
Page numbers followed by f indicate figures. Page numbers followed by t indicate tables.


Ab Initio Software, 127

Absa Bank, 40

Accounting, 6061. See also Budgets

general ledger system, 155

managerial framework, 156f, 157f, 158f

Adoption impetus, 104

Advertising, 161, 189t

Analytical platforms, 128130

Assets, reduction, 166


“Balanced Scorecard,” 38, 152154

definition, 200

Beath, Cynthia M., 117

Benchmarking, 167

Best Practices in Data Warehousing

Awards, 19

BI. See Business intelligence

BI Pathway, definition, 200

BPM. See Business performance management

Broadbent, Marianne, 65, 118

Brother International, 40

Budgets, 151, 188t. See also Accounting for information technology, 121

Business analysis. See also Business intelligence

with business information, 6t–9t


analysis of using business intelligence to create business value, 46f

architecture phase, 68, 7283

   analyses, methods, and deliverables, 76f

   data, 77, 7981, 80f

   dedicated environment, 8283

business intelligence development methods, 12, 2543, 6595

   implementation phase

      connection between architecture phase and leveraging business intelligence, 91f

   deploying re-engineered processes, 9092, 91f

business process re-engineering models, 75

characteristics, 6869

definition, 73, 200

governance, 7779

implementation phase, 6869, 8392

   data sources challenge, 8890, 88f

   financial institution cash management business intelligence

      prototype, 8788

   flow chart, 85f

   importance of data mart prototyping, 87

   logical data mart modeling, 8690, 88f

   portfolio, 84f

   requirements and re-engineered business processes, 8586, 85f

   technical development work, 9092, 91f

investment, 7273

key points, 94

mixed-use technical environment, 82

operational, 78, 8182

operations and continuous improvement phase, 6970, 9293

opportunity portfolio, 74

organizational tailoring, 6972, 70f

overview, 6567, 68f

program alignment to deliver return on investment, 7377, 74f, 76f

setting the foundation for success, 7783, 80f, 82f

state of readiness, 75

technical, 78, 8182

Business decisions, 4

relation between business processes and, 148f

Business design, 145f

Business imperative, business readiness and, 57

Business information, 4

with business analysis, 6t–9t

definition, 172173, 200

examples, 7t, 8t, 9t

Business intelligence (BI). See also Information technology

actions and outcomes, 7t, 8t, 9t

application. See Profit improvement program

balancing factors, 105f

barriers to realizing the benefits of, 195198

benefits, 195196

business analysis, 4

   change analysis, 22

   examples, 7t, 8t, 9t

   opportunity analysis, 21

   process engineering, 22

   readiness assessment, 21

   ROI analysis, 22

business-centric methods, 12

business decisions, 4

business information, 4

   examples, 7t, 8t, 9t

business information with business

   analysis, 6t–9t

business value, 124

   analysis of business intelligence initiatives, 2122


   potential benefits for business and business intelligence, 39t

   users and, 74

capturing business value, 1216, 14f

common mistakes on new initiatives, 170182

   establishing and managing a business intelligence program, 174177

   establishing the value proposition, 171174

   key points, 181

   managing organizational change to capture value, 179181

   optimizing information technology infrastructure for business intelligence, 177179

connection of business design, business processes and, 145f

core business process, 45, 109f

current trends, 1112

decision process engineering, 185187, 188t–190t, 191

decision support systems, 5

definition, 23, 200

enterprise requirements planning, 5

examples, 35

executive information systems, 9

finance and, 7t

Harrah’s Entertainment example, 34, 9, 13

key points, 23, 198

management change, 2021

managing for business value delivery, 2223

model, 99f

organizational opportunities. See Business intelligence organizational opportunities

origins, 511

in practice, 3f

preconditions for delivering business value, 15, 15f

process engineering, 1719

   to capture business value, 18f

   in practice, 1920

questions about your organization’s needs, 2324

re-engineering, 191194

scope, 74

stages of operational competitiveness, 132f

strategic alignment, 1617

Business intelligence (BI) organizational opportunities, 2543

analysis summary, 36, 4243

art versus science and, 3638, 37f

case study: McCormick, 2736

   application of framework, 2935

   business design, 31

   evolution of relevant industries, 2829

   financial planning and control, 32

   food industry drivers and trends, 29, 30f

   manufacturing, 31

   product development, 31

   SCM, 31

   structure of business intelligence opportunity map, 33f, 34f, 35f

key points, 43

overview, 2627, 27f

pitfalls, 40, 42

quality of business analysis, 3841

risk-reward tradeoffs and the business intelligence opportunity map, 4142

Business intelligence opportunities, impact of industry, competitors, and company business design on business intelligence opportunities, 141145

Business intelligence platforms and analytical applications, 128129, 129t

Business intelligence readiness, 4464

assessment, 202205

business-centric analysis of using business intelligence to create business value, 46f

business process orientation and, 58

business risk, 4750

case study: BYTECO, 5962

continuous process improvement culture, 5152

culture around the use of information and analytical applications, 5253

data warehousing technical readiness, 5658

decision process engineering culture, 5556, 56f

DW development method and, 57

elements of effective business/information technology partnerships for business intelligence, 59f


   disability insurance company, 4950

   manufacturing company, 4749

executive sponsorship and, 57

factors, 5059

impact on its return on investment, 47f

IT readiness and, 58

key points, 63

overview, 4546

people readiness and business imperative, 57

portfolio management, 5355, 54f

strategic alignment, 5051

traditional development methods, 4750

Business performance management (BPM), 152154, 187, 191

optimizing and integrating strategic, tactical, and operational, 195

Business performance metrics, 69

Business processes, relation between business decisions and, 148f

Business question, definition, 200

Business strategy, 172, 172f

Business value, 124

analysis of business intelligence initiatives, 2122

Business value capture mechanism, 40

definition, 200

Business vocabulary, 118f

BYTECO, 5962

assessment results, 61f

business intelligence readiness assessment, 6062

management accounting, 6061

supply chain management, 60


Capital One, 2

Category management, 162163, 189t

Center of excellence (COE), 104

CFO. See Chief financial officer

Change analysis, 22

Channel management, 161162, 189t

Chief financial officer (CFO), 1516

Chief information officers (CIOs), 67

CIOs. See Chief information officers

Clark, Kim, 170

COE. See Center of excellence

Communication, between information technology and business managers, 118f

CompUSA, 2

Continental Airlines, 2

Continuous process improvement culture, 42, 5152, 203

Cost leadership, 29

CRM. See Customer relationship management


around the use of information and analytical applications, 5253

continuous process improvement, 42, 203

decision making, 48

decision process engineering, 42, 204

disability insurance company, 49

information usage, 203

manufacturing, 48

that supports use of information and analytical tools, 42

Customer relationship management (CRM), 9, 115, 162, 196

definition, 200


segmentation, 160161

training, 14

Cycle time reduction, 165


Data. See also Information technology

access, 8081

architecture, 77, 79, 80f

definition, 201

to deliver business intelligence, 180

delivery, 81

distribution, 80

intake, 79

integration, 7980

meta-data management, 79

ownership and stewardship, 78

technical architecture and, 78

Database management systems, 127

Data cleansing, definition, 201

Data mart

definition, 201

importance of prototyping, 87

modeling, 8690, 88f

subject-oriented, 126

Data warehouse appliances, 130, 205

definition, 201

Data warehousing (DW), 1, 10

as enabler of BI, 1011

technical readiness, 5658

The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI), 1920, 2526, 5657, 67

D’Aveni, Richard, 143

Davenport, Thomas, 38

Decision making, 192

culture, 48

Decision process engineering culture, 42, 5556, 56f, 185187, 188t–190t, 191, 204

Decision support systems (DSSs), 5

Direct marketing, 161, 189t

Drucker, Peter F., 1112, 25, 183

DSSs. See Decision support systems

DW. See Data warehousing


EDI. See Electronic data interchange

EISs. See Executive information systems

Electronic data interchange (EDI), 9

Enterprise requirements planning (ERP), 5, 115, 117, 196

ERP. See Enterprise requirements planning

ETL. See Extract, transformation, and loading tools

Executive information systems (EISs), 9, 12

Executive sponsorship

business readiness and, 57

IT readiness and, 57

people readiness and, 57

Extract, transformation, and loading tools (ETL), 127128, 174

definition, 201


Fact/qualifier matrix, definition, 201

Finance, 176177

business intelligence and, 7t

First American Corp., 184

Forecasting, 151, 188t

Friedman, Milton, 1


General ledger (G/L) system, 155

G/L. See General ledger system


Hamel, Gary, 140

Harrah’s Entertainment, 34, 9, 13

Hayes, Robert, 131, 170

Henderson, John, 44

HR. See Human resources

Human resources (HR), 136137, 174


IBM, 127

ILOG, 130

Imhoff, Claudia, 12


process, 167, 188t, 190t

quality, 165166

service level, 166

Incentives, 180181

Informatica, 127

Information, definition, 201

Information technology (IT). See also Business intelligence; Data

assets required for business intelligence, 122127

   analytical applications, 129t

      custom, 125

      packaged, 125

   data sets for complex analyses, 125126

   elements, 123f

   embedded applications, 125

   infrastructure, 124f

   key information technology products, 127130

   subject-oriented data marts, 126

budget, 121

business intelligence and, 117139

   development flow and tools, 134f

   production process and key tasks, 135f

business intelligence environment in the IT environment, 131137

   development process, 133135, 134f

   human resources, 136137

   production and support processes, 135136, 135f

   progressive stages of operational competitiveness, 132f

business process orientation and, 58

business support and, 117122, 118f, 119f

capabilities and potential benefits for business and business intelligence, 39t

competition for resources, 197

data warehousing, 10

deployment, 1

DW development method and, 57

executive and management challenges, 196197

executive sponsorship and, 57

infrastructure, 112113

key points, 138

operations, 113

optimizing infrastructure for business intelligence, 177179

partnership, 205

portfolio, 119f

readiness and business imperative, 57

skepticism about value propositions, 196

transactional, 10

vocabulary, 118f

Information usage culture, 203

Inmon, William, 12

Investments, business value, 12

IT. See Information technology


Key process indicators (KPIs), 185

Kimball, Ralph, 12

KPIs. See Key process indicators


Leadership, 97105

advancing business intelligence maturity, 100104

changing the culture of information usage, 9798

stages of cultural change, 98100, 99f

Leveraging the New Infrastructure: How Market Leaders Capitalize on Information Technology (Weill and Broadbent), 118

Living on the Fault Line (Moore), 115

Logistics network optimization, 5


MAIF. See Managerial accounting information framework


accounting, 6061

category, 162163, 189t

change, 2021

channel, 161162, 189t

communication between information technology and business

   managers, 118f

database, 127

financial institution cash management business intelligence prototype, 8788

general perspective, 105115

governance, 109

meta-data, 79

performance, 151152

portfolio, 5355, 54f, 204

quality, 151152

release, 109

supply chain, 60

Management Challenges for the 21st Century (Drucker), 183

Managerial accounting information framework (MAIF), 156157, 156f, 157f, 158f


BYTECO case study, 5962

continuous process improvement, 48

culture, 48

example, 4749

partnerships, 48

Market analysis, 159160, 189t

McCormick, 2736

application of framework, 2935

business design, 31

business-driven business intelligence value creation opportunities, 3135, 33f, 34f, 35f

cost leadership, 29

evolution of relevant industries, 2829

financial planning and control, 32

food industry drivers and trends, 29, 30f

manufacturing, 31

product development, 31

SCM, 31

structure of business intelligence opportunity map, 33f, 34f, 35f

Moore, Gordon, 115


NAICS. See North American Industry Classification System

New Industrial Engineering: Information Technology and Business Process Redesign (Davenport and Short), 38

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 141


OLAP. See Online analytical processing

OLTP. See Online transaction processing

Online analytical processing (OLAP), 48

definition, 201

Online transaction processing (OLTP), definition, 201

Opportunity analysis, 21

Oracle, 127

Order processing, 166167

Organizational support, 173174


Partnerships, 42

elements of effective business/information technology partnerships, 59f

less than ideal, 48

People readiness

business imperative and, 57

business process orientation and, 57

DW development method and, 57

executive sponsorship and, 57

Performance management, 151152, 188t

optimization, 151152

Performance optimization, 188t

Planning, 151, 188t

Porter, Michael, 142

Portfolio management, 42, 5355, 54f, 204

PR. See Public relations

Prahalad, C. K., 140

Process engineering, 22

to capture business value, 18f

in practice, 1920

Process improvement, 151152, 167, 188t, 190t

Profit improvement program, 96116, 140169

business intelligence for improving operating processes, 163167

   asset reduction, 166

   benchmarking and process improvement, 167

   cycle time reduction, 165

   operating processes in the value

   chain, 164f

   order processing, 166167

   purchasing, 166

   quality improvement, 165166

   risk reduction, 165

   service level improvement, 166

business intelligence for management processes, 148159

   accounting for operational and financial performance, 154158, 156f, 157f

   enabling, 152154

   opportunities and their relation to categories of business processes, 149t–150t

   ways to improve management

      processes, 150152

      budgeting, 151

      performance management, process improvement, quality management, and performance optimization, 151152

      planning and forecasting, 151

business intelligence for

   revenue-generating processes, 159163

   advertising, direct marketing, and public relations, 161

   category management, 162163

   channel management, 161162

   CRM, 162

   customer segmentation, 160161

   marketing analysis, 159160

business intelligence opportunities and, 145148, 147t

decisions and, 192, 193

general management perspective, 105115

   balancing factors, 105f

   business strategy, 106

   business strategy/business infrastructure and processes, 106

   driven profit improvement, 114, 115

   program plan, 107113

      analytical capabilities, 110

      business alignment capabilities, 108

      business strategy, 108

      core competencies, 108, 109f

      governance and change management, 109

      information technology

      infrastructure, 112113

      information technology operations, 113

      managing risk and readiness, 110

      project management and, 111112

      re-engineering skills, 110, 111

      release management and, 109

      requirements analysis skills and tools, 109

      risk management, 110111

      technical capabilities, 109110

   total cost of ownership, 106

impact of industry, competitors, and company business design on business intelligence opportunities, 141145, 145f

key points, 115, 168

leadership perspective, 97105

   advancing business intelligence maturity, 100104

   changing the culture of information usage, 9798

   stages of cultural change, 98100, 99f

management processes, 148159

overview, 9697

relation between business decisions and business processes, 148f

subjects and techniques for business analysis, 144t, 147t

Program, definition, 72, 201

Project, definition, 201

Prototyping, 69

Psychographic segmentation, 160161

Public relations (PR), 161, 189t

Purchasing, 166, 190t


Quality improvement, 165166

Quality management, 151152, 188t


RDBMS. See Relational database management system

Readiness assessment, 21

framework, 41

Re-engineering, 191194

deploying, 9092, 91f

requirements of business processes, 8586, 85f

skills, 110, 111

Relational database management system (RDBMS), 127

Relevance Lost (Johnson and Kaplan), 154

Return on investment (ROI)

analysis, 22

definition, 201

Revenue optimization models, 5

Rigby, Daryl, 96

Risk analysis, 4142

management, 110111

reduction, 165


aversion, 197198

reduction, 190t

ROI. See Return on investment

Ross, Jeanne W., 117


SAS Institute, 130

SCM. See Supply chain management

SCOR. See Supply chain operations reference model

Service level improvement, 166

Short, James, 38

Slywotsky, Adrian, 143

SMEs. See Subject matter experts

Source-gap analysis, 89

Southwest Airlines, 40

SPSS, 130

SQL Server, 127

SSA. See U. S. Social Security Administration

Standard cost information, 154

Strategic alignment, 1617, 42, 5051, 202

Subject matter experts (SMEs), 16, 66

Supply chain management (SCM), 9, 60, 115, 196

definition, 201

Supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model, 38

Sybase, 127


TCO. See Total cost of ownership

TDWI. See The Data Warehousing Institute

Technical readiness, 42

Total cost of ownership (TCO), 106

Training, customers, 14

Transactional IT, 10, 39t


U. S. Social Security Administration (SSA), xvii


Value chain, 37f

Venkatraman, N., 44


Wachovia Bank, 1112

Wal-Mart, 28, 115, 143, 183, 184, 194

business design, 144t

Web Intelligence Supporting Decisions from Owens & Minor (WISDOM), 143

Weill, Peter, 65, 118

Western Digital, 1

Wheelwright, Steven, 131, 170

Whirlpool, 184

WISDOM. See Web Intelligence Supporting Decisions from Owens & Minor

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