10.4.11 Genetically Optimized Fuzzy Placement and Sizing of Capacitor Banks in Distorted Distribution Networks

This section presents a genetic algorithm in conjunction with fuzzy logic (GA-FL) to formulate the capacitor placement and sizing problem in the presence of voltage and current harmonics, taking into account fixed capacitors with a limited number of capacitor banks at each bus [46]. Operational and power quality constraints include bounds for rms voltage, THDv, and the number as well as the size of installed capacitors. In this hybrid global optimization method, fuzzy approximate reasoning is introduced to determine the suitability (fitness function) of each GA chromosome for capacitor placement. This will improve the evolution process of the GA, lowering the probability of getting stuck at local optima. Fuzzy logic has shown good results for capacitor bank allocation when combined with genetic algorithms under sinusoidal operating conditions [1]. Solution Method

Suitability of THDv and voltage are defined for each chromosome based on fuzzy approximate reasoning. These variables are used with a cost index to determine the suitability (fitness function) of each GA chromosome for capacitor placement.

Fuzzy set theory (FST) contains a set of rules that are developed from qualitative descriptions. When suitability of THDv, voltage, and cost of the distribution system are studied, an engineer can choose the most appropriate locations and sizes of shunt capacitor banks. These rules are defined to determine the suitability of each chromosome (Schrom) and may be executed employing fuzzy inferencing. Schrom serves as the fitness function in the GA to further improve the evolution process, reducing the probability of converging to a local optimum.

Structure of Chromosomes

The chromosome structure of Fig. 10.9 is used.

Fuzzy Fitness (Suitability) Functions

The suitability level of each chromosome (Schrom) is computed by defining fuzzy membership functions for suitability of total harmonic distortion (μSTHD), voltage (μSV), and cost (μcost). A fuzzy expert system (FES) uses the number of buses with high THDv and voltage values as well as the average of the THDv and voltage deviation (at these buses) to determine the suitability of THDv and voltage.

A concern for the development of fuzzy expert systems is the assignment of appropriate membership functions, which could be performed based on intuition, rank ordering, or probabilistic methods. However, the choice of membership degree in the interval [0,1] does not matter, as it is the order of magnitude that is important [1].

Suitability of THDv (STHD)

For a given chromosome, define the average unacceptable value of THDv as


si35_e  (10-17)

where NTHD is the number of buses with high total voltage harmonic distortions (e.g., THDj > THDvmax). The following steps are performed to compute STHD:

 Fuzzification of THDavghigh and NTHD (based on membership functions of Fig. 10.12a and 10.12b, respectively) to compute the corresponding membership values (μTHD and μNTHD).

Figure 10.12 Membership functions for (a) the average of unacceptable (high) THDv values (Eq. 10-17), (b) number of buses with unacceptable THDv or voltage, where “avg” means average.

 Fuzzy inferencing and defuzzification based on the decision matrix of Table 10.5, the membership function of Fig. 10.13, Mamdani max-prod implication, and center average methods [50]:


si36_e  (10-18)

Table 10.5

Decision Matrix for Determining Suitability of THDv (and V)

THDv (or Δ|V|)
NTHD (or NΔ|V|)LowHighMediumMedium


Figure 10.13 Membership functions for suitability of THDv, V, and cost.
Figure 10.14 Membership functions for (a) voltage deviation, (b) suitability of a chromosome (Schrom).
Suitability of Voltage (SV)

For a given chromosome, define the average unacceptable value of voltage deviation as


si37_e  (10-19)

where NΔ|V| is the number of buses with unacceptable (high) values of voltage. Vmax = 1.1 pu and Vmin = 0.9 pu are upper and lower bounds of rms voltage, respectively. The following steps are performed to compute SV:

 Fuzzification of ΔVavg and NΔ|V| (based on membership functions of Fig. 10.14a and 10.14b, respectively) to compute the corresponding membership values (μΔ|V| and NNΔ|V|si38_e).

 Fuzzy inferencing and defuzzification (using the decision matrix of Table 10.5, Fig. 10.13, and Eq. 10-18) to determine the suitability of voltage (SV).

Cost Index (cost)

Compute the cost for all chromosomes (Eq. 10-8) and linearly normalize them into [0, 1] range with the largest cost having a value of one and the smallest one having a value of zero.

Fitness (Suitability) of a Chromosome (Schrom)

Suitability level for a given chromosome is computed from STHD, SV, and cost using the following steps:

 Fuzzification of STHD, SV, and cost (based on Fig. 10.13) to compute the corresponding membership values (μSTHD, μSV, and μcost).

 Fuzzy inferencing and defuzzification (using the decision matrix of Table 10.6, Fig. 10.14b, and Eq. 10-18) to determine the suitability of the chromosome (Schrom).

Table 10.6

Decision Matrix for Determining Suitability of a Chromosome (Schrom)



Genetic Operators

Three genetic operators including reproduction (based on the “roulette-wheel” mechanism), crossover (with crossover probability of 0.6 to 1.0), and mutation (with mutation probability of 0.01 to 0.1) are used.

Figure 10.15 illustrates the block diagram of the fuzzy expert system for the determination of the suitability of a chromosome for capacitor placement.

Figure 10.15 Fuzzy expert system (FES) to determine suitability of a chromosome (Schrom) for capacitor placement from total harmonic distortion (THDv), voltage deviation (Δ|V|avg), cost, number of buses with unacceptable THDv (NTHD) and unacceptable |V| (NΔ|v|) [46]. Solution Methodology

The shunt capacitor placement and sizing problem in the presence of linear and nonlinear loads is solved using the GA-FL algorithm of Fig. 10.16 as follows:

Figure 10.16 Iterative GA-FL method for optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks in the presence of harmonics.

Step 1: Input system parameters and the initial population.

Step 2 (Fuzzy Fitness or Suitability): Perform the following steps for all chromosomes (Fig. 10.15):

Step 2a: Run the Newton-based harmonic power flow program.

Step 2b: Compute suitability of THDv and voltage (Fig. 10.13, Table 10.5, and Eq. 10-18).

Step 2c: Compute cost index.

Step 2d: Compute suitability, Schrom (Fig. 10.14b, Table 10.6, and Eq. 10-18).

Step 3 (Reproduction Process): Select a new combination of chromosomes by rolling the roulette wheel.

Step 4 (Crossover Process): Select a random number for mating two parent chromosomes. If it is between 0.6 and 1.0 then combine the two parents, and generate two offspring. Else, transfer the chromosome with no crossover.

Step 5 (Mutation Process): Select a random number for mutation of one chromosome. If it is between 0.01 and 0.1 then apply the mutation process at a random position. Else, transfer the chromosome with no mutation.

Step 6 (Updating Populations): Replace the old population with the improved population generated by Steps 2 to 5. Check all chromosomes and save the one with minimum cost, satisfying all constraints.

Step 7 (Convergence): If all chromosomes are the same or the maximum number of iterations is achieved (Nmax = 40), then print the solution and stop, else go to Step 2.

10.4.12 Application Example 10.7: Genetically Optimized Fuzzy Placement and Sizing of Capacitor Banks in the 18-Bus IEEE Distorted System

Apply the hybrid GA-FL method (Fig. 10.16) and the capacitor placement techniques of prior sections (MSS, MSS-LV, fuzzy, and genetic) to the 23 kV, 18-bus, distorted IEEE distribution system of Fig. E10.3.1. The six-pulse rectifier (with P = 0.3 pu = 3 MW and Q = 0.226 pu = 2.26 MVAr) causes a maximum voltage THDv of 8.486% (column 2 of Table E10.7.1).

Table E10.7.1

Simulation Results of MSS, MSS-LV, Fuzzy, Genetic and GA-FL Algorithms for the 18-Bus, Distorted IEEE Distribution System of Fig. E10.3.1 with per Unit VA = 10 MVA, per Unit V = 23 kV, and Swing Bus Voltage = 1.05 pua

Local optimization(Near) global optimization
Before optimizationAfter MSS optimizationAfter MSS-LV optimizationAfter fuzzy optimizationAfter GA optimizationAfter GA-FL optimization
Capacitor bank locations and sizes (pu)Q2 = 0.105Q2 = 0.030Q2 = 0.120Q2 = 0.015Q2 = 0.030Q2 = 0.030
Q3 = 0.060Q3 = 0.090Q3 = 0.060Q3 = 0.030Q3 = 0.000Q3 = 0.000
Q4 = 0.060Q4 = 0.180Q4 = 0.180Q4 = 0.060Q4 = 0.165Q4 = 0.195
Q5 = 0.180Q5 = 0.240Q5 = 0.240Q5 = 0.240Q5 = 0.330Q5 = 0.300
Q7 = 0.060Q7 = 0.120Q7 = 0.120Q7 = 0.210Q7 = 0.105Q7 = 0.105
Q20 = 0.060Q20 = 0.090Q20 = 0.090Q20 = 0.090Q20 = 0.060Q20 = 0.090
Q21 = 0.120Q21 = 0.120Q21 = 0.120Q21 = 0.120Q21 = 0.090Q21 = 0.075
Q24 = 0.150Q24 = 0.000Q24 = 0.000Q24 = 0.000Q24 = 0.015Q24 = 0.015
Q25 = 0.090Q25 = 0.030Q25 = 0.000Q25 = 0.000Q25 = 0.015Q25 = 0.015
Q50 = 0.120Q50 = 0.000Q50 = 0.000Q50 = 0.000Q50 = 0.030Q50 = 0.000
Total capacitor (pu)Qt = 1.005Qt = 0.900Qt = 0.930Qt = 0.765Qt = 0.840Qt = 0.825
Minimum voltage (pu)1.0291.0161.0130.9981.0031.005
Maximum voltage (pu)1.0551.0561.0591.0501.0501.050
Maximum THDv (%)8.4866.3704.7204.8994.8834.982
Losses (kW)282.93246.43250.37257.46249.31248.18
Capacitor cost ($/year)1978.201692.002206.801458.301788.751817.55
Total cost ($/year)159853.14139199.94141913.26145120.98140903.73140302.8
Benefits ($/year)20653.617939.8814732.1618949.4119550.34


a All capacitors were removed before the optimization process.

Solution to Application Example 10.7

Simulation results for the MSS, MSS-LV, fuzzy, and genetic algorithms are listed in columns 3 to 6 of Table E10.7.1, respectively. Among these algorithms, the GA approach results in a near global solution with the best yearly benefit of $18949 per year (column 6 of Table E10.7.1).

The GA-FL approach of Fig. 10.16 is also applied to this system for optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks. Results show a yearly benefit of $19550 per year (last row of Table E10.7.1) and maximum voltage THDv is limited to 4.982% (column 7 of Table E10.7.1). Compared to the GA approach, total yearly benefit is increased by $600 (e.g., 3.2%), and the total allocated capacitance is decreased by 0.015 pu.

Analysis and Convergence Criterion of the GA-FL Algorithm

The iterations of the GA-FL algorithm are continued until all generated chromosomes become equal or the maximum number of iterations is reached.

At each iteration, a fuzzy expert system (Fig. 10.15) is used to compute the fitness function of each chromosome and to select the parent population. As a result, new generations have more variety of chromosomes and higher probability of capturing the global solution. As demonstrated in Fig. E10.7.1, the relatively narrow search band of the conventional GA does not allow a large variation of chromosomes between iterations and the solution (e.g., benefits) is trapped at a near global point after the 14th iteration. However, the larger search space of the GA-FL approach (allowing large variations of benefits in consecutive iterations) has resulted in a better near global solution at the 35th iteration.

Figure E10.7.1 Comparison of the solution progress for the GA-FL and the GA methods (Table E10.7.1) for the 18-bus, distorted IEEE distribution system (Fig. E10.3.1) using the same initial population.

The inclusion of objective function and power quality constraints will automatically eliminate all solutions generating extreme values for voltages and/or currents and prevents fundamental and harmonic parallel resonances.

10.4.13 Application Example 10.8: Genetically Optimized Fuzzy Placement and Sizing of Capacitor Banks in the 123-Bus IEEE System with 20 Nonlinear Loads

Apply the GA (Fig. 10.11) and GA-FL (Fig. 10.16) methods to the 4.16 kV, 123-bus IEEE radial distribution network of Fig. E10.8.1. Specifications of this system are given in reference [51]. To introduce harmonic distortion, include 20 nonlinear loads (Table E10.8.1) with different harmonic spectra (Table E10.8.2). Model these loads as harmonic current sources. The coupling between harmonics is not considered and the decoupled harmonic power flow algorithm of Chapter 7 (Section 7.5.1) can be used.

Figure E10.8.1 The IEEE 123-bus distribution system [51] with 20 nonlinear loads.

Table E10.8.1

Nonlinear Load Data for the IEEE 123-Bus System (Fig. E10.8.1)

Nonlinear busNonlinear load type (Table E10.8.2)kWkVAr
6Six-pulse variable-frequency drive (VFD)1510
7Six-pulse 31510
10Six-pulse 2243
19Six-pulse 2243
26Six-pulse 21510
30Six-pulse 1243
33Six-pulse 3243
42Six-pulse 31510
49Six-pulse variable-frequency drive (VFD)6045
52Six-pulse 1243
64Six-pulse 1243
71Six-pulse variable-frequency drive (VFD)1510
73Six-pulse 3243
87Six-pulse 26045
89Six-pulse 1243
92Six-pulse 1243
94Six-pulse variable-frequency drive (VFD)1510
95Six-pulse 1243
106Six-pulse variable-frequency drive (VFD)1510
113Six-pulse 2243


Table E10.8.2

Harmonic Spectra of Nonlinear Loads for the IEEE 123-Bus System (Fig. E10.8.1)

Nonlinear load
Six-pulse 1Six-pulse 2Six-pulse 3Six-pulse VFD
OrderMagnitude (%)Phase (deg)Magnitude (%)Phase (deg)Magnitude (%)Phase (deg)Magnitude (%)Phase (deg)


Solution to Application Example 10.8

The high penetration of these nonlinear loads causes a maximum THDv of 8.03% (column 2, Table E10.8.3). The results of the GA-FL algorithm show a 5.5% increase in total annual benefit compared with those generated by the GA method (last row of Table E10.8.3), whereas the maximum THDv is significantly limited to 2.76%.

Table E10.8.3

Simulation Results of GA (Fig. 10.11) and GA-FL (Fig. 10.16) Algorithms for the 123-Bus, Distorted IEEE Distribution System (Fig. E10.8.1) Using Decoupled Harmonic Power Flow (Chapter 7, Section 7.5.1)

Before optimizationGA optimizationGA-FL optimization
Capacitor bank locations and sizes (kVAr)Q83 = 200Q26 = 150Q42 = 300
Q88 = 50Q42 = 300Q52 = 300
Q72 = 150Q72 = 300
Q76 = 300Q105 = 150
Total capacitor (kVAr)Qt = 350Qt = 900Qt = 1050
Minimum voltage (pu)0.8740.9040.915
Maximum voltage (pu)0.9800.9800.980
Maximum THDv (%)8.03193.10182.7603
Losses (kW)94.9682.02181.28
Capacitor cost ($/year)125360390
Total cost ($/year)53114.546127.7245744.24
Benefits ($/year)6986.87370.3


Analysis and Convergence Criterion

The generations (iterations) of the GA-FL algorithm are continued until all chromosomes of the population become equal or the maximum number of generations is achieved. The initial conditions for Eq. 10-8 (e.g., the initial capacitor values) do not usually reside inside the permissible solution region. In this section, a GA-FL approach is used to minimize the objective function while directing the constraints toward the permissible region.

To select the parent population at each generation, a fuzzy expert system (Fig. 10.15) is used to compute the fitness function of each chromosome considering the uncertainty of decision making based on the objective function and constraints. As a result, new generations have a higher probability of capturing the global solution.

As demonstrated in Fig. E10.8.2, the relatively narrow search band of the conventional GA does not allow a large variation of chromosomes between generations, and thus it is more difficult to escape from local optima. For the 18-bus and 123-bus systems, the solution is trapped at a near global point after the 14th and 22nd iterations, respectively. In the GA-FL approach, there is more variety in the generated parent population as the chromosome evaluation is based on fuzzy logic. The larger search space (allowing large variations of benefits in consecutive iterations) has resulted in a better near global solution at the 35th and 29th iterations for the 18-bus and 123-bus systems, respectively.

Figure E10.8.2 Solution progress of the GA-FL and the GA methods for the 18-bus (Fig. E10.3.1) and 123-bus (Fig. E10.8.1) distorted IEEE distribution systems (Table E10.8.3).

The inclusion of objective function and power quality constraints will automatically eliminate all solutions that generate extreme values for voltages and/or currents and prevents fundamental and harmonic parallel resonances.

10.5 Summary

Related to reactive power compensation is the placement and sizing of capacitor banks so that the transmission efficiency can be increased at minimum cost. First reactive power compensation is addressed for sinusoidal conditions. Various optimization methods are described such as analytical methods, numerical programming, heuristic approaches, and artificial intelligence (AI-based) methods. The latter ones comprise genetic algorithms, expert systems, simulated annealing, artificial neural networks, and fuzzy set theory. Furthermore, graph search, particle swarm, tabu search, and sequential quadratic programming algorithms are explained. Thereafter, the optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks is studied under the influence of harmonics relying on some of the same optimization methods as used for sinusoidal conditions. Thus, the nonsinusoidal case is an extension of the sinusoidal approach. It is recommended that the reader first applies some of the optimization procedures to the sinusoidal case and then progresses to nonsinusoidal conditions.

Eight application examples highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the various optimization methods under given constraints (e.g., THDv, Vrms) and objective functions (e.g., cost). Unfortunately, there is not one single method that incorporates all the advantages and no disadvantages. It appears that the more advanced methods such as fuzzy set theory, genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, and particle swarm methods are more able to identify the global optimum than the straightforward search methods where the gradient (e.g., steepest decent) is employed guiding the optimization process. This is so because the more advanced methods proceed not along a single trajectory but search for the global optimum within a certain region in a simultaneous manner.


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