

3D transformations, 235

404 errors, 272


/* and */, commenting CSS code, 128

+ (plus sign), adjacent sibling element selector, 138

* (asterisk), attribute values, 141

* (universal/wildcard selector), 144

< (less than sign, or left angle bracket), using with HTML tags, 18

> (greater than sign, or right angle bracket), using with HTML tags, 18

child element selector, 137

{} (curly braces), using with CSS style declaration blocks, 122

$ (dollar sign), attribute selector, 141

= (equals sign), attribute values, 141

/ (forward slash), using with tags, 18

# (hash symbol), using with links, 52

./ parent folder, using in relative links, 40

% (percentage), font-size, 154, 177

~ (tilde), general sibling selector, 138


<a> tag, 43

<abbr> tag, 31

absolute vs. relative linking, 3941, 268

accessibility, 303311

action attribute, forms, 91

:active state, 142

<address> tag, 83

adjacent sibling selector (+), 138

Adobe Fonts, 148

alert elements, creating, 133

alignment and justification, 158159

alt attribute, 61, 304

anchor tag, 43

<and>, using in <code> element, 32

Angular JavaScript technology, 316

animations, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 236239

Apache web server, 14

APIs (application programming interfaces), 116

Arabic, RTL (right-to-left) script, 33

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications), 305307

aria-describedby attribute, 306

Article page section, 50

<article> tag, 52, 83. See also blog article layout

Aside page section, 50

<aside> tag, 5253, 173, 185

asterisk (*), attribute values, 141

asterisk (*), universal/wildcard selector, 144

at-rules, CSS, 150


accessibility, 305306

action, 91

alt, 61, 304

aria-describedby, 306

border, 77

colspan, 7980

itemscope, 84

looking up, 111

max, 102

method, 90

min, 102

name, 90, 92

placeholder, 93

required, 106107

role (ARIA), 305

rowspan, 7980

searching values, 141

srcset, 6364

step, 104

style, 125

targeting elements with, 140141

title, 61

type, 92, 124

using, 19

value, 93

audio, 6869, 71

author value, name attribute, 23

autocompletion, 11


<b> tag, 30

background colors, 143, 167, 170, 217219. See also colors

background images, 172. See also images

background transition, adding, 231232

background-image property, 172

<bdi> and <bdo> elements, 33

blank value, target attribute, 43

block and inline elements, outlining, 49

<blockquote> element, 29

blog article layout, building, 5456. See also <article> tag

<body> tags, 22, 147

boilerplate file, creating, 23. See also files


font-weight, 156

text, 30

border attribute/property, 77, 172173

box model, 46, 176178

<br> tag, 31


comparison, 8

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) support, 212214

Flexbox, 197

Grid, 197

support, 110

testing, 276277

testing sites in, 272

using, 13

build tools, 322323

bulleted lists, 28

buttons, styling, 180

byline class, styling, 157158

byte conversion chart, 291


caching files, 295

calculations with variables, 248249, 111112, 116, 212

Canva graphics, 68. See also graphics

<canvas> element, 113

capitalization of text, changing, 160

<caption> element, 7677

cascade in CSS

explained, 121

and family relationships, 134

specificity and precedence, 139140

CDN (content delivery network), 295

centering elements, 183

checkboxes, creating, 94, 100


family tree, 134

indenting, 82

relative link, 40

selecting, 137


browser, 276, 304

DevTools, 281284, 290, 308309

extensions, 4647


converting square to, 237

element, 67

cite attribute, <blockquote> element, 29

classes. See also pseudo-selectors and -classes

attribute, 53

vs. IDs, 140

naming, 133

targeting elements by, 131134

clear property, floats, 187


indenting, 82

marking up, 32

tag, 32

codecs, 6869

CodeKit build tool, 323


using with Sass, 253255

using for tests, 15

using with tables, 78

color contrast, 166

color picker, Google Chrome, 103

color stops, 169

color wheel, 168

Colorblindly testing tool, 308, 311

colors. See also background colors

in CSS, 164168

representing on computer monitors, 164

RGB and RGBA, 167

setting for styles, 165

color-scheme value, name attribute, 23

colspan attribute, 7980

columns and rows

extending, 7980

floats, 186

Grid, 196199

comma-separated list, 133

comments, adding, 2021

compiling, 11

compressing images, 293295

computer monitors, representing colors, 164

conic-gradient(), 169

content generators, 53

critical CSS, loading first, 296300

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). See also style sheets; styles

animations, 236239

browser support, 212214

commenting code, 128

display property, 177

file sizes, 245

frameworks, 193, 323

Grid layout, 208211

inline styles, 125

preprocessors, 252253

representing colors, 164168

resets, 144, 155

syntax, 122123

transformations, 233235

transitions, 230232

turning off in Chrome, 304

using, 45, 124126

CSS files, minifying, 291293

CSS Tricks, 171, 199

CSS Zen Garden website, 45, 123

CSS3, 5

curly braces ({}), using with CSS style declaration blocks, 122


dates on forms, 102103

<dd> tag, 81

declaration block, CSS, 122123

default files, 14

<del> tag, 31

descendent, targeting, 136

description lists, 8182

description value, name attribute, 23

desktop vs. mobile layout, 222

devices, testing, 276280

directories, structure, 12

display property, CSS, 177

div, skewing on hover, 235

<div> tag, 53

<dl> tag, 81

DOCTYPE declaration, 22, 274

dollar sign ($), attribute selector, 141

domain name in URL, 37

domains, choosing and hosting, 13, 264268

<dt> tag, 81


elements. See tags

em, font-size, 30, 154, 177

email and domains, 267

email format, forms, 94, 101

email links, specifying, 43

embedding content, 43, 58, 7071

entities, 32

equals sign (=), attribute values, 141

error checking, 11

events list, creating, 82

@extend, alerts in Sass, 260

extensions in URL, 37

external style sheets, 124, 127

external vs. internal linking, 38


fallbacks and polyfills, 111

fields in forms, 90, 9697, 102, 104

<fieldset> element, 104

<figure> tag, 62

file containers, 68

file extensions, 12

file format, forms, 95

“file not found” errors, 272

file system, reviewing, 128

file types, 68

files. See also boilerplate file

accessing, 1314

caching, 295

default, 14

minifying, 291293

FileZilla FTP program, 269271

Firefox browser, 276

Flexbox, 196, 199207

float property, 185187

:focus state, 142

fold, explained, 298


creating, 12

relative links, 40

font sizes, Sass CSS preprocessor, 259

Font Squirrel, 151

@font-face, 150154

font-family property, 150151

fonts, 146148, 151, 155156

Footer page section, 5051

<footer> tag, 56

formats for media, 6869

formatting text, 3031, 158160


building and processing, 89

checkboxes, 100

components, 90

email, 101

fields, 9296, 102

hidden fields, 96

input types, 94

interacting with, 88

labeling fields, 97

processing, 91

process.php file, 91

radio buttons, 99

select boxes, 9899

<select> element, 96

setting up, 97

<textarea> field, 96

validating, 106107

forward slash (/), using with tags, 18

framename link target, 43

frameworks, CSS, 193, 323

FTP information, finding for servers, 43, 269271


GB (gigabyte), 291

general sibling selector (~), 138

GET value, forms, 9091

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) images, 59

Git, version control, 320

GitFlow, 319

GitHub, using, 320321

Github repo, process.php file, 91

Google Chrome DevTools, 281284 308309

Google Fonts, 148150

Google’s PageSpeed Insights, 288289, 296

gradients, 169171

grandchild, 40, 82, 134

grandparent, relative link, 40

graphics, pixel vs. vector, 59. See also Canva graphics

great-grandchild, family tree, 134

greater than sign (>), 18, 137 Grid, 196, 208211

grid layout, 186, 224, 246247


<h1> tag, 19

H.264 video codec, 69

hash (#) symbol, using with links, 52

<head> tags, 22

Header page section, 5051

<header> tag, opening, 54

headings, 23, 19, 2627, 147, 155

height property, 177178

hex values, representing colors, 164165

hidden fields, forms, 96

hidden format, forms, 95


elements, 226

text, 160

home page, 14, 40, 44, 46, 52


domains, 264268

techniques, 295

:hover state, 142, 267

href attribute, 43

HSL (hue, saturation, lightness), 164, 168

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

without CSS, 5

without elements, 27

hierarchy, 34

minifying files, 291293

overview, 2

shapes, 67

HTML elements. See tags

<html> and </html> tags, 22

HTML5 and CSS3, 4, 67, 116

HTTP vs. HTTPS, 37


<i> tag, 30

id attribute, 4142, 53, 140. See also role vs. id

<iframe> link target, 43

image format, forms, 95

image gallery, creating, 235

images. See also background images; responsive images

adding to pages, 6062, 64

compressing, 293295

finding and making, 68

optimizing, 293295

resizing, 63

types, 5960

<img> tag, 6061, 63

!important value, CSS, 139

index.html file, 10, 14

inheritance, 134135

inline and block elements, outlining, 49

inline styles, CSS, 125

input fields, 9293, 232

input types, forms, 94

<input> tag, forms, 90

<ins> tag, 31

Internet of Things, 277

iPhone, emulation with Xcode for macOS, 280

italic, font-style, 156

itemscope attribute, 84


JavaScript, 106, 248, 314317

JPG/JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) images, 59

jQuery library, 315

justification and alignment, 158159


KB (kilobyte), 291

@keyframes, animations, 236


layers, creating, 190191

layouts, 4648, 193, 222, 224

lazy loading, 116117, 297

left angle bracket (<), 18

<legend> element, 104

less than sign (<), 18

letter-spacing property, 159

<li> tag, 28

line breaks, inserting, 160

line element, 67

line height, figuring out, 159

linear-gradient(), 169170

lines, text-decorating properties, 157

line-through, text-decoration, 156

:link state, 142

<link> tag, 127


# (hash) symbol, 52

absolute vs. relative, 268

creating, 36

displaying as block-level elements, 177

internal vs. external, 38

locations on pages, 42

markup, 43

opening in windows, 4344

relative vs. absolute, 3941

sections of pages, 4142

targets, 4344

URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), 43

lists, 28, 143

localStorage, 115


mailto: links, specifying, 43

main article section, creating, 54

Main page section, 50

MAMP (Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP), setting up, 14

margins and padding, 179183

marking up code, 3132

markup, 2, 5, 274276. See also semantic markup

matrix(), transform, 233

max attribute, forms, 102

max-width and max-height properties, 178

MB (megabyte), 291

media formats, 5859, 6869

media queries, 64, 196, 216217, 246247

<meta> tag, 23

<meter> element, 105

method attribute, forms, 90

Microsoft Word document, 3

min attribute, forms, 102

minifying files, 291293

min-width and min-height properties, 178

mobile vs. desktop layout, 222

monitors, representing colors, 164

monospace fonts, 146147

month input type, 103

.MOV file extension, 6869

-moz- browser prefix, 214

MP3 format, 71

.MP4 file extension, 6869

-ms- browser prefix, 214

multimedia files, storing, 7273

multiselect boxes, creating, 9899

MySQL web server, 14


name attribute, 23, 90, 92

name in URL, 37


classes, 133

directories, 12

nav menu, making responsive, 225

Nav page section, 5052

nesting items, 121, 257258

New York Times home page, 46, 48, 176

Node.js library, 317


-o- browser prefix, 214

offline storage, 114115

order-based selectors, 143

ordered lists, 28


block and inline elements, 49

elements with Wed Developer extension, 48

overflow property, 179

overflow-wrap property, 160

overlay, creating using z-index, 192193

overline, text-decoration, 156


<p> tag, 18

padding and margins, 179183

page header, creating, 54

pages. See webpages

PageSpeed Insights, Google, 288289, 296

paragraph text, 18


enlarging, 132

and headings, 2627

internal spacing, 160

quoting with citations, 29

parameter value, adjusting, 104

parent, 40, 43, 82, 134

password field, aria-describedby attribute, 306

password format, forms, 94

paths, determining for files, 13, 67

percentage (%), font-size, 154, 177

performance, 286290, 296

perspective(), transform, 233

PHP web server, 14

<picture> element, 6465

p.intro class, 143

pixel density, 63

pixel vs. vector graphics, 59

pixels (px), font-size, 154

pixels, computer monitors, 164

placeholder attribute, forms, 93

plus sign (+), adjacent sibling element selector, 138

PNG (Portable Network Graphic) images, 59

polyfills and fallbacks, 111112

polygon element, 67

polyline element, 67

position property, 187

POST value, forms, 9091

<pre> tag, 32

prefixing tools, using, 213

preprocessors, CSS, 252253

print style sheet, creating, 225

printer styles, adding to websites, 225226

process.php file, downloading, 91

property, CSS, 122. See also shorthand properties

protocol in URL, 37

pseudo-selectors and -classes, 141142. See also classes; selectors

public_html folder, 14

px (pixels), font-size, 154, 177


radial-gradient(), 169171

radio buttons, creating, 99

radio format, forms, 94

range input type, 104

React.js technology, 316

readability, formatting for, 158160

rect element, 67

regex (regular expressions), 107

relationships, selecting elements by, 136138

relative vs. absolute linking, 3941, 268

rem (root em), font-size, 155, 177

render-blocking resources, 296297

required attribute, forms, 106107

resets, CSS, 144, 155

resizing images, 63

responsive images, 6364, 70, 217224. See also background images; images

RGB (red, green, blue), 164, 167

right angle bracket (>), 18

robots value, name attribute, 23

role attribute, ARIA, 305306

role vs. id, 54. See also id attribute

root em (rem), font-size, 155

root folder, 14

rotate(), transform, 233234

rows and columns

extending, 7980

Flexbox, 201

Grid, 196199

rowspan attribute, 7980

RTL (right-to-left) script languages, 33

rulesets, 4, 122123, 191, 260

RWD (responsive web design), 196, 216


<s> tag, 30

sans serif fonts, 146148

Sass CSS preprocessor, 253262

saturation, 168

scale(x,y), transform, 233 vocabulary, 8485

screen layouts, 223224

screen reader, 24

<script> tag, JavaScript, 314

SCSS, 253

search form, 93

<section> tag, 52

<select> element, forms, 96, 9899

selectors, 122, 143. See also pseudo-selectors and -classes

_self link target, 43

semantic markup, 2, 24. See also markup

SEO (search engine optimization), 84, 266

serif fonts, 146148

server-side script, validating forms, 106

sessionStorage, 115

shapes, elements for, 67

shorthand properties, 181. See also property

siblings, selecting, 138


creating, 56

making sticky, 188189

site footer, creating, 56

SiteGround, 264265, 268269, 287

sites. See websites

sizing text, 154155

skew(x,y), transform, 233, 235

<small> tag, 31

space.jpg image, 60

spam, defending against, 96

<span> element, 7677

square, converting to circle, 237

src property, font-family, 151

srcset attribute, 6364

stacking order, 196

Statcounter tool, 278

step attribute, 104

<strike> tag, 30

<strong> tag, 30

structure of webpages, 4648

structured data, 8385

style attribute, 125

style sheets, 5, 124127, 300. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets); print style sheet

<style> tag, 124, 127

styles. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

heading and body elements, 147

and markup, 5

setting colors for, 165

setting on elements, 131

simplifying with variables, 246247

and style sheets, 120121

<sub> tag, 31

subdomain in URL, 37

subfolders, 13

submit format, forms, 95

<sup> tag, 31

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) images, 59, 6567, 293

switch animation, states, 236


errors, 274

highlighting, 11


<table> element, 7677

tables, 7680


<a>, 43

<abbr>, 31

accessibility, 305306

<address>, 83

<article>, 52, 83

<aside>, 5253, 173

<b>, 30

<blockquote>, 29

<body>, 22

<br>, 31

<canvas>, 113

centering with margin: auto, 183

changing, 19

creating, 18

<code>, 32

<dd>, 81

<del>, 31

<div>, 53

<dl>, 81

<dt>, 81

<em>, 30

<fieldset>, 104

<figure>, 62

flow, 184189

<footer>, 56

<h1>, 19

<head>, 22

<header>, 54

<html> and </html>, 22

<i>, 30

<img>, 6061, 63

<input>, 90

<ins>, 31

<legend>, 104

<li>, 28

<link>, 127

looking up, 111

<mark>, 31

<meta>, 23

<meter>, 105

overlapping, 190191

<p>, 18

<pre>, 32

vs. rulesets, 4

<s>, 30

<script> in JavaScript, 314

<section>, 52

<select>, 96

selecting by relationships, 136138

and semantics, 2

setting styles, 131

<small>, 31

<strike>, 30

<strong>, 30

<style>, 124, 127

<sub>, 31

<sup>, 31

targeting, 122, 140141

targeting by class, 131134

targeting by tags, 130131

<time>, 31

<title>, 22

<u>, 30

<ul>, 28

using, 1819

viewing in browser, 19

Tallwind CS framework, 323


elements, 122, 130134, 140141

media features, 227

targets, 43

<tbody> element, 7677

tel: links, specifying, 43

templates, Grid, 210


accessibility, 307311

browsers, 276277

CodePen, 15

critical CSS, 300

devices, 276280

webpages, 107

websites, 272, 274


formatting, 156158

hiding, 160

sizing, 154155

spacing, 159

styles, 161

transparency, 167

text editor, using, 1011

text formatting

forms, 94

inline, 3031

overview, 2627

<textarea> field, forms, 96

text-decoration property, 156157, 173

TextEdit, 10

text-indent property, 159160

text-shadow property, 160

text-transform property, 160

<tfoot> element, 7677

<th> element, 7677

<thead> element, 7678

tilde (~), general sibling selector, 138

time input type, 103

<time> tag, 31

title attribute, 61

<title> element, 22

TLD (top-level domain) in URL, 37, 266

TLS (Transport Layer Security), 266

_top link target, 43

<tr> element, 7677

transform property, animations, 238

transformations, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 233235

transitions, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 230232

translate(), transform, 233, 238

TTF (True Type Font), 152

Twitter, offline storage, 115

two-column layout, at breakpoint, 223

type attribute, 92, 124

type selector, 130131

typefaces. See fonts


<u> tag, 30

<ul> tag, 28

underline, text-decoration, 156

universal/wildcard selector (*), 144

unordered lists, 28

URL (Uniform Resource Locator), 1314, 3738



accessibility, 307311

forms, 106107

markup, 274276

value, CSS, 122

value attribute, forms, 93


calculations, 248249

and media queries, 246247

overview, 242245

in Sass, 259

simplifying styles, 246247

vector vs. pixel graphics, 59

vendor prefixes, 212, 213

version control, 11, 318321

vertical-align property, 159

video and audio files, 6869

videos. See also multimedia files

alert elements, 133

align-items property, 207

Android devices, 280

ARIA states and properties, 306

attributes, 19

background images, 172

blog article layout, 56

boilerplate file, 23

borders, 173

bouncing ball, 239

box model, 46

breakpoints, 217

browser comparison, 8

browsers, 110

Canva graphics, 68

<canvas> element, 113

cascade in CSS, 121

checkboxes and radio buttons, 100

child and sibling selectors, 138

Chrome accessibility test, 309

Chrome DevTools, 281284, 290

Chrome responsive testing, 284

VS Code, 11

CodePen demo, 15

color picker, 103, 165

colspan and rowspan, 80

converting and embedding audio, 71

converting fonts with Transfonter, 152

converting Word docs to HTML, 31

CSS Zen Garden, 5

dates on forms, 103

default files, 14

description lists, 82

directory structure, 12

embedding content, 7071, 73

errors in external links, 38

figures for code samples, 62

file system, 128

FileZilla FTP program, 271

flex-basis property, 205

flex-flow property, 205

flex-item properties, 202

flow of pages, 176

font sizes, 155

forms, 88

GET and POST form submission, 91

GitHub, 320

Google Fonts, 148, 150

gradients, 171

Grid elements, 210211

GTmetrix performance testing tool, 289

headers with navigation, 52

heading and body styles, 147

heading hierarchy with font sizes, 155

headings, 27

heights and widths in layout, 178

HSL values, 168

HTML with no elements, 27

HTTP vs. HTTPS, 37

image download test, 63

Image Gallery with Mouseover Effects, 235

images, 61

input fields, 232

internal CSS to external file, 127

internal style sheets, 124

justify-content property, 205

lazy loading, 116, 117, 297

Libsyn for hosting audio, 7273

link markup, 43

links to page locations, 42

lists, 28

mailto links, 43

MAMP (Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP), 14

media queries, 228

nesting items, 258

offline storage, 115

opening links, 43

ordered lists, 28

outlining block and inline elements, 49

overriding IDs in CSS, 140

paragraphs, 27

p.intro class and selectors, 143

position property, 187

prefixing tools, 213

pricing table, 193

rainbow animation, 237

range input type, 104

registering domains, 267

relative links, 41

rental application, 102

resizing images, 63

responsive nav menu, 225

responsive three-column layout, 223

Sass CSS preprocessor, 257

schemas, 85

screen reader, 24

select and multiselect boxes, 98

setting styles on elements, 131

srcset attribute, 64

stacking order, 196

styles and markup, 5

styles and precedence, 139

styles vs. no styles, 5

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) images, 60, 67

tables, 78

tags, 19

targeting classes, 132

text transparency, 167

text-indent to hide text, 160

transformations, 233

transition functions, 230

two-column layout with floats, 186

typographic parameters, 161

unordered lists, 28

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 37

validating forms, 107

variables, 243, 245, 247

visual hierarchy, 4

W3C markup validator, 276

WAVE testing tool, 310

Web Developer extension, 48

Xcode Simulator, 280

viewport value, name attribute, 23

:visited state, 142

VS Code, 11

Vue.js technology, 317


W3C markup validator, 274276 website, direction of text, 33

WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative—Accessible Rich Internet Applications), 305307

WAV format, 69, 71

WAVE testing tool, 308, 310

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), 307, 311312

Web Developer extension, 4648

web forms. See forms

Web Hosting for Students, 264265

web server, mimicking, 14

-webkit- browser prefix, 214

WebM vs. Ogg, 69

WebP image format, 293


basic areas, 50

creating, 10

embedding content, 43

layout, 4648

linking, 36, 4142

outlining elements, 4748

sections, 5053

structuring, 22

testing, 107

URL (Uniform Resource Locator), 13


making live, 269271

pre-launch check, 268

reaching, 38

testing, 272, 274

week input type, 103

white-space property, 160

width property, 177178

wildcard/universal selector (*), 144

wireframe, using, 5053

Word document

converting to HTML, 31

example, 3

word-break property, 160

word-spacing property, 159


class, 182, 188

converting to grid layout, 224


Xcode for macOS, iPhone emulation, 280


Yoast SEO (search engine optimization), 84 tool, 279, 73

YYYY-MM-DD type, forms, 102


z-index, 191192

Zurb Foundation framework, 193, 323

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