In Section 2.4, the histogram and frequency polygon were presented as methods for graphically portraying random error distributions. If a large number of these distributions were examined for sets, observations in surveying, geodesy, and photogrammetry, it would be found that they conform to normal (or Gaussian) distributions. The general laws governing normal distributions are stated as follows:

  1. Positive and negative errors occur with equal probability and equal frequency.
  2. Small errors are more common than large errors.
  3. Large errors seldom occur, and there is a limit to the size of the greatest random error that will occur in any set of observations.

A curve that conforms to these laws is plotted with the size of the error on the abscissa and probability of occurrence on the ordinate, appears as Figure 3.3. This curve is repeated on Figure D.1 and is called the normal distribution curve, the normal curve of error, or simply the probability curve. A smooth curve of this same shape would be obtained if for a very large group of observations, a histogram were plotted with an infinitesimally small class interval. In this section, the equation for this curve is developed.

Geometry for normal distribution curve.

FIGURE D.1 The normal distribution curve.

Assume that the normal distribution curve is continuous and that the probability of an error occurring between x and x + dx is given by the function y = f(x). Further assume that this is the equation for the probability curve. The form of f(x) will now be determined. Since as explained in Chapter 3, probabilities are equivalent to areas under the probability curve, the probabilities of errors occurring within the ranges of (x1 and x1 + dx1), (x2 and x2 + dx2), etc., are f(x1)dx1, f(x2)dx2,…,f(xn)dxn. The total area under the probability curve represents the total probability or simply the integer one. Then for a finite number of possible errors:


If the total range of errors x1, x2,…, xn is between ±1, then considering an infinite number of errors that makes the curve continuous, the area under the curve can be set equal to:


But because the area under the curve from +1 to +∞ and from −1 to −∞ is essentially zero, the integration limits are extended to ±∞, as

Now suppose that quantity M has been observed, and that it is equal to some function of n unknown parameters z1, z2,…, zn such that M = f(z1, z2,…, zn). Also let x1, x2,…, xm be the errors of m observations M1, M2,…, Mm, and let f(x1) dx1, f(x2) dx2,…, f(xm) dxm be the probabilities of errors falling within the ranges of (x1 and dx1), (x2 and dx2), etc. By Equation (3.1) the probability P of the simultaneous occurrence of all of these errors is equal to the product of the individual probabilities, thus


Then by logs:

The most probable values of the errors will occur when P is maximized or when the log of P is maximized. To maximize a function, it is differentiated with respect to each unknown parameter z, and the results set equal to zero. After logarithmic differentiation of Equation (D.3) the following n equations result: (Note that dx's are constants independent of the z's and therefore their differentials with respect to the z's are zero).

Now let

Substituting Equation (D.5) into (D.4) gives

Thus far f(x) and f′(x) are general, regardless of the number of unknown parameters. Now consider the special case where there is only one unknown z and M1, M2, …, Mm are m observed values of z. If z* is the true value of the quantity, the errors associated with the observations are

Differentiating Equation (D.7) with respect to z gives

Then for this special case, substituting Equations (D.7) and (D.8) into Equations (D.6), they reduce to a single equation:

Equation (D.9) for this special case in consideration is also general for any value of m and for any observed values M1, M2,…, Mm. Thus, let the values of M be


where N is chosen for convenience as N = (M1M2)/m.

The arithmetic mean is the most probable value for this case of a single quantity having been observed several times; therefore, z* the most probable value in this case is

Recall that N = (M1M2)/m, from which M1 = mN + M2. Substituting into Equation (D.10) gives


Similarly, since N = (M1M3)/m = (M1M4)/m and so on,


Substituting these expressions into Equation (D.9) yields


Rearranging yields


because N in this case is a constant. Thus,

Substituting Equation (D.5) into Equation (D.12), yields


From which images. Integrating gives


But letting



In Equation (D.13), since f (x) decreases as x increases, and thus the exponent must be negative. Arbitrarily letting

and incorporating the negative into Equation (D.13), there results

To find the value of the constant C, substitute Equation (D.15) into Equation (D.2)


Also, arbitrarily set t = hx, then dt = hdx and dx = dt/h, from which, after changing variables, we obtain


The value of the definite integral is images from which1

Substituting Equation (D.16) into Equation (D.15) gives

Note that from Equation (D.14) that images. For the normal distribution K = 1/σ2. Substituting this into Equation (D.17) yields


where the terms are as defined for Equation (3.2).

This is the general equation for the probability curve, having been derived in this instance from the consideration of a special case. In Table D.1 which follows, values for areas under the standard normal distribution function from negative infinity to t are tabulated.

TABLE D.1 Percentage Points for the Standard Normal Distribution Function

Representation of normal distribution curve. images
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
−3.2 0.00069 0.00066 0.00064 0.00062 0.00060 0.00058 0.00056 0.00054 0.00052 0.00050
−3.1 0.00097 0.00094 0.00090 0.00087 0.00084 0.00082 0.00079 0.00076 0.00074 0.00071
−3.0 0.00135 0.00131 0.00126 0.00122 0.00118 0.00114 0.00111 0.00107 0.00104 0.00100
−2.9 0.00187 0.00181 0.00175 0.00169 0.00164 0.00159 0.00154 0.00149 0.00144 0.00139
−2.8 0.00256 0.00248 0.00240 0.00233 0.00226 0.00219 0.00212 0.00205 0.00199 0.00193
−2.7 0.00347 0.00336 0.00326 0.00317 0.00307 0.00298 0.00289 0.00280 0.00272 0.00264
−2.6 0.00466 0.00453 0.00440 0.00427 0.00415 0.00402 0.00391 0.00379 0.00368 0.00357
−2.5 0.00621 0.00604 0.00587 0.00570 0.00554 0.00539 0.00523 0.00508 0.00494 0.00480
−2.4 0.00820 0.00798 0.00776 0.00755 0.00734 0.00714 0.00695 0.00676 0.00657 0.00639
−2.3 0.01072 0.01044 0.01017 0.00990 0.00964 0.00939 0.00914 0.00889 0.00866 0.00842
−2.2 0.01390 0.01355 0.01321 0.01287 0.01255 0.01222 0.01191 0.01160 0.01130 0.01101
−2.1 0.01786 0.01743 0.01700 0.01659 0.01618 0.01578 0.01539 0.01500 0.01463 0.01426
−2.0 0.02275 0.02222 0.02169 0.02118 0.02068 0.02018 0.01970 0.01923 0.01876 0.01831
−1.9 0.02872 0.02807 0.02743 0.02680 0.02619 0.02559 0.02500 0.02442 0.02385 0.02330
−1.8 0.03593 0.03515 0.03438 0.03362 0.03288 0.03216 0.03144 0.03074 0.03005 0.02938
−1.7 0.04457 0.04363 0.04272 0.04182 0.04093 0.04006 0.03920 0.03836 0.03754 0.03673
−1.6 0.05480 0.05370 0.05262 0.05155 0.05050 0.04947 0.04846 0.04746 0.04648 0.04551
−1.5 0.06681 0.06552 0.06426 0.06301 0.06178 0.06057 0.05938 0.05821 0.05705 0.05592
−1.4 0.08076 0.07927 0.07780 0.07636 0.07493 0.07353 0.07215 0.07078 0.06944 0.06811
−1.3 0.09680 0.09510 0.09342 0.09176 0.09012 0.08851 0.08691 0.08534 0.08379 0.08226
−1.2 0.11507 0.11314 0.11123 0.10935 0.10749 0.10565 0.10383 0.10204 0.10027 0.09853
−1.1 0.13567 0.13350 0.13136 0.12924 0.12714 0.12507 0.12302 0.12100 0.11900 0.11702
−1.0 0.15866 0.15625 0.15386 0.15151 0.14917 0.14686 0.14457 0.14231 0.14007 0.13786
−0.9 0.18406 0.18141 0.17879 0.17619 0.17361 0.17106 0.16853 0.16602 0.16354 0.16109
−0.8 0.21186 0.20897 0.20611 0.20327 0.20045 0.19766 0.19489 0.19215 0.18943 0.18673
−0.7 0.24196 0.23885 0.23576 0.23270 0.22965 0.22663 0.22363 0.22065 0.21770 0.21476
−0.6 0.27425 0.27093 0.26763 0.26435 0.26109 0.25785 0.25463 0.25143 0.24825 0.24510
−0.5 0.30854 0.30503 0.30153 0.29806 0.29460 0.29116 0.28774 0.28434 0.28096 0.27760
−0.4 0.34458 0.34090 0.33724 0.33360 0.32997 0.32636 0.32276 0.31918 0.31561 0.31207
−0.3 0.38209 0.37828 0.37448 0.37070 0.36693 0.36317 0.35942 0.35569 0.35197 0.34827
−0.2 0.42074 0.41683 0.41294 0.40905 0.40517 0.40129 0.39743 0.39358 0.38974 0.38591
−0.1 0.46017 0.45620 0.45224 0.44828 0.44433 0.44038 0.43644 0.43251 0.42858 0.42465
  0.0 0.50000 0.49601 0.49202 0.48803 0.48405 0.48006 0.47608 0.47210 0.46812 0.46414
Representation of normal distribution curve. images
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.0 0.50000 0.49601 0.49202 0.48803 0.48405 0.48006 0.47608 0.47210 0.46812 0.46414
0.1 0.53983 0.53586 0.53188 0.52790 0.52392 0.51994 0.51595 0.51197 0.50798 0.50399
0.2 0.57926 0.57535 0.57142 0.56749 0.56356 0.55962 0.55567 0.55172 0.54776 0.54380
0.3 0.61791 0.61409 0.61026 0.60642 0.60257 0.59871 0.59483 0.59095 0.58706 0.58317
0.4 0.65542 0.65173 0.64803 0.64431 0.64058 0.63683 0.63307 0.62930 0.62552 0.62172
0.5 0.69146 0.68793 0.68439 0.68082 0.67724 0.67364 0.67003 0.66640 0.66276 0.65910
0.6 0.72575 0.72240 0.71904 0.71566 0.71226 0.70884 0.70540 0.70194 0.69847 0.69497
0.7 0.75804 0.75490 0.75175 0.74857 0.74537 0.74215 0.73891 0.73565 0.73237 0.72907
0.8 0.78814 0.78524 0.78230 0.77935 0.77637 0.77337 0.77035 0.76730 0.76424 0.76115
0.9 0.81594 0.81327 0.81057 0.80785 0.80511 0.80234 0.79955 0.79673 0.79389 0.79103
1.0 0.84134 0.83891 0.83646 0.83398 0.83147 0.82894 0.82639 0.82381 0.82121 0.81859
1.1 0.86433 0.86214 0.85993 0.85769 0.85543 0.85314 0.85083 0.84849 0.84614 0.84375
1.2 0.88493 0.88298 0.88100 0.87900 0.87698 0.87493 0.87286 0.87076 0.86864 0.86650
1.3 0.90320 0.90147 0.89973 0.89796 0.89617 0.89435 0.89251 0.89065 0.88877 0.88686
1.4 0.91924 0.91774 0.91621 0.91466 0.91309 0.91149 0.90988 0.90824 0.90658 0.90490
1.5 0.93319 0.93189 0.93056 0.92922 0.92785 0.92647 0.92507 0.92364 0.92220 0.92073
1.6 0.94520 0.94408 0.94295 0.94179 0.94062 0.93943 0.93822 0.93699 0.93574 0.93448
1.7 0.95543 0.95449 0.95352 0.95254 0.95154 0.95053 0.94950 0.94845 0.94738 0.94630
1.8 0.96407 0.96327 0.96246 0.96164 0.96080 0.95994 0.95907 0.95818 0.95728 0.95637
1.9 0.97128 0.97062 0.96995 0.96926 0.96856 0.96784 0.96712 0.96638 0.96562 0.96485
2.0 0.97725 0.97670 0.97615 0.97558 0.97500 0.97441 0.97381 0.97320 0.97257 0.97193
2.1 0.98214 0.98169 0.98124 0.98077 0.98030 0.97982 0.97932 0.97882 0.97831 0.97778
2.2 0.98610 0.98574 0.98537 0.98500 0.98461 0.98422 0.98382 0.98341 0.98300 0.98257
2.3 0.98928 0.98899 0.98870 0.98840 0.98809 0.98778 0.98745 0.98713 0.98679 0.98645
2.4 0.99180 0.99158 0.99134 0.99111 0.99086 0.99061 0.99036 0.99010 0.98983 0.98956
2.5 0.99379 0.99361 0.99343 0.99324 0.99305 0.99286 0.99266 0.99245 0.99224 0.99202
2.6 0.99534 0.99520 0.99506 0.99492 0.99477 0.99461 0.99446 0.99430 0.99413 0.99396
2.7 0.99653 0.99643 0.99632 0.99621 0.99609 0.99598 0.99585 0.99573 0.99560 0.99547
2.8 0.99744 0.99736 0.99728 0.99720 0.99711 0.99702 0.99693 0.99683 0.99674 0.99664
2.9 0.99813 0.99807 0.99801 0.99795 0.99788 0.99781 0.99774 0.99767 0.99760 0.99752
3.0 0.99865 0.99861 0.99856 0.99851 0.99846 0.99841 0.99836 0.99831 0.99825 0.99819
3.1 0.99903 0.99900 0.99896 0.99893 0.99889 0.99886 0.99882 0.99878 0.99874 0.99869
3.2 0.99931 0.99929 0.99926 0.99924 0.99921 0.99918 0.99916 0.99913 0.99910 0.99906


On the remaining pages of this chapter are three often-used statistical tables. Application of these tables and their interpretation are discussed in detail in Chapter 4. The equations used to generate each of these tables are also presented.

D.2.1 The χ2 Distribution

Chi-squared is a density function for the distribution of sample variances computed from sets with selected degrees of freedom for a population. The use of this distribution to construct confidence intervals for the population variance, and to perform hypothesis testing involving the population variance are discussed in detail in Chapter 4. The χ2 distribution is illustrated Figure D.2.

Geometry for X2 distribution.

FIGURE D.2 χ2 distribution.

The χ2 distribution critical values given in Table D.2 were generated using the following function. (Critical χ2 values for both tails of the distribution were derived with a program using numerical integration routines similar to those used in STATS.)


TABLE D.2 Critical Values for the χ2 Distribution

imagesα→   0.999  0.995 0.990  0.975  0.950  0.900  0.500  0.100  0.050  0.025  0.010  0.005  0.001
1   1.6E-6  3.9E-5 1.6E-4  0.001  0.004   0.016   0.455   2.706   3.841   5.024   6.635   7.879  10.83
2   0.0020  0.0100  0.0201  0.051  0.103   0.211   1.386   4.605   5.991   7.378   9.210  10.60  13.82
3   0.0243  0.0717  0.115  0.216  0.352   0.584   2.366   6.251   7.815   9.348  11.34  12.84  16.27
4   0.0908  0.207  0.297  0.484  0.711   1.064   3.357   7.779   9.488  11.14  13.28  14.86  18.47
5  0.210  0.412  0.554  0.831  1.145   1.610   4.351   9.236  11.07  12.83  15.09  16.75  20.52
6  0.381  0.676  0.872  1.237  1.635   2.204   5.348  10.64  12.59  14.45  16.81  18.55  22.46
7  0.598  0.989  1.239  1.690  2.167   2.833   6.346  12.02  14.07  16.01  18.48  20.28  24.32
8  0.857  1.344  1.646  2.180  2.733   3.490   7.344  13.36  15.51  17.53  20.09  21.95  26.12
9  1.152  1.735  2.088  2.700  3.325   4.168   8.343  14.68  16.92  19.02  21.67  23.59  27.88
10  1.479  2.156  2.558  3.247  3.940   4.865   9.342  15.99  18.31  20.48  23.21  25.19  29.59
11  1.834  2.603  3.053  3.816  4.575   5.578  10.34  17.28  19.68  21.92  24.72  26.76  31.26
12  2.214  3.074  3.571  4.404  5.226   6.304  11.34  18.55  21.03  23.34  26.22  28.30  32.91
13  2.617  3.565  4.107  5.009  5.892   7.042  12.34  19.81  22.36  24.74  27.69  29.82  34.53
14  3.041  4.075  4.660  5.629  6.571   7.790  13.34  21.06  23.68  26.12  29.14  31.32  36.12
15  3.483  4.601  5.229  6.262  7.261   8.547  14.34  22.31  25.00  27.49  30.58  32.80  37.70
16  3.942  5.142  5.812  6.908  7.962   9.312  15.34  23.54  26.30  28.85  32.00  34.27  39.25
17  4.416  5.697  6.408  7.564  8.672  10.09  16.34  24.77  27.59  30.19  33.41  35.72  40.79
18  4.905  6.265  7.015  8.231  9.390  10.86  17.34  25.99  28.87  31.53  34.81  37.16  42.31
19  5.407  6.844  7.633  8.907 10.12  11.65  18.34  27.20  30.14  32.85  36.19  38.58  43.82
20  5.921  7.434  8.260  9.591 10.85  12.44  19.34  28.41  31.41  34.17  37.57  40.00  45.31
21  6.447  8.034  8.897 10.28 11.59  13.24  20.34  29.62  32.67  35.48  38.93  41.40  46.80
22  6.983  8.643  9.542 10.98 12.34  14.04  21.34  30.81  33.92  36.78  40.29  42.80  48.27
23  7.529  9.260 10.20 11.69 13.09  14.85  22.34  32.01  35.17  38.08  41.64  44.18  49.73
24  8.085  9.886 10.86 12.40 13.85  15.66  23.34  33.20  36.42  39.36  42.98  45.56  51.18
25  8.649 10.52  11.52 13.12 14.61  16.47  24.34  34.38  37.65  40.65  44.31  46.93  52.62
26  9.222 11.16  12.20 13.84 15.38  17.29  25.34  35.56  38.89  41.92  45.64  48.29  54.05
27  9.803 11.81  12.88 14.57 16.15  18.11  26.34  36.74  40.11  43.19  46.96  49.64  55.48
28 10.39  12.46  13.56 15.31 16.93  18.94  27.34  37.92  41.34  44.46  48.28  50.99  56.89
29 10.99  13.12  14.26 16.05 17.71  19.77  28.34  39.09  42.56  45.72  49.59  52.34  58.30
30 11.59  13.79 14.95 16.79 18.49  20.60  29.34  40.26  43.77  46.98  50.89  53.67  59.70
35 14.69  17.19  18.51 20.57 22.47  24.80  34.34  46.06  49.80  53.20  57.34  60.27  66.62
40 17.92  20.71  22.16 24.43 26.51  29.05  39.34  51.81  55.76  59.34  63.69  66.77  73.40
50 24.67  27.99  29.71 32.36 34.76  37.69  49.33  63.17  67.50  71.42  76.15  79.49  86.66
60 31.74  35.53  37.48 40.48 43.19  46.46  59.33  74.40  79.08  83.30  88.38  91.95  99.61
120 77.76  83.85  86.92 91.57 95.70 100.62 119.33 140.23 146.57 152.21 158.95 163.65 173.62

where v is the degrees of freedom, and Γ is known as the gamma function, which is defined as


It is computed as Γ(v) = (v − 1)! = (v − 1)(v − 2)(v − 3) ⋯ (3)(2)(1).

D.2.2 t Distribution

The t distribution function, shown in Figure D.3, is used to derive confidence intervals for the population mean when the sample set is small. It is also used in hypothesis testing to check the validity of a sample mean against a population mean. The uses for this distribution are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 4.

Geometry for t distribution.

FIGURE D.3 t distribution.

The t distribution tables were generated using the following function. (Critical t values for the upper tail of the distribution were derived with a program using numerical integration routines similar to those available in STATS.)


where Γ is the gamma function as defined in Section D.2.1, and v is the degrees of freedom in the function. In Table D.3 critical values of t are listed that are required to achieve the percentage points listed in the top row. The distribution is symmetrical, and thus


TABLE D.3 Critical Values for the t Distribution

imagesα→ 0.400 0.350 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.025 0.010 0.005 0.001 0.0005
1 0.325 0.510 0.727 1.000 1.376 1.963 3.078 6.314 12.706  31.82  63.66  318.3   636.6  
2 0.289 0.445 0.617 0.816 1.061 1.386 1.886 2.920 4.303 6.965  9.925 22.33  31.60 
3 0.277 0.424 0.584 0.765 0.978 1.250 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541  5.841 10.21  12.92 
4 0.271 0.414 0.569 0.741 0.941 1.190 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747  4.604  7.173  8.610
5 0.267 0.408 0.559 0.727 0.920 1.156 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365  4.032  5.893  6.869
6 0.265 0.404 0.553 0.718 0.906 1.134 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143  3.707  5.208  5.959
7 0.263 0.402 0.549 0.711 0.896 1.119 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998  3.499  4.785  5.408
8 0.262 0.399 0.546 0.706 0.889 1.108 1.397 1.860 2.306 2.896  3.355  4.501  5.041
9 0.261 0.398 0.543 0.703 0.883 1.100 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821  3.250  4.297  4.781
10 0.260 0.397 0.542 0.700 0.879 1.093 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764  3.169  4.144  4.587
11 0.260 0.396 0.540 0.697 0.876 1.088 1.363 1.796 2.201 2.718  3.106  4.025  4.437
12 0.259 0.395 0.539 0.695 0.873 1.083 1.356 1.782 2.179 2.681  3.055  3.930  4.318
13 0.259 0.394 0.538 0.694 0.870 1.079 1.350 1.771 2.160 2.650  3.012  3.852  4.221
14 0.258 0.393 0.537 0.692 0.868 1.076 1.345 1.761 2.145 2.624  2.977  3.787  4.140
15 0.258 0.393 0.536 0.691 0.866 1.074 1.341 1.753 2.131 2.602  2.947  3.733  4.073
16 0.258 0.392 0.535 0.690 0.865 1.071 1.337 1.746 2.120 2.583  2.921  3.686  4.015
17 0.257 0.392 0.534 0.689 0.863 1.069 1.333 1.740 2.110 2.567  2.898  3.646  3.965
18 0.257 0.392 0.534 0.688 0.862 1.067 1.330 1.734 2.101 2.552  2.878  3.610  3.922
19 0.257 0.391 0.533 0.688 0.861 1.066 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539  2.861  3.579  3.883
20 0.257 0.391 0.533 0.687 0.860 1.064 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528  2.845  3.552  3.850
21 0.257 0.391 0.532 0.686 0.859 1.063 1.323 1.721 2.080 2.518  2.831  3.527  3.819
22 0.256 0.390 0.532 0.686 0.858 1.061 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508  2.819  3.505  3.792
23 0.256 0.390 0.532 0.685 0.858 1.060 1.319 1.714 2.069 2.500  2.807  3.485  3.768
24 0.256 0.390 0.531 0.685 0.857 1.059 1.318 1.711 2.064 2.492  2.797  3.467  3.745
25 0.256 0.390 0.531 0.684 0.856 1.058 1.316 1.708 2.060 2.485  2.787  3.450  3.725
26 0.256 0.390 0.531 0.684 0.856 1.058 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479  2.779  3.435  3.707
27 0.256 0.389 0.531 0.684 0.855 1.057 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473  2.771  3.421  3.690
28 0.256 0.389 0.530 0.683 0.855 1.056 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.467  2.763  3.408  3.674
29 0.256 0.389 0.530 0.683 0.854 1.055 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462  2.756  3.396  3.659
30 0.256 0.389 0.530 0.683 0.854 1.055 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457  2.750  3.385  3.646
35 0.255 0.388 0.529 0.682 0.852 1.052 1.306 1.690 2.030 2.438  2.724  3.340  3.591
40 0.255 0.388 0.529 0.681 0.851 1.050 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423  2.704  3.307  3.551
60 0.254 0.387 0.527 0.679 0.848 1.045 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390  2.660  3.232  3.460
120 0.254 0.386 0.526 0.677 0.845 1.041 1.289 1.658 1.980 2.358  2.617  3.160  3.373
0.253 0.385 0.525 0.675 0.842 1.037 1.282 1.645 1.960 2.326  2.576  3.291  3.300

D.2.3 F Distribution (Also known as Fisher distribution)

This F distribution function, shown in Figure D.4, is used to derive confidence intervals for the ratio of two population variances. It is also used in hypothesis testing for this same ratio. The uses for this distribution are discussed in Chapter 4.

Geometry for F distribution.

FIGURE D.4 F distribution.

Critical F values for the upper tail of the distribution were derived with a program using numerical integration routines similar to those used in STATS. The tables were generated using the following function.


where Γ is the gamma function as defined in Section D.2.1, images the numerator degrees of freedom, and images the denominator degrees of freedom.

For critical values in the lower tail of the distribution, the following relationship can be used in conjunction with the tabular values given in the following pages:


TABLE D.4 Critical Values for the F Distribution

α = 0.20
v2↓v1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120
 1   9.47  12.00  13.06  13.64  14.01  14.26  14.44  14.58  14.68  14.77  14.90  15.04  15.17  15.24  15.31  15.37  15.44  15.51
 2   3.56   4.00   4.16   4.24   4.28   4.32   4.34   4.36   4.37   4.38   4.40   4.42   4.43   4.44   4.45   4.46   4.46   4.47
 3   2.68   2.89   2.94   2.96   2.97   2.97   2.97   2.98   2.98   2.98   2.98   2.98   2.98   2.98   2.98   2.98   2.98   2.98
 4   2.35   2.47   2.48   2.48   2.48   2.47   2.47   2.47   2.46   2.46   2.46   2.45   2.44   2.44   2.44   2.44   2.43   2.43
 5   2.18   2.26   2.25   2.24   2.23   2.22   2.21   2.20   2.20   2.19   2.18   2.18   2.17   2.16   2.16   2.15   2.15   2.14
 6   2.07   2.13   2.11   2.09   2.08   2.06   2.05   2.04   2.03   2.03   2.02   2.01   2.00   1.99   1.98   1.98   1.97   1.96
 7   2.00   2.04   2.02   1.99   1.97   1.96   1.94   1.93   1.93   1.92   1.91   1.89   1.88   1.87   1.86   1.86   1.85   1.84
 8   1.95   1.98   1.95   1.92   1.90   1.88   1.87   1.86   1.85   1.84   1.83   1.81   1.80   1.79   1.78   1.77   1.76   1.75
 9   1.91   1.93   1.90   1.87   1.85   1.83   1.81   1.80   1.79   1.78   1.76   1.75   1.73   1.72   1.71   1.70   1.69   1.68
10   1.88   1.90   1.86   1.83   1.80   1.78   1.77   1.75   1.74   1.73   1.72   1.70   1.68   1.67   1.66   1.65   1.64   1.63
11   1.86   1.87   1.83   1.80   1.77   1.75   1.73   1.72   1.70   1.69   1.68   1.66   1.64   1.63   1.62   1.61   1.60   1.59
12   1.84   1.85   1.80   1.77   1.74   1.72   1.70   1.69   1.67   1.66   1.65   1.63   1.61   1.60   1.59   1.58   1.56   1.55
13   1.82   1.83   1.78   1.75   1.72   1.69   1.68   1.66   1.65   1.64   1.62   1.60   1.58   1.57   1.56   1.55   1.53   1.52
14   1.81   1.81   1.76   1.73   1.70   1.67   1.65   1.64   1.63   1.62   1.60   1.58   1.56   1.55   1.53   1.52   1.51   1.49
15   1.80   1.80   1.75   1.71   1.68   1.66   1.64   1.62   1.61   1.60   1.58   1.56   1.54   1.53   1.51   1.50   1.49   1.47
16   1.79   1.78   1.74   1.70   1.67   1.64   1.62   1.61   1.59   1.58   1.56   1.54   1.52   1.51   1.49   1.48   1.47   1.45
17   1.78   1.77   1.72   1.68   1.65   1.63   1.61   1.59   1.58   1.57   1.55   1.53   1.50   1.49   1.48   1.46   1.45   1.43
18   1.77   1.76   1.71   1.67   1.64   1.62   1.60   1.58   1.56   1.55   1.53   1.51   1.49   1.48   1.46   1.45   1.43   1.42
19   1.76   1.75   1.70   1.66   1.63   1.61   1.58   1.57   1.55   1.54   1.52   1.50   1.48   1.46   1.45   1.44   1.42   1.40
20   1.76   1.75   1.70   1.65   1.62   1.60   1.58   1.56   1.54   1.53   1.51   1.49   1.47   1.45   1.44   1.42   1.41   1.39
21   1.75   1.74   1.69   1.65   1.61   1.59   1.57   1.55   1.53   1.52   1.50   1.48   1.46   1.44   1.43   1.41   1.40   1.38
22   1.75   1.73   1.68   1.64   1.61   1.58   1.56   1.54   1.53   1.51   1.49   1.47   1.45   1.43   1.42   1.40   1.39   1.37
23   1.74   1.73   1.68   1.63   1.60   1.57   1.55   1.53   1.52   1.51   1.49   1.46   1.44   1.42   1.41   1.39   1.38   1.36
24   1.74   1.72   1.67   1.63   1.59   1.57   1.55   1.53   1.51   1.50   1.48   1.46   1.43   1.42   1.40   1.39   1.37   1.35
25   1.73   1.72   1.66   1.62   1.59   1.56   1.54   1.52   1.51   1.49   1.47   1.45   1.42   1.41   1.39   1.38   1.36   1.34
26   1.73   1.71   1.66   1.62   1.58   1.56   1.53   1.52   1.50   1.49   1.47   1.44   1.42   1.40   1.39   1.37   1.35   1.33
27   1.73   1.71   1.66   1.61   1.58   1.55   1.53   1.51   1.49   1.48   1.46   1.44   1.41   1.40   1.38   1.36   1.35   1.33
28   1.72   1.71   1.65   1.61   1.57   1.55   1.52   1.51   1.49   1.48   1.46   1.43   1.41   1.39   1.37   1.36   1.34   1.32
29   1.72   1.70   1.65   1.60   1.57   1.54   1.52   1.50   1.49   1.47   1.45   1.43   1.40   1.39   1.37   1.35   1.33   1.31
30   1.72   1.70   1.64   1.60   1.57   1.54   1.52   1.50   1.48   1.47   1.45   1.42   1.39   1.38   1.36   1.35   1.33   1.31
50   1.69   1.66   1.60   1.56   1.52   1.49   1.47   1.45   1.43   1.42   1.39   1.37   1.34   1.32   1.30   1.28   1.26   1.24
60   1.68   1.65   1.59   1.55   1.51   1.48   1.46   1.44   1.42   1.41   1.38   1.35   1.32   1.31   1.29   1.27   1.24   1.22
80   1.67   1.64   1.58   1.53   1.50   1.47   1.44   1.42   1.41   1.39   1.37   1.34   1.31   1.29   1.27   1.25   1.22   1.19
120    1.66   1.63   1.57   1.52   1.48   1.45   1.43   1.41   1.39   1.37   1.35   1.32   1.29   1.27   1.25   1.23   1.20   1.17
α = 0.10
v2↓v1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120
 1  39.85  49.49  53.59  55.83  57.23  58.20  58.90  59.43  59.85  60.19  60.70  61.21  61.73  61.99  62.26  62.52  62.79  63.05
 2   8.53   9.00   9.16   9.24   9.29   9.33   9.35   9.37   9.38   9.39   9.41   9.42   9.44   9.45   9.46   9.47   9.47   9.48
 3   5.54   5.46   5.39   5.34   5.31   5.28   5.27   5.25   5.24   5.23   5.22   5.20   5.18   5.18   5.17   5.16   5.15   5.14
 4   4.54   4.32   4.19   4.11   4.05   4.01   3.98   3.95   3.94   3.92   3.90   3.87   3.84   3.83   3.82   3.80   3.79   3.78
 5   4.06   3.78   3.62   3.52   3.45   3.40   3.37   3.34   3.32   3.30   3.27   3.24   3.21   3.19   3.17   3.16   3.14   3.12
 6   3.78   3.46   3.29   3.18   3.11   3.05   3.01   2.98   2.96   2.94   2.90   2.87   2.84   2.82   2.80   2.78   2.76   2.74
 7   3.59   3.26   3.07   2.96   2.88   2.83   2.78   2.75   2.72   2.70   2.67   2.63   2.59   2.58   2.56   2.54   2.51   2.49
 8   3.46   3.11   2.92   2.81   2.73   2.67   2.62   2.59   2.56   2.54   2.50   2.46   2.42   2.40   2.38   2.36   2.34   2.32
 9   3.36   3.01   2.81   2.69   2.61   2.55   2.51   2.47   2.44   2.42   2.38   2.34   2.30   2.28   2.25   2.23   2.21   2.18
10   3.28   2.92   2.73   2.61   2.52   2.46   2.41   2.38   2.35   2.32   2.28   2.24   2.20   2.18   2.16   2.13   2.11   2.08
11   3.23   2.86   2.66   2.54   2.45   2.39   2.34   2.30   2.27   2.25   2.21   2.17   2.12   2.10   2.08   2.05   2.03   2.00
12   3.18   2.81   2.61   2.48   2.39   2.33   2.28   2.24   2.21   2.19   2.15   2.10   2.06   2.04   2.01   1.99   1.96   1.93
13   3.14   2.76   2.56   2.43   2.35   2.28   2.23   2.20   2.16   2.14   2.10   2.05   2.01   1.98   1.96   1.93   1.90   1.88
14   3.10   2.73   2.52   2.39   2.31   2.24   2.19   2.15   2.12   2.10   2.05   2.01   1.96   1.94   1.91   1.89   1.86   1.83
15   3.07   2.70   2.49   2.36   2.27   2.21   2.16   2.12   2.09   2.06   2.02   1.97   1.92   1.90   1.87   1.85   1.82   1.79
16   3.05   2.67   2.46   2.33   2.24   2.18   2.13   2.09   2.06   2.03   1.99   1.94   1.89   1.87   1.84   1.81   1.78   1.75
17   3.03   2.64   2.44   2.31   2.22   2.15   2.10   2.06   2.03   2.00   1.96   1.91   1.86   1.84   1.81   1.78   1.75   1.72
18   3.01   2.62   2.42   2.29   2.20   2.13   2.08   2.04   2.00   1.98   1.93   1.89   1.84   1.81   1.78   1.75   1.72   1.69
19   2.99   2.61   2.40   2.27   2.18   2.11   2.06   2.02   1.98   1.96   1.91   1.86   1.81   1.79   1.76   1.73   1.70   1.67
20   2.97   2.59   2.38   2.25   2.16   2.09   2.04   2.00   1.96   1.94   1.89   1.84   1.79   1.77   1.74   1.71   1.68   1.64
21   2.96   2.57   2.36   2.23   2.14   2.08   2.02   1.98   1.95   1.92   1.87   1.83   1.78   1.75   1.72   1.69   1.66   1.62
22   2.95   2.56   2.35   2.22   2.13   2.06   2.01   1.97   1.93   1.90   1.86   1.81   1.76   1.73   1.70   1.67   1.64   1.60
23   2.94   2.55   2.34   2.21   2.11   2.05   1.99   1.95   1.92   1.89   1.84   1.80   1.74   1.72   1.69   1.66   1.62   1.59
24   2.93   2.54   2.33   2.19   2.10   2.04   1.98   1.94   1.91   1.88   1.83   1.78   1.73   1.70   1.67   1.64   1.61   1.57
25   2.92   2.53   2.32   2.18   2.09   2.02   1.97   1.93   1.89   1.87   1.82   1.77   1.72   1.69   1.66   1.63   1.59   1.56
26   2.91   2.52   2.31   2.17   2.08   2.01   1.96   1.92   1.88   1.86   1.81   1.76   1.71   1.68   1.65   1.61   1.58   1.54
27   2.90   2.51   2.30   2.17   2.07   2.00   1.95   1.91   1.87   1.85   1.80   1.75   1.70   1.67   1.64   1.60   1.57   1.53
28   2.89   2.50   2.29   2.16   2.06   2.00   1.94   1.90   1.87   1.84   1.79   1.74   1.69   1.66   1.63   1.59   1.56   1.52
29   2.89   2.50   2.28   2.15   2.06   1.99   1.93   1.89   1.86   1.83   1.78   1.73   1.68   1.65   1.62   1.58   1.55   1.51
30   2.88   2.49   2.28   2.14   2.05   1.98   1.93   1.88   1.85   1.82   1.77   1.72   1.67   1.64   1.61   1.57   1.54   1.50
50   2.81   2.41   2.20   2.06   1.97   1.90   1.84   1.80   1.76   1.73   1.68   1.63   1.57   1.54   1.50   1.46   1.42   1.38
60   2.79   2.39   2.18   2.04   1.95   1.87   1.82   1.77   1.74   1.71   1.66   1.60   1.54   1.51   1.48   1.44   1.40   1.35
80   2.77   2.37   2.15   2.02   1.92   1.85   1.79   1.75   1.71   1.68   1.63   1.57   1.51   1.48   1.44   1.40   1.36   1.31
120    2.75   2.35   2.13   1.99   1.90   1.82   1.77   1.72   1.68   1.65   1.60   1.55   1.48   1.45   1.41   1.37   1.32   1.26
α = 0.05
v2↓v1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120
 1 161.4  199.5  215.7  224.6  230.2  234.0  236.8  238.9  240.5  241.9  243.9  245.9  248    249    250    251    252    253.2 
 2  18.51  19.00  19.16  19.25  19.30  19.33  19.35  19.37  19.38  19.40  19.41  19.43  19.45  19.45  19.46  19.47  19.48  19.49
 3  10.13   9.55   9.28   9.12   9.01   8.94   8.89   8.85   8.81   8.79   8.74   8.70   8.66   8.64   8.62   8.59   8.57   8.55
 4   7.71   6.94   6.59   6.39   6.26   6.16   6.09   6.04   6.00   5.96   5.91   5.86   5.80   5.77   5.75   5.72   5.69   5.66
 5   6.61   5.79   5.41   5.19   5.05   4.95   4.88   4.82   4.77   4.74   4.68   4.62   4.56   4.53   4.50   4.46   4.43   4.40
 6   5.99   5.14   4.76   4.53   4.39   4.28   4.21   4.15   4.10   4.06   4.00   3.94   3.87   3.84   3.81   3.77   3.74   3.70
 7   5.59   4.74   4.35   4.12   3.97   3.87   3.79   3.73   3.68   3.64   3.57   3.51   3.44   3.41   3.38   3.34   3.30   3.27
 8   5.32   4.46   4.07   3.84   3.69   3.58   3.50   3.44   3.39   3.35   3.28   3.22   3.15   3.12   3.08   3.04   3.01   2.97
 9   5.12   4.26   3.86   3.63   3.48   3.37   3.29   3.23   3.18   3.14   3.07   3.01   2.94   2.90   2.86   2.83   2.79   2.75
10   4.96   4.10   3.71   3.48   3.33   3.22   3.14   3.07   3.02   2.98   2.91   2.85   2.77   2.74   2.70   2.66   2.62   2.58
11   4.84   3.98   3.59   3.36   3.20   3.09   3.01   2.95   2.90   2.85   2.79   2.72   2.65   2.61   2.57   2.53   2.49   2.45
12   4.75   3.89   3.49   3.26   3.11   3.00   2.91   2.85   2.80   2.75   2.69   2.62   2.54   2.51   2.47   2.43   2.38   2.34
13   4.67   3.81   3.41   3.18   3.03   2.92   2.83   2.77   2.71   2.67   2.60   2.53   2.46   2.42   2.38   2.34   2.30   2.25
14   4.60   3.74   3.34   3.11   2.96   2.85   2.76   2.70   2.65   2.60   2.53   2.46   2.39   2.35   2.31   2.27   2.22   2.18
15   4.54   3.68   3.29   3.06   2.90   2.79   2.71   2.64   2.59   2.54   2.48   2.40   2.33   2.29   2.25   2.20   2.16   2.11
16   4.49   3.63   3.24   3.01   2.85   2.74   2.66   2.59   2.54   2.49   2.42   2.35   2.28   2.24   2.19   2.15   2.11   2.06
17   4.45   3.59   3.20   2.96   2.81   2.70   2.61   2.55   2.49   2.45   2.38   2.31   2.23   2.19   2.15   2.10   2.06   2.01
18   4.41   3.55   3.16   2.93   2.77   2.66   2.58   2.51   2.46   2.41   2.34   2.27   2.19   2.15   2.11   2.06   2.02   1.97
19   4.38   3.52   3.13   2.90   2.74   2.63   2.54   2.48   2.42   2.38   2.31   2.23   2.16   2.11   2.07   2.03   1.98   1.93
20   4.35   3.49   3.10   2.87   2.71   2.60   2.51   2.45   2.39   2.35   2.28   2.20   2.12   2.08   2.04   1.99   1.95   1.90
21   4.32   3.47   3.07   2.84   2.68   2.57   2.49   2.42   2.37   2.32   2.25   2.18   2.10   2.05   2.01   1.96   1.92   1.87
22   4.30   3.44   3.05   2.82   2.66   2.55   2.46   2.40   2.34   2.30   2.23   2.15   2.07   2.03   1.98   1.94   1.89   1.84
23   4.28   3.42   3.03   2.80   2.64   2.53   2.44   2.37   2.32   2.27   2.20   2.13   2.05   2.01   1.96   1.91   1.86   1.81
24   4.26   3.40   3.01   2.78   2.62   2.51   2.42   2.36   2.30   2.25   2.18   2.11   2.03   1.98   1.94   1.89   1.84   1.79
25   4.24   3.39   2.99   2.76   2.60   2.49   2.40   2.34   2.28   2.24   2.16   2.09   2.01   1.96   1.92   1.87   1.82   1.77
26   4.22   3.37   2.98   2.74   2.59   2.47   2.39   2.32   2.27   2.22   2.15   2.07   1.99   1.95   1.90   1.85   1.80   1.75
27   4.21   3.35   2.96   2.73   2.57   2.46   2.37   2.31   2.25   2.20   2.13   2.06   1.97   1.93   1.88   1.84   1.79   1.73
28   4.20   3.34   2.95   2.71   2.56   2.45   2.36   2.29   2.24   2.19   2.12   2.04   1.96   1.91   1.87   1.82   1.77   1.71
29   4.18   3.33   2.93   2.70   2.55   2.43   2.35   2.28   2.22   2.18   2.10   2.03   1.94   1.90   1.85   1.81   1.75   1.70
30   4.17   3.32   2.92   2.69   2.53   2.42   2.33   2.27   2.21   2.16   2.09   2.01   1.93   1.89   1.84   1.79   1.74   1.68
50   4.03   3.18   2.79   2.56   2.40   2.29   2.20   2.13   2.07   2.03   1.95   1.87   1.78   1.74   1.69   1.63   1.58   1.51
60   4.00   3.15   2.76   2.53   2.37   2.25   2.17   2.10   2.04   1.99   1.92   1.84   1.75   1.70   1.65   1.59   1.53   1.47
80   3.96   3.11   2.72   2.49   2.33   2.21   2.13   2.06   2.00   1.95   1.88   1.79   1.70   1.65   1.60   1.54   1.48   1.41
120    3.92   3.07   2.68   2.45   2.29   2.18   2.09   2.02   1.96   1.91   1.83   1.75   1.66   1.61   1.55   1.50   1.43   1.35
α = 0.025
v2↓v1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120
 1 647.8  799.5  864.2  899.6  921.8  937.1  948.2  956.7  963.3  968.6  976.7  984.9  993.1  997.2  1001    1006    1010    1014   
 2  38.51  39.00  39.17  39.25  39.30  39.33  39.36  39.37  39.39  39.40  39.41  39.43  39.45  39.46   39.46   39.47   39.48   39.48
 3  17.44  16.04  15.44  15.10  14.88  14.73  14.62  14.54  14.47  14.42  14.34  14.25  14.17  14.12   14.08   14.04   13.99   13.95
 4  12.22  10.65   9.98   9.60   9.36   9.20   9.07   8.98   8.90   8.84   8.75   8.66   8.56   8.51    8.46    8.41    8.36    8.31
 5  10.01   8.43   7.76   7.39   7.15   6.98   6.85   6.76   6.68   6.62   6.52   6.43   6.33   6.28    6.23    6.18    6.12    6.07
 6   8.81   7.26   6.60   6.23   5.99   5.82   5.70   5.60   5.52   5.46   5.37   5.27   5.17   5.12    5.07    5.01    4.96    4.90
 7   8.07   6.54   5.89   5.52   5.29   5.12   4.99   4.90   4.82   4.76   4.67   4.57   4.47   4.41    4.36    4.31    4.25    4.20
 8   7.57   6.06   5.42   5.05   4.82   4.65   4.53   4.43   4.36   4.30   4.20   4.10   4.00   3.95    3.89    3.84    3.78    3.73
 9   7.21   5.71   5.08   4.72   4.48   4.32   4.20   4.10   4.03   3.96   3.87   3.77   3.67   3.61    3.56    3.51    3.45    3.39
10   6.94   5.46   4.83   4.47   4.24   4.07   3.95   3.85   3.78   3.72   3.62   3.52   3.42   3.37    3.31    3.26    3.20    3.14
11   6.72   5.26   4.63   4.28   4.04   3.88   3.76   3.66   3.59   3.53   3.43   3.33   3.23   3.17    3.12    3.06    3.00    2.94
12   6.55   5.10   4.47   4.12   3.89   3.73   3.61   3.51   3.44   3.37   3.28   3.18   3.07   3.02    2.96    2.91    2.85    2.79
13   6.41   4.97   4.35   4.00   3.77   3.60   3.48   3.39   3.31   3.25   3.15   3.05   2.95   2.89    2.84    2.78    2.72    2.66
14   6.30   4.86   4.24   3.89   3.66   3.50   3.38   3.29   3.21   3.15   3.05   2.95   2.84   2.79    2.73    2.67    2.61    2.55
15   6.20   4.76   4.15   3.80   3.58   3.41   3.29   3.20   3.12   3.06   2.96   2.86   2.76   2.70    2.64    2.59    2.52    2.46
16   6.11   4.69   4.08   3.73   3.50   3.34   3.22   3.12   3.05   2.99   2.89   2.79   2.68   2.63    2.57    2.51    2.45    2.38
17   6.04   4.62   4.01   3.66   3.44   3.28   3.16   3.06   2.98   2.92   2.82   2.72   2.62   2.56    2.50    2.44    2.38    2.32
18   5.98   4.56   3.95   3.61   3.38   3.22   3.10   3.01   2.93   2.87   2.77   2.67   2.56   2.50    2.44    2.38    2.32    2.26
19   5.92   4.51   3.90   3.56   3.33   3.17   3.05   2.96   2.88   2.82   2.72   2.62   2.51   2.45    2.39    2.33    2.27    2.20
20   5.87   4.46   3.86   3.51   3.29   3.13   3.01   2.91   2.84   2.77   2.68   2.57   2.46   2.41    2.35    2.29    2.22    2.16
21   5.83   4.42   3.82   3.48   3.25   3.09   2.97   2.87   2.80   2.73   2.64   2.53   2.42   2.37    2.31    2.25    2.18    2.11
22   5.79   4.38   3.78   3.44   3.22   3.05   2.93   2.84   2.76   2.70   2.60   2.50   2.39   2.33    2.27    2.21    2.14    2.08
23   5.75   4.35   3.75   3.41   3.18   3.02   2.90   2.81   2.73   2.67   2.57   2.47   2.36   2.30    2.24    2.18    2.11    2.04
24   5.72   4.32   3.72   3.38   3.15   2.99   2.87   2.78   2.70   2.64   2.54   2.44   2.33   2.27    2.21    2.15    2.08    2.01
25   5.69   4.29   3.69   3.35   3.13   2.97   2.85   2.75   2.68   2.61   2.51   2.41   2.30   2.24    2.18    2.12    2.05    1.98
26   5.66   4.27   3.67   3.33   3.10   2.94   2.82   2.73   2.65   2.59   2.49   2.39   2.28   2.22    2.16    2.09    2.03    1.95
27   5.63   4.24   3.65   3.31   3.08   2.92   2.80   2.71   2.63   2.57   2.47   2.36   2.25   2.19    2.13    2.07    2.00    1.93
28   5.61   4.22   3.63   3.29   3.06   2.90   2.78   2.69   2.61   2.55   2.45   2.34   2.23   2.17    2.11    2.05    1.98    1.91
29   5.59   4.20   3.61   3.27   3.04   2.88   2.76   2.67   2.59   2.53   2.43   2.32   2.21   2.15    2.09    2.03    1.96    1.89
30   5.57   4.18   3.59   3.25   3.03   2.87   2.75   2.65   2.57   2.51   2.41   2.31   2.20   2.14    2.07    2.01    1.94    1.87
50   5.34   3.97   3.39   3.05   2.83   2.67   2.55   2.46   2.38   2.32   2.22   2.11   1.99   1.93    1.87    1.80    1.72    1.64
60   5.29   3.93   3.34   3.01   2.79   2.63   2.51   2.41   2.33   2.27   2.17   2.06   1.94   1.88    1.82    1.74    1.67    1.58
80   5.22   3.86   3.28   2.95   2.73   2.57   2.45   2.35   2.28   2.21   2.11   2.00   1.88   1.82    1.75    1.68    1.60    1.51
120    5.15   3.80   3.23   2.89   2.67   2.52   2.39   2.30   2.22   2.16   2.05   1.94   1.82   1.76    1.69    1.61    1.53    1.43
α = 0.01
v2↓v1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120
 1 4052    5000    5403    5625    5764    5859    5928    5982    6022    6056    6106    6157   6209   6235   6261    6287   6313   6339  
 2   98.5    99.0    99.2    99.2    99.3    99.3    99.4    99.4    99.4    99.4    99.4    99.4    99.4    99.5   99.5    99.5    99.5    99.5 
 3   34.1    30.8    29.5    28.7    28.2    27.9    27.7    27.5    27.3    27.2    27.1    26.9    26.7    26.6   26.5    26.4    26.3    26.2 
 4   21.2    18.0    16.7    16.0    15.5    15.2    15.0    14.8    14.7    14.6    14.4    14.2    14.0    13.9   13.8    13.7    13.7    13.6 
 5   16.25   13.27   12.06   11.39   10.97   10.67   10.46   10.29   10.16   10.05    9.89    9.72    9.55    9.47   9.38    9.29    9.20    9.11
 6   13.74   10.92    9.78    9.15    8.75    8.47    8.26    8.10    7.98    7.87    7.72    7.56    7.40    7.31   7.23    7.14    7.06    6.97
 7   12.24    9.55    8.45    7.85    7.46    7.19    6.99    6.84    6.72    6.62    6.47    6.31    6.16    6.07   5.99    5.91    5.82    5.74
 8   11.26    8.65    7.59    7.01    6.63    6.37    6.18    6.03    5.91    5.81    5.67    5.52    5.36    5.28   5.20    5.12    5.03    4.95
 9   10.56    8.02    6.99    6.42    6.06    5.80    5.61    5.47    5.35    5.26    5.11    4.96    4.81    4.73   4.65    4.57    4.48    4.40
10   10.04    7.56    6.55    5.99    5.64    5.39    5.20    5.06    4.94    4.85    4.71    4.56    4.41    4.33   4.25    4.17    4.08    4.00
11    9.64    7.21    6.22    5.67    5.32    5.07    4.89    4.74    4.63    4.54    4.40    4.25    4.10    4.02   3.94    3.86    3.78    3.69
12    9.33    6.93    5.95    5.41    5.06    4.82    4.64    4.50    4.39    4.30    4.16    4.01    3.86    3.78   3.70    3.62    3.54    3.45
13    9.07    6.70    5.74    5.21    4.86    4.62    4.44    4.30    4.19    4.10    3.96    3.82    3.66    3.59   3.51    3.43    3.34    3.25
14    8.86    6.51    5.56    5.04    4.69    4.46    4.28    4.14    4.03    3.94    3.80    3.66    3.51    3.43   3.35    3.27    3.18    3.09
15    8.68    6.36    5.42    4.89    4.56    4.32    4.14    4.00    3.89    3.80    3.67    3.52    3.37    3.29   3.21    3.13    3.05    2.96
16    8.53    6.23    5.29    4.77    4.44    4.20    4.03    3.89    3.78    3.69    3.55    3.41    3.26    3.18   3.10    3.02    2.93    2.84
17    8.40    6.11    5.18    4.67    4.34    4.10    3.93    3.79    3.68    3.59    3.46    3.31    3.16    3.08   3.00    2.92    2.83    2.75
18    8.28    6.01    5.09    4.58    4.25    4.01    3.84    3.71    3.60    3.51    3.37    3.23    3.08    3.00   2.92    2.84    2.75    2.66
19    8.18    5.93    5.01    4.50    4.17    3.94    3.77    3.63    3.52    3.43    3.30    3.15    3.00    2.92   2.84    2.76    2.67    2.58
20    8.09    5.85    4.94    4.43    4.10    3.87    3.70    3.56    3.46    3.37    3.23    3.09    2.94    2.86   2.78    2.69    2.61    2.52
21    8.01    5.78    4.87    4.37    4.04    3.81    3.64    3.51    3.40    3.31    3.17    3.03    2.88    2.80   2.72    2.64    2.55    2.46
22    7.94    5.72    4.82    4.31    3.99    3.76    3.59    3.45    3.35    3.26    3.12    2.98    2.83    2.75   2.67    2.58    2.50    2.40
23    7.88    5.66    4.76    4.26    3.94    3.71    3.54    3.41    3.30    3.21    3.07    2.93    2.78    2.70   2.62    2.54    2.45    2.35
24    7.82    5.61    4.72    4.22    3.90    3.67    3.50    3.36    3.26    3.17    3.03    2.89    2.74    2.66   2.58    2.49    2.40    2.31
25    7.77    5.57    4.68    4.18    3.85    3.63    3.46    3.32    3.22    3.13    2.99    2.85    2.70    2.62   2.54    2.45    2.36    2.27
26    7.72    5.53    4.64    4.14    3.82    3.59    3.42    3.29    3.18    3.09    2.96    2.81    2.66    2.58   2.50    2.42    2.33    2.23
27    7.67    5.49    4.60    4.11    3.78    3.56    3.39    3.26    3.15    3.06    2.93    2.78    2.63    2.55   2.47    2.38    2.29    2.20
28    7.63    5.45    4.57    4.07    3.75    3.53    3.36    3.23    3.12    3.03    2.90    2.75    2.60    2.52   2.44    2.35    2.26    2.17
29    7.60    5.42    4.54    4.04    3.73    3.50    3.33    3.20    3.09    3.00    2.87    2.73    2.57    2.49   2.41    2.33    2.23    2.14
30    7.56    5.39    4.51    4.02    3.70    3.47    3.30    3.17    3.07    2.98    2.84    2.70    2.55    2.47   2.39    2.30    2.21    2.11
50    7.17    5.06    4.20    3.72    3.41    3.19    3.02    2.89    2.78    2.70    2.56    2.42    2.27    2.18   2.10    2.01    1.91    1.80
60    7.08    4.98    4.13    3.65    3.34    3.12    2.95    2.82    2.72    2.63    2.50    2.35    2.20    2.12   2.03    1.94    1.84    1.73
80    6.96    4.88    4.04    3.56    3.26    3.04    2.87    2.74    2.64    2.55    2.42    2.27    2.12    2.03   1.94    1.85    1.75    1.63
120     6.85    4.79    3.95    3.48    3.17    2.96    2.79    2.66    2.56    2.47    2.34    2.19    2.03    1.95   1.86    1.76    1.66    1.53
α = 0.005
v2↓v1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120
 1 16211 20000 21615 22500 23056 23437 23715 23925 24091 24224 24426 24630 24836 24940 25044 25148 25253 253591
 2 198.5  199.0  199.2  199.2  199.3  199.4  199.4  199.4  199.4  199.4  199.4  199.4  199.4  199.5  199.5  199.5  199.5  199.5 
 3  55.55  49.80  47.47  46.19  45.39  44.84  44.43  44.13  43.88  43.69  43.39  43.06  42.78  42.62  42.47  42.31  42.15  41.99
 4  31.33  26.28  24.26  23.15  22.46  21.97  21.62  21.35  21.14  20.97  20.70  20.44  20.17  20.03  19.89  19.75  19.61  19.47
 5  22.77  18.31  16.53  15.55  14.94  14.51  14.20  13.96  13.77  13.62  13.38  13.15  12.90  12.78  12.66  12.53  12.40  12.27
 6  18.62  14.54  12.91  12.03  11.46  11.07  10.79  10.57  10.39  10.25  10.03   9.81   9.59   9.47   9.36   9.24   9.12   9.00
 7  16.23  12.40  10.88  10.05   9.52   9.16   8.89   8.68   8.51   8.38   8.18   7.97   7.75   7.64   7.53   7.42   7.31   7.19
 8  14.68  11.04   9.60   8.80   8.30   7.95   7.69   7.50   7.34   7.21   7.01   6.81   6.61   6.50   6.40   6.29   6.18   6.06
 9  13.61  10.10   8.72   7.96   7.47   7.13   6.88   6.69   6.54   6.42   6.23   6.03   5.83   5.73   5.62   5.52   5.41   5.30
10  12.82   9.43   8.08   7.34   6.87   6.54   6.30   6.12   5.97   5.85   5.66   5.47   5.27   5.17   5.07   4.97   4.86   4.75
11  12.22   8.91   7.60   6.88   6.42   6.10   5.86   5.68   5.54   5.42   5.24   5.05   4.86   4.76   4.65   4.55   4.44   4.34
12  11.75   8.51   7.23   6.52   6.07   5.76   5.52   5.35   5.20   5.09   4.91   4.72   4.53   4.43   4.33   4.23   4.12   4.01
13  11.37   8.19   6.93   6.23   5.79   5.48   5.25   5.08   4.94   4.82   4.64   4.46   4.27   4.17   4.07   3.97   3.87   3.76
14  11.06   7.92   6.68   6.00   5.56   5.26   5.03   4.86   4.72   4.60   4.43   4.25   4.06   3.96   3.86   3.76   3.66   3.55
15  10.79   7.70   6.48   5.80   5.37   5.07   4.85   4.67   4.54   4.42   4.25   4.07   3.88   3.79   3.69   3.58   3.48   3.37
16  10.57   7.51   6.30   5.64   5.21   4.91   4.69   4.52   4.38   4.27   4.10   3.92   3.73   3.64   3.54   3.44   3.33   3.22
17  10.38   7.35   6.16   5.50   5.07   4.78   4.56   4.39   4.25   4.14   3.97   3.79   3.61   3.51   3.41   3.31   3.21   3.10
18  10.21   7.21   6.03   5.37   4.96   4.66   4.44   4.28   4.14   4.03   3.86   3.68   3.50   3.40   3.30   3.20   3.10   2.99
19  10.07   7.09   5.92   5.27   4.85   4.56   4.34   4.18   4.04   3.93   3.76   3.59   3.40   3.31   3.21   3.11   3.00   2.89
20   9.94   6.99   5.82   5.17   4.76   4.47   4.26   4.09   3.96   3.85   3.68   3.50   3.32   3.22   3.12   3.02   2.92   2.81
21   9.83   6.89   5.73   5.09   4.68   4.39   4.18   4.01   3.88   3.77   3.60   3.43   3.24   3.15   3.05   2.95   2.84   2.73
22   9.72   6.81   5.65   5.02   4.61   4.32   4.11   3.94   3.81   3.70   3.54   3.36   3.18   3.08   2.98   2.88   2.77   2.66
23   9.63   6.73   5.58   4.95   4.54   4.26   4.05   3.88   3.75   3.64   3.47   3.30   3.12   3.02   2.92   2.82   2.71   2.60
24   9.55   6.66   5.52   4.89   4.49   4.20   3.99   3.83   3.69   3.59   3.42   3.25   3.06   2.97   2.87   2.77   2.66   2.55
25   9.47   6.60   5.46   4.83   4.43   4.15   3.94   3.78   3.64   3.54   3.37   3.20   3.01   2.92   2.82   2.72   2.61   2.50
26   9.40   6.54   5.41   4.79   4.38   4.10   3.89   3.73   3.60   3.49   3.33   3.15   2.97   2.87   2.77   2.67   2.56   2.45
27   9.34   6.49   5.36   4.74   4.34   4.06   3.85   3.69   3.56   3.45   3.28   3.11   2.93   2.83   2.73   2.63   2.52   2.41
28   9.28   6.44   5.32   4.70   4.30   4.02   3.81   3.65   3.52   3.41   3.25   3.07   2.89   2.79   2.69   2.59   2.48   2.37
29   9.23   6.39   5.28   4.66   4.26   3.98   3.77   3.61   3.48   3.38   3.21   3.04   2.86   2.76   2.66   2.56   2.45   2.33
30   9.18   6.35   5.24   4.62   4.23   3.95   3.74   3.58   3.45   3.34   3.18   3.01   2.82   2.73   2.63   2.52   2.42   2.30
50   8.62   5.90   4.83   4.23   3.85   3.58   3.38   3.22   3.09   2.99   2.82   2.65   2.47   2.37   2.27   2.16   2.05   1.93
60   8.49   5.79   4.73   4.14   3.76   3.49   3.29   3.13   3.01   2.90   2.74   2.57   2.39   2.29   2.19   2.08   1.96   1.83
80   8.33   5.66   4.61   4.03   3.65   3.39   3.19   3.03   2.91   2.80   2.64   2.47   2.29   2.19   2.08   1.97   1.85   1.72
120    8.18   5.54   4.50   3.92   3.55   3.28   3.09   2.93   2.81   2.71   2.54   2.37   2.19   2.09   1.98   1.87   1.75   1.61
α = 0.001
v2↓v1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120
  1 405269 500004 540387 562506 576412 585943 592881 598151 602292 605625 610676 615772 620913 623504 626107 628720 631345 633980
  2 998.5  999.0  999.1  999.2  999.3  999.3  999.4  999.4  999.4  999.4  999.4  999.4  999.5  999.5  999.5  999.5  999.5  999.5 
  3 167.0  148.5  141.1  137.1  134.6  132.9  131.6  130.6  129.9  129.3  128.3  127.4  126.4  125.9  125.5  125.0  124.5  124.0 
  4  74.14  61.25  56.18  53.44  51.71  50.53  49.66  49.00  48.47  48.05  47.41  46.76  46.10  45.77  45.43  45.09  44.75  44.40
  5  47.18  37.12  33.20  31.09  29.75  28.83  28.16  27.65  27.24  26.92  26.42  25.91  25.39  25.13  24.87  24.60  24.33  24.06
  6  35.51  27.00  23.70  21.92  20.80  20.03  19.46  19.03  18.69  18.41  17.99  17.56  17.12  16.90  16.67  16.44  16.21  15.98
  7  29.25  21.69  18.77  17.20  16.21  15.52  15.02  14.63  14.33  14.08  13.71  13.32  12.93  12.73  12.53  12.33  12.12  11.91
  8  25.41  18.49  15.83  14.39  13.48  12.86  12.40  12.05  11.77  11.54  11.19  10.84  10.48  10.30  10.11   9.92   9.73   9.53
  9  22.86  16.39  13.90  12.56  11.71  11.13  10.70  10.37  10.11   9.89   9.57   9.24   8.90   8.72   8.55   8.37   8.19   8.00
 10  21.04  14.91  12.55  11.28  10.48   9.93   9.52   9.20   8.96   8.75   8.45   8.13   7.80   7.64   7.47   7.30   7.12   6.94
 11  19.69  13.81  11.56  10.35   9.58   9.05   8.66   8.35   8.12   7.92   7.63   7.32   7.01   6.85   6.68   6.52   6.35   6.18
 12  18.64  12.97  10.80   9.63   8.89   8.38   8.00   7.71   7.48   7.29   7.00   6.71   6.40   6.25   6.09   5.93   5.76   5.59
 13  17.82  12.31  10.21   9.07   8.35   7.86   7.49   7.21   6.98   6.80   6.52   6.23   5.93   5.78   5.63   5.47   5.30   5.14
 14  17.14  11.78   9.73   8.62   7.92   7.44   7.08   6.80   6.58   6.40   6.13   5.85   5.56   5.41   5.25   5.10   4.94   4.77
 15  16.59  11.34   9.34   8.25   7.57   7.09   6.74   6.47   6.26   6.08   5.81   5.54   5.25   5.10   4.95   4.80   4.64   4.47
 16  16.12  10.97   9.01   7.94   7.27   6.80   6.46   6.19   5.98   5.81   5.55   5.27   4.99   4.85   4.70   4.54   4.39   4.23
 17  15.72  10.66   8.73   7.68   7.02   6.56   6.22   5.96   5.75   5.58   5.32   5.05   4.78   4.63   4.48   4.33   4.18   4.02
 18  15.38  10.39   8.49   7.46   6.81   6.35   6.02   5.76   5.56   5.39   5.13   4.87   4.59   4.45   4.30   4.15   4.00   3.84
 19  15.08  10.16   8.28   7.27   6.62   6.18   5.85   5.59   5.39   5.22   4.97   4.70   4.43   4.29   4.14   3.99   3.84   3.68
 20  14.82   9.95   8.10   7.10   6.46   6.02   5.69   5.44   5.24   5.08   4.82   4.56   4.29   4.15   4.00   3.86   3.70   3.54
 21  14.59   9.77   7.94   6.95   6.32   5.88   5.56   5.31   5.11   4.95   4.70   4.44   4.17   4.03   3.88   3.74   3.58   3.42
 22  14.38   9.61   7.80   6.81   6.19   5.76   5.44   5.19   4.99   4.83   4.58   4.33   4.06   3.92   3.78   3.63   3.48   3.32
 23  14.20   9.47   7.67   6.70   6.08   5.65   5.33   5.09   4.89   4.73   4.48   4.23   3.96   3.82   3.68   3.53   3.38   3.22
 24  14.03   9.34   7.55   6.59   5.98   5.55   5.23   4.99   4.80   4.64   4.39   4.14   3.87   3.74   3.59   3.45   3.29   3.14
 25  13.88   9.22   7.45   6.49   5.89   5.46   5.15   4.91   4.71   4.56   4.31   4.06   3.79   3.66   3.52   3.37   3.22   3.06
 26  13.74   9.12   7.36   6.41   5.80   5.38   5.07   4.83   4.64   4.48   4.24   3.99   3.72   3.59   3.44   3.30   3.15   2.99
 27  13.61   9.02   7.27   6.33   5.73   5.31   5.00   4.76   4.57   4.41   4.17   3.92   3.66   3.52   3.38   3.23   3.08   2.92
 28  13.50   8.93   7.19   6.25   5.66   5.24   4.93   4.69   4.50   4.35   4.11   3.86   3.60   3.46   3.32   3.18   3.02   2.86
 29  13.39   8.85   7.12   6.19   5.59   5.18   4.87   4.64   4.45   4.29   4.05   3.80   3.54   3.41   3.27   3.12   2.97   2.81
 30  13.29   8.77   7.05   6.12   5.53   5.12   4.82   4.58   4.39   4.24   4.00   3.75   3.49   3.36   3.22   3.07   2.92   2.76
 40  12.61   8.25   6.59   5.70   5.13   4.73   4.44   4.21   4.02   3.87   3.64   3.40   3.14   3.01   2.87   2.73   2.57   2.41
 50  12.22   7.96   6.34   5.46   4.90   4.51   4.22   4.00   3.82   3.67   3.44   3.20   2.95   2.82   2.68   2.53   2.38   2.21
 60  11.97   7.77   6.17   5.31   4.76   4.37   4.09   3.86   3.69   3.54   3.32   3.08   2.83   2.69   2.55   2.41   2.25   2.08
 120   11.38   7.32   5.78   4.95   4.42   4.04   3.77   3.55   3.38   3.24   3.02   2.78   2.53   2.40   2.26   2.11   1.95   1.77


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