Mobile Server installation and configuration

While Mobile Client is easy to install, Mobile Server is not. Here we provide a step-by-step guide on how to install Mobile Server:

  1. Download MicroStrategyMobile.war. Mobile Server is packed in a WAR file, just like Operation Manager or Web:

    Mobile Server installation and configuration

  2. Copy MicroStrategyMobile.war from <Microstrategy Installation folder>/Mobile/MobileServer to /usr/local/tomcat7/webapps. Then restart Tomcat, by issuing the ./ and ./ commands:

    Mobile Server installation and configuration

  3. Connect to the Mobile Server. Go to Use admin/admin as username and password, as we specified in Chapter 1, Getting Started with MicroStrategy. Then add the server name localhost.localdomain and click connect:

    Mobile Server installation and configuration

  4. Configure Mobile Server. Please refer to MicroStrategy 10 Mobile Design and Administration Guide and Chapter 5, Customization of MicroStrategy. You can configure (1) Authentication settings for the Mobile Server application; (2) Privileges and permissions; (3) SSL encryption; (4) Client authentication with a certificate server; (5) Destination folder for the Photo Uploader widget and Signature Capture input control.
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