Chapter 3

Building Your Course Front Page

In This Chapter

  • Becoming familiar with your Moodle front page
  • Discovering the Moodle editing tools
  • Editing profiles
  • Identifying and organizing blocks
  • Identifying and organizing resources and activities
  • Finding reusable information and standardizing Moodle conventions

Familiarizing yourself with the Moodle course front page is the first step. The second step is becoming as comfortable with it as when you stand up in front of your learners in a traditional classroom setting and use slide presentations, a white board, overhead projectors, and (if you're truly old school) a chalkboard and chalk. (I can just see the glazed look of a youngster reading this.) This chapter gives you the knowledge and skills required to start adding and editing content in your Moodle course.

I start by going over each functionality of your course front page and then define and explain standard features used throughout Moodle. After that, I shed some light on quirky conventions and how to reuse what you develop. “Do it once and never do it again” is my Moodle motto, so in keeping with that, after you learn how you will design and develop your Moodle course, you can jump to Chapter 14 and find out how to clone it.

image This book's Cheat Sheet at lists all the functions summarized in the tables that appear later in this chapter. (For more about accessing the Cheat Sheet, see the inside front cover.) You will benefit from printing the Cheat Sheet and keeping it handy when you start playing with Moodle. This is the only thing I ask you to print, I promise. I, too, am aiming to live a green lifestyle.

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