Chapter 7. Sampling Theory
The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.
Oscar Wilde (1854–1900) Irish writer and poet

7.1. Introduction

Since many of the signals found in applications such as communications and control are analog, if we wish to process these signals with a computer it is necessary to sample, quantize, and code them to obtain digital signals. Once the analog signal is sampled in time, the amplitude of the obtained discrete-time signal is quantized and coded to give a binary sequence that can be either stored or processed with a computer.
The main issues considered in this chapter are:
How to sample—As we will see, it is the inverse relation between time and frequency that provides the solution to the problem of preserving the information of an analog signal when it is sampled. When sampling an analog signal one could choose an extremely small value for the sampling period so that there is no significant difference between the analog and the discrete signals—visually as well as from the information content point of view. Such a representation would, however, give redundant values that could be spared without losing the information provided by the analog signal. If, on the other hand, we choose a large value for the sampling period, we achieve data compression but at the risk of losing some of the information provided by the analog signal. So how do we choose an appropriate value for the sampling period? The answer is not clear in the time domain. It does become clear when considering the effects of sampling in the frequency domain: The sampling period depends on the maximum frequency present in the analog signal. Furthermore, when using the correct sampling period the information in the analog signal will remain in the discrete signal after sampling, thus allowing the reconstruction of the original signal from the samples. These results, introduced by Nyquist and Shannon, constitute the bridge between analog and discrete signals and systems and were the starting point for digital signal processing as a technical area.
Practical aspects of sampling—The device that samples, quantizes, and codes an analog signal is called an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), while the device that converts digital signals into analog signals is called a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). These devices are far from ideal and thus some practical aspects of sampling and reconstruction need to be considered. Besides the possibility of losing information by choosing too large of a sampling period, the ADC also loses information in the quantization process. The quantization error is, however, made less significant by increasing the number of bits used to represent each sample. The DAC interpolates and smooths out the digital signal, converting it back into an analog signal. These two devices are essential in the processing of continuous-time signals with computers.

7.2. Uniform Sampling

The first step in converting a continuous-time signal x(t) into a digital signal is to discretize the time variable—that is, to consider samples of x(t) at uniform times t = nTs, or
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where Ts is the sampling period. The sampling process can be thought of as a modulation process, in particular connected with pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), a basic approach in digital communications. A pulse amplitude modulated signal consists of a sequence of narrow pulses with amplitudes the values of the continuous-time signal within the pulse. Assuming that the width of the pulses is much narrower than the sampling period Ts permits a simpler analysis based on impulse sampling.

7.2.1. Pulse Amplitude Modulation

A PAM system can be visualized as a switch that closes every Ts seconds for Δ seconds, and remains open otherwise. The PAM signal is thus the multiplication of the continuous-time signal x(t) by a periodic signal p(t) consisting of pulses of width Δ, amplitude 1/Δ, and period Ts. Thus, xPAM(t) consists of narrow pulses with the amplitudes of the signal within the pulse width. For a small pulse width Δ, the PAM signal is approximately a train of pulses with amplitudes x(mTs)—that is,
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Now, as a periodic signal we represent p(t) by its Fourier series
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where Pk are the Fourier series coefficients. Thus, the PAM signal can be expressed as
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and its Fourier transform is
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showing that PAM is a modulation of the train of pulses p(t) by the signal x(t). The spectrum of xPAM(t) is the spectrum of x(t) shifted in frequency by {kΩ0}, weighted by Pk, and superposed.

7.2.2. Ideal Impulse Sampling

Given that the pulse width Δ is much smaller than Ts, p(t) can be replaced by a periodic sequence of impulses of period Ts (see Figure 7.1) or B9780123747167000119/si33.gif is missing. This simplifies considerably the analysis and makes the results easier to grasp. Later in the chapter we consider the effects of having pulses instead of impulses, a more realistic assumption.
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Figure 7.1
Ideal impulse sampling.
The sampling functionB9780123747167000119/si34.gif is missing, or a periodic sequence of impulses of period Ts, is
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where δ(tnTs) is an approximation of the normalized pulse [u(tnTs) − u(tnTs − Δ)]/Δ when Δ << Ts. The sampled signal is then given by
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as illustrated in Figure 7.1.
There are two equivalent ways to view the sampled signal xs(t) in the frequency domain:
Modulation: Since B9780123747167000119/si42.gif is missing is periodic, of fundamental frequency Ωs = 2π/Ts, its Fourier series is
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where the Fourier coefficients {Dk} are
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The last equation is obtained using the sifting property of the δ(t) and that the area of the impulse is unity. Thus, the Fourier series of the sampling signal is
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and the sampled signal B9780123747167000119/si49.gif is missing is then expressed as
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with Fourier transform
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where we used the frequency-shift property of the Fourier transform, and let X(Ω) and Xs(Ω) be the Fourier transforms of x(t) and xs(t), respectively.
Discrete-time Fourier transform: The Fourier transform of the sum representation of xs(t) in the second equation in Equation (7.4) is
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where we used the Fourier transform of a shifted impulse. This equation is equivalent to Equation (7.6) and will be used later in deriving the Fourier transform of discrete-time signals.
The spectrum Xs(Ω) of the sampled signal, according toEquation (7.6), is a superposition of shifted analog spectra {X(Ω − kΩs)} multiplied by 1/Ts(i.e., the modulation process involved in the sampling).
Considering that the output of the sampler displays frequencies that are not present in the input, according to the eigenfunction property the sampler is not LTI. It is a time-varying system. Indeed, if sampling x(t) gives xs(t), sampling x(tτ) where τkTsfor an integer k will not be xs(tτ). The sampler is, however, a linear system.
Equation (7.7)provides the relation between the continuous frequency Ω(rad/sec) of x(t) and the discrete frequency ω (rad) of the discrete-time signal x(nTs) or x[n] 1:
1To help the reader visualize the difference between a continuous-time signal, which depends on a continuous variable t, or a real number, and a discrete-time signal, which depends on the integer variable n, we will use square brackets for these. Thus, η(t) is a continuous-time signal, while ρ[n] is a discrete-time signal.
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Sampling a continuous-time signal x(t) at uniform times {nTs} gives a sampled signal
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or a sequence of samples {x(nTs)}. Sampling is equivalent to modulating the sampling signal
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periodic of period Ts (the sampling period) with x(t).
If X(Ω) is the Fourier transform of x(t), the Fourier transform of the sampled signal xs(t) is given by the equivalent expressions
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Depending on the maximum frequency present in the spectrum of x(t) and on the chosen sampling frequency Ωs(or the sampling period Ts) it is possible to have overlaps when the spectrum of x(t) is shifted and added to obtain the spectrum of the sampled signal. We have three possible situations:
If the signal has a low-pass spectrum of finite support—that is, X(Ω) = 0 for |Ω| > Ωmax(seeFigure 7.2(a)) where Ωmaxis the maximum frequency present in the signalsuch a signal is called band limited. As shown inFigure 7.2(b), for band-limited signals it is possible to choose Ωsso that the spectrum of the sampled signal consists of shifted nonoverlapping versions of (1/Ts)X(Ω). Graphically (seeFigure 7.2(b)), this can be accomplished by letting Ωs − Ωmax ≥ Ωmax, or
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which is called the Nyquist sampling rate condition. As we will see later, in this case we are able to recover X(Ω), or x(t), from Xs(Ω) or from the sampled signal xs(t). Thus, the information in x(t) is preserved in the sampled signal xs(t).
On the other hand, if the signal x(t) is band limited but we let Ωs < 2Ωmax, then when creating Xs(Ω) the shifted spectra of x(t) overlap (seeFigure 7.2(c)). In this case, due to the overlap it will not bepossible to recover the original continuous-time signal from the sampled signal, and thus the sampled signal does not share the same information with the original continuous-time signal. This phenomenon is called frequency aliasing since due to the overlapping of the spectra some frequency components of the original continuous-time signal acquire a different frequency value or an “alias.”
When the spectrum of x(t) does not have a finite support (i.e., the signal is not band limited) sampling using any sampling period Tsgenerates a spectrum of the sampled signal consisting of overlapped shifted spectra of x(t). Thus, when sampling non-band-limited signals frequency aliasing is always present. The only way to sample a non-band-limited signal x(t) without aliasingat the cost of losing information provided by the high-frequency components of x(t) — is by obtaining an approximate signal xa(t) that lacks the high-frequency components of x(t), thus permitting us to determine a maximum frequency for it. This is accomplished by antialiasing filtering commonly used in samplers.
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Figure 7.2
(a) Spectrum of band-limited signal, (b) spectrum of sampled signal when satisfying the Nyquist sampling rate condition, and (c) spectrum of sampled signal with aliasing (superposition of spectra, shown in dashed lines, gives a constant shown by continuous line).
A band-limited signal x(t)—that is, its low-pass spectrum X(Ω) is such that
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where Ωmax is the maximum frequency in x(t)—can be sampled uniformly and without frequency aliasing using a sampling frequency
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This is called the Nyquist sampling rate condition.
Consider the signal x(t) = 2 cos(2πt + π/4), −∞ < t < ∞. Determine if it is band limited or not. Use Ts = 0.4, 0.5, and 1 sec/sample as sampling periods, and for each of these find out whether the Nyquist sampling rate condition is satisfied and if the sampled signal looks like the original signal or not.


Since x(t) only has the frequency 2π, it is band limited with Ωmax = 2π rad/sec. For any Ts the sampled signal is given as
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with B9780123747167000119/si132.gif is missing.
Using Ts = 0.4 sec/sample the sampling frequency in rad/sec is Ωs = 2π/Ts = 5π > 2Ωmax = 4π, satisfying the Nyquist sampling rate condition. The samples in Equation (7.13) are then
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The sampled signal xs(t) repeats periodically every five samples. Indeed, for Ts = 0.4,
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since x((m + 5)Ts) = x(mTs). Looking at Figure 7.3(b), we see that there are three samples in each period of the analog sinusoid, and it is not obvious that the information of the continuous-time signal is preserved. We will show in the next section that it is actually possible to recover x(t) from this sampled signal xs(t), which allows us to say that xs(t) has the same information as x(t).
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Figure 7.3
Sampling of x(t) = 2 cos(2πt + π/4) with sampling periods (a) Ts = 0.2, (b) Ts = 0.4, (c) Ts = 0.5, and (d) Ts = 1 sec/sample.
When Ts = 0.5 the sampling frequency is Ωs = 2π/Ts = 4π = 2Ωmax, barely satisfying the Nyquist sampling rate condition. The samples in Equation (7.13) are now
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In this case it can be shown that the sampled signal repeats periodically every two samples, since x((n + 2)Ts) = x(nTs), which can be easily checked. According to the Nyquist sampling rate condition, this is the minimum number of samples per period allowed before we start having aliasing. In fact, if we let Ωs = Ωmax = 2π corresponding to the sampling period Ts = 1, the samples in Equation (7.13) are
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and the sampled signal is B9780123747167000119/si156.gif is missing. With Ts = 1, the sampled signal cannot be possibly converted back into an analog sinusoid. Thus, we have lost the information provided by the sinusoid. Undersampling (getting too few samples per unit time) has changed the nature of the original signal.
We use MATLAB to plot the continuous signal and four sampled signals (see Figure 7.3) for different values of Ts. Clearly, when Ts = 1 sec/sample there is no similarity between the analog and the discrete signals due to frequency aliasing.
Consider the following signals:
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(b) B9780123747167000119/si161.gif is missing
Determine if they are band limited or not. If not, determine the frequency for which the energy of the non-band-limited signal corresponds to 99% of its total energy and use this result to approximate its maximum frequency.


(a) The signal x1(t) = u(t + 0.5) − u(t − 0.5) is a unit pulse signal. Clearly, this signal can be easily sampled by choosing any value of Ts << 1. For instance, Ts = 0.01 sec would be a good value, giving a discrete-time signal x1(nTs) = 1, for 0 ≤ nTs = 0.01n ≤ 1 or 0 ≤ n≤ 100. There seems to be no problem in sampling this signal; however, we have that the Fourier transform of x1(t),
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does not have a maximum frequency and so x1(t) is not band limited. Thus, any chosen value of Ts will cause aliasing. Fortunately, the values of the sinc function go fast to zero, so that one could compute an approximate maximum frequency that covers 99% of the energy of the signal.
Using Parseval's energy relation we have that the energy of x1(t) (the area under B9780123747167000119/si174.gif is missing) is 1 and if we wish to find a value ΩM, such that 99% of this energy is in the frequency band [−ΩM, ΩM], we need to look for the limits of the following integral so it equals 0.99:
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Since this integral is difficult to find analytically, we use the following script in MATLAB to approximate it.
% Example 7.2 --- Parseval's relation and sampling
syms W
for k = 1:23;
E(k) = int((sin(0.5*W)/(0.5*W))^2,0,k*pi)/pi
if E(k)> = 0.9900,
We found that for ΩM = 20π rad/sec 98.9% of the energy of the signal is included, and thus it could be used to determine that Ts < πM = 0.05 sec/sample.
(b) For the causal exponential
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its Fourier transform is
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which does not go to zero for any finite Ω, then x(t) is not band limited. To find a frequency ΩM so that 99% of the energy is in −ΩM ≤ Ω ≤ ΩM, we let
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which gives
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If we choose Ωs = 2π/Ts = 5ΩM or Ts = 2π/(5 × 63.66) ≈ 0.02, there will be hardly any aliasing or loss of information.

7.2.3. Reconstruction of the Original Continuous-Time Signal

If the signal x(t) to be sampled is band limited with Fourier transform X(Ω) and maximum frequency Ωmax, by choosing the sampling frequency Ωs to satisfy the Nyquist sampling rate condition, or Ωs > 2Ωmax, the spectrum of the sampled signal xs(t) displays a superposition of shifted versions of the spectrum of x(t), multiplied by 1/Ts, but with no overlaps. In such a case, it is possible to recover the original analog signal from the sampled signal by filtering. Indeed, if we consider an ideal low-pass analog filter B9780123747167000119/si204.gif is missing with magnitude Ts in the pass-band −Ωs/2 < Ω < Ωs/2, and zero elsewhere—that is,
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the Fourier transform of the output of the filter is B9780123747167000119/si208.gif is missing or
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which coincides with the Fourier transform of the original signal x(t). So that when sampling a band-limited signal, using a sampling period Ts that satisfies the Nyquist sampling rate, the signal can be recovered exactly from the sampled signal by means of an ideal low-pass filter.

Bandlimited or Not?
The following, taken from David Slepian's paper “On Bandwidth”[66], clearly describes the uncertainty about bandlimited signals:
The Dilemma—Are signals really bandlimited? They seem to be, and yet they seem not to be.
On the one hand, a pair of solid copper wires will not propagate electromagnetic waves at optical frequencies and so the signals I receive over such a pair must be bandlimited. In fact, it makes little physical sense to talk of energy received over wires at frequencies higher than some finite cutoff W, say 1020 Hz. It would seem, then, that signals must be bandlimited.
On the other hand, however, signals of limited bandwith W are finite Fourier transforms,
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and irrefutable mathematical arguments show them to be extremely smooth. They possess derivatives of all orders. Indeed, such integrals are entire functions of t, completely predictable from any little piece, and they cannot vanish on any t interval unless they vanish everywhere. Such signals cannot start or stop, but must go on forever. Surely real signals start and stop, and they cannot be bandlimited!
Thus we have a dilemma: to assume that real signals must go on forever in time (a consequence of bandlimitedness) seems just as unreasonable as to assume that real signals have energy at arbitrary high frequencies (no bandlimitation). Yet one of these alternatives must hold if we are to avoid mathematical contradiction, for either signals are bandlimited or they are not: there is no other choice. Which do you think they are?
In practice, the exact recovery of the original signal may not be possible for several reasons. One could be that the continuous-time signal is not exactly band limited, so that it is not possible to obtain a maximum frequency causing frequency aliasing in the sampling. Second, the sampling is not done exactly at uniform timesrandom variation of the sampling times may occur. Third, the filter required for the exact recovery is an ideal low-pass filter, which in practice cannot be realized; only an approximation is possible. Although this indicates the limitations of sampling, in most cases where: (1) the signal is band limited or approximately band limited, (2) the Nyquist sampling rate condition is satisfied in the sampling, and (3) the reconstruction filter approximates well the ideal low-pass filter, the recovered signal closely approximates the original signal.
For signals that do not satisfy the band-limitedness condition, one can obtain an approximate signal that satisfies that condition. This is done by passing the non-band-limited signal through an ideal low-pass filter. The filter output is guaranteed to have as maximum frequency the cut-off frequency of the filter (seeFigure 7.4). Because of the low-pass filtering, the filtered signal is a smoothed version of the original signalhigh frequencies of the signal have been removed. The low-pass filter is called an antialiasing filter, since it makes the approximate signal band limited, thus avoiding aliasing in the frequency domain.
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Figure 7.4
Anti-aliasing filtering of non-band-limited signal.
In applications, the cut-off frequency of the antialiasing filter is set according to prior knowledge. For instance, when sampling speech, it is known that speech has frequencies ranging from about 100 Hz toabout 5 KHz (this range of frequencies provides understandable speech in phone conversations). Thus, when sampling speech an anti-aliasing filter with a cut-off frequency of 5 KHz is chosen and the sampling rate is then set to 10,000 samples/sec. Likewise, it is also known that an acceptable range of frequencies from 0 to 22 KHz provides music with good fidelity, so that when sampling music signals the anti-aliasing filter cut-off frequency is set to 22 KHz and the sampling rate to 44K samples/sec or higher to provide good-quality music.

Origins of the Sampling Theory—Part 1
The sampling theory has been attributed to many engineers and mathematicians. It seems as if mathematicians and researchers in communications engineering came across these results from different perspectives. In the engineering community, the sampling theory has been attributed traditionally to Harry Nyquist and Claude Shannon, although other famous researchers such as V. A. Kotelnikov, E. T. Whittaker, and D. Gabor came out with similar results. Nyquist's work did not deal directly with sampling and reconstruction of sampled signals but it contributed to advances by Shannon in those areas.
Harry Nyquist was born in Sweden in 1889 and died in 1976 in the United States. He attended the University of North Dakota at Grand Forks and received his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1917. He worked for the American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) Company and the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. He received 138 patents and published 12 technical articles. Nyquist's contributions range from the fields of thermal noise, stability of feedback amplifiers, telegraphy, and television, to other important communications problems. His theoretical work on determining the bandwidth requirements for transmitting information provided the foundations for Claude Shannon's work on sampling theory [33].
As Hans D. Luke [44] concludes in his paper “The Origins of the Sampling Theorem,” regarding the attribution of the sampling theorem to many authors:
This history also reveals a process which is often apparent in theoretical problem in technology or physics: first the practicians put forward a rule of thumb, then theoreticians develop the general solution, and finally someone discovers that the mathematicians have long since solved the mathematical problem which it contains, but in “splendid isolation.”
Consider the two sinusoids
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Show that if we sample these signals using Ts = 2πs, we cannot differentiate the sampled signals (i.e., x1(nTs) = x2(nTs)). Use MATLAB to show the above graphically when Ω0 = 1 and Ωs = 7. Explain the significance of this.


Sampling the two signals using Ts = 2πs, we have
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but since ΩsTs = 2π, the sinusoid x2(nTs) can be written as
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The following script shows the aliasing effect when Ω0 = 1 and Ωs = 7 rad/sec. Notice that x1(t) is sampled satisfying the Nyquist sampling rate condition (Ωs = 7 > 2Ω0 = 2 rad/sec), while x2(t) is not (Ωs = 7 < 2(Ω0 + Ωs) = 16 rad/sec).
% Example 7.3 --- Two sinusoids of different frequencies being sampled
% with same sampling period -- aliasing for signal with higher frequency
clear all; clf
% sinusoids
omega_0 = 1;omega_s = 7;
T = 2 ∗ pi/omega_0; t = 0:0.001:T; % a period of x1
x1 = cos(omega_0 ∗ t); x2 = cos((omega_0 + omega_s) ∗ t);
N = length(t); Ts = 2 ∗ pi/omega_s; % sampling period
M = fix(Ts/0.001); imp = zeros(1,N);
for k = 1:M:N − 1.
imp(k) = 1; % sequence of impulses
xs = imp.∗ x1; % sampled signal
plot(t,x1,'b',t,x2,'k'), hold on
stem(t,imp. ∗ x1,'r','filled'),axis([0 max(t)− 1.1 1.1]); xlabel('t'), grid
Figure 7.5 shows the two sinusoids and the sampled signal that coincides for the two signals. The result in the frequency domain is shown in Figure 7.6: The spectra of the two sinusoids are different but the spectra of the sampled signals are identical.
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Figure 7.5
Sampling of two sinusoids of frequencies Ω0 = 1 and Ω0 + Ωs = 8 with Ts = 2πs. The higher-frequency signal is undersampled, causing aliasing, which makes the two sampled signals coincide.
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Figure 7.6
(a) Spectra of sinusoids x1(t) and x2(t). (b) The spectra of the sampled signals x1s(t) and x2s(t) look exactly the same due to the undersampling of x2(t).

7.2.4. Signal Reconstruction from Sinc Interpolation

The analog signal reconstruction from the samples can be shown to be an interpolation using sinc signals. First, the ideal low-pass filter B9780123747167000119/si250.gif is missing in Equation (7.14) has as impulse response
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which is a sinc function that has an infinite time support and decays symmetrically with respect to the origin t = 0. The reconstructed signal xr(t) is the convolution of the sampled signal xs(t) and B9780123747167000119/si255.gif is missing, which is found to be
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after replacing xs(τ) and applying the sifting property of the delta function. The recovered signal is thus an interpolation in terms of time-shifted sinc signals with amplitudes the samples {x(nTs)}. In fact, if we let t = kTs, we can see that
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This is because the above sinc function by L'Hˆopital's rule is shown to be unity when k = n, and it is 0 when kn since the sine is zero at multiples of π. Thus, the values at t = kTs are recovered exactly, and the rest are interpolated by a sum of sinc signals.

7.2.5. Sampling Simulation with MATLAB

The simulation of sampling with MATLAB is complicated by the representation of analog signals and the numerical computation of the analog Fourier transform. Two sampling rates are needed: one being the sampling rate under study, fs, and the other being the one used to simulate the analog signal, fsim >> fs. The computation of the analog Fourier transform of x(t) can be done approximately using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) multiplied by the sampling period. For now, think of the FFT as an algorithm to compute the Fourier transform of a discretized signal.
To illustrate the sampling procedure consider sampling a sinusoid x(t) = cos(2πf0t) where f0 = 1 KHz. To simulate this as an analog signal we choose a sampling period Tsim = 0.5 × 10−4 sec/sample or a sampling frequency fsim = 20,000 samples/sec.
No aliasing sampling—If we sample x(t) with a sampling frequency fs = 6000 > 2 f0 = 2000 Hz, the sampled signal y(t) will not display aliasing in its frequency representation, as we are satisfying the Nyquist sampling rate condition. Figure 7.7(a) displays the signal x(t) and its sampled version y(t), as well as their approximate Fourier transforms. The magnitude spectrum |X(Ω)| corresponds to the sinusoid x(t), while |Y(Ω)| is the first period of the spectrum of the sampled signal (recall the spectrum of the sampled signal is periodic of period Ωs = 2πfs). In this case, when no aliasing occurs, the first period of the spectrum of y(t) coincides with the spectrum of x(t) (notice that as a sinusoid, the magnitude spectrum |X(Ω)| is zero except at the frequency of the sinusoid or ±1 KHz; likewise |Y(Ω)| is zero except at ±1 KHz and the range of frequencies is [−fs/2, fs/2] = [−3, 3] KHz). In Figure 7.7(b) we show the sinc interpolation of three samples of y(t); the solid line is the interpolated values or the sum of sincs centered at the three samples. At the bottom of that figure we show the sinc interpolation, for all the samples, obtained using our function sincinterp. The sampling is implemented using our function sampling.
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Figure 7.7
No aliasing: sampling simulation of x(t) = cos(2000πt) using fs = 6000 samples/sec. (a) Plots are of the signal x(t) and the sampled signal y(t), and their spectra (|Y(Ω)| is periodic and so a period is shown). (b) The top plot illustrates the sinc interpolation of three samples, and the bottom plot is the sinc-interpolated signal xr(t) and the sampled signal. In this case xr(t) is very close to the original signal.
Sampling with aliasing—In Figure 7.8 we show the case when the sampling frequency is fs = 800 < 2fs = 2000, so that in this case we have aliasing. This can be seen in the sampled signal y(t) in the top plot of Figure 7.8(a), which appears as if we were sampling a sinusoid of lower frequency. It can also be seen in the spectra of x(t) and y(t): |X(Ω)| is the same as in the previous case, but now |Y(Ω)|, which is a period of the spectrum of the sampled signal y(t), displays a frequency of 200 Hz, lower than that of x(t), within the frequency range [−400, 400] Hz or [−fs/2, fs/2]. Aliasing has occurred. Finally, the sinc interpolation gives a sinusoid of frequency 0.2 KHz, different from x(t).
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Figure 7.8
Aliasing: sampling simulation of x(t) = cos(2000πt) using fs = 800 samples/sec. (a) Plots display the original signal x(t) and the sampled signal y(t) (it looks like a lower-frequency signal being sampled). The sprectra of x(t) and y(t) are shown below (|Y(Ω)| is periodic and displays a lower frequency than |X(Ω)|). (b) Sinc interpolation for three samples and the whole signal. The reconstructed signal xr(t) is a sinusoid of period 0.5 × 10−2 or 200-Hz frequency due to aliasing.
Similar situations occur when a more complex signal is sampled. If the signal to be sampled is x(t) = 2 − cos(πf0t) − sin(2πf0t) where f0 = 500 Hz, if we use a sampling frequency of fs = 6000 > 2 fmax = 2 f0 = 1000 Hz, there will be no aliasing. On the other hand, if the sampling frequency is fs = 800 < 2fmax = 2f0 = 1000 Hz, frequency aliasing will occur. In the no aliasing sampling, the spectrum |Y(Ω)| (in a frequency range [−3000, 3000] = [−fs/2, fs/2]) corresponding to a period of the Fourier transform of the sampled signal y(t) shows the same frequencies as |X(Ω)|. The reconstructed signal equals the original signal. See Figure 7.9(a). When we use fs = 800 Hz, the given signal x(t) is undersampled and aliasing occurs. The spectrum |Y(Ω)| corresponding to a period of the Fourier transform of the undersampled signal y(t) does not show the same frequencies as |X(Ω)|. The reconstructed signal shown in the bottom right plot of Figure 7.9(b) does not resemble the original signal.
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Figure 7.9
Sampling of x(t) = 2 − cos(500πt) − sin(1000πt) with (a) no aliasing (fs = 6000 samples/sec) and (b) with aliasing (fs = 800 samples/sec).
The following function implements the sampling and computes the Fourier transform of the analog signal and of the sampled signal using the fast Fourier transform. It gives the range of frequencies for each of the spectra.
function [y,y1,X,fx,Y,fy] = sampling(x,L,fs)
%x analog signal
%L length of simulated x
%fs sampling rate
%y sampled signal
%X,Y magnitude spectra of x,y
%fx,fy frequency ranges for X,Y
fsim = 20000; % analog signal sampling frequency
% sampling with rate fsim/fs
delta = fsim/fs;
y1 = zeros(1,L);
y1(1:delta:L) = x(1:delta:L);
y = x(1:delta:L);
% analog FT and DTFT of signals
dtx = 1/fsim;
X = fftshift(abs(fft(x))) ∗ dtx;
N = length(X); k = 0:(N− 1); fx = 1/N.*k; fx = fx ∗ fsim/1000− fsim/2000;
dty = 1/fs;
Y = fftshift(abs(fft(y))) ∗ dty;
N = length(Y); k = 0:(N− 1); fy = 1/N.*k; fy = fy∗ fs/1000− fs/2000;
The following function computes the sinc interpolation of the samples.
function [t,xx,xr] = sincinterp(x,Ts)
% Sinc interpolation
% x sampled signal
% Ts sampling period of x
% xx,xr original samples and reconstructed in range t
N = length(x)
t = 0:dT:N;
xr = zeros(1,N ∗ 100 + 1);
for k = 1:N,
xr = xr + x(k)∗ sinc(t−(k− 1));
xx(1:100:N ∗ 100) = x(1:N);
xx = [xx zeros(1,99)];
NN = length(xx)
t = 0:NN− 1;t = t ∗ Ts/100;

7.3. The Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem

If a low-pass continuous-time signal x(t) is band limited (i.e., it has a spectrum X(Ω) such that X(Ω) = 0 for |Ω| > Ωmax, where Ωmax is the maximum frequency in x(t)), we then have:
x(t) is uniquely determined by its samples B9780123747167000119/si366.gif is missing, n = 0, ±1, ±2, ⋯, provided that the sampling frequency Ωs (rad/sec) is such that
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or equivalently if the sampling rate fs (samples/sec) or the sampling period Ts (sec/sample) are given by
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■ When the Nyquist sampling rate condition is satisfied, the original signal x(t) can be reconstructed by passing the sampled signal xs(t) through an ideal low-pass filter with the following frequency response:
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The reconstructed signal is given by the following sinc interpolation from the samples:
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The valuemaxis called the Nyquist sampling rate. The value Ωs/2 is called the folding rate.
The units of the sampling frequency fsare samples/sec and as such the units of Tsare sec/sample. Considering the number of samples available, every second or the time at which each sample is available we can get a better understanding of the data storage requirements, the speed limitations imposed by real-time processing, and the need for data compression algorithms. For instance, music being sampled at 44,000 samples/sec, with each sample represented by 8 bits/sample, for every second of music we would need to store 44 × 8 = 352 Kbits/sec, and in an hour of sampling we would have 3600 × 44 × 8 Kbits. If you want better quality, let's say 16 bits/sample, then double that quantity, and if you want more fidelity increase the sampling rate but be ready to provide more storage or to come up with some data compression algorithm. Likewise, if you were to process the signal you would have a new sample every Ts = 0.0227 msec, so that any real-time processing would have to be done very fast.

Origins of the Sampling Theory — Part 2
As mentioned in Chapter 0, the theoretical foundations of digital communications theory were given in the paper “A Mathematical Theory of Communication” by Claude E. Shannon in 1948 [51]. His results on sampling theory made possible the new areas of digital communications and digital signal processing.
Shannon was born in 1916 in Petoskey, Michigan. He studied electrical engineering and mathematics at the University of Michigan, pursued graduate studies in electrical engineering and mathematics at MIT, and then joined Bell Telephone Laboratories. In 1956, he returned to MIT to teach.
Besides being a celebrated researcher, Shannon was an avid chess player. He developed a juggling machine, rocket-powered frisbees, motorized Pogo sticks, a mind-reading machine, a mechanical mouse that could navigate a maze, and a device that could solve the Rubik's Cube™ puzzle. At Bell Labs, he was remembered for riding the halls on a unicycle while juggling three balls 23 and 52.

7.3.1. Sampling of Modulated Signals

The given Nyquist sampling rate condition applies to low-pass or baseband signals. Sampling of band-pass signals is used for simulation of communication systems and in the implementation of modulation systems in software radio. For modulated signals it can be shown that the sampling rate depends on the bandwidth of the message or modulating signal, not on the absolute frequencies involved. This result provides a significant savings in the sampling, as it is independent of the carrier. A voice message transmitted via a satellite communication system with a carrier of 6 GHz, for instance, would only need to be sampled at about a 10-KHz rate, rather than at 12 GHz as determined by the Nyquist sampling rate condition when we consider the frequencies involved.
Consider a modulated signal x(t) = m(t) cos(Ωct) where m(t) is the message and cos(Ωct) is the carrier with carrier frequency
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where Ωmax is the maximum frequency present in the message. The sampling of x(t) with a sampling period Ts generates in the frequency domain a superposition of the spectrum of x(t) shifted in frequency by Ωs and multiplied by 1/Ts. Intuitively, to avoid aliasing the shifting in frequency should be such that there is no overlapping of the shifted spectra, which would require that
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Thus, the sampling period depends on the bandwidth Ωmax of the message m(t) rather than on the maximum frequency present in the modulated signal x(t). A formal proof of this result requires the quadrature representation of band-pass signals typically considered in communication theory [16].
If the message m(t) of a modulated signal x(t) = m(t) cos(Ωc) has a bandwidth B Hz, x(t) can be reconstructed from samples taken at a sampling rate
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independent of the frequency Ωc of the carrier cos(Ωct).
Consider the development of an AM transmitter that uses a computer to generate the modulated signal and is capable of transmitting music and speech signals. Indicate how to implement the transmitter.


Let the message be m(t) = x(t)+ y(t) where x(t) is a speech signal and y(t) is a music signal. Since music signals display larger frequencies than speech signals, the maximum frequency of m(t) is that of the music signals, or fmax = 22 KHz. To transmit m(t) using AM, we modulate it with a sinusoid of frequency fc > fmax, say fc = 3fmax = 66 KHz.
To satisfy the Nyquist sampling rate condition, the maximum frequency of the modulated signal would be fc + fmax = (66 +2 2) KHz = 88 KHz, and so we would choose Ts = 10−3/176 sec/sample as the sampling period. However, according to the above results we can also choose Ts = 1/(2B) where B is the bandwidth of m(t) in hertz or B = fmax = 22 KHz, which gives Ts = 10−3/44 — four times larger than the previous sampling period, so we choose this as the sampling period.
The analog signal m(t) to be transmitted is inputted into an ADC in the computer, capable of sampling at 44, 000 samples/sec. The output of the converter is then multiplied by a computer-generated sinusoid
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to obtain the AM signal. The AM digital signal can then be inputted into a DAC and its output sent to an antenna for broadcasting.

7.4. Practical Aspects of Sampling

To process analog signals with computers it is necessary to convert analog into digital signals and digital into analog signals. The analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions are done by ADCs and DACs. In practice, these converters differ from the ideal versions we have discussed so far where the sampling is done with impulses, the discrete-time samples are assumed representable with infinite precision, and the reconstruction is performed by an ideal low-pass filter. Pulses rather than impulses are needed, and the discrete-time signals need to be discretized also in amplitude and the reconstruction filter needs to be reconsidered.

7.4.1. Sample-and-Hold Sampling

In an actual ADC the time required to do the sampling, quantization, and coding needs to be considered. Therefore, the width Δ of the sampling pulses cannot be zero as assumed. A sample-and-hold sampling system takes the sample and holds it long enough for quantization and coding to be done before the next sample is acquired. The question is then how does this affect the sampling process and how does it differ from the ideal results obtained before? We hinted at the effects when we considered the PAM before, except that now the resulting pulses are flat.
The system shown in Figure 7.10 generates the desired signal. Basically, we are modulating the ideal sampling signal B9780123747167000119/si428.gif is missing with the analog input x(t), giving an ideally sampled signal xs(t). This signal is then passed through a zero-order hold filter, an LTI system having as impulse response h(t) a pulse of the desired width Δ ≤ Ts. The output of the sample-and-hold system is a weighted sequence of shifted versions of the impulse response. In fact, the output of the ideal sampler is B9780123747167000119/si433.gif is missing, and using the linearity and time invariance of the zero-order hold system its output is
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with a Fourier transform of
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where the term in the brackets is the spectrum of the ideally sampled signal and
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is the frequency response of the LTI system.
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Figure 7.10
Sampling using a sample-and-hold system (δ = Ts).
Equation (7.20)can be written as
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That is, ys(t) is a train of pulses h(t) = u(t) − u(t − Δ) shifted and weighted by the sample values x(nTs), a more realistic representation of the sampled signal.
Two significant changes due to considering the pulses of width Δ > 0 in the sampling are:
The spectrum of the ideal sampled signal xs(t) is now weighted by the sinc function of the frequency response H(jΩ) of the zero-order hold filter. Thus, the spectrum of the sampled signal using the sample-and-hold system will not be periodic and will decay as Ω increases.
The reconstruction of the original signal x(t) requires a more complex filter than the one used in the ideal sampling. Indeed, the concatenation of the zero-order hold filter with the reconstruction filter should be such that H(s)Hr(s) = 1, or that Hr(s) = 1/H(s).
A circuit used for implementing the sample-and-hold system is shown inFigure 7.11. In this circuit the switch closes every Tsseconds and remains closed for a short time Δ. If the time constant rC << Δ, the capacitor charges very fast to the value of the sample attained when the switch closes at some nTs, and by setting the time constant RC >> Tswhen the switch opens Δ seconds later, the capacitor slowly discharges. The cycle repeats providing a signal that approximates the output of the sample-and-hold system explained before.
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Figure 7.11
Sample-and-hold circuit.
The DAC also uses a holder to generate an analog signal from the discrete signal coming out of the decoder into the DAC. There are different possible types of holders, providing an interpolation that will make the final smoothing of the signal a lot easier. The so-called zero-order hold basically expands the sample value in between samples, providing a rough approximation of the discrete signal, which is then smoothed out by a low-pass filter to provide the analog signal.

7.4.2. Quantization and Coding

Amplitude discretization of the sampled signal xs(t) is accomplished by a quantizer consisting of a number of fixed amplitude levels against which the sample amplitudes {x(nTs)} are compared. The output of the quantizer is one of the fixed amplitude levels that best represents x(nTs) according to some approximation scheme. The quantizer is a nonlinear system.
Independent of how many levels, or equivalently of how many bits are allocated to represent each level of the quantizer, there is a possible error in the representation of each sample. This is called the quantization error. To illustrate this, consider a 2-bit or 22-level quantizer shown in Figure 7.12. The input of the quantizer are the samples x(nTs), which are compared with the values in the bins [−2Δ, −Δ], [−Δ, 0], [0, Δ], and [Δ, 2Δ], and depending on which of these bins the sample falls in it is replaced by the corresponding levels −2Δ, −Δ, 0, or Δ. The value of the quantization step Δ for the four-level quantizer is
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That is, Δ is assigned so as to cover the possible peak-to-peak range of values of the signal, or its dynamic range. To each of the levels a binary code is assigned. The code assigned to each of the levels uniquely represents the different levels [−2Δ, −Δ, 0, Δ]. As to the way to approximate the given sample to one of these levels, it can be done by rounding or by truncating. The quantizer shown in Figure 7.12 approximates by truncation—that is, if the sample kΔ ≤ x(nTs) < (k + 1)Δ, for k = −2, −1, 0, 1, then it is approximated by the level kΔ.
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Figure 7.12
Four-level quantizer and coder.
To see the quantization, coding, and quantization error, let the sampled signal be
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The given four-level quantizer is such that
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where the sampled signal x(nTs) is the input and the quantized signal B9780123747167000119/si477.gif is missing is the output. Therefore,
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To transform the quantized values into unique binary 2-bit values, one could use a code such as
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which assigns a unique 2-bit binary number to each of the four quantization levels.
If we define the quantization error as
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and use the characterization of the quantizer given in Equation (7.24), we have then that the error ε(nTs) is obtained from
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indicating that one way to decrease the quantization error is to make the quantization step Δ very small. That clearly depends on the quality of the ADC. Increasing the number of bits of the ADC makes Δ smaller (see Equation (7.23) where the denominator is 2 raised to the number of bits), which will make the quantization error smaller.
In practice, the quantization error is considered random, and so it needs to be characterized probabilistically. This characterization becomes meaningful only when the number of bits is large, and the input signal is not a deterministic signal. Otherwise, the error is predictable and thus not random. Comparing the energy of the input signal to the energy of the error, by means of the so-called signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), it is possible to determine the number of bits that are needed in a quantizer to get a reasonable quantization error.
Suppose we are trying to decide between an 8- and a 9-bit ADC for a certain application. The signals in this application are known to have frequencies that do not exceed 5 KHz. The amplitude of the signals is never more than 5 volts (i.e., the dynamic range of the signals is 10 volts, so that the signal is bounded as −5 ≤ x(t) ≤ 5). Determine an appropriate sampling period and compare the percentage of error for the two ADCs of interest.


The first consideration in choosing the ADC is the sampling period, so we need to get an ADC capable of sampling at fs = 1/Ts > 2fmax samples/sec. Choosing fs = 4fmax = 20 K samples/sec, then Ts = 1/20 msec/sample. Suppose then we look at an 8-bit ADC, which means that the quantizer would have 28 = 256 levels so that the quantization step is Δ = 10/256 volts. If we use the truncation quantizer given above the quantization error would be
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If we find that objectionable we can then consider a 9-bit ADC, with a quantizer of 29 = 512 levels and the quantization step is Δ = 10/512 or half that of the 8-bit ADC
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So that by increasing 1 bit we cut the quantization error in half from the previous quantizer (in practice, one of the 8 or 9 bits is used to determine the sign of the sampled value). Inputting a signal of constant amplitude 5 into the 9-bit ADC gives a quantization error of [(10/512)/5] × 100% = (100/256)% ≈ 0.4% in representing the input signal. For the 8-bit ADC it would correspond to a 0.8% error.

7.4.3. Sampling, Quantizing, and Coding with MATLAB

The conversion of an analog signal into a digital signal consists of three steps: sampling, quantization, and coding. These are the three operations an ADC does. To illustrate them consider a sinusoid x(t) = 4 cos(2πt). Its sampling period, according to the Nyquist sampling rate condition, is
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as the maximum frequency of x(t) is Ωmax = 2π. We let Ts = 0.01 (sec/sample) to obtain a sampled signal xs(nTs) = 4 cos(2πnTs) = 4 cos(2πn/100), a discrete sinusoid of period 100. The following script is used to get the sampled x[n] and the quantized xq[n] signals and the quantization error ε[n] (see Figure 7.13).
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Figure 7.13
(a) Sinusoid, (b) sampled sinusoid using Ts = 0.01, (c) quantized sinusoid using four levels, and (d) quantization error.
% Sampling, quantization and coding
clear all; clf
% analog signal
t = 0:0.01:1; x = 4 ∗ sin(2 ∗ pi ∗ t);
% sampled signal
Ts = 0.01; N = length(t); n = 0:N − 1;
xs = 4 ∗ sin(2 ∗ pi ∗ n ∗ Ts);
% quantized signal
Q = 2;% quantization levels is 2Q
[d,y,e] = quantizer(x,Q);
% binary signal
z = coder(y,d)
The quantization of the sampled signal is implemented with the function quantizer which compares each of the samples xs(nTs) with four levels and assigns to each the corresponding level. Notice the appproximation of the values given by the quantized signal samples to the actual values of the signal. The difference between the original and the quantized signal, or the quantization error, ε(nTs), is also computed and shown in Figure 7.13.
function [d,y,e] = quantizer(x,Q)
% Input: x, signal to be quantized at 2Q levels
% Outputs: y quantized signal
%e, quantization error
%d quantum
% USE [d,y,e] = quantizer(x,Q)
N = length(x);
d = max(abs(x))/Q;
for k = 1:N,
if x(k)>= 0,
y(k) = floor(x(k)/d)*d;
if x(k) == min(x),
y(k) = (x(k)/abs(x(k))) ∗(floor(abs(x(k))/d) ∗ d);
y(k) = (x(k)/abs(x(k))) ∗ (floor(abs(x(k))/d) ∗ d + d);
if y(k) == 2 ∗ d,
y(k) = d;
The binary signal corresponding to the quantized signal is computed using the function coder which assigns the binary codes '10','11','00', and '01' to the four possible levels of the quantizer. The result is a sequence of 0s and 1s, each pair of digits sequentially corresponding to each of the samples of the quantized signal. The following is the function used to effect this coding.
function z1 = coder(y,delta)
% Coder for 4-level quantizer
% input: y quantized signal
% output: z1 binary sequence
% USE z1 = coder(y)
z1 = '00'; % starting code
N = length(y);
for n = 1:N,
if y(n) == delta
z = '01';
elseif y(n) == 0
z = '00';
elseif y(n) == -delta
z = '11';
z = '10';
z1 = [z1 z];
M = length(z1);
z1 = z1(3:M) % get rid of starting code

7.5. What Have We Accomplished? Where Do We Go from Here?

The material in this chapter is the bridge between analog and digital signal processing. The sampling theory provides the necessary information to convert a continuous-time signal into a discrete-time signal and then into a digital signal with minimum error. It is the frequency representation of an analog signal that determines the way in which it can be sampled and reconstructed. Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters are the devices that in practice convert an analog signal into a digital signal and back. Two parameters characterizing these devices are the sampling rate and the number of bits each sample is coded into. The rate of change of a signal determines the sampling rate, while the precision in representing the samples determines the number of levels of the quantizer and the number of bits assigned to each sample.
In the following chapters we will consider the analysis of discrete-time signals, as well as the analysis and synthesis of discrete systems. The effect of quantization in the processing and design of systems is an important problem that is left for texts in digital signal processing. We will, however, develop the theory of discrete-time signals.
Sampling Actual Signals
Consider the sampling of real signals.
(a) Typically, a speech signal that can be understood over a telephone shows frequencies from about 100 Hz to about 5 KHz. What would be the sampling frequency fs (samples/sec) that would be used to sample speech without aliasing? How many samples would you need to save when storing an hour of speech? If each sample is represented by 8 bits, how many bits would you have to save for the hour of speech?
(b) A music signal typically displays frequencies from 0 up to 22 KHz. What would be the sampling frequency fs that would be used in a CD player?
(c) If you have a signal that combines voice and musical instruments, what sampling frequency would you use to sample this signal? How would the signal sound if played at a frequency lower than the Nyquist sampling frequency?
Sampling of Band-Limited Signals
Consider the sampling of a sinc signal and related signals.
(a) For the signal x(t) = sin(t)/t, find its magnitude spectrum |X(Ω)| and determine if this signal is band limited or not.
(b) Suppose you want to sample x(t)). What would be the sampling period Ts you would use for the sampling without aliasing?
(c) For a signal y(t) = x2(t), what sampling frequency fs would you use to sample it without aliasing? How does this frequency relate to the sampling frequency used to sample x(t)?
(d) Find the sampling period Ts to sample x(t) so that the sampled signal xs(0) = 1, otherwise xs(nTs) = 0 for n ≠ 0.
Sampling of Time-Limited Signals—MATLAB
Consider the signals x(t) = u(t) − u(t − 1) and y(t) = r(t) − 2r(t − 1) + r(t − 2).
(a) Are either of these signals band limited? Explain.
(b) Use Parseval's theorem to determine a reasonable value for a maximum frequency for these signals (choose a frequency that would give 90% of the energy of the signals). Use MATLAB.
(c) If we use the sampling period corresponding to y(t) to sample x(t), would aliasing occur? Explain.
(d) Determine a sampling period that can be used to sample both x(t) and y(t) without causing aliasing in either signal.
Uncertainty in Time and Frequency—MATLAB
Signals of finite time support have infinite support in the frequency domain, and a band-limited signal has infinite time support. A signal cannot have finite support in both domains.
(a) Consider x(t) = (u(t + 0.5) − u(t − 0.5))(1 + cos(2πt)). Find its Fourier transform X(Ω). Compute the energy of the signal, and determine the maximum frequency of a band-limited approximation signal B9780123747167000119/si562.gif is missing that would give 95% of the energy of the original signal.
(b) The fact that a signal cannot be of finite support in both domains is expressed well by the uncertainty principle, which says that
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measures the duration of the signal for which the signal is significant in time, and
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measures the frequency support for which the Fourier representation is significant. The energy of the signal is represented by Ex. Compute Δ(t) and Δ(Ω) for the given signal x(t) and verify that the uncertainty principle is satisfied.
Nyquist Sampling Rate Condition and Aliasing
Consider the signal
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(a) Find the Fourier transform X(Ω) of x(t).
(b) Is x(t) band limited? If so, find its maximum frequency Ωmax.
(c) Suppose that Ts = 2π. How does Ωs relate to the Nyquist frequency 2Ωmax? Explain.
(d) What is the sampled signal x(nTs) equal to? Carefully plot it and explain if x(t) can be reconstructed.
Suppose you want to find a reasonable sampling period Ts for the noncausal exponential
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(a) Find the Fourier transform of x(t), and plot |X(Ω)|. Is x(t) band limited?
(b) Find a frequency Ω0 so that 99% of the energy of the signal is in −Ωo ≤ Ω ≤ Ωo.
(c) If we let Ωs = 2π/Ts = 5Ω0, what would be Ts?
(d) Determine the magnitude and bandwidth of an anti-aliasing filter that would change the original signal into the band-limited signal with 99% of the signal energy.
Sampling of Modulated Signals
Assume you wish to sample an amplitude modulated signal
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where m(t) is the message signal and Ωc = 2π104 rad/sec is the carrier frequency.
(a) If the message is an acoustic signal with frequencies in a band of [0, 22] KHz, what would be the maximum frequency present in x(t)?
(b) Determine the range of possible values of the sampling period Ts that would allow us to sample x(t) satisfying the Nyquist sampling rate condition.
(c) Given that x(t) is a band-pass signal, compare the above sampling period with the one that can be used to sample band-pass signals.
Sampling Output of Nonlinear System
The input–output relation of a nonlinear system is
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where x(t) is the input and y(t) is the output.
(a) The signal x(t) is band limited with a maximum frequency ΩM = 2000π rad/sec. Determine if y(t) is also band limited, and if so, what is its maximum frequency Ωmax?
(b) Suppose that the signal y(t) is low-pass filtered. The magnitude of the low-pass filter is unity and the cut-off frequency is Ωc = 5000π rad/sec. Determine the value of the sampling period Ts according to the given information.
(c) Is there a different value for Ts that would satisfy the Nyquist sampling rate condition for both x(t) and y(t) and that is larger than the one obtained above? Explain.
Signal Reconstruction
You wish to recover the original analog signal x(t) from its sampled form x(nTs).
(a) If the sampling period is chosen to be Ts = 1 so that the Nyquist sampling rate condition is satisfied, determine the magnitude and cut-off frequency of an ideal low-pass filter H(jΩ) to recover the original signal and plot them.
(b) What would be a possible maximum frequency of the signal? Consider an ideal and a nonideal low-pass filter to reconstruct x(t). Explain.
CD Player versus Record Player
Explain why a CD player cannot produce the same fidelity of music signals as a conventional record player. (If you do not know what these are, ignore this problem, or get one to find out what they do or ask your grandparents about LPs and record players!)
Two-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter—MATLAB
Let x(t) = 0.8 cos(2πt) + 0.15, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, and zero otherwise, be the input to a 2-bit analog-to-digital converter.
(a) For a sampling period Ts = 0.025 sec determine and plot using MATLAB the sampled signal,
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(b) The four-level quantizer (see Figure 1.2) corresponding to the 2-bit ADC is defined as
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where x(nTs), found above, is the input and B9780123747167000119/si624.gif is missing is the output of the quantizer. Let the quantization step be Δ = 0.5. Plot the input–output characterization of the quantizer, and find the quantized output for each of the sample values of the sampled signal x(nTs).
(c) To transform the quantized values into unique binary 2-bit values, consider the following code:
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Obtain the digital signal corresponding to x(t).
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