Nmap – getting to know you

If you are reading this text, odds are that you have used Nmap before. For those who have not, here is a short description of this powerful enumeration tool. Nmap (Network Mapper) has been around since 1997 and was originally created by Gordon "Fyodor" Lyon. Even if you have never used the program before, you have probably seen its output in at least one of the many films it has been in.

Nmap can be used to scan a network, monitor services, assist in system inventory tasks, and so on. Depending on which options are selected, Nmap will be able to provide operating system type, open ports, and more. As if that were not enough, the Nmap Scripting Engine can be used to extend base functionality even further.

There are now a large number of scripts included in Nmap. The purpose of these scripts ranges from guessing Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) passwords to verifying whether connectivity can be established to X-servers.

The Nmap suite also includes:

  • Zenmap: This is the graphical user interface for Nmap.
  • Ncat: This is based on Netcat, but updated with a larger feature set such as ncat chaining, SSL support, and more. Binaries are available.
  • Ncrack: This is used to test authentication implementations and password strength. It provides support for many commonly used protocols.
  • Ndiff: This can be used to baseline a network. Compare Nmap scans against each other.
  • Nping: This allows you to craft custom packets that can then be integrated into your scans. It is able to perform raw packet manipulation.


    Some examples used in the following section display sample output that required a combination of firewall and IDS to demonstrate certain aspects of how the tool behaves. Setting up these devices is fully covered in further chapters of the book, but is beyond the scope of this particular chapter.

Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options

The Nmap command syntax is: nmap -{type(s)} -{opt(s)} {target}

The following are the useful options:

Scan option




Specify source port

This uses a specified source port to send packets.


Spoof Mac

This creates a fake Mac address to send packets from. Can randomize Mac.


Source IP address

This spoofs a source IP address or tells Nmap which IP to use.


Choose Ethernet interface

This determines which eth to send and receive packets on.


Fast scan

This reduces the default scan to 100 ports in the Nmap-services file.


Specify port range

This determines which ports are scanned.


Reverse lookup

This forces a reverse lookup.


DNS resolution

This performs a reverse lookup.


No DNS resolution

This does not perform a reverse lookup.


Help text

This provides Nmap help text.


IPv6 enable

This scans IPv6.



This initiates many options at once such as version and script scanning. Use it with caution.


Timing options

This determines how aggressive you want the scan to be.


Add delay

This adds delays between probes.


Service version

This probes for service software versions.

The following are the useful types:

Scan types




ACK scan

This checks if ports are stateful. It is useful for testing firewalls.


Ping scan

This is used for fast network discovery.


RPC scan

This locates RPC applications. It may leave the initiated log entries on the successfully scanned hosts. This is now an alias to -sV.


TCP SYN scan

This is very fast and stealthy. It performs a half-open scan.


TCP scan

This makes full connections. It is not efficient. It is a very noisy scan type that will be noticed easily.


UDP scan

This determines if certain UDP ports are open.


XMAS scan

This performs a stealthy scan, useful against certain firewall configurations. Looks for RST packets to determine if a port is closed. It is good for scanning UNIX systems.


List scan

This lists the IP addresses that will be scanned. Use -n to ensure no packets are sent on the network.


IP protocol scan

This searches for IP protocols in use on the host.



This performs a stealthy scan. It is good against UNIX-based systems. It looks for RST packets.


Idle scan

This performs a Zombie Host Scan. It is a very stealthy scan.


Window scan

This looks at the RST packet TCP Window value to determine an open or closed port.

The following are the output types:

Output types





Grepable, Normal, XML.



Formatted for grepping.



Output results to XML.



Human Readable Output.



Only shows open ports.

Basic scans – warming up

We will begin by trying some basic scans against our Ubuntu_TestMachine_1 at Here, we will perform a simple scan to determine what ports are open on our target system using the -A option.

# nmap -A
  Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-08-2920:32 EDT
  Nmap scan report for
  Host is up (0.00045s latency).
  Not shown: 999 closed ports
  80/tcp open  http    Apache httpd/2.4.7 ((Ubuntu))
  |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
  MAC Address: 08:00:27:64:38:C7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
  Device type: general purpose
  Running: Linux 3.X
  OS details: Linux 3.2 –3.19
  Network Distance: 1 hop

  1   0.46 ms

  OS and Service detection performed. Report any incorrect results at http://nmap.org/submit/ .
  Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 11.24 seconds

Looking at the highlighted results, we can determine that there is an open port at 80/tcp running an Apache httpd web server version 2.4.7. We also see that the operating system running on the target is Linux 3.X. In addition, the -A flag initiated a traceroute command that provides us with the fact that the target is only one hop away.


The Nmap -A scan is very noisy and should not be used when stealth is required.

That is a lot of information gained from a very simple command.

Other Nmap techniques

Nmap can be used for a variety of purposes. In addition to being a fast network discovery tool, it can also be used to stealthily baseline your network, fingerprint services, map out firewall rules, and can be configured to bypass IDS signatures. We will now try out some of the more advanced features that Nmap makes available to us. This information is by no means holistic, so we will be focused on the features that will assist us in testing secured environments.

Remaining stealthy

The network scanning process involves sending specially crafted packets to network hosts and examining the results for certain criteria. Based on these results, you will hopefully be able to determine which hosts are on the network, what services they are running, and at which version level these services are. This information is then used to decide what types of attacks are likely to be successful. There are several methods we can use to try to determine this information, some are akin to walking down the street screaming your name, whereas others are analogous to creeping along in the shadows at night.

In a secured environment, you are likely to be dealing with IDS's that look for specific behaviors such as: how many packets were sent out, how fast they were sent, whether the traffic is unusual, and so on. Firewalls will be prone to flag any abnormal connection attempts. To ensure you have a slight opportunity at remaining undetected, there are certain measures that need to be taken.

Taking your time

You can change the timing of your scans using the following Nmap options:

  • -T(0-5): The -T(0-5) templates allow you to set the aggressiveness of the scan. This is the most simplistic method of detection avoidance. Zero is paranoid and five is insane and should be used only on a LAN. This is much faster than setting these options individually, but reduces the control you have over the scan.
  • --max-hostgroup: This will limit the hosts that are scanned to only one at a time. You can change the value to anything you are comfortable with, but remember that IDS's will combine the probes you send out when checking against their signatures (for example, five probes in 2 minutes, and so on).
  • --max-retries: In penetration testing, this is a setting that you may not want to adjust unless you are very certain of the network's stability. You could reduce this value to 0 if you are very paranoid and not concerned with missing a potentially vulnerable system in your scan.
  • --max-parallelism 10: This would only allow 10 outstanding probes to be out at once. Use this to control how many probes you want out at once.
  • --scan-delay: This allows you to set a pause between probes.

Let's try some of these options in the following command:

# nmap -P0 -n -sS --max_hostgroup 1 --max_retries 0 --max_parallelism 10

Retransmission caps will be hit; ports will be given up upon. By the time the scan completes, we will know which systems are live on the 192.168.50.X subnet.


Do not use the --scan_delay option when using --max_parallelism as they are not compatible with each other.

Trying different scan types

This is the result of a typical scan from to

root@kali:~# nmap -T5

  Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-08-2921:32 EDT
  Nmap scan report for
  Host is up (0.0017s latency).
  Not shown: 995 closed ports
  21/tcp  open  ftp
  79/tcp  open  finger
  80/tcp  open  http
  110/tcp open  pop3
  443/tcp open  https

  Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 13.19 seconds

We can see from this output that 21, 79, 80, 110, and 443 are open on this host.


This scan type would be detected by most IDS's even if they are running in a default configuration; however, network- and host-based firewalls may ignore the traffic by default unless specifically configured to log permitted traffic. If you want to see the results in action, turn on ufw and use it to open and close specific ports. This exercise may help to fully understand the resulting output.

Were you to try this scan with a stateful host-based firewall blocking traffic to port 79 and 21, you would see traffic similar to the following:

root@kali:~# nmap -T5

  Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-08-2922:02 EDT
  Nmap scan report for
  Host is up (0.0014s latency).
  Not shown: 995 closed ports
  21/tcp  filtered ftp
  79/tcp  filtered finger
  80/tcp  open     http
  110/tcp open     pop3
  443/tcp open     https

  Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 15.22 seconds

By reviewing the highlighted code closely, we can see that the port state is filtered for ports 21 and 79. Although we were not able to establish if the ports are open, we do know that they exist on the target machine to some context.

SYN scan

Using -sS against a wide-open host at from, we see the following:

root@kali:~# nmap -sS -T5

  Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-08-2923:02 EDT
  Nmap scan report for
  Host is up (0.00040s latency).
  Not shown: 995 closed ports
  21/tcp  filtered ftp
  79/tcp  filtered finger
  80/tcp  open     http
  110/tcp open     pop3
  443/tcp open     https

  Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 14.23 seconds

Just as in the preceding example, this indicates that we have at least five open and/or filtered ports available. Be sure to use different scan types when attempting enumeration of the target network, or you may miss out on something that could make a huge difference to your testing efforts.

Null scan

If the only scan we had attempted had been the null scan, we would have been very disappointed:

root@kali:~# nmap -sN -T5

  Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-08-2923:12 EDT
  Nmap scan report for
  Host is up (0.00051s latency).
  All 1000 scanned ports on are open|filtered

  Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 20.24 seconds

This tells us that all of the ports are open|filtered. We can assume that we have some firewall action, but we did not actually learn anything immediately useful.

ACK scan

As we did not find anything on our null scan, we proceed to use the ACK scan type.

root@kali:~# nmap -sA -T5

  Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-08-2923:22 EDT
  Nmap scan report for
  Host is up (0.00059s latency).
  Not shown: 999 filtered ports
  443/tcp unfiltered https

  Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 51.22 seconds

At least this scan provided us with one unfiltered port. If we really wanted to perform testing, we would need all of the open ports, not just one!


Using different scan types might draw more attention to you, but sometimes it's necessary in order to gather the data you need. Ideally, you would begin by scanning with the least noticeable scan types and work your way up based on the type of information you are gathering. Always double-check before you move on to the next subnet, especially if you have good reason to believe that there are some valuable ports available that are just not showing up.

Shifting blame – the zombies did it!

Since the odds of remaining undetected are slim, we will need to try to deflect the blame. We can use an idle scan to have a zombie take all of the credit for our scan.


The https://nmap.org/ has a very detailed and thorough description of how an idle scan works. Take a look at https://nmap.org/book/idlescan.html for a full overview of how these work.

An important item to remember about idle scanning (-sI) is that you will need to find a zombie host that has a good TCP sequence prediction rating. The idle scan is aptly named, as the machine being used as our scapegoat must be as close to idle as possible. Many in the industry suggest network-enabled printers as perfect zombies because they typically do not have constant traffic, and their sequence prediction difficulty ratings are usually very low.

The first step of an idle scan is to locate possible zombies. You can find the TCP sequence prediction ratings by performing the following (verbose, OS detection, no ping, and no name resolution):

# nmap -v -O -Pn -n

The section of the output that you will want to focus on is as follows:

Network Distance: 1 hop
TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=195 (Good luck!)
IP ID Sequence Generation: Sequential

The preceding system is not ideal, but should be able to be used as a zombie. The higher the difficulty rating is, the more likely your attempt to use this machine as a zombie will fail. Also, the fact that the generation is sequential will improve the likelihood of the scan being successful.

Let's review the concept of an idle scan:

  1. Send SYN/ACK to zombie, which in turn provides an RST with a fragment identification number (IPID).
  2. A specially crafted packet with the IP address of the zombie host is sent to the target machine.
  3. A closed port on the target machine will cause an RST to be sent to the zombie, in which case nothing happens. An open port on the other hand will cause the target machine to respond to the IP address of our forged packet with a SYN/ACK, which in turn causes our zombie machine to send the target an RST once it realizes that there is no valid connection. The IPID has now been incremented!
  4. We close the loop by sending our zombie another SYN/ACK and checking to see if the IPID has increased by two—once for our RST and once for the target machines, RST.
  5. Repeat until all target machine ports have been probed!

When looking at how the zombie scan works, it is easy to see that the proper usage of an idle scan can be useful in slowing down members of the blue team (defensive security professionals).

So, what is the syntax of this command? With this much power, it has to be super difficult, right? You might be pleasantly surprised when looking at the following command structure:

nmap -p 23,53,80,1780,5000 -Pn -sI

Here, we used -p to initiate a scan of TCP ports that we already know are opened; we also indicated that we did not want to ping (which would give us away) with -Pn, and then initiated an idle scan (-sI) using as our zombie and as our target. This results in the following output on the sample network:

Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-08-2923:32 EDT
Idle scan using zombie (; Class: Incremental
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.036s latency).
23/tcp   open  telnet
53/tcp   open  domain
80/tcp   open  http
1780/tcp open  unknown
5000/tcp open  upnp
MAC Address: 30:46:9A:40:E0:EE (Netgear)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.18 seconds

If we look at the output from Wireshark, we can see some strange activity coming from to

Shifting blame – the zombies did it!

Looking at the Wireshark results, we see that the previous Nmap command initiated a lot of traffic from to on our network. This traffic is what will initiate the activity needed to increase the IPID that tells us that the target system has open ports.

IDS rules and how to avoid them

The only way to truly avoid an IDS rule is to know what they are and test your attacks in a virtual environment. We will dedicate an entire chapter of this book to avoid detection. Be prepared to take the time to understand what an IDS looks for and use the methods we have already described to manage your scans to perform detection avoidance.

Using decoys

The use of Nmap decoys can be an interesting concept. We tell Nmap to add additional hosts to the scan. You will not get any response from these decoys, but they will make it more difficult for an administrator to determine which IP is actively scanning, and which IP is just there to muddy the waters, so to speak. Ideally, you would be initiating a scan that will have enough live decoys to drive down the detection capability of the targets administrators.


Use live decoys when scanning. This will make it more difficult to determine which system is actively scanning. Live decoys are IPs that are currently active on the network.

An item of note is that you are able to perform many of the scan types when using decoys. You will not be restricted and can use all of your tricks without hesitation.

Let's give this a try in our virtual lab:

# nmap –D,,,ME -p 80,21,22,25,443 -Pn

Here, we invoke Nmap followed by the -D switch, which will cause us to perform a decoy scan. We follow this command with a listing of decoys of our choice, all of which are live machines in this case. Once again we do not want to send out a ping request, so we stop this action using -Pn. The chosen port range was set with -p as 80,21,22,25, and 443.


ME can be used instead of typing your localhost IP address.

Here are the results of this scan:

Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-08-2923:42 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00036s latency).
21/tcp  filtered ftp
22/tcp  filtered ssh
25/tcp  filtered smtp
80/tcp  open     http
443/tcp filtered https
MAC Address: 08:00:27:DF:92:32 (Cadmus Computer Systems)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 14.35 seconds

Nothing new here; we once again determined which ports are opened, filtered, or closed. The real magic occurred on the wire. Let's take a look at what is seen by a network-based firewall:

Using decoys

If you take a look at the source field, you should note that the decoys we used are now populating the firewall filter that has been set to record all traffic. Using enough decoys, you could create a storm of sorts and thus fully confuse and delay the administrator of the network while you are performing your enumeration.


Wireshark can be used on the Kali machine if you want to look at this scan in action. We also fully cover adding firewalls to the lab in later chapters.

Adding custom Nmap scripts to your arsenal

The Nmap scripting engine allows you to create and use custom scripts that perform many different functions. As previously mentioned, Nmap comes with many of these scripts already packaged for you. A fully detailed guide to the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is available at https://nmap.org/book/nse.html. Using the --script option, you are able to invoke your own scripts or pick and choose from the vast repository of scripts that are already available.


Make sure that you fully understand any script that you run. NSE is very powerful and could potentially cause damage if you do not understand each step of the process! Do not just blindly run all scripts you find or you may end up regretting it later.

Deciding if a script is right for you

Using Nmap's --script-help option will allow you to display several helpful fields of a particular script without actually running it. For instance, if we look at Kali Nmap's script folder at /usr/share/nmap/scripts and performed an ls -lah, we see a long list of scripts:

Deciding if a script is right for you

This list continues much further than what is displayed in this book and is constantly being updated. So, what if you want to learn about banner.nse? This script looks interesting, and we can make assumptions based on the name, but it would be better to look at the description provided by the author, by typing:

# nmap --script-help "banner.nse"
  Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-08-2923:48 EDT

  Categories: discovery safe

A simple banner grabber connects to an open TCP port and prints out anything sent by the listening service within five seconds.

The banner will be truncated to fit into a single line, but an extra line may be printed for every increase in the level of verbosity requested on the command line.

So, in this case, our assumption was more than likely correct. Not only do you learn that the banner.nse file is used to connect to open TCP ports for banner grabbing, but also that it is considered to fall under the category of discovery and safe, both of which are categories that you can call when using the script option from the command line. You can also visit http://nmap.org/nsedoc/ for easy access to script information.

We do not yet have anything that banner.nse would work on in our lab, but let's go ahead and run the scripts that are initiated by the simple -sC option. If you have not already looked at the Nmap NSE website to see which scripts these are, you may want to give it a quick visit to ensure that you fully understand the scripts that are being initiated before this is tried on a production network.


The Ubuntu machine in the virtual lab has been updated to make interesting services available for this example. Your output will most likely be different.

Take a look at the output produced by the following command:

# nmap -Pn -sC
  Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-08-2923:52 EDT
  Nmap scan report for
  Host is up (0.00090s latency).
  Not shown: 995 closed ports
  21/tcp  open  ftp
  |_ftp-bounce: no banner
  79/tcp  open  finger
  | finger: 
  | Debian GNU/Linux      Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Software in the Public Interest
  |                  Your site has been rejected for some reason.
  |          This may be caused by a missing RFC 1413 identd on your site.
  |                  Contact your and/or our system administrator.
  80/tcp  open  http
  |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
  110/tcp open  pop3
  |_pop3-capabilities: capa APOP
  443/tcp open  https
  |_http-title: eBox Platform
  |_http-methods: No Allow or Public header in OPTIONS response (status code 403)
  |_sslv2: server still supports SSLv2

  Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 18.39 seconds

The -sC option provides us with many details that the other scan types just did not manage to present. There is a cost associated with this. Many of the scripts that you have just seen run are very noticeable on the network and/or on the host they are being run on. Taking a look at the previous output, we can now see that not only is pop3 open at port 110, but also that it has capa and APOP capabilities. We also know now that this system will support connections to SSLv2, which is a known vulnerable protocol that we can possibly exploit to our advantage.

Adding a new script to the database

All of these preloaded scripts are great, but what if you want to add additional scripts to your arsenal, either because you wrote them yourself or because someone you trust has provided you with the latest and greatest thing they developed and you want to take advantage of it when performing your penetration tests? This can be very simple!

  1. Add the script.nse file to the directory where the other Nmap NSE scripts are located.
  2. Run the following command to update the database that bundles the scripts via categories:
    # nmap -script-updatedb
  3. Now, you can use your new scripts via the nmap --script "scriptname.nse" or using the categorical grouping that the script was associated with.

Zenmap – for those who want the GUI

While many penetration testers would not be caught under any circumstances using this GUI frontend to Nmap, there are many features of the GUI that can assist the tester with organizing the different data from network service scanning on a network. Additionally, you can always type all of the commands into the Command window and carry out any type of scan equivalent to using the command line. One of the nice features of the tool is the fact that it records the information from the scan and this allows us to map the network. You can access the tool by navigating to Applications | Information Gathering | zenmap. An example of the GUI is shown in the following image:

Zenmap – for those who want the GUI

As the image shows, the listing of the hosts that the Nmap tools has discovered is shown. There are a number of additional items that are of interest; we will not cover them all here, but you are encouraged to review them at your leisure. We will look at one more of the items before moving on, and that is the feature for the Topology, and example of this is shown in the following image:

Zenmap – for those who want the GUI

As the image shows, though this option allows us to map the network topology, it is not as helpful when we are doing an internal test and the network is flat. It is, however, very helpful when the network is layered and not flat.

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