Appendix 4

Measurement Error of Powers

A4.1 Measurement error of powers

Assume the input power of a load with power factor (lagging) between 0.6 and 1.0 is measured with a current transformer (CT), an ammeter, a potential transformer (PT), and a voltmeter, as shown in Fig. A4.1. The ammeter and the voltmeter have an error of ɛA and ɛV, respectively. The CT has a ratio correction factor RCFCT and a phase angle shift γ measured in minutes. The PT has a ratio correction factor RCFPT and a phase angle shift β measured in minutes [97–100, Chapter 8].

Figure A4.1 Power measurement based on a CT, an ammeter, a PT, and a voltmeter.

The input power is expressed as



The measurement error of the input power is given by



For power factors ranging from 0.6 to 1.0 (lagging, based on consumer notation), the worst case in power measurement error is when cosφ = 0.6, therefore,








According to American National Standard [97, Chapter 8], transformer correction factors TCFCT and TCFPT (ɛCT and ɛPT) can directly be obtained based on the accuracy class from the device nameplates. Normally, the maximum absolute errors for ammeters and voltmeters are based on the full-scale errors. For instrument transformers, the maximum absolute errors (ɛCT and ɛPT) are proportional to the actually measured values of currents and voltages, as derived above.

Note that the maximum errors of an instrument transformer derived above are systematic errors that can be reduced by ratio and angle corrections. If the measured results are not corrected, the overall uncertainty of measurement is derived from the systematic (s) uncertainty and random (r) uncertainty:



The random uncertainty is normally much smaller than the systematic uncertainty and can be ignored; therefore,



A4.2 Nameplate data of measured transformers

3 kVA single-phase transformers
PowerformerDry-type transformer
CAT. NO.: 211-1013 kVA, single-phase, 60 Hz
High voltage: 240/480 VLow voltage: 120/240 V
4.5 kVA three-phase transformer bank

Three single-phase transformers with the nameplate data listed above for the 3 kVA single-phase transformers having the type numbers J7065, J7610, and J7065 are used in the three-phase transformer bank and are connected in Δ–Y0 with rated phase voltages of 240/240 V. Only the two high-voltage windings of each single-phase transformer are employed as primary and secondary, and the rated apparent power of the three-phase transformer bank is therefore 4.5 kVA.

25 kVA single-phase transformer [101, Chapter 8]
ABBMFG Date: July 93
Serial #: 93A31210625 kVA, 60 Hz
High voltage: 7200 VLow voltage: 120/240 V
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