Creating top-level modules

To create a module, we first need to tell the compiler that the code is held in a module. In this example, I will use the Trigonometry module:

mod Trigonometry // top level module 
    mod Natural  // sub module 
    mod Arc      // sub module 

When we compile this using cargo build (not cargo run; there is no main function within the library) and examine the tree, we'll see the library (highlighted):

Figure 2
The structure for this section can be found in Chapter10/MathsLibStucture.

We can't do very much with it currently as all it contains are placeholders that do very little. Before this goes any further, have a look at the source file. With nothing in except for the module names, it hits 62 lines. Let's think of a very simple example for the Conversion module, fahrenheit_to_celcius.

The formula to do this is (F - 32) * 5/9. Our function will therefore be the following:

pub fn fahrenheit_to_celcius(a: f32) -> f32 
    (a - 32f32) * 5f32 / 9f32 

That was just four lines of code. We also need ones to go from C to F, K to C, C to K, F to K, and K to F (K is Kelvin, which denotes absolute temperature, that is, 0K = -273.15oC , also known as absolute zero). Including these will take it to a total of around 24 lines of code. This is a simple module. The ones for regression analysis run to around 100.

Our source file is going to be huge. As we want to keep our modules manageable, we are going to need to break the file down a bit.

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