Building a string

We've seen that we can create a String from a string slice (using to_owned() or the format! macro), or we can create it using String::new().

There are two further ways to help build the string: push adds a single character to the string, and push_str adds an str to the string.

The following shows this in action:

fn main() { 
    let home_team = "Liverpool"; 
    let result = " beat "; 
    let away_team = "Manchester United"; 
    let home_score = '3'; // single character 
    let away_score = "-0"; 
    let mut full_line = format!("{}{}{} ", home_team, result, away_team); 
    // add the character to the end of the String     
    // add the away score to the end of the String 
    println!("{}", full_line); 

When this last code snippet is compiled and executed, you will see this:

..................Content has been hidden....................

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