Chapter 12. Applications of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
Nullius in verba (Take nobody's word for it).
Motto of the Royal Society, Britain's 350-year-old science fraternity

12.1. Introduction

In this chapter we will present applications of the theory of discrete-time signals and systems to three important areas: digital signal processing, digital control, and digital communications. The material in this chapter is meant to be a more motivational than detailed presentation. We encourage our readers to look for the details in excellent textbooks in these three areas 54, 22 and 16.
Given the advances in digital technologies and computers, processing of signals is being done mostly digitally. Early results in sampling, analog-to-digital conversion, and the fast computation of the output of linear systems using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) made it possible for digital signal processing to become a technical area on its own. (The first books in this area 63 and 54 come from the mid-1970s.) Although the origins of the FFT have been traced back to the German mathematician Gauss in the early 1800s, the modern theory of the algorithm comes from the 1960s. It should be understood that the FFT is not yet another transform, but an efficient algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), which we covered in Chapter 10.
Analog classic control systems can be implemented digitally using analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters and computers to implement the control laws. The theory of sampled data shows the connection between the Laplace and the Z-transform. The difficulty in the analysis of these systems is the mixing of continuous- and discrete-time signals.
Digital communication systems provide a more efficient way to communicate information than analog communication systems, but they are more demanding in terms of bandwidth. As indicated before, digital communications began with the introduction of pulse code modulation (PCM). Telephony and radio using baseband and band-pass signals have converged into wireless communications. Many of the principles of analog communications have remained, but its implementation has changed from analog to digital with slightly different objectives. Efficient use of the radio spectrum and efficient processing have become the objectives of modern wireless communication systems such as spread spectrum and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing, which we introduce here.

12.2. Application to Digital Signal Processing

In many applications, such as speech processing or acoustics, one would like to digitally process analog signals. In practice, this is possible by converting the analog signals into binary signals using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and if the output is desired in analog form a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is used to convert the binary signal into a continuous-time signal. Ideally, if no quantization is considered and if the discrete-time signal is converted into an analog signal by sinc interpolation the system can be visualized as in Figure 12.1.
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Figure 12.1
Discrete processing of analog signals using an ideal ADC and DAC. G(s) is the transfer function of the overall system, while H(z) is the transfer function of the discrete-time system.
Viewing the whole system as a black box with an analog signal x(t) as input, and giving as output also an analog signal y(t), the processing can be seen as a continuous-time system with a transfer function G(s). Under the assumption of no quantization, the discrete-time signal x[n] is obtained by sampling x(t) using a sampling period determined by the Nyquist sampling condition. Likewise, considering the transformation of a discrete-time (or sampled signal) y[n] into a continuous-time signal y(t) by means of the sinc interpolation, the ideal DAC is an analog low-pass filter that interpolates the discrete-timesamples to obtain an analog signal. Finally, the discrete-time signal x[n] is processed by a discrete-time system with transfer function H(z), which depends on the desired transfer function G(s).
Thus, one can process discrete- or continuous-time signals using discrete systems. A great deal of the computational cost of this processing is due to the convolution sum used to obtain the output of the discrete system. That is where the significance of the FFT algorithm lies. Although the DFT allows us to simplify the convolution to a multiplication, it is the FFT that as an algorithm provides a very efficient implementation of this process. In the next section, we will introduce you to the FFT and provide some of the basics of this algorithm for you to understand its efficiency.

12.2.1. Fast Fourier Transform

Comparing the equations for the DFT and the inverse DFT, or IDFT
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where WN = ej2π/N, one sees a great deal of duality (more so if both the DFT and the IDFT had the term B9780123747167000168/si3.gif is missing instead of only the 1/N in the IDFT). Since X[k] is complex, one can also see that one algorithm could be used for both the direct and the inverse DFTs if we assume x[n] to be complex.
Two issues used to assess the complexity of an algorithm are:
Total number of additions and multiplications: Typically, the complexity of a computational algorithm is assessed by determining the number of additions and multiplications it requires. The direct calculation of X[k] using Equation (12.1) for k = 0, …, N − 1 requires N × N complex multiplications, and N × (N − 1) complex additions. Computing the number of real multiplications and real divisions needed, it is found that the total number of these operations is of the order of N2.
Storage: Besides the number of computations, the required storage is an issue of interest.

Radix 2 FFT Algorithm

In the following, we consider the basic algorithm for the FFT. We assume that the FFT length is N = 2γ for an integer γ > 1. Excellent references on the DFT and the FFT are Briggs and Henson [10] and Brigham [11]
The FFT algorithm:
■ Uses the fundamental principle of “divide and conquer”: Dividing a problem into smaller problems with similar structure, the original problem can be successfully solved by solving each of the smaller problems.
■ Takes advantage of periodicity and symmetry properties of B9780123747167000168/si4.gif is missing:
(a) Periodicity:B9780123747167000168/si5.gif is missing is periodic of period N with respect to n, and with respect to k—that is,
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(b) Symmetry: The conjugate of B9780123747167000168/si7.gif is missing is such that
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Decimation-in-Time Algorithm

Applying the divide-and-conquer principle, we express X[k] as
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That is, we gather the samples with even arguments separately from those with odd arguments.
From the definition of B9780123747167000168/si8.gif is missing we have that
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which allows us to write
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where Y[k] and Z[k] are DFTs of length N/2 of the even-numbered sequence {x[2n]} and of the odd-numbered sequence {x[2n + 1]}, respectively.
Although it is clear how to compute the values of X[k] for k = 0, …, (N/2) − 1 as
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it is not clear how to proceed for kN/2. The N/2 periodicity of Y[k] and Z[k] allows us to find those values:
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where besides the periodicity of Y[k] and Z[k], we used
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Writing (12.4) and (12.5) in a matrix form we have
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where IN/2 is a unit matrix and ΩN/2 is a diagonal matrix with entries B9780123747167000168/si17.gif is missing; both matrices have dimension N/2 × N/2. The vectors XN, YN/2, and ZN/2 contain the coefficients of x[n], y[n], and z[n].
Repeating the above computation for Y[k] and Z[k] we can express it in a similar matrix form until we reduce the process to 2 × 2 matrices. While performing these computations, the ordering of x[n] is changed. This scrambling of x[n] is obtained by a permutation matrix PN (with 1 and 0 entries indicating the resulting ordering of the x[n] samples). If N = 2γ, the XN vector, containing the DFT terms X[k], is obtained as the product of γ matrices Ai and the permutation matrix. That is,
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where T stands for transpose. Given the large number of 1s and 0s in the {Ai} and the PN matrices, the number of additions and multiplications is much lower than those in the original formulas. The number of operations is found to be of the order of Nlog2N = γN, which is much smaller than the original number of order N2. For instance, if N = 210 = 1024, the number of additions and multiplications for the computation of the DFT from its original formula is N2 = 220 = 1,048,576, while the FFT computation requires Nlog2N = 1024 × 10 = 10,240—that is, the FFT requires about 1% of the number of operations required by the original formula for the DFT.
Consider the decimation-in-time FFT algorithm for N = 4. Give the equations to compute the four DFT values X[k], k = 0, …, 3 in matrix form.


If we compute the DFT of x[n] directly we have that
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which can be rewritten in the matrix form as
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where we used
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which requires 16 multiplications (8 if multiplications by 1 are not counted) and 12 additions. Thus, either 28 or 20, if multiplications by 1 are not counted, multiplications and additions are required. Since the entries are complex, these are complex additions and multiplications. A complex addition requires 2 real additions, and a complex multiplication requires 4 real multiplications and 3 real additions. Indeed, for two complex numbers z = a + jb and v = c + jd, z + v = (a + c) + j(b + c) and zv = (acbd + j(bc + ad)). Thus, the total number of real multiplications is 16 × 4 and real additions is 12 × 2 + 16 × 3 for a total of 136 operations.
Separating the even- and the odd-numbered entries of x[n], we have
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which can be written as
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In matrix form the above equations can be written as
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which is in the form indicated by Equation (12.6).
Now we have that
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which in matrix form is
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where we replaced B9780123747167000168/si27.gif is missing. Notice the change in the ordering of the {x[n]}.
Reordering the x[n] entries we have
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which finally gives
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The count of multiplications is now much lower given the number of 1s and 0s. The complex additions and multiplications are now 10 (2 complex multiplications and 8 complex additions) if we do not count multiplications by 1 or −1. Half of what it was before!

12.2.2. Computation of the Inverse DFT

The FFT algorithm can be used to compute the inverse DFT without any changes in the algorithm. Assuming the input x[n] is complex (x[n] being real is a special case), the complex conjugate of the inverse DFT equation, multiplied by N, is
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Ignoring that the right term is in the frequency domain, we recognize it as the DFT of a sequence {X*[k]} and it can be computed using the FFT algorithm discussed before. The desired x[n] is thus obtained by computing the complex conjugate of Equation (12.8) and dividing it by N. As a result, the same algorithm, with the above modification, can be used to compute both the direct and the inverse DFTs.
In the FFT algorithm the 2N memory allocations for the complex input (one allocation for the real part and another for the imaginary part of the input) are the same ones used for the output. Each step usesthe same locations. Since X[k] is typically complex, to have identical allocation with the output, the input sequence x[n] is assumed to be complex. If x[n] is real, it is possible to transform it into a complex sequence and use properties of the DFT to obtain X[k].

12.2.3. General Approach of FFT Algorithms

Although there are many algorithmic approaches to the FFT, the initial idea was to represent the finite one-dimensional signal x[n] as a two-dimensional array. This can be done by representing the length N of x[n] as the product of smaller integers, provided N is not prime. If N is prime, the DFT computation is done with the conventional formula, as the FFT does not provide any simplification. However, in that case we could attach zeros to the signal (if the signal is not periodic) to increase its length to a nonprime number. This factorization approach has historic significance as it was the technique used by Cooley and Tukey, the authors of the FFT.
Suppose N can be factored as N = pq; then the frequency and time indices k and n in the direct DFT can be written as
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The values of k range from 0 (when k0 = k1 = 0) to N − 1 (when k1 = q − 1 and k0 = p − 1 then k = k1p + k0 = (q − 1)p + (p − 1) = qp − 1 = N − 1). Likewise for n. The direct DFT
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can be written to reflect the dependence on the new indices as
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giving a two-dimensional array.
The decimation-in-time FFT presented before may be viewed in this framework by letting q = 2 and p = N/2, where as before N = 2γ is even. We then have using B9780123747167000168/si34.gif is missing,
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where when n0 = 0 the even terms (x[0, n1] = x[qn1] = x[2n1]) in the input are being transformed, while when n0 = 1 the odd terms (x[1, n1] = x[qn1 + 1] = x[2n1 + 1]) of the input are being transformed. Since k = k1p + k0 the final equation is B9780123747167000168/si36.gif is missing, which we obtained in the decimation-in-time approach (see Eq. 12.3).
Factoring N = 2 × N/2 corresponds to one step of the decimation-in-time method. If we factor N/2 as N/2 = (2)(N/4), we would obtain the second step in the decimation-in-time algorithm. If N = 2γ, this process is repeated γ times or until the length is 2.
A dual of the decimation-in-time FFT algorithm is the decimation-in-frequency method.

The Modern FFT
A paper by James Cooley, an IBM researcher, and Professor John Tukey from Princeton University [15] describing an algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series appeared in Mathematics of Computation in 1965. Cooley, a mathematician, and Tukey, a statistician, had in fact developed an efficient algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), which will be called the FFT. Their result was a turning point in digital signal processing: The proposed algorithm was able to compute the DFT of a sequence of length N using N log N arithmetic operations, much smaller than the N2 operations that had blocked the practical use of the DFT. As Cooley indicated in his paper “How the FFT Gained Acceptance”[14], his interest in the problem came from a suggestion from Tukey on letting N be a composite number, which would allow a reduction in the number of operations of the DFT computation.
The FFT algorithm was a great achievement for which the authors received deserved recognition, but also benefited the new digital signal processing area, and motivated further research on the FFT. But as in many areas of research, Cooley and Tukey were not the only ones who had developed an algorithm of this class. Many other researchers before them had developed similar procedures. In particular, Danielson and Lanczos, in a paper published in the Journal of the Franklin Institute in 1942 [19], proposed an algorithm that came very close to Cooley and Tukey's results. Danielson and Lanczos showed that a DFT of length N could be represented as a sum of two N/2 DFTs proceeding recursively with the condition that N = 2γ. Interestingly, they mention that (remember this was in 1942!):
Adopting these improvements the approximation time for Fourier analysis are: 10 minutes for 8 coefficients, 25 minutes for 16 coefficients, 60 minutes for 32 coefficients, and 140 minutes for 64 coefficients.
Consider computing the FFT of a signal of length N = 23 = 8 using the decimation-in-time algorithm.


Letting N = qp = 2 × 4, we then have that
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Figure 12.2 displays a lattice for n0 and n1 and the indices of the samples are in parentheses. By replacing k = 4k1 + k0, we get the first step of the decimation-in-time.
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Figure 12.2
Lattice for n0 = 0, 1 and n1 = 0, …, 3 (the values in parentheses are the indices of the samples). Notice the ordering in the two columns.
If we let y[n] = x[2n] and z[n] = x[2n + 1], n = 0, …, 3, we can then repeat the above procedure by factoring 4 = pq = 2 × 2 and expressing Y[k] and Z[k] as we did for X[k]. Thus, we have
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where now
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If we replace k = 2k1 + k0, we obtain
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In this example we wish to compare the efficiency of the FFT algorithm with that of our algorithm dft.m that computes the DFT using its definition. Consider the computation of the FFT and the DFT of a signal consisting of ones of increasing lengths N = 2r, r = 8, …, 11, or 256 to 2048.


To compare the algorithms we use the following script. The MATLAB function cputime measures the time it takes for each of the algorithms to compute the DFT of the sequence of ones.
% example 12.3
% fft vs dft
clf; clear all
time = zeros(1,4); time1 = time;
for r = 8:11,$$
N(r) = 2 ^ r;
i = r - 7;
t = cputime;
time(i) = cputime - t;
t = cputime;
time1(i) = cputime - t;
% function dft
function X = dft(x,N)
n = 0:N - 1;
W = ones(1,N);
for k = 1:N - 1,
W = [W; exp(-j ∗ 2 ∗ pi ∗ n ∗ k/N)];
X = W ∗ x;
The results of the comparison are shown in Figure 12.3. Notice that to make the Computer Processing Unit (CPU) time for the FFT comparable with that of the dft algorithm, it is multiplied by 104, illustrating how much faster the FFT is compared to the computation of the DFT from its definition.
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Figure 12.3
CPU times for the fft and the dft functions used in computing the DFT of sequences of ones of lengths N = 256 to 2048 (corresponding to n = 8, … 11). The CPU time for the FFT is multiplied by 104.
The convolution sum is computationally very expensive. Compare the CPU time used by the MATLAB function conv, which is used to compute the convolution sum in the time domain, with the CPU time used by an implementation of the convolution sum in frequency using the FFT. Recall that the frequency implementation requires computing the DFT of the signals being convolved, their multiplication, and finally the computation of the IDFT to the final convolution result.


To illustrate the efficiency in computation provided by the FFT in computing the convolution sum we compare the CPU times used by the conv function and the implementation of the convolution sum using the FFT. As indicated before, the convolution of two signals x[n], and y[n] of lengths N and M is obtained in the frequency domain by following these three steps:
■ Compute the DFTs X[k], Y[k] of x[n], and y[n] of length M + N − 1.
■ Multiply these complex DFTs to get X[k]Y[k] = U[k].
■ Compute the IDFT of U[k] corresponding to the convolution x[n] ∗ y[n].
Implementing the DFT and the IDFT with the FFT algorithm it can be shown that the computational complexity of the above three steps is much smaller than that of computing the convolution sum directly using the conv function.
To demonstrate the efficiency of the FFT implementation we consider the convolution of a signal, for increasing lengths, with itself. The signal is a sequence of ones of increasing length of 1000 to 10,000 samples. The CPU times used by the functions conv and the FFT three-step procedure are measured and compared for each of the lengths. The CPU time used by conv is divided by 10 to be able to plot it with the CPU of the FFT-based procedure shown in the following script. The results are shown in Figure 12.4.
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Figure 12.4
CPU times for the fft and the conv functions when computing the convolution of sequences of ones of lengths N = 1000 to 10,000. The CPU time used by conv is divided by 10.
% example 12.4
% conv vs fft
time1 = zeros(1,10);time2 = time1;
for i = 1:10,
NN = 1000 ∗ i;
x = ones(1,NN);
M = 2 ∗ NN-1;
t0 = cputime;
y = conv(x,x); % convolution using conv
time1(i) = cputime-t0;
t1 = cputime;
X = fft(x,M); X = fft(x,M); Y = X. ∗ X; y1 = ifft(Y); % convolution using fft
time2(i) = cputime-t1
sum(y-y1) % check conv and fft results coincide
pause % check for small difference

Gauss and the FFT
Going back to the sources used by the FFT researchers it was discovered that many well-known mathematicians had developed similar algorithms for different values of N. But that an algorithm similar to the modern FFT had been developed and used by Carl Gauss, the German mathematician, probably in 1805, predating even Fourier's work on harmonic analysis in 1807, was an interesting discovery—although not surprising [31]. Gauss has been called the “prince of mathematicians” for his prodigious work in so many areas of mathematics, and for the dedication to his work. His motto was Pauca sed matura (few, but ripe); he would not disclose any of his work until he was very satisfied with it. Moreover, as it was customary in his time, his treatises were written in Latin using a difficult mathematical notation, which made his results not known or understood by modern researchers. Gauss's treatise describing the algorithm was not published in his lifetime, but appeared later in his collected works. He, however, deserves the paternity of the FFT algorithm.
The developments leading to the FFT, as indicated by Cooley [14], point out two important concepts in numerical analysis (the first of which applies to research in other areas): (1) the divide-and-conquer approach—that is, it pays to break a problem into smaller pieces of the same structure; and (2) the asymptotic behavior of the number of operations. Cooley's final recommendations in his paper are worth serious consideration by researchers in technical areas:
■ Prompt publication of significant achievements is essential.
■ Review of old literature can be rewarding.
■ Communication among mathematicians, numerical analysts, and workers in a wide range of applications can be fruitful.
■ Do not publish papers in neoclassic Latin.

12.3. Application to Sampled-Data and Digital Control Systems

Most control systems being used today use computers and ADCs and DACs. Control systems where continuous- and discrete-time signals appear are called sample-data systems. The analysis of these systems is more complicated than that of either continuous- or discrete-time systems, given the mixed signals in the system. In the following analysis we will ignore the effect of the quantizer and the coder, so that we are not considering digital control systems, but rather sampled-data or discrete control systems. Understanding the effects of sampling and the conversion of signals from continuous to discrete and back from discrete to continuous is very important in obtaining a discrete-time system from a sampled-data control system.
Consider the relation between a continuous control system and its implementation using a computer as shown in Figure 12.5. In the continuous-feedback system, the controller responds to an error signal e(t), which is the difference between a reference input signal c(t) and the system output y(t), attempting to change the dynamics of an analog plant. A digital realization of this continuous-feedback system typically requires that the error signal be converted into a digital signal by means of an ADC before being fed to a computer implementing the controller (e.g., a PID controller). A DAC with a zero-order hold that is synchronously connected and has the same sampling period as the previous ADC is used to generate a signal that will act on the plant. The output of the plant y(t) is fed back and compared with the command signal c(t) to obtain the error e(t). The digital controller is composed of the ADC, the computer, and the DAC with the zero-order hold, all of which are synchronized by a common clock.
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Figure 12.5
Digital implementation of a continuous-feedback system. ZOH stands for zero-order hold.
Why are sampled-data and digital control systems needed? In part, because many systems are inherently discrete—for example, a radar tracking system scans to convert azimuth and elevation into sampled data. But in general we have that:
■ A continuous control system operates in real time, and the amplitude of its signals are allowed to take any possible value, but its elements are susceptible to degradation with time, and the system is sensitive to noise and difficult to change since it is hardwired.
■ Digital components are less susceptible to aging, environmental variations, and noise. A digital controller can be modified easily by changing software without changing the hardware. However, computational speed and resolution (word length) are limitations of digital controllers that can cause instabilities.
In the following development you need to remember:
1. The Laplace transform of an ideally sampled signal,
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whereB9780123747167000168/si46.gif is missingare the sample values of the continuous-time signal x(t),
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2. The Laplace transform Xs(s) is related to the Z-transform of the discrete-time signal x(nTs) by lettingB9780123747167000168/si48.gif is missing.
Recall that the ideal sampler is a time-varying system and that the quantizer is a nonlinear system; thus sampled-data and digital control systems are time varying and time-varying nonlinear, respectively. Therefore, the complexity of their analyses.

12.3.1. Open-Loop Sampled-Data System

Consider the system shown in Figure 12.6. Assume the discrete-time signal x(nTs) coming from a computer is used to drive an analog plant with a transfer function G(s). To change the state of the plant, x(nTs) is converted into a continuous signal that holds the value of the sample for the duration of the sample period Ts. This can be implemented using a DAC with a zero-order hold (ZOH), which holds the value of x(nTs) until the next sample arrives at (n + 1)Ts. Furthermore, to allow the output signal to be possibly processed by a computer, assume the output of the plant y(t) is also sampled to get y(nTs). We are interested in the transfer function that relates the discrete input x(nTs) to the discrete output y(nTs) where Ts is the sampling period chosen according to the maximum frequency present in the analog input x(t).
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Figure 12.6
Open-loop sampled-data system for an analog plant G(s). The output of the DAC with a ZOH is illustrated.
As we saw in Chapter 7, the transfer function of a zero-order hold is
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which corresponds to an impulse response
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or a pulse of duration Ts and unit amplitude. If the sampled signal is written as
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(i.e., a sequence of impulses at times {nTs} with amplitude the sampled values x(nTs)), then the output of the DAC with ZOH is
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or a piecewise constant signal (see Figure 12.6). Putting together the transfer function of the ZOH with that of the plant so that F(s) = Hzoh(s)G(s), we have that Y(s) = F(s)Xs(s).
If we let B9780123747167000168/si53.gif is missing, then the output of the plant is given by the convolution integral as
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which is the convolution sum of the discrete input and the sampled-impulse response of the plant combined with that of the ZOH. For B9780123747167000168/si55.gif is missing and B9780123747167000168/si56.gif is missing, we have that when we sample y(t), then
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The transfer function of the discrete system is
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which can be obtained by sampling the inverse Laplace transform B9780123747167000168/si59.gif is missing and then computing the Z-transform of f(nTs). We have thus obtained the equivalent discrete-time system to the sampled-data system shown in Figure 12.7.
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Figure 12.7
Equivalent discrete-time system of the open-loop sampled-data system.
Consider the open-loop sampled-data system shown in Figure 12.6, where the DAC with ZOH is synchronized with an ADC, which is just an ideal sampler. Let Ts = 1 sec/sample be the sampling period. If the transfer function of the plant is
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find the transfer function F(z) = Y(z)/X(z).


The combined transfer function of the ZOH and the plant is
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so that if we find the inverse Laplace transform of B9780123747167000168/si62.gif is missing, call it B9780123747167000168/si63.gif is missing, then
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The inverse of B9780123747167000168/si65.gif is missing is obtained by partial fraction expansion
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so that
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Sampling B9780123747167000168/si68.gif is missing with a sampling period Ts = 1 gives
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where B9780123747167000168/si70.gif is missing. The Z-transform of f(n) is then the transfer function
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12.3.2. Closed-Loop Sampled-Data System

Consider the feedback system shown in Figure 12.8 where for simplicity we assume H(s) = 1 (i.e., no feedback sensor). An equivalent block diagram is obtained by moving back the sampler at the input. Consider finding the transfer function of the sampled input command cs(t) and the sampled output of the system ys(t). The above open-loop development can be used to find the transfer function of the feedback system.
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Figure 12.8
Closed-loop sampled-data control system.
The sampled error signal is
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with Laplace transform
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The function Ps(s) corresponds to the discretization of an analog controller, such as a PID controller. The Laplace transform of the output of the computer is then
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or the Laplace transform of a sampled signal. On the other hand, the DAC with ZOH and the plant have together a transfer function
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Thus, the Laplace transform of the output of the plant is
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Using the time-shifting property, the inverse Laplace transform of the above equation is
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which when sampled at t = kTs gives the convolution sum
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so that B9780123747167000168/si79.gif is missing.
Letting B9780123747167000168/si80.gif is missing in Equation (12.16), we obtain E(z) = C(z) − Y(z), and replacing it in Equation (12.17) gives
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We thus have
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from which we obtain
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Calling B9780123747167000168/si84.gif is missing (the feed-forward transfer function consisting of the discretized analog controller and the ZOH and the plant), we get
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or the transfer function of the data-sampled system. Notice that this equation looks like the equation of a continuous-feedback system.
In the equivalent discrete-time system obtained above, the information of the output of the open-loop or the closed-loop systems in between the sampling instants is not available; only the samples y(nTs) are. This is also indicated by the use of the Z-transform.
Depending on the location of the sampler, there are some sampled-data control systems for which we cannot find a transfer function. This is due to the time-variant nature of the system.
Suppose we wish to have a data-sampled system like the one shown in Figure 12.8 that simulates the effects of an integral analog controller. Let the plant be a first-order system,
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Let the sampling period be Ts = 1. Determine P(z) and find the discrete transfer function of the sampled-data system when H(s) = 1.


If e(t) is the input of an integrator and v(t) its output, letting t = nTs and approximating the integral by a sum we have that
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After replacing Ts = 1 it becomes v[n] = v[n − 1] + e[n], so the transfer function of the integrator is
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The transfer function of the DAC with ZOH and the plant is
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If we let D(s) = 1/s(s + 1), then B9780123747167000168/si90.gif is missing. Expanding D(s) as
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so that d(t) = u(t) − etu(t) sampled, gives
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which has a Z-transform
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The transfer function is then
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since P(z)(1 − z−1) = 1.

12.4. Application to Digital Communications

Although over the years the principles of communications have remained the same, their implementation has changed considerably. Analog communications transitioned into digital communications, while telephony and radio have coalesced into wireless communications. The scarcity of radio spectrum changed the original focus on bandwidth and energy efficiency into more efficient utilization of the available spectrum by sharing it, and by transmitting different types of data together. Wireless communications has allowed the growth of cellular telephony, personal communication systems, and wireless local area networks.
Modern digital communications was initiated with the concept of pulse code modulation, which allowed the transmission of binary signals. PCM is a practical implementation of sampling, quantization, and coding, or analog-to-digital conversion, of an analog message into a digital message. Using the sample representation of a message, the idea of mixing several messages—possibly of different types—developed into time-division multiplexing (TDM), which is the dual of frequency-division multiplexing (FDM). In TDM, samples from different messages are interspersed into one message that can be quantized, coded, and transmitted and then separated into the different messages at the receiver.
As multiplexing techniques, FDM and TDM became the basis for similar techniques used in wireless communications. Typically, three forms of sharing the available radio spectrum are: frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) where each user is assigned a band of frequencies all of the time; time-division multiple access (TDMA) where a user is given access to the available bandwidth for a limited time; and code-division multiple axis (CDMA) where users share the available spectrum without interfering with each other thanks to a unique code given to each user.
In this section we will introduce some of these techniques avoiding technical details, which we leave to excellent books in communications, telecommunications, and wireless communications. As you will learn, digital communications has a number of advantages over analog communications:
■ The cost of digital circuits decreases as digital technology becomes more prevalent.
■ Data from voice and video can be merged with computer data and transmitted over a common transmission system.
■ Digital signals can be denoised easier than analog signals, and errors in digital communications can be corrected using special coding.
However, digital communication systems require a much larger bandwidth than analog communication systems, and quantization noise is introduced when transforming an analog signal into a digital signal.

12.4.1. Pulse Code Modulation

PCM can be seen as an implementation of analog-to-digital conversion of analog signals providing a serial bit stream. This means that sampling applied to a continuous-time message gives a pulse amplitude–modulated (PAM) signal that is then quantized and assigned a binary code to differentiate the different quantization levels. If each of the digital words has b binary digits, there are 2b levels, and to each a different code word is assigned. An example of a code commonly used is the Gray code where only one bit changes from one quantization level to another. The most significant bit can be thought to correspond to the sign of the signal (1 for positive values, and 0 for negative values) and the others differentiate each level.
PCM is widely used in digital communications given that:
■ It is realized with inexpensive digital circuitry.
■ It allows merging and transmission of data from different sources (audio, video, computers, etc.) by means of time-division multiplexing, which we will see next.
■ PCM signals can be easily regenerated by repeaters in long-distance digital telephony.
Despite all of these advantages, you need to remember that because of the sampling and the quantization the process used to obtain PCM signals is neither linear nor time invariant, and as such its analysis is complicated. Figure 12.9 shows a transmitter, a channel, and a receiver of a PCM system.
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Figure 12.9
PCM system: transmitter, channel, and receiver.
The main disadvantage of PCM is that its bandwidth is wider than that of the analog message it represents. This is due to the rectangular pulses in the signal. If we represent the PCM signal s(t) as
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where φ(t) is a function and τs is the duration of a symbol, the spectrum of s(t) will be
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Suppose that the function is a sinc function having an infinite time support so that s(t) also has an infinite time support. If
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it has a band-limited spectrum,
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so that the spectrum of the signal is also band limited. On the other hand, by duality if we use a rectangular pulse as the function φ(t), its spectrum will spread over all frequencies, making the spectrum of the signal of very large bandwidth.
Suppose you have a binary signal 01001001, with a duration of 8 units of time, and wish to represent it using rectangular pulses and sinc functions. Consider the bandwidth of each of the representations.


Using pulses φ(t), the digital signal can be expressed as
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where bn are the binary digits of the digital signal (i.e., b0 = 0, b1 = 1, b2 = 0, b3 = 0, b4 = 1, b5 = 0, b6 = 0, b7 = 1, and τs = 1). Thus,
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and the spectrum of s(t) is
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so that
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If the pulses are rectangular,
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the PCM signal will have an infinite-support spectrum because the pulse is of finite support. On the other hand, if we use sinc functions,
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its time support is infinite but its frequency support is finite (i.e., the sinc function is band limited). In which case, the spectrum of the PCM signal is also of finite support.
If this digital signal is transmitted and received without any distortion, at the receiver we can use the orthogonality of the φ(t) signals or sample the received signal at nTs to obtain the bn. Clearly, each of these pulses has disadvantages—the advantage of having a finite support in the time or in the frequency becomes a disadvantage in the other domain.

Baseband and Band-Pass Communication Systems

A baseband signal can be transmitted over a pair of wires (like in a telephone), coaxial cables, or optical fibers. But a baseband signal cannot be transmitted over a radio link or a satellite because this would require a large antenna to radiate the low-frequency spectrum of the signal. Thus, the signal spectrum must be shifted to a higher frequency by modulating a carrier by the baseband signal. This can be done by amplitude and by angle modulation (frequency and phase). Several forms are possible.
Suppose the binary signal 01001101 is to be transmitted over a radio link using AM and FM modulation. Discuss the different band-pass signals obtained.


The binary message can be represented as a sequence of pulses with different amplitudes. For instance, we could represent the binary digit 1 by a pulse of constant amplitude, and the binary 0 is represented by switching off the pulse (see the corresponding modulating signal m1(t) in Figures 12.10(a) and 12.10(b)). Another possible representation would be to represent the binary digit 1 with a positive pulse of constant amplitude, and 0 with the negative of the pulse used for 1 (see the corresponding modulating signal m2(t) in Figures 12.10(c) and 12.10(d)).
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Figure 12.10
Pulse signals (continuous line) m1(t) and m2(t) corresponding to binary sequence 01001101. (a, c), ASK signals x1(t) = m1(t) cos(4πt) and x2(t) = m2(t) cos(4πt) in dashed lines. (b, d) In dashed lines the FSK signals y1(t) and y2(t) equal cos(4πt) when m1(t), m2(t) are 1 and cos(8πt) when m2(t) is 0 or −1.
In AM modulation, if we use m1(t) to modulate a sinusoidal carrier cos(Ω0t) we obtain the amplitude-shift keying (ASK) signal shown in Figure 12.10(a). On the other hand, when using m2(t) to modulate the same carrier we obtain a phase-shift keying (PSK) signal shown in Figure 12.10(c). In this case, the phase of the carrier is shifted 180o as the pulse changes from positive to negative.
Using FM modulation, the symbol 0 is transmitted using a windowed cosine of some frequency Ωc0 and the symbol 1 is transmitted with a windowed cosine of frequency Ωc1 resulting in frequency-shift keying (FSK). The data are transmitted by varying the frequency. In this case it is possible to get the same modulated signals for both m1(t) and m2(t). The modulated signals are shown in Figure 12.10(b and d).
The ASK, PSK, and FSK are also known as BASK, BPSK, and BFSK, respectively, by adding the word “binary” (B) to the corresponding amplitude-, phase-, and frequency-shift keying.

12.4.2. Time-Division Multiplexing

In a telephone system, multiplexing enables multiple conversations to be carried across a single shared circuit. The first multiplexing system used was frequency-division multiplexing (FDM), which we covered in Chapter 6. In FDM an available bandwidth is divided among different users. In the case of voice communications, each user is allocated a bandwidth of 4 KHz, which provides good fidelity. In FDM, a user could use the allocated frequencies all of the time, but the user could not go outside the allocated band of frequencies.
Pulse-modulated signals have large bandwidths, and as such, when transmitted together they overlap in frequency, interfering with each other. However, these signals only provide information at each of the sampling times, so that one could insert in between these times other samples that will be separated at the receiver. This is the principle of time-division multiplexing (TDM), where pulses from different signals are interspersed into one signal and converted into a PCM signal and transmitted. See Figure 12.11. At the receiver, the signal is changed back into the pulse-modulated signal and separated into the number of signals interspersed at the input. Repeaters placed between the transmitter and the receiver regenerate a clean binary signal from a noisy binary signal along the way. The noisy signal coming into the repeater is thresholded to known binary levels and resent. A large part of the cost of a transmission facility is due to these repeaters that are placed about every mile along the line.
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Figure 12.11
TDM system: transmitter, channel, and receiver.
TDM allows the transmission of different types of data, and mixture of analog and digital using different multiplexing techniques. Not to lose information, the switch at the receiver needs to be synchronized with the switch at the transmitter. Frame synchronization consists in sending a synchronizing signal for each frame. An additional channel is allocated for this purpose. To accommodate more users, the width of the pulses used for each user needs to become narrower, which increases the overall bandwidth of the multiplexed signal.

12.4.3. Spread Spectrum and Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing

The objective of TDM is to put several users or different types of data together sharing the same bandwidth at different times. Likewise, FDM users share part of the available bandwidth all the time. TDM and FDM are examples of how to use bandwidth in an efficient way. In other situations, like in quadrature-amplitude modulation (QAM), the objective is to send two messages over the same bandwidth using the orthogonality of the carriers to recover them. In spread spectrum, the objective is to use the orthogonality of the carriers associated with different users to share the available spectrum, while spreading the message in frequency so that it occupies a bandwidth much larger than that of the message. On the other hand, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a multicarrier system where the carriers are orthogonal.
Sharing the radio spectrum among users, or multiple access, is a basic strategy of wireless communication systems. Basic modalities are derived from FDM, TDM, and spread spectrum. In FDMA the spectrum is shared by assigning specific channels to users, permanently or temporarily. TDMA allows access to all of the available spectrum, but each user is assigned a time interval in which to access it. CDMA uses spread spectrum, where a user's message is spread or encrypted over the available spectrum using a code to differentiate the different users. The objective of these three techniques is to maximize the radio spectrum utilization.

Spread Spectrum—A Famous Actress Idea
Not surprisingly, the first mention of the use of frequency hopping, a form of spread spectrum, for secure communications came from a patent by Nikolas Tesla in 1903. As you recall, Tesla is the world-renowned Serbian-American inventor, and physicist, and mechanical and electrical engineer who pioneered amplitude modulation.
The most celebrated invention of frequency-hopping was, however, that of Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil, who in 1942 received a U.S. patent for their “secret communications system,” in which they used a piano-roll for frequency-hopping. This was during World War II, and their idea was to stop the enemy from detecting or jamming radio-guided torpedoes. To avoid the jammer, in frequency-hopping spread spectrum the transmitter changes in a quasi-random way the center frequency of the transmitted signal. Hedy Lamarr (1913–2000) was an Austrian-American actress and communications technology innovator, while George Antheil (1900–1959) was an American composer and pianist. Their patent was never applied, and it would be many years before the technology was actually deployed. Ms. Lamarr conceived the idea of hopping from frequency to frequency just as a piano player plays the same notes, but in different octaves. Their concept eventually provided the basis for the CDMA airlink, which Qualcomm commercialized in 1995. Today, CDMA and its core principles provide the backbone for wireless communications, thanks to the creative vision of an extraordinary woman 70, 74 and 62.

Spread Spectrum

A spread-spectrum system is one in which the transmitted signal is spread over a wide frequency band, much wider than the bandwidth required to transmit the message. Such a system would take a baseband voice signal with a bandwidth of a few kilohertz and spread it to a band of many megahertz. Two types of spread-spectrum systems are:
Direct-sequence system: A digital code sequence with a bit rate higher than the message is used to obtain the modulated signal.
Frequency-hopping system: The carrier frequency is shifted in discrete increments in a pattern dictated by a code sequence. We will not consider this here.

Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum

Suppose the message m(t) we wish to transmit is a polar binary signal, and that a spreading code c(t), also in polar binary form, is modulated by the message to obtain the modulated baseband signal
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The sequence c(t) is pseudo-random, unpredictable to an outsider, but that can be generated deterministically. Each user is assigned uniquely one of these sequences—that is, the spreading codes assigned to two users are not related at all. Moreover, the bit rate of c(t) is much higher than that of the message. As in many other modulation systems, the modulated baseband signal x(t) has a much higher rate than the message, and as such its spectrum is much wider than that of the message that is already wide given that it is a sequence of pulses. This can also be seen by considering that x(t) as the product of m(t), and c(t), its spectrum is the convolution of the spectrum of m(t) with the spectrum of c(t) with a bandwidth equal to the sum of the bandwidths of these spectra.
When transmitting over a radio link the baseband signal x(t) modulates an analog carrier to obtain the transmitting signal s(t). At the receiver, if no interference occurred in the transmission, the received signal r(t) = s(t), and after demodulation using the analog carrier frequency, the spread signal x(t) is obtained. If we multiply it by c(t) we get
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since c2(t) = 1 for all t. See Figure 12.12.
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Figure 12.12
Direct-sequence spread-spectrum system.
Two significant advantages of direct-sequence spread spectrum are:
Robustness to noise and jammers: The above detection or despreading is idealized. The received signal will have interferences due to channel noise, interference from other users, and even, in military applications, intentional jamming. Jamming attempts to corrupt the sent message by adding to it either a narrowband or a wideband signal. If at the receiver, the spread signal contains additive noise η(t) and a jammer j(t), it is demodulated by the BPSK system. The received baseband signal is
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where the noise and the jammer have been affected by the demodulator.
Multiplying it by c(t) gives
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or the desired message with a spread noise and jammer. Thus, the transmitted signal is resistant to interferences by spreading them over all frequencies.
Robustness to interference from other users: Assuming no noise or jammer, if the received baseband signal comes from two users—that is,
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where the codes c1(t) and c2(t) are the corresponding codes for the two users, and m1(t) and m2(t) their messages. At the receiver of user 1, despreading using code c1(t) we get
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since the codes are generated so that B9780123747167000168/si111.gif is missing and c1(t) and c2(t) are not correlated. Thus, we detect the message corresponding to user 1. The same happens when there is interference from more than one user.
Simulation of direct sequence spread spectrum.
In this simulation we consider that the message is randomly generated and that the spreading code is also randomly generated (our code does not have the same characteristics as the one used to generate the code for spread-spectrum systems). To generate the train of pulses for the message and the code we use filters of different length (recall the spreading code changes more frequently than the message). The spreading makes the transmitting signal have a wider spectrum than that of the message (see Figure 12.13).
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Figure 12.13
Simulation of direct-sequence spread-spectrum communication. (a) Displays from top to bottom the message, the code, and the spread signal. (b) Displays the spectrum of the message and of the spread signal (notice it is wider than that of the message). (c) Displays the band-pass signals sent and received (assumed equal), the despread analog, and the binary message.
The binary transmitting signal modulates a sinusoidal carrier of frequency 100 Hz. Assuming the communication channel does not change the transmitted signal and perfect synchronization at the analog receiver is possible, the despread signal coincides with the sent message. In practice, the effects of multipath in the channel, noise, and possible jamming would not make this possible.
% Simulation of
% spread spectrum
clear all; clf
% message
m1 = rand(1,12)>0.9;m1 = (m1-0.5) ∗ 2;
m = zeros(1,00);
m(1:9:100) = m1
h = ones(1,9);
m = filter(h,1,m);
% spreading code
c1 = rand(1,25)>0.5;c1 = (c1-0.5) ∗ 2;
c = zeros(1,100);
c(1:4:100) = c1;
h1 = ones(1,4);
c = filter(h1,1,c);
Ts = 0.0001; t = [0:99] ∗ Ts;
s = m. ∗ c;
bar(t,m); axis([0 max(t) -1.2 1.2]);grid; ylabel(‘m(t)’)
bar(t,c); axis([0 max(t) -1.2 1.2]);grid; ylabel(‘c(t)’)
bar(t,s); axis([0 max(t) -1.2 1.2]);grid; ylabel(‘s(t)’); xlabel(‘t (sec)’)
% spectrum of message and spread signal
M = fftshift(abs(fft(m)));
S = fftshift(abs(fft(s)));
N = length(M);K = [0:N-1];w = 2 ∗ K ∗ pi/N-pi; f = w/(2 ∗ pi ∗ Ts);
plot(f,M);grid; axis([min(f) max(f) 0 1.1 ∗ max(M)]); ylabel(‘—M(f)—’)
plot(f,S); grid; axis([min(f) max(f) 0 1.1 ∗ max(S)]);ylabel(‘—S(f)—’); xlabel(‘f (Hz)’)
% analog modulation and demodulation
s = s. ∗ cos(200 ∗ pi ∗ t);
r = s. ∗ cos(200 ∗ pi ∗ t);
% despreading
mm = r. ∗ c;
for k = 1:length(mm);
if mm(k) > 0
m2(k) = 1;
m2(k) = -1;
plot(t,s); axis([0 max(t) 1.1 ∗ min(s) 1.1 ∗ max(s)]);grid; ylabel(‘s_a(t)’)
plot(t,r); axis([0 max(t) 1.1 ∗ min(r) 1.1 ∗ max(r)]);grid; ylabel(‘r(t)’)
plot(t,mm); axis([0 max(t) 1.1 ∗ min(mm) 1.1 ∗ max(mm)]);grid; ylabel(‘m_a(t)’)
bar(t,m2); axis([0 max(t) -1.2 1.2]);axis([0 max(t) 1.1 ∗ min(mm) 1.1 ∗ max(mm)])
grid;ylabel(‘m(t)’); xlabel(‘t (sec)’)

Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing

OFDM is a multicarrier modulation technique where the available bandwidth is divided into narrowband subchannels. It is used for high data-rate transmission over mobile wireless channels 27, 60 and 4.
If {dk, k = 0, …, N − 1} are symbols to be transmitted, the OFDM-modulated signal is
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where T is the symbol duration, fk = f0 + kΔf for a subchannel bandwidth Δf = 1/T with initial frequency f0, and p(t) = u(t) − u(tT). Thus, the carriers are conventional complex exponentials. Considering a baseband transmission, at the receiver the orthogonality of these exponentials in [0, T] allows us to recover the symbols. Indeed, assuming that no interference is introduced by the transmission channel (i.e., the received signal r(t) = s(t)), multiplying r(t) by the conjugate of the exponential carrier and smoothing the result we obtain for k = 0, …, N − 1, and mTt ≤ (m + 1)T(where p(tmT) = 1),
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for any −∞ < m < ∞, and where we letB9780123747167000168/si114.gif is missing.

OFDM Implementation with FFT

If the modulated signal s(t), 0 ≤ tT, in Equation (12.27) is sampled at t = nT/N, we obtain for a frame the inverse DFT
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where 2πfkT/N = 2πk/N are the discrete frequencies in radians. At the receiver, with no interferences present, the symbols {dk} are obtained by computing the DFT of the baseband received signal. Given that the inverse and the direct DFT can be efficiently implemented by the FFT, the OFDM is a very efficient technique that is used in wireless local area networks (WLANs) and digital audio broadcasting (DAB).
Figure 12.14 gives a general description of the transmitter and receiver in an OFDM system: The high-speed data in binary form coming into the system are transformed from serial to parallel and fed into an IFFT block giving as output the transmitting signal that is sent to the channel. The received signal is then fed into an FFT block providing estimates of the sent symbols that are finally put in serial form.
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Figure 12.14
Discrete model of baseband OFDM. The blocks S/P and P/S convert a serial into a parallel stream and a parallel to serial, respectively.

12.5. What Have We Accomplished? Where Do We Go from Here?

In this chapter we have seen how the theoretical results presented in the third part of the book relate to digital signal processing, digital control, and digital communications. The Fast Fourier Transform made possible the establishment and significant growth of digital signal processing as a technical area. The next step for you could be to get into more depth in the theory and applications of digital signal processing, preferably including some theory of random variables and processes, toward statistical signal processing, speech, and image processing. We have shown you also the connection of the discrete-time signals and systems with digital control and communications. Deeper understanding of these areas would be an interesting next step. You have come a long way, but there is more to learn.
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