Chapter 8. Dynamic Reporting and Web Application Development

In this chapter, we will cover for the following topics:

  • Generating dynamic parametrized reports with R Markdown
  • Developing a single-file Shiny app
  • Changing a Shiny app UI based on user input
  • Creating an interactive report with Shiny
  • Constructing RStudio add-ins
  • Sharing your work on RPubs
  • Deploying your app on Amazon AWS with ramazon


This final chapter will add some advanced communication tools to your programmer toolkit. These tools will enable you to show your analytics work in the best possible way.

We are going to deepen our knowledge of R Markdown, the RStudio version of the markup language markdown introduced in Chapter 7, Developing Static Reports. R Markdown integrates the core features of this language with some powerful facilities for R code integration.

This language will let us create dynamic and parametrized reports, perfect for periodical reporting activity, such as doing market surveys and audit follow-ups.

We will always meet RPubs in the results-sharing field. It is an online publication platform perfectly integrated with RStudio, which will let you publish your work directly from your favorite IDE by just hitting a button.

Finally, we will explore the ever-expanding world of Shiny, the web application framework provided by RStudio.

Within this field, we will touch upon the advanced topic of dynamic UI development based on user inputs, along with the newest improvement to the Shiny framework: RStudio add-ins. By developing add-ins, RStudio users are able to expand the functionalities of their favorite IDE. They are able to define text macros or little Shiny apps for the accomplishment of custom activities, from simple data frame subsetting to polynomial regression fitting.

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