
This module provides a number of facilities for core input/output.

This module provides code Read and Write functionality for not only normal control, but also for various stream types (such as TCP and File). Access can be sequential or random. IO behavior also depends on the platform the application sits on, so testing is highly encouraged.

Structs, Traits, and Enums

  • StructsBufReader (adds buffering to any reader), BufWriter (buffers the writer output), Bytes (an iterator of values of a reader), Chain (chains two readers), Cursor (wraps another type and provides the Seek implementation), Empty (reader that is always at EOF), Error (error type for IO operations), IntoInnerError (error returned by into_inner that combines the error and buffered writer object, which may be recovered), LineWriter (wraps a writer and buffers into it), Lines (iterates over the lines of BufRead), Repeat (reader that continually returns a byte), Sink (writer that moves data to null), Split (an iterator over the contents of BufRead split at a point), Stderr (a handle for the process standard error stream), StdErrLock (locked ref. to Stderr), Stdin (standard input stream), StdinLock (locked ref. to Stdin), Stdout (global output stream), StdoutLock (locked ref. to Stdout), and Take (limits the bytes read from the reader).
  • EnumsErrorKind and SeekFrom.
  • TraitsBufRead (buffered input read), Read (reads bytes from source), Seek (provides cursor that can be moved within the stream), and Write.
  • Functionscopy (copies contents of reader to writer), empty (new handle to an empty reader), repeat (creates an instance of reader that repeats 1 byte forever), sink (an instance of the writer that consumes all data), stderr (a new handle to stderr), stdin (a new handle to stdin), and stdout (a new handle to stdout).
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