Adding advanced visualization with SDK

MicroStrategy Visualization Builder is a new feature of MicroStrategy 10 which allows you to import and create custom HTML5 visualizations using the Visualization SDK kit:

Adding advanced visualization with SDK

Installing Visualization SDK

  • Choose Download a local copy of the Visualization SDK
  • Extract the downloaded zip file, and then put the _VisBuilder folder into the MicroStrategy/plugins folder
  • Restart your Tomcat server:

Installing Visualization SDK

Introduction to Visualization Builder

Visualization Builder is based on the dashboards page. All the settings are conveniently displayed on the user interface. MicroStrategy data structure knowledge is not required. It enables live JavaScript code and live CSS code changes, and no web server restarts are required to enable changes. In addition, it has features like auto completion of JavaScript code, live validation of JavaScript and CSS, supporting third-party libraries such as D3, Google Charts, HighCharts, and so on:

Introduction to Visualization Builder

Application of Visualization Builder

Consider that we need to implement a new type of visualization based on the Google Charts library. The steps are as follows:

  1. Install Visualization Builder by pasting the unzipped folder into the plugins folder of MicroStrategy Web.
  2. A new shortcut will show on the side menu of the home page:

    Application of Visualization Builder

  3. Left-click on the Visualization Builder.
  4. Load a dataset, and select it by using the Selecting Existing Dataset function on the top bar:

    Application of Visualization Builder

  5. Use the SDK Sample Report.
  6. Add Year to Attributes and Units Sold and Revenue to Metrics. You will see a blank screen as there is no code to display yet. You can still see the data by clicking the top-right corner and choosing Show Data to See Popup with Data Grid or Change Visualization to Grid.
  7. Go to the Properties tab, set the Visualization name to Google Chart Line Graph, set Minimum number of metrics to 2, check Available for dashboards, add to the list of libraries, and click Apply:

    Application of Visualization Builder

  8. Click Save and set the Folder name as GoogleVis. After the new plugin has been created, you can go to the plugins folder of your MicroStrategy Web folder to check it.
  9. Now we use the Code Editor tab, to create code to support our visualization.
  10. Make the dataset usable by Google Charts:
         var data = {}; 
         var gridata = this.dataInterface; 
         data.cols = []; 
         data.cols[0] = {"id": "ATT_NAME_JS", "label": "Attribute", "type": 
         var i; 
         for (i = 0; i < gridata.getColumnHeaderCount(); i++) { 
         var metricName = gridata.getColHeaders(0).getHeader(i).getName(); 
         data.cols[1 + i] = {"id": metricName, "label": metricName, "type": 
         data.rows = []; 
         for (i = 0; i < gridata.getTotalRows(); i++) { 
         data.rows[i] = {}; 
         var c = [], attributesValue = "", a, z; 
         for (a = 0; a < gridata.getRowHeaders(i).size(); a++) { 
         attributesValue += gridata.getRowHeaders(i).getHeader(a).getName() 
         + " "; 
         c[0] = {"v": attributesValue}; 
         for (z = 0; z < gridata.getColumnHeaderCount(); z++) { 
         c[1 + z] = {"v": gridata.getMetricValue(i, z).getRawValue()}; 
         data.rows[i].c = c; 
  11. Before working with the data, make it variable to hold some parameters:
    • var domNode = this.domNode is a DOM node where the visualization will be rendered.
    • var width = this.width, height = this.height. Read width and height dynamically from the Visualization container so it will occupy all available space.
  12. Load the Google visualization code to render the graph:
          google.load("visualization", "1", {"callback": function () {
          var gdata = new google.visualization.DataTable(data);
          var options = {'title': 'Google chart', 'width': width, 'height': 
          var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(domNode);
          chart.draw(gdata, options);
          }, "packages": ["corechart"]});
  13. Save the visualization. Now you have it in the Visualization gallery.
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