

Accountability, 83, 191197


AI, see Artificial intelligence

Annual report card for Hospital Heal, standard work process for developing, 89

Appleton, 7071

Artificial intelligence (AI), 170


Balanced Scorecard (BSC), 45, 75

logic, 76

philosophy, 86

Boundaryless Organization, The, 20

Bringing Leadership to Life in Health, 23

BSC, see Balanced Scorecard

Business, 68

intelligence tools, 165

processes, 169170

quality, 144

Business excellence model, 51, 143

implementing at Hospital Heal, 53

operational excellence, 51

organization’s cultural operating system, 52

resource deployment, 5455

training plan, 142

works, 54


Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), 76

CAP model, see Change Acceleration Process model

Cascade organization strategy, developing process to

breakdown of scorecards by area, 88

education sessions conducted at Hospital Heal for developing scorecards, 87

facilitators promoting development of scorecards at Hospital Heal, 87

Hospital Heal’s approach to cascading strategy, 86

standard work process for developing annual report card for Hospital Heal, 89

template at Hospital Heal for developing performance scorecards, 88

Cause and effect, fish bone analysis for, 150

Caution for organizations, 143

Centered care, see Partnered care

Champion, 103

Change, 17; see also Framework for change

detailed comparison of critical characteristics, 2328

incremental, 1718

management, 20, 62

pictorial comparison of three types of change, 29

rule of thumb, 29

summing-up, 23

transformational, 1923

transitional, 1819

types, 18

Change Acceleration Process model (CAP model), 33, 130

business excellence frameworks and methodologies, 35

foundational elements, 3435

Change facilitator roles and responsibilities

example of template for mapping current and future state job responsibilities, 59

key activities and responsibilities and approximate percent of time, 6263

mapping current and future state job responsibilities at hospital heal, 60

purpose of position, 61

CI, see Continuous-improvement project

CIHI, see Canadian Institute for Health Information

Coaching and mentorship, 62

Commitment, 8

Communication plan development, 121, 123; see also Standard work content development

annual education fair, 125

Dan and Chip Heath’s six principles of stickiness, 123

leaders conduct “Go See Learn” visits at Hospital Heal, 123

paper versions of scorecards, 128

Performance Scorecard visual board, 125

purpose of visual management, 129

standard templates and branding, 124

standard work definitions for performance scorecard/huddle board, 126128

template to, 122

visual controls, 130

Company that Solved Health Care, The, 130

Competing values framework (CVF), 5, 45, 193

quadrant terminology in, 45

Continuous-improvement project (CI), 93

Continuous improvement, 44

Continuous quality improvement (CQI), 54, 139

Core team, 71

Cost, quality, delivery, and education (CQDE), 75

CQDE, see Cost, quality, delivery, and education

CQI, see Continuous quality improvement

Creating a Lean Culture, 114, 186

Culture, 68, 112, 163

choice of models in, 8

cultural strategies, 170

cultural transformation journeys, 111

long-term organizational culture, 8

results of culture and change management survey, 7

“Culture for Digital Age”, 7

“Culture to Cultivate” HBR article, 44

CVF, see Competing values framework


Data collection methods, 159

Data specialist, 54

DDI, see Development Dimensions International

Dedicated strategy room, 79

Deep dive selection process, 185, 186

Deployment approach, 52

Development Dimensions International (DDI), 170

Directors, 86

Door to doctor to decision to done to depart process (5D’s process), 142


Education, 141

sessions at Hospital Heal for developing scorecards, 87

EFQM, see European Foundation for Quality Management

Enterprise performance management, 169170

European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), 52, 53

Excellence, 195196

Excellence journey, 39

for all management system elements at Hospital Heal, 138

culture change, 180

design of roadmap, 179

developing educational material and standard work in, 137

developing standard educational material, 139

Hospital Heal’s strategic directions, 41

Kumar Management System, 181182, 184

leadership commitment, 40

more time to care vision and guiding principles developing at Hospital Heal, 40

plan strategy, 182183

projects and management system elements, 181

roadmap for time to care journey, 182

standard work for management system elements, 139

standard work for management system elements adoption, 180181

strategy map, 40, 41

teams at Hospital Heal evolving on Kübler-Ross change curve, 183

Explicit knowledge, 162

External job postings, 65


Facilitator, 104

promoting development of scorecards at Hospital Heal, 87

Failure mode effects analysis (FMEA), 48

Fifth Discipline, The, 163

Filters, 95

under benefit and effort, 93

Fish bone analysis for cause and effect, 150

5D’s process, see Door to doctor to decision to done to depart process

Flexibility, 7

Flexible regimentation, 97

FMEA, see Failure mode effects analysis

Framework for change, 31

equation to overcome resistance to change, 32

implementing during transformational journey at Hospital Heal, 33

levels of resistance to change, 3132

management frameworks and models, 32

Frontline staff, 44

Future state job responsibilities at hospital heal, mapping current and, 60


Gemba walk, 69

GE Work-Out, The, 20

“Global State of Process Excellence” report, 6

“Go/no go” decision point, 173

“Go See Learn” philosophy, 69

“Go to Gemba”, 69

“Graduate” program, 61

Guiding principles and management system elements

cultural transformation journeys, 111

excellence terminologies, 112

Kumar Management System© working, 113116

patient and family–partnered care practices, 117120

validation of Kumar Management System, 116117


Healthcare organizations, 70

“Health Report Card”, 76

Hiring process, 6566

Horizontal deployment

in multiple areas, 189

in single area, 186189

Hoshin Kanri, 75, 139

Hospital Heal, 39, 61, 6566, 69, 7576, 80, 81, 85, 135

approach to cascading strategy, 86

business excellence model implementing at, 53

change framework implementing during transformational journey at, 33

education sessions for developing scorecards, 87

facilitators promoting development of scorecards at, 87

full house during monthly report-outs in auditorium at, 136

leaders conduct “Go See Learn” visits at, 123

metric selection for creating health report card for, 77

more time to care vision and guiding principles developing at, 40

project team roles and responsibilities at, 105109

reflecting sample job positions, 61

six value stream coaches at, 66

strategic directions, 41

strategy map, 40, 41

strategy room, teams discussing projects in, 81

teams at hospital heal celebrating first huddle and scorecard, 134

template Heal for developing performance scorecards, 88

Hospital’s Health Report Card, 86


IHI, see Institute of Healthcare Improvement

Improvement projects/initiatives management, 6263

Incremental change, 1718, 23

Individual performance measures (IPMs), 191

building accountability, 195196

competing values framework, 193

development for Hospital Heal, 192

Marshall Goldsmith’s Mojo scorecard, 193195

elements of personal Mojo, 195

elements of professional Mojo, 194195

for leaders at Hospital Heal, 196197

role of individual behavior, 192

Shingo Model™, 192, 193

skills profile for leaders, 194

transformational change, 196

Information technology (IT), 169

In-house training, 144

Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 131

Internal job postings, 65

IPMs, see Individual performance measures

IT, see Information technology


JDI, see Just do it

J. Gretzitz model on enterprise management system, 170

Jing Bang, 189

Job description, 6061, 65

“Joy in work”, 131

elements of framework for, 131132

full house during monthly report-outs in auditorium at Hospital Heal, 136

IHI framework for improving, 132

quadrants labeled “process” and “innovation and growth”, 134

and senior leaders, 132

standard template for sharing improvements, 136

teams at hospital heal celebrating first huddle and scorecard, 134

tensions between diagonal cultures, 135

Just do it (JDI), 93


“Kaizen” (Self-Development), 98

Kano model for understanding customer voice, 147

“Key influencers”, 122

Key performance indicators (KPIs), see Individual performance measures (IPMs)

Key result areas (KRAs), see Individual performance measures (IPMs)

Khosrowshahi, Dara, 69

Knowledge management system, 161162

disciplines, 163164

elements, 162163

example of storyboard template, 164

knowledge management cycle, 164

stage of process, 164165

Stankosky’s elements, 163

Kumar Management System©, 113, 181182

elements, 115

guiding principles, 114

validation, 116117

working, 113116


Leadership, 44, 129, 130, 163

commitment, 40, 186

development, 141

development, 45

team, 138

Leading-edge quality improvement strategies and techniques, 61

Lean, 144

A3 method, 165

management, 183

principles of, 145

Six Sigma, 104

work, 22

Lean application, 70

impact in healthcare, 156

Learning, 163

and growth, BSC, 75

management systems, 165

organization, 163164

through visuals, 144

Length-of-stay map (LOS map), 148

Live Our Values Everyday (LOVE), 46


Malcom Baldrige, 52, 53

Managing internal/external mandates, 63

Mapping current and future state job responsibilities, 60

Marshall Goldsmith’s Mojo scorecard, 193195

Maturity scale, 180

McKinsey survey, 75

Metric selection for creating health report card, 77

Mojo, 194

Marshall Goldsmith’s Mojo scorecard, 193195

personal Mojo elements, 195

professional Mojo elements, 194195


Need for change, 3; see also Change

assessments, 4

business and culture, 68

CVF, 4, 5


organizational culture assessment, 815

results of culture and change management survey, 7


OCAI, see Organization Cultural Assessment Instrument

Operational excellence, 51

Organization-wide project, 95

Organization, 5, 162; see also Problem-solving muscle of organization

cultural operating system, 52

difference between standard and standardization, 97

differentiating standard work from policy and guidelines, 98

project prioritization template, 99, 100

strategic plan, 75

strategy, 76, 79

team, 99, 100

“true north” measures for, 80

Organizational culture, 43

approach to culture assessment, 9

assessment, 8

BSC, 45

continuous improvement, 44

CVF, 8

enable and execute stages, 10

establishing alignment of culture, strategy, and operations, 48

initiate and assess stages, 910

integrated model of organization culture and strategy, 46

leadership, 44

plan and design stages, 10

sample quantitative assessment, 15

stages of project’s life cycle, 4749

Organization Cultural Assessment Instrument (OCAI), 6

adapting from Cameron/Quinn, 1114

Organization report card, 79

logic of BSC, 76

metric selection for creating health report card for Hospital Heal, 77


Paper-based methods, 165

Partnered care, 118

Patient advisory committee, 118

Patient and family–partnered care practices, 66, 117120

Patient/family/community engagement, 63

PDSA, see Plan Do Study Adjust

Performance appraisals, 169

Performance indicators, 169

Performance management systems, 169, 170

business processes, 169170

components of enterprise performance management, 170

role in business excellence model, 171

Performance Scorecard visual board, 125

Personal Mojo elements, 195

“PEX Network’s Global State of Process Excellence” report (2017), 51, 52

Phase gate approach, 173

PICK chart triaging process, see Possible Implement Challenge Kibosh chart triaging process

Plan Do Study Adjust (PDSA), 18

improvement cycle, 114

scientific thinking, 154

Point of contact (POC), 9

Positioning, 174175

Position prerequisites, 6667

Possible Implement Challenge Kibosh chart triaging process (PICK chart triaging process), 92

PPIM approach, value stream map creation using, 147

Practical Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare, 186

Primes, The, 20

Prioritization, 98

Problem-solving muscle of organization

activities in REI, 160

business excellence training plan, 142

cell design to promoting single piece flow, 152

core team and value stream coaches, 143144

data collection methods, 159

demand map of patient flow, 148

fish bone analysis for cause and effect, 150

5 WHY analysis for understanding root cause, 150

Kano model for understanding customer voice, 147

Lean application impact in healthcare, 156

principles of Lean, 145

project charter template, 157

SIPOC tool, 158

six sigma approach to problem solving, 145

Six Sigma roadmap to process improvement, 156

standard operating process, 149

strength of Lean Six Sigma combination, 146

summing up Lean six sigma tools, 155

training, 141142

types of waste, 156

unbalanced line and pitfalls, 151

value stream map creation using PPIM approach, 147

visually managed buffer beds in healthcare, 154

visual management application, 153

Problem solving skill, 142

Process owner, 103

Professional Mojo elements, 194195

Professional skill, 141

Project lead, 103

Project management solutions, 165

Project prioritization

criteria, 9596

example of filters under benefit and effort, 93

problem, 9192

project classification, 9395

project classification criteria developed at Hospital Heal, 93

qualifying projects in PICK chart quadrants, 92

and selection criteria development, 91

solution, 92

template, 99, 100

Project team

roles and responsibilities, 104109

role titles in project team, 104


Quality, 144

Quincey, James, 132


Rapid Improvement Event (REI), 160

RDR, see Recognition and development review

Ready-reckoner template, 6061

Recognition and development review (RDR), 197

Recruitment criteria and selecting change facilitators

position prerequisites, 6667

six value stream coaches at Hospital Heal, 66

Regimentation, 97

REI, see Rapid Improvement Event

Required organizational practices (ROPs), 63

Resource deployment, 5455

Responsibility, 7

change facilitators roles and, 5963

key activities and responsibilities and approximate percent of time, 6263

mapping current and future state job responsibilities, 59

project team roles and, 104109

Rewards, 8

Roadmap development for excellence journey; see also Excellence journey

culture change, 180

design of roadmap, 179

Kumar Management System, 181182, 184

plan strategy, 182183

projects and management system elements, 181

roadmap for time to care journey, 182

standard work for management system elements adoption, 180181

teams at Hospital Heal evolving on Kübler-Ross change curve, 183

Robotic process automation (RPA), 170

ROPs, see Required organizational practices

RPA, see Robotic process automation

Rule of thumb, 29

to selecting pilot area, 188


Scorecards, 87

facilitators promoting development of scorecards at Hospital Heal, 87

template at Hospital Heal for developing performance scorecards, 88

Service level agreement (SLA), 159

Shingo Model™, 52, 53, 192

SIPOC tool, 158

Six Sigma

approach to problem solving, 145

breakthrough equation, 155

roadmap to process improvement, 156

SLA, see Service level agreement

SME, see Subject matter expert

Sponsor, 103

Standardization, 97

Standards, 7, 97, 98

Standard tollgate process development, 173, 180

activities during stage of tollgate review process, 176

checkpoint, 173174

evaluation phase, 175

implementation at Hospital Heal, 174

positioning, 174175

Standard work, 88, 98

creation at Hospital Heal for conducting visual room tour, 8183

definitions, 126

for developing annual report card for Hospital Heal, 89

development process, 138139

Standard work content development, 137; see also Communication plan development

for all management system elements at Hospital Heal, 138

developing educational material and standard work in excellence journey, 137

developing standard educational material, 139

examples of standard work for management system elements, 139

Stankosky’s elements of knowledge management, 163

Strategic Plan, 61

Strategic processes, 163

Strategy map, 40

Subject matter expert (SME), 103

SUCCESs, 121

Summing-up, 23

Support staff, 44

Survey tool, 186


Team, 99; see also Leadership

at hospital heal celebrating first huddle and scorecard, 134

member, 104

readiness, 186

reviewing and prioritizing projects at Hospital Heal, 100

Technology, 163


for mapping current and future state job responsibilities, 59

at Hospital Heal for developing performance scorecards, 88

Test pilot area selection, evaluation criteria for

deep dive selection process, 186

example of deep dive selection survey, 187188

Hospital Heal, 185186

implementation of pilot area, 186189

rule of thumb to selecting pilot area, 188

ThedaCare, 7071

Timely, Responsive Unconditional, Enthusiastic (TRUE), 133134

Tollgate, 173

Transformational change, 19

Bringing Leadership to Life in Health, 23

lean work, 22

mental and emotional strength, 2021

non-negotiables, 21

scenarios, 19

teams, 22

Transformational journey, 7071

Transitional change, 1819

TRUE, see Timely, Responsive Unconditional, Enthusiastic

“True north” measures for organization, 80


Value, 95

stream coach, 54, 61, 6566, 71

stream map creation, 147

Visual management, 79, 114

application, 153

purpose, 129

Visual strategy room, 79, 80

ongoing senior leadership commitment, 83

standard work created at Hospital Heal for conducting visual room tour, 8183

teams discussing projects in Hospital Heal’s strategy room, 81


“War room”, 79

Wisconsin, 7071

Working group representatives, 86


Zuckerberg, Mark, 133

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