis for a small period of flight time. By contrast, modeling impact probabilities using debris footprints resulting from failures requires substantial samples of failure times and simulated failures. Sampling must be at a high enough frequency to assure a smooth overlap of the footprints. Figure 4.1.43 illustrates the basis steps of a debris pattern based risk analysis.


FIGURE 4.1.43 Iterative debris risk analysis process.

The following are the basic steps of the analysis:

1. Develop state vectors for debris-generating events.
Select a class of debris-generating events (planned or malfunction):

(i) For planned events select one event at a time until all events have been processed; use the selected state vector in step 2.

(ii) For malfunctions:

(a) Select a failure time (representing a time interval), cycle through all failure times.

(b) Select a specific mode of failure and failure mode parameters, cycle through all modes.

(c) Simulate the vehicle malfunction response trajectory. Create a breakup state vector at the earlier of the time when aerodynamic capacity of the vehicle is exceeded or when flight termination criteria are violated. The breakup state vector is then used in the next steps.

2. Select a fragment group resulting from the debris-generating event.

3. Develop the fragment group impact probability distribution.

4. Compute the impact probability and casualty expectation for each population center with the impact probabilities and casualty expectations weighted by the probability of failure associated with the specific failure time and failure mode.

5. Repeat for all combinations of failure time/interval, failure mode, and fragment group.

6. Statistically combine to obtain the total risks (individual and collective).

State vectors for debris-generating events

Each debris-generating event must be represented by one or more state vectors representing the initial conditions for the generation of debris. When a debris-generating event is represented by a single state vector the uncertainty in the characterization of the state vector should be expressed in a covariance matrix and, as described earlier, included in the development of the debris footprints. The alternative approach is to sample state vectors from the probability distribution for each debris-generating event according to the probability distribution and to generate separate debris footprints for each sample.

Employing a single state vector to characterize the initial conditions for debris generation works best when the uncertainty in the state vector is “relatively small” and when the position and velocity component probability distributions may be reasonably approximated by the normal distribution. Violation of these conditions will, typically, result in non-normal impact probability distributions. These probability distributions for planned jettisons are typically part of the mission planning package.

Malfunctions are characterized by the trajectory the vehicle flies in response to the malfunction. For best results malfunction trajectory simulations should continue until fuel depletion and loss of coordinated lift or ground impact. Successive points along the malfunction trajectory should be examined to assess if the structural capacity of the vehicle has been exceeded as a result of aerodynamic loads or inertial forces. In addition, each malfunction trajectory point is tested to assess if flight termination limits have been violated. Any of the aforementioned conditions can result in vehicle breakup. Typically, the uncertainty in characterizing aerodynamic loads and inertial loads and the uncertainty in structural capacity is addressed by sampling the loads or capacity. This results in a number of breakup state vectors. Moreover, if flight termination limits are violated, the uncertainty in the time to detect and respond to the violation must be modeled.

Develop fragment group impact probability distribution

The breakup list is selected corresponding to the mode of breakup (for example, aerodynamic breakup, breakup due to flight termination, etc.) for the breakup state vector being modeled as a source of debris. One fragment group at a time is analyzed using the process described in the discussion of debris footprints.

Evaluate fragment group contribution to population center impact probability and risks

As noted in the previous section, the footprint analysis results in a mean fragment impact point, image, and an impact covariance matrix, image, for each fragment group originating from a breakup state vector. Combined with the modeling assumption that each fragment group impact probability distribution follows a bivariate normal distribution, these are sufficient to evaluate impact probabilities to population centers.

Each population center at risk must be considered, one at a time. Earlier, it was noted that population center size must be chosen with consideration for the expected size of the impact probability distributions. The most common approaches to computing the impact probability on a population center treats the population center as a square or a circle. The orientation of the square is assumed to not materially alter the fidelity of this representation.

Typically, the fragment group impact covariance matrix, image, will be a full matrix with off-diagonal elements. The general form of the matrix will be:


The computation of the impact probability is greatly simplified in a coordinate system with no off-diagonal terms. This is accomplished by solving for the eigenvalues of the matrix, the solution to:


Such a solution exists when the determinant vanishes, i.e.


Solving for the eigenvalues gives:


The covariance matrix in the new coordinate system is:


where image

This is equivalent to rotating to a new coordinate system, offset from the original coordinate system by an angle, image (See Figure 4.1.44).


FIGURE 4.1.44 Rotational angle from diagonalizing covariance matrix.

The integration to compute impact probability will be accomplished in the new coordinate system. The required rotation angle is given by the equation:


In the rotated coordinate system, the region to be integrated is as appears in Figure 4.1.45.


FIGURE 4.1.45 Integration region for Gaussian impact distribution.

Evaluation of the impact probability for a single fragment from a single fragment group for a single breakup vector simply requires evaluating the equation:


If there are N fragments in the fragment group, the impact probability from the fragment group is given by:

image (37)

The basic casualty expectation equation is:

image (38)

where the factor image is the probability of the failure associated with the breakup state vector being evaluated and the factor image is based on the casualty area to each sheltering class.

The impact probability to a single population center from all image fragment groups resulting breakup state vector (with image fragments in the jth group) is given by:

image (39)

The image from all of the fragment groups from the state vector is simply the sum of the image values for all of the fragment groups.

image (40)

Risk analysis process using a corridor approach

The corridor approach is a very fast algorithm for computing impact probabilities. It achieves this speed because the key parameters for this approach must be developed as input to the method and because it employs very simple algorithms. The method generally applies to portions of the flight for which the projected (Instantaneous) Impact Points (IIPs) progress steadily downrange. Thus, it does not apply in the early phase of flight shortly after lift-off when the IIP traces can have irregular behavior as a result of vehicle maneuvers or wind effects. This approach has been used to compute the hazards for an on-trajectory loss of thrust, breakup, or explosion, as well as for malfunction turns. It is not directly amenable to incorporate effects of flight termination on the impact distributions. Impact probability distributions are developed in the downrange direction and the crossrange direction independently. The downrange component is based on the failure probability and the rate of downrange progression of the IIP. Simple one-dimensional probability distributions, such as uniform distributions or normal distributions, are used to characterize the crossrange distribution.

Typically, each combination of vehicle failure response mode and fragment group must be modeled separately. Each combination will have its own unique failure rate, IIP trace, and crossrange dispersion.

This modeling technique requires development of the following input data for each vehicle failure response mode:

• Vehicle failure rate as a function of flight time.

• The mean IIP trace, for each fragment group.

• Hazard area, casualty area, and fatality area as a function of flight time for each fragment group and category of sheltering.

• Crossrange probability distributions as a function of flight time for each fragment group (accounting for all significant sources of impact dispersion).

• Population library characterizing where people are located and the level of protection they are provided by sheltering.

Conceptually, the corridor approach computes the probability of impact of a fragment group on a population center for the period while the vehicle IIP (in the modeled failure response mode) is passing over or near the population center. Mathematically, the impact probability on a population center is given by:

image (41)

where image is the downrange component of the impact probability and image is the crossrange component. The downrange component is simply the integral of the failure rate image over the period of time the IIP traverses the population center, symbolically,


The crossrange distributions are referenced to the IIP trace. A second parameter is used to define the limits of the crossrange distribution. The most commonly employed crossrange distribution is the normal distribution, where three or five standard deviations are used to define the sensible crossrange limits of the distribution. This form of modeling is commonly employed for the downrange risk analyses for launch vehicles. A variation employed for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) is the use of a uniform crossrange distribution over some set of limits.

Figure 4.1.46 illustrates the relationship of the probability distribution to a (square) population center when the crossrange component of the distribution is modeled using a normal distribution. The edges of the population center that are closest and furthest from the IIP trace may be expressed in terms of the population centroid, image, and the area, image, as image and image. Thus, the probability, image, of impacting within the crossrange limits of the population center is:

image (42)

where image is the standard deviation of the crossrange impact uncertainty during the time the IIP trace traverses the population center centroid.


FIGURE 4.1.46 Normal crossrange probability distribution.

Figure 4.1.47 depicts the uniform probability distribution as the crossrange probability distribution. If the width of the crossrange distribution is designated as image (for consistency with the prior example) and if the entire crossrange extent of the population center falls within the bounds of the crossrange distribution, then:

image (43)

If some portion of the population center extends beyond the crossrange limits of the distribution, then the numerator needs to be reduced by the amount the population center extends beyond the crossrange limits of the impact distribution. For example, if the population center has one edge inside the crossrange distribution and the other edge extends a distance, image, beyond the distribution then the crossrange component of the probability distribution is:

image (44)


FIGURE 4.1.47 Uniform crossrange probability distribution.

(Other crossrange probability distributions may, occasionally, be appropriate and should be evaluated over the crossrange extent of a population center when they are employed.)

The total impact probability for the combination of the fragment group and failure mode being modeled is then:

image (45)

The casualty expectation, image, to a single population center with multiple levels of sheltering from a single failure mode and a single fragment group is given by:

image (46)

where image is the casualty area per fragment to the jth level of population sheltering, image is the population in the jth level of population sheltering category, and image is the number of fragments in the debris group.

Computation of mission risks requires summing overall population centers at risk, all failure modes, and all fragment groups:


Risk analysis process using general Monte Carlo methods

The previous sections have discussed the various independent sources of debris dispersion resulting from a launch vehicle malfunction. Both of the previous sections apply some assumptions for the form of the impact distributions used to characterize the independent sources of debris dispersion and develop the final composite impact probability density functions. An alternative approach that makes no such assumptions is to develop a model based on numerically derived best estimates of the probability distributions of the debris characterization and the atmosphere. Monte Carlo methods build impact probability distributions by judicious sampling from the underlying probability distributions to develop impact probability distributions. There are many fine references discussing considerations in employing Monte Carlo methods and interpreting the results (for example Liu, 2008, Robert and Casella, 2004).

Important issues include (1) the representation of the probability distributions of the independent variables, both marginal distributions and joint distributions; (2) defining the characteristics on the ground that are most important for the evaluation; (3) designing the sampling strategy to account for the characteristics of the impact probability distribution to be captured; and (4) interpreting the results of the Monte Carlo sampling to obtain the best representation of the impact probability distribution.

While it is possible to devise a Monte Carlo analysis that samples initial conditions of the fragments, winds and atmospheric conditions along the ballistic path and the orientation of the lift vector at each step along the trajectory, most Monte Carlo analyses performed for developing debris impact dispersions are more modest in scope. The sampling, more typically, addresses the guidance and performance dispersions, malfunction trajectory dispersions, breakup velocities, and fragment ballistic coefficients. It is useful to think of the Monte Carlo sampling as being composed of two parts. In the first part a sample of breakup state vectors is developed; in the second the debris pattern resulting from each breakup state vector is developed.

When a set of normal trajectories is used to characterize the guidance and performance-induced dispersions, the natural approach is (1) select a failure time; (2) select one of the trajectories characterizing the guidance and performance dispersion; (3) initiate the malfunction response beginning with the selected failure time and selected trajectory; and (4) continue the simulation until the earlier of two conditions – the sampled structural limits for the vehicle is reached or a flight termination criterion has been violated and the sampled reaction time for the flight termination system has passed. The vehicle state vector at the final condition becomes the breakup state vector.

The breakup list for the breakup condition that has occurred and the breakup time of flight is selected. If the model being employed for velocities imparted to fragments at breakup is directional then the vehicle attitude in addition to its position and velocity is part of the breakup state vector. Thus, for example, the breakup model may include a nozzle ejected along the vehicle axis to the rear with a cone half angle of 30 degrees. The fragmentation may consider alternative detachment points for the nozzle which affect the mass of the piece, its drag characteristics and reference area, and the magnitude of the velocity imparted to the piece. When such interdependency exists, it is important that the sampling technique account for the relationship; however, it is uncommon to address inter-relationships at this level because the causality in such variability is hard to define. Instead, the model may only be able to characterize the piece as having some maximum velocity with perhaps a best estimated velocity and a range of ejection directions and a preferred ejection direction. Probability distributions must then be fit to the parameters that can be estimated. Similarly, connecting the fragment’s aerodynamic characteristics to the imparted velocities may often be beyond the capability of the model.

It is important to have a systematic process for sampling and, when it is feasible, to properly address functional dependencies or correlations among variables.

The final step of the Monte Carlo analysis is interpreting the results in the form of impact probability distributions. One approach, discussed previously, is to assume that the impact points follow some particular probability distribution such as a bivariate normal distribution. The parameters of the specified distribution are estimated by a standard approach such as maximum likelihood estimators or the method of moments. When this approach is justifiable, it requires smaller sample sizes and allows more rapid calculations. However, when the use of this approach cannot be justified for the portions of the impact probability distribution of interest an alternative methodology is needed. Perhaps the simplest approach employed under these conditions is a two-dimensional histogram. The region of interest is divided into a regular grid. The number of impact points is recorded for each grid cell and the fraction of the impact points for the condition of interest in that cell represents the local impact probability density. If the region of interest is where the impact probability on a 1000 ft2 ship is 1 × 10–6, stable estimates of these contours will require enormous sample sizes. Moreover, there are additional concerns about the simplistic histogram.

These issues are more easily illustrated in a one dimensional histogram. To create a one-dimensional histogram, the interval covered by the data values is divided into equal sub-intervals (“bins”). The number of data points in each bin is counted, and assigned to the bin. Transforming the histogram into a density function simply requires dividing the value assigned to each bin by the number of data points.

Disadvantages of the histogram include:

1. The choice of the starting point of the interval and the width of the bins can significantly affect the final result.

2. Because the results are quantized, resolution may be poor. One solution to these problems is to use fine bins and many, many data points, but this is often impractical due to computational limitations.

Figure 4.1.48 shows two histograms of the same data (the data are shown by the plus symbols). Obviously, the histograms are quite different. The only difference between these two interpretations of the data is the endpoints of the histograms. The diagram on the left suggests a skewed distribution; the diagram on the right suggests a bimodal distribution. Obviously, each representation depicts only certain characteristics of the data and masks other characteristics. The solution to be described is based in part on the desirability for a smooth representation and in part on the recognition that the data being employed in the calculations are samples.


FIGURE 4.1.48 Examples of histograms. (Duong, 2001)

A solution to the problem is to assign a kernel, a function with a specified shape and area equal to 1, to each data point. It is common to use a Gaussian distribution as the kernel. An illustration of this for the same data is shown in Figure 4.1.49. Notice that this figure shows a smooth density function that captures both the skewness and the bimodal characteristics illustrated in Figure 4.1.49.


FIGURE 4.1.49 Example of one-dimensional kernel density estimation.

A challenge with kernel density estimation (KDE) is to choosing the appropriate “bandwidth” (for a Gaussian kernel, the standard deviation). A poor choice of bandwidth can over-smooth or under-smooth the data. For one-dimensional data, analytical methods have been developed to determine the “optimal” bandwidth for specific functions. However, non-constant bandwidths may be appropriate for some data sets.

The KDE methodology can be applied to two-dimensional and higher dimensional data, where the kernel is now a two (or more) dimensional Gaussian distribution. However, there is no method to choose the optimal bandwidth for these higher dimensional cases. Moreover, it is possible to choose a different bandwidth in each dimension, and the orientation of such a kernel is also important.


1. AAAM. The Abbreviated Injury Scale. 1990; Revisions, Update 98, Association of for the Advancement of Automobile Medicine.

2. Baeker JB, Collins JD, Herndon M, Larson E, Philipson LL. Development of Flight Safety Analysis Data for RLV Launches from Harper Dry Lake, Report No 02-463. Torrance, CA: ACTA Inc.; May 2002.

3. Blevins R. Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook. Krieger Publications 2003.

4. Bryce I, Vuletich I, Wilson S. A Fractal Fragmentation Model for Breakup of Aerospace Vehicles. Sydney, Australia: Australian Space Sciences Conference; 2009.

5. Collins JD, Carbon SL, Brinkman CP. A Progress Report on Maximum Probable Loss. Nice, France: Proceedings of the First IAASS Conference; 25–27 October 2005.

6. Duong T. An introduction to kernel density estimation. part of the Weatherburn Lecture Series for the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, at the University of Western Australia 2001;; 2001; retrieved Dec 21, 2007.

7. Fudge M, Stagliano T, Tsiao S. Non-Traditional Flight Safety Systems and Integrated Vehicle Health Management Systems: Descriptions of Proposed & Existing Systems and Enabling Technologies & Verification Methods. Alexandria, Virginia: ITT Industries, Advanced Engineering & Sciences Division; 2003; Final.

8. Gayle JB, Bransford JW. Size and Duration of Fireballs from Propellant Explosions. Huntsville, AL: Marshall Space Flight Center; 1965.

9. Hoerner SF. Fluid-Dynamic Drag: Theoretical, Experimental and Statistical Information. 1966; Revised 1985, Hoerner Fluid Dynamics, Bakersfield, California.

10. Koppenwallner G, Fritsche B, Lips T, Klinkrad H. SCARAB – A Multi-disciplinary Code for Destruction Analysis of Space-Craft During Re-entry. Cologne, Germany: Proceedings of the Fifth European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles; November 2005; ESA SP-563.

11. Liu JS. Monte Carlo Strategies in Scientific Computing (Springer Series in Statistics). Springer 2008.

12. Marx M. Apollo Forced Entry Debris Dispersion Study, Note 68-FMT-648. Redondo Beach, CA: TRW Systems; April 1968.

13. Merx Ir WPM, et al. Methods for the Determination of Possible Damage to People and Objects from Releases of Hazardous Materials (Green Book), CPR 16E. 3rd ed. Netherlands: The Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research (TNO); 1992; Chapters 2 and 3.

14. Murray DP. A Tiered Approach to Flight Safety Analysis, AIAA 2006-6499. AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit 21–24 August 2006; Keystone, Colorado.

15. NASA Orbital Debris Program Office Web Site. In:;.

16. Nyman R, Collins J, Wilde P. Development of Debris Lists for Launch and Re-entry. Versailles, France: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety; 2011.

17. Parker L, Watson JD, Stephenson JF. Final Baseline Assessment: Western Space and Missile Center (WSMC). Cocoa Beach, Florida: Research Triangle Institute; 1989; RTI/4028/01–02F.

18. Range Commanders Council Electronic Trajectory Measurement Group. Error Sources Applicable to Precision Trajectory Radar Calibration White Sands Missile Range. New Mexico: Range Commanders Council; 1980; RCC 255–80.

19. Range Commanders Council Electronic Trajectory Measurements Group. The Radar Roadmap White Sands Missile Range. New Mexico: Range Commanders Council; 1998; RCC 260–98.

20. Range Commanders Council GPSRSA Ad Hoc Group. Guidelines Document: Global Positioning System (GPS) as a Real-Time Flight Safety Data Source White Sands Missile Range. New Mexico: Range Commanders Council; 1998; RCC 322–98.

21. Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group. Global Positioning and Inertial Measurments Range Safety Tracking Systems’ Commonality Standard White Sands Missile Range. New Mexico: Range Commanders Council; 2001; RCC 324.01.

22. Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group. Common Risk Criteria for National Test Ranges White Sands Missile Range. New Mexico: Range Commanders Council; 2010; RCC 321–10.

23. Range Commanders Council Range Safety Group. Flight Termination Systems Commonality Standard (Public Release) White Sands Missile Range. New Mexico: Range Commanders Council; 2010; RCC 319–10 (Public Release).

24. Richmond DR, et al. Damage Criteria for Personnel Exposed to Repeated Blasts. Minutes of the Twentieth Explosive Safety Seminar (DDESB) August 1982.

25. Risk Committee, Range Safety Group, Range Commanders Council. Common Risk Criteria Standards for National Test Ranges: Supplement White Sands Missile Range. 2007; New Mexico. RCC 321–07.

26. Robert CP, Casella G. Monte Carlo Statistical Methods. Springer 2004.

27. Stoll AM, Chianta MA. Method and Rating System for Evaluation of Thermal Protection. Aerosp Med. 1969;40(11):1232–1238.

28. Tsao CK, Perry WW. Modification to the Vulnerability Model: A Simulation System for Assessing Damage Resulting from Marine Spills (VM4). US Coast Guard 1979; AD/A-075231, NTIS Report No. CG-D-38-79.

4.2 Re-Entry of the Main Cryotechnic Stage of Ariane 5: Challenges, Modeling and Observations

Christophe Bonnal, Carine Leveau, Jérôme Vila and Marc Toussaint


The development of the European heavy lift launcher Ariane 5 led to numerous firsts: the Solid Boosters EAP were nearly 10 times larger than those then available in Europe; the Cryogenic Stage EPC was 15 times larger than the upper stage of Ariane 4, with the Vulcain engine 20 times more powerful than the HM7. In terms of overall size, with a global diameter of 5.4 m, mass at lift-off, and global performance, every Ariane 5 parameter turned out to be a challenge during development.

Among these challenges, one which may have been underestimated at the beginning was the fall-down of the main Cryotechnic Stage EPC. In all the previous versions of Ariane launchers, the fall-down zone of the various stages, fairings, boosters, liquids or solids, did not raise any specific concern, as they took place in the Atlantic, without over-flying any solid ground, hence without raising any safety concern (except for the launch base, a topic that is not addressed here). In contrast, on Ariane 5, the optimal staging left the EPC in a low orbit (perigee 180 km, apogee 1600 km). As a random re-entry of such a large stage shortly after lift-off had not been studied, we undertook extensive research on how to deorbit the EPC in a controlled way, in order to have it re-entering in a safe zone in the Pacific. Unfortunately, after considering the development of a specific deorbitation kit, these studies rapidly showed the extreme complexity, mainly in terms of GNC, of such an active deorbitation of the EPC. We then had to modify the trajectory of the launcher and to adapt the size of the stages accordingly, increasing the size of the upper Storable Propellant Stage EPS from a loading of 5.2 tons to 7.2 tons; the repartition in ΔV between Lower and Upper Composites then led to a natural re-entry of the EPC in the Pacific.

Unfortunately, this re-entry was like nothing we knew or had studied previously! The stage performed an almost complete revolution around the Earth before re-entering close to the Galapagos Islands, with a very high velocity, almost orbital, and a very shallow atmospheric entry angle; typical values at 120 km altitude are 8200 m/s absolute speed and –2.4° flight path angle.

Re-entry Modeling

Description of the EPC

The main Cryotechnic stage of Ariane 5, EPC, pictured in Figure 4.2.1, is 5.4 m in diameter and slightly more than 30 m long; it has a global dry weight of roughly 14 tons. It can be subdivided into three parts:

• The front skirt is a very sturdy structure interfacing the EPC with the upper stage, but also receiving the full thrust of the two Solid Boosters EAP thanks to two ball bearings.

• The rear skirt is also a massive structure interfacing the Vulcain engine with the tanks, but also connecting the EAP struts.

• In between, a huge tank with a common bulkhead houses the 160 tons of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen of the stage; it is made of light aluminum alloy, and very thin (1.5 mm in some zones).


FIGURE 4.2.1 Ariane 5 Main Cryotechnic Stage EPC.

Dimensioning Debris

The first task is to determine whether any debris may survive the re-entry; the EPC is mainly made of light alloy, meaning that most of it should melt during re-entry. Unfortunately, an exhaustive review of all the components of EPC associated to simplified survivability computations showed that numerous elements had a high chance of not burning completely before reaching sea level, including:

• massive objects, such as turbo pumps of the Vulcain or structures interfacing the Solid Boosters;

• pieces in titanium, such as liners for high pressure tanks;

• large panels, often flying a “leaf like” pattern which averages the thermal fluxes;

• filament wound tanks, potentially resisting at temperatures as high as 1600°C;

• pieces shaded by others during re-entry, such as electronic boxes, inside the front skirt of the stage, on metallic trays, behind large carbon walls;

• smaller pieces such as paint flakes or bits of thermal protection.

We selected for our studies two-dimensioning debris:

• the leading debris chosen representative from a dense element such as a turbo pump (M/S.Cx = 300 kg/m2, L/D = 0.1);

• the trailing debris representative from a gliding element such as a tank panel (M/S.Cx = 10 kg/m2, L/D = −0.3).

Modeling of the Trajectories

To compute the re-entry corridor and the associated footprint, the trajectory of the EPC is subdivided into five phases, each of which require a dedicated modeling; Figure 4.2.2 presents such a trajectory in a very simplified way, for an A5GS version:

• Ascent phase: this modeling is classical, performed for the customers during the mission analysis. The dispersions are taken into account by covariance matrix propagation considering launcher dispersions (mass, propulsion), aerology (air density, wind), and IMU dispersions.

• Separation phase: this starts at MECO and lasts some 1000 seconds, after which the pressures in the tanks are so low that no perturbing torque is applied any more to the EPC. To avoid any skipping effect where EPC would rebound in an uncontrolled way, a large shaped hole was pyrotechnically opened in the walls of the liquid hydrogen tank, inducing a fast tumbling movement of the stage; this valve, associated to a similar one on the liquid oxygen tank side, also depressurizes the EPC, thus avoiding any risk of highly energetic explosion during re-entry. This phase is very complex and numerous sub-phases shall be modeled:

• the residual thrust of Vulcain after separation shall be taken into account;

• eight small pyrotechnical jacks that force a quick distancing between EPC and upper stage, aiding physical separation;

• the LH2 tumbling valve is opened, generating a large torque on the stage, greatly dependent on residual propellant masses in the tanks;

• the LOX passivation valve is opened, but the perturbing torque is negligible;

• when applicable, the effect of the plume of the upper stage engine, ignited at 5 meters distance from the EPC, shall be taken into account.


FIGURE 4.2.2 Typical Ariane 5 mission (simplified).

For all these sub-phases, 18 DOF simulations of the EPC were considered during development, to take into account the movement of residual propellants inside the tanks.

• Coasting phase: this phase is the easiest to model, being purely ballistic. A 6 DOF model of the EPC is used, considering the residual propellants as masses attached to the tank walls; damping effects due to propellants can be neglected.

• EPC re-entry phase: starting arbitrarily at an altitude of 120 km; this phase is characterized by the increasing effect of atmosphere, slowing the stage, slowing its tumbling motion and heating the structures.

• Complex aerodynamic effects are modeled based on the results of numerous sub-scale wind tunnel tests at high Mach numbers. The breakup of EPC is considered to happen somewhere close to 70 km altitude, when the dynamic pressure induces torques in the structures larger than they can bear, taking into account the effect of temperature on the effective strength of materials. At breakup, the debris are ejected following the worst case distributions for the direction and a ΔV corresponding to the rotational motion of EPC and some explosive behavior for elements not passivated (high pressure vessels).

• Debris re-entry phase: the trajectories of the two-dimensioning debris are simulated separately, using a 3 DOF model down to the 0 altitude. Aerology effects are taken into account.

The determination of the footprint is performed using a dedicated tool called IMPACT, a full 6 DOF Monte-Carlo simulation associated with complex extrapolation functions in order to achieve a 99.999% probability impact zone.

The domain which has to be covered by our simulations is very wide, a function of the version of the launchers (Ariane 5 ES, ECA, ECB) and mission definition. Figure 4.2.3 presents the domain to be considered as re-entry path angle at 120 km altitude, versus velocity at 120 km altitude.


FIGURE 4.2.3 Flight domain for the EPC re-entry.

Simulation Results

The results of these simulations are of course version and mission dependent. Figure 4.2.4 gives two examples of such results, respectively for a Pacific re-entry (left) and an Atlantic re-entry (right), both for GTO missions.


FIGURE 4.2.4 Typical EPC re-entry simulation results.

It can be seen that the EPC footprint can be very large, measuring up to 2500 km in length and some 300 km width. This size, and the presence of nearby inhabited zones, led us to launch a validation campaign to check the reality of our models and qualify the EPC re-entry.

Modeling Validation: Observations In Situ

Observation of the Ariane 5 Maiden Flight 501 Re-Entry

The first EPC re-entry observation campaign was epic! Thanks to the endless efforts of the late and much missed Joseph P. Loftus from NASA-JSC, a cooperative campaign was set up with NASA consisting in sending a dedicated radar close to the re-entry point of EPC, in the middle of Pacific, under financing from the ESA Launcher Directorate ARTA program (Bonnal et al., Oct 4–10, 1999).

The NASA team deployed a large 50 MHz radar on the very remote island of Clipperton after numerous difficulties (no harbor, very tough shore-line, sharks, crabs, heat…), and was ready for the mission, on June 4, 1996.

Unfortunately, this maiden Ariane 5 flight failed after 36 seconds of flight due to a software glitch, so there was, of course, no observation.

Observation of the Third Ariane 5 Flight 503

Considering the difficulties encountered during the first observation campaign, associated to the strong trajectory constraint associated with the location of the observation means, it was decided with NASA to have airborne observation systems for the 503 mission. This observation campaign was organized in the frame of the ESA program ARTA.

Three airplanes were considered, in addition to the Kwajalein tracking station:

• The first plane, AST (Airborne Surveillance Testbed), was a prototype of the Boeing 767 modified to house a huge infra-red sensor (Figure 4.2.5b, plane and sensor).


FIGURE 4.2.5 Airborne Surveillance Testbed and sensor.

• The second plane, ARGUS, was a modified C-135 housing two very sensitive optical benches (Figure 4.2.6) covering all the range from infra-red to ultra-violet wavelengths, in addition to numerous visual sensors.


FIGURE 4.2.6 ARGUS optical bench.

• The third plane, Big Crow, was a modified C-135 housing a 50 MHz radar operated by SPC (System Planning Corporation). This third plane was meant to qualify a simplified system which could be used on several of the following Ariane 5 launches.

• A fourth plane, Cast Glance, from the US Navy, was even used to follow the re-entry of the two Solid Boosters EAP and did a superb job, but is out of the scope of the present paper.

Unfortunately, “Captain Murphy” was also with us and surpassed any expectations that day, so numerous problems occurred during the mission. The acquisition from Kwajalein was poor, due to very bad weather and slightly non-nominal trajectory due to uncertainties in the passivation ΔV, the Argus plane never reached the target, mainly due to errors in target designation from Kwajalein; the Big Crow plane was grounded due to a fuel leak; the AST had an acquisition hole during 86 seconds due to a software problem triggered by some air turbulences.

Nevertheless, thanks to the merging of all available data, including some external ones in addition to those from the AST, all mission requirements were met and we could qualify our model.

The post-flight analysis, documented in JSC-28691 dated April 1999, showed a primary breakup altitude of 68 km with no significant explosion. It also enabled to determine the ballistic coefficients of the extreme debris and led to a good estimation of the debris footprint. The debris footprint was estimated to be 925 km long and 34 km wide. Overall, this observation mission gave an enormous amount of useful data on the individual debris trajectories and sequence of breakup from an altitude of 113 km down to 13 km.

A typical summary of the observation is given in Figure 4.2.7.


FIGURE 4.2.7 Summary of the AST observation for 503 EPC re-entry.

A typical image of the remains of the EPC at 85 km (trajectory data, left) and 52 km altitude (IR measure, right) is given in Figure 4.2.8.


FIGURE 4.2.8 Typical measurement data and infra-red measure from 503 EPC re-entry.

Figure 4.2.9 (left) presents the comparison of reference prediction 99% corridor and measurements. It shows that our predictions were globally correct, the slight shift being due to the passivation ΔV effect, very dispersed in the simulations. Figure 4.2.9 (right) gives the observed footprint (pale line) compared to the predicted one at 99% (black line).


FIGURE 4.2.9 Comparison between model and observation, EPC 503 re-entry.

Observation of the Following Ariane 5 Flights

The first observation performed on 503 was very instructive, but we had to have more data in order to confirm our statistical model. Four other observations were performed within the frame of the ESA program ARTA, respectively, flights 504, 518, 521 and 525 (Leveau and Toussaint, May 3–5, 2006).

The objectives of these observations were globally to validate our modeling, but our primary focus was the behavior of the stage at breakup, altitude and ΔV.


These five flights (including 503) were chosen in order to cover a wide range of launcher versions and missions:

• 503 was an A5G GTO mission, with a Pacific re-entry of EPC, flown on Oct 21, 1998.

• 504 was also an A5G, launching XMM on a near-escape inclined trajectory, on Dec 10, 1999, leading to unusual re-entry conditions with a re-entry slope of −4° and a re-entry velocity of 8000 m/s.

• 518 was an A5G+, launching Rosetta on an escape trajectory, on Mar 2, 2004.

• 521 was the first successful A5ECA GTO mission, with an Atlantic re-entry of EPC, flown on Feb 12, 2005.

• 525 was an A5GS GTO mission, with a Pacific re-entry of EPC, flown on Dec 21, 2005.

Figure 4.2.10 gives a schematic representation of the various versions of Ariane 5.


FIGURE 4.2.10 Different versions of Ariane 5.

Observation means

The measurement system is based on a VHF radar, 50 MHz, developed by SPC (US) and an infra red video camera. Initially flown on a USAF C135 plane called Big Crow, the observation system was adapted on the Airbus A300-0g belonging to Novespace, normally used to perform 0g experiments.

The radar system block diagram, from SPC, enabling low RF voltage is depicted in Figure 4.2.11 (Rubin et al., May 9–12, 2005).


FIGURE 4.2.11 Block diagram of the VHF radar observation system (System Planning Corporation).

The external antennas are “patch” antennas conformally mounted on dedicated doors adapted to the Airbus, enabling wide azimuth pattern and wide bandwidth. They are covered with dedicated radomes ensuring a good aerodynamic and structural integrity, as shown Figure 4.2.12.


FIGURE 4.2.12 VHF patch antennas mounted on the Novespace Airbus 0g.

The video camera adapted on its special mount is shown Figure 4.2.13. The equipment inside the plane is shown on Figure 4.2.14.


FIGURE 4.2.13 Video system mounted on board the Airbus 0g.


FIGURE 4.2.14 General view inside the Airbus 0g.

Observation data

To perform its observation, the plane follows a turn in order to have the antennas always oriented towards the re-entering stage, which is a complex maneuver considering the high altitude and velocity of the EPC during re-entry.

The signal before treatment is a range vs. time signal as shown in Figure 4.2.15, which after analysis gives all the required information, such as the precise trajectory followed by the stage, the altitude of breakups, the intensity of the return signal denoting the size of the debris, and the scattering of the debris after rupture.


FIGURE 4.2.15 Pre-treatment “raw” data from the radar measurement.

This information is cross-checked with the video information, witnessing all the main events during the breakup phase. An example of a snapshot of the video is given in Figure 4.2.16.


FIGURE 4.2.16 Video data.

Synthesis of the results

The various observations turned out to be very coherent, giving the same major results:

• The passivation of the stage, venting of the hydrogen tank leading to a tumbling mode in order to avoid any skipping effect was congruent with our prediction: the stage was always where it was expected, well within the boundaries considered when taking into account the parasitic effect of passivation.

• The breakup mode was non-explosive, as taken into account in our tools; we nevertheless noted some debris released with very high velocities, probably corresponding to some of the pressurized vessels of the EPC not passivated before re-entry.

• The breakup altitude was quite scattered, but always lower than expected: our predictions are conservative; this scattering can be explained by the difference in re-entry trajectories, balance between the maximal heat flux, and its integral during re-entry.

• The real impact area seemed to be in the 99% forecast impact footprint.

A typical analysis of the results is shown Figure 4.2.17 (altitude versus longitude).


FIGURE 4.2.17 Typical analysis of the results; comparison between model and data.

The results from observation are the small dots. The four external lines (two on top, two at the bottom) correspond to our predictions at 99% and 99.9%, the dotted line corresponds to our mean prediction; the small difference between this mean prediction and the observation is the effect of passivation of the EPC, which could then be determined with precision.

The observation results from the five missions are summarized in Table 4.2.1. From all these observations it can be confirmed that the breakup is due to thermo-mechanical loads and overpressure loads, and that the tumbling rate due to the passivation valve was quite close to that expected; the main rupture mode leads to two distinct large objects, as expected. They also showed that the EPC is progressively stripped of elements (thermal protection?) at very high altitudes.

Table 4.2.1

Synthesis of the EPC re-entry observation campaigns


These results definitely reassured us in our models, allowing us to open the flight domain of Ariane 5 even more.


Modeling the atmospheric re-entry of a large orbital object is complex, although the physics associated with this phase is well known. Numerous unknowns perturb the theoretical simulations, associated with the effective state of the objects (mass, center of gravity, inertias, residual propellants), their effective trajectory, the associated perturbations (as the passivation ΔV in the case of EPC) and atmospheric effects in a high altitude zone, rather unknown.

The five observations performed on the main stage EPC of Ariane 5 gave invaluable information, enabling us to validate completely the models used mainly for safety purposes. Thanks to them, ESA and CNES have been able to perform the complete loop: modeling, prediction, observation in situ and feedback data to retune our re-entry tools.

These tools, (both 6 DOF tool and the simplified 3DOF tool) are now fully confirmed, and adaptable to any re-entry of any object!

Thanks to this ESA launcher program, we have developed a unique observation system which is now more than validated. This observation system can now be used for any re-entering object. It is, for instance, being considered for the observation of the re-entry of the Z9 third stage or AVUM fourth stage of Vega, during one of the five VERTA flights.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

ARD    Atmospheric Re-entry Demonstrator, payload of flight 503

A5ECA     Version of Ariane 5 with ESC-A

A5ECB     Future version of Ariane 5, now called A5ME, with ESC-B

A5G     First version of Ariane 5 with EPS

A5GS     Version of Ariane 5 with improved EPS

DOF     Degree of freedom

EAP     Ariane 5 Solid Boosters

EPC     Ariane 5 Main Cryotechnic Stage

EPS     Ariane 5 Upper Storable Stage

ESC     Ariane 5 Upper Cryotechnic Stage

ESC-A     First-Generation Cryotechnic Upper Stage

ESC-B     Second-Generation Cryotechnic Upper Stage

GNC     Guidance, Navigation and Control

GTO     Geostationary Transfer Orbit

HM7B     Ariane 5 Upper Stage Cryogenic Engine

IMU     Inertial Measurement Unit

IR     Infra red

LH2     Liquid hydrogen

LOX     Liquid oxygen

L/D     Lift over drag ratio

MECO     Main engine cut-off

MHz     Megahertz

M.S/Cx     Ballistic coefficient

RF     Radio frequency

SPC     System Planning Corporation (US)

SPELTRA     Multiple Payload Carrying Structure

VHF     Very high frequency


1. Bonnal, J. P., Loftus, M., Toussaint, M. IAF–99 – V.2.08, Amsterdam, Oct 4–10, 1999. Observation of the re-entry of the Main Cryotechnic Stage of Ariane 5: Application to re-entry prediction of large orbital objects.

2. Leveau C, Toussaint M. Arcachon: 1st ARA Re-entry Symposium; May 3–5, 2006; EPC re-entry: re-entry trajectory prediction and radar measurements validation.

3. Rubin G, Carney T, Floyd J, et al. Arlington: 2005 IEEE International; May 9–12, 2005; Airborne radar measurements of the re-entry of the Ariane 5 EPC.

Further Reading

1. Collins, J. D., Carbon, S. L., & Chrostowski, J. D. (December 2006). Development of Quantitative Methods to Compute Maximum Probable Loss. ACTA Report No. 06-527/11.6-01.

2. Explosive Shocks in Air, Kinney, Graham. Facility Damage and Personnel Injury from Explosive Blast, Montgomery & Ward, 1993; and the Effects of Nuclear Weapons. 3rd ed. 1985; Glasstone & Dolan, 1997.

3. Gayle JB, Bransford JW. Size and Duration of Fireballs from Propellant Explosions. Huntsville, AL: Marshall Space Flight Center; 1965.

4. Hannum JAE. Hazards of Chemical Rockets and Propellants, Volume 1 – Safety, Health, and Environment. CPIA Publication. 1984;394.

This subchapter was prepared by Mr. Jerold Haber of ACTA, Inc. Mr. Haber organized and led the development of the subchapter. Dr. Jon Collins provided the leadership within ACTA, Inc. over many years during which much of this technology was developed. Dr. Paul Wilde was the editor for this subchapter and he most gratefully acknowledges the outstanding contributions of the ACTA team.

1Based on the Central Limit Theorem. If the distribution is known to be significantly different than bivariate normal, an alternative risk analysis method can be used (such as a Monte Carlo technique).

2These analyses assume that the sampling is from a stationary and independent process (Bernoulli trails). This is a useful approximation. However, given that launch vehicle manufacturer’s respond to anomalies by modifying the launch vehicle it is not a rigorously accurate description. Given the assumption, the prior distribution of failure probability is a beta distribution and the posterior distribution of failure probability is also a beta distribution.

3A probit is the inverse of the standard cumulative normal distribution.

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