

1st AD. see first assistant director (1st AD)

3/4 shot, 38

3D (three-dimensional) filmmaking, 67

5 Second Films, 190

8 Mile (2002), 111

12 Monkeys (1995), 42

18% gray card/black and white (b&w)/grayscale, 185, 291

35mm full frame, 139, 291

180° rule, 291, 304

The 400 Blows (Les Quatre Cents Coups) (1959), 48

2001: A Space Odyssey, 92


AC. see camera assistant/assistant camera (AC)

accessories, camera, 1314

act break, 2224, 291

The Act of Killing (2012), 259

action cameras, 1112, 304

action-safe zones, 233234, 291

actor release, 129130, 291


audition process, 159

casting, 27, 156158

defined, 291

job/personality type of, 27

life of, 158

resources for, 159

setting up shot, 35

actualities, 250, 253, 291

AD (assistant director). see assistant director (AD)

additive colors, 268, 291

Adobe Photoshop, 236

Adobe Premiere Pro, 59

ADR (automatic dialogue replacement), 292

advertising, business, 213

AE (assistant editor), 31, 291

AGC (automatic gain control), 143

Alice In Wonderland (2012), 173

Alien (1979), 51

alive, 149150, 291

All About Eve (1950), 175

ally/allies, 1920, 291

Almost Famous (2000), 89

ambiance, 102, 291

ambient sound, 102, 291

AMC Theatres, 203

American History X (1998), 192

analog videotape, 176

angles, 4142, 227

Animal House (1978), 259

animatics, 133

Annie Hall (1977), 54


defined, 291

in first act, 22

as narrative character, 19

showdown in third act with protagonist, 2425

anti-hero, 19, 291

aperture, 141, 184, 291

Apple iMovie for iOS, 59

apps and applications, resources, 287288

APS-C sized, sensor, 139, 291

The Arab Spring (2011), 255

archiving your project, 275276

Aristotle, 65

Armageddon (1998), 25

Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station (1896), 6768

art director

defined, 291

job/personality type of, 30

role of, 172174

The Artist (2011), 70

A-side of cut, 193

A-side/end/tail/out-point, 193, 300

aspect ratio, 190

assembly/rough cut, 5556, 192193, 291

creating radio edit, 195

defined, 56, 291

in montage, 35, 38

postproduction, 291

assistant director (AD)

documentaries, 264

role of 1st AD, 28, 35, 296

syncing multiple clips, 227

assistant editor (AE), 31, 291

atmospheric sounds, 99, 291

attribution, 96, 291


layering in postproduction, 9798

mixing and sweetening after picture lock, 5657

audio, production

cables, 169172

layering in postproduction, 98

managing environment, 160162

microphone types. see microphones

overview of, 160

audio levels meter, 101103, 291

audio stems, 274, 291

audio tracks, 9798, 291

audition, 157159, 292

Austin Powers, 25, 76, 182

auteur theory, 156, 292

authenticity and professionalism

being your own boss, 210212

business proposal for promotional project, 217219

digital revolution, 204206

example nonprofit promotional video project, 238241

interviews. see interviews

lighting an interview, 228233

networking, 215216

onscreen text in postproduction, 233237

overview of, 201202

stages of media creation, 202203

starting own company, 212214

synchronizing footage, 227

terms and jargon, 242

where jobs are, 206209

autofocus, 137

auto-lock, 137

automatic dialogue replacement (ADR), 292

automatic gain control (AGC), 143

avant-garde, 254, 292

Avatar, 176

The Avengers (2012), 15, 123, 133

Avid Media Composer, 58

the axis/stageline/180° rule, 5152, 304


back focus, 140, 292

back light, 228, 230231, 292

background actors (extras), 161, 292

backstory, 27

Bad Taste (1987), 207

balanced audio connection, 169, 292

batteries, 13

Battleship Potemkin (1925), 70

Be Kind Rewind (2008), 189

beginning documentary project, 260261

best boy, 29, 178, 292


docudrama and, 258

news and, 244

television news and, 249

BIN, 292

bin Laden, Osama, 255

The Birds (1963), 89

The Birth of a Nation (1915), 69

black and white (b&w)/grayscale/18% gray card, 185, 291

black and white images, 268

Blade Runner (1982), 19

Blade tool, 292

blade tool, 195

The Blair Witch Project (1999), 212, 258

blockbuster action movies, colors in, 267

blocking, 53, 292

blown out, 185, 292

Blue Velvet (1986), 40, 116117

body mic, 166, 292

books, resources for, 285286

boom operator, 31, 167168, 292

booming (camera move). see pedestal shot

bounce board, 186, 292

Bowling for Columbine (2002), 244

Boys Don’t Cry (1999), 257258

brand, building own, 212213

Brazil (1982), 173

Breaking Bad (2008), 1619

breath mints, first impressions, 224

breathiness, narration and, 151

Bring it On (2000), 182

broadcast rights, 9394, 292

broadcast/studio camera, 6, 135, 304

B-roll, 251, 292

b-side/head/in point, 193, 297

bug, 236, 292

bureaucrat, 21, 292

business proposal, 217219


The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920), 6970

cable television news, 249

cables, 169172, 178

Cagney, James, 157158

call sheet, 125127, 292

call to action, 104, 292

callbacks, 159, 223, 292


choosing, 9

DSLR, 1011

mobile camera, 1112

zoom lens on, 135

camera action, shots defined by, 47

camera assistant/assistant camera (AC)

after auditions, 159

defined, 292

interviewing prospective clients, 223224

job/personality type of, 29

setting up shot, 35

camera obscura, 65, 293

camera operator, 293

camera rehearsal

defined, 293

for documentaries, 264

job/personality type of, 2829

protocol for setting up shot, 35

camera rehearsals, 35

camera stabilization, 13, 293


accessories and expendables for, 1314

camcorder, 9

cinematographer choices, 177

DSLR, 1011

electronic news gathering (ENG), 7

film and video, 79

handheld, 254

mobile, 5, 1112

multiple, 225

shot setup, 3436

shots defined by motion of, 4244

sound gear, 12

studio (or broadcast), 6


depth of field, 144145

exposure, 141143

focus, 138140

image sensor, 138

lens, 135137

overview of, 134

white balance, 145146

Cannes Film Festival, 72

Cannibal Holocaust (1980), 258

cans. see headphones

capitalization, in sluglines, 80

capturing/digitizing, 55, 293

cardioid lavalier mics, 166

career in media

being own boss, 210212

business proposal for promotional project, 217219

doing project, 208209

good first impression, 224

internships/externships, 209

interviewing prospective clients, 223224

listening during job interviews, 209

looking at options/crunching numbers, 209

networking, 215216

résumé/portfolio development, 276279

starting own company, 212214

taking media classes, 207209

where to find jobs, 206207

career skills section, résumé, 278

Casino (1995), 89

cassette tape, 13, 293

cast, 293

casting, 156159, 293

casting breakdown, 157, 293

casting director, 156157, 293

CBS News, 249

CES (Consumer Electronics Show), 215

CGs (character generators), 235

character arc, 76

character generators (CGs), 235


light as metaphor for state of, 187

treatment for main, 7576

types of narrative, 1821

unlikeable main, 77

charge-coupled device (CCD), 137, 293

cheap, project triangle, 118

checkerboarding, 98, 101, 293

chief lighting technician (CLT), 178

China ball, 181, 293

chrominance, 268271, 293

Chronicle (2012), 258

Chyrons, 235, 293

cinema cameras, 79

cinema vérité, 250, 255, 293

Cinemark, 203

Cinemascope widescreen 2:35:1 aspect ratio, 72

Cinematograph, 1895, 67

cinematographer/director of photography (DP/DoP)

defined, 293

and lighting, 177

role and personality type of, 28

cinematography, 177, 293

Citizen Kane (1941), 54, 132

City Lights (1931), 7980

The Civil War (1990), 251

classes, taking media, 207209

clear (obtaining license), 20, 293


developing base, 216

interviewing prospective, 223225

climax/climatic scene, 25, 156, 293

clips, 5556, 293

close-up (CU)

lighting control on, 182

overview of, 39

on shot lists, 119120

two-shot as, 40

CLT (chief lighting technician), 178

Clueless (1995), 189

CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor), 137, 294

CNN (Cable News Network), 249

codec. see compression type/codec

cold images

defined, 293

grading for style and tone, 266267

primary correction for, 270

white balance and, 145146

color, lighting, 188

color correction, 8, 265271, 293

color film, 70

color grading/grading/color timing, 266, 293

color wheel, 267268, 293

comedy, lighting for, 182183

comic books, 133

Comic-Con, 215216

communication, 8283, 163

complementary colors, 267, 293

complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS), 137, 294

components, treatment, 7883


collaborating with composer using, 9192

defined, 294

job and personality type, 32

sharing export of project to, 92

compression type/codec

defined, 294

postproduction, 5657

sharing project, 57

of time in montage, 189

condenser microphone, 164165, 294

conflict. see obstacle


mini (or mini phone), 170

TRRS, 171172

XLR, 169

consent form, 294

Consumer Electronics Show (CES), 215

consumer-level equipment, 4

consumer-level products, 9

contact information, résumé, 276277

Contempt (1963), 90

content creation

composing shots with meaning. see shots

empathy and, 1718

goal of, 1617

jobs and crew positions. see jobs and crew positions

obstacles in, 17

poetry of, 14

postproduction, 5559

production workflow, 3336

protagonist/main character/hero, 1516

terms and jargon, 6162

three-act structure, 2225

tools for, 5354

universal elements of, 1415

video production as, 2

continuity, 50, 294

contrast, 269270, 294

copyright/copyright law

defined, 294

fair use, 9296

licensing agreements, 9394

plagiarism vs., 86

preproduction process for documentaries, 262

protecting your, 83, 8586

public domain of expired, 9596

for sound effects, 100

corporate training videos, 211


starting own company, 213

where money comes from, 214

costume designer, 30, 174175, 294

couriers of news (2400 BCE to 1700s), 248

coverage shots, 49, 294

Creative Commons licenses

defined, 294

overview of, 96

photo credits in this book, 307308


defined, 294

freeze frame effect during, 48

title roll associated with end, 234, 305

typeface for, 235

crew positions. see jobs and crew positions

Cronkite, Walter, 249

Crumb (1994), 255

CU. see close-up (CU)

cue/cue sheet, 9091, 294

cut point, 51, 294

CUT TO transition, 81

cutaway, 46, 251, 294


dailies, 31

“Daisy” campaign ad, Lyndon Johnson, 247

The Dark Knight, 133

data degradation/data rot, 275, 294

data migration, 276, 294

Dawn of the Dead (1978), 175

daylight, 145146, 188, 294

dead, 149150, 294

Dead Presidents (1995), 111

decibels (dB)

audio levels meter, 101

defined, 294

measuring gain in, 143144

deliverables, 230232, 294

demagogues, 221

demo reel. see showreel

denouement, 25, 294

depth of field, 144145, 176, 294

desaturation, 302

design and execution

audition process, 159

casting, 156158

lighting. see lighting for narrative

overview of, 155156

postproduction montage, 188197

production audio, 160172

production design and art department, 172175

sample project: the interrogation, 198199

terms and jargon, 200

that look of film, 176

Despicable Me (2010), 19, 20

The Devil Wears Prada (2011), 157


defined, 294

in documentary interviews, 221

layering in postproduction, 9798

memorizing, 168

writing in screenplay, 8283

dialogue edit, 101, 294

Dickson, W.K.L., 67

Die Hard, 21, 23, 25

digital cinema camera, 8, 294

digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera

choosing, 1011

defined, 295

lenses, 9, 135

digital video (DV), 56, 58, 295

digitizing/capturing, 55, 293

Direct Cinema movement, 254


defined, 295

documentary, 264

gaffer implementing design of, 178

job/personality type of, 27

protocol for setting up shot, 36

responsibilities of, 156

director of photography. see cinematographer/director of photography (DP/DoP)

directory of videography, 264

DISSOLVE TO transition, 82

distribution, 7071, 203206


defined, 295

groundwork for, 253

overview of, 257258


color correction/grading of, 265271

crew positions, 263264

delivery/exhibition of, 272276

description, styles and purposes of, 251252

docudramas, 257258

entertainment and, 246

example project, 280283

fiction storytelling combined with, 252256

interviewing participants, 220221

news and, 246, 248249

nonfiction filmmaking world, 244246

overview of, 243244

preparing for interview, 221222

propaganda and, 247

résumé and portfolio development, 276279

rise of, 250

terms and jargon, 284

theme development, 259263

transformations in, 258259

dolly counter zoom, 46, 295

dolly shot, 43, 295

Don Quixote novel (1605), 258

Downey Jr., Robert, 158

dramatic irony, 54

Drew Associate documentaries, 254

drop shadows, for onscreen text, 236

DSLR. see digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera

dual-system sound, 10, 295

Dumb and Dumber (1994), 25, 77

duplex cable, 170, 295

duration, showreel, 278

DV (digital video), 56, 58, 295

dynamic microphone, 164, 295

dynamic range, 137, 295. see also f-stop/f-number


ECU (extreme close-up), 40, 295

edge enhancement, 176

Edison, Thomas, 67

edit, shooting to, 5053

edit point, 193, 295


assistant, 31

defined, 295

for documentaries, 264

job/personality type of, 31

sound, 32

Eisenstein, Sergei, 70

El Mariachi (1990), 76

El Mariachi (1992), 1718, 53, 118, 123

electricity, handled by gaffers, 29

electronic news gathering (ENG) camera

choosing, 7

defined, 295

zoom lens on, 135

emotions, of successful stories, 2324

empathy, 1718, 77

The Empire Strikes Back (1980), 23

encoding, 57, 295

end of cut, 193

end/tail/out-point/A-side, 193, 300

ENG. see electronic news gathering (ENG) camera

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005), 255

entertainment, 246, 248249

EP (executive producer), 26, 295

establishing/extreme wide shot, 46, 295

European films, 6970, 72

event videography, 210211

The Evil Dead (1981), 207

executive producer (EP), 26, 295


digital revolution and, 204206

of documentary project, 272276

rise of studio system for, 7071

in world of content creation, 203

expendables, camera, 1314

experience section, résumé, 277


cinematographer choices for, 177

defined, 295

overview of, 141143

sunlight, 185

expressionism, 66, 69, 258, 295

external goals, 17

externships, 209

extract or ripple delete, 195, 295

extras. see background actors (extras)

extreme close-up (ECU), 40, 295

extreme wide/establishing shot, 46, 295

eye contact, first impressions, 224

eye-level shot, 41, 295

eyeline, 53, 295


facts, and documentaries, 245

fade transitions, 81, 102

Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), 252

fair use/fair dealing, 9495, 100, 295

fall-off, 228, 230, 295

fast, project triangle, 118

fast cuts, 189190

fast fall-off, 228

fast lens, 141, 176, 295

fast motion/undercranking, 48, 296

feedback, 56, 115116

festival rights, 9394, 296

fiction storytelling, 253, 257258

fill light

with back light, 232

defined, 296

key light vs., 182

overview of, 228230


digital revolution vs. motion picture, 205

video production vs. recording on, 176

film budget

defined, 296

documentary preproduction process, 262

for headphones, 148

for microphones, 147148

preparing, 123124

film camera, 7, 254, 296

film noir, 182183

filters, 177, 271, 296

final cut, 56, 296

Final Cut Pro X

hue control in, 267

magnetic timeline of, 195

media organization in, 56

overview of, 58

Finding Nemo (2003), 16, 21, 116117

first act break, 2223

first act, of three-act structure, 2223

first assistant director (1st AD), 28, 35, 296

fishpole, 168169, 296

flashback, 54, 296

flat lighting, 230, 296

flesh-tone line, 269270, 296

floor layout plan, three-point lighting, 228

The Fly (1986), 20

foamcore. see bounce board

focal length

defined, 296

depth of field and, 145

determining, 137

lenses identified by, 136

in multicamera shoots, 227

of prime lens, 137

focal plane, 136, 296


adjusting back, 140

camera, 137, 140

defined, 296

depth of field and, 144145

DSLR cameras and, 1011

focus ring, 140, 296

Following (1998), 207


onscreen title, 236

writing in screenplay mode, 80

food, in film budget, 123124

footcandles, 184, 296

found footage, 258, 296

Fox News Channel, 249

frame rate

creating filmic look, 176

multicamera shoots and, 227


frames per second (fps), 176, 296

freeze frame, 48, 296

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, 15

Friday (1995), 116117

From Hell, 133


aperture sizes and, 141

defined, 296

depth of field and, 145

ISO speed and, 143

full shot, 38

Funny Games (1997), 259


gaffer, 29, 178, 296

gain, 143, 296

Garden State (2004), 89

Gaslight (1944), 172

gauge, 296

gear, 123124, 286287

gel, 177, 296

genre, 250, 296

Ghost World, 133

Ghostbusters II (1989), 21

Gibbons, Cedric, 172

gimbal-based stabilizer, 13, 296

Gimme Shelter (1970), 251

goal, protagonist, 1417, 22, 296

Godard, Jean-Luc, 90

The Godfather (1972), 48, 76, 82, 187

The Godfather: Part II (1974), 54, 187

Godfather series, 19

Goldfinger (1964), 20

Gone with the Wind (1939), 20, 40, 70

good, in project triangle, 118

Good Will Hunting (1997), 100

Goodfellas (1990), 89

Gracie Films, 203

grading color, 265271

The Graduate (1967), 89

grammar, and onscreen text, 236

graphic novels, 133

graphics, 233, 236237

grayscale images, 268

The Great Train Robbery (1903), 6869

Griffith, D. W., 69

grips/key grips, 29

Grizzly Man (2008), 263

grooming, first impressions, 224


H.264, 5657, 296

hairstylist, 30, 297

handheld, 297

handheld camera, 42, 254

handheld microphone, 164165, 297

handshake, first impressions, 224

hard sound effects, 297

Head, Edith, 175

head of cut, 193194

head/in point/b-side, 193, 297

headphones, 101, 148, 171

heliographic engravings, 65

henchman, 20

hero. see main character (protagonist or hero)

hero’s journey, treatment for, 76

hieroglyphs, 65

high frame rate (HFR) format, 176, 297

high key lighting, 182183, 297

high-angle shot, 41, 297

high-definition (HD), 5, 176, 297

highlights, 269270, 297

history. see motion picture history

The Hobbit, 176

Hoop Dreams (1994), 252

horror movies, color grading, 266267

The Horse in Motion, 1878, 66

hot, 101, 297

hue, 267270, 297

Hugo (2001), 58

Hurlyburly (1984), 156

hyper-cardioid pattern, 165, 297

hyper-realism, 297


I Love Lucy sitcom, 225

idea, developing your, 108112

image noise, 297

image plane/image sensor

defined, 297

depth of field of large, 145

exposure and, 141

in high-quality zoom lenses, 137

measuring ISO/gain of, 143

overview of, 138

sensor size and, 139

shutter speed and, 142143

improvisation, 159, 297

in point/b-side/head, 193, 297

incident meter, 184, 297

An Inconvenient Truth (2006), 259

The Incredibles (2004), 175

Independence Day (1996), 23

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), 21

ingesting, 5556, 297

insert. see cutaway

Inside Job (2010), 255, 259

Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE), 267

insurance, film budget for, 123124


of CBS News, 249

developing project based on, 111

intellectual property, 85, 93, 95, 297

interior monologue, 8283, 297

internal goals, 17

internships, 209

interrogation project example, 198199

interrotron, 222, 297


with documentary participants, 220221

during, 222223

gear for documentary, 263

lighting, 228233

listening during, 209

making good first impression, 224

preparing for, 221222

with prospective client, 223224

questions for potential client, 224225

starting own company, 214

investigative style, 251, 297

The Invisible War (2012), 244, 259

IRE (Institute of Radio Engineers), 267

iris diaphragm/iris, 141, 297

The Iron Lady (2013), 157

Iron Man (2008), 59

Iron Man (2010), 158

irony, 54, 297

ISO, 141, 143, 297


Jackass, 15

Jaws (1975), 19, 23, 25, 54

The Jazz Singer (1927), 70

J-cut, 196, 297

job, shots defined by, 4647

jobs and crew positions

actors/talent, 27

assistant editor (AE), 31

camera assistants, 29

camera operator, 2829

cinemaphotographer/directory of photography (DP), 28

costume designer/prop master, 30

director, 27

for documentaries, 261, 263264

editor, 31

executive producer (EP), 26

first assistant director (1st AD), 28

gaffer, 29

key grip/grips, 29

make-up artist/hair stylist, 30

music supervisor or composer, 32

overview of, 25

producer, 26

production assistant (PA), 33

production designer/art designer, 30

production sound mixer/boom operator, 31

publicist, 3233

script supervisor, 28

sound editor, 32

writer, 26

Johnson, Lyndon, 247

the Jonesy, 34

Julie & Julia (2011), 157

jump cut, 50, 297

juxtaposition of images, Kuleshov effect, 190191


Kaye, Tony, 192

Kelvin scale, 145, 188

Ken Burns effect, 236237, 297

key grip/grip, 29, 298

key light/key, 182, 228231, 298

keyframes, 102103

Kickstarter campaign, 214

Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988), 118

Kinetograph camera, 1893, 67

Kino-Pravda concept, 250

Kony 2012, 261

Koyaanisqatsi (1982), 255

Kuleshov effect, 190191, 298


Lang, Fritz, 6970

lavalier microphone, 166, 298

layering audio, 9798

LCD viewfinder screen, camcorder, 9

L-cut, 196, 298

leitmotif, 54, 298


camcorder, 9

cinematographer choosing, 177

defined, 298

DSLR camera, 9

focal length identifying, 136

overview of, 135

shots defined by height of, 4142

Les Quatre Cents Coups (The 400 Blows) (1959), 48

licensing agreement, 9395, 298

lift, 194, 298

light meter, 184185, 298

lighting an interview, 228233

lighting for narrative

balance of light and dark, 187

control of image, 177183

doing a lot with little, 185186

masters of darkness, 178179

measuring light, 184185

overview of, 177

safety considerations, 178

standard protocol for, 3435

using Kelvin scale, 188

Lightspeed, 114

Lightstorm Entertainment, 203

Lightworks, 58

linear editing, 57

lip smacking, recording narration, 151

Little Women (1939), 172

location, recording narration in quiet, 149

location permit/location release, 128129, 263, 298

logo, building own, 212

long lens/telephoto lens

changing subject size, 45

defined, 298

focal length of, 136

on zoom lens, 137

long shot (LS), 40, 298

Lord of the Rings (2001), 1516, 19

The Los Angeles riots of 1992, 255

Los Olvidados (1950), 116117

love interest, 20, 298

low key lighting, 182183, 298

low-angle, 42, 298

lower-third, 234235, 298

low-light shooting, 180181

LS (long shot), 40, 298

Lumiére brothers, 67

luminance, 267, 269270, 298

Luther, Martin, 248


Mad Men TV show (2007), 217

magazines, resources for, 285286

magnetic timelines, 195

main character (protagonist or hero)

character arc of, 76

content creation based on, 1415

creating, 1516

defined, 298, 301

developing treatment for, 7576

in first act, 22

obstacles of in second act, 2324

pitch describing, 113114

showdown with antagonist in third act, 2425

troubleshooting unlikeable, 77

make-up artist, 30, 298

Man Bites Dog (1992), 259

Man with a Movie Camera (1929), 254255

manual focus, 137, 298

martini shot, 36, 298

Marvel Cinematic Universe, 158

mask, 271, 298

master schedule, 125, 298

master shot, 49, 298

master use, 9394, 298

master/master file, 272, 275, 299

matching shot. see reverse angle shot

The Matrix (1999), 15, 1921, 2223, 64, 76, 267

McAdams, Rachel, 157

MCU (medium close-up) shot, 39, 182, 299

Mean Girls (2006), 157

measuring light, 184185

MED (medium) shot, 39, 119120, 299

media creation. see also motion picture history

digital revolution in, 204206

first steps and breakthroughs, 6566

new ABCs of, 64

three stages of, 202203

media schools, top, 207208

medium (MED) shot, 39, 119120, 299

medium close-up (MCU) shot, 39, 182, 299, 215

megapixels, 10, 299

Méliès, George, 68

memory card, 13, 299

mentor, 19, 299

metafiction, 258, 299


avoiding plosives, 150

choosing, 162

connecting to cables, 169172

dynamic, 164

handheld, 164

identifying on camera/purchasing inputs, 12

lavalier, 166

operating boom, 167168

protocol for setting up shot, 35

recording narration, 147

shotgun, 164165

midtones/mids, 269270, 299

mini connector/mini phone connector, 170172, 299

mini TRS connector, 170171, 299

mirror, 20, 299

misdirection, 54, 299

mise-en-scène, 49, 299

mixing and sweetening process, audio, 5657, 100101

mobile technology

advancement of, 5

cameras, 1112

connectors for recording, 170172

light meter apps for, 184

recording high-quality audio, 12

zoom in/zoom out on, 135

mockumentary, 225, 299

monologue, 159, 299

monopod, 13, 299


creating radio edit, 195

creating showreel for portfolio, 278279

creating split edit, 196

defined, 299

Kuleshov effect, 190191

making fast work, 189190

making short work, 190

overview of, 188189

strategies of, 189

trimming, 191195, 197

Moore, Michael, 252

MOS, 3536, 299

motion blur, 142143, 299

motion picture history

D. W. Griffith, 69

Edwin S. Porter, 6869

in European countries, 7072

first steps/breakthroughs, 6567

Méliès the magician, 68

new ABCs of, 64

rise of studio system, 7071

the stage in, 68

syncing sound and color, 70

two dimensions, 6768

widescreen, 72

movement, adding to graphics, 236237

MTV (Music Television), 189

multicamera shoots, 225226, 299

Murdoch, Rupert, 249

Murrow, Edward R., 248249


layering audio in postproduction, 9798

mixing and sweetening process, 103

songs with lyrics, 8889

soundtrack and score. see soundtrack and score

videos, 211212

music supervisor or composer, 32, 299

mute, 101, 299

Muybridge, Eadweard, 66

My Fair Lady (1964), 175


Nanook of the North (1922), 253


defined, 299

layering audio in postproduction, 9798

writing in screenplay, 8283

narration, recording

in alive vs. dead rooms, 149150

breathiness and lip smacks in, 151

headphones, 148

microphones, 147148

minimizing plosives, 150

in quiet location, 149

narrative films

lighting for. see lighting for narrative

similarities with documentary films, 246

narrow depth of field, 144145

National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) conventions, 215

National Association of Television Programming Executives (NATPE), 215

ND (neutral density) filter, 143, 299


defined, 299

finding jobs through, 215216

resources for, 288

neutral density (ND) filter, 143, 299


entertainment and propaganda in, 246247

history of, 248249

nonfiction filmmaking and, 244246

newspapers, introduction of, 248

newsreel, 248, 250, 299

Night of the Living Dead (1968), 175

No Country for Old Men (2007), 20

nonfiction filmmaking. see documentary

nonlinear editing (NLE)

advantages, 14

defined, 300

job of editor, 31

leaving gap in edit, 195

linear editing vs., 57

platforms and options, 5859

turning off video in track-based, 195

nonprofit promotional video example, 238241

nontape media, 55

normal lens, 136, 300

The Notebook (2008), 157

nouvelle vague, 72, 300


objectivity, in documentary, 245

oblique/Dutch angle, 42, 300


defined, 300

developing, 17

overview of, 1415

in second act, 2324

in third act, 25

off-screen space, 5051

omnidirectional mics, 165166

one-man-band shooting (or assembling), 263

onscreen space, 5051

optical reflex, 78, 300

orientation, 50, 300

original soundtrack (OST), 88

The Oscar (1966), 175

outlining script or screenplay. see treatment

out-point/A-side/end/tail, 193, 300

overlapped audio clips, 101102

overlays, 233234

overscan, 233, 300

over-the shoulder (OTS) shot, 41, 300

over/under method, wrapping cables, 170, 300


PA (production assistant), 3233, 264, 301

PA systems (public address systems), 164

pace, controlling with trimming, 192

pan, 44, 300

paper cut, 282, 300


actor releases, 129130

call sheets, 125127

film budget, 123124

location permits, 128129

master schedule, 125

overview of, 117

project triangle, 118

script breakdowns, 120123

shot lists, 119120

storyboards, 131133

Paranormal Activity (2007), 258

Paranormal Activity (2009), 124

passion, 74, 111

payoff, creating interest, 54

peaking, 140, 300

pedestal shot, 6, 300

persistence of vision, 143, 300

personality traits

of crew members. see jobs and crew positions

outlining for main character, 76

phantom power (48V), 164165, 172, 300

photography, 65

photomatics, 132133

pickup pattern/polar pattern, 165, 300

pickups, 34, 300

picture editing, 34

picture lock, 56, 300

The Pirates of the Caribbean series, 189

Pirates of the Carribean movies, 114, 118


defined, 300

essence of, 113

processing feedback, 115116

proposal for promotional project, 219

selling without writing script, 114

successful strategies, 115

from template, 116117

vision and voice the, 113117

what to leave in or out, 113115

Pixar, 203

plagiarism, copyright vs., 86

planting, 54

plosives, 150, 300

point-of-view (POV) shot, 47, 301

polar pattern/pickup pattern, 165, 300

pop filter/popper-stopper, 150, 301

Porter, Edwin S., 6869

portfolio development, résumé and, 276279


defined, 301

ingesting and media organization, 5556

layering audio, 9798

mixing and sweetening, 100103

montage. see montage

onscreen text, 233237

platforms and options, 5759

production workflow, 34

putting pieces together, 5657

sharing your project, 57

sound design, 99100

power, condenser microphones and, 164165

practical light source/or practical, 179, 301

precutting, 120

Premiere Clip, for iOS, 59

preproduction, 33, 261263

preservation of film, 225

Pretty Woman (1990), 189

Primary (1961), 254

primary colors, 267270, 301

prime lens, 136, 140, 301

principal photography, 34, 301

producer, 26, 264, 301


audio. see audio, production

companies, 203

crew, 264

defined, 301

overview of, 34

workflow, 3336

production assistant (PA), 3233, 264, 301

production design, 172175, 301

production designer, 30, 172173, 301

production sound, 98, 301

production sound mixer, 31, 301

professional camcorders, 9

professionalism. see authenticity and professionalism

professional-level equipment, 34, 135

Project Constraint Model, 118

project triangle, 118


doing instead of classes, 208209

making own, 206

raising money for, 214216

writing business proposal for promotional, 217219

Prometheus, 2012, 189

promotional project, 217219

prop master, 30, 301

propaganda, 247249

props, 172

prosumer-level gear, 4, 9, 135, 301

protagonist. see main character (protagonist or hero)

Psycho (1960), 89

public address systems (PA systems), 164

public domain, 9596, 301

The Public Enemy (1931), 111, 157

public service announcement example, 104105

publicist, 3233, 301

pull out, 46, 302

pulling focus, 137138, 301

Pulp Fiction (1994), 21

punctuality, 126

pure editing, 190191

push in, 46, 302


quality, 219


rack focus, 47, 144, 302

radio, advent of news on, 248

radio edit, 195, 302

Raging Bull (1980), 58

range selection tool, 195

Rather, Dan, 249

raw image formats, 8

raw stock, 5, 302

reaction shot, 46, 302

Real Women Have Curves, 18, 111

The Real World (1992–present), 253

reality shows, birth of, 253

Rebel Without a Crew (Rodriquez), 118

receiver, 166, 302


audio in multicamera shoots, 227

on film vs. video, 176

production audio. see audio, production

voiceovers. see narration, recording

reel. see showreel

reflectance meter, 184, 302

Regal Entertainment Group, 203

repetition, 54

reputation, developing solid, 7475, 126


of costume designer, 174

for documentary, 259, 262

before interview, 221

for starting own company, 213

validity of project and, 7375

reshoots, 34, 302


defined, 302

DSLR cameras, 1011

of video on mobile devices, 5

resolution (result), in third act, 25


apps and applications, 287288

books and magazines, 285286

gear, 286287

student contests and festivals, 289

user groups and networking organizations, 288

websites, 288

résumé, 208209, 276278, 302

Return of the Secaucus 7 (1980), 124

reverberance/reverb, 100, 302

reversals, second act, 2324

reverse angle shot, 47

revision, 56, 302

RGB (red, green and blue), 145

rim light, 230231, 302

rocker switch, 137, 302

Rocky (1976), 17, 189

roles, 27, 156158, 302

roll edit/dual-roller trim, 197, 302

Romeo and Juliet, 17

room tone, 98, 102, 302

Rosemary’s Baby (1968), 187

rough cut. see assembly/rough cut

royalty-free, 95, 302


Sabotage (1994), 212

Sabrina (1954), 175

safety, 178179, 233234

safety take, 36, 302

Salesman (1969), 254

salesmanship, 218

saturation/desaturation, 268269, 271, 302

Scarface (1932), 111

Scarface (1983), 16, 111

scene description, 7881, 302


master, 125, 298

shooting, 125, 262, 303

sci-fi movies, color grading, 266267

score, 8792, 302

screen direction, 52, 302


agenda of creator, 7273

beginning, 75

communication in, 8283

developing idea, 108111

outlining. see treatment

overview of, 78

paperwork. see paperwork

pitching, 113114

research and validity, 7375

sluglines, 7881

transitions, 8182

wipes, 82

scrim, 177, 302


outlining. see treatment

paperwork. see paperwork

preproduction process for documentaries, 262

script breakdown, 120123, 302

script/continuity supervisor, 28, 303

SD (standard definition), 5, 9, 304

second act break, 24

second act, three-act structure, 2224

second sticks, 35

secondary colors, 267268, 271, 301

See It Now TV program (1954), 248

Seinfeld (1989-1998), 20

sepia tone, 266267, 303

servo motor/servo, 137, 303

set decorator, 173, 303


fall-off transitioning from light to, 228

lighting styles and, 182183

primary color correction, 269270

single-source lighting and, 179180

sharing options, postproduction stage, 57

sharp, 137, 303

Sherman’s March (1985), 263

shock mount, 168, 303

shooting schedule, 125, 262, 303

shorts, 170

shot list

defined, 303

director overseeing, 27

vision and voice, 119120

shotgun microphone, 164165, 303


as camera angles, 36

camera director recording, 28

changing subject size, 4546

defined, 303

defined by angle or lens height, 41

defined by camera action, 4748

defined by camera movement, 4244

defined by job, 4647

defined by size, 3741

director transforming script into series of, 27

master/coverage, 49

protocol for setting up, 3436

shooting to edit, 5053

shoulder-mount, 13, 303

showreel, 278, 303

Shrek (2001), 17

shutter, 142143, 303

Shutter Island (2010), 89

shutter speed, 142143, 176177, 303

sidekick, 20, 303

sides, 159, 303

Sideways (2004), 54

The Silence of the Lambs (1991), 19

Sin City, 133

Singin’ in the Rain (1952), 70

single-source lighting, 179181

situation comedy/sitcom, 225, 303

The Sixth Sense (1999), 18, 2224, 49


changing subject, 45

shots defined by, 3741

skills section, résumé, 277278


defined, 293

multicamera shoots using, 227

numbering scenes on, 35

selecting, 1314

slide trim, 197, 303

slip trim, 197, 303

slow disclosure/slow reveal, 48, 303

slow fall-off, 230

slow-motion/overcranking, 48, 303

sluglines, 7881

smartphones, 5, 1112

The Social Network, (2010), 189

social network presence, building, 212

soft, 137

solo, 101, 303

songs with lyrics, 8889

Sophie’s Choice (1982), 157


DSLR cameras with dual-system, 10

ENG cameras with built-in recorders, 7

gear for, 12

mixing and sweetening process, 100101

showreel for portfolio, 279

sound design, 99100, 303

sound editor, 32, 304

sound effect

defined, 304

layering, 9798

mixing and sweetening process, 100103

sound design and, 99

sound mixer/recordist, 35, 264

soundstages, 70

soundtrack, 88, 304

soundtrack and score

collaborating with composer, 9092

copyright and fair use, 9296

overview of, 87

settling, 8889

soundtrack vs. score, 88

spotting cues, 9091

with theme or leitmotif, 90

source music, 161, 304

spec sheet, 272274, 304

special effects, 68

speed, 190

Speed (1996), 22

Spellbound (2002), 255

Spider-Man (2002), 18, 19

Spider-Man 3 (2007), 20

split edit/L-cut/J-cut, 196, 304

sports cameras, 1112, 304

spotting, 9091, 304

stageline/180° rule/ the axis, 5152, 304

standard definition (SD), 5, 9, 304

standards, adhering video image to, 266

Stanford, Leland, 66

star system, 70, 304

Star Wars film series, 1516, 20, 2324, 82

sticks (tripod), 6, 13, 178, 305

The Sting (1973), 175

stops, aperture sizes and, 141

storyboards, 27, 131133, 304

strategies, pitching, 115

Streep, Meryl, 157

student contests and festivals, resources, 289

studio lighting, 182, 304

studio system, 69, 7071, 304

studio/broadcast camera, 6, 135, 304


color grading for tone and, 266267

documentary, 251252, 262

lighting, 182183

onscreen text, 236

subtext, 54, 304

subtractive colors, 268, 291

sunlight, 185186

Sunset Blvd. (1950), 53, 70

Super Size Me (2004), 244, 252

superimposition, 48, 304

Superman (1978), 2021

surrealism, 258, 304

sweetening, and mixing, 100101

symbol, 53, 304

synchronization rights/sync rights, 9394, 298, 304


defined, 304

footage, 227

sound, 70


tags, for clips, 56

tail/out-point/A-side/end, 193, 300

talent. see actors/talent

talking head/talking head shot, 220, 234, 251, 305

tally light, 6, 305

Tarnation (2003), 259

Tarnation (2003), 263

TC (timecode), 92, 227

technical skills section, résumé, 278

Technicolor, 70

telephoto lens. see long lens/telephoto lens

teleplay. see screenplay

television news, 248249

temp track, 305

templates, title generator, 235

temporal medium, 305

ten-shot self-portrait example, 60

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), 42

terms and jargon

authenticity and professionalism, 242

content creation, 6162

design and execution, 200

documentary, 284

investigation and exploration, 106

vision and voice, 154

text onscreen, 233236

theater, early filmmakers storytelling like, 68


defined, 305

documentary, 259263

of popular film scores, 90

titles and graphics onscreen supporting, 233

treatment for, 7677

The Thin Blue Line (1988), 244

third act, three-act structure, 22, 2425

three-act structure, 2225, 305

three-dimensional (3D) filmmaking, 67

three-point lighting, 228, 305

Thriller (1983), 212

ticking clock, second act break, 24

tilt shots, 44

timecode (TC), 92, 227

timing, 192

Titanic (1997), 17, 19, 22, 25, 172

Titanic (1997), 116117

title card, 234235, 305

title roll, 234, 305

titles, 233236

title-safe zone, 233234, 305

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), 18

To Kill A Mockingbird (Lee), 111


accessory and expendable, 1314

of content creator, 5354

video production, 34

topics, documentary theme, 259

total running time (TRT), 192, 305

TouchEdit, 59

touchscreen, 140

track-based editing software, 9798, 195, 305

tracking shot, 43

trademarks, 8586

traitor, 21, 305

transcoding, 56, 305

The Transformers series, 189

transition, 8182, 305

transparent continuity, 51


beginning, 75

components of, 7883

copyright, 8387

defined, 75

for documentary, 262

main character, 7576

overview of, 78

theme, 7677

troubleshooting, 77


defined, 305

overview of, 191193

postproduction stage, 56

terminology of, 193195

types of, 195197

A Trip to the Moon (1902), 68

tripod (sticks), 6, 13, 178, 305

Triumph of the Will (1935), 247

troubleshooting, clichéd scenes or characters, 77

TRRS connector, 171172, 305

trucking shot, 43

Truffaut, Francois, 72

tungsten, 146, 305

Turner, Ted, 249

twist locks, booms, 169

twists, 2324, 5354

two dimensions, filmmaking in, 67

two-shot, 40


ultrahigh definition (Ultra HD), 5

unbalanced audio connection, 172, 305

undercranking/fast motion, 48, 296

unidirectional microphones, 165, 305

United 93 (2006), 250

United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc. (1948), 71

U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, 85

U.S. Copyright Office, 8586

U.S. widescreen cinema-standard 1:85:1 ratio, 72

USB condenser microphone, 147

user groups, resources for, 288

The Usual Suspects (1995), 189


validity, and research, 72

variation, 54

vectorscope monitor, 268269, 305

Vegas Pro, 59

venture capitalists, 214

Veronica Mars movie (2014), 214

Vertov, Dziga, 250, 254255

victim, 21, 305

video assist/video tap, 8, 306

video production

accessories and expendables, 1314

choosing camera, 612

composing shots. see shots

getting started, 23

jobs and crew positions. see jobs and crew positions

mobile technology and, 5

postproduction, 3336, 5559

shooting to edit, 5053

sound gear, 12

ten-shot self-portrait example, 60

terms and jargon, 6162

tools of, 34, 5354

viewfinder, 67, 9, 306

vignette, 271, 306

The Village (2004), 49

Vine video-sharing service, 190

vision and voice

actor releases, 129130

call sheet, 125127

cameras and. see cameras

camerawork. see camerawork

developing idea, 108116

film budget, 123124

getting it on paper, 117

location permits, 128129

master schedule, 125

the pitch, 113117

preproduction process for documentaries, 261

problem with precutting, 120

project triangle, 118

recording voiceovers, 146151

sample project: visual poem, 152153

script breakdowns, 120123

shot lists, 119120

storyboards, 131133

terms and jargon, 154

visual effects (VFX), 34, 306

visual poem, example project, 152153

VLOG (video blog), 306

voiceover. see narration, recording

Volcano (1997), 24


The Walking Dead, 133

walla track, 161, 306

warm, 306

waveform monitor, 267, 306

website, building own brand, 212

website resources, 288

wedding event videos, 210211

Where the Wild Things Are (2009), 189

white balance, 145146, 177

wide shot (WS)

defined, 306

designating in shot lists, 119120

overview of, 38

two-shot as, 40

wide-angle (or wide) lens, 45, 136137, 145

widescreen, 72

wipes, 82

The Wire (2000), 172

wireless microphone, 166

“Wires & Lights” speech (1954), Murrow, 249

The Wizard of Oz (1939), 70, 172

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013), 89

Wordplay (2006), 255

workflow, production, 3336

writer, 26, 306

Writers’ Guild of America (WGA), 85


XLR connector/cable, 169, 171, 306


Yanqui, No! (1960), 254


z-axis movement, 6768

zones, onscreen safety, 233234

zoom, 4546, 135, 306

zoom lens, 1011, 135, 137, 306

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