Chapter 11

Power Quality Solutions for Renewable Energy Systems


Presents power quality solutions for renewable energy systems. The energy efficiency of a building is explained based on a photovoltaic system and a ground-water heat pump resulting in a passive house. European implementation of renewable energy sources relying on photovoltaic, wind, and thermal solar power systems is detailed. The replacement of mechanical gears--in wind turbines and electric cars--by electronic gears is advocated. The complementary control of renewable plants with energy storage systems is explored through block diagrams. This chapter lists advantages and disadvantages of AC versus DC transmission lines, problems associated with fast-charging stations for electric cars, off-shore wind power plants, net-metering and feed-in tariff, and production efficiency of automotive fuel from wind and water. 11 application examples with solutions and 23 application-oriented problems are included.


Power Quality Solutions

Energy Storage

Electronic Gears


Solar Thermal


and Wind Energy Sources

11.1 Energy conservation and efficiency

The rationale for introducing renewable energy systems lies in the global warming issue [1]. Although the construction and deployment of photovoltaic (PV) and wind power (WP) systems are important, equally significant is energy conservation and energy storage to guarantee a reliable and safe operation of interconnected power systems and stand-alone (micro) grids. In both types of systems voltages, real and reactive powers, as well as frequency must be controllable including the realization of minimum power quality requirements. Important aspects, in addition to the improvement of the efficiency of power system components including lighting equipment and appliances, are the reduction of energy requirements for residential dwellings, office buildings, manufacturing facilities, and efficient transportation via automobiles and rail systems. Note that an energy unit saved means it does not need to be generated by renewable sources. Heating in winter amounts on average to about 70% of the energy consumption in households [2].

11.1.1 Future Plans for Implementation of Renewable Energy Sources: Europe

Provided Germany reduces its energy consumption by 35% within the next 10 years then the cost/kWh would be reduced from 0.28 to 0.15 Euro, excluding value-added tax. Investments for conventional (natural gas) power plant would be minimized, and newly to be installed high-voltage AC and DC transmission lines could be reduced from 8500 km to 1750-5000 km. The energy efficiency is called in [3] a “sleeping giant”. To make the European Union (EU) countries less dependent upon imported natural gas and oil, the EU’s recommendation is to increase the renewable energy portfolio to 27% by 2030 [4]. This will be very challenging because in 2013 the total renewable energy consumption was in the EU 14% [5] and in Germany 11.5% [6]. The renewable energy portfolio can be increased by installing storage plants and reducing base-load power plants, otherwise Northern Europe's storms send wind turbines spinning and help strengthen a new phenomenon for the region - negative electricity prices [7]. In Germany 23.4% of the electricity generated originated in solar, hydro, and biomass plants in 2013 [8]. The first international off-shore grid is planned with the name “Offshore Interkonnektor” [9]: electricity between Central Europe and the Scandinavian countries Denmark and Sweden will be generated in the Baltic Sea connecting for the first time two national off-shore wind farms. The EU is determined to increase by 2020 the renewable energy percentage to 20% [5]. The EU parliament intends to accelerate climate protection by reducing electricity consumption: in 2030 EU’s energy consumption should be reduced by 40% and the CO2 output could be reduced by the same percentage [10]. It is interesting to note that the United Kingdom plans to increase the nuclear and PV plant capacities, while France intends to scale back [11]. To make all plants work in unison time-synchronized measurement are employed to improve grid performance and reliability. Using time-synchronized measurements [12], one can improve local- and wide-area protection and control, state monitoring, power system modeling, and forensic event analysis.

11.1.2 Application Example 11.1 and its Solution: Efficient Residence in Germany where Photovoltaic (PV) Generation Exceeds Total Energy Consumption

A very good example for energy consumption reduction of a residential dwelling, a single-family house, is presented in Figure E11.1.1 illustrating a 220 m2 house with traditional three levels (basement, 1st and 2nd floors) built in 2013 with insulated clay bricks combined with humidity-absorbing plaster [13], rated peak power PV plant of 6.48 kWp @ US $3,600/kW, and triple-pane large windows [14].

Figure E11.1.1 High-efficiency, single-family dwelling with PV system and ground-water heat pump. (Courtesy of E.F. Fuchs).

The energy requirements of this building [15] are depicted in Figure E11.1.2, where the “energy consumption in house” (Endenergiebedarf) per square meter is 18 kWh/(m2-a) and the “primary energy consumption” (Primärenergiebedarf), which represents the energy consumption in house for heating and cooling as well as energy required to process and provide the energy consumption in house (e.g., energy required for natural gas drilling and pipeline operation) and is 46 kWh/(m2-a). These two values represent predicted values –based on calculations-- before the house was constructed. Note “a” means annual.

Figure E11.1.2 Energy disclosure for single-family dwelling of Figure E11.1.1 without PV system [15].

As of 2014 the energy savings regulations (Energieeinsparverordnung, EnEV) in Germany requires that the total energy consumption of newly constructed residences be reduced by 25%, and furnaces/boilers more than 30 years old must be replaced by more efficient ones.

To check the energy (E) generation and consumption of the house, daily readings of the following energy components were recorded and averaged for each week during one year from July 14, 2013 to July 14, 2014:

a) generated DC energy (EIi) by PV system feeding two inverters (I) during week i,

b) supplied energy (EGi) to the utility grid (G) by PV system during week i,

c) consumed energy (EHCi) for heating (H) and cooling (C) during week i, and

d) consumed energy (ELAi) by lighting (L) and appliances (A) during week i.

The floor-heating of the house maintained the bedroom temperatures at 17-20°C and all other rooms at 20-22°C. The residence is equipped with a 7.64 kW ground-water heat pump [16]. During summer the cooling of the house is via floor-cooling using ground-water (e.g., 8-11°C) maintaining room temperatures at less than 24°C. The above described generation (EIi), energy fed-into grid (EGi), energy requirements for both heating (including hot water heating during entire year for kitchen and baths) and cooling modes (EHCi) as well as the energy supplied by the utility (ELAi) are reflected in Figure E11.1.3 and Table E11.1.1.

Figure E11.1.3 Weekly average energy readings per day for EIi, EGi, EHCi, and ELAi taken over one year from 14th July 2013 to 14th July 2014, where cost of high tariff for EHCi is 0.18 Euros/kWh = US$ 0.25/kWh, cost of low tariff for EHCi is 0.16 Euros/kWh = US$ 0.22/kWh, and cost for ELAi is 0.27Euros/kWh = US $0.37 in addition to a flat rate/base price of 67 Euros/year = US $94/year, without value-added tax of 19%.

Table E11.1.1

Daily average energy readings per week from 14 July 2013 to 13 July 2014 and on 14 July. Readings were taken at the end of each day for 52 weeks and 1 day resulting in 365 days

Week iEIi [kWh/day]EGi [kWh/day]EHCi [kWh/day]ELAi [kWh/day]
Day 7/14/201425.0023.005.002.00


Note that EI = 7·i=152EIisi5_eEI7/14/2014 = 6577 kWh/year, EG = 7·i=152EGisi6_eEG7/14/2014 = 6088 kWh/year, EHC = 7·i=152EHCisi7_eEHC7/14/2014 = 3376 kWh/year, and ELA = 7·i=152ELAisi8_eELA7/14/2014 = 593 kWh/year.

The predicted value of 18 kWh/(m2-a) can be checked using some of the values (EHCi) related to either Figure E11.1.3 or Table E11.1.1 as follows:

With 7·[i=152EHCisi9_e] + EHC7/14/2014 + 7·[i=152ELAisi10_e] + ELA7/14/2014] = (3376 + 593) kWh/year = 3969 kWh/year,


si11_e  (E11.1-1a)

This measured value is about the same as predicted by the energy disclosure (18 kWh/(m2·a) of Figure E11.1.2 based on calculations of König [15]. If the generation of the PV system is taken into account via net metering —discussed later— then the energy coefficient of the house will be greatly reduced. Figure E11.1.3 (EIi) depicts the generation of the PV system as a function of time from 14 July 2013 to 14 July 2014. The CO2 = 15 (kg-force)/(m2·a) emission (Figure E11.1.2) will be greatly reduced as well, and will approach zero.

The total generated electric energy EI is for this time span 6577 kWh/year taking the inverter efficiency of 0.96 into account one obtains the generated energy available at the meter EImeter = EIout = 0.96·6577 kWh/year = 6313.9 kWh/year. Therefore, one obtains:


si12_e  (E11.1-1b)

This modified energy coefficient corresponds to that of the “passive house” construction [17], and it is negative which is even better. Because of utility policy, the PV system does not supply the water-to-water heat pump system with electricity.

The average coefficient of performance [1] of the heat pump is from April 2013 to November 2014 with the measured heat energy QH = 25,070 kWh as provided by the heat pump and (Pcompressor + Pwater handlers) = EHC = (Pcompressor + Pwater handlers) = 6,299 kWh


si13_e  (E11.1-2a)

corresponding to a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) of


si14_e  (E11.1-2b)

which corresponds to a low-efficiency heat pump. However, if the Pwater handlers required for cooling is neglected in (E11.1-2a) during the summer season then the COPH will be somewhat above 4. High-efficiency [1] heat pumps have COH = 5.57 or SEER = 19. This means there is still room for efficiency increase, requiring higher investment costs.

The feed-in compensation of the PV power fed-into the public utility system is 0.18 Euros/kWh = US$ 0.25/ kWh: of this amount a value-added tax of 19% must be paid in Germany. The feed-in arrangement is shown in Figure E11.1.4 where the supply ELA from utility is the all-time available electricity, EHC includes the high- and low-tariff electricity available from utility only at certain times during working days, nights, weekends and holidays.

Figure E11.1.4 Feed-in tariff arrangement: supply of energy by utility at any time ELA, photovoltaic array DC generation EI consisting of self-consumption ELAR and energy delivered to utility EG. The low-and high-tariff energy for heating and cooling EHC is supplied by utility at certain times only (Courtesy of Stadtwerke München).

The ELA is about 1.65 kWh/day and in addition about 0.6 kWh/day are supplied by the PV plant, that is, self-consumption (e.g., lights, appliances, outlets, electronic equipment) is about 2.25 kWh/day, which amounts to about 13% of the total generated PV power 0.96·EI = 6313.9 kWh/year. Comparing the graphs of Figure E11.1.3, one notes that energy consumption EHC is highest and energy generation (EI or EG) is lowest during winter. Correspondingly, during summer, energy consumption is lowest --even if cooling is employed-- and energy generation is highest. This oppositeness calls for long-term storage facilities such as hydro-pump [18,19] and compressed-air [20,21]. According to Figure E11.1.3 from October to February (EHC + ELA) is larger than {EG+(ELAR = 365days·0.6 kWh/day = 219 kWh/year)} requiring storage plant at the residence. New hydro pump-storage plants are planned in the Black Forest [22] and the Bavarian alpine regions of Germany [23, 24]. As expected in both cases recreationists oppose these new necessary storage plants.

Comparing the annual energy yield of the 6.15kWp PV plant with one inverter in Boulder, Colorado [1] with the 6.48 kWp PV plant with two inverters in Munich, Germany, one concludes that for the same array conditions


si15_e  (E11.1-3a)

where the measured energy yield EI in Boulder [1] during one year (12/31/2008 to 12/31/2009) for the 6.15kWp plant = 18370 kWh-10417 kWh = 7953kWh/year, and the measured energy yield EI in Munich (7/14/2013 to 7/14/2014) for an equivalent 6.15kWp plant is (6.15 kWp/6.48 kWp)· 6577 kWh/year = 6242.1 kWh/year. The ratio (E11.1-3a) is approximately confirmed through calculations using National Renewable Energy (NREL) software [25] resulting in


si16_e  (E11.1-3b)

The above significant difference (17.2%) may lie in the use of two inverters in the Munich plant minimizing cloud influence as compared to using one inverter in Boulder, whereby in the Munich 6.48 kWp residential PV plant two inverters each process approximately half the rated power. In addition the environmental conditions (temperature, snow coverage, clouds) might be somewhat different during 2008/2009 and 2013/2014 time frames. Inverters have an efficiency of about 96%. This was measured when there was no electrical consumption in the house during a sunny day (7/21/2013) in Munich when the generated power was EI7/21/2013 = 37.57 kWh and the corresponding delivered power to the grid was EG7/21/2013 = 36.14 kWh resulting in a total inverter efficiency of ηinverter = 36.14/37.57 ≈ 0.96.

11.1.3 Application Example 11.2 and its Solution: Energy Conservation within Residences

The appliances, e.g., LED (light emitting diode) lights [26], refrigerator, induction-type stove in a dwelling consume very little energy as compared to heating of the house. As for the induction-type stove, one must be aware that the induced energy in the bottom of pots is based on a frequency in the range of 20 to 50 kHz [27]. For control of the induction heat either burst-current (Figure E11.2.1) or phase-angle current (Figures E11.2.2a, b) control schemes are applied. Both methods cause power quality problems due to the generation of integer and non-integer current (sub) harmonics. Also, persons with heart pacemakers should keep some distance from the induction-type stove [28]. LED lights are equipped with peak rectifiers [29] generating all odd current harmonics when connected to a single-phase voltage including a dominant 3rd current harmonic. The high efficient residence exhibits a greater current harmonic total distortion THDi than low efficient houses equipped with incandescent light bulbs and resistive electric stoves representing linear loads.

Figure E11.2.1 Burst-current (i) control where Ton is the on time and T = Ton + Toff is the time of the burst period; vt = V(10)-V(0) is the terminal voltage of Figure E11.2.2a.
Figure E11.2.2 (a) Circuit for single-phase, phase-angle current control where thyristors are modelled by a self-commutating switch (MOSFET) in series with a diode (D), see Chapter 5 of [1] (b) Phase-angle current control of a vt = V(10)-V(0) = Vt_rms-rat= V~n=240Vsi3_e AC voltage after a current delay time of tdelay = 3 ms corresponding at f = 50 Hz to a firing angle of α = (3 ms/20 ms)·360 = 54°, and vt max = √2Vt_rms_rat where t stands for terminal. T = tdelay + ton.

Calculation of the output power P as a function of the duty ratio/cycle Ton/T and rated power Prat:


si17_e  (E11.2-1)

Calculation of the root-mean-squared (rms) voltage Vt_rms as a function of the duty ratio Ton/T and the rated voltage Vt_rms_rat:


si18_e  (E11.2-2)

Figure E11.2.2a represents a simple circuit for phase-current control. The firing angle α can be generated by implementing the gating circuits of the thyristors which are modelled by self-commutating switches (MOSFETs) and diodes (D) in series, as described in [1, Chapter 5].

Calculation of the root-mean-squared (rms) voltage Vt_rms as a function of the ratio tdelay/T and the rated voltage Vt_rms_rat for phase-angle voltage control:


si19_e  (E11.2-3)

The 7.64 kW groundwater (at about 10°C ground-water temperature during the entire year) heat pump provides the floor-heating system with warm water between 24°C and 30°C, and the hot water tank with 45-50°C, whereby the cold season outside temperatures varied mostly between -10°C and + 15°C. Air heat pumps appear not to be very efficient during very cold spells (less than 0°C outdoor temperature [30]). To further increase the heating efficiency of the house, heat exchangers can be employed where ventilated warm air heats the incoming fresh air [31]. This is especially important to avoid mold [32] in houses due to humidity generated by humans. During the warm season when the outside temperature varies between 25°C and 40°C the groundwater is circulated via heat exchangers through the piping within the floor and used for cooling, maintaining the room/house temperature below 24°C. The increase of the thermal efficiency of a house is important because about 20% of the total energy consumption in Germany is used for residences, and 40% of the total consumed energy is used for heating and cooling of all buildings – residential, commercial, and industrial [33]. This is the reason why the German Renewable Energy Act [34] (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, EEG) was designed to encourage cost reductions based on improved energy efficiency from economies of scale over time. The EU and German Requirements on Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings – the Energy Conservation Act (Energieeinspargesetz, EnEG) complement the EEG providing Energy Savings Regulations (Energieeinsparverordnung, EnEV) [34]. To date residential consumers in Germany pay about additional 0.0624 Euro/kWh for the switch from conventional electric energy generation based on coal, gas and nuclear plants to renewable sources, the so-called energy turnaround (“Energiewende”) amounting to an electricity price of about 0.33 Euro/kWh including value-added tax. In 2013 renewable energy generation represents 24.5%, and it is anticipated that by 2025 renewable generation will be 45%.

Lesser sources of energy are the geothermal sources, which have water temperatures of about 93°C [35] and are mainly used for district heating. Co-generation (either electricity and heat or electricity and cooling) as well as tri-generation (electricity, heat, and cooling) [36] are part of the generation portfolio. Environmentally sound approaches are biomass [37] and non-recyclable trash power plants [38] in the range of 10 MW.

The deployment of PV and WP plants entails the use of rectifiers and inverters generating harmonics and unwanted electrical noise such as reverse-recovery currents [1]. The magnitude of the DC input voltage of inverters determines the displacement (power) factor angle of the output current: the larger the DC voltage the greater a leading (consumer system) displacement (power) factor angle is possible. To keep the DC voltage of an inverter as low as possible, a power factor of cos φ ≈ 1 is generally preferred. The distributed nature of the renewable sources makes harmonic compensation and elimination more difficult than in a conventional power system with central power stations, where fewer harmonic sources make voltage control through optimal placement of capacitors easier. The large conventional sources such as natural gas, coal and nuclear plants serve as frequency leaders, even in systems employing renewable distributed sources.

Recent publications [3941] address the issue of supplying residences with DC power directly from PV and WP systems without DC/AC conversion, therefore avoiding the losses in transformers and rectifier/inverter systems. These losses can amount to about 8% at rated operation.

11.1.4 Tiered Energy Rates

To encourage conservation of energy in residences within the European countries progressive energy rates could be introduced. As a function of persons living in a residence, their energy consumption, and their income level “f(y)” the lowest tier of energy should pay “f(y) ·Euro/(unit of energy)”, the second tier should pay “2f(y) ·Euro/(unit of energy), the nth tier should pay nf(y)·Euro/(unit of energy). This tiered structure of energy rates will encourage conservation so that less wealthy households have access to a minimum amount of energy while wealthy households will have to pay for their excessive energy consumption. Energy is a good which must be available to all populations, not only for the richest group. Of course such a tiered structure should be introduced in some form in all countries, not only in Europe.

11.1.5 Solutions to Power Quality Problems

Conservation of energy is taking place in Germany: the total electrical energy consumption in 2008 was 641 TWh while in 2013 it was 629 TWh [42], where T stands for tera (1012). The above tiered energy rates may hasten this conservation process. In a complementary manner the generated electricity originating in solar, wind, hydro, and biomass power plants increased in 2013 to (average) 23.4% [4345]. Transients due to reverse-recovery currents and switching actions as well as (sub)harmonic currents and voltages caused by burst-current/voltage and phase-angle current/voltage controls can be eliminated by passive and active filters as discussed in Chapter 9. The design of highly efficient drives (e.g., pumping) relies on variable-speed drives causing harmonic currents and voltages as well. The Energy Conservation Act [34] stipulates that PV plants with ratings between 10 kWp and 1000 kWp only 90% of the total generated power can be fed into the grid. The solution to this restriction is the construction of short- and long-term storage plants discussed later which rely on rectifiers and inverters causing harmonics in the power network.

11.2 Photovoltaic and thermal solar (power) systems

11.2.1 System Integrated Mode

At present, the integration of renewable energy sources into the interconnected power system is the predominant mode of operation. This represents challenges for the engineer such as harmonic current/voltage control, power-factor compensation associated with fundamental voltage [4648] and frequency control [49]. Before 1940 the interconnected power system was not generally in use. Major advantages of interconnection are the power exchange between neighboring power companies and the reduction of reserve capacity. The transmission of renewable energy from high-energy density generation areas (e.g., hydro plants, off-shore wind farms) to high-energy density consumption areas (e.g., cities, manufacturing facilities) is possible with AC and DC high-voltage transmission lines. The latter is in operation, for example, from the Northwest USA to the Los Angeles area [50] at a maximum transmission power capability of 2,000 MW. Interconnected systems are more prone to cascaded failure than stand-alone systems, as has been experienced in the past [51], if sufficient safety and reliability measures are not in place. In addition the susceptibility to geomagnetic disturbances is greater for wide-area interconnected grids [5254] near igneous rock formations (e.g., Rocky Mountains). For this reason provisions for security, self-healing, reliability, and intentional islanding maintaining power system operation during major emergencies must be in place [55]. Thermal solar systems on roofs in residences [56] in the kW range or on industrial buildings in the 100 MW range are relied on for preheating warm water. Thermal systems in the MW range using mirrors [57] are mostly employed for large-scale applications.

11.2.2 Stand-Alone Mode

Stand-alone or micro grids in particular have the advantage of higher efficiency than interconnected systems because the transmission losses are 8-15% smaller. To date WP sources are not tolerated within city limits due to visual impact and acoustic noise [58]. Thermal [56,57] and PV sources are acceptable. However, they require back-up sources such as diesel generators [59] and long-term storage facilities [60] such as batteries (e.g., flow batteries) and short-term storage such as batteries, DC capacitor banks or flywheels [61]. In micro grids, inverters mostly supply the currents from renewable sources operating preferably at unity power factor/displacement factor to keep the DC input voltage of the inverters as low as possible. The frequency control becomes more difficult compared with an interconnected system due to the lack of a clear frequency leader [49].

11.2.3 Solutions to Power Quality Problems of Photovoltaic and Thermal Solar Systems

To accommodate wind, PV and thermal solar power plants located at distant locations from the consumers it is recommended to build additional AC and DC transmission lines. This calls for the application of fundamental, harmonic [4650] and transient [62] power flow programs which are readily available. Although some engineers have the vision of a grid with completely renewable but intermittently operating sources, the question of the frequency leader within the power pool must be addressed. This can be done by either natural-gas fired, hydro or long-term storage plants, as will be discussed later.

11.2.4 Custom Power Devices

The most important components for renewable energy systems containing PV and variable-speed WP plants are rectifiers and inverters where the harmonic content and the displacement [1] and power factors can be controlled. Note the displacement factor refers to fundamental voltages and currents while the total power factor takes into account harmonics as addressed in preceding chapters. Pulse-Width-Modulated (PWM) Rectifier

Rectifiers are an integral part for the conversion of AC to DC of most intermittently operating renewable sources such as PV, WP, and storage plants. Figure 11.1 shows one type of rectifier which is used within a three-phase power system. This rectifier is analyzed with PSpice [63] where the input output voltages can be determined as a function of the duty cycle [1, 64]. The PSpice program is listed in Table 11.1 and the computed results are given in Table 11.2. Figures 11.2a, b illustrate some of the results of Table 11.2.

Figure 11.1 Controlled three-phase rectifier with self-commutated switch.

Table 11.1

PSpice input program for PWM rectifier operation

*Controlled three-phase rectifier
*input voltages
VaN 1 0 sin(0 465 60 0 0 0)
VbN 2 0 sin(0 465 60 0 0 -120)
VcN 3 0 sin(0 465 60 0 0 -240)
*switch gating signal of 3 kHz
vg 15 12 pulse(0 50 10u 0n 0n
+166.6u 333u)
D1 5 9 ideal
D2 10 7 ideal
D3 6 9 ideal
D4 10 5 ideal
D5 7 9 ideal
D6 10 6 ideal
Df 10 12 ideal
*input filter
Lfa 1 5 90u
Lfb 2 6 90u
Lfc 3 7 90u
Cfa 1 4 200u
Cfb 2 4 200u
Cfc 3 4 200u
Rf1 4 10 10meg
Cf2a 5 8 50u
Cf2b 6 8 50u
Cf2c 7 8 50u
Rf2 8 10 10meg
MOS 9 15 12 12 SMM
*snubber resistors and capacitors
Rsn 9 11 10
Csn 11 12 0.1u
Rsnf 12 13 10
Csnf 13 10 0.1u
*output filter and load resistor
Ls 12 14 0.001
Cs 14 10 1000u
Rload 14 10 8.9
*Model for MOSFET
.model SMM NMOS(level = 3 gamma = 0 kappa = 0
+ tox = 100n rs = 0 kp = 20.87u l = 2u w = 2.9 delta = 0
+ eta = 0 theta = 0 vmax = 0 xj = 0 uo = 600 phi = 0.6
+ vto = 0 rd = 0 cbd = 200n pb = 0.8
+ mj = 0.5 cgso = 3.5n cgdo = 100p rg = 0 is = 10f)
*diode model
.model ideal d(is = 1p)
*options for improvement of convergence
.options abstol = 10u chgtol = 10p reltol = 0.1 
+ vntol = 100 m itl4 = 200 itl5 = 0
.tran 0.5u 350 m 300 m 0.5 m
*plotting software
*fourier analysis
.four 60 60 I(Rload)


Table 11.2

Dependency of the input voltage VaN max of a three-phase rectifier for a given output voltage and current VDC load and IDC load, respectively, as a function of the duty cycle δ

δ = 0.05IDC load = 45.05AVDC load = 400.95 VVaN max = 3000 V
δ = 0.25IDC load = 45.29AVDC load = 403.08 VVaN max = 890 V
δ = 0.50IDC load = 45.22AVDC load = 402.46 VVaN max = 465 V
δ = 0.75IDC load = 45.40AVDC load = 404.06 VVaN max = 320 V
δ = 0.95IDC load = 45.16AVDC load = 401.92 VVaN max = 256 V


Figure 11.2 Rectifier input AC voltages vaN, vbN, vcN, and output DC current IRload = IDC load (a) for a duty cycle of δ = 50%; (b) for a duty cycle of δ = 5% (see Table 11.2).

Reverse-recovery currents [1]: When semiconductor switches (e.g., diodes, thyristors, MOSFETs, IGBTs) are experiencing a change of polarity of applied voltage (e.g., from forward biased to reverse biased, and vice versa) reverse-recovery currents occur due to the device (parasitic) capacitances. For the circuit of Figure 11.3a the input current iin, and input and output voltages are computed, where R = 10 Ω, C = 100 μF, and firing angle α = 30°; all other data can be found in the PSpice program listed in Chapter 5 of [1]. In Figure 11.3b the input current iin exhibits large negative current spikes. These large reverse-recovery currents of the thyristors can be reduced by introducing small inductances in the range of nH between T1 and T4, as well as between T3 and T2 of Figure 11.3a.

Figure 11.3 (a) Controlled single-phase rectifier with line-commutated switches (thyristors) (b) PSpice plots of input voltage vin, input current iin, and output voltage vout of Figure 11.3a (c) Set up for computation/measurement of reverse-recovery current magnitude Areverse recovery magnitude and reverse-recovery time Treverse-recovery time (d) Current iDQ1 through MOSFET Q1 during 200 μs (e) Gating voltage vin and the current iDQ1 through MOSFET Q1 from 90 μs to 150 μs (f) Reverse-recovery magnitude Areverse-recovery magnitude, and reverse-recovery time Treverse-recovery time of MOSFET Q1 (g) Currents iGQ1 and iGQ2 of gates of Q1 and Q2, respectively [1].

Experimental determination of reverse-recovery current: In the circuit of Figure 11.3c the input voltage at the gate of MOSFET Q2 consists of two pulses, each having an amplitude of 15 V and a duration (pulse width) of 15 μs; the gate resistance is RG = 100 Ω.

The time in between the two pulses is 15 μs as well. The rise and fall times tr and tf, respectively, of the two pulses one may assume to be tr = tf = 0.01 μs. This circuit is simulated using PSpice in Chapter 5 of [1] determining the magnitude Areverse-recovery magnitude and the duration Treverse-recovery time of the reverse-recovery current iDQ1 through enhancement MOSFET Q1.

Figure 11.3d shows the current iDQ1 through MOSFET Q1 during 200 μs and Figure 11.3e depicts the gating voltage Vin and the current iDQ1 through MOSFET Q1 from 90 μs to150 μs. Figure 11.3f shows the reverse-recovery magnitude Areverse-recovery magnitude and the reverse-recovery time Treverse-recovery time, and Figure 11.3g represents the current in the gate of Q1 and that of Q2. From these plots one obtains Areverse-recovery magnitude = 12.5 A, and Treverse-recovery time = 0.204 μs.

Differential-mode and common-mode electrical noise: Differential-mode noise is the most common one and can be removed or mitigated through passive or active filters discussed in Chapter 9. Common-mode noise occurs frequently in gating circuits for semiconductor switches and for internet connections as well as power supply leads for computers operating at low voltage levels (e.g., 3.3 V). Common-mode noise is caused through poor grounding conditions and is a function of the lengths of wires/cables. Differential-mode and common-mode noise is explained in Figures 11.4a–g [65] and the arrangement of a core-type filter with very high permeability μ is illustrated in Figures 11.5a, b.

Figure 11.4 (a) Circuit components for definition of differential-mode and common-mode noise with non-ideal ground (b) Circuit components for definition of differential-mode and common-mode noise with ideal ground (c) Definition of useful signal current is(t) (d) Definition of non-useful differential-mode noise current id(t) (e) Superposition of differential-mode noise and signal currents is(t) + id(t) (f) Definition of non-useful common-mode noise current ic(t) (g) Superposition of common-mode noise and signal currents is(t) + ic(t). The total magnitude of is(t) + ic(t) at any time corresponds always to that of is(t).
Figure 11.5 Suppression of common-mode noise based on magnetic core-type filter with large permeability μ at N = 1 number of turns: (a) Front view cross-section, (b) Birds-eye view.

The differential-mode current is (see Figure 11.4b) by definition


si20_e  (11-1a)

and the common-mode current is by definition


si21_e  (11-1b)

By definition


si22_e  (11-1c)

where isd is the differential-mode current of the signal current is and ig2d is the differential-mode current of the ground current ig2, and


si23_e  (11-1d)

where isc is the common-mode current of the signal current is and ig2c is the common-mode current of the ground current ig2.



si24_e  (11-1e)

one obtains due to the ideal ground condition ig3 = ig1. This shows that the common-mode current can only exist for poor grounding conditions.

A popular filter for the suppression of differential-mode noise is the low-loss capacitor. If the differential-mode noise current id through capacitor C is proportional to hωC and the signal current is through capacitor C is proportional to ωC then


si25_e  (11-1f)

if h is very large (e.g., h → ∞) then the differential current id is short-circuited by the capacitor, or in other words for a finite vs across the capacitor, the capacitor provides a short circuit for id.

In contrast, a good filter for the suppression of common-mode noise is a doughnut/core type high permeability ring as illustrated in Figures 11.5a, b. For high permeability (μ = μr μo → ∞) one obtains from Ampere’s law applied to Figure 11.5a, see Eq. (11-1e), for a finite flux density due to the finite voltage vs, the finite core length ℓ, and with the number of turns N = 1:


si26_e  (11-1g) Current-Controlled PWM Inverter

Similar to rectifiers, inverters (see for example Figures 11.6a, b) must be employed for some renewable energy sources and for storage plants to convert DC to AC. Table 11.3 lists the PSpice program on which the results of Table11.4 are based. This table illustrates the dependency of the input DC voltage VDC of inverter as function of the output displacement (power) factor angle φ, that is, the angle between the fundamental of the phase current of inverter iaN and the fundamental of the line-to-neutral voltage vaN of power system as well as the modulation index m [1, 64]. Figures 11.7a, b illustrate some of the results of Table 11.4. According to IEEE Standard 519 [66] and IEC 61000-3-2 (2001-10) [67] a total harmonic distortion of the inverter output current ITHDi of about 3% --ignoring the switching ripple which can be mitigated by an output filter as indicated in Figure 11.6a— is acceptable. By decreasing the modulation index 0 < m < 1.00, say to m = 0.5 which increases VDC, and by increasing the wave-shaping inductance Lw an almost ideal sinusoid for the output current can be achieved and reactive power can be supplied to the power system. However, this approach might not be feasible in most cases, resulting in low real power output of inverter.

Figure 11.6 Current-controlled PWM voltage-source inverter feeding power into utility system (b) Block diagram of control circuit for current-controlled PWM voltage-source inverter based on P-control.

Table 11.3

PSpice input program for PWM inverter operation at a gating signal voltage (vtrial) frequency of 5.76 kHz at lagging displacement (power) factor (generator notation, over-excited, delivering reactive power to system)

*Current-controlled pulse-width- 
+modulated (PWM) voltage-source
vsuppl 2 0 360
msw1 2 11 10 10 qfet
dsw1 10 2 diode
msw5 2 21 20 20 qfet
dsw5 20 2 diode
msw3 2 31 30 30 qfet
dsw3 30 2 diode
msw4 10 41 0 0 qfet
dsw4 0 10 diode
msw2 20 51 0 0 qfet
dsw2 0 20 diode
msw6 30 61 0 0 qfet
dsw6 0 30 diode
*waveshaping inductors
l_w1 10 15 1 m
l_w2 20 25 1 m
l_w3 30 35 1 m
R_w1 15 16 10 m
R_w2 25 26 10 m
R_w3 35 36 10 m
*current references in terms of voltages
vref1 12 0 sin(0 56.6 60 0 0 0)
vref2 22 0 sin(0 56.6 60 0 0 -120)
vref3 32 0 sin(0 56.6 60 0 0 -240)
eout1 13 0 15 16 100
eout2 23 0 25 26 100
eout3 33 0 35 36 100
*errorsignals produced as difference
+ between vref and eout
rdiff1 12 13a 1 k
rdiff2 22 23a 1 k
rdiff3 32 33a 1 k
cdiff1 12 13a 1u
cdiff2 22 23a 1u
cdiff3 32 33a 1u
rdiff4 13a 13 1 k
rdiff5 23a 23 1 k
rdiff6 33a 33 1 
ecin1 14 0 12 13a 2
ecin2 24 0 22 23a 2
ecin3 34 0 32 33a 2
vtria1 5 0 pulse(-10 10 0 86.5u
+ 86.5u 0.6u 173.6u)
*gating signals for upper switches
xgs1 14 5 11 10 comp
xgs2 24 5 21 20 comp
xgs3 34 5 31 30 comp
*gating signals for lower switches
egs4 41 0 poly(1) (11,10) 50 -1
egs5 51 0 poly(1) (21,20) 50 -1
egs6 61 0 poly(1) (31,30) 50 -1
*Filter is deleted because PSpice is limited to
+ 64 nodes
*lfi1 16 15b 45u
*lfi2 26 25b 45u
*lfi3 36 35b 45u
*rfi1 15b 15c 0.01
*rfi2 25b 25c 0.01
*rfi3 35b 35c 0.01
*cfi1 15c 26 10.3u
*cfi2 25c 36 10.3u
*cfi3 35c 16 10.3u
*parameters of power system with a line-to- 
+ line voltage of 340 V
RM1 16 18 50 m
LM1 18 19 265u
Vout1 19 123 sin(0 196 60 0 0 -30)
RM2 26 28 50 m
LM2 28 29 265u
Vout2 29 123 sin(0 196 60 0 0 -150)
RM3 36 38 50 m
LM3 38 39 265u
Vout3 39 123 sin(0 196 60 0 0 -270)
*subcircuit for comparator
.subckt comp 1 2 9 10
rin 1 3 2.8 k
r1 3 2 20meg
e2 4 2 3 2 50
r2 4 5 1 k
d1 5 6 zenerdiode1
d2 2 6 zenerdiode2
e3 7 2 5 2 1
r3 7 8 10
c3 8 2 10n
r4 3 8 100 k
e4 9 10 8 2 1
*models for zener diodes
.model zenerdiode1 D (Is = 1p BV = 0.1)
.model zenerdiode2 D (Is = 1p BV = 50)
.ends comp
*model for switch
.model qfet nmos(level = 3 gamma = 0 kappa = 0 
+ tox = 100n rs = 42.69 m kp = 20.87u l = 2u
+ w = 2.9 delta = 0 eta = 0 theta = 0 vmax = 0  
+ xj = 0 uo = 600 phi = 0.6
+ vto = 3.487 rd = 0.19 cbd = 200n  
+ pb = 0.8 mj = 0.5 cgso = 3.5n cgdo = 100p
+ rg = 1.2 is = 10f)
*model for diodes
.model diode d(is = 1p)
*options to aid convergence
.options abstol = 0.01 m chgtol = 0.01 m 
+ reltol = 50 m vntol = 1 m itl5 = 0 itl4 = 200
*transient analysis
.tran 5u 350 m 300 m 5u
*plotting of traces
*Fourier analysis
.four 60 12 I(l_w1)


Figure 11.7 (a) Inverter phase reference and output currents and inverter output voltage, see Table 11.4; φ = 30° (generator notation: leading power factor, under-excited, absorbing reactive power) (b) Inverter phase reference and output currents and inverter output voltage, see Table 11.4; φ = -90° (generator notation: lagging power factor, over-excited, delivering reactive power).

Table 11.4

Dependency of the input DC voltage VDC of inverter as a function of the output displacement (power) factor angle φ (generator notation, lagging displacement power factor, where a negative φ corresponds to over-excited operation delivering reactive power to the system) is the angle between phase current of inverter Irms ph and phase line-to-neutral voltage Vrms l-n of power system and m is the modulation index of inverter

φ = 90°Vrms l-n = 139 VIrms ph = 58.18 AVDC = 375 VITHDi = 0.107%m = 1.04
φ = 60°Vrms l-n = 139 VIrms ph = 54.17AVDC = 368 VITHDi = 0.093%m = 1.07
φ = 30°Vrms l-n = 139 VIrms ph = 50.44 AVDC = 360 VITHDi = 0.131%m = 1.09
φ = 0°Vrms l-n = 139 VIrms ph = 49.03 AVDC = 388 VITHDi = 0.117%m = 1.01
φ = -30°Vrms l-n = 139 VIrms ph = 49.74AVDC = 410 VITHDi = 0.060%m = 0.96
φ = -60°Vrms l-n = 139 VIrms ph = 52.06 AVDC = 415 VITHDi = 0.085%m = 0.95
φ = -90°Vrms l-n = 139 VIrms ph = 55.46 AVDC = 415 VITHDi = 0.073%m = 0.95


11.2.5 Operation at Maximum Power Point

PV arrays [68] as well as wind turbines [69] must be operated at the maximum power point to increase the yield of such plants. Many schemes for searching the maximum power point exist, however to operate at the maximum-power point without searching for such a point is very difficult. Searching for the maximum point entails a change in output of such sources causing frequency variations in the grid which might not be acceptable. PV power plants operate mostly intermittently due to changing insolation as is shown in Figure 11.8 recorded at the San Luis Valley of Colorado [70]. Figure 11.9 explains that for a PV power plant under certain conditions where two maxima may exist.

Figure 11.8 Intermittent insolation in the San Luis Valley of Colorado [70]. (Courtesy of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, Colorado USA)
Figure 11.9 Two maxima for PV power plant [1]: (a) without shadowing for various insolation values, (b) with shadowing at an insolation of 0.9 kW/m2.

11.2.6 Safety Considerations

Renewable sources are mostly of smaller rating (100 MW or less) while for conventional power plants units from 100 MW to 600 MW or even 1200 MW are presently employed. The first one of the conventional plants is the output of a natural gas turbine, the second one that of a coal-fired plant, and the latter one that of a nuclear plant [71]. The reason for large ratings is efficiency -- the larger the unit the larger the efficiency. Single units have an efficiency of about 28 to 35%, while combined-cycle power plants -- where natural gas/oil turbines and steam turbines connected in series have efficiencies of about 60% [72]. In a combined-cycle plant the natural gas is combusted in the gas turbine and the high-temperature exhaust of the gas turbine heats steam for a steam turbine. Gas turbine power plants become important for distributed generation including renewable energy sources due to their fast cycle properties, that is, they can change their output quickly.

Due to the smaller rating of renewable sources many distributed plants must be operated on the grid, aggravating the control of the voltage associated with reactive power/load flow and frequency. In almost all cases the distributed source relies on the voltage of the power system, that is, the voltage cannot be changed by an individual renewable source of small rating and the current fed into the grid can only be controlled. In other words, as soon as the voltage of the grid is below or above certain limits the renewable source of small rating must be disconnected for safety reasons from the grid. No matter how good the solar panels on the roof are, they are not good enough to collect energy at night. But researchers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency have hatched a plan to harvest the sun’s energy nearly 24 hours a day. The idea is to launch solar-energy collectors into geosynchronous orbit. The special satellites would beam microwave energy down to an array of tiny rectifying antennas that would convert microwaves into DC electricity [73]. Problems with this approach are the microwave beams in certain areas of the globe, which must be avoided by air planes, animals, and humans. In residential areas the glare of reflecting light from solar arrays might be a problem for some of the neighboring residences [74]. In particular in urban areas birds (e.g., pigeons) might find the gap between the solar arrays and the roof tiles an ideal nesting place in particular during cold seasons due to the warmth radiated from PV systems. These bird populations can cause damage on the structure of the building, the excrements of the birds cause a smell, parasitic bugs might be transmitted, and damage the wiring under the PV arrays [75].

11.2.7 Solutions to Power Quality Problems of Custom Power Devices with Switching Action

Any switching action causes transients due to parasitic capacitances of either a mechanical or semiconductor switch, resulting in the latter case in reverse-recovery currents. The suppression of these in thyristors, metal-oxide-field-effect transistors (MOSFETs), insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) and others is discussed in [1] through the insertion of small inductors or through the minimization of parasitic capacitances. The differential-mode noise can be reduced by either passive or active filters (Chapter 9) and common-mode noise is minimized through reduction of grounding resistance through common-mode filters, e.g., ferromagnetic coil wrapped around a high-permeability core enclosing the positive and negative leads. Rectifiers and inverters can generate integer and non-integer or fractional harmonics as well as inter- and sub-harmonics. The displacement (fundamental power) factor of inverters can be made leading (consumer system of notation) by increasing the input DC voltage of the inverter. This calls for multilevel inverters where switches must be connected in series due to their limited maximum permissible reverse voltages. For the reduction of the switching harmonics a low modulation index m (e.g., 0.5 to 0.8) is recommended. Although many papers on maximum power point tracking for PV plants exist, no single approach is completely satisfactory. More work in this respect must be done, especially for PV plants with output power in the MW range: searching for the maximum power point induces frequency variations due to large varying output powers. Safety in distributed power systems with many sources can be improved through internet and power–line carrier control.

11.3 Horizontal – and vertical-axes wind power (WP) plants

11.3.1 Mechanical and Electronic Gears

WP plants operate mostly intermittently due to changing wind conditions as is shown in Figure 11.10.

Figure 11.10 Changing wind conditions [76].

Some WP plants do not employ mechanical gears [1] and permanent-magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) with many poles (e.g., 40 or larger) [77, 78] are used resulting in pancake-type generators with a short axial length, large diameters and weights – they are called direct-drive plants. Some WP plant designs, however, employ mechanical gears because WP blades rotate at low speed (e.g., 0.2 rps) while generators must be designed –to reduce their weight --for high speed (3600 rpm corresponding to 60 rps). The changing speed conditions of WP plants wear out the mechanical gear and therefore, electrical gears can be employed based on pole-changing and series-turns techniques [79, 80]. When a sudden change of the pole numbers occurs through mechanical switching of poles, say from 8 to 4 poles, sudden transient torques stress the mechanical gear. To mitigate these stresses, pole-changing techniques combined with a change in the number of series turns of the generator by electric means, supplying rectifiers/inverters, are recommended resulting in electronic gears which also can be used for electric vehicles permitting a large gear ratio and therefore high efficiency at high speed.

It is possible to build on-shore 175 m tall [81] and off-shore 6 MW 100 m [82] WP plants. In Spain a 195 m tall chimney rose above the plain in Manzanares south of Madrid: the solar updraft tower [83], which had turbines at its base, rose from the middle of a 46, 000 square-meter greenhouse-like collection area; it generated up to 50 kW.

11.3.2 Basic Principle of (V·p)/f and (V/f·N) Control of Electronic Gear [79, 80]

The induced voltage E of an alternating current electric machine


si27_e  (11-2)

is related to the rated maximum flux density Bmax, the rated number of series turns per phase Nrated, the radius of the location of the stator winding R, the active (core) machine length L, the frequency of the voltages and currents f, and the pole number p. For rated induced voltage Erated the frequency f and the maximum flux density assume rated values. If E < Erated then the flux density is less than its rated value, and for E > Erated the flux density will be above its rated value. The relation


si28_e  (11-3)

must be maintained for all operating conditions where E si29_e Erated and f si30_e frated. For f > frated the induced voltage can be at the most E = Erated and the flux density will be less than its rated value, called flux-weakening operation. In this case the induced voltage E can be replaced in the above formula by the terminal voltage Vt. By changing the number of series turns per phase N and the pole number p of the machine flux weakening can be compensated and the machine can be operated under rated flux density under most operating conditions. This results in superior performance above rated speed (e.g., increased output power) and below rated speed (e.g., increased torque) of variable-speed drives.

It is well-known that the torque-speed characteristic of commonly available variable-speed electric machines employing field (flux) weakening may not match the load torque because the load torque may be proportional to the square of the speed, and that of a variable-speed electric machine is inversely proportional to the speed in the field-weakening region. This applies to variable-speed drives where the critical (maximum) speed is limited by the reduction of the developed torque, resulting in less than the rated output power. This mismatch can be mitigated by an electronic change in the number of poles p and/or a change in the number of series turns per phase N of the stator winding via application-specific-integrated circuit (ASIC). The change in the number of poles p is governed by


si31_e  (11-4)

The change in the number of series turns per phase N is governed by


si32_e  (11-5)

The introduction of an additional degree of freedom --either by a change of p or N or both-- permits an extension of the rated flux density (Bmax) region up to a multiple of the rated speed. Figure 11.11 illustrates in a qualitative manner the speed nm, torque T (locus of maximum torque), and power P increase due to the change in the number of turns from Nrated to Nrated/2.

Figure 11.11 Variable-speed drive, torque-speed characteristic, and power-speed characteristic of an induction machine by changing the number of series turns of the stator winding from Nrated to Nrated/2. Starting and Motoring Operation

Some WP turbines must be brought up to speed by the generator acting as a motor. The overall speed-torque diagram of a 1 kW induction machine --which circuit data are listed below-- is shown in Figure 11.12 with 4 natural speed-torque characteristics and the characteristic which will be important for starting at Vline-line-rated and fstart < fbase (characteristics in quadrant I) where p1 = 8 poles, nbase = 750 rpm, and Trated = 2.8 Nm. In Figure 11.12 characteristic 1 pertains to fbase, Nratedp1 and p1; characteristic 2 is valid for fbase, Nratedp2Nrated and p2; characteristic 3 is based on 1.5∙fbase, Nreduced = Nrated/2 and p2; characteristic 4 is computed for 2∙fbase, Nreduced = Nrated/2 and p2, and the starting characteristic is computed for fstart, which is less than fbase. The current drawn at zero speed is Istart > Irated. As start-up occurs the starting current will decrease due to the frequency and the associated speed increase, and the machine in motor operation reaches at the base frequency fbase = 50 Hz the base speed. The transition from (natural) characteristic #1 to (natural) characteristic #2 occurs through pole switching from p1 poles to p2 poles [79, 80]. The transition from the natural characteristic #2 to the characteristic #3 occurs based on flux weakening (V/f) control, whereby the flux density is reduced to below its rated value. At the characteristic #3 the number of series turns Nratedp2=si33_eNrated will be reduced to Nreduced = Nrated/2 by a relay (having normally closed, NC, and normally open, NO, contacts) or electronic switches, thus effectively restoring the flux density to its rated (or larger) value and therefore increasing the torque and the output power of the motor. This increase in torque is about proportional to the ratio (Nrated/Nreduced). From characteristic #3 --at an increased (about rated) flux density and at, for example, 3 times the base speed -- to characteristic #4 (at about 4 times the base speed) flux weakening (V/f) control with Nreduced is performed. It is advisable to minimize the speed range between characteristics 2 and 3, as depicted in Figure 11.12. The frequency 1.5∙fbase has been chosen to clearly illustrate the effect of the reduction in the number of turns, but an optimization of the dynamics of the drive requires that 1.5∙fbase should be less, say 1.1∙fbase at reduced terminal voltage Vt.

Figure 11.12 Speed-torque characteristics 1, 2, 3, 4, and the starting characteristic, whereby the terminal voltage is about constant Vline-to-line-rated for all 5 characteristics. The base speed nbase corresponds to the p1 configuration and the rated torque Trated=Tratedp1si1_e.

The data of analyzed 3-phase induction machine of Figures 11.12 are Prat = 1 kW, number of poles p = 4, frated = 50 Hz, VL-N/VL-L = 220/380 V, η = 0.735, cosφ = 0.705, Bmax = 0.68 T, Xm = 130 Ω, Xs = 9.45 Ω, Rs = 7.55 Ω, Xr'= 9.47 Ω, Rr'= 6.65 Ω, stator bore diameter = 0.074 m, stator core length = 0.095 m. Generator Operation

The alternator or regenerative braking operation occurs in quadrant II of characteristic 4 (see Figure 11.12). Once the machine has gained about the base speed the only stringent requirement is an efficiency of η = 75-95% which depends upon the output power rating of the drive. At regenerative operation of the alternator the pulse-width-modulated (PWM) inverter acts as a PWM rectifier providing AC excitation for the (induction) generator if necessary, and delivering generator power to the battery or the power source at a DC voltage of VDC. Alternatively the excitation of the induction generator can be provided by an appropriate capacitor bank. Experimental Verification [84]

For testing, a 4-pole, 1 kW induction machine was purchased off the shelf and rewound to accommodate the 3 different configurations (e.g., Δ at p1 = 8 poles, Y at Nrated and p2 = 4 poles, and Y at Nrated/2 and p2 = 4 poles) so that the number of poles and turns could be externally changed. This machine is about comparable to the machine data listed above except that the tested machine has a rated frequency of 60 Hz. The equivalent circuit of this three-phase induction machine at the rated phase voltage of 70 V during motoring operation is depicted in Figure 11.13. Table 11.5 lists the measured circuit parameters for all 3 configurations based on open-circuit and short-circuit tests at f = 60 Hz. Note that for all applications the terminal (line-to-line) voltages were below or equal to the rated value of about 120 V. This is important for electric car applications where for safety reasons the source voltage must be below a certain value (e.g., battery voltage of 300 V). A flux weakening compensation via increase of the battery voltage from 300 V to 600 V is not desirable for road vehicle applications.

Figure 11.13 Equivalent circuit of tested machine at f = 60 Hz.

Table 11.5

Measured equivalent circuit parameters for 8-pole and 4-pole configurations at f = 60 Hz

configurationRs [Ω]Xs [Ω]Xr [Ω]Rr [Ω]RFe [Ω]Xm [Ω]
8-pole (Nrated)3.130.840.840.077123.49
4-pole (Nrated)1.792.372.371.41828834.9
4-pole (Nrated/2)0.560.670.670.389638.66


Figure 11.14 depicts the measured starting torque (Tstart) as a function of the starting current (Istart) for 10 Hz and 60 Hz operations. It is well known that induction machines cannot operate at a very low frequency (e.g., 3 Hz) applied to the stator because of the increase in the magnetizing current due to the decrease of the magnetizing reactance Xm.

Figure 11.14 Measured starting torque as a function of the starting current.

In this application the lowest stator frequency that could be applied while maximizing the starting torque was 10 Hz. Unfortunately the inverter used could not deliver more than 15 A which is why the torque curve at 10 Hz is limited to 15 Nm. The 60 Hz operation was limited by the autotransformer to about 18 A. The current during starting can greatly exceed the rated current for a short time (few seconds) because the thermal time constant of an electric machine is in the range of a few hours [85].

The start-up current transient for motoring operation is shown in Figure 11.15. This oscillogram demonstrates the switchover from p1 = 8 with Nrated to p2 = 4 with Nrated, and from p2 = 4 with Nrated to p2 = 4 with Nrated/2. The latter switchover as shown in Figure 11.15 can be controlled, in other words, the torque can be increased as a function of the switching instant and the applied voltage and frequency. It is advisable to minimize the operating time of the p2 pole, Nrated configuration. At the time of switching from p2 = 4 poles at Nrated to p2 = 4 poles at Nrated/2 operation the current spike increases when the p2 = 4 and Nrated/2 operation is starting at low frequency. Nrated/2 operation (at low frequency) corresponds to low reactance and resistance circuit values of the machine. Therefore, maintaining the terminal voltage at the low impedances results in an increased input current.

Figure 11.15 Measured line-current waveform of the induction motor during start-up with p1 = 8 poles at Nratedp1 then switching to p2 = 4 poles at Nratedp2=Nratedsi2_e, and after short time reducing at p2 = 4 poles the number of turns from Nrated to Nrated/2. Optimization of Torque Production During Start-Up

In most electric machines the torque is about proportional to the square of the current Istart neglecting the magnetizing current [86]. During experimental verification of the reduction of the number of series turns from Nrated to Nrated/2, the starting torque and the line current were measured: the starting torque increased with the starting current I = Istart. At low saturation there exists about a square relationship between starting torque and the starting current, that is, Tstart si34_econstant1 ∙ Istart2, however, at high saturation this relationship is about linear, that is Tstart si35_econstant2 ∙ Istart, and the starting torque may increase [86] due to the reduction of the stator/rotor leakage inductances caused by saturation, and the reduction of reactances due to the applied reduced frequency. From Figure 11.15 one concludes that the p2 = 4 pole, Nrated operation produces the smallest current amplitude. Therefore, reducing the operating time of the p2 = 4 pole, Nrated configuration as much as possible will produce the optimum torque (current). In order to do this p2 = 4 pole, Nrated/2 operation must be performed at a frequency as low as possible (e.g., 1.1fbase).

The start-up current from zero to maximum speed is depicted in Figure 11.15, where the reduction in the number of turns occurs about 1 second after the switchover from p1 to p2. The minimization of the operation region with p2 = 4 poles and Nratedp2= Nrated is beneficial from a torque production point of view: this can be achieved by operating at p1 = 4 poles and reduced terminal voltage for a few cycles after the switchover from p1 to p2 has occurred. From this figure one concludes that the starting current (or torque) corresponds to about 3 units while the maximum occurring current (or torque) with Nreduced = Nrated/2 corresponds to 1 unit. Comparing this to the operation with Nrated – where the maximum current (or torque) at maximum speed is 0.25 units – one finds that the reduction in the number of turns by a factor of 2 increases the maximum current (or torque) by a factor of about 3-4, assuming a proportionality between torque T and current I. The Need for Current Snubbers

To minimize the inverter power/current rating the current spikes of Figure 11.15 can be either suppressed by current snubbers or the maximum inverter output current is limited via inverter design. Generator Operation

Figure 11.16 shows the output voltage of the motor (upper oscillogram) which is the input voltage to the rectifier, and the output voltage of the rectifier (lower oscillogram) measured at about the rated power of the induction machine of 1 kW. The rectifier input voltage is 152 Vrms, the rectifier output voltage is 202.5 V, and rectifier output current is 4.84 A.

Figure 11.16 Measured rectifier input (1) and rectifier output (2) voltages. Conclusions with Respect to Electronic Gears

The two key concepts to achieve this performance--increase in speed, torque, and power– are

 switching of the stator winding from p1 to p2 poles, and [87, 88]

 switching of the number of series turns of the stator winding [79, 80, 84].

These two concepts can be either separately or jointly implemented in a variable-speed drive. The maximum flux density Bmax of the machine at any operation should be within the range 0.3TBmax1.1T.si36_e On the one hand if Bmax is too small, the torque will be reduced to an unacceptably low level, the machine operation may be sluggish and the desired speeds and torques might not be obtained as it occurs in the flux-weakening mode. On the other hand, if Bmax is too large, the machine saturates and the losses will become too large.

1) It is possible to design a poly-phase electric machine capable of delivering starting torque within the range (5-11) ∙ Trated. The lower range (5 ∙ Trated) can be obtained, for example, with standard-type (e.g., squirrel–cage induction) machines and the upper range (11 ∙ Trated) is obtained with machine designs having reduced stator resistance and stator/rotor leakage inductances combined with a large mutual inductance Lm. In the case of an induction machine a double-squirrel cage rotor winding may increase the torque production due to the reduced leakage inductance and the increased resistance of the outer squirrel cage [89], and may improve the dynamic performance during winding switching.

2) Using (Vrated/f) control the output power above base speed is the rated output power up to the critical speed, while relying on Vrated/(fN) control the output power (or torque) can be increased, for example, by a factor of 2 at 2-3 times the base speed (of p1 configuration) through the reduction in the number of series stator winding turns per phase N, therefore, increasing the critical speed.

3) While with (Vrated/f) control the maximum obtainable speed is about 3 times the base speed, with (Vratedp)/(fN) control a maximum speed of about 6-8 times the base speed can be obtained. This speed increase may make mechanical gears obsolete.

4) The (Vratedp)/(fN) control appears to be suitable for hybrid/electric propulsion applications because the reduction in the number of turns N per phase of the stator winding is equivalent to an increase of the applied voltage Vrated without actually increasing the voltage of the power supply (e.g., battery). This is advantageous for vehicle applications where the battery voltage is limited to, say 300 VDC because of safety considerations. For example, although the electric machine is supplied with 300 VDC only, it behaves like a machine fed by 600 VDC, resulting in larger output power per unit of weight (5 kW/kg-force) [79, 80, 84] than a conventional [8991] design (3 kW/kg-force) at an output power rating of about 50 kW. Note, (kg-force) is equivalent to the international unit kp (kilopond) as the unit of weight.

5) The increased torque range at low and high speeds can eliminate a mechanical transmission shifting from a low gear to a high gear range.

6) Inverter switches (conducting in reverse direction) or a separate diode bridge can be employed to operate the electric (induction) machine as a generator supplying regenerated energy to battery or DC source. Thus the (e.g., induction) machine operating as a generator can either be excited via the PWM inverter from the battery or via AC capacitors.

7) For automobiles with internal combustion engine only, the starter and the generator can be integrated in one machine [80, 84]. Solutions to Power Quality Problems of Wind Power Plants with Mechanical Gears

The deployment of mechanical gears is not satisfactory, in particular in off-shore wind farms. The introduction of electronic gears, where the speed and torque can be controlled seamlessly, is desirable. This requires the deployment and design of appropriate electronic converters operating as an inverter for motoring and rectifier when regeneration occurs, whereby the rectifier must excite the induction generator to set up the magnetic field.

11.3.3 Influence of Tower on Energy Production and Flicker

In horizontal WP plants the rotor blades rotate in the wind shadow of the tower and therefore the blade’s torque is periodically changed at low frequencies causing flicker due to changing (wind) shadowing [92, 93]. In addition, this flicker effect must be eliminated within the output voltage of the generator due to causing ill effects in humans such as nausea and epilepsy [94].

11.3.4 Constant-Speed Wind Power Plants

Constant-speed wind machines were used in the first generation of WP plants [95]; it turned out they are less efficient and prone to mechanical failure due to mechanical transient stresses caused by changing wind conditions. On-shore WP towers can now be 175 m high due to the availability of large cranes [81] which increases the efficiency and decreases fluctuation due to wind conditions.

11.3.5 Variable-Speed Wind Power Plants

These machines can handle changing wind speeds due to the combination of either permanent-magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) [77, 96103], or doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) with transformer/rectifier/inverter combinations for rotor excitation [89] where the variable generator frequency of the rotor frot is transformed via AC-DC-AC conversion from the systems frequency of nominally fsyst (e.g., 60 Hz). The required power of the rotor AC-DC-AC conversion system is only about 8% of the stator output power and the speed of the rotor can be controlled nrot = nrat ± 30%.

11.3.6 Operation of Wind Farms

Wind farms --based on the horizontal drive --built in remote areas due to their visual impact [104, 105] and acoustic noise [106] represent a significant part (about 15% of total energy generated) of renewable energy development as compared to solar thermal and PV plants contributing about 5% [107,108] of renewable energy generated or 0.7% of total energy generated. Wind farms consist of a great number --a few hundred to thousands-- of individual plants in the 1 to 8 MW range resulting in outputs of a few hundred megawatts [109] provided the wind drives them at rated power. If properly located, managed and operated wind farms behave like a large plant similar to a conventional plant: this is especially true when wind farms are located on-shore near the ocean or on islands e.g., Ireland [110]. The construction of wind farms off-shore appears to be more complicated due to the rapid drop of the shelf in the southern and western shores [111] of the USA and due to local opposition [112] near the eastern shore. An attempt has been made to construct WP plants/farms in different parts of the USA in order to exploit their different wind conditions: for example in the northern and the southern parts of Colorado [113]. The operation of WP plants is not possible at low and high wind conditions. At low wind speeds there is not sufficient torque and at high wind conditions the blades must be protected by furling [114]. The optimal wind speed depends upon the design (e.g., constant, variable-speed) and output power rating of the plant and is in the range of 3.5-25 m/s [115]. It is best to operate wind plants at sea level due to the highest density of the air. WP plants built on very high mountain ridges are more costly: wind conditions are not as steady and the air is not as dense as in the plains [116] resulting in more difficult power quality problems through changing wind conditions.

The control of power plants in general — including WP facilities — is based on the recently developed principle of synchronized phasors (synchrophasors) [12, 117, 118]. Synchrophasors make real-time measurement of electrical quantities such as voltages, currents, various (reactive, real, apparent) powers, displacement power factor, (total) power factor including harmonics, transients, and frequencies from across the power system possible. Applications include wide-area control [119], system model validation [120], determining stability margins [121], maximizing stable system loading [122], islanding detection [123], system-wide disturbance recording, and visualization of dynamic system response. The basic system building blocks are Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite-synchronized clocks [124], phasor measurement units (PMUs) [125], a phasor data concentrator (PDC), communication equipment, and visualization software as outlined in [126] by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL).

Siemens finalized the construction contract [127] of a wind farm with the Cape Wind project in New England, on Horseshoe Shoal, Massachusetts that could be a significant step to advance wind farm activity in the United States. The wind turbines are to be spaced 500 m to 900 m apart. Siemens will supply 130 offshore turbines, each 3.6 MW. One of the reasons the off-shore wind industry in the US has not matched its WP potential has been opposing groups' objections to "visual pollution" and harm to birds, just two of the arguments that have been used against such initiatives. Another reason is the sharp drop-off of the shelf in the southern part of the USA.

For the first time an off-shore interconnected system is planned [9] involving the Scandinavian (Denmark, Sweden) and Central European (Germany) countries within the Baltic Sea connecting two off-shore wind farms operated by different countries. This interconnection (“Interkonnektorenloesung”) will serve as a pilot project for Europe about 30 km northwest of the island of Rügen. Via a converter station, starting in 2018, two parallel 150 kV cables will connect a Danish wind farm of 600 MW with the Energie Baden Württemberg (EnBW) wind farm “Baltic 2” of 288 MW. Both wind farms lay 15 km apart. This technical concept may be extended and include additional connections. The varying generated electricity can be utilized either in Scandinavia or in Germany without the need to curtail WP generation. Until now when there are strong wind conditions some of the wind turbines must reduce generation in order to prevent that the generation will be larger than the consumption, leading to stability problems. Any connection to other consumers is a contribution to the optimization of the grid. During low wind conditions the electricity generated through hydropower in Scandinavian countries can be supplied to Germany.

Vertical axis WP plants have not been used in wind farms due to their lower output powers. However, such plants might be acceptable for operation near residences. One problem with such designs is the non-constant torque development [128] which can be mitigated through power electronic and storage components.

11.3.7 Control of Wind Power Systems

Constant-speed induction generators have lower power efficiency than variable-speed generators of the PMSG (Figures 11.1711.22) and DFIG types [129] which have pitch-blade control. The advantages of variable–speed control include maximum power extraction and improvement in dynamic behavior of turbine. The PMSG and DFIG are the most widely employed variable-speed wind generator systems. Note that the power coefficient Cp(λ,β) of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) depends upon the tip-speed ratio λ and the blade pitch angle β [130]. The DFIGs are simpler and less expensive due to the smaller rating (about 8% of the rated stator output power) of the rotor converters (rectifier, inverter) but require regular maintenance of slip rings and carbon brushes. Any grid voltage fluctuation may produce oscillations in stator output power and can cause rotor torque pulsations. PMSG systems have a higher efficiency with reduced size and higher power density but require more complicated control circuitry to maintain converter voltages. In both cases a mechanical gear is not required: the pole number of the PMSG is large and the rotor converter frequency control of the DFIG can accommodate at least ± 30% speed deviation from rated speed. One of the important aspects of variable-speed WECS is to capture maximum energy from wind. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is important similar to PV systems. It can be achieved through an intelligent adaptive radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) controller [131] for PMSG wind systems. A superconducting magnetic energy storage system (SMES) is proposed next to the grid-side inverter [132]. Use of storage capacitors [131] are proposed as well to compensate the power fluctuation of the WECS. In [133] the stable operation of doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) is analyzed when installed in weak and islanding/standalone power systems utilizing the swing equation [134], equal area criterion [134], and the 1.5 MW DFIG model of General Electric Company [135].

Figure 11.17 Permanent –magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) with energy storage control [136].
Figure 11.18 Speed of PMSG as a function of power output of wind turbine [136].
Figure 11.19 Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) with super-capacitor (SC) energy storage system [136].
Figure 11.20 Speed variation of wind turbine following a torque pulse of 0.5 pu and of 0.5 s duration with and without super-capacitor (SC) control [136].
Figure 11.21 PMSG terminal voltage variation following a three-phase fault of 0.5 s duration at the point of common coupling (PCC) with and without super-capacitor (SC) control [136].
Figure 11.22 Developed power of the PMSG following a 0.5 s three-phase fault with and without super-capacitor (SC) control [136].

11.3.8 Maximum Power Extraction from Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine

The Lanchester-Betz-Joukowsky [1] limit — and the maximum efficiency for horizontal axis wind turbines -- is discussed in [137139]. Unfortunately, it does not apply to vertical-axis wind turbines addressed next.

11.3.9 Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines

This type of wind turbine [140142] might be suitable for either urban or remote areas. The key to their use is the reduction of audible noise, visual acceptance limiting their output to less than 50 kW, the management of the non-constant torque, and the employment of electronic gears and electrical storage to mitigate their non-constant power output.

11.3.10 Solutions to Power Quality Problems of Wind Power Plants

The consequences (e.g., acoustic noise, height restrictions, and visual pollution) of operating vertical-axis WP plants within residential areas should be researched. With respect to horizontal-axis plants off-shore WP farms/parks appear to be costlier to construct and to operate. The on-shore approach should be therefore favored until the mechanical stresses on the wind turbine blades are better understood due to strong wind conditions in off-shore regions. Permanent-magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) require expensive rare earth material (e.g., neodymium) making them expensive. For this reason it is proposed to rely on inexpensive squirrel-cage induction generators where the power factor/magnetizing current can be provided and controlled by the PWM rectifier feeding the PWM inverter. PMSG and DFIG require no mechanical gear, however, are very heavy due to the large pole numbers. Research into electronic gears should be supported in order to operate generators with low pole numbers resulting in low weight at variable speed.

11.3.11 Short- and Long-Term Energy Storage Systems

Electric storage components can store electricity in DC form only [143]. For this reason AC-DC converters (rectifiers), DC–AC converters (inverters), and DC-DC converters (step-down and step-up) must be relied on. All types of converters are discussed in [1].

11.3.12 Role and Design of Short-Term and Long-Term Storage Plants [144]

Short-term storage devices such as conventional battery, super-capacitor, and flywheel can be put online within a few 60 Hz cycles but cannot provide energy for more than about 10 minutes; however, flow batteries and variable-speed hydro plants (with DFIGs) can change their load within a few 60 Hz cycles and are able to deliver power for days. Long-term storage plants such as constant speed (pump-)hydro storage and compressed air plants require a start-up time of about 6-10 minutes (due to synchronization), but can operate for several hours or even days. Two short-term storage plants will be analyzed below.

11.3.13 Storage Devices for Short-Term and Long-Term Plants

Conventional batteries, super-capacitors, ultra-capacitors, and flywheels serve as short-term storage devices, while compressed air, (constant and variable speed) hydro plants, and thermal storage are used as long-term storage facilities. Variable-speed drives [77, 79] are proposed for short- and long-term storage plants in order to eliminate mechanical gears.

11.3.14 Hydro-Storage or Pump-Storage Plants

Hydro pump-storage plants require upper and lower reservoirs at different altitudes, where the water can be recycled during a pumping-generation cycle. Of course a sufficiently large source of water replenishing the loss of water due to evaporation must be available at either the upper or lower reservoir. This type of storage is of the long-term type with a fairly quick response (e.g., seconds) if variable-speed generators, e.g., doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) for pump-storage, hydro plants similar to WP plants [145] are employed. Application Example 11.3: Design of a 250 MW Pumped-Storage, Hydro-Power Plant [1]

A pumped-storage, hydro-power plant (Figure E11.3.1) is to be designed [18, 19, 146148] for a rated power Prated = 250 MW and a rated energy capacity 1500 MWh per day. It consists of an upper and a lower reservoir with a water capacity CH2O each. In addition there must be an emergency reserve for 625 MWh. Water evaporation must be taken into account and is 10% per year for each reservoir, and the precipitation per year is 20 inches. The maximum and minimum elevations of the upper reservoir are 1050 ft and 1000 ft, respectively. The maximum and minimum elevations for the lower reservoir are 200 ft and 150 ft, respectively. The water turbine is of the Francis type and it is coupled with a salient-pole synchronous machine with p = 24 poles, which can be used as a generator for generating electricity by releasing the water from the upper reservoir to the lower one, and as a motor for pumping the water from the lower reservoir to the upper one. A capacity factor of 100% can be assumed: in a real application the capacity factor may vary between 70-90%.

Figure E11.3.1 Pumped-storage hydro-power plant for peak-power generation (requires start-up time of about 6 minutes).

a) If the power efficiencies of the water turbine, the synchronous generator, and the Δ-Y transformer are ηturbine = 0.8, ηsynchronous machine = ηY-Δ transformer = 0.95, respectively, compute the required turbine input power Pturbinerequired.

b) Provided the head of the water is H = 850 ft, the frictional losses between water and pipe amount to 15%, and the water flow measured in cubic feet per second is Q = 6000 cfs, compute the mechanical power available at the turbine input PkW [146148].

c) How does Pturbinerequired compare with PkW?

d) Compute the specific speed Nq [146148]. Is the selection of the Francis turbine justified?

e) What other types of water turbines exist?

f) What is the amount of water the upper or lower reservoirs must hold to generate E = (1500 MWh + 625 MWh) = 2125 MWh per day during an 11.3 hour period?

g) Is the given precipitation per year sufficient to replace the evaporated water? If not, what is the required “rain-catch” area to replace the yearly water loss through evaporation?

h) The pumped-storage plant delivers the energy E = (1500 MWh + 625 MWh) = 2125 MWh per day for which customers pay $0.20/kWh due to peak-power generation. What is the payback period of this pumped storage plant if the construction price is $3000 per installed power capacity of 1 kW, the cost for pumping is $0.03/kWh, and the interest rate is 3%?

Solution to Application Example 11.3

a) Computation of the turbine input power Pturbinerequired:



b) Computation of the mechanical power available at the turbine input PkW:



where H is measured in ft, Q is measured in cubic feet per second (cfs), W is the weight of 1 cubic foot of water of 62.4 (lb-force)/(ft)3, 0.746 kW = 1 hp, and 550 is a constant converting ft∙(lb-force)/s to horse power (hp).

c) How does Pturbinerequired compare with PkW?



d) Computation of the specific speed. Is the selection of the Francis turbine justified?
Synchronous speed of generator ns=120fp=300rpmsi40_e, Q = 6000·0.0283 = 169.8 m3/s, Heff = 722.5·0.3048 = 220.22 m. Specific speed of a water turbine is now Nq=nsQ0.5Heff0.75=68.38si41_e, which means a Francis turbine is satisfactory.

e) What other types of water turbines exist?
Pelton wheel, Kaplan turbine, bulb-type turbine, mixed-flow turbine, propeller turbine, and Gorlov turbine.

f) The amount of water the upper or lower reservoirs must hold:
Q = 6000 cfs, therefore, the water required during one day is CapacityH2O = 6000·0.0283·3600·11.3 = 6.908·106 m3, this requires two (an upper and lower) reservoirs of 20 m depth, 588 m long and 588 m wide, each. As is well known the water inlets at the upper and lower reservoirs will be in the middle of the reservoir depths in order to prevent that sand and rocks enter the turbine and the pump. This is to say the 20 m depths are effective depths and the actual depths might be more than twice as large, say 50 m.

g) Required “rain-catch” area:
CapacityH2Oevaporation = 6.908·105 m3, CapacityH2O + CapacityH2Oevaporation = 6.908·106 + 6.908·105 = 7.599·106 m3. For 20 inches of precipitation one gets per year CapacityH2Oprecipitation = 20·0.0254 (588)2 = 1.756·105 m3. Note, CapacityH2Oevaporation exceeds CapacityH2Oprecipitation from this follows that a rain-catch area is required. At the time of commissioning the plant the additional rain-catch area is required to fill the upper reservoir; some run-off will be required after the commissioning of the plant. The additional water to be supplied initially by the rain-catch area is
CapacityH2O additional = CapacityH2O + CapacityH2Oevaporation - CapacityH2O precipitation = 7.599·106 m3-1.756·105 m3 = 7.42·106 m3 requiring a rain-catch area of (area) rain-catch = 7.42·106/(20·0.0254) = 14.61·106 m2 = 14.61 km2.

h) Payback period of pumped storage plant:
Earnings = $2125·103·0.20·365y = 155.125·106y, expenses = $750·106+ (2125·103·0.03·365y)/(0.95·0.95·0.80·0.85) = $750·106 + $37.92y∙106.
Payback period in y years without interest payments: y = 750·106/(155.125·106- 37.92·106) = 6.4 years
Payback period with interest payments: 155.125y = 750(1.03)y + 37.92y resulting in about y = 8 years.

11.3.15 Flywheel Storage

This type of storage can be constructed anywhere, and it is of the short-term type with a quick response time [149]. Application Example 11.4: Design of a 10 MWh Flywheel Short-Term Storage Power Plant [1]

Design a flywheel storage system which can provide for about 6 minutes a power of 100 MW, that is, energy of 10 MWh. The flywheel power plant consists (see Figures E11.4.1a, b) of a flywheel, mechanical gear, synchronous machine, inverter-rectifier set and a step-up transformer. The individual components of this plant must be designed as follows:

Figure E11.4.1 Flywheel power plant (start-up time of a few 60 Hz cycles) (a) Block diagram, (b) Flywheel [1].

a) For the flywheel (made from steel) as shown in Figure E11.4.1a (h = 0.9 m, R1o = 1.5 m, R1i = 1.3 m, R2o = 0.50 m, R2i = 0.10 m, b = 0.2 m), compute the ratio of inertia (J) to the weight (W) of the flywheel, that is (J/W).
The axial moment of inertia of a flywheel with 4 spokes is



b) For the given values h = 0.9 m, R1o = 1.5 m, R1i = 1.3 m, R2o = 0.50 m, R2i = 0.10 m, and b = 0.2 m calculate for the wheel-type configuration the stored energy Estored rated provided the flywheel rotates at nflywheel rated = 21,210 rpm.

Solution to Application Example 11.4

a) Axial moment of inertia of flywheel:





weight of flywheel: Wwheel=γVg=γπhR1o2R1i2+4hbR1iR2o+πhR2o2R2i2g,si45_e



ratio inertia/weight: JwheelWwheel=29.117218.75=0.133kgm2N.si47_e

b) Stored energy at rated speed: The rated angular velocity is ωflywheel_rated=2πnflywheel_rated60=2221.04rad/s,si48_e



Note the flywheel must not be completely discharged. The angular velocity at 9.95 MWh is



11.3.16 Battery Storage

Battery storage plants can be constructed anywhere, they have a quick response and are usually of the short-term type. However, if fluid-flow batteries are chosen then these plants can continually supply energy and act therefore as long-term batteries [150]. Application Example 11.5: Design a 10 MWh Battery Short-Term Storage Plant

Relying solely on wind/solar energy is problematic because it may not be available when needed, for example, a wind farm could lose as much as 60 MW within a minute. There are several scenarios of how the power change of 60 MW per minute can be mitigated through complementary, albeit more expensive power sources: one is the combination of a (long-term) compressed-air power plant with a (short-term) battery plant for bridging the time from when the WP plant output decreases (60 MW per minute) to when either a long-term compressed-air storage (CAES) plant [20,21] or a pump-storage hydro plant [18,19,146] can take over. A CAES plant requires a start-up time of about 6 minutes. To bridge this 6-minute gap for a 100 MW compressed-air power plant, a battery plant is proposed to provide up to 100 MW during a 6-minute interval amounting to a required energy storage of 10 MWh. Inverters fed from a battery can deliver power within a few 60 Hz cycles to the power system, replacing the lost power of 60 MW per minute almost instantaneously. This combination of CAES plant and battery storage plant as bridging energy sources can be employed for peak-power operation as well as for improving power quality by preventing brown/blackouts. Figure E11.5.1a depicts the block diagram of such a battery storage plant consisting of wind turbine mechanical gear, synchronous generator, 3-phase transformer, 3-phase rectifier, battery bank, three-phase inverter, 3-phase transformer, and power system.

Figure E11.5.1 (a) Block diagram for charging and discharging battery bank (requires start-up time of a few 60 Hz cycles) (b) Circuit diagram depicting transformers, rectifier, battery with Vbat = VDC, and inverter supplying Ps = 1.0 MW to the power system, that is, 100 such plants must be connected in parallel to supply 100 MW (c) Controlled three-phase rectifier with self-commutated switch (d) Inverter output current for the given (by power system) inverter output line-to-line voltage: inverter output current ii(t) leads the inverter line-to-line voltage vLLstsi4_e by 60 degrees, (e) Rectifier input and output voltages and currents [1].

Recommended voltages are: output line-to-line voltage of generator VLLgsi51_e= 677 V, input DC voltage of inverter Vbat = VDC = 600 V, output line-to-line voltage of inverter VLLisi52_e = 240 V, power system voltage VLLssi53_e= 480 V, the 2 transformers are of the Δ-Y type connected to the generator and of the Y-Δ type connected to the power system.

a) Draw a detailed circuit diagram depicting transformers, rectifier, capacitor, and inverter in more detail as compared to Figure E11.5.1b and specify the powers, voltages and currents, provided 10 rectifier/battery bank/inverter combinations are connected in parallel: this will improve the overall efficiency of the plant, because some of the components can be disconnected, if WP generation is low. The efficiency for each and every component is about η = 0.96.

b) Determine the specifications of the Y-Δ three-phase transformer between inverter and power system.
Design of PWM (pulse-width-modulated) three-phase current controlled voltage–source inverter feeding power into the utility system via Y- Δ transformer
The inverter circuit of Figures 11.6a, b is to be analyzed with PSpice, where the DC voltage is VDC = 600 V, output voltage of inverter VLLisi54_e= 240 V, power system voltage VLLssi55_e= 480 V, and the switching frequency of the IGBTs is fswitch = 7.2 kHz. The DC input capacitance is Cfilter = 1000 μF (not shown in Figure 11.6a), the components connected at the output of the inverter bridge are Lw = 1 mH, Rw = 10 mΩ (wave-shaping inductor), Lf = 45 μH, CF = 10.3 μF, RF = 10 mΩ (output filter); transformer and power system inductance and resistance per phase are LN = 265 μH, and RN = 50 mΩ, respectively, the power system (phase) voltages referred to the secondary (Y) side of the Y-Δ transformer are vaN(t) = 196Vsinωt, vbN(t) = 196Vsin(ωt-120°), and vcN(t) = 196Vsin(ωt-240°).

c) Calculate with PSpice (you may ignore the output filter because of the 64-node limit of the PSpice student version program) and plot output phase voltage and phase current of the PWM inverter provided the output voltages are sinusoidal/co-sinusoidal as given above by the power system voltages.

d) Subject the output current of the inverter to a Fourier analysis.
Design of a controlled three-phase rectifier
Figure E11.5.1c shows the three-phase rectifier of Figure 11.1 with six diodes and one self-commutated switch, an insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT).
For the load resistance Rload = 3.19 Ω, the nominal input phase voltages of the rectifier can be assumed to be va = 738Vsinωt, vb = 738Vsin(ωt-120°), and vc = 738Vsin(ωt-240°) resulting at a duty cycle of δ = 50% in a DC output voltage of 600 V. The IGBT is gated with a switching frequency of 3 kHz at δ = 50%. Cfic = 200 μF, Lfa = 90 μH, Cf2c = 50 μF, ideal diodes D1 to D6 and Dfw, vswitch = 100 V magnitude, Rsnf = Rsn = 10 Ω, Csnf = Csn = 0.1 μF, Cs = 1000 μF, Ls = 1 mH, and Vload = 600 V.

e) Perform a PSpice analysis and plot output voltage of the rectifier vload (t) ≈ VDC, rectifier output current Ir, rectifier input phase current ir(t), and the rectifier input phase voltage vphr(t).

f) Subject the rectifier input current ir(t) to a Fourier analysis.

g) Determine the specifications of the three-phase transformer between generator and rectifier.

h) Determine the overall costs of this power plant if a specific cost of $4000/kW installed output capacity is assumed. Note that a coal-fired plant has a specific cost of $2000/kW installed output capacity.

Solution to Application Example 11.5

a) The circuit diagram depicting transformers, rectifier, capacitor, and inverter in more detail as compared to Figure E11.5.1a is shown in Figure E11.5.1b with a rated output power of Ps = 1.0 MW. For the generation of 100 MW 100 such plants must be connected in parallel. Assuming a unity power factor the output powers of the various components are as follows. Inverter-side transformer output power: Ps = 1.0 MW, PWM inverter output power: Pti=1.04MWsi56_e, battery bank output power: Pi = 1.08 MW, rectifier output power Pc = 1.13 MW, generator-side transformer output power: Pr=1.17MWsi57_e, generator output power: Ptg=1.22MWsi58_e, gear output power: Pg = 1.3 MW, wind turbine output power: Pgear = 1.35 MW as listed in Figure E11.5.1b.

b) The input voltage of inverter of VDC = 600 V results with a modulation index of m = 0.655 in the output phase voltage of the inverter Vphi=mVDC22=0.65560022=139Vsi59_e, or VLLi=3Vphi=240Vsi60_e. The transformation ratio of the inverter-side Y-Δ transformer is NsΔNsY=VLLsVphi=480139=3.45si61_e resulting in a current fed into the utility system of Is=Ps3VLLs=1MW3480=1,202.8Asi62_e The output current of one inverter is Ii=Pts3Vphi10=1.04MW313910=249Asi63_e.

c) The PSpice input list of Table 11.3 yields for the given output inverter voltage the current wave shape of Figure E11.5.1d. Note that the amplitude of the inverter current is √2 ∙ 249 A = 352 A and the amplitude of the output line-to-line voltage of the inverter is √3 ∙ 139 V = 240 V. The inverter output current ii(t) leads the inverter line-to-line voltage vLLstsi64_e by 60 degrees based on generator operation.

d) Fourier analysis of inverter output current: all current harmonics are negligibly small due to the small modulation index and relatively large wave-shaping inductance Lw.

e) Figure E11.5.1e depicts the input and output voltages and currents of the rectifier.

f) Dominant harmonic amplitudes including the fundamental are:
1st: 105.4 A; 5th: 17.7 A; 7th: 11.2 A; 36th: 12.8 A; 37th: 23.0 A; 43rd: 17.3 A; 45th: 18.2 A; 49th: 84.2 A; 51st: 75.7 A; 55th: 10 A. Note, to get rms values these values must be divided by √2. That is, the fundamental rms value is 74.54 A.

g) The rectifier output current is Ir=PcVDC10=1.13MW60010=188Asi65_e and results with VDC = 600 V in a load resistor of Rload = 3.19 Ω. The PSpice simulation requires for a duty cycle of 50% with a load resistor Rload = 3.19 Ω an input AC voltage of Vphr=522Vsi66_e or an amplitude of 738 V. With the given generator voltage of VLLgsi67_e= 677 V one obtains the generator-side transformer ratio of NgΔNgY=677522=1.3si68_e. If the rectifier and the generator were matched with respect to their voltages one does not need a generator-side transformer. The input current to the rectifier is approximately [note there are harmonics as indicated in part f] It=Pr3Vphr10=1.17MW352210=74.7Asi69_e, this compares well with the rms value of the fundamental of part f), that is, 105.4/1.414 = 74.54 A. The input current to the generator-side transformer is Ig=Pt3VLLg=1.22MW3677=1040.5Asi70_e. That is, the generator output power is at unity power factor Ptg=3VLLgIg=36771040.5=1.22MWsi71_e, which confirms the value as calculated in part a).

h) The cost of the 100 MW battery plant is $400·106.

11.3.17 Compressed-Air Storage

This type of long-term storage has been available and operating for quite some time in Germany [21] and in the USA, Alabama [20]. Application Example 11.6: Design of a 100 MW Compressed-Air Storage Facility

Design a compressed-air energy storage (CAES) plant for Pout_generator = Prated = 100 MW, VL-L = 13,800 V, and cosφ = 1 which can deliver rated power for two hours. The overall block diagram of such a plant [20,21] is shown in Figure E11.6.1. It consists of a compressor, cooler, booster compressor, booster cooler, booster-compressor three-phase, 2-pole induction motor with a 1:2 mechanical gear to increase the compressor speed, underground air-storage reservoir, combustor fired either by natural gas or oil or coal, a modified (without compressor) gas turbine, and a three-phase, 2-pole synchronous generator/ motor.

Figure E11.6.1 Compressed-air storage (CAES) power plant requiring a start-up time of a few (e.g., 6) minutes [1].

Design data:

Air inlet temperature of compressor: 50 ° F ≡ 283.16 K at ambient pressure 1 atm ≡ 14.696 psi ≡ 101.325 kPa(scal).

Output pressure of compressor: 11 atm ≡ 161 psi ≡ 1114.5 kPa.

Output temperature of booster cooler: 120 ° F ≡ 322.05 K at 1000 psi ≡ 6895 kPa.

Output temperature of combustor: 1500 ° F ≡ 1089 K at 650 psi ≡ 4482 kPa.

Output temperature of gas turbine: 700 ° F ≡ 644 K at ambient pressure 1 atm ≡ 14.696 psi ≡ 101.325 kPa.

Generation operation: 2 h at 100 MW.

Re-charging (loading) operation of underground air storage reservoir: 8 h at 20 MW.

Capacity of air storage reservoir: 3.5 · 106 ft3 ≡ 97.6 · 103 m3 ≡ (46 m x 46 m x 46 m).

Start-up time: 6 minutes.

Turbine and motor/generator speed: ns mot/gen = 3600 rpm

Compressor speed: ns comp = 7000 rpm.

Cost per 1 kW installed power capacity: $2000.

a) Calculate the Carnot efficiency of the gas turbine ηcarnot gas turbine = ηcompressorηturbine=T1T2T1si72_e.

b) Note that the compressor of a gas turbine has an efficiency of ηcompressor = 0.50. In this case the compressor is not needed because pressurized air is available from the underground reservoir. The absence of a compressor increases the overall efficiency of the CAES, if “free” WP is used for charging the reservoir. Provided the synchronous machine (motor/generator set) has an efficiency of ηgenerator = 0.9 calculate

b1) the efficiency of the turbine without the compressor ηcompressor,

b2) Pout turbine,

b3) Pout combustor,

b4) For a heat rate of the combustor of 5500 BTU/kWh, determine the input power of the combustor required (during 1 hour) Pin combustor.

b5) The two air compressors (charging the reservoir during 8 hours) including the two coolers require an input power of 20 MW (whereby wind energy is not free) calculate the overall efficiency of the CAES (during 1 hour of operation)



b6) Compute the overall efficiency if wind energy is free, that is, ηoverallwindenergyisfree=Pout_generatorPincombustor.si74_e

c) What is the overall construction cost of this CAES plant, if the construction price is $2000 per installed power capacity of 1 kW?

d) The CAES plant delivers the energy E = 200 MWh per day (during 2 hours) for which customers pay $0.25/kWh due to peak-power generation. What is the payback period of this CAES plant, if the cost for pumping (loading, recharging) is neglected (free wind power), the cost of 1 cubic foot of natural gas is $0.005, and the interest rate is 3%?

e) Repeat the analysis for a heat rate of 4000 BTU/kWh at a gas turbine output temperature of 600 K.
Hint: For the calculation of the Carnot efficiency of the gas turbine and of the compressors you may use the software available on the Internet address:

Solution to Application Example 11.6

a) The Carnot efficiency of the gas turbine is



b1) The efficiency of the gas turbine without the compressor ηcompressor is ηturbine=ηcarnotgasturbineηcompressor=0.410.5=0.82.si76_e

b2) Poutturbine=Pgeneratorηgenerator=100MW0.9=111MWsi77_e

b3) Poutturbine=Poutturbineηturbine=111MW0.82=135.37MWsi78_e

b4) For a heat rate of the combustor of 5500 BTU/kWh, determine the input power of the combustor required (during 1 hour) Pin combustor. Figure E11.6.2 shows the output powers and the associated efficiencies of generator, gas turbine without compressor, and combustor.
The heat rate = 5500 BTU/kWh indicates the thermal input energy to the combustor required to generate 1 kWh of electrical energy, that is, 5500 BTU = 1.612 kWh of thermal energy is required to generate 1 kWh of electrical output energy.
The input energy delivered within 1 hour to the combustor is identical to the input power of the combustor Pincombustor=Pout_generator1.612kWh1kWh=100MW1.612kWh1kWh=161.2MW.si79_e
The efficiency of the combustor is ηcombustor=135.37161.2.=0.84.si80_e

Figure E11.6.2 Output powers and the associated efficiencies of generator, gas turbine without compressor, and combustor.

b5) Two air compressors (charging the reservoir during 8 hours) including the two coolers require an input power of 20 MW (whereby wind energy is not free) calculate the overall efficiency of the CAES (during 1 hour of operation).
The energy required during an 8 hour period for the 2 compressors and 2 coolers is
E2 compressors + 2 coolers = 20 MW ∙ 8 h = 160 MWh. If we want to deliver 100 MW during 1 h then the power required is P2 compressors + 2 coolers = 80 MW. The overall efficiency is



b6) If wind energy is free, then ηoverallwindenergyisfree=Pout_generatorPincombustor=100MW161.2MW=0.62.si82_e

c) The construction cost of this CAES plant is $200 M.

d) Earnings per day by discharging the CAES
Earning = 200 000 kWh∙$0.25 = $50 k/day.
Natural gas cost: 5500 BTU = 1.6117·103 Wh or 1 Wh = 3.413 BTU resulting in 1 MWh = 3.413·106 BTU.
The fuel energy delivered to the combustor is Enatural gas = 161.2 MWh∙2·3.413·106 BTU/MWh = 1100·106 BTU. 1(ft)3 of natural gas contains 1021 BTU, and the volume of natural gas required is Volnaturalgas=11001061021ft3=1.08106ft3si83_e within a 2 h period or per day. The fuel costs are then Costfuel = 1.08·106∙$0.005 = $5400 for 2 h or per day.
Payback period:

$(1.03)y100000kW∙$2000/kW + $5400·365∙y = $50000·365∙y or (1.03)y200 = 16.28∙y resulting in approximately y = 30 years.

e) Repetition of the analysis for a heat rate of 4000 BTU/kWh at a gas turbine output temperature of 600 K.
The Carnot efficiency of the gas turbine is determined from Figure E11.6.3.
The Carnot efficiency of the gas turbine is
ηcarnotgasturbine=ηcompressorηturbine=T1T2T1=1089K600K1089K=0.449si84_e, where the turbine power is 488974.29 J/3600 s = 135.83 MW.
The efficiency of the gas turbine without the compressor ηcompressor is

Figure E11.6.3 Determination of Carnot efficiency.







For a heat rate of the combustor of 4000 BTU/kWh at a gas turbine output temperature of 600 K, determine the input power of the combustor required (during 1 hour) Pin combustor.
The heat rate = 4000 BTU/kWh indicates the thermal input energy to the combustor required to generate 1 kWh of electrical energy, that is, 4000 BTU = 1.1723 kWh of thermal energy is required to generate 1 kWh of electrical energy.
The input energy delivered within one hour to the combustor is identical to the input power of the combustor Pin combustor=Pout_generator1.1723kWh1kWh=100MW1.1723kWh1kWh=117.23MW.si88_e
The efficiency of the combustor is ηcombustor=123.73117.23si89_e> 1.0 which is not possible. This design is not feasible. Solutions to Power Quality Problems of Energy Storage Plants

Short-term and long-term storage plants must be used in order to store renewable energy when the demand of energy is low, and vice versa to supply energy to the grid when the demand is high. It should not be permissible to curtail the production of renewable energy sources as practiced in Germany and other countries at the present time. For the design of storage plants it is important that the interaction of them with renewable plants is seamless within a few milliseconds. This requires that the gains and time constants of the renewable and storage plants are compatible so that instabilities and oscillations can be avoided although the generation and required loads are matched. To date most countries are reluctant to embark in new designs of storage plants and engineers can make a great contribution to the design of efficient, low-cost, and reliable storage facilities.

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