Using JMP
! (Not) function 557
!= (not equal to) function 553
.emf 434
.eps 434
.gif 434
.pdf 434
*= (Multiply To) function 591
/= (Divide To) function 591
& (And) function 556
& (And) function and conditional clauses 557
^. See insert button on keypad
+= (Add to) function 590
< (less than) function 553
<= (less than or equal to) function 553
= (Assign) function 590
== (equal to) function 553
> (greater than) function 553
>= (greater than or equal to) function 553
| (Or) function 557
1-, 2-, and 4-byte integers 227
A tool. See annotate tool
Abbrev Date function 583
Abs function 539
Absolute Value transformation 204
Add All Windows 447
Add Database Query 446
Add Document 446
Add files opened by scripts to the Recent Files list 495
Add Folder 446
add ranges, missing values 238
Add SAS Stored Process 447
Add to (+=) function 590
Add URL 447
Add Window 446
columns 155
graphics and graphics scripts 403
maps and boundaries 409
rows 155
statistics columns 340
add-ins, opening as text 140
Aggregate functions (SQL) 131
Aggregate menu options, launch window 206
Allow Unquoted Strings in JSL 493
allowing short numeric formats 227, 505
analysis roles 259
And (&) function and conditional clauses 557
Annotate error lines in log 493
creating 410
setting the default font 520
anonymizing data 304
apostrophes in imported data 139
appending tables. See concatenating tables
ArcCosH function 543
ArcCosine function 542
archive files in project 446
ArcSine function 542
ArcSinH function 543
ArcTangent function 542
ArcTanH function 543
arguments, formula 326
arithmetic buttons, formula editor 314
arranging windows 58
Arrhenius function 541
Arrhenius Inv function 541
Arrhenius Inverse transformation 204
Arrhenius transformation 204
cursor tool 45
double arrow tool 45
arrow tool 45
As Row State function 585586
Assign (=) function 590
Assignment functions 590591
assignment table property 367
asterisk icon 39
attaching tables. See concatenating tables
Auto Scroll 454
Auto-complete parentheses and braces, in script editor 525
Auto-hide menu and toolbars 517
automatic recalc option 352
Automatically generate ODS results 528
Automatically join tables added to a query 533
Auto-save the report to option 497
documents 495
scripts 525
Average function, transforming columns 206
adjusting 347, 388
copying and pasting settings 399
customizing 388
divider lines and frames 397
gridlines 394
increments 387, 391
labels 398
minimum and maximum values 390
numeric format 389
scale 389
scrolling 387
specifications for columns 241
Axis column property 241
background colors 385
background image, pasting 406
backwards compatibility, Unicode 494
bars, histogram colors 385
base e 540
See also natural logarithm
Bernoulli trials 579
Best numeric formats 228
Beta Binomial Distribution function 572
Beta Binomial Probability function 572
Beta Binomial Quantile function 572
Beta Density function 559
Beta Distribution function 559
Beta function 540
Beta Quantile function 559
BETWEEN statement (SQL) 130
Bezier curve 413
binning formula 200
Binomial Distribution function 571
Binomial Probability function 571
Binomial Quantile function 572
Blink button in row editor 184
Blob to Char function 549
boxes around formulas 325
braces in script editor, auto-complete 525
Break function 558
brush tool 375
copying 478
creating 473
show and hide 482
Cartesian join. See joining
Categorical Color Theme 501
Cauchy distribution 578
Ceiling function 539
cell formulas 159
cells, selecting 169
Change Alias 110
Char function 543
Char to Blob function 549
Char to Hex function 546
character data types 225
Character functions 543549
Character menu options, launch window 207
Character Pattern functions 549552
character sets
save text as Unicode 494
select during text import 138
ChiSquare Density function 560
ChiSquare Distribution function 560
ChiSquare Quantile function 561
Choose function 555
circle with strikethrough icon 175177
cleaning data 178, 210
JMP Starter window 60
levels in a report 347
several files 57
Coefficient of Variation 341
Col functions 574, 581
Col Maximum function 574
Col Mean function 573
Col Minimum function 574
Col N Missing function 574
Col Number function 574
Col Quantile function 574
Col Rank function 575
Col Shuffle function 581
Col Standardize function 575
Col Std Dev function 573
Col Sum function 574
Collapse Whitespace function 543
Color function 586
Color Of function 590
Color Presets 502
Color State function 585, 588
Color Theme 240
color themes 193
Color unknown object messages, in script editor 526
coloring cells 174
background in graph 386
by row state 190
histogram bars 385386
markers 377
rows and columns 189
shapes added to reports 412414
column header text import option 513
column switcher 351
add properties 235
adding 155
adjusting widths 36
axis specifications 239
characteristics 188
combining 198
compressing 199
computed 110
creating a formula 202
deleting 155
design roles 243
duplicating 173
excluding 177
filtering 50
find selected 169
fonts used in headings 520
formulas 236, 306
hiding 178
indicator 197
invert selection 164
joining 283
labeling 188
lock in place 196
locking 196, 224
measuring units 242
moving 173
names 35, 174
notes 236
order of data in reports 240
panel 39
preselected analysis roles 259
properties 256
rearranging 172
reordering 172
resizing 171
row state 231232
selecting 163
Sigma values 244
sorting 172
source column 281
splitting 273
stacking 268
transposing 276
validating data 236237
value labels 238
Columns Viewer 164
columnwise statistics functions 573
Combine menu options, launch window 205
combine reports 349
Combine States function 585, 587
combining columns 198
Communications preferences 521
Compare column 170
comparing data tables 184
Comparison functions 552
Compress file when saved option 38
Compress Selected Columns 199
columns 199
data tables 38, 216
computed column in Query Builder 110
Concat function 543
Concat Items function 548
concatenating tables 280
conditional data filter 359
conditional formatting, reports 367
Conditional functions 553558
confidential data 304
connect to a SAS Environment preference 527
connect to a SAS Metadata Server preference 527
Connections, database. See database connection
Contains function 543
Continue function 558
Continuous Color Theme 501
Continuous modeling type 225
control chart column properties 243
Convert SAS custom formats 528
Copy As SAS Formula 324
Copy Formula
creating a subset 264
joining tables 285
copy menu and toolbar items 478
Copy Table Script 38
Copy/Drag Graphic Formats 516
axis frame settings 399
column properties 43
graph contents 399
row states 232
text 436
toolbars 470
CosH function 542
Cosine function 542
Count 206
Count (in a formula) 538
Count column 180
Count function 537
data tables 151
menu items and buttons 473
menus 473
source columns (when concatenating tables) 281
crosshairs tool 386
CSV, saving data table as 418
Cube Root transformation 204
Cube transformation 204
Cumulative Sum 209
currency formats, in columns 229
cursors 45
custom expression, Query Builder 119
customization sets
changing 469
importing 483
Customize Styles, in script editor 526
axes 388
graph elements 401
results 432
toolbars (Macintosh) 484
toolbars and menus (Windows) 468
dashboards, creating 452
grid 35
missing 178
recoding 178
data filter 354365
Data Filter Auto Clear 506
Data Filter Check Box Display 506
Data Filter Include Check 506
Data Filter Select Check 506
Data Filter Show Check 506
Data Table Background Color 507
Data Table Grid Color 507
Data Table Header Grid Color 507
data tables
compare 184187
compressing 38, 216
concatenating 280
creating 151
data grid 3546
disable undo 38
joining 283
locking 38, 216
memory issues 38
names and notes, placing on reports 496
names, changing 215
opening 46
organizing 171
panels 36
preferences 503
replace database with 423
saving 416
saving as Excel file 417
sorting 266
splitting 273
stacking 268
subsetting 263
summarizing 336
transposing 276
updating 301
data types
character formats 225
date and time formats 228
numeric formats 228
row states 225
specifying 224
connection 124
replace with data table 423
datafeed. See communications settings
Date Difference function 584
Date DMY function 582
Date Increment function 584
Date MDY function 582
Date Time functions 581584
Date Time menu options, launch window 207
dates and times
formats 228229
inserting on report window 496
Day function 582
Day of Week function 582
Day of Year function 582
decimal point as comma, text file 514
Default Field Width 505
delete button, formula editor 314
columns 155
functions 324
menus 481
rows 155
toolbars 481
derivatives, calculating in formula 320
descriptive statistics. See statistics columns
deselecting parts of a report 348
Design of Experiments. See DOE 243
design roles 243, 259
Design, table variable 217
Desirability function 577
diamond icon, on a report 349
Dif function 538
Difference 205, 208
Difference (reverse order) 205
Digamma function 541
Disable undo in data table 38
disclosure icon. See diamond icon
discontiguous selection 160, 163
Discrete Probability functions 571573
Display Language 516
Distribution column property 244
Distributional menu options, launch window 206
Divide To (/=) function 591
Dock the Window List 517
DOE (Design of Experiments)
coding 243
column properties 242
Double Declining Balance function 591
DPI, exporting report graphics 431
dragging and dropping
in data table 173
into formulas 324
into other programs 435
drawing speed of markers 377
drawing tools 412414
columns when splitting tables 274
columns when stacking tables 270
duplicates when joining tables 285
Dunnett P Value function 561
Dunnett Quantile function 561
duplicating cells and columns 173
Edit Notes 448
column names 174
formulas 323
names of data tables 215
names of report tables 367
reports 348
tables 171
WHERE clauses 133
efficient evaluations 319
empty box in formula 334
EMS 424
Encapsulated PostScript File 424
End of Field and End of Line options 138
End of Field and End of Line options 138
end of field text import option 512
end of line text import option 513
Ends With function 546
end-to-end merging. See concatenating tables
Enhanced Metafile 424
EPS support in reports 424
equal to (==) function 553
equation editor. See formula editor
errors, ignoring in formulas 322
evaluating columns’ formulas
viewing evaluations in formulas 322
when creating subsets 264
when joining tables 285
when splitting columns 274
when stacking columns 270
Excel files
advanced import options 70
hierarchical headings 72
import options 69
labels as headings 492
opening 65
opening method 492
password-protected 65
previewing the data 65
saving data table as 417
selecting worksheets when opening 492
supported versions 64
Excel Import Wizard 65
Excluded function 589
Excluded functions 585, 587
columns when splitting tables 274
columns when stacking tables 270
duplicates when joining tables 285
rows and columns from analyses 175
excluding markers 380
Exp function 539
Exp transformation 204
exponent button, formula editor 314
data tables 416
reports 424
Expression Role column property 253
extended attributes
importing from SAS 79
mapping to JMP attributes 595
preferences 529
Extra space at bottom of document, in script editor 525
extracting data from image 409
F Density function 561
F Distribution function 561
F Power function 571
F Quantile function 563
F Sample Size function 562
factor, for mixture experiments 243
Factorial function 540
fast marker
drawing speed 377
threshold 500
Fibonacci series 538
file formats, supported 64
File Locations preferences 522
fill hollow markers 378
fill pattern 400
Fill Selection Mode 501
filling columns with data 233
Filter image 408
filtering data 354
Finance Functions 591
Find/Length expression 544
finding and replacing values
See searching for values
Flip image 407
Floor function 539
font size in reports 350
changing in data tables 36
changing size in data tables 350
Fonts preferences 519
For function 558
For quantile statistics option, summarizing tables 338
Format function 583
format, changing in report 366
formula column, creating 236
formula editor 306332
arguments, opening and closing 326
boxes, hiding and showing 325
cell expressions 159
constants, adding 312
creating 306
creating a column 202
data table elements, adding 307
displaying derivatives 320
editing 323
entering into cells 159
evaluating 318, 321, 506
examples 326
expressions 323
fonts 325, 520
functions, adding 315, 537
glossary of terms 333
JSL view 322
keyboard shortcuts 332
opening and closing arguments 326
operators, adding 313
orientation in formula editor 326
re-evaluating 38
shortcuts, keyboard 332
simplifying complex 321
tutorials 326
viewing 322, 325
Frame Border 502
Frame Color 502
frame sizes of plots or graphs 384
freeze columns 196
Freq (Frequency). See preselected role
Full Quadratic Model function 591
function types
Add to (+=) 590
And 557
Assign (=) 590
Assignment 590
Beta 540
Character 543
Character Pattern 549
Col 574, 581
Color 586
Color State 585
Combine States 585
Comparison 552
Conditional 553
Date Time 581
Discrete Probability 571
Divide To 591
Excluded 585
Hidden 586
Hidden State 585
Hue State 585
Is Missing 553
Marker 585586
Match 330
Multiply To (*=) 591
Numeric 539
Parametric Model 591
Post Decrement (--) and Increment (++) 591
Probability 558
Random 577
Row 537
Row State 585
Shade State 585
Statistical 573
Transcendental 539
trigonometric 542543
adding 315
aggregate (SQL) 131
columnwise statistics 573
deleting 324
peeling 324
Row States 585
Future Value function 591
Gamma Density function 563
Gamma Distribution function 564
Gamma function 540
Gamma Poisson Distribution function 571
Gamma Poisson Probability function 571
Gamma Poisson Quantile function 571
Gamma Quantile function 565
General preferences 489490
Generate ODS statistical graphics 528
GIF 424425
global variables, storing a report table 367
GLog Density function 565
GLog Distribution function 565
GLog Quantile function 565
glossary of formula terms 333
Go To command 163
Go To Row command 159
grabber tool. See hand (grabber) tool
gradients 241
Graph Background Color 502
Graph Border 499
Graph Builder preferences 508
Graph Format 529
Graph Height 499
graph marker theme, default 500
adding to buttons 476
reordering 405
saving reports as graphics 434
scripts 403
See also images
Graphics Format, ODS reports 528
Graphics Formats, Windows preference 517
copying and pasting contents 399
copying to data table 400
customizing elements 401
Graphs preferences 498
greater than (>) function 553
greater than or equal to (>=) function 553
grid. See data grid
gridlines 394
GROUP BY command (SQL) 132
Group By, Query Builder 112
grouping variables
using when sorting tables 268
using when splitting tables 273
hand (grabber) tool
using in reports 347
using to scroll axes 387
HAVING command (SQL) 132
Hex function 546
Hex to Blob function 549
Hex to Char function 546
Hex to Number function 546
Hidden functions 586587, 589
Hidden State function 585
Hide Overlapping Labels 499
columns 176
JMP Starter window 491
menu tips 493
results 349
rows 176
thumbnails of reports 517
toolbars 468
hiding markers 380
hierarchical data filter 359
Highlight Outline Headers option 517
high-resolution graphics 431
histogram bars, color 386
histograms, bar colors 385
Home Window 52
alignment in reports 347
formula display 326
Hour function 582
Hover Help 496
HTML 5, save output as 426
Hue State function 585, 588
Hypergeometric Distribution function 572
Hypergeometric Probability function 572
I-beam cursors 45
asterisk 39
circle with strikethrough 175177
column characteristics 39
column properties 39
compress 216
diamond (disclosure) 349
list check 39
lock 39, 216
mask 39, 176, 178
modeling types 39
next to column names 39
plus 39, 236
preselected roles 259
range check 39
red triangle 350
yellow tag 39, 188
If function 554
IfMax function 556
IfMin function 556
errors 322
missing values (when updating tables) 302
image format
Macintosh preference 519
Windows preference 517
Image Format for PowerPoint 493
adding to maps 409
dragging into graph 406
extracting data 409
filters 408
pasting in background 406
Import generated SAS data sets into JMP 528
import preferences 512
data from database 124
Excel files 6577
from a database 125
HDF5 data 147
HTML 143
ODBC 422
SAS files 7880
SPSS files 145
text files 134143
text from the Script window 142
toolbar and menu customizations 483
Triple-S files 146
using SQL statements 123, 127
In Days function 582
In Hours function 582
In Minutes function 582
IN statement (SQL) 130
In Weeks function 582
In Years function 582
Include Column 115
Include marginal statistics option 338
Include Non Matches option 285
Include Responses Not in Data 506
increasing font sizes 350
indent guides, showing in script editor 525
indenting text in scripts 525
indicator columns 197
Individual Worksheet Settings 69
Informat function 583
initial data values 233
initializing data 233
input formats 228
insert button, formula editor 314
Insert function 547
Insert Into function 547
insertion points 45
Interactions Model function 591
interactive HTML, save output as 426
Interest Payment function 591
Interest Rate function 591
internal name, toolbar button 472, 475
Internal Rate of Return function 592
international numeric formats 231
file formats 424
opening data 143
Interpolate function 557
Interquartile Range (summary statistics) 341
inverting the selected rows 44
Is Missing function 553
ISO date formats, SAS import 78
Item function 546
JMP Projects 444448
JMP Query Builder 294
Johnson Sb Density function 566
Johnson Sb Distribution function 565
Johnson Sb Quantile function 565
Johnson Sl Density function 566
Johnson Sl Distribution function 566
Johnson Sl Quantile function 566
Johnson Su Density function 566
Johnson Su Distribution function 566
Johnson Su Quantile function 566
by matching columns 285, 290
by row number 285
tables, methods 283
using Cartesian join 285, 288
virtually 297
Joint Photographics Expert Group (JPEG, JPG) 424, 434
journals, creating 436
JPEG, JPG 424, 434
JRE version 77
JSL Debugger preferences 530
JSL scripts
adding 218
autosaving 525
code folding 525
copying 221
creating from a report 432
deleting 39, 221
editing 39, 221
evaluate automatic execution 504
fonts 520
formula editor 322
graphics 403
new 38
preferences 524
running 221
running when a data table is opened 220
saving in data tables 38, 218222
saving in English 494
viewing in formula editor 322
JSL Scripts should be run only 517
Keep All option 273
keypad, formula editor 133
Label column name 271
Labeled and Labeled State functions 586
Labeled function 589
Labeled State function 587
axis 398
icon 188, 381
markers 380
pinning 384
rows and columns 188
labels in graphs 374
Lag function 538
language preference, JMP indexes 495
large plus tool 45
laser pointer 498
lasso tool 376
launch windows 48
layout, creating 432
Left function 546
adding 381
removing 382
Length function 544
LEV Density function 567
LEV Distribution function 567
LEV Quantile function 567
LGamma function 541
library. See SAS transport files
license file, specify location 523
LIKE statement (SQL) 131
line numbers, in script editor 525
line tool 412
Line Width 499
linear axis scale 389
Linear Model function 591
changing width 385
dotted or dashed reference lines 396
Link Reference and Link ID column properties 43
linked data table 264, 374
List Check property 199
list checking 237
cursor 46
sorting data 266
Ln and LnZ functions 539
loading, SQL queries 132
local variables
formula editor 315
using in formula 310, 328
Location preference 529
columns 224
data tables 38, 216
opening by default 517
saving 448
saving a report to 497
showing DisplayBox messages 495
Log function 540
Log transformation 204
Log window, saving reports to 497
Log, axis scale type 389
Log10 function 540
Log1P function 540
logarithm, natural 540
Logist function 205, 540
Logistic Density function 567
Logistic Distribution function 567
Logistic function 540
Logistic Percent 205
Logistic Percent transformation 205
Logistic Quantile function 567
Logistic transformation 205
Logit function 541
Logit Percent 205
Logit Percent transformation 205
Logit transformation 205
Loglogistic Density function 567
Loglogistic Distribution function 568
Loglogistic Quantile function 568
Lognormal Density function 568
Lognormal Distribution function 568
Lognormal Quantile function 568
Long Date function 583
Lowercase function 544
Macintosh OS Settings preferences 518
magnifier tool 384
Major Grid Line Color preference 502
Major Grid Lines 503
Make Window with Legend 382
making indicator columns 197
Manage Rules 498
manually connect to SAS workspace servers preference 528
Map Role column property 245
marginal statistics 338
Marker functions 585586
Marker Label Color Style preference 500
Marker Label Fixed Color preference 500
Marker Of function 590
Marker Selection Color 500
Marker Selection Fade 500
marker selection mode 500
Marker State function 588
adding 189
changing shape 381
changing sizes 377
colors 377
default shape 499
default size 499
drawing speed 377
excluding 380
hiding 380
highlighting 378
labels 380
legends 381
opaque 378
outlines 378
point values 382
shapes 189, 376
speed 377, 500
transparency 379
mask icon 176, 178
Match flag 285
Match function 330, 554
cases while searching 180
columns when joining tables 290
whole words in search 181
Matching Specification in Join 284
matrices in columns 253
matrix, convert report table into 367
Max (summary statistics) 341
Maximum function 577
Maximum number of levels for a Check Box List filter preference 534
MDYHMS function 583
Mean (summary statistics) 341
Mean function 575
measuring units, columns 242
Median 206
Median (summary statistics) 341
members, importing from SAS 80
memory issues 38
Menu preferences 531
menu tips 493
copying 478
creating 473
deleting 481
merging from old version 483
rearranging 479
merge old menus 483
merge vertically. See concatenating
Mersenne-Twister technique 577
Min (summary statistics) 341
minimum and maximum axis values 390
Minimum function 577
Minor Grid Line Color preference 502
Minor Grid Lines preference 503
Minute function 582
missing data patterns 178
missing SPSS value code 145
missing value codes 237
missing values
add ranges 238
assign a label to 238
coding system 251
comparing 553
updating tables 302
modeling types
Continuous 225
continuous 225
icons 39
Multiple Response 226
Nominal 225
None 226
Ordinal 225
specifying 226
Unstructured Text 226
Vector 226
Modified Internal Rate of Return function 592
Modulo function 539
Month function 582
Month Year 207
cells and columns 173
rows 173
selection in data table 506
Multiple Response column property 247
Multiple Response modeling type 226
multiple selection 525
Multiply To (*=) function 591
multithreading 594
Munger function 329, 544
N and N Missing (summary statistics) 341
N Categories (summary statistics) 341
N Missing function 577
data tables 215
report tables 367
reports 349
natural logarithm 540
NChooseK function 540
Neg Binomial Distribution function 572
Neg Binomial Probability function 572
Negation transformation 204
nested variables 339
nesting boxes, formula editor 327
Net Present Value function 592
New Group 446, 448
Nominal modeling type 225
Non matches, include when joining tables 285
noncentrality 560561, 563, 569570
None modeling type 226
Normal Biv Distribution function 568
Normal Density function 558
Normal Distribution function 559
Normal Quantile function 559
Not (!) function 557
not equal to (!=) function 553
as table variables 217
displaying in report windows 496
saving in a column 236
NRow function 538
Num function 545
Number function 576
Number of Periods function 592
Number of Series option 269
allowing short numeric 505
Best format 228
formats 228231
in axes 389
short 227
international formats 231
Numeric functions 539
ODBC 125, 422
ODBC drivers for importing data 65
ODBC Hide Connection String 506
ODS Result Format 528
ODS results 99
ODS Style 528
ODS Style sheet 528
Offset expression 544
OnOpen scripts 220, 504
Open All Below 347
Open All Like This 347
Open as Template, Query Builder 122
Open Database Connectivity 422
Open Text File Charset 493
add-ins as text 140
data in text editors 140
databases 125
Excel files 65
JMP files 46
JMP Starter window 60
journals 46
SAS data sets 78
SAS files 78
SAS stored process report as data table 144
text files 134
showing tips in script editor 525
adding 313
in assignment functions 590
Or (|) function 557
ORACLE synonyms 127
order of operations 318
columns 172
row order levels 240
values 239
Ordinal modeling type 225
orientation of formulas 326
Original color preference 502
adding to markers 378
structure of reports 349
Output Table option
joining tables 284
sorting tables 267
oval tool (simple shape tool) 412, 414
page breaks, inserting 348, 433, 435
panels. See data table panels
Parametric Model Functions 591
script editor, adding spaces inside 526
script editor, auto-complete 525
Excel files 65
SAS data sets 95
Paste Special command 436
Pat Abort function 551
Pat Altern function 551
Pat Any function 549
Pat Arb function 551
Pat Arb No function 551
Pat At function 550
Pat Break function 549
Pat Concat function 552
Pat Conditional function 551
Pat Fail function 551
Pat Fence function 551
Pat Immediate function 551
Pat Len function 550
Pat Match function 552
Pat Not Any function 549
Pat Pos function 550
Pat R Pos function 550
Pat R Tab function 550
Pat Regex function 552
Pat Rem function 550
Pat Repeat function 551
Pat Span function 550
Pat String function 550
Pat Succeed function 551
Pat Tab function 550
Pat Test function 550
patterns of missing data 178
Payment function 592
PDF file, headers and footers 441
peel (delete expression), formula editor 315
percent of total (summary statistics) 341
pictures in columns 253
Pin File 54
common features 48
launch windows 49
Platforms preferences 507
plots and graphs
annotations, adding 410
appearances, altering 383
markers, changing 376
resizing 383
shapes, adding 412
statistics, adding 337
PNG 425, 434
points. See markers
Poisson Distribution function 573
Poisson Probability function 573
Poisson Quantile function 573
polygon (spline) tool 413414
Post Decrement (--) and Increment (++) functions 591
Post-Query Script 121
Pow10 transformation 204
power. See Sample Size and Power
image format 493
precedence in formulas 318
preferences 489
Communications 521
file location 490
File Locations 522
Fonts 519
General 490
Graph Builder 508
Graphs 498
JSL Debugger 530
Macintosh OS Settings 518
Menu 531
Platforms 507
Print 510
Query Builder 533
Reports 495
reset 490
SAS Integration 526
Script Editor 524
Styles 501
Tables 503
Text Data Files 511
Windows Specific 515
preselected analysis roles 259
Present Value function 592
presentations, journal 441
Preserve SAS formats 421
Preserve SAS formats when exporting to SAS 505
Preserve SAS variable names 421
Preserve SAS variable names when exporting to SAS 505
Preview Graph preference 503
JMP files 59
text on import 136
Principal Payment function 592
Print Data Grid as is 505
Print preferences 510
printing page breaks 433, 435
Probability functions 558563
Probit function 559
Product function 576
Profit Matrix column property 248
automatically open files 447
dragging and dropping files into 447
fix broken link 448
Quantile function 576
quantile statistics 338
Quarter function 582
queries, SQL 132
Query Builder 102124
Aggregation function 112
build the query 108
building the query 108
compatibility with JMP 12 110, 534
computed column 110
connecting to database 103
custom expression 119
editing join conditions 107
filtering the data 115
Group By 112
Open query as a template 122
preferences 533
red triangle options 122
run script after query 121
sampling the data 114
SAS 86
saving query as a template 122
selecting columns 108
selecting tables 104
sorting the data 119
update from database 122
view running queries 121
writing custom SQL 119
quotation marks in imported data 139
Random Beta Binomial function 579
Random Beta function 578
Random Binomial function 579
Random Cauchy function 578
random data, adding 233
Random Exp function 578
Random Frechet function 580
Random functions 577581
Random Gamma function 578
Random Gamma Poisson function 580
Random Geometric function 580
Random GLog function 580
Random Integer function 579
Random Johnson Sb function 579
Random Johnson Sl function 579
Random Johnson Su function 579
Random LEV 581
Random Logistic function 580
Random Loglogistic function 580
Random Lognormal function 580
Random Negative Binomial function 579
Random Normal function 578
Random Poisson function 580
Random Reset function 580
random sample (subset) 264
Random Triangular function 579
Random Uniform function 578
Random Weibull function 580
range checking 46, 236
range comparison function 553
ranges, summary statistics 341
Ratio 205
Ratio (reverse order) 205
read-only data 216
cells and columns 173
results 432
rearranging toolbars 477
Recent Files (Macintosh) 57
Recent Files (Windows) 54
Reciprocal transformation 204
recoding data 210
rectangle tool (simple shape tool) 412
red triangle icon 350
re-evaluate formulas 38
Refresh the preview when a change occurs 533
Regex function 548
Regex Match function 552
Remove From function 547
Remove function 547
data tables 215
reports 349
reopening the initial JMP window on startup 492
reordering columns 172
reordering graphics 405
Repeat function 547
Replace argument 544
tables (when sorting) 268
values in a data table 180
Report Invalid Display Box Messages 495
report windows
customizing 432
dates and times, adding 496
disclosure button 349
formatting 347
options 350
order of data 239240
rearranging results 432
red triangle icon 350
renaming 349
saving 424
tables 366
changing format 366
preferences 495
rerun formulas 38
Resample Freq function 581
Reset file associations 518
reset preferences 490
columns and rows 171
graphs 383
windows 350
restricting search to selected rows or columns 181
Reverse function 547
Reverse Into function 547
reverting columns to original order 172
Right function 546
design roles 243
preselected analysis roles 259
root button, formula editor 314
Root function 540
Rotate image 408
Round function 539
row editor 182
Row functions 537538
Row menu options, launch window 208
row state
clearing 196
coloring rows by column values 190
columns 231232
data types 225, 232
Row State functions 585587
adding 155
characteristics 188
coloring 189
deleting 155
excluding 175
excluding and hiding 174
hiding 176
inverting selected 44
joining 283
labeling 188, 381
legends 381
markers 189
menu items 45
moving 173
order of data in reports 240
resizing 36, 171
selecting 159
sorting in data tables 266
subsetting 263
summarizing 336
transposing 276
rows panel 41
RTF (Rich Text Format) files 425
Run 534
Run on Open 121
Run the preview update in the background 534
sample the data, Query Builder 114
Sampling in databases 127
browsing data sets 87
local machine 86
Metadata Server 81
SAS mid-tier environment 85
Workspace Server 84
creating transport files 80
exporting data tables 100
extended attributes 79, 95, 421, 595
generating ODS results 99
importing data sets 78, 90
importing password-protected data sets 95
importing variable labels 528
ISO date formats 78
Query Builder 86
running stored processes 96
saving data table as transport file 420
saving in SAS format 421
submitting code 97
transport files 420
variable names 78
SAS 9.3 preferences 526
SAS Integration preferences 526
SAS metadata server, automatically connect 528
SAS metadata server, supported version 81
SAS server version 85
SAS Server Version preference 527
Save and restore document state information, in script editor 525
Save and Save As menu items 416
Save Data Table Columns GZ Compressed 494
Save Data Table Columns GZ Compressed preference 38
Save Journals GZ Compressed 494
Save Session Script 444
Save the session when exiting 495
column property 242
data table as CSV file 418
data table as SAS data set 421
data table as text file 419
data table to database 422
data tables 416
log windows 448
report as Adobe Flash file 431
report as interactive HTML 426
report as PowerPoint file 429
reports 424
reports as graphics 434
results to a database 422
scripts 432
scripts in English 494
scripts to a data table 218
SQL queries 132
Unicode 494
saving and evaluating formulas (when concatenating tables) 280
Scalable Vector Graphic format 434
scaling a graph 384
scaling axes 387
Scheffe Cubic function 542
Script All By-Groups menu 352
script editor
auto-complete parentheses and braces 525
extra space at bottom of document 525
indent guides, showing 525
line numbers, showing 525
operator tips, showing 525
preferences 524
spaces in operator names 526
spaces inside parentheses 526
tab width 524
use tabs 524
variable value tips, showing 525
scripts. See JSL scripts
scroll lock/unlock 196
scrolling axes 387
searching for values 180
Second function 582
Select Dominant 161
Select Individual Excel Worksheets preference 492
Select Randomly 160
SELECT statement (SQL) 129
Selected function 586, 589
Selected State function 585, 588
cells 160, 163, 169170
irregular area of points 375
marker types 382
parts of a report 348
points in plots 374
rectangular area of points 374
rows and columns in data tables 163169
rows and columns in plots 374
selecting JSL in editor 525
selection (large plus) cursor 45
sequence data, adding 233
Sequence function 537
sessions, saving 443
SEV Density function 569
SEV Distribution function 569
SEV Quantile function 569
Shade Alternate Table Rows 503
Shade State function 585, 588
Shade Table Cells 503
Shade Table Headings 503
Shift function 547
Shift Into function 547
Short Date function 583
short, allowing short numeric 227, 505
shortcuts, keyboard 332
short-integer format 505
Show Alternate Column Name 505
Show conditional formatting 498
Show embedded log on script window open, in script editor 525
Show indent guides, in script editor 525
Show line numbers, in script editor 525
Show log warnings for JSL compatibility changes 493
Show menu tips 493
Show on the Windows task bar 517
Show operator tips, in script editor 525
Show SAS Log 529
Show the thumbnail panel 517
Show Tree Structure 348
Show variable value tips, in script editor 525
showing the toolbar 477
Sigma, assigning values 244
simple shape tool (oval or rectangle) 412
simplify formulas 321
Sine function 542
SinH function 542
sizing a graph 384
sizing/scaling 387
slope computation 328
data tables 266
list check 266
order 268
results by fields in a database (SQL) 129
value labels 266
value ordering 266
Source Flag column 285
Source Label Column 271
Spaces in operator names, in script editor 526
Spaces inside parentheses, in script editor 526
speed, marker 377, 500
splash window 491
Split By column 274
Split Label Col 273
splitting columns 273
SPSS files, importing 145
SQL database
build a query 102
syntax in queries 129
write a query 123
SQL statements 127
Square 204
Square Root transformation 204
Squash function 540
Squish function 205, 540
SSS import 146
stacking columns 268
Standard Deviation 341
Standard Deviation function 575
Standard Error 341
standardizing attributes 257
Starter window 60
Starts With function 546
Statistical functions 573577
Statistics button 337, 341
statistics column 337, 340341
Status Bars 55
Std Dev and Std Err (summary statistics) 341
Std Dev function 575
Step function 558
Stop function 558
Store extended attributes 421
Stored Process Results 529
stored process, copy metadata path 97
Straight Line Depreciation function 592
stripping enclosing quotes on imported data 139
Styles preferences 501
subgroups, summary statistics 339
submit SAS code 97
Subqueries (SQL) 132
Subscript function 538
from a data table 263
from a histogram 265
Substitute function 548
Substitute Into function 548
Substr function 545
Subtract To (-=) function 591
Sum function 576
Sum Of Years Digits Depreciation function 592
Sum Wgt (summary statistics) 341
summary table, creating 336
Summation function 576
supported version of SAS metadata server 81
suppressing formula evaluation 38, 321
on open 506
when creating a subset 264
when joining tables 285
SVG 425
switch terms button, formula editor 314
synonyms (ORACLE) 127
syntax colors in scripts 526
system tables (ORACLE) 127
t Density function 569
t Distribution function 569
t Quantile function 570
Tab width, in script editor 524
Table Column Borders 503
Table Heading Column Borders 503
Table Row Borders 503
table variables
adding 217283
creating 37, 218
editing 218
in formulas 217, 308
notes 217
Tables preferences 503
tables, in report 366367
tabs in script editor 524
Tangent function 542
TanH function 542
terms, switching in a formula 314
editing 140
importing 135
mode for formulas 322
opening add-ins as text 140
opening text files 134
saving data table as 419
Text Data Files preferences 511
text export preferences 514
text files, saving without Unicode 494
text import preferences 511
Text to Columns 197
threshold of markers 500
Tick marks inside graph frame 503
Time Frequency column property 245
Time of Day function 582
time, adding to reports 496
Tip of the Day window, hiding 491
title bar fonts 520
Titlecase function 545
Today function 582
adding buttons 470
copy 470
copying 478
create 470
deleting 481
File_Edit toolbar 470
hidden 477
personalizing (Macintosh) 484485
rearranging 477
show and hide 482
showing by default 517
toolbars and menus, personalizing (Windows) 468484
Transcendental functions 539542
Transform menu options, launch window 204
transforming columns 204
translating toolbar and button captions 472
transparency, markers 379
transport files, creating 80
transposing rows and columns 276
treat empty columns as numeric 513
Trigamma function 541
trigonometric function types 542
Trim function 545
Triple-S import 146
truth tables 557
Tukey HSD P Quantile function 570
Tukey HSD Quantile function 570
two-digit year rule
importing data 139
preference in text import 513
two-way table of summary statistics 339
unary sign function button, formula editor 315
Underline Table Headings 503
Ungroup command 432
Unicode, save text files preference 494
units, specifying in column 242
univariate statistics 337
Unstructured Text modeling type 226
Update From Database 122
Update from database, Query Builder 122
updating data tables 301
Uppercase function 544
Use a Floating Window for Data Filters 506
Use an Asterisk with the PValue Format 498
Use SPSS Labels for column names during import 493
Use tabs, in script editor 524
Use Thousands Separator 505
Use Triple-S Labels as Headings 493
User Tables, database connections 126
validating data 236237
value labels, sorting 266
value ordering, sorting data 266
high and low for columns (in DOE) 242
minimum and maximum 390
ordering 239
variable names 78
variable value tooltips in script editor 525
local to a formula 310
table. See table variables
Variance (summary statistics) 341
Vector modeling type 226
vertical, formula display 326
Views, database 126
virtually joining data tables 297
Week 207
Week of Year function 582
Weibull Density function 570
Weibull Distribution function 570
Weibull Quantile function 571
weight, preselected roles 259
WHERE clause editor 133
WHERE statement (SQL) 130
While function 558 409
Window Background Color 502
Window List (Macintosh) 57
Window List (Windows) 55
Windows Specific preferences 515
windows, hide splash 491
Word and PowerPoint, copy reports into 435
Word function 545
Word. See Microsoft Word
Words function 546
worksheets, selecting 492
Wrap Text, in script editor 525
Wrap the main menu in narrow windows 517
WWW. See Internet
Y-Axis Title Above Graph 499
Year function 582
Year Quarter 207
yellow tag icon 188, 381
zooming 384
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