Encoder network

We will now build the encoder network with a slight modification to the original architecture that was described in the overview section. We will use a bidirectional RNN in place of a unidirectional one, thereby capturing both forward and backward dependencies in the input:

def get_rnn_cell(rnn_cell_size,dropout_prob):
rnn_c = GRUCell(rnn_cell_size)
rnn_c = DropoutWrapper(rnn_c, input_keep_prob = dropout_prob)
return rnn_c

def encoding_layer(rnn_cell_size, sequence_len, n_layers, rnn_inputs, dropout_prob):
for l in range(n_layers):
with tf.variable_scope('encoding_l_{}'.format(l)):
rnn_fw = get_rnn_cell(rnn_cell_size,dropout_prob)
rnn_bw = get_rnn_cell(rnn_cell_size,dropout_prob)
encoding_output, encoding_state = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(rnn_fw, rnn_bw, rnn_inputs,
encoding_output = tf.concat(encoding_output,2)
return encoding_output, encoding_state

We used a GRU as the recurrent cell of the RNN. The input to the rnn_inputs encoder will be the embeddings of the input sentence. The other arguments to the encoding_layer function are the cell size, sequence length, and the dropout probability. We will later set the sequence length to be equal to the maximum length of the French text.

Note that we have concatenated the encoding output of both the forward and backward RNN. We also used DropoutWrapper to incorporate dropout in the encoding layer.
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