
academic research 112113

accountability, corporate social responsibility 207209

accreditation 1314

Action for Children 428429

activism 470485; cyclical model 188189; defences to 476; definitions 472473; effectiveness 478479; emergence 476; framing 473474; H&M campaign 480481; issues management 187189; leverage 475479; organisations 478; platform and channel access 481483; social media 482483; strategies and tactics 474477

actual corporate image 158169

advertising 19, 2224, 9798; see alsomass communications; marketing public relations

Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) 230233

advocacy: internal communications 303; public opinion 3437; women’s rights 7073 the agency argument 200201

aims of financial communications 345

AMEC Social Media Valid Framework 235236

American breakfasts, Bernays 391392

amoral organisations 105

analysis matrix for risk management 181182

analysts, financial communications 342

Annual General Meetings (AGM) 347

apologia 194195

as art, PR 5

assimilation of new technology 454457

audience: consumer relations 392393; financial communications 341343; internal communications 304307

auditing: corporate identity 158169; internal communications 310311

AVE seeAdvertising Value Equivalency

bacon sales, Bernays 391392

balance, news releases 284

Bank of Ireland 210216

Bank of Scotland 129132, 136, 139142

Barcelona Principles 229230

barriers to evaluations 227229

Battersea Dogs and Cats Home 438439

beef burgers, cultured 396399

behavioural audits, corporate identity 160

behaviour, cultural drivers 251253

behaviour theory of the firm 29

Bernays case studies 390392

black or minority ethnic (BME) groups 497498

blogs 279

Bloodhound SSC project 418420

BME seeblack or minority ethnic groups

body of knowledge 112113

boundary-spanning: Muzi Falconi 176177; PRISM 177179; risk and issues management 173179; stakeholder levels 174176

brand journalism 287288

brand PR 388404, see alsoconsumer relations

Brass LNG Case study 268269

breakfast and bacon sales in America 391392

breast cancer awareness, Pakistan 260265

briefings, Lobby system 5354

British Standard for Crisis Management (BS 11200) 192

building trust, business-to-business 406

burden of proof, activism 482483

burgers, cultured beef 396399

business awards 409

business strategies 7780

business-to-business relations 405421; characteristics 405407; implementation 407408, 414, 416417, 419; important consider ations 410411; Lloyds TSB Autolease 415417; measurement 411412, 415, 417, 420; media relations 408409; Mettis Aerospace 413415; strategy building 407, 413, 415416, 419; targeting 406, 410; University of the West of England 418420

Buzzfeed 287289

Cadbury, Kraft takeover 355357

capitalism: Kantian 201202; laissez-faire 199201

celebrity advocacy 7073

celebrity patronage 433435

central government 363365, see alsogovernment; politics

Central Office for Information (COI) 363364

changes to PR 7677

changing perceptions 4

channels 13; activist access 481483; of communication 41; consumer relations 393394; internal communications 314322; mass communication 3437

charities 426427

Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) 106108; Code of Conduct 116117; registration 119120; regulation 118121; training 110112

Chase–Jones model of issues management 187

CIPR seeChartered Institute of Public Relations

coalition building in politics 6768

codes of practice 116117

cognitive dissonance theory 39

COI seeCentral Office for Information

collaboration and internal communications 301302

common starting points (CSPs) for corporate identity 151152

communication 2749; audits for corporate identity 160; celebrity advocacy 7073; corporate 127143; cultural theories 4347; definitions 2728; financial 336358; information age 451457; internal 97, 295335; language frames 69; levels 28; mass communication theories 3037; models 3133; New Labour 5457; persuasion and motivation 3743, 47; public opinion 3031; public sphere 5759; risk management 183184; semiotics, framing and messaging 4143; social theories 4347; systems theory 2930, 47; theories 2737

communication technology: globalisation 141, see alsodigital media; internet; social media

community programs 203204

community relations 98, 316

compassion fatigue 423425

competencies 1524; disciplines 1618; four Ps 19, 21; internal communications 326330; marketing 2324; new technologies 465468; private sector 9092; relationship onion 19, 21

competitiveness, internal communications 302

compliance, internal communications 299300

compulsory registration and licensing 119

connectors, brand PR 394395

consistency, corporate identity 150152

consumer relations 388404; Bernays case studies 390392; Beyond Dark chocolate 400403; brand PR inception 389390; channels 393394; evaluation and measurement 395396, 401403; influence 394395; Maastricht University’s cultured beef 396399; reputation management 394395; understanding audience 392393

contemporary practice 1224; competencies 1524; corporate communication 127132; disciplines 1618; four key steps 1415; industry structure 1214; marketing 19, 2224

Continental Tyres 290293

continuing models of evaluation 224226

continuous professional development (CPD) 110111, 114115

contracts 252

controlling agendas, financial communications 351352

co-orientation models of communication 33

coping strategies for crisis management 191

core competencies seecompetencies

corporate communication 127143; Bank of Scotland case study 129132; corporate social responsibility 138139; current practice 127132; environmental scanning 142; ethics 142; globalisation 141; opinion formers 141; reputation management 140; social capital 135; social responsibility 138139; stakeholder approach 132138; stakeholder engagement 138; stakeholder management 136137

corporate identity 78, 144171; actual and desired 158169; auditing 158169; behavioural audits 160; communication audits 160; consistency 150152; definitions 144145; identifying desired image 158, 162163; management 149154; organisational culture 152153; Queen Margaret University College case study 161169; reality 153154; reputation 147149; research 154169; symbolism 150, 166167; visual audits 160161; vs. corporate image 146147

corporate image vs. corporate identity 146147

corporate level 7879

corporate–not-for-profit partnerships 436

corporate social responsibility (CSR) 138139, 197218; definitions 198199; engagement and responsiveness 207209, 213216; evaluation and reporting 205207, 210213; Irish Banking sector case study 210216; language 203205; in practice 202209

corporate stakeholders 175

corporate strategy and identity 149150

corporations: free-market capitalism 199201; social responsibility 197218; stakeholder model 201202; see alsoorganisations

Costa Coffee UK and Ireland 331332

CPD seecontinuous professional development

creation of news 279280

credibility 120121

crisis management 172173, 189195; apologia 194195; coping strategies 191; environmental scanning 191192; personal impacts 189190; plans 190193; strategies 192193

CSPs seecommon starting points

CSR seecorporate social responsibility

culturally appropriate models 12

cultural relativism 104

cultural theories of communication 4347

cultural web 152153

culture: conventions 253254; corporate identity 152153; diversity 250253; government 6364; identity 145146

cultured beef 396399

cyclical model of activism 188189

decision making 41, 6465

declining organisations 9596

defences to activism 476

definitions of PR 58

demographics and internal communications 305

deontology 102103, 197, 201202, 204205

design audits, corporate identity 160161

desired corporate image research 158169

development of new technology 451454

development stages of businesses 9496

De Wit and Meyer’s web of relational actors 8687

Diabetes UK 435436

diaspora 249250

digital media: business-to-business relations 409; competencies 465468; effective utilisation 457464; globalisation 443449; mobile addicts 450451; not-for-profit sector 437439; rhizomatic middleness 449450; utilisation 451464

digital natives (gen-C) 450451

direct horizontal relation 8687

direct lobbying 6566

disciplines: competencies 1618; marketing 2324; specialist 18

discourse: language frames 69; public affairs 6263

disputation 186

diversity 497498; cultures 250253; diaspora 249250; local conventions 253254

downstream vertical relations 8687

driving performance with internal communications 302303

duties, ethics 102103

economic actors 87

economic imperative 2930

ECOPSI seeEuropean Communication Professional Skills and Innovation Programme

Edinburgh Council tram services introduction 380385

education: body of knowledge 112113; continuous professional development 110111, 114115; training 113115

EEG seeelectroencephalograms

effectiveness of activism 478479

effective utilisation of new technology 457464

EIAS seeenvironmental impact assessment studies

eight-factor PR integration model 1518

electroencephalograms (EEG) 401403

employees: as advocates 303;

engagement 300304, 317; turnover 300301

encroachment, marketing 97

endorsements 394395

engagement: activism 474477; corporate social responsibility 207209, 213216; Edinburgh tram services introduction 381382; employees 300304, 317; internal communications 300304, 317; new technology usage 462464; not-for-profit sector 430440; stakeholders 138

entry qualifications 109112

environmental analysis 6465

environmental impact assessment studies (EIAS) 268269

environmental scanning 8284, 142, 191192

EPISTLE framework 83

equality 496498

ethics 101123; capitalism 199202; corporate communication 142; corporate social responsibility 197218; credibility 120121; cultural relativism 104; deontology 102103; media relations 288; morals 101105; organisations 105; professionalism 106117, 121122; registration and licensing 119120; regulation 118121; theories 102104; universal rights 103104; utilitarianism 102

EUPRERA seeEuropean Public Relations Education and Research Association

European Communication Professional Skills and Innovation Programme (ECOPSI) 1520

European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) 113

evaluation 219242; barriers 227229; business-to-business relations 411412, 415, 417, 420; consumer relations 395396, 401403; corporate social responsibility 205207; financial communications 350; industry responses 229230; internal communications 325326; media effectiveness 231233; models and methods 222226; not-for-profit sector 440441; objectives 221222; online presence 235237; Pink Ribbon Campaign, Pakistan 264265; in practice 226230; public affairs projects 6889; return on investment 233235

evolution of PR 810

extent of evaluations 226227

extent of globalisation 255256

external environmental factors 134

feedback: communication 3133; internal communications 308, 316

financial communications 336358; aims 345; audiences 341343; changing focus 337339; during transactions 348350; evaluation 350; future issues 350354; historical context 339340; investor relations 341344, 350, 354; Kraft and Cadbury takeover 355357; media relations 342344; millennials and generation Z 353; ongoing communication 350; outside financial calendar 348; regulatory environment 344345; reporting 346347; social media 352; timing 346; trade and

technical media 343344; working environment 340341

financial markets, social media impacts 352

financial reporting 346347

first world perspective 246248

five elements of PR 7

five questions for line managers 324

five stages of activist action 476

flotations, financial communications 348

four key steps 1415

four Ps 19, 21

framing: activism 473474; communication theory 4143; public affairs 6263

free-market capitalism 199201

Friedman, M. 199201

functional roles: business communication 7980; intelligence gathering 8287; links to other departments 9699; strategy making 8182; systems theory 8089

future challenges 489499; changing models 494496; equality 496498; professionalism 492494

future issues, financial communications 350354

GA seeGlobal Alliance

game changers, globalisation 249

gatekeepers: mass communication 3437; within organisations 281

gen-C (digital natives) 450451

gender equality 496497

gender taboos in tobacco 390391

generation Z, financial communications 353

Gezi Park, Turkey 266267

Global Alliance (GA) 245246; codes of practice 117

globalisation 243271; corporate communication 141; cultural differences 250253; diaspora 249250; extent 255256; local conventions 253254; new technology usage 443449; organisations 254255

global relations 243271; Brass LNG 268269; community 244246; cultural differences 250253; definitions 243244, 248; diaspora 249250; first world perspective 246248; frameworks 258259; game changers 249; Gezi Park 266267; local conventions 253254; new technology usage 443449; Pink Ribbon Campaign, Pakistan 260265; in practice 259269; theoretical approaches 257

government 5159; central 363365; direct lobbying 6566; environmental analysis and strategic decision making 6465; grassroots campaigning 6667; issues management 185186; lobbying 5973; the Lobby system 5354; local 365371, 374387; not-for-profit engagement 430431; public sector relations 359387; public sphere 5759; soundbites and spin 5457; spin 51, 52, 5457; structures, institutions and culture 6364; women’s rights 7073; see alsopublic sector relations

grassroots campaigning 6667

Gratification and Uses approach 37

growing organisations 95

H&M, activist campaign 480481

hedge funds, financial communications 341342

history: beginning of information age 451454; financial communications 339340; internal communications 306; of PR 812

hospitality 409

hostile takeovers 349350

human interest 281282

human resources links to PR functions 9798

hybridization 176177

hypodermic model 33

IC see internal communications

identity 145146; see alsocorporate identity

impact: consumer relations 394395; not-for-profit sector 440441

implementation, business-to-business relations 407408, 414, 416417, 419

indirect horizontal relations 8687

industry responses to evaluation 229230

industry structure 1214

influence: celebrity advocacy 7073; coalition building 6768; consumer relations 394395; direct lobbying 6566; environmental analysis and strategic decision making 6465; grassroots campaigning 6667; lobbying 5973; news 275277; positioning within organisations 9096; public affairs theory 6163

informal approaches to internal communications research 307308

informal networks for internal communications 306307

information, interpretation 8788

information overload 452

innovation–decision process 41

Inside Media and Continental Tyres 290293

Institute of Public Relations (IPR) 108, 110

institutional investors 341

institutions of government 6364

integrated communications activities 1617

intelligence gathering 8287; corporate social responsibility 206207; environmental scanning 8284; internal communications 317; issues management 184185; publics 8487; stakeholders 8487

interest groups 6061

internal communications (IC) 97, 295335; advocacy 303; audience 304307; auditing 310311; channels 314322; collaboration 301302; in context 295296; Costa Coffee UK and Ireland 331332; definitions 296297; driving performance 302303; engagement 317; evaluation 325326; feedback 308, 316; HR vs. PR 298; informal networks 306307; intelligence 317; legal obligations 299300; line managers 317, 323325; Maersk Line 333; major changes 304; need for 298304; not-for-profit sector 429430; planning 311314; research 307310; retaining staff 300301; skills and organisation 326330

international air shows 413415

international bodies, not-for-profit sector engagement 431433

international diversity 249250

internationalisation 243244

international relations 243271; see alsoglobalisation; global relations

internet: competencies 465468; development 453454; effective utilisation 457464; globalisation 443449; mobile addicts 450451; not-for-profit sector 437439; rhizomatic middleness 449450; utilisation 451464; see alsodigital media; social media

interpreting information as a management function 8788

investor relations 341344, 350, 354

IPR seeInstitute of Public Relations

Irish Banking sector case study 210216

issues management 172173, 184189; active approaches 187189; context 185186; intelligence gathering 184185

iteration within evaluation 224226

Kantian capitalism 201202

knowledge and internal communications 311312

Kraft, Cadbury takeover 355357

laissez-faire capitalism 199201

language: business-to-business relations 410; corporate social responsibility 203205

language frames 69

Law of the Few 394395

legal actors 87

legal constraints on local government 366

legal department links to PR 98

legal obligations and internal communications 299300

leverage,, activism 475477, 479

lifelong learning 110111, 114115

line managers, internal communications 317, 323325

listening, media relations 287

Lloyds TSB Autolease (LTSBA) 415417

lobbying 5973, 121; celebrity advocacy 7073; coalition building 6768; definitions 5960; direct 6566; environmental analysis and strategic decision making 6465; evaluation 6889; issues management 188189; not-for-profit sector 430433; pressure and interest groups 6061; public affairs theory 6163; structures, institutions and culture 6364; see alsoactivism

the Lobby system 5354

local cultural conventions 253254

local government 365371, 374387; legal constraints 366; purdah period 367; reputation management 369371

long form versus short form presentation 464

long-term relationships 406

LTSBA (Lloyds TSB Autolease) 415417

Maastricht University 396399

Maersk Line 333

magic bullet model 33

major changes within internal communications 304

Maletzke model of communication 3536

management functions 5, 7, 76100; apologia 194195; boundary-spanning 173179; business strategy 7780; core competencies 9092; corporate identity 149154; corporate level 7879; crisis management 172173, 189195; environmental scanning 8284; functional level 7980; human resources 9798; influence of positioning 9096; information interpretation 8788; intelligence gathering 8287; issues management 172173, 184189; legal departments 98; links to other functions 9699; practitioner’s roles 8992; PRISM 177179; publics 8487; relational actors 8687; risk management 8889, 172173, 179184; stakeholder levels 174176; stakeholders 8487, 136137, 174176; strategy making 8182; systems theory 8089; value chains 79

managers, internal communications 317, 323325

marketing 19, 2224, 9697; encroachment 98; terminology 9798; tools 2324

marketing public relations (MPR) 19, 2224, 9697; tools 2324

mass communication 3037; basic model 3133; gatekeepers 3437; Maletzke model 3536; Osgood–Schramm model 3233; persuasion and motivation 3743; public opinion 3031, 3337; Shannon and Weaver model 3132; theories 3337; Westley–MacLean model 3435

mature organisations 95

mavens 306, 315316

meaning: communication theories 4346; semiotics 4143

measurement 219242; business-to-business relations 411412, 415, 417, 420; consumer r elations 395396, 401403; not-for-profit sector 440441; public affairs projects success 6869; see alsoevaluation

media evaluation 231233

media relations: business-to-business relations 408409; Buzzfeed case study 287289; changing landscape 277279; Continental Tyres case study 290293; ethics 288; financial communications 342344; human interest 281282; the Lobby system 5354; monitoring, listening and responding 287; New Labour 5457; news 275277; news creation 279280; news releases 283285; in practice 282285; relationship management 285286; social 275294; techniques 280282

mediation, communication 28

mentoring 115

mergers and acquisitions 348349

messaging, communication theory 4143

Mettis Aerospace 413415

Meyer and De Wit’s web of relational actors 8687

middleness 449450

millennials and financial communication 353

minority ethnic groups 497498

MNOs (multinational organisations) seeglobalisation; global relations

mobile addicts 450451

models of PR 1112

monitoring media relations 287

morals 101105; capitalism 199202; ethical theories 102104; organisations 105; rules 101

motivation, communication theory 3741, 47

Mountfield Review 53

movements of thought 440

MPR seemarketing public relations

multinational organisations (MNOs) seeglobalisation; global relations

multipliers, media evaluation 232

mutuality in communication 28

Muzi Falconi 176177

myth-busting campaign, Action for Children 428429

narrative: news releases 283; new technology usage 462464

narrative paradigm leading thinker 39

National Health Service (NHS) 371373

nature of evaluations 226227

need for internal communications 298304

networks, brand PR 394395

new capital, financial communications 341342

New Labour 5159; the Lobby system 5354; soundbites and spin 5457

news 275287; creation 279280; evaluation and responding 287; human interest 281282; personal publishing 279; print media 278279; releases 283285

newsjacking 475

new technology 443469; assimilation 454457; competencies 465468; development 451454; effective utilisation 457464; globalisation 443449; planning usage 461464; rhizomatic middleness 449450; utilisation 451464

NHS (National Health Service) 371373

noise in communication 3132

norms, cultural 250253

Northamptonshire County Council 374379

not-for-profit sector 422442; Action for Children 428429; Battersea Dogs and Cats Home 438439; celebrity patronage 433435; charities 426427; compassion fatigue 423425; context 422423; corporate sector partnerships 436; definition 425; Diabetes UK 435436; digital media 437439; government engagement 430431; impact 440441; internal communications 429430; international body engagement 431433; measurement 440441; social enterprises 427; social media relations 437439; stakeholders 429; trends and movements 440; voluntary organisations 427

objectives evaluation 221222

ongoing communication, financial 350

online evaluation 235237

online publications impact 282285

opinion formers 141

opportunity management 187189, see alsoissues management

organisational identity 146, 152153

organisational relationship onion 19, 21

organisation of internal communications 329

organisations: activism 478; business strategy 7780; corporate level 7879; culture and identity 152153; free-market capitalism 199201; functional level 7980; globalisation 254255; influence of PR 9096; links to other departments 9699; management functions 76100; moral ethos 105; practitioner’s roles 8990; relational actors 8687; social responsibility 197218; stakeholder model 201202; strategy making 8182; systems theory 8089; as targets 406; see alsogovernment; politics; private sector

Osgood–Schramm model of communication 3233

overcommunication 452

Pakistan, Pink Ribbon Campaign 260265

performance and internal communications 302303

personal impacts, crisis management 189190

personal publishing 279

persuasion: communication 3741, 47; semiotics, framing and messaging 4143; theories 3841, 47

PEST analysis 82

Phillis Review 53

Pink Ribbon Campaign, Pakistan 260265

planned activities 7

planned behaviour theory 39

planning: business-to-business relations 407408, 413, 415416, 419; internal communications 311314; new technology usage 461464

platforms, activist access 481483

pleasure measurement 401403

pluralism 6162

political actors 87

politics 5075; coalition building 6768; direct lobbying 6566; environmental analysis and strategic decision making 6465; grassroots campaigning 6667; ideal communication 5759; issues management 185186; lobbying 5973; the Lobby system 5354; public sector relations 359387; public sphere 5759; soundbites 5457; spin 51, 52, 5457; structures, institutions and culture 6364; women’s rights 7073; see alsopublic sector relations

positioning within organisations 9096

practical approaches to corporate identity research 155158

practical considerations in public sector relations 362363

practitioners: competencies 1524; contemporary roles 1224; credibility 120121; four key steps 1415; in the future 493494; links to other functions 9699; marketing 2324; positioning within organisations 9096; private sector 8992

preparation, implementation and impact model of evaluation 222223

presentation: news releases 283285; short form versus long form 464

press agentry model 11

press releases 283285

pressure groups 6061

print media, decline of 278279

PRISM seePublic Relations Information System Management approach

private client brokers, financial communications 344

private equity, financial communications 341342

private investor services,, financial communications 343

private sector: business strategies 7780; core competencies 9092; development stages 9496; human resources 9798; influence of PR 9096; intelligence gathering 8287; interpreting information 8788; legal departments 98; links to other functions 9699; marketing 9697; practitioner’s roles 8992; relational actors 8687; risk management 8889; size of organisations 9394; strategy making 8182; systems theory 8089; value chains 79

processes, four key steps 1415

process feedback 308

professional bodies 1314, 115116

professional development 110111, 113115

professionalism 106117, 121122, 492494; body of knowledge 112113; codes of practice 116117; continuous professional development 110111, 114115; credibility 120121; qualifications 109112; representation 116117; research 112113; training 113115

profits vs. social responsibility 199201

Protein World campaign 174

psychological contracts 300301

public affairs 5973; celebrity advocacy 7073; coalition building 6768; definitions 5960; direct lobbying 6566; environmental analysis and strategic decision making 6465; evaluation 6889; grassroots campaigning 6667; pressure and interest groups 6061; structures, institutions and culture 6364; theory 6163; women’s rights 7073

public information model 11

publicity, news creation 279280

public opinion: activism 470485; gatekeepers 3437; mass communication 3337; understanding 3031

Public Relations Information System Management (PRISM) approach 177179

publics 13; influence of PR 94; intelligence gathering 8487; new technology usage 462463

public sector relations 359387; central government 363365; context and origins 359360; Edinburgh trams introduction 380385; future challenges 373374; local government 365371, 374387; NHS 371373; Northamptonshire County Council 374377; in practice 362363; reputation management 369371, 372; social media 381383; in theory 360362

public sphere, politics 5759

pull channels for internal communications 315316

purdah period, local government 367

push channels, internal communications 314315

pyramid model of research 223224

QMUC seeQueen Margaret University College

qualifications 109112

qualitative approaches to internal communications research 308309

quantitative approaches to internal communications research 309310

Queen Margaret University College (QMUC) case study 161169

quotes in news releases 284

Rabobank 210216

racial equality 497498

RDT seeresource dependency theory

reactions to internal communications 316

reality: communication theories 4346; corporate identity 153154

reasoned action theory 39

registration and licensing 119120

regulation 118121, 344345

related functions at stakeholder levels 174176

relational actors 8687

relationship management in media relations 285286

relationship onion 19, 21

reporting: corporate social responsibility 205207, 210213; financial communication 346347

representation 115116

reputation management 6, 22; activities 1617; consumer relations 394395; corporate communications 140; corporate identity 147149; corporate social responsibility 138139, 197218; local government 369371; NHS 372

research 112113; consumer interests and responses 392393, 395396, 401403; corporate identity 154169; corporate social responsibility 206207; internal communications 308310; issues management 184185; pyramid model 223224

resource dependency theory (RDT) 29, 47

responding, media relations 287

responsiveness and corporate social responsibility 207209

retail investors, financial communications 344

retaining staff 300301

return on investment (ROI) 233235

rhizomatic middleness 449450, 465

risk management 8889, 172173, 179184; analysis matrix 181182; communication 183184; traffic light triage 182183

risk scores, Diabetes UK 435436

risk, understanding 179181

ROI seereturn on investment

sectors, influence of PR 93

semiotics 4143

sexual violence 7073

Shannon and Weaver model of communication 3132

shaping the future 489499, see alsofuture challenges

shared perceptions in communication 28

share prices and corporate communication 141

short form versus long form presentation 464

short term model of evaluation 224226

Six Degrees of Separation 394395

size of organisations and influence of PR 9394

skills seecompetencies

SMARTT objectives 221

social capital 135

social constructivism 42, 4447

social enterprises 427

social judgement theory 39

social media: activism 481483; assimilation 455457; business-to-business relations 409; Buzzfeed 287289; competencies 465468; effective utilisation 457464; financial market impacts 352; globalisation 249; impact on practice 275276, 278279, 282285; monitoring, listening and responding 287; not-for-profit sector 437439; personal publishing 279; public services engagement 381382

social mission 4

social responsibility 78; definition 198199; profits 199201; see alsocorporate social responsibility

social return on investment (SROI) 233235

social science 5, 7

social theories of communication 4347

societal levels and business strategy 7780

societal stakeholders and PR functions 175

sociocultural actors 87

sociological communication theories 4446

soundbites 5457

speaking engagements 408

specialist disciplines 18

spin 51, 52, 5457

SROI seesocial return on investment

stakeholder levels and PR functions 174176

stakeholder management 136137, 273485; activism 470485; Brass LNG 268269; business- to-business 405421; consumers 388404; corporate social responsibility 203209; financial communications 336358; internal communications 295335; Kantian capitalism 201202; media relations 275294; new technology usage 443468; not-for- profit engagement 422442; not-for-profit sector 429; Pink Ribbon Campaign, Pakistan 262264; public sector 359387

stakeholder model of capitalism 201202

stakeholders 22; co-orientation models of communication 33; engagement 138; influence of PR 94; intelligence gathering 8487; relational actors 8687

stakeholder theory: corporate communication 132138; corporate social responsibility 138139; engagement 138; environmental scanning 142; ethics 142; management 136137; opinion formers 141; reputation building 140; share prices 141; social capital 135; strategic management 137

start-up organisations 95

status and professionalism 109112

status of public relations 97

strategic management 76100; business strategy 7778; business-to-business relations 407, 413, 415416, 419; core competencies 9092; corporate identity 149150, 162; corporate level 7879; functional level 7980; influence of positioning 9096; information interpretation; intelligence gathering 8287; legal departments 98; links to other functions 9699; politics 6465; practitioner’s roles 8992; risk management 8889; stakeholders and publics 8487; stakeholder theory 137; strategy making 8182; systems theory 8089; value chains 79; see alsomanagement functions

strategic relations 125271; activism 474477; apologia 194195; boundary spanning 173179; corporate communication 127143; corporate identity 144171; corporate social responsibility 138139, 197218; crisis management 189195; globalisation 141, 243271; issues management 184189; measurement and evaluation 219242; risk management 179184

strategies, future challenges 494496

structural reorganisations 97

structural theories, public affairs 6163

structure of the industry 1214

structures of government 6364

success measurement, business-to-business relations 411412, 415, 417, 420

sustainability, financial communications 351

symbolism and corporate identity 150, 166167

systems theory 2930, 47, 8089; environmental scanning 8284

tactics for activism 474477

targeting: business-to-business relations 406, 410, 413; short form versus long form 464

technical media, financial communications 343344

technological actors 87

technological readiness 465468

terminology, marketing 9798

theoretical considerations, public sector relations 360362

theory of planned behaviour 39

theory of reasoned action 39

timing of financial communications 346

tobacco, gender taboo 390391

tools of marketing 2324

trade media, financial communications 343344

traditional view 4

traffic light triage 182183

training 113115

trams, Edinburgh 380385

transactions, financial communications 348350

transmission of information 2728

trend following in not-for-profit sector 440

triage 182183

Turkey, Gezi Park 266267

two-step flow theory 3334

two-way communication 7, 1112, 3233

UKPAC seeUK Public Affairs Council

UK Public Affairs Council (UKPAC) 117

understanding consumers 392393

understanding public opinion 3031

understanding risk 179181

universal rights 103104

University of the West of England 418420

upstream vertical relations 8687

Uses and Gratification approach 37

us vs them framing, activism 473474

utilitarianism 102, 197, 204205

Valid Metrics Framework (VMF) 230233

value chains 79; internal communications 328; PR functions 175

venture capital, financial communications 341342

visual audits, corporate identity 160161

voluntary organisations 427

Weaver and Shannon model of communication 3132

websites: investor relations 350, see alsodigital media; internet; new technology; social media

WEG seeWomen’s Empowerment Group

Westley–MacLean model of communication 3435

wheel of education 111

wire services, financial communications 343

Women’s Empowerment Group (WEG), Pakistan 260265

women’s rights 7073, 260265

working environment, financial communications 340341

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