
Abduction and hypotheses, 300

Accidents, and human factors, 78

Accommodation Layout Design Expert System (ALDES), 334

Action classification, 61

Action control

and aimed movements, 374375

application, 376377

bimanual control, 378

closed-loop control, 369370

eye and head movements, 380

and feedback, 374

Fitts’s law, 375376

grasping and intercepting objects, 379

hierarchical arrangement, 373374

implications, 371

invariant characteristics, 371

keyboard entry and typing, 372373

locomotion, 380

modular organization, 371373

open-loop control, 370371

overview, 368369

posture, 380

visual feedback, 377

Action limit, 450

Action office, 515

Action stage, and three-stage model, 84

ACT-R. See Adaptive Control of Thought–Rational (ACT-R)


retina structure and, 117118

spatial and temporal resolution, 128129

Adaptation, 169

Adaptive Control of Thought–Rational (ACT-R), 541, 542

Additive-factors logic, 9899

Aesthetics, 515

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, 500

Aggression, 512

Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), 425

Air pollutants, 488

Air quality, 486489

Alarm and warning signals, 214216

ALDES. see Accommodation Layout Design Expert System (ALDES)

Alphanumeric displays, 195199

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 546

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 500

Analog controls. See Continuous controls

Analog displays, 204207

Analogy, 291293

ANSI. See American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

Anthropometric Source Book,436

Anthropometry, 431463

cumulative trauma disorders, 439442

engineering anthropometry, 431439

biomechanical factors, 437439

measurement, 434436

sources, 436437

hand tools, 442448

additional principles, 448

design principles for, 443447

manual/power tools, 447448

manual materials handling, 449453

carrying and push/pulling, 452453

lifting and lowering, 449452

overview, 431

and workspace design, 453463

positioning of controls and objects, 460461

positioning of visual displays, 459460

seating, 456459

steps in, 461463

working position, 454455

Anti-glare devices, 475

Apollo Command Module, 432

Apparent motion, 158

Appraisal method, 502505

Arousal and vigilance, 242246

Artificial lighting, 467469

A Technique for Human Error ANAlysis (ATHEANA), 77

ATHEANA. see A Technique for Human Error ANAlysis (ATHEANA)


arousal and vigilance, 242246

bottleneck models

attenuation and late-selection theories, 230231

filter theory, 229230

divided, 240242

and mental workload assessment

comparison technique, 256

expert opinion, 256

mathematical models, 257

overview, 246247

primary-task measures, 249250

psychophysiological measures, 251252

secondary-task measures, 250251

simulation models, 257

subjective measures, 252255

task analysis, 257

overview, 227228

resource models

executive control models, 234235

multiple-resource models, 233234

unitary-resource models, 231233


auditory tasks, 235236

switching and controlling, 240

visual tasks, 236240

Attenuation, and late-selection theories, 230231

Audio-dosimeter, 477

Auditory displays

speech displays, 217220

three-dimensional displays, 216217

warning and alarm signals, 214216

Auditory distractions, 517

Auditory pathways, 168170

Auditory sensory memory, 261262

Auditory tasks, 235236

Augmented displays, 406

AWACS. See Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)

Baddeley and Hitch’s working memory model, 267268

Bain, Gordon, 477

Balanced Noise Criterion (NCB), 478479

BARS. See Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)

Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS), 503504

Behavior observation scale (BOS), 503504

Benevolent authority, 523

Bent-handled plier, 444

Bimanual control, 378

Binocular visual cues, 152155

Biomechanics, 431

and human performance, 1819

measurements, 436

occupational, 438

Body temperature, 505506

BOS. See Behavior observation scale (BOS)

Bottleneck models

attenuation and late-selection theories, 230231

filter theory, 229230

Bounded rationality, 304307

Brain control, and movements, 367368

Brightness, 122123

Bullpen office, 516

CAESAR. See Civilian American and European Surface Anthropometry Resource (CAESAR)

CAESAR3 -D Anthropometric Database,436

Carpal tunnel syndrome, 441442

Categorical reasoning, 296298

Centralization, organizational structure component, 524

Centralized network, 520

Chemical systems, and perception, 187188

Choice reactions

overview, 340

speed-accuracy tradeoff, 341342

stimulus-response uncertainty, 343345

temporal uncertainty, 342343

Chronometric methods

additive-factors logic, 9899

continuous information accumulation, 99101

subtractive logic, 9798

Circadian rhythms, 505507

Civilian American and European Surface Anthropometry Resource (CAESAR), 436

Closed-loop control, 369370

Coast Guard, 537

Coding dimensions, 202203

Coding of controls, 407411

color, 409

labels, 408409

location, 407408

other, 411

shape, 410

size, 410

texture, 410

COGNET. See COGnition as a NETwork of tasks (COGNET)

COGnition as a NETwork of tasks (COGNET), 544

Cognitive architectures, 8586

Cognitive models, 537, 538541

Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM), 7778

Cognitive skill acquisition

connectionist model, 320

part-whole transfer, 321322

phases of, 316317

power law of practice, 314316

production system model, 318320

skill-rule-knowledge framework, 317318

transfer views, 320

Cognitive stage, and three-stage model, 83

Color coding, 203204, 409

Color mixing, 136137

Color perception

color mixing, 136137

opponent process theory, 138139

overview, 135

perceptual organization, 139145

trichromatic theory, 137138

Color rendering, 466467

Combination codes, 204

Comfort zone, 486487

Comparison technique, 256

Compatibility principles

practicing, 352354

relative location coding, 347349

S-C-R compatibility, 352

stimulus-response compatibility, 345347

theoretical interpretations, 349351

Compensatory tracking task, 401

Complexity, organizational structure component, 524

Compressed schedules, 508, 509

Compressible grip surfaces, 447

Computational models, 8586

Computer interface control, 421423

Computer technology, and human factors, 46

Conditional reasoning, 293296

Conferencing tools, 522

Connected-word systems, 425

Connectionist model, 320

Consonance, 175

Consultative style, 523

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 547

Contact-based devices, 426

Containment controls, 422

Continuing education classes, 502

Continuous controls, 396

Continuous information accumulation, 99101

Continuous-speech systems, 425

Control–display ratio, 402404

Control panels, 407413

arrangements, 411413

coding, 407411

color, 409

labels, 408409

location, 407408

other, 411

shape, 410

size, 410

texture, 410

preventing accidental operation, 413

Control–response ratio, 402

Controls, and controlling actions, 395428

features, 395407

basic dimensions, 396397

manipulation–outcome relations, 400407

resistance, 397400

overview, 395

panels, 407413

arrangements, 411413

coding, 407411

preventing accidental operation, 413

specific, 413427

foot-operated, 420, 424

hand-operated, 413420

specialized, 424427

Control system order, 404407

Control theory models, 544545

Core time, 508

Cornea, and lens, 110111

Cost-benefit analysis, 528529, 532

Cowan’s activation model, 269

CPSC. See Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

CREAM. see Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM)

Criminal negligence, 546

Crowding and privacy, 512514

Cumulative trauma disorders, 439442

Cyber security, and human factors, 67

Cyclical stressors, 491

Danger, 546

Dark and light adaptation, 123124

Daylighting, 467

Deadman switches, 398

Deadspace, and backlash, 401402

Decentralized network, 520

Decision aids, 308311

Decision control, 512

Decision making

descriptive theory

bounded rationality, 304307

transitivity and framing, 302304


decision aids, 308311

training and task environment, 307308

naturalistic, 325326

normative theory, 301302

overview, 287288


categorical reasoning, 296298

conditional reasoning, 293296

Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 536

Depth perception

binocular visual cues, 152155

illusions of size and direction, 155157

monocular visual cues, 148152

motion perception

apparent motion, 158

induced motion, 158

object motion, 157158

oculomotor depth cues, 146148

overview, 145146

pattern recognition, 158160

Descriptive theory

bounded rationality, 304307

transitivity and framing, 302304

Design verification, 533

DESPLATE. see Diagnostic Expert System for Steel Plates (DESPLATE) system

Detail design, 533

Detectability and bias, 9194

DGR. See Discomfort glare rating (DGR)

DHS. See Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Diagnostic Expert System for Steel Plates (DESPLATE) system, 333334

Diagnostic support systems (DSSs), 310

Dictionary of Occupational Titles,497

Digital displays, 204207

Digital human models, 537, 541

Direct glare, 473, 475

Direct parabolic lighting (DPL), 473

Disability glare, 473

Discomfort glare, 473

Discomfort glare rating (DGR), 474

Discomfort zones, 487

Discrete controls, 396

Discrete event simulation. See Task network modeling

Display arrangements, 207209

Dissonance, 175

Distance education, 502

Divided attention, 240242

Dorsal and ventral streams, 121

Downward communications, 520

DPL. See Direct parabolic lighting (DPL)

Drugs and stress, 490

DSSs. see Diagnostic support systems (DSSs)

Dual-task and sequential performance

psychological refractory period effect, 355357

stimulus and response repetition, 357

Dynamic displays

analog and digital displays, 204207

display arrangements, 207209

motion interpretability, 209210

Dynamic strength, 436

Earmuffs, 483

Earplugs, 483

EEOC. See Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Elastic resistance, 397

Electronic and digital equipment, 4


individual, 496509

circadian rhythms and work schedules, 505509

job analysis and design, 496499

performance appraisal, 502505

personnel selection, 499500

training, 500502

interactions among, 510518

crowding and privacy, 512514

office space and arrangement, 514515

open-plan offices, 516518

personal space, 510511

territoriality, 511512

traditional offices, 515516

participation, 523524

Employment and Training Administration, 497

Engineering anthropometry, 431439

biomechanical factors, 437439

measurement, 434436

sources, 436437

Engineering models, 537541

cognitive models, 538541

digital human models, 541

Environmental ergonomics, 465494

lighting, 465475

glare, 473475

illumination and performance, 469473

measurement, 466

sources, 466469

noise, 475483

hearing loss, 480482

level and performance, 477480

measurement, 475477

reduction, 482483

overview, 465

stress, 489492

adaptation syndrome and stressors, 489491

occupational, 491492

thermal comfort and air quality, 486489

vibration, 484489

segmental, 485486

whole-body, 484485

EPIC. See Executive Process Interactive Control (EPIC)

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 500


environmental, 465494

lighting, 465475

noise, 475483

overview, 465

stress, 489492

thermal comfort and air quality, 486489

vibration, 484489

human factors and, 550551

program, 528529

occupational, 531

Evening shift, 508

Executive control models, 234235

Executive Process Interactive Control (EPIC), 541, 542

Expected-utility theory, 301

Expert opinion, 256


cognitive skill acquisition

connectionist model, 320

part-whole transfer, 321322

phases of, 316317

power law of practice, 314316

production system model, 318320

skill-rule-knowledge framework, 317318

transfer views, 320

and naturalistic decision making, 325326

and novices, 322325

overview, 313

performance, 322325

Expert systems

characteristics of

inference engine, 327

knowledge base, 327

user interface, 327328

and human factors issues

Accommodation Layout Design Expert System (ALDES), 334

Diagnostic Expert System for Steel Plates (DESPLATE) system, 333334

interface design, 332

knowledge elicitation, 329330

knowledge representation, 328332

system validation, 332333

task selection, 328

overview, 326

Expert testimony, 548550

Exploitative authority, 523

Express warranty, 548

External precision grip, 445

External recruiting, 499

External stressors, 490

Eye and head movements, 380

FAA. See Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Failure classification, 6162

Fatigue, and motor learning, 382383

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 477

Feedback, 424

and action control, 374

and skill acquisition

knowledge of performance (KP), 389392

knowledge of results (KR), 386389

observational learning, 392393

visual, 377

Filter theory, 229230

Fine adjust time, 402

First-order controls, 404

Fitts’s law, 375376, 415

Flextime schedules, 508509

Fluorescent lamps, 468

Fluted knobs, 410

Focusing problems, 113115

Focusing system, 109110

Food scoop design, 447

Foot-operated controls, 420, 424

Forensic human factors, 545551

expert testimony, 548550

liability, 545548

Formal communications, 520

Formalization, organizational structure component, 524

“Four-fifths rule,” 500

Fourier analysis, 165

Framing, and transitivity, 302304

Frequency sweep detector, 170

Friction, 398

Function controls, 422

Gaze-based control, 425426

General Adaptation syndrome, 489491

General-purpose tools, 448

Gesture-based control, 426

Glare, 473475

Glass cockpits, 418

Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection rules (GOMS), 538, 539541

GOMS. See Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection rules (GOMS)

Google Maps, 522

Grasping, and intercepting objects, 379

Grip patterns, 358359

Groupware, 522

Guyon tunnel syndrome, 441

Halo error, 504

Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), 485486

Hand-operated controls, 413420

multifunction, 418420

pushbutton and toggle switches, 413416

rotary selector switches and knobs, 416418

Hand tools, 442448

additional principles, 448

design principles for, 443447

compressible grip surfaces, 447

design problem, 447

grips, 444446

manual/power tools, 447448

HAVS. See Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS)

Hawthorne Plant, 471

Hazard and risk, 546

HCI. See Human–computer interaction (HCI)

Head and eye movements, 380

Head-movement control, 425426

Head-up displays (HUDs), 210212

Healthcare systems, and human factors, 6


auditory pathways, 168170

inner ear, 167168

outer and middle ear, 165167

overview, 163164

sound stimuli, 164165

Hearing loss, 480482

Helmet-mounted displays (HMDs), 212213

HEPA. See High-energy particulate absorbing (HEPA) filters

High-energy particulate absorbing (HEPA) filters, 489

Higher-level properties, perception of

overview, 175176

perceptual organization, 176

sound localization, 176178

speech perception, 178180

Higher-order controls, 404405

HMDs. see Helmet-mounted displays (HMDs)

Horizontal communication, 520

HTML. See Hypertext markup language (HTML)

HUDs. see Head-up displays (HUDs)

Human behavioral modeling, 542

Human cognitive reliability model, 7677

Human–computer interaction (HCI), 12, 426

Human–environment technology, 527

Human error

action classification, 61

causes, 6061

failure classification, 6162

intentional classification, 6366

overview, 5960

processing classification, 6263

taxonomies, 6166

Human factors, 527551

and accidents, 78

and applied journals, 17

cognitive and physical models, 535545

control theory, 544545

engineering, 537541

integrative cognitive architectures, 541544

and computer technology, 46

contemporary, 2022

and cyber security, 67

definition, 89

and electronic and digital equipment, 4

evaluation study, 4952

and expert systems

Accommodation Layout Design Expert System (ALDES), 334

Diagnostic Expert System for Steel Plates (DESPLATE) system, 333334

interface design, 332

knowledge elicitation, 329330

knowledge representation, 328332

system validation, 332333

task selection, 328

forensic, 545551

expert testimony, 548550

liability, 545548

and healthcare systems, 6

and human–computer interaction (HCI), 12

and human–machine systems, 1012

and human performance, 910

biomechanics and, 1819

psychology of, 13

job specialization and productivity, 1617

learning and skill acquisition, 1516

making case for, 528532

and mental processing speed, 1415

overview, 3, 527528

process, 532535

as profession, 1920

and sensory psychophysics, 1314

and society, 550551

and specialization domains, 1012

system development, 528535

Wundt and study of attention, 1415

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 550

Human information-processing

chronometric methods

additive-factors logic, 9899

continuous information accumulation, 99101

subtractive logic, 9798

computational models and cognitive architectures, 8586

overview, 8182

psychological representation

detectability and bias, 9194

detection and discrimination, 8789

psychophysical scaling, 9497

signal-detection methods and theory, 8994

psychophysiological methods, 101102

three-stage model

action stage, 84

cognitive stage, 83

description, 8486

perceptual stage, 83

Human–job interface technology, 527

Human–machine interface technology, 527

Human–machine systems, 1012

Human Operator Model, 542

Human Operator Simulator, 542, 544

Human–organization interface technology, 527

Human performance, 910

biomechanics and, 1819

data sources, 7879

psychology of, 13

Human reliability, 7078

Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM), 7778

human cognitive reliability model, 7677

overview, 7073

stochastic modeling technique, 75

Systematic Human Error Reduction And Prediction Approach (SHERPA), 7576

Task Analysis For Error Identification (TAFEI), 7576

A Technique for Human Error ANAlysis (ATHEANA), 77

Technique For Human Error Rate Prediction (THERP), 7375

Human resource management, and macroergonomics, 495526

individual employee, 496509

circadian rhythms and work schedules, 505509

job analysis and design, 496499

performance appraisal, 502505

personnel selection, 499500

training, 500502

interactions among employees, 510518

crowding and privacy, 512514

office space and arrangement, 514515

open-plan offices, 516518

personal space, 510511

territoriality, 511512

traditional offices, 515516

interactions between organizational groups, 518525

communication in organizations, 520523

employee participation, 523524

organizational development, 524525

overview, 495496

Human–robot interactions, 510

Human–software technology, 527

Human Systems IAC Anthropometric Data Sets,436

Human Systems Integration. See MANPRINT program

Human–systems interface technology, 527

Hypertext markup language (HTML), 423

Hypervigilance, 490

Hypotheses, 300

IA. See Index of accessibility (IA)

Illuminance, 466

Illumination, and performance, 469473

Imagery, and short-term memory, 269270

Implied warranties, 548

Incandescent light, 467468

Index of accessibility (IA), 412

Index of functionality, 412

Induced motion, 158

Induction, and concepts, 298300

Inertial resistance, 399

Inference engine, 327

Informal communications, 520

Informal evaluations, 502

Information display controls, 422

Information theory, 555559

Inner ear, 167168

Input controls, 422

Instrumentality, 515

Integrated Performance Modeling Environment, 544

Integrative cognitive architectures, 541544

Intentional classification, 6366

Interactive medical image segmentation, 538539

Interface design, 332

Internal precision grip, 444445

Internal recruiting, 499

Internet, 427

Intimate distance, 510

Irrelevant stimuli, 354355

Isolated-word systems, 425

Isometric controls, 397

Isotonic controls, 397

JACK, 541

Jet lag, 506

Job analysis, and design, 496499

Job description, 503

Job performance and satisfaction, 523

Job rotation, 501

Job specialization, 1617

“Just-in-time” inventory systems, 439

Keybindings, 418

Keyboard entry, and typing, 372373

Kinesiological factors, 438

Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), 549

Knowledge base, 327

Knowledge elicitation, 329330

Knowledge of performance (KP), 389392

Knowledge of results (KR), 386389

Knowledge representation, 328332

Knurled knobs, 410

KP. see Knowledge of performance (KP)

KR. see Knowledge of results (KR)

KSAs. See Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)

Labels, 408409

Landscaped offices, 516

Lateral moments, 450

Late-selection theories, 230231

Layout controls, 422

LCDs. See Liquid crystal displays (LCDs)

Learned helplessness, 512

Learning and skill acquisition, 1516

LEDs. See Light emitting diodes (LEDs)

Lens, and cornea, 110111

Lensed-indirect uplighting (LIL), 473

Light and dark adaptation, 123124

Light emitting diodes (LEDs), 468

Lighting, 465475

glare, 473475

illumination and performance, 469473

measurement, 466

sources, 466469

artificial lighting, 467469

daylighting, 467

Lightness, 126128

LIL. See Lensed-indirect uplighting (LIL)

Liquid crystal displays (LCDs), 475

LMM. See Lumbar motion monitor (LMM)

Location coding, 407408

Locomotion action control, 380

Logic and reasoning

abduction and hypotheses, 300


categorical reasoning, 296298

conditional reasoning, 293296

induction and concepts, 298300

Long-term memories

characteristics, 271272

processing strategies, 273276

Loudness, 170173

Lumbar motion monitor (LMM), 451

Lumens, 466

Luminance, 466

Luminous flux, 466

Macroergonomics, 495496

Manipulation–outcome relations, 400407

control–display ratio, 402404

control system order, 404407

deadspace and backlash, 401402

tracking tasks, 400401

Man–machine Integrated Design and Analysis System (MIDAS), 544

MANPRINT program, 532

Manual lifting, 450

Manual materials handling, 449453

carrying and push/pulling, 452453

lifting and lowering, 449452

Manual tools, 447448

Mass-spring property and motor unit, 366367

Materials handling, 449

Mathematical models, 257

Maximum permissible limit, 450

MCDU. See Multifunction control display unit (MCDU)

Medial lemniscus, 183

Memory performance, 506

Memory search, 265266

Mental models, 406, 521

Mental processing speed, 1415

Mental workload assessment

comparison technique, 256

expert opinion, 256

mathematical models, 257

overview, 246247

primary-task measures, 249250

psychophysiological measures, 251252

secondary-task measures, 250251

simulation models, 257

subjective measures, 252255

task analysis, 257

Micro Saint Sharp, 544

MIDAS. See Man–machine Integrated Design and Analysis System (MIDAS)

Middle ear, 165167

Model Human Processor, 538, 540

Modular organization, 371373

Monocular visual cues, 148152

Monosodium glutamate (MSG), 187

Morning shift, 508

Motion interpretability, 209210

Motion perception

apparent motion, 158

induced motion, 158

object motion, 157158

Motor learning

and fatigue, 382383


distribution of, 383

mental, 385386

and training, 381382

variability of, 384385


and action control

and aimed movements, 374375

application, 376377

bimanual control, 378

closed-loop control, 369370

eye and head movements, 380

and feedback, 374

Fitts’s law, 375376

grasping and intercepting objects, 379

hierarchical arrangement, 373374

implications, 371

invariant characteristics, 371

keyboard entry and typing, 372373

locomotion, 380

modular organization, 371373

open-loop control, 370371

overview, 368369

posture, 380

visual feedback, 377

and brain control, 367368

control of, 366

feedback and skill acquisition

knowledge of performance (KP), 389392

knowledge of results (KR), 386389

observational learning, 392393

mass-spring property and motor unit, 366367

motor learning

distribution of practice, 383

and fatigue, 382383

mental practice, 385386

practice and training, 381382

variability of practice, 384385

and musculoskeletal system, 366

overview, 365

and simulators, 386387

spinal control, 367

MSG. see Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

Multifunction control display unit (MCDU), 418

Multifunction controls, 418420

Multiple-resource models, 233234

Musculoskeletal system, 366

NASA. See National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA)

National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), 436

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 450, 451, 545

National Transportation Safety Board, 407

Naturalistic decision making, 325326

Navigation controls, 422

NCB. See Balanced Noise Criterion (NCB)

Neural layers, 116117

NIOSH. See National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Noise, 475483

hearing loss, 480482

level and performance, 477480

measurement, 475477

reduction, 482483

Noise Rating curves, 479

Noise-reduction headphones, 483

Nonspecific building-related symptoms, 488

Nonterritorial offices, 516, 518

Normative theory, 301302

Novices, and experts, 322325

Object motion, 157158

Observational learning, 392393

Occupational biomechanics, 438

Occupational ergonomics programs, 531

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 545

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 545

Occupational stress, 491492

Oculomotor depth cues, 146148

Offending zone, 473

Office space and arrangement, 514515

Offset control, 514

Off-site training, 502

OMAR. See Operator Model Architecture (OMAR)

Onset control, 514

On-site training, 502

On-the-job training, 501

Open-loop control, 370371

Open offices, 515

Open-plan offices, 516518

Operator Model Architecture (OMAR), 544

Operator variables, 5859

Opponent process theory, 138139

Organization, 518525

communication in, 520523

development, 524525

employee participation, 523524

OSHA. See Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Outcome control, 512

Outer and middle ear, 165167

Pain, and temperature, 186187

PAQ. See Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

Participative style, 523

Participatory ergonomics, 523

Part-whole transfer, 321322

Pattern recognition, 158160


of basic properties

consonance, 175

dissonance, 175

loudness, 170173

pitch, 173175

timbre, 175

and chemical systems, 187188

of higher-level properties

overview, 175176

perceptual organization, 176

sound localization, 176178

speech perception, 178180

somesthetic system, 181183

of temperature and pain, 186187

of touch, 183186

vestibular system, 180181

Perceptual organization, 139145, 176

Perceptual stage, and three-stage model, 83

Performance appraisal, 502505

Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting Installation (PSALI), 467

Personal distance, 510

Personal space, 510511

Personnel selection, 499500

Photometer, 466

Photoreceptors, 115116

Physical stressors, 490

Physical variables, 5658

Physics, the Human Adventure (Holton and Brush), 25

Pilot models, 545

Pitch, 173175

Population stereotypes, 359363

Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ), 496, 497498

Posture, 438, 456

Power grip, 444

Power law of practice, 314316

Power tools, 447448

Precision grip, 444445

Predictor display, 405406

Preliminary design, 533

Prevention defenses, 512

Primary-task measures, 249250

Primary territories, 511

Principles of compatibility

practicing, 352354

relative location coding, 347349

S-C-R compatibility, 352

stimulus-response compatibility, 345347

theoretical interpretations, 349351

Prisoner’s Dilemma, 511

Probabilistic risk analysis, 79


analogy, 291293

overview, 287288

problem space hypothesis, 288291

Problem space hypothesis, 288291

Procedure-Oriented Crew Model (PROCRU), 544545

Processing classification, 6263

PROCRU. See Procedure-Oriented Crew Model (PROCRU)

Production system model, 318320

Productivity, 1617

Project managers, 534

Proprioception, 183

Propst, R.L., 515516

Proxemics, 510

PSALI. See Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting Installation (PSALI)

Psychological refractory period effect, 355357

Psychological representation

detectability and bias, 9194

detection and discrimination, 8789

psychophysical scaling, 9497

signal-detection methods and theory, 8994

Psychology, of human performance, 13

Psychophysical scaling, 9497

Psychophysiological measures, 101102, 251252

Public distance, 510

Public territories, 511

Pupil, 111112

Purkinje shift, 126

Pursuit tracking task, 400401

Pushbutton and toggle switches, 413416

“Quality of work life” programs, 524


Raynaud’s disease, 485

Reach envelope, 412, 460

Reaction defenses, 512


categorical, 296298

conditional, 293296

Reflected glare, 473

Regaine, 548

Relative location coding, 347349

Reliability analysis

Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM), 7778

human cognitive reliability model, 7677

human performance data sources, 7879

human reliability, 7078

probabilistic risk analysis, 79

stochastic modeling technique, 75

Systematic Human Error Reduction And Prediction Approach (SHERPA), 7576

system reliability, 6670

task analysis, 7172

Task Analysis For Error Identification (TAFEI), 7576

A Technique for Human Error ANAlysis (ATHEANA), 77

Technique For Human Error Rate Prediction (THERP), 7375

Research methods, in human factors

archival data, 33

between-subject designs, 3839

complex designs, 39

correlational and differential research, 3738

descriptive methods, 3233

diaries and studies of log files, 3637

ethnographic methods, 3335

experimental methods, 38

interviews and focus groups, 36


overview, 3031

reliability, validity, and control, 3132

naturalistic observation, 3335

overview, 2526

and science

foundations of, 27

goals of, 2930

scientific method, 2829

statistical methods

central tendency and variability, 4244

correlation coefficient, 4446

descriptive statistics, 4142

inferential statistics, 4649

probability, 4648

statistical hypothesis testing, 4849

surveys and questionnaires, 3536

usability evaluation and user experience, 4041

within-subject designs, 39

Resistance, control, 397400

performance and, 399400

types, 397399

Resource models

executive control models, 234235

multiple-resource models, 233234

unitary-resource models, 231233

Response repetition, 357

Response selection

choice reactions

overview, 340

speed-accuracy tradeoff, 341342

stimulus-response uncertainty, 343345

temporal uncertainty, 342343

controlling actions

grip patterns, 358359

population stereotypes, 359363

dual-task and sequential performance

psychological refractory period effect, 355357

stimulus and response repetition, 357

irrelevant stimuli, 354355

overview, 339

principles of compatibility

practicing, 352354

relative location coding, 347349

S-C-R compatibility, 352

stimulus-response compatibility, 345347

theoretical interpretations, 349351

simple reactions, 339340


neural layers, 116117

photoreceptors, 115116

structure and acuity, 117118

Revised weight limit (RWL), 450

Rolling delivery system, 453

Rotary selector switches and knobs, 416418

Ruck, Julia, 532

RWL. See Revised weight limit (RWL)

Sagittal moment, 449450

Saturday Night Live (1976), 546

Scenario-based design, 535, 536537

S-C-R compatibility, 352

Screening method, 500

Secondary-task measures, 250251

Secondary territories, 511

Second-order control, 404

Segmental vibration, 485486

Selective attention

auditory tasks, 235236

switching and controlling, 240

visual tasks, 236240

Selye, Hans, 489

Semantic memory, 276278

Sensory memory

long-term memories

characteristics, 271272

processing strategies, 273276

overview, 259260

role of, 262

short-term memory

Baddeley and Hitch’s working memory model, 267268

characteristics, 263264

Cowan’s activation model, 269

imagery, 269270

improving, 264265

memory search, 265266

tactile and auditory, 261262

verbal and nonverbal material

semantic memory, 276278

situational awareness, 283284

spoken communication, 280283

written communication, 278280

visual, 260261

Sensory psychophysics, 1314

Separation controls, 422

Shape coding, 204, 410

Shell Netherlands Refinery and Chemical, 529

SHERPA. see Systematic Human Error Reduction And Prediction Approach (SHERPA)

Shift rotations, 508

Shift workers, 507

Short-term memory

Baddeley and Hitch’s working memory model, 267268

characteristics, 263264

Cowan’s activation model, 269

imagery, 269270

improving, 264265

memory search, 265266

Sick building syndrome, 488489

Signal-detection methods and theory, 8994

Similarity-choice theory, 537

Simulation models, 257

Simulators, and movements, 386387

Situational awareness, 283284

Size and direction, illusions of, 155157

Size and shape constancy, 155

Size coding, 410

Skill acquisition

and feedback

knowledge of performance (KP), 389392

knowledge of results (KR), 386389

observational learning, 392393

and learning, 1516

Skill-rule-knowledge framework, 317318

Sleep hygiene, 509

Sleep patterns, 506507

Sliding friction, 398

Smooth knob, 410

Soar. See States, Operators, and Results (Soar)

Social/consultative distance, 510

Social density, 512

Social stressors, 490

Society, human factors and, 550551

Sociotechnical system, 495

Sociotechnical theory, 499

Soft keys, 418

Solid-state lighting, 468

Somesthetic system, 181183

Sonic booms, 477

Sound-level meter, 476

Sound localization, 176178

Sound stimuli, 164165

Spatial and temporal resolution

acuity, 128129

spatial sensitivity, 129131

temporal sensitivity, 131

Spatial density, 512

Spatial sensitivity, 129131

Spatial summation, 126

Speaker-dependent systems, 425

Speaker-independent systems, 425

Special-purpose tools, 448

Spectral sensitivity, 124125

Specular reflection, 473

Speech controls, 424425

Speech displays, 217220

Speech perception, 178180

Speed-accuracy tradeoff, 341342

Spinal control movements, 367

Spinothalamic pathway, 183

Split keyboard, 442

Spoken communication, 280283

Standardized tests, 500

States, Operators, and Results (Soar), 541, 542

Static displays

alphanumeric displays, 195199

coding dimensions, 202203

color coding, 203204

combination codes, 204

effectiveness of, 191195

shape coding, 204

symbolic displays, 199202

Static friction, 398

Static strength, 436

Statler, Stuart, 547

Stimulus and response repetition, 357

Stimulus-response compatibility, 345347

Stimulus-response uncertainty, 343345

Stinger anti-aircraft missile system, 532

Stochastic modeling technique, 75

Straight-handled plier, 444

Stress, 489492

general adaptation syndrome and stressors, 489491

occupational, 491492

Stressors, 489491

Strict liability, 547548

Subjective measures, 252255

Subtractive logic, 9798

Switching and controlling, 240

Symbolic displays, 199202

Symbolism, 515

System, and human factors

components, 55

environment, 56

goals of, 55

hierarchical, 55

and human error

action classification, 61

causes, 6061

failure classification, 6162

intentional classification, 6366

overview, 5960

processing classification, 6263

taxonomies, 6166

and operator, 55

overview, 5354

performance, 56

reliability analysis

Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM), 7778

human cognitive reliability model, 7677

human performance data sources, 7879

human reliability, 7078

probabilistic risk analysis, 79

stochastic modeling technique, 75

Systematic Human Error Reduction And Prediction Approach (SHERPA), 7576

system reliability, 6670

task analysis, 7172

Task Analysis For Error Identification (TAFEI), 7576

A Technique for Human Error ANAlysis (ATHEANA), 77

Technique For Human Error Rate Prediction (THERP), 7375

structure, 5556

variables, 56

operator, 5859

physical, 5658

Systematic Human Error Reduction And Prediction Approach (SHERPA), 7576

System concept, 527

System design, 533

System development, 528535

making case for human factors, 528532

occupational ergonomics programs, 531

and product development, 531532

process, 532535

facilitating human factors inputs, 534535

phases, 532534

System planning, 532

System reliability, 6670

System validation, and expert systems, 332333

Tactile displays, 220222

Tactile sensory memory, 261262

TAFEI. see Task Analysis For Error Identification (TAFEI)

Task analysis, 7172, 257

Task Analysis For Error Identification (TAFEI), 7576

Task network modeling, 542

Task selection, 328

Taste pore, 187

Taxonomies, of human error, 6166

Team cognition, 521

Teamware. See Groupware

Teamwork, 521

Technical controls, 422

Technique For Human Error Rate Prediction (THERP), 7375

Teleoperation, 427

Telerobot, 427

Temperature and pain, 186187

Temporal and spatial summation, 126

Temporal sensitivity, 131

Temporal uncertainty, 342343

Tendonitis, 439

Tenosynovitis, 439

Territoriality, 511512

Texas Transportation Institute, 424

Texture coding, 410

Thermal comfort, and air quality, 486489

Thermal discomfort, 518

THERP. see Technique For Human Error Rate Prediction (THERP)

3-D body-scanning technologies, 432433

3-D gesture controls, 426

Three-dimensional (3D) displays, 147148, 216217

3-D tractor driver models, 437

Three-stage model

action stage, 84

cognitive stage, 83

description, 8486

perceptual stage, 83

Threshold shifts, 480

Timbre, 175

Tonotopic coding, 169

Torsional moments, 450

Touch, perception of, 183186

Tracking tasks, 400401

Traditional offices, 515516

Training, 500502

on-site and off-site, 502

on-the-job, 501

Transfer views, 320

Transient stressors, 490

Transitivity and framing, 302304

Travel time, 402

Trichromatic theory, 137138

2-D gestures, 426

Two-tone suppression, 169

Unfair hiring practice, 500

Unitary-resource models, 231233

Universal design concept, 550

University of California Irvine, 522

Unstructured interview, 500

Upward communications, 520

User interface, 327328

Variables, 56

operator, 5859

physical, 5658

VCP. See Visual comfort probability (VCP) method

VDUs. See Visual display units (VDUs)

Veiling reflection, 473

Verbal and nonverbal material

semantic memory, 276278

situational awareness, 283284

spoken communication, 280283

written communication, 278280

Vergence, 112113

VEs. see Virtual environments (VEs)

Vestibular system, 180181

Vibration, 484489

segmental vibration, 485486

whole-body vibration, 484485

Vibration-induced white finger, 485

Vigilance and arousal, 242246

Virtual environments (VEs), 182183

Virtual teams, 522

Virtual workplaces, 523

Viscous resistance, 399

Visual comfort, 472

Visual comfort probability (VCP) method, 474

Visual cortex, 118120

Visual displays

auditory displays

speech displays, 217220

three-dimensional displays, 216217

warning and alarm signals, 214216

dynamic displays

analog and digital displays, 204207

display arrangements, 207209

motion interpretability, 209210

head-up displays (HUDs), 210212

helmet-mounted displays (HMDs), 212213

static displays

alphanumeric displays, 195199

coding dimensions, 202203

color coding, 203204

combination codes, 204

effectiveness of, 191195

shape coding, 204

symbolic displays, 199202

tactile displays, 220222

warning signals and labels, 213214

Visual display units (VDUs), 473, 475

Visual distractions, 517

Visual feedback, 377

Visual pathways

dorsal and ventral streams, 121

visual cortex, 118120

Visual perception

brightness, 122123

dark and light adaptation, 123124

lightness, 126128

Purkinje shift, 126

spectral sensitivity, 124125

temporal and spatial summation, 126

Visual sensory memory, 260261

Visual sensory systems

cornea and lens, 110111

description, 108109

focusing problems, 113115

focusing system, 109110

and masking, 131132

overview, 107

properties of, 107108

pupil, 111112


neural layers, 116117

photoreceptors, 115116

structure and acuity, 117118

spatial and temporal resolution

acuity, 128129

spatial sensitivity, 129131

temporal sensitivity, 131

vergence, 112113

visual pathways

dorsal and ventral streams, 121

visual cortex, 118120

visual perception

brightness, 122123

dark and light adaptation, 123124

lightness, 126128

Purkinje shift, 126

spectral sensitivity, 124125

temporal and spatial summation, 126

Visual tasks, 236240

Warning signals

and alarm, 214216

and labels, 213214

Web pages, 422, 423

Western Electric Company, 471

Whole-body vibration, 484485

Widgets, 422

Wolpert, Lewis, 505

Worker-oriented job analysis, 496

Work-oriented job analysis, 496

Work Practices Guide for Manual Lifting,450

Work schedules, 505, 507509

Workspace, 431, 453463

positioning of controls and objects, 460461

positioning of visual displays, 459460

seating, 456459

steps in, 461463

working position, 454455

Work tolerance, 438

Written communication, 278280

Wundt and study of attention, 1415

Zero-order controls, 404

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