Configuring pfSense

In Chapter 2, Preparing a Test Environment, you created the pfSense virtual machine, so now we will configure it. Start up the virtual machine. Press I to proceed with installation. Use the following settings, in sequence where appropriate, when prompted:

  • Accept these Settings
  • Quick/Easy Install
  • OK
  • Standard Kernel
  • Reboot


    To avoid the installation media from booting up at the next reboot, the installation media may need to be 'ejected' by selecting Edit virtual machine settings | CD/DVD (IDE) and then Use physical drive.

Once the machine reboots, you will be presented a screen of the possible options for the configuration of the machine. You should see that the machine has been configured with the two interfaces, one (NAT) is set via DHCP, and the other has been set by the installer as An example of this is shown in the following image:

Configuring pfSense

This shows that the internal interface is set at the wrong address and is not what we want since we configured the switch for our inside network to be connected to VMnet9. We will correct this now.

Configuring the pfSense DHCP server

Before we can begin, we need to set up the built-in DHCP server so that our other machines can pick up addresses on the VMnet9 interface without having to be manually configured. Using the pfSense to manage the DHCP connections provides us with more control than if we simply use the built-in functionality of the virtualization tool.

  1. At the Enter the number of the interface you wish to configure: prompt, we need to type 2 to choose the LAN interface, and press Enter.
  2. Type the following IP address when prompted: and press Enter.
  3. At the Enter the new LAN IPv4 subnet bit count prompt, type 24 and press Enter.
  4. On the next screen, accept the default and press Enter. We are setting up a LAN and as such do not have a requirement for an upstream gateway address.
  5. We are not using IPv6, so press Enter again.
  6. Type Y at the prompt when asked if you would like to enable the DHCP server on LAN. Press Enter to continue.
  7. When asked to provide the starting address range, type: and press Enter.
  8. You will be asked to select the ending DHCP range. Type and press Enter.
  9. The next screen will ask you if you want to revert to HTTP as the webConfigurator protocol. Select N and press Enter.

The changes will be saved to the machine and the configuration will be reloaded; for an example of the final installation message, refer to the following image:

Configuring the pfSense DHCP server

As the image shows, we can now access the firewall configuration via a web browser. When we configured the settings, we could have selected the HTTP protocol if that was something we would want to do. In the name of security, it is best and recommended to use HTTPS.

Starting the virtual lab

The systems should be booted in the following order every time you load up your testing network:

  1. pfSenseVLAN1
  2. Kali
  3. KioptrixVM Level 3
  4. KioptrixVM Level 3 Clone
  5. Ubuntu_TestMachine_1


    Remember that in Kali or Ubuntu, you can use the dhclient command-line command at any time to release and renew the IP addresses. Check the addresses using ifconfig afterwards to ensure that the DHCP server is working properly.

    If you are experiencing issues with the machine picking up IPs from the wrong DHCP server, you will also need to turn off the VMware DHCP servers we enabled in the previous chapters.

pfSense DHCP – Permanent reservations

We can now log in to the web console of our virtual pfSense firewall to set up static IPs for the two Kioptrix machines.

Open up the Iceweasel web browser that comes preinstalled in Kali and head over to, which is the web console interface for the pfSense virtual machine. You are using the HTTPS protocol and will have to accept then confirm, allowing the connection. If everything is configured properly, you will be asked for your username and password:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: pfsense


    If you followed the standard best practices when setting up your machine, you have probably already changed the default password for the pfSense instance. If this is the case, use that instead of the default and kudos for being proactive!

Once you log in, you will have the configuration wizard for pfSense prompt; click on the logo, and close out of the wizard to bring up the main dashboard. An example of this is shown in the following image:

pfSense DHCP – Permanent reservations

As the image shows, at the time of this writing, there was an update available. If you have an update available, and you have the time, you can update the firewall.

The pfSense dashboard provides a significant amount of data. For now, we are focused only on setting up the load balancing. Follow these steps to allow pfSense to load balance the web application for the two Kioptrix guest machines:

  1. First, we need to know which MAC addresses belong to each Kioptrix machine so that we can set up static leases. This can be accomplished by checking the VMware settings for each box and looking at the virtual machine settings. To access this, click on Edit virtual machine settings | Network Adapter | Advanced. An example of this is shown in the following image:
    pfSense DHCP – Permanent reservations
  2. In the pfSense web console, click on Status | DHCP Leases for a listing of current leases. Match the IP up to the MAC address for each Kioptrix machine.
  3. Set up static IP address assignments for both machines, using the button to the right of the entry to open the static assignment window:
    pfSense DHCP – Permanent reservations
  4. In the Services:DHCP:Edit static mapping window, you will need to type in an IP address that is outside of the DHCP range. This will ensure that each time the machine connects, it receives the same IP address. Type in the IP address field.
  5. Enter Kioptrix2 in the Hostname.
  6. Do the same thing for the Kioptrix1 machine, and enter an address of
  7. Click on Save at the end of each change.

An example of the completed settings is shown in the following image:

pfSense DHCP – Permanent reservations

Installing HAProxy for load balancing

To practice detecting load balancers, we will need to set one up in our virtual lab. We can use our existing Ubuntu machine for this task. The first thing we have to do is install HAProxy. In a terminal window on the Ubuntu machine, enter the following:

apt-get install HAProxy

After the installation has completed, you should have a working program, but we have some more configuration to do:


If experiencing difficulties when running HAProxy, be sure to verify that you have turned off your Apache install from previous chapters. If the port is already bound by Apache or anything else, you will be unable to set up load balancing on the same port.

  1. We need to edit the configuration file to set up a load balancer for our two Kioptrix machines. Open up a terminal session and edit the /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg file. Remember to escalate privilege with sudo for write access. Remove all other .cfg files from this directory afterwards:
    # sudo nano /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

    Your file should match the following before saving and exiting:

    Installing HAProxy for load balancing
  2. Our Ubuntu machine already has a web server running, so we must disable it for this exercise to work properly:
    # sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
  3. It is time to start up the load balancer:
    # sudo haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

If everything is configured properly, you will find that you can now browse to your Kioptrix machines using the IP address An example of this is shown in the following image:

Installing HAProxy for load balancing

Adding to the host file

Let's add to our hosts file on Kali and try our luck at detecting which machine is being accessed. In your Kali terminal, change directory to /etc, open up the hosts file in an editor of your choice, and add the following to the file:

Verify connectivity by pinging

# ping
  PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
  64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.981 ms


If you are having problems reaching the machine, ensure the default gateway is pointing to the pfSense firewall; it is a common mistake to have the default gateway configured to the wrong address. This is because the NAT interface is connected to the Internet. You can change the default gateway in the VMware Workstation by navigating to Edit | Virtual Network Editor | VMnet8 | NAT Settings.

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