Chapter 1: Introduction to User Requirements

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Chapter 2: Before You Choose an Activity: Learning About Your Product and Users

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Chapter 3: Ethical and Legal Considerations

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Chapter 4: Setting Up Facilities for Your User Requirements Activity

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Chapter 5: Preparing for Your User Requirements Activity

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Chapter 6: During Your User Requirements Activity

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Chapter 7: Interviews

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Chapter 8: Surveys

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Chapter 9: Wants and Needs Analysis

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Chapter 10: Card Sorting

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Chapter 11: Group Task Analysis

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Chapter 12: Focus Groups

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Chapter 13: Field Studies

Bauersfeld, K., Halgren, S. You’ve Got Three Days! Case Studies in the Field Techniques for the Time-challenged. In: Wixon D.R., Ramey J., eds. Field Methods Casebook for Software Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1996:177–195.

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Teague, R., Bell, G., Getting Out Of The Box. Ethnography Meets Life: Applying Anthropological Techniques to Experience Research. Proceedings of the Usability Prodessionals’ Association 2001 Conference. Las Vegas, NV (Tutorial), 2001.

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Wood, L. The Ethnographic Interview in User-centered Work/Task Analysis. In: Wixon D.R., Ramey J., eds. Field Methods Casebook for Software Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1996:35–56.

Chapter 14: Concluding Your Activity

McQuaid, H.L., Developing Guidelines for Judging the Cost and Benefit of Fixing Usability Problems. Proceedings of the Usability Professionals’ Association 2002 Conference (CD-ROM), 2002:

McQuaid, H.L., Bishop, D., An Integrated Method for Evaluating Interfaces. Proceedings of the Usability Professionals’ Association 2001 Conference (CD-ROM), 2001:

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