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Additional Bibliography

[95] Fuchs EF, Hanna WJ. Measured efficiency improvements of induction motors with thyristor/triac controllers. IEEE Trans Energ Convers. 2002;17(4):437–444.

[96] Kovacs PK. Transient phenomena in electrical machines. Budapest, Hungary: Akademiai Kiado; 1984.

[97] Fuchs EF. Speed control of electric machines based on the change of the number of series turns of windings and the (induced) voltage/frequency ratio. Invention Disclosure University of Colorado, Boulder; July 1999.

[98] Fuchs EF. Elimination of blade-pitch control by operating variable-speed wind turbines under stalled conditions at any rotational speed. Invention Disclosure University of Colorado, Boulder; February 2007.

[99] Fuchs EF. Integrated starter/alternator with wide torque-speed range for automotive applications on land, water, and in air. Invention Disclosure University of Colorado, Boulder; February 2007.

[100] Fuchs EF. Alternating Current Machine with Increased Torque above and below Rated Speed for Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems. United States Patents 8183814 (dated 01–28- 2010), and 20120268053 (dated 10–25-2012).

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