In this book I have only made up a bunch of other men's flowers, providing of my own only the string that ties them together.
M. de Montaigne (1533–1592), French essayist
Although it is hardly possible to keep up with advances in technology, it is reassuring to know that in science and engineering, development and innovation are possible through a solid understanding of basic principles. The theory of signals and systems is one of those fundamentals, and it will be the foundation of much research and development in engineering for years to come. Not only engineers will need to know about signals and systems—to some degree everybody will. The pervasiveness of computers, cell phones, digital recording, and digital communications will require it.
Learning as well as teaching signals and systems is complicated by the combination of mathematical abstraction and concrete engineering applications. Mathematical sophistication and maturity in engineering are needed. Thus, a course in signals and systems needs to be designed to nurture the students' interest in applications, but also to make them appreciate the significance of the mathematical tools. In writing this textbook, as in teaching this material for many years, the author has found it practical to follow Einstein's recommendation that “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler,” and Melzak's [47] dictum that “It is downright sinful to teach the abstract before the concrete.” The aim of this textbook is to serve the students' needs in learning signals and systems theory as well as to facilitate the teaching of the material for faculty by proposing an approach that the author has found effective in his own teaching.
We consider the use of MATLAB, an essential tool in the practice of engineering, of great significance in the learning process. It not only helps to illustrate the theoretical results but makes students aware of the computational issues that engineers face in implementing them. Some familiarity with MATLAB is beneficial but not required.


The material in this textbook is intended for courses in signals and systems at the junior level in electrical and computer engineering, but it could also be used in teaching this material to mechanical engineering and bioengineering students and it might be of interest to students in applied mathematics. The “student-friendly” nature of the text also makes it useful to practicing engineers interested in learning or reviewing the basic principles of signals and systems on their own. The material is organized so that students not only get a solid understanding of the theory—through analytic examples as well as software examples using MATLAB—and learn about applications, but also develop confidence and proficiency in the material by working on problems.
The organization of the material in the book follows the assumption that the student has been exposed to the theory of linear circuits, differential equations, and linear algebra, and that this material will be followed by courses in control, communications, or digital signal processing. The content is guided by the goal of nurturing the interest of students in applications, and of assisting them in becoming more sophisticated mathematically. In teaching signals and systems, the author has found that students typically lack basic skills in manipulating complex variables, in understanding differential equations, and are not yet comfortable with basic concepts in calculus. Introducing discrete-time signals and systems makes students face new concepts that were not explored in their calculus courses, such as summations, finite differences, and difference equations. This text attempts to fill the gap and nurture interest in the mathematical tools.


In writing this text, we have taken the following approach:
1. The material is divided into three parts: introduction, theory and applications of continuous-time signals and systems, and theory and applications of discrete-time signals and systems. To help students understand the connection between continuous- and discrete-time signals and systems, the connection between infinitesimal and finite calculus is made in the introduction part, together with a motivation as to why complex numbers and functions are used in the study of signals and systems. The treatment of continuous- and discrete-time signals and systems is then done separately in the next two parts; combining them is found to be confusing to students. Likewise, the author believes it is important for students to understand the connections and relevance of each of the transformations used in the analysis of signals and systems so that these transformations are seen as a progression rather than as disconnected methods. Thus, the author advocates the presentation of the Laplace analysis followed by the Fourier analysis, and the Z-transform followed by the discrete Fourier, and capping each of these topics with applications to communications, control, and filtering. The mathematical abstraction and the applications become more sophisticated as the material unfolds, taking advantage as needed of the background on circuits that students have.
2. An overview of the topics to be discussed in the book and how each connects with some basic mathematical concepts—needed in the rest of the book—is given in Chapter 0 (analogous to the ground floor of a building). The emphasis is in relating summations, differences, difference equations, and sequence of numbers with the calculus concepts that the students are familiar with, and in doing so providing a new interpretation to integrals, derivatives, differential equations, and functions of time. This chapter also links the theory of complex numbers and functions to vectors and to phasors learned in circuit theory. Because we strongly believe that the material in this chapter should be covered before beginning the discussion of signals and systems, it is not relegated to an appendix but placed at the front of the book where it cannot be ignored. A soft introduction to MATLAB is also provided in this chapter.
3. A great deal of effort has been put into making the text “student friendly.” To make sure that the student does not miss some of the important issues presented in a section, we have inserted well-thought-out remarks—we want to minimize the common misunderstandings we have observed from our students in the past. Plenty of analytic examples with different levels of complexity are given to illustrate issues. Each chapter has a set of examples in MATLAB, illustrating topics presented in the text or special issues that the student should know. The MATLAB code is given so that students can learn by example from it. To help students follow the mathematical derivations, we provide extra steps whenever necessary and do not skip steps that are necessary in the understanding of a derivation. Summaries of important issues are boxed and concepts and terms are emphasized to help students grasp the main points and terminology.
4. Without any doubt, learning the material in signals and systems requires working analytical as well as computational problems. It is important to provide problems of different levels of complexity to exercise not only basic problem-solving skills, but to achieve a level of proficiency and mathematical sophistication. The problems at the end of the chapter are of different types, some to be done analytically, others using MATLAB, and some both. The repetitive type of problem was avoided. Some of the problems explore issues not covered in the text but related to it. The MATLAB problems were designed so that a better understanding of the theoretical concepts is attained by the student working them out.
5. We feel two additional features would be beneficial to students. One is the inclusion of quotations and footnotes to present interesting ideas or historical comments, and the other is the inclusion of sidebars that attempt to teach historical or technical information that students should be aware of. The theory of signals and systems clearly connects with mathematics and a great number of mathematicians have contributed to it. Likewise, there is a large number of engineers who have contributed significantly to the development and application of signals and systems. All of them need to be recognized for their contributions, and we should learn from their experiences.
6. Finally, other features are: (1) the design of the index of the book so that it can be used by students to find definitions, symbols, and MATLAB functions used in the text; and (2) a list of references to the material.


The core of the material is presented in the second and third part of the book. The second part of the book covers the basics of continuous-time signals and systems and illustrates their application. Because the concepts of signals and systems are relatively new to students, we provide an extensive and complete presentation of these topics in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. The presentation in Chapter 1 goes from a very general characterization of signals to very specific classes that will be used in the rest of the book. One of the aims is to familiarize students with continuous-time as well as discrete-time signals so as to avoid confusion in their processing later on—a common difficulty encountered by students. Chapter 1 initiates the representation of signals in terms of basic signals that will be easily processed later with the transform methods. Chapter 2 introduces the general concept of systems, in particular continuous-time systems. The concepts of linearity, time invariance, causality, and stability are introduced in this chapter, trying as much as possible to use the students' background in circuit theory. Using linearity and time invariance, the computation of the output of a continuous-time system using the convolution integral is introduced and illustrated with relatively simple examples. More complex examples are treated with the Laplace transform in the following chapter.
Chapter 3 covers the basics of the Laplace transform and its application in the analysis of continuous-time signals and systems. It introduces the student to the concept of poles and zeros, damping and frequency, and their connection with the signal as a function of time. This chapter emphasizes the solution of differential equations representing linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, paying special attention to transient solutions due to their importance in control, as well as to steady-state solutions due to their importance in filtering and in communications. The convolution integral is dealt with in time and using the Laplace transform to emphasize the operational power of the transform. The important concept of transfer function for LTI systems and the significance of its poles and zeros are studied in detail. Different approaches are considered in computing the inverse Laplace transform, including MATLAB methods.
Fourier analysis of continuous-time signals and systems is covered in detail in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. The Fourier series analysis of periodic signals, covered in Chapter 4, is extended to the analysis of aperiodic signals resulting in the Fourier transform of Chapter 5. The Fourier transform is useful in representing both periodic and aperiodic signals. Special attention is given to the connection of these methods with the Laplace transform so that, whenever possible, known Laplace transforms can be used to compute the Fourier series coefficients and the Fourier transform—thus avoiding integration but using the concept of the region of convergence. The concept of frequency, the response of the system (connected to the location of poles and zeros of the transfer function), and the steady-state response are emphasized in these chapters.
The ordering of the presentation of the Laplace and the Fourier transformations (similar to the Z-transform and the Fourier representation of discrete-time signals) is significant for learning and teaching of the material. Our approach of presenting first the Laplace transform and then the Fourier series and Fourier transform is justified by several reasons. For one, students coming into a signals and systems course have been familiarized with the Laplace transform in their previous circuits or differential equations courses, and will continue using it in control courses. So expertise in this topic is important and the learned material will stay with them longer. Another is that a common difficulty students have in applying the Fourier series and the Fourier transform is connected with the required integration. The Laplace transform can be used not only to sidestep the integration but to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the frequency representation. By asking students to consider the two-sided Laplace transform and the significance of its region of convergence, they will appreciate better the Fourier representation as a special case of Laplace's in many cases. More importantly, these transforms can be seen as a continuum rather than as different transforms. It also makes theoretical sense to deal with the Laplace representation of systems first to justify the existence of the steady-state solution considered in the Fourier representations, which would not exist unless stability of the system is guaranteed, and stability can only be tested using the Laplace transform. The paradigm of interest is the connection of transient and steady-state responses that must be understood by students before they can understand the connections between Fourier and Laplace analyses.
Chapter 6 presents applications of the Laplace and the Fourier transforms to control, communications, and filtering. The intent of the chapter is to motivate interest in these areas. The chapter illustrates the significance of the concepts of transfer function, response of systems, and stability in control, and of modulation in communications. An introduction to analog filtering is provided. Analytic as well as MATLAB examples illustrate different applications to control, communications, and filter design.
Using the sampling theory as a bridge, the third part of the book covers the theory and illustrates the application of discrete-time signals and systems. Chapter 7 presents the theory of sampling: the conditions under which the signal does not lose information in the sampling process and the recovery of the analog signal from the sampled signal. Once the basic concepts are given, the analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters are considered to provide a practical understanding of the conversion of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog signals.
Discrete-time signals and systems are discussed in Chapter 8, while Chapter 9 introduces the Z-transform. Although the treatment of discrete-time signals and systems in Chapter 8 mirrors that of continuous-time signals and systems, special emphasis is given in this chapter to issues that are different in the two domains. Issues such as the discrete nature of the time, the periodicity of the discrete frequency, the possible lack of periodicity of discrete sinusoids, etc. are considered. Chapter 9 provides the basic theory of the Z-transform and how it relates to the Laplace transform. The material in this chapter bears similarity to the one on the Laplace transform in terms of operational solution of difference equations, transfer function, and the significance of poles and break zeros.
Chapter 10 presents the Fourier analysis of discrete signals and systems. Given the accumulated experience of the students with continuous-time signals and systems, we build the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) on the Z-transform and consider special cases where the Z-transform cannot be used. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is obtained from the Fourier series of discrete-time signals and sampling in frequency. The DFT will be of great significance in digital signal processing. The computation of the DFT of periodic and aperiodic discrete-time signals using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is illustrated. The FFT is an efficient algorithm for computing the DFT, and some of the basics of this algorithm are discussed in Chapter 12.
Chapter 11 introduces students to discrete filtering, thus extending the analog filtering in Chapter 6. In this chapter we show how to use the theory of analog filters to design recursive discrete low-pass filters. Frequency transformations are then presented to show how to obtain different types of filters from low-pass prototype filters. The design of finite-impulse filters using the window method is considered next. Finally, the implementation of recursive and nonrecursive filters is shown using some basic techniques. By using MATLAB for the design of recursive and nonrecursive discrete filters, it is expected that students will be motivated to pursue on their own the use of more sophisticated filter designs.
Finally, Chapter 12 explores topics of interest in digital communications, computer control, and digital signal processing. The aim of this chapter is to provide a brief presentation of topics that students could pursue after the basic courses in signals and systems.

Teaching Using this Text

The material in this text is intended for a two-term sequence in signals and systems: one on continuous-time signals and systems, followed by a term in discrete-time signals and systems with a lab component using MATLAB. These two courses would cover most of the chapters in the text with various degrees of depth, depending on the emphasis the faculty would like to give to the course. As indicated, Chapter 0 was written as a necessary introduction to the rest of the material, but does not need to be covered in great detail—students can refer to it as needed. Chapter 6 and Chapter 11 need to be considered together if the emphasis on applications is in filter design. The control, communications, and digital signal processing material in Chapter 6 and Chapter 12 can be used to motivate students toward those areas.

To the Student

It is important for you to understand the features of this book, so you can take advantage of them to learn the material:
1. Refer as often as necessary to the material in Chapter 0 to review or to learn the mathematical background; to understand the overall structure of the material; or to review or learn MATLAB as it applies to signal processing.
2. As you will see, the complexity of the material grows as it develops. The material in part three has been written assuming good understanding of the material in the first two. See also the connection of the material with applications in your own areas of interest.
3. To help you learn the material, clear and concise results are emphasized by putting them in boxes. Justification of these results is then given, complemented with remarks regarding issues that need a bit more clarification, and illustrated with plenty of analytic and computational examples. Important terms are emphasized throughout the text. Tables provide a good summary of properties and formulas.
4. A heading is used in each of the problems at the end of the chapters, indicating how it relates to specific topics and if it requires to use MATLAB to solve it.
5. One of the objectives of this text is to help you learn MATLAB, as it applies to signal and systems, on your own. This is done by providing the soft introduction to MATLAB in Chapter 0 and then by showing examples using simple code in each of the chapters. You will notice that in the first two parts basic components of MATLAB (scripts, functions, plotting, etc.) are given in more detail than in part three. It is assumed you are very proficient by then to supply that on your own.
6. Finally, notice the footnotes, the vignettes, and the historical sidebars that have been included to provide a glance at the background in which the theory and practice of signals and systems have developed.
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