Introduction to electrical energy systems

Bora Novakovic
Adel Nasiri    Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA


This chapter discusses basic electrical energy systems. Concepts of energy and power are defined and fundamentals of energy conversion systems and processes are explained. These concepts are described for direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) systems, including polyphase AC systems. Described conversion systems include thermal, photovoltaic, electrochemical, electromechanical, and thermoelectric. Laws of thermodynamics are reviewed for thermal energy conversion. Fundamental formulas are developed for various forms of energy conversion systems. Pictures and equations are provided where necessary to explain the concepts. Energy storage systems and the concept of loss and efficiency are also briefly discussed. At the end of the chapter, energy resources and potential environmental impacts are explained.


electrical energy
direct current
alternating current
AC systems
DC systems
polyphase systems
multiphase systems
photovoltaic systems
laws of thermodynamics
electromechanical energy
thermoelectric energy

1.1. Electrical energy systems

Electrical energy is one of the most commonly used forms of energy in the world. It can be easily converted into any other energy form and can be safely and efficiently transported over long distances. As a result, it is used in our daily lives more than any other energy source. It powers home appliances, cars, and trains; supplies the machines that pump water; and energizes the light bulbs lighting homes and cities.
Any system that deals with electrical energy on its way between energy sources and loads can be considered to be an electrical energy system. These systems vary greatly in size and complexity. For instance, consider a supply system of a computer, large data center, or power system of a country. All these systems include some sort of power conversion to generate electrical energy, power transmission, and distribution. In all cases, some kind of power transformation is also included either to convert between direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) systems or to adapt electric supply voltage to the load’s requirements.
All electrical energy systems are characterized by the voltage waveform, rated voltage, power levels, and the number of lines or phases in the case of AC systems. Based on the voltage waveform, electrical energy systems can be divided in two main categories, AC systems and DC systems. AC systems transport and distribute energy using alternating voltages and currents while DC systems use direct currents and voltages for the same purpose. Another classification of low voltage (less than 600 V), medium voltage (600 V–69 kV), high voltage (69–230 kV), and extra-high voltage systems (more than 230 kV) can be done based on the voltage ratings of the system [1]. AC systems exist at all voltage levels. DC systems, on the other hand, are more common at extra-high and low voltage levels. AC systems can be further divided to single-phase and polyphase systems depending on the number of phases used for power transmission. Among polyphase systems, the three-phase system is most commonly used.
Another classification of electrical energy systems can be based on their purpose. Assuming that the electrical energy goes through a chain of systems on its path from sources to the loads, it is possible to identify system groups that have common or similar purposes. At the beginning and end of this chain, we generally have some types of energy conversion systems. These devices convert mechanical, thermal, chemical, or some other form of energy into electrical energy or vice versa. They are usually considered to be sources or loads, depending on whether they produce or consume electrical energy. In between we have transmission and distribution systems, which may include a number of electrical energy conversion (transformation) systems. The main purpose of transmission systems is to transport electrical energy in the most efficient manner. Distribution systems distribute electrical energy among loads and make sure that the form of the electrical energy fits the load requirements. Electrical energy conversion (transformation) systems are usually part of transmission and distribution systems. They change the form of electrical energy by modifying either the voltage levels, voltage waveforms, or the number of phases in the case of polyphase systems.
As an example, consider a large utility grid system. In this type of system, the end points are sources and loads. On the source side, we have energy conversion systems in the form of large power plants, converting the energy from fossil, renewable, or nuclear energy sources into electrical energy. These systems are highly complicated and may include several energy conversion stages. However, output is in most cases at the terminals of a medium voltage three-phase generator, which is an electromechanical energy conversion system on its own. In a large power system, generators are usually far from loads. As a consequence, medium voltage three-phase power from the generators first goes to the transmission system, which transports the energy over long distances. Before it is transported, electrical energy is transformed into a form that is suitable for low loss transportation over large distances, usually high voltage AC or DC. From the transmission system, the high voltage electrical energy is transferred to a distribution system where it is converted into low and medium voltage levels and distributed among loads.

1.2. Energy and power

In an effort to define the properties of a connection between two electrical energy systems in a manner that can be used for engineering and economical purposes, in addition voltages and currents, it is useful to take power and energy into consideration. This is especially true for multiphase AC systems. In this case, observation of multiple alternating voltages and currents provides little useful information, which means that additional analysis is required. Power and exchanged energy, on the other hand, together with the rated voltage, would be enough to quickly evaluate the connection properties and behavior.
In electrical energy systems, energy and power terms are easily defined by looking at the simple circuit shown in Figure 1.1. The equations for instantaneous electrical power (p) and energy (E) drawn by the load during a time period of ∆t are given in (1.1) and (1.2) [2].




Figure 1.1 Voltage source with connected load.
In the case where the voltage does not change over time (DC supply case) and the load is constant, the current and power are also constant, while the integral in (1.2) is reduced to E=vitimage. These values are simple to calculate and are very informative.
If it is assumed that the supply voltage is an alternating waveform (AC supply), the equation for power (1.1) becomes a value that changes in time while the energy equation (1.2) becomes a bit more complicated to calculate. The simplicity of the DC case no longer exists. To make things similarly informative for the AC systems, the concepts of root main square (RMS) values, active power (P), reactive power (Q), and apparent power (S) have been introduced. Assuming that voltage and current in the system can be described by Equations (1.3) and (1.4), RMS values are defined by Equations (1.5) and (1.6), active power is given by Equation (1.7), reactive power by Equation (1.8), and apparent power by Equation (1.9) [3].














If the consumer notation convention is assumed, which states that the load draws positive active power, the source will draw negative active power (or produce positive power). Active power is given in watts (W) and describes how fast energy is converted from electrical into some other form (e.g., thermal in the case of a resistive load). Reactive power, on the other hand, characterizes the ability of reactive loads (capacitors and inductors) to return the energy stored in them back to the source. It actually describes the rate at which the energy circulates between sources and reactive loads.
Parameter cos(θ) is defined as the system power factor. The load that has a power factor with positive angle θ is called lagging and by convention draws reactive power. In practice the inductive loads have current lagging behind the voltage waveform. The angle θ is positive in this case if expressed with Equation (1.4), which means that the inductor draws positive reactive power. A load that has a power factor with negative angle θ is called leading and draws negative reactive power (or supplies positive reactive power). These loads are mostly capacitive. Reactive power is usually expressed in volt-amperes-reactive (VAr).
In AC systems, all instantaneous values have an alternating nature. As a result, instantaneous power and energy also have alternating components. Active power is used to quantify the energy producing component of power and the rate at which energy flows, on average, in one direction and is converted into another form by the load. It can be proved that Equation (1.7) represents the average value of the instantaneous power expressed in Equation (1.1) for current and voltage waveforms given in Equations (1.3) and (1.4). Consequently, the useful amount of energy drawn by the load during the time period ∆t can be expressed as an integral of active power, given by Equation (1.10). If the power factor remains constant, Equation (1.10) is reduced to (1.11), which is simple to calculate and is very informative.




It should be also noted that reactive power only circulates between sources and loads and is not converted into other energy forms (at least not in a useful manner), which means that it does not contribute to useful energy consumption by load. However, it increases losses in the transmission systems as the energy is moved back and forth between generators and loads. For this reason, reactive power must be taken into account and is equally as important as active power in large distribution systems.
For the three-phase system exemplified in Figure 1.2, voltage and current waveform expressions are given by Equations (1.12) and (1.13). In this case, power and energy equations are similar to a single-phase system. The difference is that there are three power carrying lines and three times more power can be transferred with the same voltage and current ratings. The expression for active and reactive power and energy consumed by the load during a time interval of ∆t is given by Equations (1.14-1.16) [3].










Figure 1.2 Symmetric three-phase system.
Voltage waveforms have the same amplitude and have 120° phase difference.
For the sake of simplicity, Equations (1.12-1.16) are given in terms of rated phase to neutral RMS voltage (Vrms). In power systems engineering, it is more common to express multiphase voltages in terms of phase-to-phase rated voltage (Vrmsll). The relationship between phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral voltages in a symmetric three-phase system is described by Equation (1.17). Using this equation, it is easy to express energy and power in three-phase systems in terms of line-to-line voltages. This task is left to the reader as an exercise.


Another important point is related to the measurement units used for power systems calculations. Instead of joule (J) for energy, which is essentially watt-second, units like watt-hour (Wh) or the prefixed units kilowatt-hour (kWh), megawatt-hour (MWh), or terrawatt-hour (TWh) are commonly used. For volt and ampere units, due to the high amplitudes, prefixes kilo (k) and mega (M) are also commonly used, for example, kA, MV.

1.3. AC versus DC supply

It is worth mentioning that a great dispute took place in the late nineteenth century between the proponents of AC and DC distribution systems. AC systems were promoted by George Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla while Thomas Edison promoted his DC distribution system concept. AC systems offered many benefits at the time and prevailed in the end [4].
One of the main benefits of AC systems is easy voltage transformation. Relatively simple and robust transformers can be used for this purpose. The ability to transform voltage level is very important for the electrical energy distribution systems and it should be noted that DC voltage transformation was not an easy task in the late nineteenth century. Voltage transformation enables high voltage transmission, which reduces conduction losses. For the same amount of transmitted power, the conduction losses are reduced with the square of the voltage used for transmission. Another important benefit of easy voltage transformation is the ability to regulate voltage at load centers and to keep it nearly constant with, again, relatively simple and robust multiple tap transformers.
The use of three-phase systems and Tesla’s rotating magnetic field is another advantage of AC systems. Three-phase transmission additionally reduces losses in the system while the principle of the rotating magnetic field enables easy electromechanical energy conversion with the help of robust high power synchronous generators and induction machines.
Nowadays DC and AC systems are intertwined at many levels. DC systems are more common for lower voltages while AC systems still dominate large-scale power distribution and power transmission. In recent decades, DC systems have become more popular mainly as a consequence of development of digital systems and power electronics converters. Some types of energy sources such as solar photovoltaic (PV) and fuel cells, which are becoming increasingly popular, also require a DC interface. Another field where high voltage DC systems have made significant progress is long distance energy transmission where AC systems can have stability issues.

1.4. Basic energy conversion processes

In most cases, when engineers discuss energy conversion systems, they refer to systems that convert various types of energy into electrical energy. The systems that convert electrical energy into other forms are generally called loads. In fact, energy conversion is a much broader term. Most existing natural and manufactured systems convert energy from one form into another all the time. Plants convert the energy of sunlight into chemical bonds. Animals eat plants and use the stored energy for processes in their bodies. Humans use fossil fuels from dead plants and animals to fuel engines that power cars, planes, trains, and eventually generators that produce electrical energy, which powers most of the things created in modern times.
If we limit ourselves to engineering science, one of the most important goals is to find an efficient, clean, and convenient way to convert the energy available in nature into a form that we can easily use. For electrical engineers, the most usable form of energy is electrical.
Arguably, the most common form of energy in nature is thermal; every object that has a temperature higher than its surroundings can be considered as a source of thermal energy. A device that converts electrical into thermal energy can be a simple resistor. The conversion process from thermal directly into electrical is a bit more complicated and requires the use of a special type of device called a thermoelectric energy converter based on Peltier and Seebeck effects. It should be noted that thermal energy can be converted into a mechanical form (steam pressure), which can be used for electromechanical energy conversion. This is in fact the most common way of energy conversion from thermal into electrical in two steps: thermal–mechanical–electrical.
Mechanical energy is also very common in everyday life. Wind, for example, carries large amounts of mechanical (kinetic) energy. Large accumulation lakes of hydropower systems also hold tremendous amounts of mechanical (potential) energy. This energy can be converted into electrical energy with the help of electromechanical energy conversion systems. Most of these systems, usually referred to as electrical generators, convert rotational kinetic energy into electrical energy. As a consequence, electromechanical energy conversion systems usually require devices that convert other mechanical energy types into rotational energy. These devices are called prime movers and are usually in the form of a turbine system.
Solar (light or electromagnetic radiation) energy can be considered as another form of energy commonly used to produce electricity. PV systems convert sunlight directly into electrical energy. These systems are becoming increasingly popular as they produce clean energy with very little environmental impact. The technology is still relatively expensive and new but is the focus of many researchers and is constantly developing.
Chemical energy is used by all life forms and is the earliest form of energy used by humankind. Most of the substances that hold chemical energy can be used for creating fire that gives off thermal energy (coal and wood burn very well). In fact, fire can be seen as a self-sustaining energy conversion process that converts chemical into thermal energy. Most of the modern power conversion systems still convert chemical energy into thermal and then thermal energy into electrical. Large coal power plants, for example, burn coal in order to heat the steam and then use the pressure of the heated steam for electromechanical energy conversion. Systems that perform direct conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy are called electrochemical energy conversion systems. The most common electrochemical energy conversion system is a common battery. These systems require special energy storage chemicals and specialized energy conversion structures, which are one of the most popular research areas today.
Nuclear energy can be considered as another form of energy, which comes directly from nuclear reactions at an atomic level inside a nuclear fuel. There are two forms of nuclear reactions, nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction where the atom of an element breaks apart into two smaller atoms. Nuclear fusion is the reaction where two smaller atoms form a larger one. In both cases, a part of the mass of the initial atoms is converted to energy. These reactions produce high-energy particles and intense heat. The produced heat can be used for the generation of electrical energy. All nuclear power plants are currently based on nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion is still in its early stages and a feasible fusion reactor with a positive net energy balance still does not exist. Research efforts are under way and some predictions state that fusion power generation could become a reality by 2030.

1.5. Review of the laws of thermodynamics

In order to understand the limitations and operation principles of any energy conversion system, one must fully understand the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with energy conversion processes in general. It describes the basic physical properties and postulates the fundamental laws that govern the behavior of an energy conversion system.
Thermodynamics describes a system as a whole and does not take individual particles or even parts of the system into account. A thermodynamic system is described with aggregate properties such as temperature, energy, pressure, and work. The relations between these properties in a thermodynamic system are governed by the laws of thermodynamics.

1.5.1. Zeroth law of thermodynamics

The zeroth law of thermodynamics introduces the concept of thermodynamic equilibrium. If a physical system or a set of systems is in thermodynamic equilibrium, any measurable macroscopic property of the system or the set of systems (e.g., temperature, pressure, volume) are in a steady state and do not change with time. The law itself states that if two systems are in equilibrium with a third system, they are also in equilibrium with each other.

1.5.2. First law of thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics reformulates one of the basic laws of physics – the law of conservation of energy, which states that the total amount of energy of a closed system cannot change (without external influence). The first law of thermodynamics is usually formulated with Equation (1.18), which states that the total change in the system energy (∆E) equals the difference between the energy supplied to the system (Q) and the amount of work that the system performs on its surroundings (W).


Note that most natural systems consist of many thermodynamic systems and it may seem that input energy does more than just increase system energy and the work the system performs. Before applying the laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic systems must be strictly defined.
As an example, consider starting a rotating electrical machine. This system is designed to convert electrical energy into mechanical work and can be considered to have three subsystems – electrical, electromagnetic, and mechanical. Part of the invested electrical energy increases machine temperature, its rotational kinetic energy, and energy in inductances and capacitances. These increases can be contributed to (∆E) of all three subsystems. The supplied energy (Q) in this case would be the electrical power flowing into the machine terminals. The work of the forces created by the electromagnetic fields within the machine together with all the thermal losses and irradiated electromagnetic fields contribute to the work of the system (W) [5,6].
One important consequence of the first law of thermodynamics is that it is impossible to design a machine that performs work without an energy input (usually referred to as perpetuum mobile of the first kind).

1.5.3. Second law of thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics deals with total energy within a system, but it does not limit what can be done with that energy. These limitations are addressed in the second law of thermodynamics, which states that it is impossible to make a machine that extracts energy from its environment only to perform work (also known as perpetuum mobile of the second kind).
We know from experience that all devices produce heat, no matter what their main purpose is. This seems to be true for all physical systems. No matter what kind of system we have, in the process of performing work (or converting the energy into a useful form), part of the input energy is always lost in the form of heat. In order to quantify this property of nature, thermodynamics introduces the notion of entropy. For thermodynamic systems the entropy depends on the system state and a convenient way to define it is in its differential form given by Equation (1.19).


where dS is the change in system entropy, Q is heat (internal energy) of the system and T is absolute temperature of the system. With the entropy defined in this way, the second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a closed system never decreases and systems naturally tend to the state of maximum entropy. The extreme cases are ideal reversible processes, where the system changes its state in such a way that the entropy does not change [5,6].

1.5.4. Third law of thermodynamics

The third law provides the referent value for entropy and the conditions that a system must satisfy in order to have the referent entropy. It states that the entropy of a perfect crystal of any pure substance approaches zero (minimum value) as the temperature of the substance approaches absolute zero [5,6]. One must note that substances, such as glass that do not have a uniform crystal structure, may have constant entropy greater than zero at absolute zero temperature.

1.6. Photovoltaic energy conversion systems

PV systems convert energy from light directly into electrical energy. The energy conversion principle is based on the special properties of certain semiconductor materials that allow local ionization of atoms in the crystal structure by visible light photons. The ionization process produces two particles, a negative charge electron and a positive charge particle known as a hole in semiconductor physics. A hole is just an empty space, previously occupied by the electron that has left the atom after absorbing the visible light photon. It can be shown that both particles can move freely across the crystal structure of a specific semiconductor.
A production of free positive and negative charged particles in the crystal is still not enough to create a useful macroscopic potential difference. If there is no other influence, electrons and holes will be created randomly and will be recombined after they lose the energy acquired from the photons in thermal interactions with the atoms in the crystal. In order to create a useful potential difference, we need a barrier that will separate holes and electrons. A large PN junction similar to the one found in common semiconductor diodes can be used for this purpose.
A PN junction with its space charge region electric field serves as a barrier that will separate holes and electrons and create a useful potential difference across the junction. As soon as the generated electron (hole) enters the space charge region, the field accelerates it toward the N(P) side of the panel. Once the electrons reach the N region and the holes reach the P region, it is not likely that they will be recombined as a majority carrier, so we have a buildup of charges, as shown in Figure 1.3. The charge buildup creates a field (Epv) and a useful potential difference across the panel terminals. Note that when the panel is not lit, charge buildup due to the diffusion of carriers on the electrode–panel junction, which is not explicitly shown in Figure 1.3, cancels out the field of the PN junction space charge so there is no useful net potential difference on the panel terminals.
Figure 1.3 PN junction and a field distribution inside a PV cell.
In practice, silicon is most commonly used for PV energy conversion. Single-crystal ingots or polycrystalline silicon rods are cut into plates (usually several centimeters in diameter and about 0.5-mm thick). P-type silicon is used as a base and the other side is doped to create an N-type layer across the entire surface, creating one large PN junction [7]. Metal electrodes are then applied to both surfaces, which are then used to connect the plates in series and create panels as shown in Figure 1.4.
Figure 1.4 Structure of a PV panel.
The simplest model of a PV cell can be represented with a circuit shown in Figure 1.5. When the cell is unloaded, the voltage across its terminal can be expressed by Equation (1.20), where k represents the Boltzmann constant, q is the charge of the electron in coulombs, T is the absolute temperature of the panel in degrees Kelvin, I0 is reverse saturation current of the PN junction, and Isc is the so-called short circuit current of the cell. Both I0 and Isc depend on the manufacturing parameters of the cell, while Isc also depends on the incoming light irradiance [2].


Figure 1.5 Model of a PV cell.

1.7. Electrochemical energy conversion systems

Electrochemical energy conversion systems convert energy stored in chemical bonds directly into electrical energy and vice versa. These systems are characterized by their chemical properties (e.g., a reaction that creates electrical energy from the chemical bonds) and their electrical properties such as the voltage produced by the basic cell, internal resistances, capacitances, power (current) capabilities, and efficiency. Electrical properties are determined by the chemical reaction properties, materials the cell is made of, and the design geometry of the cell.
The chemical processes involved in the energy conversion can be reversible or irreversible. Devices that use irreversible processes are usually called nonrechargeable. For these devices, the electrolyte reacts with electrodes, creates an electric current flow and usually is chemically changed into by-products that cannot be reused in the cell. As an example, we can look at a hydrogen fuel cell. The cell uses the hydrogen gas as a fuel, special polymer electrolyte membrane, and atmosphere oxygen to create electricity. The by-product of the reaction is water, as shown in Figure 1.6. There is no way to separate water into oxygen and hydrogen for possible reuse by this fuel cell, which means that the reaction is irreversible and the device is not rechargeable. This particular reaction produces about 1 V across the electrodes and must be stacked to achieve higher voltages [8,9].
Figure 1.6 Simplified structure of a hydrogen fuel cell.
Reversible processes are used in devices such as rechargeable and flow batteries. These devices have two distinct operation cycles, charge and discharge, which are characterized by different chemical reactions and different electrical properties. During the discharge cycle, the electrolyte is transformed in order to release the energy from the chemical bonds and generate electrical energy. For the charge cycle, electrical energy flows into the device and transforms the electrolyte back into its original state, storing the electrical energy back into chemical bonds.
One example of a rechargeable electrochemical energy conversion device is the common lead–acid battery. The battery uses lead and lead dioxide plates submerged in a water solution of sulfuric acid as shown in Figure 1.7. Plates react with the solution and produce potential difference; the reaction is shown in Equation (1.21). The lead plate reacts with the water solution of sulfuric acid and forms lead sulfate. The reaction releases positive hydrogen atoms into the solution and two electrons into the plate making it negative. Lead dioxide plate also reacts with the water solution of sulfuric acid and also creates lead sulfate but it needs three hydrogen atoms and one electron for the reaction; the electron comes from the plate leaving it positive. The reaction produces the potential difference of about 2.1 V and it varies with the level of charge. The cells are usually stacked to achieve the voltage range of about 12–14 V.


Figure 1.7 Simplified structure of a lead–acid battery.
It should be noted that the reactions are completely reversible if the opposite current flow is applied to the battery terminals [2,10].

1.8. Thermoelectric energy conversion systems

Thermoelectric devices convert thermal energy directly into electrical energy or vice versa. A simple resistor can convert electrical into thermal energy. Devices that convert thermal into electrical energy are more complicated and are based on the Seebeck effect, named after Thomas Seebeck, its discoverer. The Seebeck effect causes the voltage difference across a junction of two different conductors experiencing a thermal gradient. The voltage difference is a consequence of different reactions of two conductors on the applied temperature gradient. Figure 1.8 shows the simplified structure of a Seebeck generator where the conductor materials are usually implemented as doped P- and N-type semiconductors. This structure can produce only a couple of millivolts and must be stacked to achieve meaningful electromotive force. Electromotive force of the Seebeck generator is given in Equation (1.22) and is proportional to the temperature gradient ∆T. The coefficient of proportionality S is called the Seebeck coefficient, which depends both on temperature gradient across the conductors and conductor material properties.


Figure 1.8 Simplified structure of a Seebeck generator.
It is worth mentioning that Peltier and Thomson effects are also linked to thermoelectric phenomena. The Peltier effect is opposite to the Seebeck effect. If we replace the load in Figure 1.8 with a voltage source, we can force the flow of thermal energy from the cold plate to the hot plate. This makes Peltier plates effective as cooling devices. The Thomson effect is similar to the Seebeck effect but explains the voltage gradient present across a single conductor experiencing a thermal gradient [11,12].

1.9. Electromechanical energy conversion systems

Electromechanical energy conversion processes are used to generate the majority of electrical energy consumed today. In these processes, mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy using rotating machines commonly known as electric generators. On the load side of the power system, similar rotating machines – electric motors – are among the largest consumers of electrical power.
An electromechanical energy conversion system usually has three subsystems, electrical, mechanical, and a system of electromagnetic fields, which is used to couple mechanical forces and electric currents. The basic coupling principle is described by Lorentz force law, which gives the force on a particle carrying an electric change moving in an electromagnetic field, given by Equation (1.23).


Fimage is the vector of the force acting on the charged particle, q is the electric charge of the particle, Eimage is the electric field vector, vimage is the speed of the particle, and Bimage is the magnetic induction vector. If we have multiple charged particles flowing in the wire in the stationary magnetic field, the forces acting on the short wire segment (actually on the electric charges in it) can be calculated using Equation 1.24, which is derived from Equation (1.23).


Consider an example shown in Figure 1.9. The force vector dFimage, given in Equation (1.24), acts on the very short straight wire segment dlimage in the magnetic field Bimage along the current carrying conductor c with the current magnitude i [13].
Figure 1.9 Illustration of vector orientation from Equation (1.24).
Wire segment vector dlimage has a magnitude equal to the length of a segment and a direction equal to the direction of the current in the wire segment. Equation (1.24) can be integrated to calculate forces on the entire wire.
For systems such as electric machines, where the magnetic field is not stationary and system geometry is not simple, it is not an easy task to calculate the forces acting in the system using Equations (1.23) and (1.24). In these cases, we can apply basic thermodynamic principles; we can turn to Equation (1.18) to evaluate the system behavior. We can separate any electromechanical conversion system into three subsystems, electrical, mechanical, and the system of coupling fields. We can now apply the first law of thermodynamic and Equation (1.18) on all three subsystems and treat them as if they are linked through their inputs and outputs.
Assuming that our system converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, for the mechanical subsystem the energy balance can be written in a form described by Equation (1.25). Mechanical work at the system input Em_input increases the mechanical subsystem energy Em_sys (e.g., kinetic energy of the moving parts) and creates useful work of mechanical forces Em_work. Useful work of mechanical forces is converted to mechanical losses Em_losses and to energy of the generated coupling fields Ef_in, as shown in Equation (1.26). Energy invested in the coupling fields Ef_in splits again into a couple of parts (1.27). Some of invested energy is stored in the coupling field energy Ef_sys. Energy denoted as Ef_work in Equation (1.27) splits between the losses in the field energy Ef_losses (e.g., electromagnetic radiation, iron core losses, dielectric losses, etc.) and the energy that is transferred to the induced electromotive force Ee_in as shown in Equation (1.28). Energy invested into induced electromotive forces Ee_in again splits into energy of the system Ee_sys (energy of the fields other than coupling fields), losses Ee_losses, and useful work Ee_work as given by Equations (1.29) and (1.30). Energy Ee_work is the actual electrical energy that is delivered from the energy conversion system and energy Ee_losses accounts for the losses in the electrical conductors of the system.












We can usually express all variables in Equations (1.25), (1.27), and (1.29) in terms of values that are known for a particular electromechanical system. Note that all the parameters in these equations are aggregate properties of the system and not related to geometry and detail field distributions in the actual machine. If we can determine system losses from the Equations (1.26), (1.28), and (1.30), we can easily link the mechanical input work and electrical energy output as described by Equation (1.31) and Figure 1.10. The machine power balance can be obtained by performing a time derivative of Equation (1.31) [14].


Figure 1.10 Energy balance of an electromechanical energy conversion system (i.e., electric generator).

1.9.1. Prime movers for the electric generators

Rotating electric machines known as electric generators are most commonly used to produce electrical energy on a large scale today. Almost all power plants use rotating generators at some stage of power production. The energy resources, on the other hand, provide energy in various forms and they seldom produce work that can be seamlessly supplied along a rotating shaft, which is necessary to run electric generators. Systems that adapt the forces from the ones naturally produced by the energy resources to the form that can spin the electric generator are called prime movers.
Prime movers can take many forms and can vary in complexity. The form of prime mover depends on the type of the energy resource and form of energy it contains. For example, if we need to extract kinetic energy of a fluid, we would use a turbine of some kind. Good examples are hydro turbines and wind turbines. For chemical energy resources such as oil, a combustion engine is used as a prime mover. For natural gas, a gas turbine is used as a prime mover. Thermal energy is an interesting example as the conversion process requires an additional step in most cases. Thermal energy is converted to kinetic energy of steam and then a steam turbine is used to spin an electric generator.
Besides the main purpose to adapt forces, prime movers have an important role in system regulation. The precise rotating frequency and sharing of load among numerous generators in a power system can only be done with the help of controllable prime movers. In that sense, prime movers also serve as regulators, letting through only the needed amount of power to electric generators.

1.10. Energy storage

Energy storage systems are essential to the operation of power systems. They ensure continuity of energy supply and improve the reliability of the system. Energy storage systems can be in many forms and sizes. The size, cost, and scalability of an energy storage system highly depend on the form of the stored energy. Energy can be stored as potential, kinetic, chemical, electromagnetic, thermal, etc. Some energy storage forms are better suited for small-scale systems and some are used only for large-scale storage systems. For example, chemical batteries are well suited for small systems ranging from watches and computers to building backup systems but are still expensive when megawatt scales are considered. Pumped hydropower storage, on the other hand, which stores huge amounts of energy in the form of potential energy of water, can be found only in large power systems.
Examples of chemical energy storage systems include batteries, flow batteries, and fuel cells. Mechanical (kinetic and potential) energy storage systems include pumped storage hydropower, flywheels, and pressurized gas storage systems. Thermal energy can be stored as a molten salt and is also mainly used for large-scale systems. Magnetic energy can be stored in superconducting magnetic storage systems, which is still a relatively new and expensive technology [2].

1.11. Efficiency and losses

For an energy conversion system, we can usually distinguish input and output energy flows. The input energy is flowing into the system where it is converted into other types; in practice always more than one form of energy. Usually only one of the output energy forms (e.g., electrical energy or mechanical work) is considered useful for a particular system. This allows us to define the efficiency of a system for a particular time period, which can be defined as the ratio between the amount of useful output energy or work and the amount of invested energy during the time period, as shown by Equation (1.32). In the case of systems with constant output power, we can look at the power levels instead of energy at the system inputs and outputs, and efficiency can be expressed by Equation (1.33). The amount of input energy that is converted to any other form than the useful form is usually considered as loss and is unwanted in the system [2,3].

η=Useful energy or workInput energy


η=Useful output powerInput power

System efficiency is usually denoted with the Greek letter eta (η). It is always less than one for practical systems, or less than 100% if expressed in percentage. The first law of thermodynamics excludes the possibility of a system that has efficiency greater than one. Furthermore, as a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics, for any practical system, there is always some amount of energy that is converted to other forms (other than useful form). This makes the efficiency of any practical system less than one. An extreme case of a system with 100% efficiency is theoretical and cannot be found in nature [5,6].
Consider an example of a rotating machine with electrical energy as an input and generated mechanical work at its shaft as useful output. Besides mechanical work, the machine performs other things. It radiates thermal energy, generates mechanical vibrations, creates electromagnetic interference, moves air around, etc. All of these effects require some amount of invested energy, which can be considered as a loss in the system. The ideal machine that converts all electrical energy into mechanical work at 100% efficiency would have to work at the ambient temperature; it would be completely silent, and would not radiate any electromagnetic signature, which is clearly impossible.

1.12. Energy resources

Energy resources are all forms of fuels used in the modern world, either for heating, generation of electrical energy, or for other forms of energy conversion processes. Energy resources can be roughly classified in three categories: renewable, fossil, and nuclear.
Fossil energy resources are obtained from dead plant and animal deposits created over the long history of the planet. These resources are vast, but limited, and are not renewable. Until recently fossil fuels have provided for the majority of humanity’s energy demands. These resources mainly include coal, oil, and natural gas.
Renewable energy resources are forms of energy that are naturally replenished on our planet. Examples of traditional renewable resources are hydropower and biomass (e.g., plant fuels such as wood traditionally have been used throughout history, mostly for heating). Modern renewable resources include wind, wave, tidal, solar, and geothermal. Some forms of fuels created from biomass (plants and animals) also fall under this category.
Deposits of certain radioactive elements in Earth’s crust can be classified as nuclear energy resources. These resources are used as fuel for nuclear fission-based power plants. The amount of these rare radioactive elements is limited on our planet and cannot be replenished. Over the years, there has been some research on fusion power but it is still not proven to be a feasible energy resource. This form of energy conversion aims to harvest the energy from sustained fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium [15].

1.13. Environmental considerations

Environmental considerations have become an important part of any energy system. Almost all of the energy production or conversion systems have some negative impact on the environment. For example, systems that use fossil fuels unavoidably produce greenhouse gases along with solid by-products. These products usually negatively affect the environment and wildlife. Renewable energy systems also can have a negative impact; fortunately this impact is on a much subtler and less damaging level. Even the cleanest power conversion systems unavoidably radiate thermal energy. The aggregate thermal energy produced by millions of such systems, in a city for example, can cause undesirable local climate changes. With the constant growth of energy demands and production in the last decades, the negative effects of various manufactured systems have been accumulated and are now creating serious concerns on a global level. As a consequence, one of the most important engineering tasks is not only to find new and cleaner ways to produce energy but also to make existing systems more efficient and cleaner [16].


[1] IEEE recommended practice for electric power distribution for industrial plants. IEEE Std 141-1993, p. 1, 768, April 29, 1994.

[2] Masters GM. Renewable and efficient electric power systems. NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 2004.

[3] Grainger J, Stevenson Jr W. Power system analysis. NY: McGraw-Hill; 1994.

[4] de Andrade L, de Leao TP. A brief history of direct current in electrical power systems. HISTory of ELectro-technology CONference (HISTELCON), 2012. Third IEEE, p.1, 6, September 5–7, 2012.

[5] Fermi E. Thermodynamics. NY: Dover Publications; 1956.

[6] Van Ness HC. Understanding thermodynamics. NY: Dover Publications; 1969.

[7] SERI Basic photovoltaic principles and methods. Golden, CO: SERI; 1982: SP29-1448.

[8] Fuel cell systems. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Available from: http://energy.gov/eere/fuelcells/fuel-cell-systems; 2014.

[9] Fuel cell basics. Smithsonian Institution. Available from: http://americanhistory.si.edu/fuelcells/basics.htm; 2008.

[10] Lead–acid battery. Wikipedia article. Available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead%E2%80%93acid_battery; 2015.

[11] Thermoelectrics: the science of thermoelectric materials. Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University. Available from: http://thermoelectrics.matsci.northwestern.edu/thermoelectrics/index.html; 2015.

[12] Rowe D. CRC handbook of thermoelectrics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 1995.

[13] Magnetic field. Wikipedia article. Available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_field; 2015.

[14] Krause PC, Wasynczuk O, Sudhoff SD. Analysis of electric machinery and drive systems. NY: Wiley-IEEE Press; 2002.

[15] Sawin JL, Sverrisson F. Renewables: 2014 Global Status Report, REN21 Secretariat, Paris, France, 2014.

[16] Global warming. Natural Resources Defense Council. Available from: http://www.nrdc.org/globalwarming/; 2015.

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