Monitoring MicroStrategy

In order to monitor MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, we have two options:

  • MicroStrategy monitors
  • Operations Manager

Let's start with MicroStrategy monitors. We should open MicroStrategy Developer, where we can find Project monitors:

Monitoring MicroStrategy

These monitors are very useful and can give a quick overview of what is going on with our MicroStrategy server. For example, one of the most useful is User Connections, which helps to understand who is logged on now. In addition, if we have enough rights, we can kill the session of a particular user. Another one is Jobs - this shows us reports that are executing or in a queue waiting to execute. On our small training server, there isn't lots of information, but if you have a production MicroStrategy, you can get lots of insights from these monitors.

One of the main new features of MicroStrategy 10 is MicroStrategy Operations Manager, which is a web-based tool for administrative tasks. It allows us to monitor all environments in one place. For example, Operations Manager allows us to:

  • View system heartbeats
  • Monitor system resources
  • Set alerts
  • View dashboards with the main KPIs of system performance
  • Administer multiple environments

There is detailed guide available about Operations Manager at

Let's set up Operations Manager for our server. In order to run Operations Manager, we should:

  1. Deploy WAR files on our web server
  2. Set up Master Health Agent on this machine
  3. Install JRE version 1.7+

In Chapter 1, Getting Started with MicroStrategy we deployed both WAR files for Operations Manager and Web. However, if we try to access Operations Manager now via its link, we get a message that we need JRE version 1.7 and higher. Let's check what Java version we have on the Linux machine:

# java -version
java version "1.6.0_38"

It's not the required Java version. Let's try to upgrade it:

# cd /opt/
# wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:;
# tar xzf jdk-8u77-linux-x64.tar.gz
# cd /opt/jdk1.8.0_77/
# alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk1.8.0_77/bin/java
# alternatives --config java

Choose a new version of Java:

# java -version
java version "1.8.0_77"

The next step is to restart Tomcat in order to use new Java.

Now, when we go to the link, we can see that Operations Manager is working. In order to create a new environment, we should install MicroStrategy Master Health Agent on the same machine where we have Tomcat. Let's do it:

# cd /mstr10/microstrategy_home/bin
# ./mstrcfgwiz

In the Configuration Wizard:

  1. Choose Health Center.
  2. Choose Set up a Master Health Agent.
  3. Click Configure daemon and all others leave as default.
  4. Create a Health Center Repository by creating System Access Code and specifying the Repository folder.
  5. Finish the wizard steps by choosing the appropriate information.

As a result, we set up Master Health Agent. Now we can go to Operations Manager and create a new environment:

  1. Go to from your Windows machine.
  2. Connect to Master Health Agent using the port number and password that you used when you set up Master Health Agent:

    Monitoring MicroStrategy

Now we are using Master Health Agent for Intelligence Server and Operations Manager because we deployed Tomcat (MicroStrategy Web, Operations Manager) and Intelligence Server on one physical machine. However, in the production environment, we should split the web server from the MicroStrategy server. In this case, we should install Master Health Agent on the machine where we deploy Operations Manager and Health Agent on the machine where we deploy Intelligence Server. There is a very good explanation of how to do it in Linux or Windows at

  1. The next stop is to create a new environment by adding Intelligence Server and web server information. Click on Create Environment and Add:
    • Environment Name: MasteringBI
    • Intelligence Server Name: localhost.localdomain
    • Port: 34952

  2. Click on Test Connection and enter Administrator as a login. Then add the web server information:
    • Web Server Name: localhost.localdomain
    • Application Path: MicroStrategy
    • Port: 8080
    • Server Type: JSP

As a result, we add our environment to the Operations Manager. Now we are able to monitor performance and create alerts. Moreover, we can add other environments, for example, if we have a MicroStrategy cluster or just want to have one place for monitoring multiple environments such as Test, Development, and so on. In addition, we can connect Enterprise Manager to the Operations Manager.

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