MicroStrategy and Google Maps integration

To use Google Maps with MicroStrategy, the user needs to have a Google Maps API key. The following are the steps to obtain this key:

Firstly we need to get a license key using the following steps:

  1. Access https://developers.google.com/maps/.
  2. Select the platform for which you need the Google key. In our case, we will select Web.
  3. On the next screen, select the Google Maps JavaScript API.
  4. Click GET A KEY.
  5. On the Activate the Google Maps JavaScript API screen, click CONTINUE.
  6. Create a new project.
  7. On the next screen, under the Credentials tab, provide the URL. In our case, as we are using J2EE, the URL will be http://SERVERNAME:PORTNUMBER/MicroStrategy/servlet/mstrWeb*.
  8. If you are using ASP.NET, the URL will be http://SERVERNAME/MicroStrategy/asp/Main.aspx*.
  9. Click Create.
  10. This will generate a key for MicroStrategy integration.

To deploy and configure a map visualization are as follows:

The GIS connector for Google Maps allows us to integrate MicroStrategy with Google Maps. The following are the steps to do this:

  1. Navigate to GISConnectors in the MicroStrategy installation folder.
  2. Click on the GoogleMap folder under the GISConnector folder.
  3. Now, based on the operating environment, select the next folder:
    • For a J2EE environment: Open the ConnectorForGoogleMap folder,
    • For a .NET environmentL: Open the ConnectorForGoogleMap_ASP folder In our case, it will be the ConnectorForGoogleMapfolder.

  4. From the folder we just opened, copy the second ConnectorForGoogleMap folder.
  5. Now, navigate to the plugins folder inside the MicroStrategy Web installation folder and paste the ConnectorForGoogleMap folder.
  6. Within this folder, navigate to WEB-INF/xml/config/google and edit the googleConfig.xmlfile to add the key obtained from Google in the getting license section.
  7. Add your API key between the <mk> and </mk> tags, and, as we are using the standard Google Maps API, we set the isPremier attribute to False. The following is the file structure:

    MicroStrategy and Google Maps integration

  8. Restart your web server.

After restarting, the Google Maps visualization should be available in DHTML, mobile, and visual insight modes in MicroStrategy Web, as shown here:

MicroStrategy and Google Maps integration

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