Creating custom objects and methods in R using the S3 system

When dealing with a programming task pertaining to a specific business domain, developing custom objects with their related methods can enhance your work quality and usability.

Consider, for instance, a programmer dealing with a logistics project. Imagine him facing a choice of different types of means of transport packed with different attributes, cost functions, and time availability.

Defining different classes for these means of transport and adding proper attributes and methods to these classes will let you build a specific domain language that is able to represent, in a convenient way, the real problem you are trying to solve with your code. This concept is further explained in The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas.

R comes packed with three different systems for object-oriented programming, which are as follows:

  • The S3 system
  • The S4 system
  • Reference classes

In the following example, we are going to use the S3 system, define a custom truck class, add attributes, and a proper method to change the date of last maintenance.

How to do it...

  1. The first step is to create the truck class with custom attributes:
    trucks <- function(plate = "XXNNNZZ", night_trips = TRUE, kilometers = 0, last_maintenance = "00/00/1900" ) {
      me <- structure(list(
        night_trips = night_trips,
        kilometers = kilometers,
        last_maintenance = last_maintenance
       ), class= "trucks")
  2. Next, we create a volvo truck specifying the plate, kilometers, and date of last maintenance:
    volvo <- trucks(plate = "BE705WT",kilometers = 2000,last_maintenance = "17/01/2013")Add a method to set maintenance date after first initialization
    set_last_maintenance <- function(entity,value_to_set) {
    set_last_maintenance.default <- function(entity,value_to_set) {
    set_last_maintenance.trucks <- function(entity,value_to_set) {
      entity$last_maintenance <- value_to_set
      message("maintenance date was set correctly")
  3. Then, we change the maintenance date:
    volvo <- set_last_maintenance(volvo,"10/01/2016")Check results

How it works...

In step 1, we create the truck class with custom attributes. In the first step, new classes are declared with a function-like syntax, where the default values for class attributes are passed as arguments. In the body of the function, an inner reference is made using the pronoun me in order to refer to the function itself.

Using this terminology, the class attributes and names are declared. Finally, with the return(me) statement, the new truck class is returned as a value for the function.

At the end of this procedure, a new trucks function will be stored in your environment, as made clear by the RStudio environment explorer:

How it works...

In step 2, we create a Volvo truck, specifying the plate, kilometers, and date of last maintenance. This step simply involves calling the trucks() function and assigning a function value to the volvo object.

Once again, the RStudio environment explorer clearly shows the class attribute for the newly arrived volvo entity:

How it works...

In step 3 we add a method to set a maintenance date after first initialization. The third step basically involves three activities, which are as follows:

  • Defining a generic set_last_maintenance function.
  • Defining a value to be returned in case the function is called on an object which is not of class truck.
  • Defining a function's resulting value when dealing with an object of the trucks class. In this last step, we tell the function what to do with the trucks object being passed to it.

Particularly, with the entity$last_maintenance <- value_to_set statement, we tell the function to change the last_maintenance attribute to a value that was passed to the function.

The final statement return(entity) is very important. The lack of this causes the changes made in this function to have no effect on the outside environment.

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