Conventions Used in This Book

To help you navigate this book efficiently, I use a few style conventions:

  • Terms or words that I want to emphasize or define are italicized.
  • Web site addresses, or URLs, are shown in a special monofont typeface, like this.
  • When I refer to a Moodle site, I mean the LCMS that contains all the courses. A site can have many courses, and a site is managed by the system administrator, or in Moodle terms, the person in the Administrator role.

    When I refer to a course that means one course, or class, contained on the Moodle site.

  • When I refer to learners, I mean students and trainees. Although we are all students when we're learning, often this concept is misinterpreted to refer to students in an educational organization only. Training programs in businesses prefer to use different terms. Trainee, test/exam taker, and team participant are examples of a few terms frequently used.

    Moodle user accounts have a Student role, and I use this term when I explain a process or procedure involving the Student user account.

  • Numbered steps that you need to follow and characters you need to type are set in bold.

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