Targeting a Rust object

In the last example, we had a callback that listened for a single int. What happens though if we want to listen out for a complex object from the external library (for example, a structure)? We can't return a structure, but we can have a Rust object that can be mapped to the callback.

It is a slightly more complex affair than for a synchronous callback:

  1. Create the structure that will map to the external structure we're interested in:
#[repr(C)] // this is a name used within the extern in (2) 
struct MyObject 
    a: i32, 
    // and anything else you want to get back from the library 
    // just make sure you add them into the call back 
  1. Create the callback; result is a pointer to the mutable myobject:
extern "C" fn callback(result: *mut MyObject, a: i32)  
          (*result).a = a; 
  1. Create the extern functions to the library:
    fn register_callback(result: mut MyObject, cback: extern fn(mut MyObject, i32)); 
    fn start_callback(); 
  1. Create the calling code:
fn main() 
    // we need to create an object for the callback 
    let mystruct = Box::new (MyObject{a: 5i32}); 
    unsafe { 
        register_callback(&mut *mystruct, callback); 
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