
This module provides access for handling raw, unsafe pointers.

See Chapter 5Remember, Remember, for more details.

Structs, Traits, and Enums

Functionscopy (copies count * size_of<T> from src to dest; can overlap), copy_nonoverlapping (same as copy, except cannot overlap), drop_in_place (executes destructor of the pointed-to value), null (new null raw pointer), null_mut (new null mutable raw pointer), read (reads value from src without moving it), read_volatile (volatile read of the value from src without moving it), replace (replaces value at dest with src, returning the old value), swap (swaps the values at two mutable locations of the same type), write (overwrites the memory location with the value without reading or dropping the old value), write_bytes (invokes memset on the specified pointer), and write_volatile (performs a volatile write of a memory location with a given value).

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