Training the chatbot model

We can pass the vectorized training data (using the method we defined in the previous section) to our chatbot and call the memory network's fit method to train over mini-batches of the training data while evaluating our model's performance on the validation set at fixed intervals:

    def predict_for_batch(self, facts, questions):
preds = []
# Iterate over mini-batches
for start in range(0, len(facts), self.batch_size):
end = start + self.batch_size
facts_batch = facts[start:end]
questions_batch = questions[start:end]
# Predict per batch
pred = self.model.predict(facts_batch, questions_batch)
preds += list(pred)
return preds

def train(self):
# Vectorize training and validation data
train_facts, train_questions, train_answers = vectorize_data(
self.train_data, self.word_idx, self.sentence_size,
self.batch_size, self.memory_size)
val_facts, val_questions, val_answers = vectorize_data(
self.val_data, self.word_idx, self.sentence_size,
self.batch_size, self.memory_size)
# Chunk training data into batches
batches = zip(range(0, len(train_facts) - self.batch_size,
range(self.batch_size, len(train_facts),
batches = [(start, end) for start, end in batches]
# Start training loop
for epoch in range(1, self.epochs + 1):
total_cost = 0.0
for start, end in batches:
facts = train_facts[start:end]
questions = train_questions[start:end]
answers = train_answers[start:end]
# Train on batch
batch_cost =, questions, answers)
total_cost += batch_cost
if epoch % self.evaluation_interval == 0:
# Compute accuracy over training and validation set
train_preds = self.predict_for_batch(
train_facts, train_questions)
val_preds = self.predict_for_batch(
val_facts, val_questions)
train_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(
train_preds, train_answers)
val_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(
val_preds, val_answers)
print("Epoch: ", epoch)
print("Total Cost: ", total_cost)
print("Training Accuracy: ", train_acc)
print("Validation Accuracy: ", val_acc)
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