
Acceleration, for digital business, 86

Adaptive capabilities, 4, 23

Adidas, 58

Advanced Consumer Safety Predictive Intake Modeling, 51

Advertising driven business. See Attention-driven business

Advocacy businesses, 70, 73

Aepona, 110112

Agile innovation, 107108

Amazon, xviii

Ambition, 3034

definition of, 20

digitized economy, importantance in, 31

setting our ambition, 33

strategic, 31

Apple, 104, 105

Armagh City and District Council (AC DC), 31

Artificial intelligence, 1

Attention-driven business, 70, 7576

Attention modeling, 88, 90

Authority businesses, 70, 7475

Blogging, 75

Bureaucratic thinking, 54

Business leaders, xii

Business start-ups, xii

CDS, 107110

advocacy to authority, 108

agile innovation, 107108

competitors, displacing, 109

content that spreads, 110

delivery of vision, 108

involve the community, 110

leadership, 109

niches, creating, 109

opinion, 109

unique value proposition, 108

Certification Europe, case study, 4850

Chartered management institute (CMI), xiv

Chief finance officer (CFOs), 1

Chief information officers (CIOs), xiii, 1

Chief marketing officers (CMOs), xiii, 1

Chief technology officer (CTOs), 1

Christensen, Clayton M., xv, 2

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) technique, xx


and capacity, 5255

characteristics of role and issues of, 55

competency set, 54

managerial, 5253

“Competition” principle, of digital business strategy, 2122, 5762

case study, 5862

around digital customer dynamics, 58

view of marketplace dynamics, updating, 58

Concrete Obtainable Unique Rational Actionable Gaugeable Explicit (COURAGE), 40

Conventional wisdom, 42

Creme Global, case study, 5155

C Suite, 1

“Current position” principle, of digital business strategy, 24, 6377

advocacy businesses, 70, 73

attention-driven business, 70, 7576

authority businesses, 70, 7475

introduction to, 6369

prime business, 70, 7677

quadrant to visualize different positions, 24

Customer relationship management (CRM), 88, 100, 101

Customer volume

high, 42, 44

low, 42, 45

in marketplace, 4245

Cycle of effectuation, 6061

Day, George, 4

Demographics, 4647

Design School (D-School) thinking, 91

“Diffusion of Innovation” model, 39

Digital business, xiii, 1316

current marketing thinking, xiiixiv

marketing-oriented, xiii

Digital business strategy

digital transformation, change blocks of, 38

distinguishing characteristics, 12

expressed goals, 89

formulating, 56

interwoven tactics, 9

introduction to, 12

operational effectiveness, 9

power statements, 916

Digital disruption, xvi, xix

Digital marketplace dynamics, 2122

Digital modeling frameworks, 123

Digital transformation, xiv

adaptive capabilities, 4

bedrock of model, 4

change blocks of, 38

degree of efficiency, 7

sustainable competitive advantage, 4

Digitized marketing environment, 53, 54

Disney, Walt, 17

Display advertising, 103

Disruptive innovation, xv

Dominant industry player. See Prime business

Early participation therapy, 116

e-commerce businesses, 57

e-commerce template, 89

e-commerce works, 57

Education strategy, 7

Effectual reasoning, 60

Elnatan, Debbie, 120

E-mail marketing, 99

Energy efficiency, 107

“Engagement pyramid”, creating, 61

“Engine of growth” principle, of digital business strategy, 2425, 7993

growth by attention, 8890

growth via advocacy, 8488

introduction to, 7982

Majestic, growth of, 8284

move to authority, 9093

Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 100

Entrepreneurial thinking, 23

External analysis, of digital business strategy, 2325

Facebook, 3, 21, 53, 62

Family involved participation, 116

Financial strategy, 7

Firefly Friends, 113, 119

Fosbury, Dick, xv

“Fosbury Flop” technique, xv, xvi

Genomics, xx

Global Positioning System (GPS), 68

“Goods and Stuff” business, xxiii

Google, xviixviii, 21, 51, 6061

Google Adwords, 43, 45, 4850, 85

Graphene, xx

Growth hacking, 12

IBM, 104

Information technology (IT) strategy, 7

Innovation strategy, 7, 12

Internal analysis, of digital business strategy, 1923

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 48

Internet technology, 2021

Interwoven tactics, 9

Ionology quadrant, 42, 64, 98

JcoFX, 66, 69

Johnson, Spencer, 57

Junior marketers, 6

Key Performance Indicators (KPI), 7

“Keyword Planner”, 85

“Know your customer” principle, of digital business strategy, 2021, 4155

case study, 4855

Certification Europe, 4850

Creme Global, 5155

intent, 4748

task, 4647

unique value proposition, development of, 4142

volume, 4245

“Know yourself” principle, of digital business strategy, 2940

ambition, 19, 3034

case study, 3740

diagnosis, 19

key elements of, 1920

unique value proposition, 19, 3437

Leadership, 109

Leckey, 113114

Lemonade principle, 62

“Lens lock”, 6566, 79

LinkedIn, 3

Majestic, growth of, 80, 8284

Maloney, Damian, 3740

Management and leadership network (MLN), xiv

Managerial competencies, 52

Marketing strategy, 7

Marketplace volume, 42

McGrath, Rita, 4, 13

Neumeier, Marty, 36

“New Competitor” business, xxii

New product development (NPD), 54

Nike, 58

O’Neills, 5862

Operational effectiveness, 9

Organizational culture, 53

Organizational disruption, xv

Ottobock, 113, 115, 118, 119

“Outside-in” perspective, 23

Pay-Per-Click advertising (PPC), 33, 103

PESTEL tool, 4

Porter, Michael, 9, 35

Power statements, 916

Prime business, 70, 7677

Procter & Gamble, 61

Product, price, place, and promotion (Ps), of marketing, 102

Public relations (PR), 75

Quantum dots, xx

Recruitment strategy, 7

Reddit, 61, 62

Remarketing, 103

“Resources” principle, of digital business strategy, 2223, 95112

case study, 107112

CDS, case study, 107110

deliberate agile innovation, focused cycles of, 106

introduction to, 95106

Ionology quadrant, 98

lack of resources, 23

typical growth profiles, 97

Rumelt, Richard, 10, 33

Sales strategy, 7

Sandra, 12

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), 45, 82, 103

Segmentation, 54

Seven principles, of digital business strategy

case study, 2628

“competition” principle, 2122, 5762

“current position” principle, 24, 6377

“engine of growth” principle, 2425, 7993

external analysis, 2325

internal analysis, 1923

introduction to, 1728

“know your customer” principle, 2021, 4155

“know yourself” principle, 1920, 2940

“resources” principle, 2223, 95112

“tactics” principle, 25

Strategic ambition

defintion of, 31

effective, 3233

fundamental characteristics of, 32


definition of, 6, 10

education, 7

financial, 7

information technology (IT), 7

innovation, 7

marketing, 7

misunderstanding of, 11

recruitment, 7

sales, 7

SWOT analysis, 4

Tactics, 8

“Tactics” principle, of digital business strategy, 25

Talent, definition of, 87

Talent intensive plans, 23

Targeting and positioning (STP), 54

Technology-enabled process, 2

causes disruption to smaller businesses, 2

larger businesses, establishment of, 2

technology as delivery agent, 14

vs. traditional process, 2

Thought leader. See Authority businesses

Traditional business frameworks, xxvii

Traditional marketing, 53

Twitter, 3, 53, 62

Uber, xxxxi

Unique value proposition, 19, 20, 3437, 108

to communicate value, 34

focus on customer’s perception, 34

key to creating effective, 3435

steps to create, 3536

Upsee, 120

WARC, xiv

Word of mouth. See Advocacy businesses

YouTube, 3, 9, 75

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