
This module is used for formatting and outputting strings.

This module provides the format! macro for dealing with output. The macro is extremely powerful and very flexible, and provides a great deal of functionality.

Structs, Traits, and Enums

  • StructsArguments (represents a safely precompiled version of a format string and arguments), DebugListDebugMapDebugSetDebugStructDebugTuple (helps with fmt::Debug implementations), Error (an error type returned from formatting a message into a stream), and Formatter (represents both where to emit formatting strings and how to format them).
  • TraitsBinaryDebugDisplayLowerExpLowerHexOctalPointerUpperExpUpperHex, and Write (provides collection of methods that are required to format a message into a stream).
  • Functionsformat (takes a precompiled format string with arguments and returns a formatted string) and  write (takes an output stream, a precompiled format string and list of arguments. The arguments will be formatted according to the specified format string).
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