Ignoring a parameter with match

It is entirely possible to ignore a parameter within a match construct. Take the following struct:

struct Test  
    answer: i32, 
    real_answer: i32, 
    score: i32,

We can use this struct within a match construct as we can any other type. However, we want to ignore anything after real_answer. To do this, we will use the .. operator. Our match will look like this:

fn match_test(t: Test) 
    match t 
        Test {answer: Question::MyAnswer, real_answer: 
Question::RealAnswer, ..} => {...} } }

We can also use _ as a parameter (we expect a value, but we don't care what it is):

fn match_test(t:Test) 
    match t 
        Test {answer: Question::MyAmswer, real_answer: 
Question::RealAnswer, score:_} => {...} } }

You can appreciate that the match construct is powerful, but let's see it in action with patterns.

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