Using advanced Set Analysis

Basic Set Analysis should be in even the most junior QlikView developer's arsenal of tools. The ability to add modifiers, most frequently to the $ set, allows us to perform some very useful calculations that we either couldn't perform at all without Set Analysis, or that would have required us to do a lot more work.

Identifying the identifiers

We should already know about at least two of the identifiers that we can use in a Set Analysis expression: 1 and $. We also should know that the $ set is the default so that if there is no set identifier specified, then QlikView will use the $ set, which is just for current selections.

The following table shows a list of all the identifiers that you may come across:




This is the universe—it represents all of the values within the document, ignoring any selections.


This is the set that represents the values in the dataset as they are based on current selections. This is the default set.


This set represents the nth last set of current selections that you might navigate by clicking on the Back button on the navigation toolbar. $1 is the set of selections before you made the most recent selection, $2 is the second last set, and so on. This is rarely used.


This is similar to $n except that it gives access to the nth forward set of selections that you might navigate by clicking on the Forward button on the navigation toolbar. Therefore, it is only available if a user has clicked on the Back button. This is even more rarely used than $n.

Bookmark (ID or name)

We can use a bookmark as a set identifier, representing the set of values that would be if the bookmark were applied. The identifier can be used as either the bookmark name or bookmark identifier (for example, BM01).

State name

When we use Alternate States in an application, each state name becomes an identifier that represents the current selections in that state. In this case, the $ identifier will still represent the current selections set in the default state, but the default set in an expression will depend on the state of the object containing the expression.

Understanding that modifiers are sets

We know that the true power of Set Analysis comes not just with the ability to specify different identifiers in an expression (although having just that could be quite powerful) but with the ability to modify those sets with our own set of selections.

At this stage, we should be familiar with using a Set Analysis expression with modifiers as shown:

Sum({$<Year={2012,2013}>} SalesValue)

Here, we appear to have a field called Year compared to an element value list of {2012,2013}.

It makes some kind of sense that Year is equal to either 2012 or 2013 but actually the = sign here does not actually mean "equals". It can't really because Year can't be "equal" to both values.

What we have to understand is that the values on both sides of the = sign are both sets. Year is a data field but that is actually a set of values. The {2012,2013} list is also a set. Therefore, the = sign becomes not a direct comparison, but like a union operation between the set of all Year values and the set of values in the braces.

We have to be careful about this because I have seen confusion around it. For example, it is valid to have another field instead of an element list (the list of values enclosed in {}) as shown:

Sum({$<OrderDate=DeliveryDate>} OrderValue)

I have seen this described as being where OrderDate is equal to DeliveryDate. This is incorrect! This set will give you all values where the OrderDate values are in the range of the DeliveryDate values. For example, suppose that we have the following dataset:

Load * Inline [
OrderID, OrderDate, DeliveryDate, OrderValue
1, 2014-08-10, 2014-08-10, 100
2, 2014-08-10, 2014-08-11, 100
3, 2014-08-11, 2014-08-12, 100
4, 2014-08-13, 2014-08-14, 100

We might expect that the preceding expression would only match for the first order. However, it could match for the first three orders! The union of the values in the OrderDate field with the values in DeliveryDate will actually only exclude the last order. The order dates in orders 1 and 2 match to the delivery date from order 1, while the order date from order 3 matches to the delivery date from order 2.


Note that when using a field instead of an element value list, the comparison set of values becomes the selected values in the field, not the possible values. If you want the possible values, you should use a P() set (as discussed later).

Set arithmetic

We can use mathematical set arithmetic with any set such as identifier, field, or element list. The operators only work on sets and return a set result. The operators are listed in the following table:



Venn diagram

+ (Union)

The result is a set that represents the union of the sets.

Set arithmetic

- (Exclusion)

The result will be all of the values in the first set that are not included in the second set.

- can also be used as a unary operator (just with one set) where it will return the complement set, for example:

Sum({$<OrderDate=-{'2014-08-10'}>} OrderValue)
Set arithmetic

* (Intersection)

The result will be a set of all the values that are common to both sets.

Set arithmetic

/ (Symmetric difference)

The result will be a set of all the values that are in either set but not the values that are common to both.

Set arithmetic

As stated previously, these sets can be applied to identifiers, fields, and element lists. So we can create a set in the following manner:

Sum({$*BM01} SalesValue)

This will give us the intersection of current selections and the bookmark BM01.

We can also have a set as follows:

Sum({$<OrderDate=DeliveryDate-{'2014-08-13','2014-08-11'}>} OrderValue)

We can get quite sophisticated with this set arithmetic. If we do need to have more than one set operators, we should remember to use parentheses because ($*BM01)-BM02 is different from $*(BM01-BM02).

Where there is a set comparison that includes the field that we are modifying, we can make use of some shorthand; this will be familiar to C/C#/Java programmers. For example, if we want every year except for one particular year, we can perform the following:

Sum({$<Year=Year-{2013}>} SalesValue)

We can shorten the expression in the following manner:

Sum({$<Year-={2013}>} SalesValue)

We can equally perform similar shorthand with the other operators:


Using searches in Set Analysis

When we first learned to use Set Analysis, we might have learned that we can use wildcard search within a modifier. This is quite a powerful feature. However, we can really enhance what we can do with Set Analysis when we learn that we can also use advanced search within our modifiers.

Essentially, any exact match, wildcard, or advanced search that we can use in a search dialog in a listbox can be used in a modifier.

For example, if we want to see the sales for Germany, we can use an exact match:

Sum({<Country={'Germany'}>} LineValue)

If we are looking for sales for years in the 2010s, we might do this:

Sum({<Year={"201*"}>} LineValue)

If we want sales since 2011, we can do this:

Sum({<Year={">=2011"}>} LineValue)

How about we check for all sales for those countries that sold more than 5, 000, 000 in 2013:

Sum({<Country={"=Sum({<Year={2013}>} LineValue)>5000000"}>} LineValue)

We know that if we want to get the sales for a list of countries, we can simply list them in an element value list like this:

Sum({<Country={'Germany','China'}>} LineValue)

However, we also have the option to use search syntax like this:

Sum({<Country={"(Germany|China)"}>} LineValue)

And, as we saw in the earlier part of this chapter, that syntax allows us to include multiple search options:

Sum({<Year={"(2010|2013|200*)"}>} LineValue)

This can also be expressed as follows:

Sum({<Year={2010,2013,"200*"}>} LineValue)


There is a convention that we should use single quotes with literal values and use double quotes with wildcard and other searches. However, they are actually interchangeable. This is useful to know if you need to use one or the other in the text of the search.

Using Dollar-sign Expansion with Set Analysis

So far, we have used mostly static values in our example modifiers. However, the most power will come when we combine modifiers and Dollar-sign Expansion.

There is no great magic here. Wherever we might use a static value, we just replace it with a Dollar-sign Expansion. For example, we can use the following:

Sum({<Year={$(vMaxYear)}>} LineValue)

We can also use the following:

Sum({<Year={$(=Max(Year))}>} LineValue)

The only thing that we need to really consider here is that when performing an exact match with dates, we need to make sure that the value returned from the Dollar-sign Expansion matches the text of the date's dual value. It isn't such an issue if you are doing a greater-than or less-than comparison, because then you can use either the dual text or numeric format. For example, if we have a Month field that is Dual('Jan',1), Dual('Feb',2), and so on, then we can't do the following:

Sum({<Month={3}>} LineValue)

Instead, we need to do this:

Sum({<Month={'Mar'}>} LineValue)

Although the following is also fine:

Sum({<Month={">=3<5"}>} LineValue)

Comparing to other fields

Quite often, in a set modifier, we will want to compare the field to be modified to the values in a different field. There are a number of different options, and they are discussed in the upcoming sections.

Direct field comparison

We have seen this already, but it is acceptable for the set comparison to be directly against another field. For example:

Sum({<Year=DI.Year>} LineValue)

We can use set arithmetic on these like this:

Sum({<Year=Year+DI.Year>} LineValue)


We must recall that the set of values in the comparison field (in this case, DI.Year) is only the selected values—not possible values.

Using Concat with Dollar-sign Expansion

One way that we can get over the limitation of only seeing selected values in the other field is to use the Concat function along with Dollar-sign Expansion to derive an element value list, for example:

Sum({<Year={$(=Concat(Distinct DI.Year,','))}>} LineValue)

This might expand to something like this:

Sum({<Year={2011,2012,2013}>} LineValue)

With text values, we might need to make use of the Chr(39) function, which returns a single quote, to derive the correct list:

Sum({<Country={'$(=Concat(Distinct DI.Cntr,Chr(39)&','&Chr(39)))'}>} LineValue)

This might expand to something like the following:

Sum({<Country={'France','Germany','Ireland','USA'}>} LineValue)

Using the P and E element functions

The P and E functions, which can only be used in a set modifier expression, will return a set of either the possible or excluded values. As they are functions, they can themselves accept a set identifier and modifier. We can also specify which field we want to return the set of values for. If left out, the field that we are modifying will be returned.

Let's look at some examples. First, if we perhaps want to modify the Year field with the years that are selected in a particular bookmark, use:

Sum({<Year=P({BM01} Year)>} LineValue)

What if we want to modify the Year field with all of the values in the DI.Year field:

Sum({<Year=P({$} DI.Year)>} LineValue)

Otherwise, to get all of the values in the DI.Year field that are not selected:

Sum({<Year=E({$} DI.Year)>} LineValue)

Set Analysis with Alternate States

When using Alternate States in a QlikView document, we can now add additional complexity to calculations. The syntax is quite straightforward though.

Using Alternate States as identifiers

When we want to access the values in an Alternate State, we can simply add the Alternate State name as the set identifier:

Sum({State1} LineValue)

Of course, all of the usual set arithmetic is applicable:

Sum({$*State1} LineValue)

Comparing fields between states

We can also modify a field in a set expression using the set of values from a field in another state. The syntax uses the state name, a double-colon (::), and the name of the field. For example:

Sum({State1<Year=$::Year, Month=$::Month} LineValue)
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