Getting files to and from victim machines

Getting root on a remote machine can be interesting and is definitely a major step in the right direction (depending on your scope and the purpose of the test, it could be the only step necessary). If your task is not complete, then you will need to find methods of transferring data to and from your victim machines. There are several tools that will assist you in this task. Here are a few that may make your life easier in the long run.

Starting a TFTP server on Kali

TFTP can be very handy at times. Many systems will already have a TFTP client installed and using this protocol is quick and easy. The Kali distribution should have the atftpd server installed; if not, you can install it with the apt-get command. In a terminal window on kali enter apt-get install atftpd.

Starting TFTP as a standalone daemon pointing to /tmp on the standard port and bound to IP address can be accomplished by typing:

# atftpd --daemon --port 69 --bind-address /tmp

You can check to see if the daemon started correctly by invoking netstat and grepping for 69.

# netstat -anu |grep 69

If everything started correctly, you should see something similar to:

udp        0      0*

Installing and configuring pure-ftpd

If your version of Kali does not have pure-ftpd installed it may be added using the apt-get install pure-ftpd command. If the package is not found, then the Kali 2.0 package is not stable enough for release; you can either use the Kali 1.10 version or you can build the tool from the source. You can navigate to Once you have downloaded the tarball, enter the following:

tar –xzfv pure-ftpd-1.0.42.tar.gz
cd pure ftpd-1.0.42
make install-strip

For the full functionality of pure-ftpd, you will need to add users and perform other minor configuration changes prior to use.

# echo /etc/pureftpd.pdb > PureDB

Add /etc/pureftpd.pdb to the PureDB configuration file:

#  groupadd -g 7777 ftpz

Add a group to the Kali machine:

# useradd -u 7777 -s /bin/false -d /dev/null -c "pureFTP" -g ftpz Testerz

Create folders that will be used:

# mkdir /var/ftp /var/ftp/public /var/ftp/public/ftplogin

Modify the ownership:

# chown -R Testerz:ftpz /var/ftp/public/ftplogin

Add the account to the system:

# pure-pw useradd ftplogin -u Testerz -d /var/ftp/public/ftplogin
  Password: password
  Enter it again: password

Set up a virtual account that can be used with FTP connections:

# pure-pw mkdb

Reload the database:

# pure-pw show ftplogin

Perform a quick lookup in the Pure-FTP database to let us know the user statistics.

Login              : ftplogin
Password           : $1$/NF5jAg0$I0oRJKViA5NYs455Afelr1
UID                : 7777 (Testerz)
GID                : 7777 (ftpz)
Directory          : /var/ftp/public/./
Full name          :
Download bandwidth : 0 Kb (unlimited)
Upload   bandwidth : 0 Kb (unlimited)
Max files          : 0 (unlimited)
Max size           : 0 Mb (unlimited)
Ratio              : 0:0 (unlimited:unlimited)
Allowed local  IPs :
Denied  local  IPs :
Allowed client IPs :
Denied  client IPs :
Time restrictions  : 0000-0000 (unlimited)
Max sim sessions   : 0 (unlimited)

Starting pure-ftpd

The following command will start pure-ftpd:

#/usr/local/sbin/pure-ftpd start

This server can be tested by connecting to localhost:

# ftp

The output should be similar to the following:

Connected to
220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed.
220-Local time is now 17:02. Server port: 21.
220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Name ( ftplogin
331 User ftplogin OK. Password required
230-User ftplogin has group access to:  7777
230 OK. Current directory is /
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.


Production versus a controlled test lab environment

Consider setting up a dedicated user account and appropriate security measures on your production Kali instance. Make certain to provide FTP accounts with the necessary permissions to write files; otherwise, expect to receive errors when making these attempts from victim machines. An important point that is often overlooked is that you have control of the testing machine and need to ensure that the configuration is set to support you in the field. This will save you time when you are performing your testing.

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