Chapter 2. Trigonometry

  • 2.1 Introduction

  • 2.2 General Trigonometric Functions

  • 2.3 Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication of Two Angles

  • 2.4 Oblique Triangles

  • 2.5 Graphs of Cosine, Sine, Tangent, Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent

  • 2.6 Relationship between Trigonometric and Exponential Functions

  • 2.7 Hyperbolic Functions


• Trigonometry involves the measurement of triangles. Trigonometry includes the measurement of angles, lengths, and arc lengths of triangles in circles and planes and also in spheres. Trigonometry is used in engineering, navigation, the study of electricity, light and sound, and in any field involving the study of periodic and wave properties.

Trigonometric functions can be defined using ratios of sides of a right triangle and, more generally, using the coordinates of points on a circle of radius one. Trigonometric functions are sometimes called circular functions because their domains are lengths of arcs on a circle. Sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant are trigonometric functions. For example, for a circle having a radius of one:


Point P has coordinates (cos x, sin x), and the arc distance of the angle has x units of length and is measured in radians.

• In this chapter trigonometric functions, identities, definitions, graphs, and relationships are presented.

General Trigonometric Functions

• Certain trigonometric functions describe triangles formed in coordinate systems. For a rectangular coordinate system with an X axis and Y axis, an angle with its vertex at x = 0, y = 0 can be drawn. An angle is said to be in “standard position” if its vertex is at (0, 0) of the X-Y coordinate system and if one side lies on the positive side of the X axis.

• If the standard position angle is measured in a counterclockwise direction, it is positive. If the standard position angle is measured in a clockwise direction, it is negative.

• The angle, depending on the direction it is measured, has an “initial side” where its measurement begins and a “terminal side” where its measurement ends.

• The following four figures are examples of standard position angles with their terminal sides in the upper right, upper left, lower right, and lower left quadrants.

Standard Position Angle, Ø

General Trigonometric Functions

Standard Position Angle, Ø

General Trigonometric Functions

Standard Position Angle, Ø

General Trigonometric Functions

Standard Position Angle, Ø

General Trigonometric Functions

Trigonometric functions defined in terms of the angle (Ø), x, y, and radius r are:

sine Ø = sin Ø = y/r

cosine Ø = cos Ø = x/r

tangent Ø = tan Ø = y/x

cosecant Ø = csc Ø = r/y

secant Ø = sec Ø = r/x

cotangent Ø = cot Ø = x/y

Trigonometric identities are:

cos Ø = 1/sec Ø

tan Ø = 1/cot Ø

sec Ø = 1/cos Ø

cot Ø = 1/tan Ø

cos Ø tan Ø = sin Ø

1 + tan2 Ø = sec2 Ø

sin2 Ø + cos2 Ø = 1

sin Ø = 1/csc Ø

tan Ø = sin Ø/cos Ø

csc Ø = 1/sin Ø

cot Ø = cos Ø/sin Ø

cos Ø csc Ø = cot Ø

1 + cot2 Ø = csc2 Ø

Trigonometric functions can be defined by considering the right triangle formed. If r is the hypotenuse, y is the side opposite Ø, and x is the side adjacent to Ø, then the following is true:

General Trigonometric Functions

sin Ø = opposite/hypotenuse = y/r

csc Ø = hypotenuse/opposite = r/y

cos Ø = adjacent/hypotenuse = x/r

sec Ø = hypotenuse/adjacent = r/x

tan Ø = opposite/adjacent = y/x

cot Ø = adjacent/opposite = x/y

(y/r)2 + (x/r)2 = 1 or y2 + x2 = r2

Note that the Pythagorean Theorem is r2 = x2 + y2

(To remember sin Ø, cos Ø, and tan Ø, think of the word SohCahToa or SohCahToa or So/hCa/hTo/a.)

• Examples of trigonometric functions, (π ≈ 3.14):




















General Trigonometric Functions

General Trigonometric Functions


General Trigonometric Functions

General Trigonometric Functions



General Trigonometric Functions

General Trigonometric Functions


General Trigonometric Functions

General Trigonometric Functions




General Trigonometric Functions


General Trigonometric Functions

General Trigonometric Functions


General Trigonometric Functions
































* = undefined


(See a trigonometry book, calculus book, or book of mathematical tables for more values.)

Trigonometric functions of angles of a 30:60:90 triangle.

(a = adjacent, o = opposite, h = hypotenuse)

General Trigonometric Functions

30 degrees = π/6 radians

60 degrees = π/3 radians

90 degrees = π/2 radians

cos 30° = cos(π/6) = a/h = General Trigonometric Functions

sin 30° = sin(π/6) = o/h = 1/2

tan 30° = tan(π/6) = o/a = General Trigonometric Functions

cos 60° = cos(π/3) = a/h = 1/2

sin 60° = sin(π/3) = o/h = General Trigonometric Functions

tan 60° = tan(π/3) = o/a = General Trigonometric Functions

Remember 2π radians = 360°. This can be used as a conversion factor when transforming degrees to radians.

• Some basic properties and formulas of the trigonometric functions are:

Sine is an odd function; therefore, for any number Ø

sin (– Ø) = –sin Ø

Cosine is an even function; therefore, for any number Ø

cos (– Ø) = cos Ø

Tangent is an odd function; therefore, for any number Ø

tan (– Ø) = –tan Ø

cot (– Ø) = –cot Ø

sec (– Ø) = sec Ø

csc (– Ø) = –csc Ø

sin (π/2 + Ø) = cos Ø

sin (π/2 – Ø) = cos Ø

cos (π/2 + Ø) = –sin Ø

cos (π/2 – Ø) = sin Ø

sin (90° + Ø) = cos Ø

sin (90° – Ø) = cos Ø

cos (90° + Ø) = –sin Ø

cos (90° – Ø) = sin Ø

tan (90° + Ø) = –cot Ø

tan (90° – Ø)= cot Ø

sin (180° + Ø) = –sin Ø

sin (180° – Ø)= sin Ø

cos (180° + Ø) = –cos Ø

cos (180° – Ø) = –cos Ø

tan (180° + Ø) = tan Ø

tan (180° – Ø) = –tan Ø

sec (90° + Ø) = –csc Ø

sec (90° – Ø) = csc Ø

csc (90° + Ø) = sec Ø

csc (90° – Ø) = sec Ø

cot (90° + Ø) = –tan Ø

cot (90° – Ø) = tan Ø

sec (180° + Ø) = –sec Ø

sec (180° – Ø) = –sec Ø

csc (180° + Ø) = –csc Ø

csc (180° – Ø) = csc Ø

cot (180° + Ø) = cot Ø

cot (180° – Ø) = –cot Ø

sin 2 Ø = 2 sin Ø cos Ø

cos 2 Ø = 2 cos2 Ø – 1

tan 2 Ø = 2 tan Ø/1 – tan2 Ø

Sum, difference, and product formulas:

cos x – cos y = –2 sin(1/2)(x + y) sin(1/2)(x – y)

cos x + cos y = 2 cos(1/2)(x + y) cos(1/2)(x – y)

sin x – sin y = 2 cos(1/2)(x + y) sin(1/2)(x – y)

sin x + sin y = 2 sin(1/2)(x + y) cos(1/2)(x – y)

sin x cos y = (1/2)sin(x – y) +(1/2)sin(x + y)

cos x sin y = (1/2)sin(x + y) – (1/2)sin(x – y)

cos x cos y = (1/2)cos(x – y) + (1/2)cos(x + y)

sin x sin y = (1/2)cos(x – y) – (1/2)cos(x + y)

Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication of Two Angles

• The following identities for two adjacent angles (Ø and Ω) are:

Angles Ø and Ω

Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication of Two Angles

sin (Ø + Ω) = sin Ø cos Ω + cos Ø sin Ω

cos (Ø + Ω) = cos Ø cos Ω – sin Ø sin Ω

tan (Ø + Ω) = (tan Ø + tan Ω) / (1 – tan Ø tan Ω)

sin (Ø – Ω) = sin Ø cos Ω – cos Ø sin Ω

cos (Ø – Ω) = cos Ø cos Ω + sin Ø sin Ω

tan (Ø – Ω) = (tan Ø – tan Ω) / (1 + tan Ø tan Ω)

sin Ø cos Ω = (1/2)(sin (Ø + Ω) + sin (Ø – Ω))

cos Ø sin Ω = (1/2)(sin (Ø + Ω) – sin (Ø – Ω))

cos Ø cos Ω = (1/2)(cos (Ø + Ω) + cos (Ø – Ω))

sin Ø sin Ω = (– 1/2)(cos (Ø + Ω) – cos (Ø – Ω))

Oblique Triangles

Oblique triangles are triangles in planes that are not right triangles. They are described using the Law of Sines, Law of Cosines, and Law of Tangents.

Oblique Triangles

Law of Sines

Law of Sines

By rearranging, the following are obtained:

Law of Sines

Law of Cosines

x2 = y2 + z2 – 2yz cos X

y2 = z2 + x2 – 2zx cos Y

z2 = x2 + y2 – 2xy cos Z

Law of Tangents

Law of Tangents

Graphs of Cosine, Sine, Tangent, Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent

• The graphs in this section depict cosine, sine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent. Cosine, sine, and tangent are described by the following equations:

cos x = cos(x + 2nπ)

cos x = sin(π/2 + x)

sin x = sin(x + 2nπ)

tan x = tan(x + nπ)

Where n is any integer and x is any real number.

Graphs of Cosine, Sine, Tangent, Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent
Graphs of Cosine, Sine, Tangent, Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent

It is possible to graph y = cos x and y = sin x by selecting values for x and calculating the corresponding y values.

If there are coefficients in the equations y = cos x and y = sin x, the function will have the same general shape, but it will have a larger or smaller amplitude (taller or shorter), or it will be elongated or narrower, or it will be moved to the right or left or up and down.

For example, if there is a coefficient of 2 in front of cos or sin, the graph will go to + 2 and – 2 (rather than + 1 and – 1) on the y axis.

Similarly, if there is a coefficient of 1/2 in front of cos or sin, the graph will go to + 1/2 and – 1/2 (rather than + 1 and – 1) on the y axis.

If there is a coefficient of 2 in front of x, giving y = cos 2x and y = sin 2x, the graph will complete each cycle along the x axis twice as fast. Because there is one cycle between 0 and 2π for y = cos x and y = sin x, there will be two cycles between 0 and 2π for y = cos 2x and y = sin 2x.

Similarly, if there is a coefficient of 1/2 in front of x, giving y = cos x/2 and y = sin x/2, the graph will complete each cycle along the x axis half as fast. Because there is one cycle between 0 and 2π for y = cos x and y = sin x, there will be one-half of a cycle between 0 and 2π for y = cos 2x and y = sin 2x.

If a number is added or subtracted giving, for example, y = cos x + 2 and y = sin x + 2, the function will be moved up or down on the y axis, in this case, up 2.

Graphs of Cosine, Sine, Tangent, Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent

• The following graphs depict secant, cosecant, and cotangent:

Graphs of Cosine, Sine, Tangent, Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent
Graphs of Cosine, Sine, Tangent, Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent

Relationship Between Trigonometric and Exponential Functions

• Trigonometric functions and exponential functions are related to each other. The following equations define the relationship between these functions.

• Note that Relationship Between Trigonometric and Exponential Functions. See imaginary numbers in Section 1.17, “Complex Numbers,” in Basic Math and Pre-Algebra, the first book in the Master Math series.

  • eiθ = cos θ + i sin θ

(This is Euler’s identity. It defines the simple relationship between eiθ, cosθ, and sinθ.)

  • eiθ = cosθ – i sin θ

  • ei(– θ) = cos (–θ) + i sin (–θ)

  • Relationship Between Trigonometric and Exponential Functions

The expansions for ex, cos x, and sin x are:

  • Relationship Between Trigonometric and Exponential Functions

Therefore, the expansions for eiθ, cos θ, and sin θ are:

  • Relationship Between Trigonometric and Exponential Functions

Hyperbolic Functions

• Hyperbolic functions are real and are derived from the exponential functions eθ and e–θ. The following equations define hyperbolic functions.

The hyperbolic cosine:

  • Hyperbolic Functions

The hyperbolic sine:

  • Hyperbolic Functions

The hyperbolic tangent:

  • Hyperbolic Functions

The hyperbolic cosecant:

  • Hyperbolic Functions

The hyperbolic secant:

  • Hyperbolic Functions

The hyperbolic cotangent:

  • Hyperbolic Functions

• Note that cosh θ and sinh θ are similar to the functions for cos θ and sin θ

  • Hyperbolic Functions and Hyperbolic Functions

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