Building analyses from datasets

An analysis is the foundation for visualizing your datasets. It is a container for a set of related visuals. Each analysis also contains a default story, which can be used to step through different iterations of an analysis over time; for example, you may want to share the same visual but with different filters like year/region and see them in a sequence as scenes.

An analysis is generally based on one dataset but QuickSight allows you to join datasets under one analysis, although a given visual can only have data from one dataset. You can have a maximum of 20 visuals in an analysis.

Let's look into the detailed steps for creating a new dataset and then an analysis on top of that dataset.

Creating a new dataset

Before we can create an analysis, we need a dataset. Let's review the steps to create a new dataset:

  1. For this example, we will create a new dataset based on a USA census data file that we have in S3 storage called USACensusSalarybyZip.csv. Click first on Manage data and then on New data set as shown in the following screenshot:

    Creating a new dataset

    Figure 4.2: Creating a new dataset


    The S3 data file USACensusSalarybyZip.csv is at the following GitHub location:

  2. Enter the Data source name, upload the S3 manifest file and then click Connect as shown in the following screenshot:

    Creating a new dataset

    Figure 4.3: Uploading S3 data


    For your reference, the manifest file for the S3 data file is in the following GitHub location:

  3. Now the source data is imported to a dataset in QuickSight. This is shown in the next screenshot. In this page, provide a name for the dataset; add column headers by double-clicking in the gray column headers and finally save. This will create a new dataset with the name, USACensus-S3-DataSet.

    Creating a new dataset

    Figure 4.4: Save dataset

This completes the creation of the dataset of USACensus-S3-DataSet which will appear as one of your datasets under Manage data.

Creating a new analysis

Now that we have the dataset, let's build a new analysis using that dataset, which will act as the container for visuals. Here are the steps to create a new analysis:

  1. From the QuickSight home page, click on New analysis. This will show the list of existing datasets. Select the newly created dataset USACensus-S3-DataSet as shown in the following screenshot:

    Creating a new analysis

    Figure 4.5: Create analysis - use existing dataset

  2. After you select your dataset, you will see a pop-up as shown in the following screenshot; click on Create Analysis to use that dataset for your analysis.

    Creating a new analysis

    Figure 4.6: Create analysis pop-up

  3. You will see the analysis page show up where you can change the analysis name (optional) in the application bar.

This completes the creation of a new data analysis  with the name USACensus-S3-DataSet analysis. Next, we will add a visual to the analysis.

Adding a visual to an analysis

Now that we have an analysis (container), we can add visuals to the analysis using the following steps:

  1. In the application bar, click on Add Visual.
  2. Next, in the Fields list, configure your dimensions and measures. Dimensions are typically lists of values like products. Customers and measures are metrics like customer score and product quality. In our example, set the ZipCode as dimension and leave the MeanIncome, MedianIncome and PopulationCount as measure. To change a field to a measure, click on the v icon next to the field of interest.
  3. Choose the appropriate visual. For our example, let's select bar chart; see the following screenshot:

    Adding a visual to an analysis

    Figure 4.7: Select visualization type, dimension, and measures


    If you don't know which visual will work for the data, select the Suggested option and QuickSight will select the best options.

  4. In our example, the Y axis median income should be average and this can be changed by clicking on the > sign next to the MedianIncome(SUM) text as shown in the following screenshot:

    Adding a visual to an analysis

    Figure 4.8: Change Y axis aggregation type

  5. Let's do advance formatting to the MedianIncome field by first selecting the field, and then click on More formatting options as shown in the following screenshot:

    Adding a visual to an analysis

    Figure 4. 9: Median income formatting

  6. Next from the Format pane on the left, select the Data Type as Currency, Decimal places as 0 and Units as Thousands. This will make the Y axis easy to read.

    Adding a visual to an analysis

    Figure 4.10: Median income advanced formatting options

  7. Next, for the finishing touch, change the ZipCode formatting to a standard number with no comma separator. Now the chart is finally ready for presentation and is shown in the next screenshot:

    Adding a visual to an analysis

    Figure 4.11: Median income by zip code final

This completes the creation of a new data analysis with simple bar chart visualization.


Any changes to the new analysis are Auto saved by default. This can be changed with the option seen next to the analysis name called Autosave ON.

Renaming and adding descriptions to an existing analysis

We can rename an existing analysis by first selecting the desired analysis from the QuickSight home page and then editing the text next to analysis name. We can also add title and add description by clicking on the + add button to the left of the analysis name as shown in the following screenshot:

Renaming and adding descriptions to an existing analysis

Figure 4.12: Rename analysis

This concludes the section for editing an existing analysis. Next let's check out how to delete an analysis.

Deleting an existing analysis

We can delete an existing analysis by first selecting the desired analysis from the QuickSight home page and then clicking on Delete as shown in the next screenshot.

You will be prompted for a confirmation. Click on Delete to complete the deletion.

Deleting an existing analysis

Figure 4.13: Deleting analysis


Deleting the analysis does not delete the underlying dataset.

This concludes the section Building analyses from datasets; in the next section, we will review the best practices for selection of a chart type.

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